Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, everyone must be keeping busy. But I’ll bore you anyway with my week. I did get Monday at home. There is always plenty to work on. Since I’ve been hearing a mouse during the night in our bedroom, I made Ralph sort through another pile of his stuff. Also, put some poison where I hear the noise. And then I found out he’s having trouble with rats out where the chickens are so the mice sound better but I’d like them to leave. Having so much stuff probably does not help. I finished washing the last of my uncle’s clothes so it’s now in boxes – found a spot for the boxes but still need to carry them down.

    Tuesday morning was my last time to babysit for Bible study. It was a nice group and they played well. It’s been fun but I won’t mind having that morning back. I don’t know if I’ll do it again or not. We had more at Good News Club than I thought we would so that was a nice surprise. The two I take home were not there so I got home a bit sooner. Gave Ralph a haircut so that’s out of the way for a bit.

    Wednesday morning we worked on the Echoes. In the afternoon I got part of the house straightened and worked on my Uncle Joe’s stuff. I went out to his van to find an insurance card so I would have a policy number. I know it’s current since it’s deducted from his bankstatement but the most current one I found was 2008. I also found his will, the loan from the credit union, a dpoa with a name I found out he doesn’t remember for sure and other interesting thing. We went to church in the evening and I had two girls to watch.

    Thursday morning I finished straightening the house. We headed for town about 11. We took eggs by the school, got some rat poison, ate at Burger King. I looked at Bible studies for our group at the bookstore, went to the thrift store and then went to an appointment with our insurance guy and he helped me figure out what I needed to do with some of the withdrawals on the statement. I have to get them stopped before mediccaid gets started cause there won’t be enough money then. He was very helpful. We went to visit Uncle Joe then and made phone calls so he could talk some or tell them it was okay to talk to me. Not done but made some progress. I need to write a couple of letters to take with me next week. I was glad to hear his friend still visits but it’s also nice that she has quit calling us. I got to go to Bible study in the evening. We finished our study and decided what to do next so I got those books ordered on Friday very early cause I couldn’t sleep with listening to the mouse so got up at 4:30.

    Later I walked and then we went and did our shopping. I got a calendar from the bank to fix up for my uncle. My oldest sister does a very thorough birthday calendar but didn’t do one for him this year. So I’m doing one for his birthday which is this month. I already have three months filled so it goes pretty fast. Friday afternoon I did my Saturday list (I had not done a list Thursday night cause I had a headache when I got home and I realize I do much more with a list). The evening was the Praise and Celebration at the high school our kids went to. Delicious meal and good speaker. Dessert was a mini bundt cake and I ate the whole thing. It was so good.

    We got a dusting of snow Friday night but it melted today. We had a Chris Cakes fundraiser at church this morning for two pregnancy centers that our church has volunteers with. A guy that grew up in our church came down to do it. He made lots of pancakes and it was fun watching people catch them. They were really good too and there was sausage. I ate three and quit even though we were there a long time. Ralph had lots of people to visit with so we were gone three hours. The rest of the day has been at home. I mixed up Pioneer Woman’s sloppy jos and will heat it up in the crockpot tomorrow – lots of things in it. Took me about an hour to get them done so they better be good – ha. I cut up a pineapple and decided we could eat chips instead of making potato salad. Two of the grandkids went with out puppet group to a church about 4 hours away to do a program tomorrow morning so they won’t be here. And in the morning Jim and Thomas leave on the school’s jr/sr trip. So the group for dinner will be smaller. I’m praying the weather doesn’t get bad like they say it might for those on the road.

    My nephew with the brain cancer found out he has the worst of the worst brain cancers. He will start his chemo and radiation in a week so my sister will go down and stay with their daughter so his wife can be with him for the first week. He thinks he can drive himself after that. I hope he can.

    The junior high boys did a sticks performance at church last Sunday – very powerful. The one who directed them videotaped their rehearsal before church so if you would like to watch it, copy and past this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrL_cpJbiNc&feature=youtu.be and you can watch. The boy in front on the right is my grandson.

