Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good morning Ladies! I am at the point where I have accumulated 180 hours of vacation time and will stop accumulating so I took today off. :) I will visit my friend with the emotional problems from noon to 3pm then head home to avoid rush hour traffic. I am bringing her a few groceries and household items. She sounds like she's been in a fairly good place lately (for her anyway) so it should be a nice visit. Will take her to lunch if she's up for going out. Tomorrow I am getting together with my friend Jackie. We are going to explore a Mexican grocery store and an Italian grocery store in Escondido this time. Should be fun as always with her. :) Then Dan and I will do our usual afternoon of Sprouts and Trader Joes. If he doesn't want to grab a bite out I may pick up a rotisserie chicken at Sprouts. We recorded a very wide variety of movies from TCM this time and there have been some weird ones! There was one that we just stopped watching and deleted right in the middle of it - just seemed a waste of time because we weren't enjoying it at all. It was an "artsy" French film. We went and looked at a few rentals last Saturday and once again Dan said it makes him realize that things aren't so bad here. We'll continue to see how things play out.

    Sheryl, the drives sound wonderful! Especially the one to the coast. I love when you get a good piece of fish. It is a nice surprise. I got fish and chips in a local burger restaurant recently and the fish was surprisingly good. The "fresh" meals sound kinda disappointing. Is there another similar service you might want to try? There might even be some local meal delivery services that you'd like. We have several around here that sound pretty good. Status quo and keeping an eye on everything for now is good. Is the kitty still around?

    Debora, Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like you've had a really good week. I can't believe working on the Echoes is coming to an end! I think it is a really good idea to come up with another project to work on together. I'll stay tuned for further developments. :) The ham sounds delicious! How are things going with the foster grand baby? I bet it is sweet watching Ralph give her the bottle. Sounds like the insurance appointment went really well. Saving money each month is definitely a good thing!

    Well, I'd better go and get in the shower and get ready to go. I will try to pop in tomorrow or Sunday. Have a great day all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, let’s see if the second time is the charm. I started a post, went back a page to see where I had left off and you know what happened, my post was gone. So this time I’m writing and will copy and paste – so much safer.

    Keep Blessin is going okay. I was up for an hour the first night but got a night’s sleep the second one. Two more to go. Ralph gives her some bottles and I give her some. I’ve changed all the diapers – one blowout. She spits up a bit so going through the outfits. We took her to town Friday and everyone loved her. Ralph forgot how much time having a baby in your cart gets you attention. She plays well. At home they lay her down and she puts herself to sleep. We hold her more to guarantee it and then swaddle her and I’m not that good at doing that. She takes her bottles well, smiles a lot and can “talk” loudly. The biggest thing I have yet to do for tomorrow is cut up the watermelon. I need to get the grills out but that’s an easy thing. Meal is easy plus everyone will be willing to hold her while I’m doing that. I’ve been sending emails from Blessin to her family and including a picture. I figured out how I can take a picture with my phone and attach it to an email on the phone but then go to the computer and finish the email with the use of the big keyboard.
    Other than watching Blessin, I haven’t done much else besides meals. Ralph packed 3 boxes of books and did some cleaning up in the library. Hopefully, I can hit things hard when she leaves. My internet keeps dropping. I just got a new router so that shouldn’t be the problem. So I’m keeping track of each time I have to reconnect and we’ll see if anything can be figured out. I’m sure Blessin will charm everyone at church tomorrow.

    Isabella, I’m sure you’ve accumulated that much vacation time cause you are always at work and work extra too. You definitely want to use it – not lose it. And three day weeknds work nicely for you – kind of help make up for all those Saturdays you work. How did your visit go? I’m glad she’s in a “good” place for now. You are a good encourager. Visiting those graocery stores will be interesting. The watermelon we’re having tomorrow came from Sprouts. Hope you have fun visiting the rentals and nice that they are eye-opners for Dan. Matthew and Julie (our youngest) just got their house sold so that’s exciting for them. Just having one lawn to mow will be wonderful for Matthew. Doing two kind of took up his whole day. That will give the push to get the last of their stuff moved too. Glad you didn’t make yourself watch the move just because. When we get a new Tivo remote, we are talking about getting Netflix and watching some movies but since the fall TV season is close we may not. Who knows. I said we could do a month of Netflix for the price of one movie ticket.

    Well, I got the watermelon cut up, the mail in and Blessin is still sleeping. Must be making up for the short naps of yesterday. Next thing on my listi is to order the Tivo remote and then relax. Hope you all have a good weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi all, I worked this morning. I could have worked all day but I had plans so I only worked 6:30 to 10:30. Then I got together with several women I used to work with at my old job. We met at Chili's for lunch at 11:30. I was 20 minutes early so I shopped at Party City for birthday cards (their cards are only $1) to kill some time. I don't know if you all have a Chili's restaurant where you are. They seem to have gotten better. I had a "Santa Fe" burger and it was delicious. We talked until 2pm and really enjoyed each other's company. We will have to do it again soon. One gal, our former boss drove over an hour to be able to join us. In a while Dan and I will do our usual grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts. I will go to Jami's tomorrow to color my hair. Looking forward to seeing her. Her bad neighbor with the teepee airb&b hired a surveyor who advised them that part of Jami's fence was indeed about a foot on the bad neighbor's property so she will have to take down the fence and re-build it farther over.

