Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Merry Christmas!!

    Hope you are all having a wonderful blessed Christmas. I have off paid on both Christmas Eve and Christmas day this year. It's really nice to have a 4 day weekend. I'm very grateful that Dan felt well enough to spend Christmas Eve with Jami and her family. I brought a "salad bar" and Jami made turkey with all the fixin's. Her mom is visiting from Illinois and they also made a Christmas koogle. It is a Jewish dish that is basically rice pudding with noodles instead of rice. :) It was odd but very tasty. More of a dessert than a meal item. We didn't stay too long because Jami has a cold. She is blaming me for it, saying I gave it to her when she dyed my hair.

    Today, Dan and I are just quietly enjoying our day together. It is raining off and on which is really nice. I decided not to make lasagna this year. I am just going to make a nice big pot of spaghetti sauce and meatballs and we'll have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

    Debora, I love the kids Christmas programs. How fun that you got to see several of them. They are done with such innocence and purity.

    Well, I'm going to go and have breakfast with my hubby. God's blessings to you both! Love you!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Merry Christmas!!!!
    Last night we went to a Christmas Eve service with Derek, went to eat at McDonalds and then drove around looking at lights. It was mostly fun. One place was a long line and slow moving and the kids got tired but the enjoyed it when w got to it.
    It has been a nice day here. We had a Christmas Day service - it was the choir singing with a play inbetween the songs - so good and meaningful.
    Then last night Lori had invited us for dinner. So we visited after church and then headed their way. They were finishing cleaning the kitchen when we got there and Lori was peeling the carrots and potatoes She cooked them in her instantpot so didn't take too long. She had a pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, creamy corn, salad, carrots and the pineapple I brought. She also had some heat and serve rolls that I did and left them in too long cause I went to the bathroom and forgot them. After we ate, we watched a Max Lucado movie (although I did doze through part of it). Then I did enough dishes to fill the dish drainer and we came home. Called my uncle and he thought someone would take him to a Christmas dinner. I have to remind myself he's taken care of and we took him somewhere last week.
    Going to get some things ready for tomorrow enjoy a quiet evening.

    Isabella, Glad you both got to go to Jaime's and enjoy time together and are enjoying your day today.

    Sheryl, I hope things are going okay for you.

    Love you both.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hope you don't get tired of hearing from me. Wednesday morning I met with my friend to do the prayer guide. i got home and we headed to town as I'd learned that BookA-Holic had their books at 30% off. So we at at Wendy's, went to three bookstores and stopped by for a quick visit with my uncle. We got home about 4. I cut up some cheese, summer sausage, and a pineapple and we went to the Claassen cousin Christmas - nice evening and plenty of food.
    Thursday I got to have the entire day at home. I straightened the house and a little of this and a little of that. Planned meals for when kids are here and did my shopping list.
    Friday we went to town and did our usual shopping. Where Isabella goes to Sprouts and Trader Joe, we do Walmart, the bank and Dillons for sure. Ralph had to go in to Newton in the afternoon cause he has a cold and he's in a flu study. He said they took about 14 vials of blood but he got paid for the visit. The evening was our church business meeting - went later than they have the last few years and we have a follow up meeting set up for January. I saw in print the babies born last year. Since September, 12 have been born - that's one way to have church growth. We also went through a process of "cleaning" up the membership rolls so we can be more accountable. It was also nice to hear that we have enough money on hand to carry us though a whole year.
    Today is at home. Again, I'm going through the house, getting the beds (sofas) ready, making cream puffs, getting the rest of what I need to take to the church together, reviewing my SS lesson, ordering the pizza and whatever else is on the list. I'm seeing how much I need to get back to decluttering as soon as I can.
    Tomorrow is church, the McCullough and bringing the 5 kids here. Please pray for me if you read this that the time will go well.