    Hope you all are doing okay. Good night.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I'm gonna keep this brief today - Dan is waiting for me. Jami and I had a day out yesterday and got our toes done for her birthday this time. We had a really nice day. Did our usual after that. It's been a good weekend. Made chili today. came out pretty good but as usual - it made tons of it. Dan said he is tired of having lots of leftovers so I'm going to freeze one container and bring the rest to work to see if anyone else wants any.

    Debora, What does Lindsey make masks and capes for. I don't remember you mentioning it. How did your pioneer chili come out? The home made rye bread sounds wonderful.

    Anew, wow, amazing that you have to repaint the house due to the sand blast from the tornedo. Great that the cement came out so well from the power wash. How did the back come out? Meeting in San Antonio sounds good. Hope it works out. No, Teri is not able to take the bus. She is too confused. Not sure how this is all going to play out. I don't know who northcoastbeauty is either.

    Sheryl, Miss you!

    Have a blessed week all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick good Monday morning. I am so far behind in comments, I hope to catch up later this week and respond.

    The last CT scan showed some tumor growth, so my doctor changed my chemotherapy and I'm going in today to start the new protocol. More details after I see how it goes.

    Mom is doing very poorly, bad days with worse days. Unfortunately, there are no more good days mixed in there. Norma is with her daily and sees the deterioration, she calls me several times a day to keep me updated. I am so afraid that this will take a toll on Norma, it's too much for her to bear, but I'm just too far away to help.

    Like I said, I really hope to catch up later on, for now, I've gotta go.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good evening, we have a bit of sunshine after a mostly stormy day, so John took the opportunity to go outside. I have a moment to let you know how yesterday went. I have a new daily pill, Ibrance, I've seen the tv commercials for it, we'll see if there's truth in advertising. Also, I go in every 2 weeks for injections, Fulvestrant, 2 of them, one in each butt cheek. It went fairly smoothly yesterday. John went with me and I wasn't sure how long we'd be there or how to entertain him if it dragged on. I took the Highlights magazines, but didn't even pull them out. I was glad it went quickly.

    I got a call from Norma this afternoon and the therapists and doctor at Brookside rehab decided Mom should go into hospice. Bad news is that they don't deal with hospice there, they deal with people who actually rehab and get to go home, so Norma has to move Mom one more time. Plus, she plans to clean out Mom's apartment at Mission Commons. She has a lot on her shoulders.

    Hope to pop back in here in the morning. Good Night.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi all, it's a beautiful day today. Mid 70's my favorite! My bathroom fan sounded like it was dying this AM so I helped (which means I handed him tools and paper towels and held the flashlight) while Dan took it out and cleaned and oiled it. Sounds good as new now. :) We have our library concert today. Then we'll do our usual late lunch/early dinner and go grocery shopping. Such creatures of habit! I got a 3% raise at work this week. I know it doesn't sound like much but every bit helps. I'll consider our eating out today to be a little celebration.

    Our neighbor across the street bought a new house closer to the Ocean and rented out his house here. A young Asian couple with a 3yr old girl and a 3 week old boy moved in today. We're praying that they'll be good "rule abiding" neighbors. Nothing new with the neighbors next door but we don't see them out front with the dogs loose anymore so I think the association must have said something to them. Probably why they won't even look at us now. So sad that we couldn't just discuss it and work it out together instead.

    We're recording a couple of new shows - "Rosanne" and "Splitting up together". They're just OK so not sure if we'll keep watching them. We'll see. Dan keeps saying he wants to stop watching Hawaii Five-O but we haven't yet.

    Jami came home from work on Wednesday and her little dog Molly suddenly keeled over. Jami managed to resuscitate her and rushed her to vet emergency. They said she has an enlarged heart and probably doesn't have much longer to live. Jami is devastated although she's known for a while that Molly is on borrowed time. She hopes to have the strength to just let her go next time and not try to save her.

    Sheryl, very good to hear from you. Sorry to hear that the tumors are growing and that your chemo had to be changed. Praying for you! Also sad about your mom but hospice sounds like the right choice. I'll also keep her and especially Norma in my prayers.