    Debora, sounds like taking care of the foster grand went well. Glad to hear that Julie sold her house. That's a relief. Did you get your Tivo remote? Did you decide to get the Netflix? I'm really looking forward to checking out several of the new shows that are coming in the next month or so. Hope to find enough to watch until the season starts.

    Sheryl, Look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello all, another week has sped by. With everyone here for dinner, about the only time I Had Blessin was when she needed a diaper change. Everyone at church thought she was a cutie. I agree. The kids left around 2:30 and then I got to hold Blessin a bit more when Ralph wasn’t doing it. She did sleep through the night the last two nights – really nice. They picked her up about 1 on Monday afternoon. Ralph and Derek started talking so I fixed hot dogs for the kids cause they were hungry. The rest of the day I kind of went through my card file and relaxed.

    Tuesday I did some stuff at home in the morning, ate an early lunch and headed off about noon. While I had my cleaning at the periodontist, Ralph went to a couple of places to look for books. Then we visited my uncle, went and bought him a new pair of shoes as he had messed up his other pair, went to the Goodwill store, to Lori’s so I could do the dishes and then ate at McDonalds. We tried their grilled chicken sandwich – okay but probably won’t get again (had a coupon this time).

    Wednesday morning I wen to work on the Echoes but we spent the whole time getting another box of cookbooks ready to be sold. We put the dividers in and made all the knows corrections. That took the whole time plus. I was hoping to do the 1st Sunday of our SS material but will do it next week. I had heard that the company we get our material from revamped all the children’s material. So far I’m not too impressed. But I guess we’ll have to adapt. I got to be home the rest of the day.

    Thursday I had at home too. I baked cinnamon bread but I made it using some gluten free flour my sister had. It’s edible but not as good as with regular flour. I should have used it up a little differently but now it’s gone. The evening was the annual meeting at the high school our kids attended and we went to it. Getting to be more and more people I don’t know but still fun to go and helps stay up on what’s happening there.

    Friday was the usual errands. Then the rest of the day at home – bought 5 lbs. of ground beef so browned it – froze part and put part for Sunday in fridge. Straightened the house since I knew I’d be gone some today.

    This morning our 4-H Club had a float in the Potwin Watermelon parade. The kids decorated with crepe paper. We had 8 ride on the float and three of us walked along handing out bookmarks. After the parade I looked around a little and then went to my niece’s house and visited with her while their garage sale was going on – although only 3 or 4 people came. I found one book we could sent to Kenya and she gave me that. This afternoon I went to a baby shower. They have us sit around tables which is great for visiting and eating the refreshments but it’s not easy to watch the gifts being opened. Most of our table left during the gift opening. I came home and mixed my dinner rolls. This week they rose big so glad I did 10 out of most of the circles. The last pan is in the oven and as soon as it comes out, I’m going back to town and watching the play – “The Little Red Hen”. Then home to do the dishes and end the night. Oldest grandson is coming here after Youth Group party and spending the night but I probably won’t wait up. And now you’re up to date again. Hope all of you are doing okay.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Very quiet here. I've been staying busy.
    My brother that had the parkinson's like disease passed away on Thursday so will be going out for his service. Sad to lose another sibling so soon but he is better off now.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning all, Happy Labor Day! Sorry I didn't get here sooner this weekend but it was a busy weekend. I met Jami and another friend Mona for coffee and pastry at a restaurant called Champagne French Bakery Café. Food and coffee were really good (I had decaf because I am allergic to caffeine) and the company and conversation were wonderful! We chatted for a couple of hours. At 1pm Dan and I went to see another rental for $3000 per month (we'd be dipping into savings every month to afford it - ouch). He REALLY liked it. I thought it was nice. The location is on a very small cul de sac but you have to drive down a road with 7 LARGE speed bumps to get to the cul de sac. I'm not too excited about driving down that twice a day! Plus it will add 10 to 15 minutes to my commute each way. That isn't really that big of a deal though I guess. They want 1st, last, and damage deposit for a total of $9,000 (3 months rent) to move in! They really liked us and said the place is ours if we want it. After that we drove around and looked at a couple of places for sale. Nothing interesting. Then we went to early dinner and discussed the rental and the pros and cons of renting this place and moving or staying. Afterward we did our usual shopping and movie watching.

    On Sunday we drove back over to the rental property after lunch because Dan said he had noticed kid's playground equipment in the yard of the house directly behind the property less than 5 feet from the fence. We were able to catch a neighbor outside and asked her about noise and kids. She said the house we are referring to has 3 small children. Then there are 2 kids across the street. She said they are not noisy but then she is on the street opposite the property not even on the cul de sac. That really put a damper on Dan's enthusiasm for the place. He still hasn't completely ruled it out but is not ready to make that leap yet. We're going to tell the owner that we are not ready to make that decision and if she rents it fine otherwise call us and we'll see if we can decide again at that time. I'm sure we'll discuss it at length again today! I made pasta for dinner then we watched a kid's movie Paddington Bear that a co-worker shared with me. The father in the movie is the actor who played the father in Downton Abbey Hugh Bonneville. He was very enjoyable in this movie as well. It was silly and entertaining.

