Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I enjoyed my Monday at home. Never get all I hope for done but I did get the house straightened up. The kids had messed up the basement more than they usually do - took over a half hour to pick up. I like the look with the ping pong table gone and Alan is working of fixing the legs of the foosball table so it is safe. Tuesday morning I was home and then went to Good News Club in the afternoon. I only stayed long enough to serve everyone the cookies and then I got Ralph and we went to watch Thomas play basketball. It was fun that they won but there was some good playing. I don't watch much sports on TV but enjoy this. We didn't get home until almost 10:30 so late.

    Wednesday we had our project committee meeting and it went well - all done in 2 hours. Found one box we needed. We enjoyed brunch together. I had made egg muffins and we had cinnamon bread, skinny cranberry bars and hot apple juice. (I told myself the night before I didn't need to eat breakfast and remembered again after I ate breakfast). I was home by noon and soon after that we took of for town. We visited my Uncle Joe (who shortly had an appointment so good we went when we did) and then went to a couple of bookstores. We met up with a friend so she could buy 14 dozen eggs. And then home. I fixed salads for supper and we went to church.

    Today I'm home till Bible study. Taking the trail mix as we have a birthday to celebrate. So far okay on what I want to get done today but I always seem to do less in the afternoon. Found out a cousin of Ralph passed away yesterday so he want to go to the funeral Monday (240 miles away). That's the day for 4-H so trying to figure everything out.

    Sheryl, I'm glad the MRI went good and now you know what you are dealing with. So thankful, John's being so cooperative. Love your description of his willingness to go - whatever works is good. Bummer on a blah day but they come around. Hope your appointment go well. We ahve the sun shining here but it's still pretty cold outside. It was 18 when we got up but that's twice as warm as yesterday morning. Nice that you can work together so well on the parts.
    What version of Windows do you have? I have windows 10 and things on it are considered aps - like word and excel so try typing in slingTV in your search box and see what comes up.

    Oh year, forgot to tell you the latest mouse story. Ralph had brought home this live trap several weeks ago. (they get on top of the cage and go down a tube but can't out in it). We put a block of poison in it and I put it downstairs. Check it every once in awhile and nothing. Today I was in that room doing something else and realized there was something gray in it. Sure enough there's a little gray mouse running around. So I brought it upstairs - so far he's still waiting in the back hall. Keep hoping we're getting the last one.

    Have a good day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I have the thyroplasty scheduled for Wednesday, Feb 21st. It's an out-patient procedure and shouldn't take more than a couple hours, however, I don't know exactly how long it will take. Carol will take me and bring me home. John's a little upset that I won't let him take me. All day yesterday, he kept getting his driver's license out to check that it's still valid. I suppose that I could drive over there and let John drive me home because I would be right beside him, giving him directions. If I had something to keep him occupied while waiting, I would consider that. I told him that I think he'll be happier waiting at home rather than sitting in a hospital waiting room. I know that I'll be happier knowing he is at home, in his comfort zone. We'll see what we come up with in the next week or so.

    Debora, a big congratulations on catching a mouse. I still have traps and cameras out in the barn, but with no activity lately, I've stopped recording the videos until and unless more feed is tampered with.

    John's up again, I better go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm going to the farmer's market today to get some essential oils and honey. Then Dan and I will go to our library concert. Not sure if we'll eat out since we will be eating out for my birthday next week. If not, we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken instead. So long as I'm not cooking, I'm good with that! ;) It is going to cool down a bit this week. Temps will be in the mid 60's to mid 70's.

    The painting went very well. The guy really knew what he was doing and painted a whole portion of each wall that needed to be painted so you don't notice the slight difference in color since the colors aren't really right next to each other. We already have most of the stuff put back in the computer room. Just a couple more pieces and we should be able to finish up today. YAY!!!!!

    Debora, Glad your time taking care of the kids went so well. I am NOT a sewer!! ;) A couple inches of the seam on the butt of my navy blue pants came out so I hand stitched it. I used what my mom would call a chain stitch. It actually came out pretty good so that you can't tell and I was pretty proud of myself! Dinner with my co-worker went well. We really enjoyed the afghan food and had lots of leftovers. Each meal was about $15 but I had a coupon for get the 2nd meal 50% off so that was a good savings. I had some sort of lamb stew served with a side of rice. It was delicious! Dan got the house kabobs that had filet mignon, chicken, and lamb.