    Debora, did you get snow again this week? Maybe even last night? Crazy weather!!!

    Well, I've got a couple pairs of pants I need to stitch the seams back up on the butt so I'm going to close and go be efficient. God bless your week all!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good Morning. What a week this has been. Mom passed away Thursday night, really a blessing though, she was so miserable without Dad. And, she was being so difficult, a change in personality that I never would have expected from her. I was so fearful that Mom would give Norma an emotional breakdown. Here's what I emailed my cousins on Friday:

    Mom passed away last night, April 12, about 9:30 pm.

    Earlier in the week, Norma had a meeting with therapists and staff at Brookside Rehab because they determined Mom was not responding to the various therapies. The doctor recommended putting Mom into hospice and since Brookside specializes in rehabilitation to get patients well enough to go home, Mom needed to be moved. Norma spent 2 days finding the perfect place, a Christian home that is bright and cheery and a wonderful atmosphere.

    The move went smoothly yesterday afternoon and although Mom did not open her eyes or speak, she did respond to what she was told to do, helping in her small way to get herself moved. After she was settled in, the hospice nurse did an evaluation and determined Mom had approximately 2-4 days. Mom was at her new place approximately 5 hours. The director called Norma at 9 pm and told her and John to come over, but Mom passed shortly before they arrived. The director had picked up Mom’s hymnal and sang to her. She was at peace.

    A memorial service will be planned in Pasadena, towards the end of June. Norma will be getting that information to you later.

    Thank you all for your support and prayers through all of Mom’s illness.

    All Our Love, Sheryl and Norma

    Norma is waiting to hold the service so Brent and Beth can be there, Brent will not be teaching this summer. I won't be going down, I can't leave John.

    I still haven't gone back to read so many previous comments, I guess, at this point, I'll just continue from here.

    Isabella, I hope your new neighbors are "rule abiding", that makes living in the neighborhood so much nicer. Too bad the other neighbors are not so nice. I have a neighbor that is hard to deal with and many times I deliberately don't make eye contact, I just am not able to listen to the blustering.
    So sorry to hear of Jami's Molly. Boy, that's hard when our beloved pets are aging and getting sick.

    Well, looks like John is up for the day, so I better go.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, I'm so sorry for your loss. You will miss her although things are so much better for her now. I'm glad her passing went quickly. So thankful for Norma and all she was able and willing to do. Sounds like your mother was in a wonderful place for her last hours.

    Hope to get back soon and chat. Seems like the days go by too quickly.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thank you Debora. I still look at the clock every afternoon, checking to see if it's "time to call Mom". Habits die hard.

    Good Morning. Monday was a rough day, had to get John to the doctor again and he wasn't going for it. Last October, when I was able to get him established with a PCP, it was at Legacy in the Battle Ground office, just 4 miles up the road, very convenient. That doctor referred us to the dementia specialist in Vancouver (that office is about 10-12 miles away), still not too far. Well, I got a letter that the Battle Ground office was going to close down, so I called to see where John's doctor was going to relocate. He's leaving the practice of seeing regular patients and going to Urgent Care. I asked the specialist if she can be listed as John's PCP now, and she said no, so, Monday's appointment was just "get acquainted with" and get established with a new doctor as a primary, at Legacy, in the same office as the specialist. John does not understand that whole system and did not want to go. Like I said, it was rough, but I finally got him in the car and it all went well. John has another female doctor, they treat him very well. He even consented to see her again in 6 months...we'll see how that goes, I know he won't remember. However, he was still adamant about not seeing the dentist, he even told the doctor that he will not go. I'm beside myself about the dentist ordeal.

    Yesterday was a great day. I got away for a few hours and met up with Carol and Connie, (a friend from Bible study) for breakfast and a really nice visit. Did my grocery shopping on my way home and John was in good spirits. It was a sunny day, so John was outside almost all day.