    I don't think that I mentioned that I called the wife of our difficult neighbor. We never actually had a conversation - I left her a message asking her to please take care of the offending jasmine bush, she left me a message saying they would take care of it this weekend, and I left her a thank you message. They did indeed tie up the vines yesterday. I plan to call her again soon and have an actual conversation to the effect of even if we can't be friends can we please be civil neighbors. I don't like this animosity between us. We'll see how it goes.

    Debora, sounds like you had a nice relaxing week (for you anyway - you're usually much busier!). :) Happy to hear it. Sorry to hear about your brother but glad he is resting with the Lord.

    Nice to have the extra day off to relax today. Nothing planned. I'd like to sit outside and read. Haven't done that in a while and it is supposed to be a bit cooler this week. I will make chile lime chicken burgers (from Trader Joe's) for dinner. We just got an email listing of a condo for sale for $535,000 in an area we were really interested in last year. It is a highly desirable area so it won't be on the market long. I'd like to go see it. Not sure if Dan is up to buying though but I'll mention it and see what he says.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It's been cooler here this week. Very happy that August is over! Today is our free library concert and early dinner. Looking forward to it. Then our usual shopping.

    I've had an eye infection for a couple of weeks now. The eye doc prescribed antibiotic eye drops but when I stopped using them the infection came back so I am on course #2. Hope it works this time. I am being more aggressive with the warm compresses and trying to rub the eyelid to get the stye to dissolve. The stye is up under my upper lid instead of at the edge. VERY annoying!!!!!

    I tried to make amends with the "difficult" neighbors. I left a message for the wife that I would like to talk to see if we could at least be neighborly but she did not return my call. I guess I just have to accept it and know that I at least tried.

    Well, nothing more to say I guess. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, I’ve had no trouble staying busy. Went to Thomas’ and Jeremiah’s first football games – both junior high and senior high won. Yay. Lori and I sat on the top row of the bleachers this year – it’s only 4 rows up but my sister wouldn’t climb up there. We went to Grandparents Day with Paige yesterday – had chapel together and then saw her classroom and played a couple of games. After that we did our regular errands.
    Scott and Michelle and families were down a week ago to work on their mom’s house. They did get most of the kitchen emptied and did make progress but still more to go. I need to make a trip over to get some things they left for me so they’ll be gone the next time they come. I had them here for Sunday dinner last week.
    Last Monday we went to Colorado for my brother’s service. Derek was tilling to take his van and he did all the driving. He took Ralph and I, my three sisters, one brother-in-law and two of his cousins. We all pretty much sat in the same places all the time. I took along three projects (cutting strings for bracelets, cutting strings for necklaces and hiding ends on baby hats Lori had crocheted). We were in the van 16 hours.. On the way out we stopped for gas and some of us went in to use the bathroom and with the rain, the electricity went off. No lights in the bathroom so we cracked the door and stood guard. When we were done, the lady unlocked the front door and let us out. Fortunately, Derek had gotten about ¾ a tank before it happened.
    My nephew found us a house thru Airb&B (or whatever that’s called) so we could all stay together and it was nice to have a place to gather. Now a motel would probably have fixed breakfast for us but we were able to fix our own which was fun to. Tuesday morning some of them went to bookstores, some stayed at the house and Donna and I went for a walk to a nearby park. There was a bridge that let us walk over the interstate. For lunch we met my brother from CA (only brother left now) and another nephew for lunch and had a chance to visit.
    Tuesday afternoon was the service. It was at a large cemetery laid out like Arlington. It was a moving ceremony. 21 gun salute, taps and an honor bell. They folded the flag. A missionary friend prayed and a nephew read the eulogy. Next we all went to a place called White Hat Farms. We had a time of sharing and then we ate (probably 100 people were there). I got the fried chicken which it’s known for. There were 4 pieces on the plate – leg, thigh, wing and breast and I ate it all along with some of the side dishes. Then they served ice cream bars afterwards cause Jack liked ice cream. We visited quite awhile there and then went to Linda’s (Jack’s girlfriend) for about an hour which was mostly Jack’s kids and his siblings. Wednesday morning we ate, packed up and headed out at 7. Went in and out of rain showers. When we got back to Derek’s, we ran by and saw uncle and then headed home – last 10 miles was in a hard pouring rain but we made it.
    And now it’s back to the usual. Tomorrow Lori’s won’t be here so invited a couple our age and Alan’s will be here. I think there’ll be a lot of leftover meat but I don’t mind. I’ll make a little less corn and potatoes than I had planned. Then the evening a missionary home from Japan will be speaking at church. Monday is 4-h so will get ready for it and so on and so on.

    Isabella, how did you figure out that you are allergic to caffeine? – so many things I like has some. Good times for you as usual. Nice that the people wanted you to rent but I can see where the 7 speed bumps would be a drawback along with dipping into savings. But if you don’t look, you’ll never know.
    Well, you may not have talked to the difficult neighbor’s wife but at least the jasmine got tied up. So maybe Dan will be okay where you are for longer now.
    Wow, hope this round of antibiotics takes care of you eye. That does not sound fun.