    Sheryl, Happy to hear that the MRI went well. Good to know that John is healthy other than the brain shrinkage. Information is always valuable and now informed decisions on care/treatment can be made. How is the gathering of the scout parts going? It seems that things go well when you and John work on a project together. Hopefully that is still the case. It's a good thing that you can work on the sling TV when you have time. No need to rush it. I'm excited for you that the thyroplasty is scheduled. It shouldn't be too difficult of a recovery since it is an outpatient procedure. Hopefully John will settle for waiting at home so you don't have that added stress.

    Well, I'd better get going to the farmer's market. Have a wonderful blessed week!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. It's been unseasonably warm this winter, last week in the 50's. Then, the last 2 days, very cold, overnight in the 20's and I had to melt ice off the animal drinking waters the last 2 mornings...then...woke up to snow this morning. No ice, it's in the 30's. The snow has already melted off the road and I suspect, that soon, the pasture and yard will be a slushy muddy mess. It's Winter!!!!!!

    John's up already so I have no time, but needed to say Hi.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, thank you for the Valentine's Day wish, yesterday was a pretty good day. John was restless since he couldn't get outside right away, but later, the sun came out and he was happier. He watched a bit of the Olympics and is fascinated with the athletes. "How do they do that?" I told him they were training since about 3 years old, probably could skate before they walked.

    Today, I get to meet Carol for lunch, I so look forward to that. I need to pick up my Rx's and do some shopping. I thought John would go with me since he has been tagging along lately. The last 3 weeks, every time I've run errands, he wanted to go with me, even if he just sat in the car while I ran inside to grab something. If I was going to be inside the store long, he'd come in with me. But, he decided to stay home today.

    I got an email from my cousins in Grants Pass and they want to come take care of me when I have my "surgery". I thanked them very much but it's just a procedure that shouldn't lay me up and the doctor said that I can resume normal activities right away. I told them that I wasn't even letting Norma come up for this and I have Carol who graciously said she would take me and drive me home. I appreciate their support, but I don't think I need anyone here at the house. It may be too much for John too, he knows them, but not to stay over for more than a day.

    Once again, I have emails piling up. I need to sift through and save, delete or answer them. I still haven't let John's cousins know of his test results. Whenever I think I have time and my thoughts together, I don't. Even right now, when I leave you guys, it will be easier to grab my mug of coffee and go sit and watch the news.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday To You!
    Happy Birthday Dear Isabella!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday To You!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    Good Morning, yesterday was a "down" day for me, just felt blah and did nothing. Today I have 2 appointments and will be gone for at least 3-4 hours. I trust John will be fine since the weather is good and he will probably be outside the whole time I'm gone.

    Debora, yes, John is helping me get all the Scout parts together. Mainly because he put the various boxes up high in the barn over on the side that is only accessed by ladder. The north end has stairs and I get up and down just fine, but I refuse to climb the ladder because I know I will have a very difficult time coming back down. So, John goes up and hands me boxes and we're working together on that.

    Isabella, the SlingTV shouldn't be this hard, I am just missing something. Seems that most instructions these days, for anything, are written for people who already know what to do and aren't step by step for us ignorant people. According to what I'm reading now, it has something to do with me getting the right "app" and I have no idea what or how to continue with that. I thought "apps" were for the new fandangled phones, to get the internet on a smart phone or something. I did not mess around with it last weekend since there were so many sports things programed on our regular tv and have not needed it this week since the weather has been good and John is outside. I'll keep trying, but in the meantime, I can still get sports on the computer.

    More info on my possible throat surgery after I see the doctor today.

    Hi Sannferris-The Sling TV app link is below. You can choose the one you need for TV, phone, etc. I hope your throat surgery goes well. I need to read more posts since I've been gone so long.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good very late night everyone. I know it's been a very long time since I have been in here. It's been busy around here with my friends who lost their home. They now have an apartment which is far better for people in their 80's. Now they don't have to worry about keeping things in repair, or paying taxes, etc. It's already in their rent money.

