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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    It has been nice to have all three boys home this weekend. We had a family dinner last night and went to the farmer's market and out for breakfast this morning. It has been so long since we were all together. I've enjoyed having David and Chantrelle staying here these past weeks. They will watch the dogs for us while we go to Door County next week. David fell off his bike and broke his clavicle bone. He's in a lot of pain. This may affect their winter travels with backpacking and kayaking. They are scheduled to fly to Australia on 10/19. Long flight with arm in a sling and not feeling good. It was a full break so it's possible he will need surgery. Hope not! He needs to see the ortho doc this week.

    It is such a nice feeling to know I don't have to get up for work in the morning. Love it! I do have to do some paperwork but will do so while I drink my coffee and watch the morning news. I have a chiro appt at 10am anyway.
    Hair color and cut on Tuesday and need to see my dermatologist. Otherwise, nothing! I'm setting a goal to knit 10 or more rows per day on my shawl so it gets done. My hands get tired around that time.

    Have a wonderful Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    awww, so nice to have all your boys home Jenny - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy - plus having time off from vacation - double bonus points

    hope David's break heals fast and doesn't need surgery

    Shirley - it is cooling off here too - I am still only wearing a sweatshirt in the mornings - I love the briskness

    Ang - sorry you are under the weather - feel better!

    L - what a cool idea for your sons bday - what a bummer the weather didn't cooperate - so exciting though - don't think I would be brave enough - and your weight loss is AWESOME!!! GO GIRL

    busy busy per usual - will try to catch up - but tonight is Caleb's last soccer game which I am driving him to - and zach's first school music concert which I am missing (sad face) - Zach said he had a great time at homecoming and danced with 10 girls!! I'm not sure how the whole 'date' thing really went - and I would now not call it a date - but when I asked him yesterday if he had talked to Lexi he got really weird - hopefully there is no drama today - but I'm guessing yes -

    he looked so nice saturday - so grown up!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Ahhhh! Vacation....went to the chiro appt. this morning. I'm making beef burgundy in the crockpot for tonight. It's cool out but a nice day.

    Marla- Dating is always interesting with sons. Interesting he isn't letting on about how it went. Maybe they each went their own way at the dance. More fun to go as groups in my opinion. Less drama!

    I haven't done my paperwork yet but I talked to my sister and brother, knitted several rows on my shawl, and ate lunch. I've managed to prepare for dinner. I'm sure I'm procrastinating getting the paperwork done.

    Now I need to call the dermatologist and get an appointment for this week before we go to Door County.

    Have a nice day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yoga class this morning with a young instructor just starting out. It was supposed to be a beginner class. She saw we
    we all not beginners so she worked us today.

    After class picked up my coffee and bagel and visited my MIL.

    Tonight choir rehearsal at 8PM.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Hope David heels quickly and isn't in to much pain.

    Finally feeling better and I have a voice again. Lost it for three days. Lawyer at work has a cold now and it blaming me for it. (He's joking of course. He does that a lot) There is surround sound coughing at the office right now. I find it kind of funny.

    Tonight I did something I haven't done in three weeks. I went for a run! It felt so good! I kept it slow and easy since it had been awhile since I was out. Since it does start to get dark earlier now, it was starting to get dark before I was home again. I didn't mind to much. I made sure I ran facing traffic and stayed on the sidewalk (when there was one). I do need to get some reflective arm bands though. It was funny at one point. I was running down one street and when I truck went by me someone yelled out the window about staying on a sidewalk. Um. I was going down a street where there was NO sidewalk! I was staying on the edge of the road facing traffic as I ran. When I see a vehicle coming, I get over on the shoulder of the road. Where else did they expect me to go??? I found it kind of funny. I don't typically get people yelling things at me when I run. I plan to go out again Thursday night and do a slightly longer run. (I did 5k tonight) My only issue is that when I got back I got a really bad coughing fit and was desperate for kleenix. I didn't know if I should go for the kleenix or water first!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ang - Your run probably brought up some things in your chest that probabl why you were coughing. Glad you are feeling

    Jenny and Marla - I am thinking of deleting this Group and starting again. I really never did it right the first time.
    What do you think? After setting it up mine says INVITE it's supposed to say LEAVE group.