    Heard from Norma and she has a church friend who she is taking to Mom's apartment today to look at her furniture. This lady just moved and could possibly use some of Mom's furnishings. That would be great if most of the stuff gets moved to a new home, better than moving it to Norma's garage and then finding a home for it. Why handle it twice?

    Norma is so wonderful to continue to call me everyday. I know the calls will dwindle as she gets busy with other things, non-Mom related, but I sure look forward to her calls.

    I guess that's it for now.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello everyone, I know it’s been awhile since I’ve chatted and you can feel relieved, I’m not going to give you a day by day account. I’m not even sure what all seems to fill up my time – ha. Except for 4-H Monday, I often have Mondays at home and that is wonderful. Tuesdays is Good News Club (for 3 more weeks) Wednesdays I work on the Echoes with friend I the morning and babysit at church in the evening. Thursday might be at home and usually Bible study in the evening. Friday morning is errands and then home and Saturdays have a variety. We usually go in and see my Uncle Joe one time of the week and hit a bookstore or two.
    Last Saturday Book-a-holic bookstores had a 5 hours 50% off sale. So we went to all three of them before going to a wedding for a girl the same age of Julie. It was interesting to find out her groom was a brother to a girl that went to school with our oldest son and one of my Flylady friends was there because she knew the groom. Had a good time at the reception and then headed back to the first bookstore cause Ralph realized he had left his gloves there.
    Derek and Lindsey have started doing foster care again and had about 3 times where they had the kids when first removed by the police. Last week they got a 3 day old. She was around a week on Sunday so got to hold a sweet little one. They will keep her long term so will see her again.
    My nephew started his radiation and chemo this week and so far it’s gong well. They rented a furnished duplex for the time he has to go back and forth. His wife went with him this week and my sister went and stayed with their daughter. She’s coming back tomorrow cause Jeff plan to go on his own next week.
    My brother Jack has had a set-back with a very bad UTI and may be having his gall bladder out. It was just a year ago that we went out to see him for his birthday. This year he'll spend it in the hospital - not fun.
    My uncle was willing to give me a POA so I’m making decisions and writing letters telling places he can’t pay off loans he has. So hard to do but we don’t feel we can step in and pay them off either. Going through his stuff I see he has often had a loan going. He turned 88 on Tuesday so we took him to Wendy’s for lunch.
    Another classmate of Ralph’s passed away – heart attack. We went to his funeral today and learned that in the last 20 years, he had really concentrated on memorizing verses. They said that in a Sunday School class that concentrated on memorization, he learned 6000 verses in 8 years.
    Tomorrow the plan is to go to Thomas’ baseball games and then go see the two homes Derek has in the Parade of Homes (which both won some awards). The house we’ll do for sure but it’s supposed to rain and I hope it does. We really really need it to bring the corn up.
    Ralph’s blood pressure is a little high so he has to take it every day for 4 weeks and then we go back to the doctor. He’s been on the same meds for years so something’s not working as good I guess. But that’s another thing to do.
    Unfortunately, we’re not rid of our mice. There’s at least one in our bedroom. Ralph doesn’t hear a thing with or without his hearing aid. I do. But there’s a lot of stuff on the floor to sort through. And I can only push Ralph so hard to go through stuff. So some nights I get to hear a lot of chewing or whatever he’s doing. I threw some poison back there and had a couple of silent nights but he came back – hope it’s just one.

    Isabella, hope the new family is a good addition to the neighborhood. Hope you enjoy your new shows. I didn’t like Roseanne before so decided not to try it out. Yay on fixing the bathroom fan. So sorry to hear about Jamie’s dog.

    Sheryl, glad to hear you were successful in getting John to the doctor. Keep thinking on the dentist. You seem to do well at knowing when to push and when to hang back. So glad you got to spend the time with Carol and Connie. Those breaks are good. One of the ladies in our Bible study uses that time as her break. Her husband’s mind is okay but he has a number of physical things going on and she is busy constantly. She calls us her sanity saver. We started our new book (by Elizabeth George) and so far everyone likes it.