    Hubby finished the fence on all three sides today. He still has the gates to complete. We have had so much rain, cold, windy, sleet, and snow here that it has made working outside a hard thing to do. Tomorrow the rain is supposed to come back again. He was out today from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm. Hopefully he won't have to work tomorrow and can rest.

    I see you are all still just as busy as usual and I see it is Isyvanek's birthday, so Happy Birthday To You and I hope you have a great one.

    Have a great night everyone, since I have a new computer I will try to come in more often now. My other one lost it's hard drive and I had to take it to the repair shop to get all my info off of it.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good morning ladies! Thank you all SO much for the happy birthday wishes! :) I felt really blessed!

    We had such a nice day. Dan came with me to the farmer's market. I went again this week because the essential oils booth wasn't there last week so I wasn't able to get the oils I want to send my friend for her birthday. And would you believe I forgot what I wanted to get for myself and ended up with a bottle of frankincense (which I already have) instead of ylang ylang! Yes, I have it written down, but did not look at my list! Oh well, another time. After the farmer's market we did our usual round of grocery shopping and also went to Bed Bath & Beyond and got a new lamp shade for the lamp in the computer room. It is amazing how much more light we have in that room now with a shade that is a lighter color (cream) and wider at the top. It fits the style of the lamp better as well and with the 20% coupon it was only $34. We are very pleased with the result. When we got home I dusted the dressers and cleaned the bathrooms. I baked myself a coffee cake for my birthday cake that I haven't made in many years then read until our friends Jackie and Ken picked us up to go to dinner. We went to a restaurant called Grub Burger Bar. The food was good and the company was great! Jackie surprised me with a large gift box she put together. It contained a bottle of wine, chocolate, a little book, "designer salt", herb shears, and cupcakes from my favorite cupcake store! Crazy woman! All this to say that I had an AMAZING birthday! And I took Monday off so my birthday weekend will be a 3 day weekend. Yay! :)

    Today we will go to church (last night Dan actually said he is "looking forward to going to church"!) then relax until his cousin and her husband come over at 3pm. Her husband had a conference here for work so they made time to see us. Made Dan very happy! We'll chat for a while then go to the Chinese restaurant near our house for early dinner.

    Anew, SO happy to hear from you! Hubby is putting a lot of work in on getting the fence done. I bet it looks great! Sounds like you are having winter. We are actually going to have a small bit of winter this week (SD winter that is). it is supposed to get down in the 60's all week. Glad to hear that your friends have a nice apartment so they don't have to worry about taking care of a house anymore.

    Sheryl, Hope the temps are a bit warmer today and you don't have to melt the animal's drinking water. This way John can get outside and putter. How was your time with Carol? I'm sure it was wonderful as always. Is there any prep you have to do for your surgery?

    OK, I'm going to go and finish getting ready for church and Dan reminded me that we didn't dust the pictures in the hall (there is a lot of them) and if his cousin looks closely at anything it will probably be pictures so we'd better get those done.

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes and have a blessed week all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, another quickie, mornings are not the way they used to be anymore. John gets up early then sometimes goes back to bed and sometimes not.

    Lunch (breakfast food) with Carol was great, delicious and a wonderful 2 hour visit.
    Finally got the call from the hospital and the thyroplasty is scheduled for 2:45 pm on Wednesday, I need to check in at 12:45 pm, so Carol will pick me up at noon. Turns out pretty good that way because I have all morning to get John set up for the day and we're having some snow again, so by noon, the roads should be cleared and driving will be easier. I should be home by evening,

    Gotta go now, hopefully, more tomorrow.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good Morning. I'll back up to last Friday, John got up and was restless and asked for football or basketball, so, I tried to get sports on the tv again. Every time I selected to watch ESPN, I got that screen that said to check Amazon for my purchases of apps. Since I thought that my subscription to Sling and my purchase of the Fire Stick was enough, it dawned on me that the purchases may not be in sync because maybe I used different credit cards. By checking that out, I found that I used the same credit card and then I stumbled onto the Amazon page for apps, purely by accident, the instructions did not lead me to the right place. Anyway, I downloaded a bunch of free apps and I now have ESPN, NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA March Madness. I also have the Food Network and Hallmark Channel and several others. Next step, get them on the tv. Ha! I went to March Madness first because I know that's going on right now, the countdown to the 16, 8 and then Final 4. Wouldn't you know it, now it's asking me for an access code. I'm out of my mind. To my delight, the Food Network came right on and we watched the end of Cupcake Wars and then an episode of Modern Marvels on the History Channel, the "top 10 gadgets and thingamajigs". Kept John busy for a little over a half an hour.
    Thanks for research for me Anew, but unfortunately, your link doesn't take me anywhere. I get a "this page can not be displayed"