    I won't do it until you guys are ready for me to delete.

    Today was Yoga class and we did all the postures on a chair. Really different and it stretched parts that I thought couldn't
    stretch. Always a challenge that's why I like it.

    Have to start packing leaving tomorrow and staying at Kathy's and babysitting Isaac on Thursday. Leaving Friday
    morning to pick up daughter #1 from the Go train and then head up to the cottage.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Shirley - it's up to you - just let me know - I may be sporadic and occasionally just lurking , but I would miss my ladies!!

    just a quick hey - crazytown as usual

    rock on beautiful girls
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    If you delete it, please send me a message on fb on how to find you! I lurk....a lot! but not in a creepy kind of way. ;)

    Marla - so with the weight loss. I didn't realize how long it had been since I put my weight in. I certainly didn't lose it all at once. I lost a lot when I had my surgeries in Dec/Jan, then when I lost my friend, the flu, strep, and so on into March. Life hasn't been the kindest to me this year and I do not handle stress and depression well (honestly AT ALL) so I lost a few pounds there too. I'm the smallest I've been in a really long time and the number sounds decent. If I could just move what's left in my hips to my chest, I'd be happy. Hopefully I can maintain it better than I have in the past. The holiday season is getting close and that'll be the real test. Halloween candy (mini reeses, kit kats, and twix) is the devil.

    Not jumping Sunday was a huge let down! We are rescheduled for this Sunday at a different location and I've been told we will be able to get to a higher altitude and the scenery is even better. My son was funny trying to guess the gift. He said on our way home that he was "80 kinds of confused." He didn't say it, but I think he was kind of relieved that he has a week to build up courage. My daughter on the other hand guessed the gift within an hour of our drive and is so mad that she can't jump with us. Guess I know what I'll be doing in 3 years.

    Jenny, how horrible for David. I'm sure Australia will get his mind off of pain. Did he make it to an orthopedic?

    Happy Thanksgiving Ang and Shirley!

    It's a football night for us, which means a late night. Tomorrow I'm headed to prison. We have a re-entry program that I'm piloting with Angola State Penitentiary and we meet with judges from around the state tomorrow to kick it off. Should be interesting! I told a co-worker I was going and she said, "The food is really good. My brother is there." I (with my blonde self) reply, "Oh, does he work there?" and yep! you guessed it, she said, "No he's there for life." YIKES!!

    With my foot in my mouth, I'm logging off! L
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    L - OH MY!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Yikes! This week has flown by and been busy. Tuesday was all appointments, dermatologist, hair color and then cut. Wednesday I went to the gym and rode the stationary bike and paid for it the rest of the day. I only did 20 minutes but my knees and hips hurt afterwards. I just need to keep moving I guess.

    David saw the ortho doc on Wednesday. In order for full mobility to be restored David needed surgery. That happened yesterday. I drove David and Chantrelle to surgery center and we arrived at 11:30. Told to be there at 11:45. We waited at least 45 minutes until he was called from the lobby. We were called shortly after to sit with him in his pre-op room. His surgery was scheduled for 2 or 2:30 but the surgeon was running behind. They took him to the operating room at 3:40. He was out within the hour and in recovery. We joined him and did not get discharged until 6:30. We were the last car in the parking lot besides nursing staff. We had to stop at pharmacy and got home about 7:30. What a long day! The doctor told him to see him in 10 days. He gave the approval for David to fly to Australia as planned on 10/19. The surgeon talked to Chantrelle and I. It was a good thing they did the surgery. Bone fragments floating around, splintered bone, and bone pressure on muscle and nerve. Life is never boring with David.

    L- glad you are lurking and commenting. Miss you! Are you jumping or just pushing Colin out of the plane? LOL! I hope this next year goes better for you. The prison meeting sounds interesting.