    I “get” to bake the bread for this Sunday so think I will do breadsticks. That will be different that rolls so won’t have comparing done. Ralph is in so guess I’ll go make our salads and bake the pizza. We haven’t had it for a week or two so looking forward to it.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good morning all, Dan said he is really starting to like our new church. He said it feels like "our church" instead of "my church" which is what I was hoping for. Makes me very happy! He has been planting this week. It's hard work but it has improved his mood. He planted 3 shrubs to replace the ones that died on the west side of the house (he chose "teenie genies" - very small and compact) and a different ice plant than the one that has been dying on the slope behind the house. Many of the varieties of ice plant here have gotten a fungus the last few years and are dying off. Now I just hope they survive. Not much going on today. Just R & R. Should be a beautiful day. Mid to high 70's. Tomorrow I am going to visit my friend with the emotional issues to take her grocery shopping. I'm going to try not to spend any of my money. We'll see how it goes. I am also going to try to help her complete the ride program paperwork. Although it will cost $35 to sign up and she probably won't use the service so I don't know...

    Jami's dog Molly had 3 more episodes of keeling over because she couldn't breathe. The 3rd time happened when I came over so Jami could color my hair. Molly got excited to see me and couldn't breathe. Jami decided she couldn't let her keep going thru that so that afternoon after the boys were able to come over and say their goodbyes she took her to the vet and had her put down. Molly was 14. It was good that I was there so she literally had a shoulder to cry on. She was so upset as was her husband of course.

    I don't think I've mentioned that my hair is falling out. It is very upsetting. It is getting very thin up front. My friend Mona also had an issue and decided it was the hair color so she has stopped coloring her hair and said that she has new hair growth now. I'm not ready to do that yet but I switched products to one that has very low harmful chemicals. We'll see how it goes. I may switch to a natural hair dye and/or start taking hair growth supplements as well although it will cost about $30 a month and I'm told that if you stop taking them the hair stops growing. We'll see. Since I'm still in the working world I'm just not ready to go gray. My mom never dyed her hair and her hair got very thin so it might not matter what I do. :(

    Sheryl, SO sorry to hear about your mom. But it sounds like she was ready to go and was at peace. Can Norma have Goodwill or someone pick up the rest of her stuff so it doesn't have to be moved twice? Or the home where she was staying may have a place that they call to pick up stuff in these situations. Good that John got along with his new doctor once you got him there. Will continue to pray about John going to the dentist. Also very happy to hear that you got some much needed me time with Carol and Connie. Thanks for sharing with me about your neighbors - it helps somehow.

    Debora, Keep us posted on how it goes with Ralph's blood pressure. Dan also has high blood pressure and is on 2 meds. One is to keep his heart from racing. Good that your uncle was OK giving you POA. You are having to make some difficult but necessary decisions concerning his debts, etc. He's lucky to have you. Did you get the rain you need for the corn? I can't imagine doing foster care. It would be too heart breaking - both to see what children have been put through and to have to say goodbye when the time comes to go back to their parents, etc. It takes a special kind of person. Blessings to Derek and Lindsey.