    Saturday was good...lots and lots of college basketball back to back. But, in the afternoon, John was beside himself, giving himself a chewing out which included swear words that I can not stand to hear. The cat has recently taken to curling up in our chairs, especially right after we get up, while the seat is still warm. John went back and plopped himself back into his chair and sat on the cat. It really upset him and he was calling himself all kinds of derogatory names. The cat had jumped down immediately, without a sound, it was John's voice that got my attention. Since the cat was rubbing around John's legs, I told him the cat forgives him and has already forgotten about it, but it took hours for John to forget. There are times like that that I hope John would forget immediately too, but he hung onto it for the rest of the day. Fortunately, he never mentioned it on Sunday, so we're good now.

    Anew, so glad to hear that only the gates are left to complete your fence. Wow, you get a wide variety of weather, I'm sure you miss San Diego on some of those miserable weather days. There are even times when I miss Southern California weather and I don't have the extremes that you have.

    I checked in with Carla and she's in the midst of her chemo and having a rough time of it. Of Course, there is no "easy" chemo, but her course of treatment seems especially tough. Originally, she thought that removing the breast would be it, no radiation and no chemo. I supported her in that decision as that is what my Mom did and she's been cancer free for over 30 years. But, apparently, after Carla's surgery, they detected more cancer and she is still in treatment and has a long road ahead her. It's putting a strain on her heart, so she has more issues to deal with, plus her myasthenia gravis.

    I hope this puts a smile on your faces, it made me laugh. I turn 65 this year and am inundated with Medicare info now. I tried to call their 800 number to get specifics on what I'm suppose to do and when. I got the recorded menu, "for claims, say claims, for new enrollment, say new enrollment, etc" Now, usually when I'm confronted with that, there are also corresponding numbers I can push on the phone and I don't have to say anything, but this time there wasn't, so I said "new enrollment".
    I get a "I don't understand, for claims, say claims, for new enrollment, say new enrollment". So, again, I say, as clearly as I possibly can, "new enrollment".
    "I don't understand, for claims, say claims, for new enrollment, say new enrollment". I did it 4 times before I hung up. I felt like I was in a comedy sketch on SNL.
    I did finally get some info off their website.

    John's up now so I better close this out.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good afternoon, yesterday was a very long day, but successful. When the hospital called Tuesday night to confirm check-in time, they made it earlier. Then, after we got there, there was delay after delay and my surgery did not take place until 5:30 pm. Got home close to 10 pm. My voice is better, but not all the way back to the way it was, that was wishful thinking on my part. My breathing issues have not changed, so I'm convinced that that is attributed to the paralyzed diaphragm, no solution for that as yet. I'm still hopeful and God can do miracles.

    I feel great and was able to do all my regular morning chores today.

    This is short, John is calling.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, I just skimmed back to see when I last wrote. It was like two weeks ago. Let’s see. What’s happened since then. The 10th was a full day – did house stuff in the morning. Then we went to Sunrise and watchded 3 basketball games. Thomas played in two of them. Then we went to Taco Bell and ate. Back to the school for the junior high play – “Lessons Learned from Dr. Seuss”. Lucy and Jeremiah were in it. They “read” (most of it was memorized) 10 Dr. Seuss books and then the directors had written poems that were given after each one with a spiritual application. They did a good job. When we went out, it was sleeting so It took awhile to clear the windshield and we drove slowly home.

    Sunday we did go to church – not to bad out. No one came for dinner cause we needed to pack and head up to Lincoln, NE. A cousin of Ralph’s had passed away. Roads were good and we got to see real snow but not on the roads. We got to the motel which we did not pay a lot for and found a ceiling tile in the tub of the first room so they gave us another room. It was clean – nothing fancy but we slept good. The continental breakfast was nothing to write home about but we ate.