    Sheryl, I hope you are doing okay and we aren’t hearing from you just because you are tired and John is keeping you busy.

    Well, I got put the pork roast in the crockpot and then I can get headed to bed. Enjoy your week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2018
    Hi, good morning, I already hear John getting up, in the bathroom, but I have to pop in and say I'm still here. I haven't had the chance to read your comments yet, but I hope to be back later, if I can get John interested in the football game on later today.

    Lots of appointments, blood work, (still very low blood count and that must be why I'm so tired), got my monthly chemo injections, (that lays me out for a couple days), and did grocery shopping. I still get alternating Blue Apron meals to cook and Freshly meals that I just have to microwave. I'm ready to discontinue the Freshly, they are too small of portions for us, for the price. Same weekly $ as Blue apron, but with BA, I get big portions for the meal, plus sometimes, some left overs. Good for my early morning bite to eat with my pills before John gets up.

    I hope to be back later today.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    HI all, Happy Birthday Debora!! Hope it has been a great one!!

    Jami and I had a nice girl's day. We went to a somewhat local outlet mall. She found a nice lavender plaid shirt and some leggings and I got a nice top for $10. Then we went to a little city called Encinitas which is on the coast highway and strolled their shops. We had a nice time. Her crazy angry neighbor is doing more threatening and harassing. He is truly a horrible man. Makes our difficult neighbor look like an angel!! When I got home Dan and I did our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts trip. Not sure what to do for dinner. Neither of us is very hungry.

    Debora, your trip to Colorado sounds like it went really well under the circumstances. Glad you got home safely. I found out I was allergic to caffeine because I was telling my chiropractor about some symptoms I was feeling with my left arm and he asked me if it happens when I drink coffee. It was and he said I am allergic to caffeine. I only get those symptoms when I drink coffee though, not with other forms of caffeine. I do get some minor reaction if I drink a tea that is REALLY strong caffeine such as green tea.

    Sheryl, glad you were able to pop in - even if it was brief. Hope the blood count gets better soon. The blue apron sounds like it is still a good option for you. Happy to hear it. Have you heard of McMinnville, OR? We have some friends checking it out this month as an option to move to. If they really like it we may consider it as well.

    Have a great week ladies and stay safe.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning! I had such a nice day yesterday. I took the day off to use some vacation time. In the morning I went to JC Penney to get some underwear and to look for white sandals. The JC Penney brand "Underscore" is the only underwear I like. They give me "full coverage". I had also heard their sandals were on clearance and I have not been able to find white sandals that fit anywhere. Well, actually I had found 1 pair but they were $120. There is NO WAY I am paying that much for a pair of sandals! My trip was a success. I got 3 pkgs of 3 pack undies ($16 per pack!) and I found a pair of white sandals regularly $59 for $13.49!!! Score! I am a happy girl! :smiley: Then I stopped in to visit Jami for about an hour because she is having a rough week. A little later Dan and I went to the movies to see Crazy Rich Asians. It was a romantic comedy. Glad we had a gift certificate. It was good but I'm glad we didn't spend money on it. Afterward we went out to dinner to our favorite Chinese restaurant Chin's where we also had a gift certificate. It was fabulous as usual. Once again, I am a very happy girl! :smiley:

    Today I am going to the farmer's market then later Dan and I will do our usual Sprouts and Trader Joe's trip.

    We thought we found a couple of termites so we had a termite inspection. Turns out the bugs we found are not termites but it's a good thing we thought they were and had the inspection because they found the beginnings of an infestation in 2 parts of our attic. It will cost $1100 to treat the attic. We scheduled the treatment for this Wed. the 26th. Dan wants me to take the day off so he won't stress so much. I will let my boss know on Monday.

    Hope all is well you. Have a wonderful week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello everyone,
    It’s been a busy week. Monday was 4-H so I spent the day getting ready for it. We had elections and got all the positions filled. We weren’t a large group but the job was done. Tuesday I had at home. There is always plenty to do here. Sometimes I think I’m making progress. Wednesday we started with Bible study in the morning. I like it except I lose another morning – not many at home but I’ll adapt.

    Well, I wrote that paragraph probably a week ago. Lets see if I can get further. Wednesday I babysat for Blessin who slept the whole time so I read a chapter and then walked. ThenI went to visit Uncle Joe, to Lori’s to do dishes and pick up 4-H stuff and then home. Other tan making supper, most of the rest of the day I worked on going through record book stuff. I finished up Thursday morning and then took the 14 books in and did my errands. Alan got Ralph a motorized wheelchair for when they went to Husker Harvest days. The battery only lasted half the day but that gave him less walking to do.

    Friday I got a flu shot – it’s part of a research study so I don’t know if I got the one everyone is getting or one being tested. But I got paid $65 to get the shot. Then over the next week, I’ll get phone calls checking on things.