    Well, I've rambled long enough God's blessings to you all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Isabella, that is so exciting that Dan is starting to feel like it’s the church you should both be at. What wonderful news. He does such a good job of keeping your place looking nice. I can see why he gets frustrated when others are not interested. How are the new neighbors working out? How did the visit go with your friend? Did you get all the paperwork done?
    Sorry to hear about Molly – she did live a long life for a dog. I’m sure that was a hard decisions for Jamie.
    Oh my on your hair falling out. Hope what you’re trying helps. Like you said, it might just be genetic.
    Ralph has a doctor appointment this week for his blood pressure – at 7 am because that was the only opening as the doctor is getting ready to go on vacation. The top number is mostly staying in the 140s.
    The week has been interesting. Sunday was good. We had a guest speaker in church as our pastor and wife were in Israel. In the evening we had a singing group from the local public high school do a half hour program – all Christian songs. (In fact the boys to “Be Thou My Vision” to state contest today and got a 1 rating) and then we had ice cream afterwards and had a good time visiting – no hurry to go home.
    As we get close to the house we notice a van there so think it’s Alan who needed to print something but no it’s not. So Ralph gets out of our car and walks over to the van. I’m a bit nervous. The guy acts like Ralph should know him and it turns out Ralph does. It was Adolf (who I have never met). Ralph’s mother had an adopted Hopi Indian sister and this is her grandson. He lived here for the 1969-70 school year going to Berean to help get away from the wrong crowd. And he did end up with a good job with General Motors and he is retired now. Anyway, he and Ralph had visited on the phone 3,4, 5 years ago and said he’d come visit someday and so here he was – no notice. I do have two beds but no way would I feel someone using them but I lucked out. He has a travel van so he and is dog slept out there. I got p and walked in the morning and came home to fix scramble eggs to find out we were invited to a neighbor’s for lunch and to another person’s for supper – yay for me. In between meals, Ralph took Adolf to some people he remembered. It was a full day. Tuesday morning I fixed pancakes and sausage for breakfast and then he and his dog headed back for Arizona.
    Tuesday was Good News Club and we had another girl make a decision for Christ. We ate as soon as I got home and went to Tayrn’s honor choir concert.
    We got rain on Wednesday (on top of 1.5 inches last Saturday). It will be a big help in bringing the corn up but we can still use more. It was also very cool that day. Instead of working on the Echoes, we got another box of cookbooks ready to sell – dividers in place and corrections made. That evening we had a weiner roast before our last night of Wednesday meetings. Fun to eat together and visit. We ate inside cause it was chilly and damp.
    Thursday was a full day of going – eggs to school, Jeremiah’s trackmeet – about an hour away and we just watched him do the triple jump. We looked for books at three places, visited my Uncle Joe, ate at Taco Bell and then went to Paige’s music program – I Am A Promise. They did a really good job.
    Friday morning we went to Market Day at Potwin. Each class chooses what they want to sell and makes it and then the community – mostly family can come by – fundraiser for each classroom. They do it for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon and the kids take turns working. We bought chips and salsa from Owen, a bird feeder from Clark and a stress ball from Molly. The kids also practice learning to work with money. We went to town and did our errands then home for the rest of the day and home today. I still have a little bit to do for tomorrow but knew if I didn’t chat now, the days will start flying by again.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi all, I had to work yesterday. I've been getting really behind because of some extra work that came up and some stuff that was taken off my plate that was just given back to me. I worked 9 1/2 hours straight thru. I got a lot done! Funny though, the main thing I went in for, my user name and password didn't work and I got locked out. Of course on Saturday, there was no one to reset my password. Oh well, I'll do it first thing tomorrow. It will be nice to have the extra money in my paycheck.

    Debora, the new neighbors are still up in the air. I don't think they were given instructions on how things work with the trash and they keep putting stuff out that the trash company is not going to take. They also put their recycling out each time but they only take it every other week. If we see them, we'll give them a copy of the trash schedule. Couple of other minor things but otherwise they are OK. The visit with my friend went well but she did not want to go to the grocery store nor did she want to try to deal with the paperwork. She just wanted to sit and visit. She had pretty good clarity and we actually had a pretty nice visit. We were both surprised that she took my advice and when her finances got really low at the end of the month she bought a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread at 7-Eleven. Gave her something to eat until she got her next check. That's a big step for her. Interesting to come home and find your surprise guest. How nice that he could stay in the van and you didn't have to make up a room for him.

    Sheryl and Anew, hope all is well with you. Miss you.

    Not much else new here. Have a great week all!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, it is going to be 89 today! Then low 80s the rest of the week. Looking forward to a fun weekend. We're getting together with friends for dinner tonight. They are serving Mexican food so we are assigned to bring rice and beans. There is a local little taco shop called Yesenia's. I will get the rice and beans from them. We are going to see their pics from their Italy vacation. Then tomorrow old friends that we haven't seen in years because they moved a couple of hours away (we drove there a couple of times but they never contacted us when they were in town) called us to get together tomorrow. It will be nice to see them again. Next weekend is my husband's birthday. Looking forward to it.