    Then on to the funeral. We got there early so we sat and waited. Family finally came. We went to the cemetery – in that town cars don’t pull or over a funeral procession and we were to toward the end but made it okay when we were going through “red” lights. We went back to the church for a meal and visiting. They ha some wonderful spinach salads and a really good carrot/raisin salad. It had been several years since Ralph had seen this side of the family so he's really glad we were able to go. We headed home around 2 and got back in time for me to go to 4-H and Ralph to church.

    Tuesday was Good News Club. I served the cookies and rushed off for Thomas’ last home basketball game. Wednesday finished our Bible Conference. Missed some sessions but enjoyed what I got to. Thursday I had my periodontist check up and then we ate at ChickFilA for our 42 and ½ wedding anniversary. Then I went to 4-H Council in the evening. Friday morning was errands and the rest of the day at home. And shockingly I had Saturday at home until we went to a soup supper at a nearby church. The taco soup was a little spicy but the chicken noodle was scrumptious. I had seconds on it and was able to pass on dessert (for my challenge). We visited with some people we don’t see often.

    That brings us to the current week (and why I haven’t written since we’ve been going a lot). Sunday we had the kids here, we ate quickly and those who could headed into my uncle’s apartment. He’s been in the nursing home for about 2 months now and although his sons said they would clean it, nothing had happened yet. And they have to keep charging rent. 4 of us sisters and some of our kids (14 total) did his place in 3 hours. The mattress and futon went to the trash. I got the desk chair and vacuum. I brought home all his papers to go through (a lot will just need to be burned or shredded – bank statements from years ago, leases from several places he lived, etc. etc.). I also have some of his clothes to wash. We took his recliner and TV to the nursing home and his desk to his “girlfriend:”. We still have to get his van but “thought” we didn’t have a key – turns out he has one hanging on the outside of the van – couldn’t believe it. And I made it back for most of church. It has been 10 years since our church burned down so had a service to share memories.

    Monday I was home. Tuesday I planned to babysit for Bible study and go to Good News Club but we got sleet during the night and schools, etc. cancelled. It was wonderful to stay at home. A concert for Taryn got moved from Tuesday to Wednesday because of no school so worked on getting rides for the kids we pick up. As we were leaving early to do some other errands, we got word the concert was postponed again due to weather that was to come in. We still did the other errand and the country roads were the worst but just took it slow. We did decide we could pick up the one family but as we were leaving, there was moisture in the air so we cancelled on them. We did end up going and it had stopped by then so was feeling bad but we had to clean ice off the windshield and drive slowly going home so was very glad we didn’t have to drive further. We got more sleet during the night and today all the schools – including the colleges are closed. We are up to 30 and it’s supposed to be on the move up and stay around 36-38 so any more moisture would be rain which would be great since we have a ladies retreat the next two days. So it’s not slowing down at all.

    Sheryl, I hope your procedure went well yesterday and that it helps. I was amazed that they got it scheduled so quickly. Did John do okay on his own? Nice that you got lunch with Carol and then time with her when she took you for the thyroplasty. You’ve had some jumps in your temperatures too. Keeps things interesting. Believe me, it’s not hard to have emails pile up. I love that you’re able to watch more channels now – Food network would be fun (as if I need more to watch). Sorry to hear that Carla’s having such a rough time. Cancer is just no fun. I will turn 65 this year also. Guess I need to practice saying “new enrollment”.

    Isabella, glad you are enjoying the new paint and having things back in place. What a fun birthday you had. You were able to enjoy every minute of it and a three day weekend too. How wonderful to hear that Dan is looking forward to going to church. Glad you got the pictures dusted – they would probably see plenty of dust at my house.

    Anew, wonderful to hear from you. Sounds like everything is working well for your friends So nice of you to be such a big help to them. Wonderful to have so much of your fence done. So nice that your husband can do the work and you know it’s done well. Enjoy the new computer. I like mine but still learning.