    Happy New Year to each one of you.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good afternoon! I worked this morning until 12:45pm. I got pretty well caught up and it is a really good feeling to go into the New Year on a somewhat level playing field at work. We will do our usual shopping and stop at Chick-Fil-A for lunch in about an hour. We don't have any plans for New Years Eve. We may go out for Chinese but we haven't decided yet. If so, we'll go early around 5:30pm because I have to work that day. Then we may watch a movie like Casablanca or something along those lines. I am off New Years Day and plan to make my shrimp and broccoli fettuccini. It is Dan's favorite and I don't make it very often anymore so he is really looking forward to it.

    Debora, Hope Ralph is feeling better. I will keep you (and Ralph) in my prayers that the time will go well.

    Sheryl, I will keep you and John in my prayers for health and protection.

    OK, take care and Have a Happy Healthy New Year!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good Afternoon, please forgive me for being away for so long. I think of you two every day, but it's harder and harder to get to the computer. I read some comments and so glad you had a nice Christmas. I meant to get over here to wish you a Merry Christmas days ago, but you already know that I never did. John and I had another traditional quiet day at home.

    I had another CT scan and follow-up with doctor this past week and not so good news. The spot on my liver has grown and it's cancer, breast cancer that spread, at least it's not liver cancer. I go back in on Tuesday, January 8th to start a new chemotherapy protocol. I'll have more details next week.

    Once again, this is short. John needs more of my time. I'm really serious about looking into having in-home help. I hope I can find the right person that has a personality that meshes with ours. Nancy got another guy to help out with my Uncle, so now she has Roy during the day and Frank comes in at night. I really commend her for keeping my Uncle at home for as long as possible. That's what I want to do for John too, although, right now, he's far from needing to be in a facility.

    If I don't get back here tomorrow, have a Happy New Year.

    Oh yea, I still haven't gotten the email update out yet, you will be included when I do, but I just can't seem to get my thoughts down in writing.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy Healthy New Year all!!!

    I'm off today and Dan and I are enjoying just relaxing! It is sunny out but gusty cold winds so not very condusive to sitting outside right now. Last night Dan took me out for a nice dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant and I will make my shrimp and broccoli fettuccini alfredo for dinner tonight.

    Sheryl, SO great to hear from you. Really sorry to hear about the spot on your liver growing. I will continue to pray for you and John. I'm glad to hear that you are looking for someone to come in for some in-home help. You simply can't do it all. You need rest and less stress. Take care and stay safe and drop in when you can.

    God's blessings to you and your families for 2019! Love you ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, I thought I’d let you know that I survived keeping the grandkids. Lindsey’s folks brought them about 1 to the church. About 30 of my side (mostly my family) enjoyed pizza, talking, a food gift exchange and cleaning up before the next group came. Lindsey’s mom told me Madden had no accidents while at her house. He had one at the church but I don’t count that one against me. I asked him but should have just taken him. He’s 3 ½ and goes when you take him but not on his own yet and he had regressed for a bit (an automatic stool at some store got him scared). He also had a no. 2 accident at naptime on Monday but I did forget that he should have had a pull-on then. I didn’t forget again but I could have used the same pull the rest of the time. He kept waking up dry and Tuesday/ Wednesday he told me when he had to go. (more on potty time than you wanted to know).

    Taryn (the 11 year old) got sick on New Year’s Eve. We had Lucy come out with her brother when he came for the Youth Group party and they were playing Uno and all at once Taryn didn’t feel good (on both ends). So after I got the other kids to bed, Lucy and I watched TV and Taryn was between being with us and the bathroom. She spent quite a bit on the bathroom floor watching Netflix on my phone. After Lucy left (about 12:30 am) Taryn slept on the couch and I was in the recliner (that we don’t recline) and she tap me when she had to go to the bathroom (twice) and I check on her. We had also called and talked to her mom cause you like to have your mom when you are sick. Fortunately, it was a 24 hour bug cause she felt better as Tuesday went on.