    Marla- I read your post on the football team. Is it possible there is coach negligence in coaching to have so many significant injuries with players? Not good! I hope Zach is ok. L-what would your husband say about it?

    Shirley-have fun with Isaac! Lucky Grandma!

    Well I should accomplish something today so better get moving. At the very least I could plan dinner. Never have tackled the paperwork that is due. Ugh!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shirley- feel free to change the group. Just let me know how to find everyone again.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    edited October 2015
    I really generally avoid pointing fingers at coaches b/c for the most part I feel they are all doing the best they can - and in this case this is also probably the best they can do, but as a parent I don't know that it is good enough - if it was my son who was fighting through surgery I would have a hard time just saying that's part of the game when I know that the line was so decimated it was kids who honestly barely know where to stand - as admin/coaches don't you at a certain point have a responsibility to say, "you know what, we just can't play this game"

    Zach's ok - banged up and angry -

    again L - I love your gift idea.

    Jenny - so glad David went in and is hopefully now on the road to full and swift recovery.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I agree Marla but the coach needs to know when to back off for the kids' safety. I've never seen a coach who knows this. It's tough because kids and coaches want the game to go on.

    Good luck to your team.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    thanks Jenny - on Thursday they are playing two games in a row - it's supposed to be A squad game and then B squad game - but guess what there aren't enough for two squads - so they're just going to be playing two games back to back - STUPID!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm watching my nephews today. All day. (For about 10 hours). We went to the library this morning and played and got some movies. (I got books). I took them to Tim Hortons after and we got Timbits. Pushing a stroller up hill is a lot of work! We had lunch and watched a movie. Now the youngest is down for his nap and its craft time with the two oldest. (Trying to explain contacts to a 6 year old!). Day is going fast and is lots of fun! Talk with you all later.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla- I suppose they feel they need to give the kids playing time and if the games are scheduled they will go for it. Hope there are no injuries! I'll say a prayer for your teams.

    Ang- Pushing a stroller with a child or two is a workout. Glad you had fun with your nephews.

    Pack our bags tomorrow and leave for Door County on Monday morning. David and Chantrelle are pet sitting for us. Nice not to have to pay kennel fees. The color is really popping out now. So beautiful! I love this time of year. I can't wait to see what Door County is like. The fall photos I've seen online are gorgeous.

    Have a nice sleep. I'll try to check while we are gone.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Beautiful day here in MN! I've vacuumed the car, changed the cat litter, packed my suitcase, and driven to Walgreens twice to buy laxatives, suppositories, and enemas for David. He is so impacted with all the pain killers he's on for his shoulder. The stool softeners have done nothing to help him have his first bowel movement after surgery. He needs relief asap! I'm letting his girl friend handle him. I volunteered to go to the store to get supplies. She has training in wilderness survival and first aid. She said this was covered in her course. I told her she could have the pleasure of dealing with this situation, lol!

    I was hoping to vacuum house screens today and clean up windowsills, wash inside windows but my knees are hurting badly so I'm resting right now. It is hot out and our house is stifling since it does not get good circulation even with windows open.

    Well have a nice Monday and I'll check in sometime this week from my tablet while in Door County, WI.

    WTG L and Colin on your jump from a plane! Brave!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - Happy Thanksgiving! Have a great day tomorrow!

    Tomorrow I plan on getting in a good 10k run in the morning. I hope to burn enough calories for all that yummy turkey dinner I will be eating tomorrow. Even still I hope I can stay under my goal for the day. I'm going over way to much lately.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    welcome to paradise where over 30 people lost their jobs on Friday and at least 30 more before the end of the month -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Oh my Marla, is this at your job? I am just checking in we just got back from the cottage and no WiFi signal at all!

    I will post more tomorrow. I won't change the Group, I wanted my daughter to help me over the weekend but no Wi Fi
    so I couldn't do anything on computer but maybe play games.

    I will let it go for now.

    Until tomorrow and more time.