    No Bible Study tonight – it is a tad above freezing now but will probably cool down again. So back to the list and if you’re still reading, thanks for hanging in there.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies, yesterday was a busy day so didn't get a chance to check in. I wrapped and packaged my friend Grace's birthday gifts then my friend Jackie picked me up. She took me to the post office to mail the package then we went to the swap meet. I haven't been there for years. It is more people selling resale stuff now instead of booths with new stuff but it was interesting. I bought 2 ceramic fish made in Mexico for Grace for Christmas (you hang them on the wall). He finally sold them to me for a total of $15. They are very colorful. I think she will like them since she has that sort of motif in her bathroom. I also bought some socks and some fruit. After the swap meet we went to a "gentrified" area that used to be a naval training center now made into a village of shops, etc. It was fun looking at all the booths. We ate lunch at a place called Con Pane (Italian for with bread). The sandwiches were huge and very tasty. Jackie bought a bunch of stuff at the shops/stalls but I had already blown my budget and did not buy anything. It was a really nice time. When we got home Jackie came in just to give Dan a hug which made him feel really good. Dan and I did our usual Saturday routine after that. It has been in the 60's here this week and will continue into next week. We may even get some rain!

    Sheryl, glad to hear that the surgery went well. Hopefully now you can say new enrollment! :) That was too funny. I would have felt like I was on SNL or Candid Camera too! Sorry to hear about Carla. I'm trying to keep up with her on facebook.

    Debra, you've been busier than usual. Glad your trip to Nebraska went well and Ralph was able to visit with that side of the family.

    Well, gotta get going to church. Have a blessed week ladies!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, what a difference a week makes. Went to the doctor for follow-up appointment and to have the stitches removed. All is healing well and my voice is so much stronger and clearer. Doctor stated again that this procedure is purely for my voice and not fixing the paralysis/breathing issues. But, I'm thrilled with the results and am taking one step at a time. Still hoping and praying for some kind of miracle for the diaphragm. Big difference in how John hears me, the fact that he does hear me. And, others too, at the grocery store and at the restaurant. John went with me to the doctor's and we went out to eat after. I could order and only had to say the order one time, she could hear every word. Now, I need to call speech therapy and get back on their schedule.

    John is back to his old routine, not nearly so clingy in not leaving my side. In fact, when I talked to Carol on the phone yesterday, I told him that she and I were together last Wednesday at the hospital and he doesn't remember any of it.

    When I'm away from the computer, I think of so many things to say, but sitting here...my mind went blank. I've got to jot down notes.

    John's up now, so gotta go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning all, it has been cold here again this week but I'm sure it would be considered warm where you all are so I am not complaining (much). ;) Jami is going to pick me up in about 20 minutes and we are going to go have our toes done for my birthday treat instead of going shopping although we still plan to do a little shopping. :smiley: I need 3 new pairs of sandals - black, white, and tan. Afterward Dan and I will do our usual Saturday routine although I already went to Trader Joe's yesterday. Dan just told me it is starting to drizzle outside so probably not the best day to do toes but oh well.

    I don't think I told you but my brother Joe is in Israel right now! Several months ago a deacon buddy Drew, told him that one of the guys on their tour could not go after all - the ticket was already paid for if Joe wanted to go. Drew said the only thing that isn't covered is lunch and that Drew would pay for Joe's lunches so all he has to bring money for is souvenirs and quarters for the toilets! I immediately started bugging him to get his passport because I didn't want him to wait until the last minute since getting a passport takes so long. He actually did send for it in a reasonable amount of time. Then in the last week he kept saying that he wasn't sure he was going to go because he hasn't been feeling well. I finally told him that unless he was on his death bed he is going and not to let the enemy rob him of this amazing opportunity. That he needs to stand in faith and prepare to go. He finally agreed and he is there now! Yay! I think part of the reason is that he hasn't even traveled out of NJ much so he was probably afraid to some degree. I know he will be blessed.

    Sheryl, so glad that the surgery was a success and recovery went well. So very happy that you can speak pretty much normally and be heard. I imagine John is relieved also. Also glad to hear that he is somewhat back into his old routine. Is there anything to be done for the collapsed diaphragm at some point? Will breathing exercises or singing or anything like that help? Kinda like a muscle you can exercise?