    OK, gotta go. Have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Whew, hit a wrong button with my copy and paste - sure glad the back arrow brought it all back.

    Hi. Last Sunday was a pork roast in a crockpot, carrots in a crockpot and potatoes in a crockpot. Kids didn’t stay too long so had a relaxing afternoon. Monday was at home in the morning. Alan got the eartags on the 4-H pigs done so took the paperwork and money in in the afternoon. Tuesday morning I babysat for Lindsey. I had the foster baby – almost a month old and Madden. He is finally talking more. The afternoon was Good News Club. Gave out invites for the party so next Tuesday will end it. Wednesday we worked on the Echoes. I went in for Paige’s spelling me – she went out the second round but still fun to watch. We had a National Day of Prayer eve service. We almost didn’t go cause it started raining so hard but after about 15 minutes it let up but we got about 2 inches.
    Thursday morning Ralph had a 7 am appointment. No changes in his meds = just keep watching his blood pressure for now. Did lab work and then went to MacDonalds to eat. We took eggs to school, looked for books at Etc. and then headed to the big town. Went to my uncle’s bank and showed them the POA and got set up for statements to come here. We picked up bread and meat at Aldi’s (nice store) and found some shade and ate lunch. Then we went and visited Uncle Joe. I had the family letter so read it to him and then asked how he wanted to reply. I had Willing Workers in the evening = good speaker and good refreshments.
    Friday we did our usual errands and then had the rest of the day at home. Straighten the house again – I did it Monday but some rooms acquire projects and sacks form shopping and things like that. Got the family letter typed for uncle and put it in the mail today. Browned 10 lbs. of hamburger for tacos, cut up a pineapple, a couple onions and baked brownies. Ralph took grandson Clark to town. They walked around at a car show, went to the book sale and ate at MacDonalds. Alans are going to another church but it’s close so they still make it for Sunday dinner. Jim and Lori were in another town for Friday Saturday for a baseball tournament for one and a track meet for another so I don’t know if they’ll hang around a long time. I’m taking my gift for the bridal shower in the morning but if they leave early enough, I might try and go to it. And then the week starts all over again.

    Isabella, I’ve been wondering. How are Ted and Amy doing? Is the healing going well? Glad you could get a lot of work done last week. That was still a long day. Keep working with the neighbors – hopefully, they’ll figure things out. Glad the visit went well and she did the peanut butter/bread deal. Hopefully, she’ll remember it this month.
    We’ve been getting up in the 80s also. Our air conditioner has been put to use. Sounds like you have some fun stuff for the weekend. Are you making special plans for Dan’s birthday?

    Missing the rest of you. Hope things are okay.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Monday afternoon I had a check up at the dentist - slowly making progress on the work they want me to do. Then I shopped and made decisions about what to buy for the Good News Club party and went to the thrift store. I stopped at Burger King to get something to eat and headed on to Lori's. Unloaded the stuff I took to her and we went to the the junior high/senior high choir program. Very nice. On the way home, I stopped at church and put the cold stuff in the church. Then Lori and I looked at motels and picked one for our family get-away. Hopefully, it's an okay one with everyone - will be there for 3 nights. Nice to have that done. It was interesting that most of the rooms had double or king bed - not many queen - maybe it's a space thing. Today is our Good News Club party. Weather looks cooperative (yesterday it got up to 90).
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning! It is Dan's birthday today. I am going to bake him a lemon cake from a mix I bought at Trader Joe's. I'll let you know how it is. We are going to our free library concert. It is a 5 piece bluegrass band so that should be a real treat! Then we are going to dinner at a Chinese food restaurant called Chin's. Jami is out of town but her husband Joe is going to join us. There is a really good craft fair this weekend as well so we may go there tomorrow. We'll see what the birthday boy is up for.