    Today we went to Old Peoples Day. Sat with a couple where Ralph knew the guy from years ago but the wife and I had a good time visiting. I was the youngest old woman there since I turned 65 just this month. The theme was dog related (welcome to the paw-ty) so the prize was a plat of goodies – sugar cookie in a bone shape, chocolate paws, weiner dogs made out of fondant. All very cute and edible. Will maybe share with the family tomorrow.

    We’re gearing up to startup Good News Cub and I’ll help babysit some for the Tuesday morning Bible study and on Wednesday nights. Friend and I finished up the Echoes project so now she’s going to help me with Willing Workers things – some that my sister used to do so that will be nice.

    Tomorrow all but three of the family will be here and in the evening we’re gong to hog roast meal and all donations go to local food pantries. So that will be fun too. There a deal at church in the afternoon that I would enjoy but I’m not chasing anyone off so I can do that. Might be good to be ome anyway.

    Isabella, your weekend always are so fun. Those routine things are nice too. Oh my, good you found out about the termites before it got worse but still a big expense. Glad you’ll be able to take off and be there with Dan and nice that he feels okay to ask you to do it.

    Sheryl, good to have you pop in. Since you tried the one meals you know they don’t work for you. Maybe you’ll see something else to try. Blue Apron works well for you except you have to do more of he work. Take care of yourself. I keep praying for you all.

    Heading for bed now. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I've been having problems with computer and my health, not sure which is more stressful. I keep getting emails from MFP to tell me that I need to change my password, but there is no easy way to do that. Apparently, there has been a security breach or something, but, like I said, every time I click on "change password", it takes me to "terms and privacy policy", but won't allow me to "accept" to continue on. I am so frustrated. I am on the other computer and I had to wait for a whole lot of updates since it's been so long since I turned this HP/Windows 8 on. This computer let me log on as my old self with my old password. I am so confused.

    Isabella, I know where McMinnville is, about 60 miles south of us. We have driven through there on our way to the coast. It's also where the Spruce Goose is now housed. A big Aviation Museum there. Wow, if you move up here, we'd be sure to get together.

    Now, back to my stress...dealing with John and/or health insurance (changing over to Medicare and getting a supplemental that will cover my cancer treatment) and/or a bunch of other things that I thought I was handling well, but maybe not...I got shingles. I've been pretty miserable for over a week. I am just taking it easy and waiting for my body to heal. I'm applying essential oils to the rash and that's helping, but it's still quite an ordeal.

    Hope to figure out this password thing and feel better and be able to log on more often.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I worked all day yesterday so I didn't get a chance to come visit. I got a LOT done so I'm really happy they gave me the opportunity to work. After work I went to Costco to order 4 new tires for my car. They are offering $70 off when you purchase 4 Michelin tires. They should be in on Monday. I also went to the 99 cent store and bought some cards and stuff. Afterward Dan and I ate at Chick-fil-A then did our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping. I didn't have much to eat all day and REALLY enjoyed my chicken sandwich and a nice side salad.

    Jami is having more trouble with her crazy neighbors who built the teepee. They smashed the pillar at the beginning of her driveway that they claim is on their property. Other neighbors think they are trying to provoke Jami and her husband so they can sue her for assault or something. I think they are just crazy, evil, entitled, horrible people who love to bully others. The police wouldn't even file a report because after Jami told them the story they said they don't know whose property it was on so they can't do anything for now. Jami is so dejected. She filed a claim with the title company about the neighbor's claim that her driveway is on their property and is waiting to hear from them before she does anything further.

    Good news on our difficult neighbors tho - after having to go on the side of the house to inspect for termites (and I'm sure after the phone message I left a couple weeks ago) I saw the wife drive by later that day and she smiled and waved to me. That made me SO happy!

    Debora, how was your birthday? Congrats on finishing the Echoes and nice that your friend will help you with the willing workers stuff now. How was the pig roast?

    Sheryl, so good to hear from you. I remember having to change my password a while back because of the security breech. I don't remember having any trouble doing it tho. Is yours an older system perhaps? Also a bummer about the shingles. I am told that they are very painful. My brother gets them from time to time and just recently had them on his scalp. Did you get all the Medicare change over stuff figured out? Hope you feel better soon. Just rest and take it easy. It would be really nice to live in McMinnville or somewhere relatively close to you. It probably won't be for a quite a while but I'll keep you posted on what our plans turn out to be.