    Jami is going to be here soon so I'd better go. Have a great week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week has zoomed past. The 23rd Ralph went to a corn meeting and I did errands on my own. The roads were okay although when my friend ad I walked in the morning, the church parking lot was still a sheet of ice. In the afternoon I carpooled with 4 others to go to our women’s retreat. Theme was Choose Joy and our speaker spoke on the book of Philippians. Great challenge. The meals were good. And you could mostly safely get around. We did drive on ice going up to our lodging but made it okay. Then we got rain during the night but it didn’t ice more. And by Saturday afternoon, most of it was melted. Lots of good visiting. If you know much about Billy Graham you might remember Cliff Barrows. Our speaker is his daughter and his grandson is married to a girl from our church (small world). So she attended Billy Graham’s funeral.
    Sunday all the kids were here. Fixed hamburgers and hot dogs and just had one birthday to celebrate. Heard from a missionary at church in the evening. Monday was a day at home. I enjoyed it cause knew it would be the only one for a few days. Tuesday morning we went in for Etc. half price day and then had Good News Club in the afternoon. Got Ralph’s hair cut in the evening.
    Wednesday morning I worked at church – made the three corrections n the cookbooks that are ready to sell. Before I went I made some muffins for Thursday. When I got home I made a batch of breadsticks for Thursday. Then Ralph and I went in to see my uncle – took his mail in and then went to a couple of bookstores. Got home in time to eat and go to church.
    Thursday was our Willing Workers all day meeting. I helped set up for the projects, then helped set up tables for the noon meal since I was one of the hostesses and at the right time I gave the treasurer report. Everyone brings a potluck dish and we had such a good variety and it was so good. Some of the ladies helped us with clearing the tables and doing the dishes. We have one woman who has alzheimers but her sister-in-law brought her and she helped where she could. Got home around 4 and I sat down and dozed for a bit. Then it was time to eat, go to a visitation for a classmate of Ralph’s and from there I went to Bible study.
    Friday we went to the classmate’s funeral and then did our errands. It was nice to have our pizza and salads and stay at home. Then I got to be at home all day today. Tomorrow is a potluck at church so I didn’t have to clean but still got food ready and had a chance to take care of some other jobs. I waiting for Ralph to come out to help me figure out which deal to get to add airtime to my tracfone. Otherwise, I’ll be ready to head for bed soon.

    Isabella, your Saturdays are always full of fun activities. Did you find any sandals? How cool that your brother got to go to Israel – a trip of a lifetime they say. Our pastor & wife and another couple are going to Israel in April.

    Sheryl, so wonderful to hear of how much better your voice is. Glad John is back to his old routine. It’s okay if your notes are short – I balance it out with my long ones.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was a wonderful day. Sunday School and church and then the potluck meal. So many good things to choose from. Someone said they counted 16 crockpots and 20 casseroles plus all the salads and desserts. And the good visiting that went on at the tables. We got home around 2:30 and then I took a sort nap, did a few of the things I hadn't finished on Saturday and did my list for Monday. But all at a relaxed pace.

    Today has been another day at home. I made a list with 5 things to do each hour. They haven't all gotten completed but progress has been made. Big thing was to get the basement picked up from a week ago so I can enjoy it till next Sunday. I also called to see what to do to help Uncle Joe get better TV reception. I will take the antenna he had at his apartment and play iwth it this week when we go after I get him to pay some bills. I have a load of laundry ready to fold. Found out my milk went bad so will make some sour milk pancakes for supper.

    Finished my 8 week challenge. I won the part for keeping my points the best (so will get some money back) and I did loose 7.5 pounds and hopefully they will stay loss. The person who set it up (and has lost 50 pounds doing this) is taking a week off and then starting another group but I'm going to try going it on my own. Then I don't have to be quite so strict with myself. I will miss the group but we'll see if I learned anything.

    Hope you are having a good day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Prayer request - my sister's son-in-law had a sore arm which they thought was just from a long bike ride he did. They were in town today (Springfield, MO) doing errands and noticed some swelling so went to an immediate care which sent them to the ER. After a bunch of tests, they think he has a brain tumor and want him in St. Louis. They wanted to send him by ambulance but his wife wanted to drive him so they are on their way no -driving through the night (several hours). Then my sister is to go stay with their daughter Wed. (she is now with a neighbor and just knows they are doing more tests) and does not like the drive to their house. She gets very nervous. She usually only goes when she gets a ride. So please pray for them.