    Debora, thanks for asking about Tad and Amy. He was doing really well then they had to put the piece of his scalp back on (they have to put it back within 3 months or it dies). He started going downhill after that. They don't know why. Now he has good days where he is alert and knows everyone and bad days where he doesn't recognize anyone but his wife and his youngest daughter or he doesn't wake up at all. They don't know what to do from here. It is a wait and see and is all up to God. They are praying that the Lord will cure him enough to be a "real dad" (Tad's words) or take him home. It is really tough on Amy but her faith has been a real witness to so many. Really appreciate all your prayers.

    Sheryl, really miss you. Hope all is well with you and John.

    Hello and miss you to everyone else.

    Bye for now. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all,
    Isabella, so hard to hear about Ted. So glad they are Christians but what a trial to go through. Happy Birthday to Dan. Sounds like a fun weekend of activities.

    Tuesday afternoon was the Good News Club party – nice day, all had a good time. We worried a bit we might not have enough food but had plenty left. Kids wanted to play more than eat.

    Wednesday I worked at church and then we went in to visit Uncle Joe and visit the bookstores, etc. Everyone was sitting in the courtyard. Uncle Joe’s hair seemed whiter. I learned he colored his hair. Guess he wanted that youthful look. He was using his walker with someone walking with him so that was good.

    Thursday I straightened the house and went to Bible study in the evening. It was just half of us and I got to lead for the evening. It went okay. Going through the book of James is going to be interesting. We get through about 4 verse a week.

    Friday was errands. Then in to where daughter-in-law Katie had a booth at an art show. She’s taking an abstract art class – not my thing but she had some small paintings I liked but didn’t buy cause probably wouldn’t’ get them hung. We were both ready to come home then. Then we ended up babysitting Ava while Alan took the other kids to the art show. Haven’t watched her for awhile and she is speaking more and can write her name. I’m guessing they are practicing meeting people at school cause he shook my hand and said Hi, what is your name? She noticed that my tennis shoes are like her sister’s shoes.

    Today we went in and watched Molly (granddaughter) and Julie (youngest) do a 5K. Molly has been doing a program called Girls on the run and this is the end of it. It was fun and we found some shade to set in. We brought Molly home and then went to a graduation reception. Home for awhile and then to another reception so no cooking for me today. Since I was gone a lot today, I planned an easy meal for tomorrow – frozen lasagna, barbecued green beans, fruit cocktail, rolls (my sister) and cookies (left from Good News Club). And then it’s to gear up for the rest of the week.

    Hope all is going okay for the rest of you.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good Morning! I was able to work yesterday and got a lot done. The overtime pay will be really nice too. It is our 30th wedding anniversary on Monday so I took the day off. I also determined that I wasn't going to cook this weekend so we went to dinner to a restaurant called The Hamburger Factory. I finally had something different than my usual hamburger and tried their fish and chips. It was actually the some of the best fish and chips I've ever had. Not greasy and the crust was crispy but the fish was nice and moist. Then we watched a Hallmark movie and an old movie on Time Warner Classics. On Monday we will go to a nice restaurant called Carver's for our anniversary. It is a steak house.

    Did anyone watch any of the Royal Wedding? I watched about 45 minutes before work yesterday and recorded the rest. No way I'm going to watch 3 hours or more but I'll watch parts and fast forward thru parts. I also recorded a special The E! Station had called "The Real Princesses" or something like that about Diana, Kate and Meagan. I think Dan will actually watch that with me.

    Ok, I'm going to watch some Royals. Have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I haven't been on here much later so lots I could say but the last week had some big changes. Last Wednesday my sister was found on the floor. She had a bad brain bleed so has been in neuro icu. Right side very much affected. Her kids made the decision today to provide comfort care and move her to the nursing home near us. And she seem more content without all the tubes. The hospice people guessed she has days. I don't want to lose but just laying there is not the person I know. Anyway, we'd appreciate prayers. (This is the sister whose son-in-law has the brain tumor and is getting radiation).
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    My sister passed away early this morning. - peacefully. Now the kids have funeral arrangements to do. I will miss her but know she is in a better place.