    Well, I'm going to go start dinner. Have a blessed week ladies.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening. I’m hungry but it’s corn harvest so I’m still waiting for Ralph to get home. I’m sure it will be after dark. The corn is make a good amount so it keeps them busy. And Ralph is helping more since Alan’s hired man left and moved back to Texas. He won’t need him when he is out of the hogs (which will be next summer) but he had to take a job when he could get it. I’ve have had the last two days mostly at home and have tried to get some things done. I did make progress – not on the house but other stuff – but more to finish tomorrow and fit around more running.
    Our Bible study now meets on Wednesday morning so getting used to that. In the afternoon we are going to clean the Community House and I’ll get the invitations to Good News Club to the schools and then we start up our Wednesday night program in the evening and I’ll be in the nursery. So there won’t be a lot of spare time.
    My niece is down working on her moher’s house – still lots to go through but they’ve done a lot. So I took her some boxes this morning, answered some questions she had and brought a few more things home. One big thing was calling the Social Security office today. To get out of paying one bill, I need a copy of his benefits. I called the office in the town I go most first and they said it would be a 55 minute wait on the phone. I held on for awhile and then decided to try another town that I’ve heard has less wait time for everything. I had to wait about 10 minutes and the guy was able to help me even though I’m not Uncle Joe. Hopefully, what he is sending will take care of that bill.
    Last week I had to make a trip to the Credit Union because after 4 months of not automatically taking the payment, one was taken out. And sadly he doesn’t have the money to pay it. They wouldn’t talk to me on the phone since they didn’t have a copy of the DPOA. A very nice woman helped me – took several phone calls but she tracked down who had restarted it. He said he had called my uncle and he gave the okay. Unfortunately, they won’t return that payment cause technically they are owed it but they do understand that they are not to take anymore and we are unable to make any payments. I don’t enjoy not paying but he doesn’t have it now.
    Ralph and I are both in a research study so we got paid to get our flu shots. Ralph also got an RSV shot and they will track us for the next year. I just get phone calls. He has to go in several times and has a “smart phone” to record his info in. That’s all it is good for but kind of lets him see how it works.
    Last Friday we went to one football game to watch 2 of the granddaughters cheer. They just did it through the first quarter and we left when they were done. Then Saturday I went to two football games during the day. Jeremiah was in the junior high game. They won and it was a normal length. The high school game had Thomas in it and it lasted almost 4 hours – glad it was a daytime game. Paige did a cheerleader thing at halftime. I made breadsticks for Sunday this time since they take less time.
    Well, this is long enough about me. Always something going on.

    Sheryl, things just don’t get easier for you. I didn’t hear about any security breach at MFP. Now you have the second computer updated. I appreciate you take the time to drop in for a minute.
    Oh no on the shingles. Those can be very painful. Taking it easy is best. Did you figure out all the medicare stuff on your own. I’m very glad we have a guy who has always helped us with insurance stuff. I’m not sure who pays him cause we’ve never gotten a bill. What I should have gotten was dental coverage. That stuff is expensive. But in the long run don’t know if it would save that much or not. Just need to plunge in and get my work done. Enough on me (again) – get better.

    Isabella – yay on the neighbor waving – a mall things in some ways and big in other ways. Glad you got the day to work and a lot done.
    Poor Jaime and her neighbors. They are doing such not nice things. Makes you want to just hide out in your house but you can’t. And sad that the police wouldn’t do anything.
    Thanks for asking. My birthday was fine. Didn’t do anything special that day. The Monday after two of my sisters and I shopped together and ate at Chili’s. My meal was okay. The pig roast had good food. And I stayed inside and visited with the neighbor that took us. That was fun cause we don’t see each other often.

    Oh yeah, have to tell you about Old People’s Day. This year I was the youngest woman that was 65 (the official age to go) so I got a plate of treats. It was a dog theme so there were sugar cookies that looked like bones, little chocolate paws, a wiener dog made out of fondant – very cute. The invites said welcome to the paw-ty. They used little fire hydrants and other dog things for décor. They serve the same meal every year but it’s a fun time.

    Olay, I’ll really let you all go now. You’ve heard enough from me.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! We've had cloudy days most of this week and even got a tiny bit of rain on Wednesday. It is a nice change except for the added humidity. I'm waiting for Dan to get up so we can have some of the fresh eggs I bought at the farmer's market last week. They were $6.00 which is almost double what I pay for eggs at Trader Joe's but I think they will be worth it. We will do our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping today. I need to prepare for my gum surgery which will be this Thursday so I need to buy lots of soft foods. The surgery is for receding gums on the bottom right of my mouth. They will take tissue from the roof of my mouth and put it on the gums. I took Friday off of work too just in case. I have lots of sick time accumulated so I might as well use it. It will be a bummer to have my work pile up but I've got to let it go. I had the same surgery done for my front bottom teeth several years ago and I don't remember it being too painful. The stitches on the roof of my mouth were the most annoying part. The surgeon said she has a new stitching technique so hopefully that will work better this time. She said the previous gum replacement is looking really good and healthy.

    My right eye is still having problems too. I started putting warm tea bags on it at the recommendation of a guy who works the supplement section of Jimbo's and that seems to be helping. A friend told me to try taking drops of oil of oregano under my tongue and see if that doesn't help clear it up. My eye doctor said if it didn't clear up he'd have to refer me to an ophthalmologist because he thinks the stye I had is still on the upper inside of the lid and is irritating my eye. If it isn't better in the next couple of days I will have to go and see what they say.

    Debora, sounds like you will be even busier than usual if that is possible. Keeps you young right? :) Shopping with your sisters sounds like the perfect birthday treat. That is a tradition with you guys right? The old people's day celebration sounds like fun. I bet Ralph feels pretty good about helping with the corn harvest. Did you wait until he got home to eat or did you finally give up and eat without him?