    Everyone did well. Madden plays in his own little world. He loves little cars and trucks and always took something to bed with him. Deacon sometimes played with the two 7 year olds and sometimes on his own. Monday was puzzle day. Taryn started a 300 piece puzzle and the other girls did 7 100 piece or less. Tuesday was coloring and then they got started with the matchbox size cars and played a long time with them. We watched a Curious George or something before nap or bedtime. I fixed easy meals which were liked for the most part. . I've thought of things I got to use with them but foot about them. Guess they weren't needed.

    Wednesday morning, I did laundry – 3 loads so they went home with clean clothes. I looked for all their stuff.Wednesday morning the girls also made jumpropes After lunch, they helped me pick up all the toys and when the laundry was done, we headed for their house. Ralph drove their 12 passenger van and I in our car with Taryn. Their folks got home about noon. It was a happy reunion and we headed off to visit my uncle, got to a Goodwill store and then home.

    The next day was Willing workers so I worked on getting things ready for it – cut strings for Wordless Book Bracelets and necklaces, found what I needed to take – actually had a list to guide me – had not done one all week. Meeting was a good one but they used up about everything I had ready so not have to do more for the February meeting including cutting up more t-shirts to make jumpropes.

    Friday was the usual errands, doing a little at home in the afternoon and then going to Homecoming at the high school Ralph and the kids graduated from. Girls won, boys lost but it was still a fun evening.

    Today I had the whole day at home (with no kids). I got the hosue straightened (finally put away stuff from last Sunday), made a salad, baked dinner rolls, etc. to get ready for tomorrow. I did not get the Christmas tree down – a project for another day.

    Tomorrow just Alan’s family will be here. I’m fixing a ham, angel hair pasta with herbs, mixed vegetables, pistachio salad, dinner rolls and boughten cookies for dessert. At church I work in the nursery – hasn’t been real busy lately but we’ll watch who comes. We have lots of babies but a lot of parents keep them with them.

    Isabella, glad you were able to have things caught up at work for the New Year. I’m sure your work challenges you but it really seems like you enjoy it. Shrimp and broccoli fettuccini sounds delicious.

    Sheryl, it’s always great when you can stop in. I understand it’s not easy for you to do. You have a lot on your plate. So sorry the spot grew and is cancer. Another round of chemo won’t be fun but you’ll make it. I’ll keep praying. Lining up some in-home help sounds like a great idea. I hope John will go along with it and you’ll find someone who’s a good fit quickly. How are the animals doing? They take time too.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was very easy going and relaxing. We did our usual shopping around 2pm. It started to rain light but steady and rained pretty much off and on for the rest of the night. Stopped around 8am this morning. I heated leftover fettuccini and left over pasta marinara (we didn't have enough of either one so I heated them both) along with a nice big salad and that worked out pretty well. Later we watched a really enjoyable old movie called Miss Liabled with Mirna Loi, William Powell, Jean Harlowe and Spencer Tracy. It was REALLY funny and we enjoyed it very much. Dan is feeling a bit better the last couple of days and I am praying it continues. He tried a supplement called Kava that is supposed to be good for anxiety and so far, so good.

    Today I am half watching/listening to a football game and making my usual greens, etc. for the week. I need to go deal with removing the beads from a pomegranate next. Always a tedious task but SO enjoyable when you are done.

    Debora, so glad you survived having the kids. Sounds like you did really well. The family gathering of about 30 sounds really nice too. How does the food gift exchange work?

    OK, I'm going to go deal with my pomegranite. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Here's an update on my nephew-in-law.

    Jeff just finished his bi monthly MRI and results review. The GREAT news is that the tumor remains stable/static. The bad news is that he isn’t expected to regain motor function of his left hand/arm. No chemo is planned for now, and we hope this allows him to recover more energy. He needs to continue on his current steroid dose despite the side effects.

    He appreciates all your thoughts and prayers as well as the many phone calls, visits, cards, friendship walks, general support etc. Texts are especially good since he can respond when he feels up to it. He remains optimistic that the summer will allow for more US travel, and he has aspirations around visiting friends & family, fishing and car shows/projects.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning!
    It's raining again today and they are predicting rain pretty much all week! That is VERY unusual for San Diego! We will do our usual shopping today and it is also our free library concert day. The artist is someone who we've never heard before but he sounds very interesting. Hopefully Dan will be up to going. I really want to make a pot of soup because of the weather, but Dan doesn't want me cooking anything that can't be immediately consumed and I don't think I can make a small quantity of soup. We'll see. He doesn't want me storing food because the fridge could go out at any minute so he wants me to keep it as empty and basic as possible. Anyone who knows me knows that this is almost impossible for me!!! :)

    Debora, thanks for the update on your nephew-in-law. All in all good news I think!

    Have a great week all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good Saturday to you. We had some warm days last week (up in the 50s) but we’re back to cold weather – 33 and after rain all day yesterday we got some snow last night. Not enough to slow you down but snow. It’s cloudy and not warming up much.

    The meal last week was a hit – especially the noodles. The kids had fun playing in the basement and we enjoyed a quiet evening after they left. Monday I had at home – my 10 minutes each day was working in the bottom of the closet and I have managed to look at everything and get rid of a bit. Yay. Tuesday was partly at home. In the afternoon we left for Thomas basketball game. He played quite a bit in the JV game. We ate and went to a bookstore during the girls game and went back for the varsity. He didn’t get to play a lot and they lost but he played hard when he did.

    Wednesday I got to go to Bible study. I didn’t get Lesson 1 caught up but still plan too. We gong though Colossians right now. I had my yearly cardiology appointment in the afternoon (doing fine but want to do an echo later in the year since one hasn’t been done for several years) and then we went to visit my uncle. Church started back up in the evening and we ended up with 4 in the nursery.

    Thursday morning I worked at church with Arlene. We did a correction in the cookbook and got ballots ready for our business meeting coming up. I had part of the afternoon at home . At 4 we went over to a friend who has a foreign exchange student (knows me cause she helps with Good News Club) who wanted to talk to Ralph about his Mennonite background for an assignment. From there we went and got Thomas and we went to 4-H Council. Then we met his mom halfway back home. Their one car needs a rebuilt engine and it’s not worth that wo they in the process of getting a second car.

    Friday was the usual errands in the morning, doing what I could here in the afternoon and we watched Alan’s kids in the evening while their parents ate out for their 10th wedding anniversary. Today was at home except I did go over and visit with niece who is up working on he mom’s house. They are very close to done. She showed me stuff I’m supposed to go through so will try and do that in the next week or two. I got the jello and dessert made before I went over and when I came home, Ralph mixed up a batch of his fruitcake which is I the oven now (bakes for 3 hours). Then I’ll do dishes one more time and start the pork tenderloin. I’m trying to finish up the 4-H program books so I can get it printed and handed out on Monday. So there’s always something to do.

    Isabella, evidently I’ve never eaten a pomagranite – you just eat the seeds?

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Well, the artist last Saturday was kinda weird. Not one of our favorite concerts but it's still nice to get out. We went to a new fried chicken restaurant afterward called Chicken Charlie's. It was NOT health food but pretty tasty! Not somewhere we'd eat often but we enjoyed it for the most part.
    Today I'm hoping Dan is going to want to eat at Jersey Mike's sub shop before we do our shopping. I have a BOGO coupon. :)
    Rain should be over for a while. We are supposed to get up into the high 70's today. I'm really looking forward to getting out in the sunshine. :)
    Jami is going to dye my hair tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to seeing her.

    Debora, good job on getting thru cleaning out the closet. That's always a big one. Did you get hit with a big snow storm in the middle of the week? Pomegranates are unusual. The pomegranate consists of MANY individual beads - the "fruit" and the seeds are all in one. You can't separate the seeds unless you juice them. They are really healthy for you.