    Sheryl, hope your shingles are gone or at least getting better. Take care of yourself! Also hope that you got your computer issues resolved. Dan just bought a new PC. He bought it ready made instead of having one built for him this time but it still cost $1,500!! They said it is a "business class" machine so it is much better quality than what you get at Fryes or Best Buy. The one he is replacing is 15 yrs old and the only reason he can't use it any longer is because no one will support windows XP any longer. So the new one (it will have windows 10) will take the place of the one I'm on now which is about 6yrs old (it has windows 7) , this one will become "the old one" and the current "old one" will go to the recycle. :(
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week has sped by. Today is one of our coolest days – hovering around 52. It rained last night so feel of moisture is in the hair. It was the Whitewater Fall Festival. Our 4-H Club had a float so we decorated with crepe paper and balloons when the pickup got there and we were ready to go. The parade was shorter than most years. I’m sure that was due to the weather. Kids got to throw candy and three of us walked along handing out bookmarks. After the parade we undecorated and then I went to the art show. Ralph and I went and watched the puppet show and saw the grandkids and then we came home. I took a bunch of boxes over to my sister’s house. Nephew and daughter are down working this weekend. Niece was down earlier in the week. Getting closer but not as close as they thought. Nephew said I’m free to work in the kitchen – more like den area – and help out there. They are hoping for one more trip to do it. And then Alan’s family will have it.

    Other things done this week were things at home as I had Monday and Tuesday at home (very unusual to have 2 days that way). But then Wednesday I had Bible study in the morning, helped clean the Community House in the afternoon and worked in the nursery in the evening. Thursday morning Arlene and I worked on labeling jumpropes our women’s group made out of t-shirts and started setting up for the evening. The afternoon Ralph and I went to Buhler to get a combine part and then another direction to Wichita to visit uncle and he wasn’t in this time – had an appointment. I got clarity on some dental deal I signed him up with that they said would cost nothing and then I got a bill for $97 and that’s a monthly charge. But they told me they lowered his room rate by that much. So I’ll go along with it. Don’t know how they can do that. That that evening was Willing Workers.

    Friday morning we did our usual errands – I think that was the first time in a month that we shopped on Friday. Got our popcorn at the bank. Made it home by noon ate and then had the rest of the day at home and that brings us to today which I already talked about.

    Hi Isabella, wow - $6 a dozen. We get $2.00 and think that’s good. I hope they really tasted good. I hope your gum surgery goes well. How long has the gum been receeded? I have one tooth that needs it and it sure seems like a lot of money. I’ve been thinking about a dental insurance policy since a friend recently did a lot o research on them but if I got it, I’d need to wait another year. First I need to see if the places I go that the insurance. Did you gums hurt when it happened? Mind did some but I didn’t realize what was happening – not that anything probably could have stopped it. Glad you don’t remember it as painful.

    Sorry your eye is still bothering you. I’m glad you are taking steps to get it taken care of. Hope your remedies do the job but if not….. I finally got an eye appointment made for me and I know I need it.

    I sometimes to feel busier – hope it keeps me young or drives me crazy. Next Monday is 4-H and I’ll feel good when it’s past. Then I have other things to get done in October. Yes, eating with my sisters is a tradition but before it had been Carol. We had Donna come this year. He does enjoy helping with the harvest but it does wear him out. Rain now is giving a break plus a breakdown with the combine. I don’t remember if I waited or not. I’ve done it both ways.

    I bet your new computer is really really nice. You’ll get used to windows 10. That’s why I got a new one was cause XP wasn’t liked. But mine hadn’t lasted 15 years. I think getting 5 years is good. My sister’s fridge died the other night – they had gotten in in like 68. My refrigerators don’t last that long either. So will Dan use the new one and you’ll get the one he did have. Did I understand that right? It doesn’t matter as long as I hear from you.

    Good News Club starts this Tuesday. First time is always a little nervewracking cause you don’t have any idea of how many will come.

    Have a great week and let us know how the surgery goes. Glad you took two days off even if you do have lots of work piled up when you get back.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi all, It has been cooler here this week mid to high 70's. Very nice. Surgery went well. Took 2 hours. I am sore and can only eat soft foods and chew on one side but I'm doing pretty well all things considered. Tomorrow is our free library concert. The artist is one of our favorites - Lisa Sanders. Her music is like blues and jazz. Afterward we'll probably have our usual early dinner out. I think I will have a bean and cheese burrito without the tortilla. That should be nice and soft. Then we will do our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping.

    Debora, the eggs I bought at the farmer's market were wonderful! I'd love to buy them from you for $2.00 a dozen though! :) My teeth and gums were not sore before I was told I needed the graft. I was told it is at least partly because I brush too vigorously on that side. My eye is much better. The lady at the supplement section of Jimbo's suggested colloidal silver drops to put in my eye and they really helped. It still isn't 100% better though so we'll see how it goes. Right now Dan uses the old computer and I use the new one. We'll see how he wants to work it when we get the new one set up but either way I'll still be able to come here. :)

    Well, I'm going to go rest. Talk to you soon.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello! Another week has zoomed by. Getting ready for 4-H took a lot of the day but there’s always a lot to at the beginning of the year. It wasn’t a large group but it was a good meeting. The two new song leaders each led a song and we had our installation service and business meeting.

    Tuesday morning we headed for town for an 8 am appointment. Happily, his blood pressure was down so will stay on the med he’s on now and keep an eye on it. Then we got the oil changed and went to Walmart. We found a tracfone smartphone for $30 so bought it. Ralph did not realize how steep the learning curve would be so it’s been a hard and some times frustrating week. Now we’re waiting on a new sim care for Ralph’s old phone so we can switch my uncle to it.

    Good News Club started in the afternoon. We had had a lot of rain so couldn’t get through one way so took the long way there and home. The exciting part is we had 24 kids – several new ones. It will take a bit to learn all the names. I have tomorrow to get my attendance list made and verse cards ready but should be home all day.

    Wednesday morning was Bible study – we had goodies cause we celebrated the October birthdays. One couldn’t be there so we’ll celebrate again this week. Then we had church in the evening. Thursday morning I worked with friend at church. Late afternoon we went to visit my uncle and then on to 4-H Council meeting. We were going to eat between so called youngest and she and her husband met us there so that was fun. Friday was our errands and then home the rest of the day. Since no one was coming for Sunday, I started on the house but didn’t push things.

    Saturday I watched Lori’s two youngest (3 and 8). I started out at their house – did dishes and folded a bunch of laundry. Guess I can start doing more of that when I stop to do dishes. About noon we came out to our place and ate and played. Then at 5, Ralph and I and the girls went to McDonalds and then home. I thought it went okay.
    Today was SS and church. No one was coming for dinner so we talked as long as we wanted. It had cooled down during church. 50 this morning and down do 40 and still raining and there’s a chance we’ll see some snow and have a freeze. Always something going on.

    Isabella, glad to hear the surgery went well. Doesn’t sound like it has slowed you down at all. Interesting they said you brushed too hard cause when I was having the pain with mine, I think I brushed harder there thinking that would help – never thought about asking the dentist but probably nothing much they could do. Glad to hear your eye is much better. I got my eyes checked Friday and when I was telling them about having trouble reading on the computer, they said that’s cause I had to look up to use the bifocal part. In actuality, my vision has not changed much. He tweaked the script but said I could stay with these glasses if I want and since that saves money, that’s what I’ll do. And since I went on medicare, the appointment cost less too. A benefit of getting older. 😊
    As long as you can still visit with us, I don’t care which computer you are on.

    Oh yeah, nephew-in-law had check-up and was okayed for next round of chemo (already halfway done) and they upped his steroid as his arm was having more problems – the steroid raises his BP so had to take a bed for that but using the arm is important.

    Will send this off and then maybe I’ll rest my eyes for a bit. We have church tonight – 2nd part on evangelism. Have a good week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Another week is over. I think I was home Monday – always lots on my list. Tuesday was Good News Club. We started the small groups which went well. Neither of the older girls came so that was disappointing to the teacher who prepared. Wednesday I had Bible study. Ralph and I ate and then we went to Wichita to visit my uncle. We had to take his phone to Verizon to get some info and finally (after an hour) got him changed over to tracfone which will cost less. Something doesn’t seem right in his total minutes but will figure that out later. Now he has to learn a new ring since we gave him Ralph’s flip phone. Ralph is getting more used to his smart phone. I’m not hearing complaints and he’s figuring things out as he uses it so that’s nice. He likes that he can speak his texts. We ate at Wendy’s and then went to church.

    Thursday Arlene and I worked on going through Wordless book bracelets. The woman we give most of them too to use in Paraguay is visiting her parents and grandkids (and son). We were able to send 1000 back with her. Also, on Thursday Alan was finally able to start combining again so they have been busy with that the last three days. So Friday I got to go to town by myself. I didn’t have a real long list so was able to make it home by noon and get a few things done at home.

    That evening I went to Thomas’ last home football game. It was a nice evening – not windy and not too cold. Sunrise won which was fun but even better Thomas made a 78 yd touchdown. His normal job is tackling and I didn’t see how he got the ball but everyone was watching this one player streak down the field and then we realized it was Thomas. A player from the other team reached just have he crossed the goal line. Of course, he doesn’t usually run that fast that long so he was out of breath and he pulse rate was quite high. So the doctor there (in case somone gets hurt) monitored Thomas and he didn’t get play the rest of that quarter. I didn’t get home until 11 but didn’t beat Ralph by much.

    I have enjoyed being home all day today. I straightened the house some. Tomorrow our 4-H club is doing 4-H Sunday so no one is coming here. I’m fixing meatloaf in the crockpot. Made a pistachio salad and baked dinner rolls. They rose well today. I made some chocolate muffins just to use up a couple of mixes I had. Then when my friend came to get eggs, she brought me some banana bread and some chocolate banana bread so we’ve got plenty to eat. I got my one basket out to load the plates and glasses in. We’ll use silverware from church. It won’t be a large group but it’s still fun.

    We’ll just have two teachers in Sunday School tomorrow. The third one just found out she has the shingles so is contagious right now. 13 kids will keep us hopping. I had to quickly get the lesson ready too. But that’s not too hard to do for 2 year olds.

    No matter the week, I seem to find plenty to do. Looks like not one has been here since I was last. So quiet. I’ll go ahead and post since I wrote and then go eat my pizza.