    Well, I'm going to go and make us some breakfast so we can start our day. Have a wonderful week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. Another week and it’s cold here. We got rain yesterday afternoon and a couple of inches of snow last night and it got down to 15 so things were slick today. Fortunately, I didn’t have to go anywhere. Still working on the last of my list and chatting with you is on it. Last Monday was 4-H. Three of grands had talk and they did a nice job, if I do say so myself. Last year Paige cried through most of her talk even with her mom beside here. This year she walked up by herself and did it – even answered questions.

    Tuesday was a day at home. I’ve done enough decluttering in my bedroom that I unearthed floor in the closet and put the stuff still on the floor to one side and now will use the empty side to put stuff for the thrift. It is already nice to have a place to put that stuff. Ralph decided to take the work car to town to get gas so he took the thrift store stuff I had. Yay. Every little bit helps.

    Wednesday was Bible study, more stuff at home in the afternoon and work in the nursery in the evening. I get things done on my list every day but when I make a new one, it doesn’t seem any shorter. I spent time looking for the farm books cause they are soon due. Never did figure what good place I put them so got a new book on Friday and will start again. Think I’ll see if I can go in a little later too after I realized how much is happening this week.

    Thursday morning friend and I worked on filling beads in the containers we use o make necklaces. On the way home, I went and dropped off my recycling. We quickly ate and then headed to town where I had the privilege of having a root canal. Tooth has never bothered me but I’ve been supposed to do it for over 2 years. Nice, cute young dentist – very personable and good at explaining what he was doing. From there we went to visit uncle. Found out he had lost his cell phone. Figured out it went through the laundry and they gave it to us. Of course, it’s no good although I did put it in rice. I ordered a new phone today and will also order a deal to put it on his waistband. Putting it in his pocket works if you don’t forget it. From his place we went past Lori’s and dropped off a couple of chairs. After that it was home.

    Friday was town. Weather was cold but nothing coming down. Then came the rain that I mentioned earlier. The house is ready for tomorrow. Our Sunday School lesson is taking food to his brothers so I thought it would be fun for them to try so made some mini rolls and cut up some cheese. I also have some dried corn to show but I’ll keep it for myself. I had enough dough to make some monkey bread. It got a little brown but still a treat (which I don’t need but…). We’re pretty the main roads are clear so the only problem will be the country roads but still planning for everyone to come tomorrow that come. The two birthday girls love pancakes so we’ll have pancakes and sausage, fresh fruit and a cake “made” from little donuts. I have ice cream if anyone wants it with their donuts.

    Hope all is going ok for you.

    Isabella, I hope you get your sub – BOGO would entice me. You are certainly weather but we’re certainly not snowed in. Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi! I'm getting here a tad later today because I went to have breakfast at 7:30am with my Friend and co-worker Paula. She just bought a mobile home in a 55+ community and wanted me to come see it. It is older so it needs a bit of work but she only paid $156,000 for it and that includes the land. That is a good deal here in Socal. We had a good breakfast and a nice chat. When I left I stopped at Costco because it is right on the way home. Dan and I will do our usual shopping later. Tonight we will watch a dvd that we checked out of the library yesterday. Oh, I forgot to mention that I took the day off yesterday to use up some vacation time because I had stopped accumulating it. We went and had a nice lunch at a new place called O'Brien's. We really enjoyed it.

    Debora, I did get to have my Jersey Mike's sub last week and really enjoyed it. Dan liked his sandwich too. Good idea to get a doodad that will clip uncle's phone to his belt so he doesn't wash it again. Breakfast for dinner sounds really good. Enjoy. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, hope your week went well. It flew past here. Breakfast for dinner as enjoyed. I had a little trouble keeping the “cake” from falling apart. We had plenty of leftovers with 4 missing so ate pancakes and sausage several times this week and put what was left in the freezer. The last ones left around 4:30.

    In the evening we had a group that has a show in Branson at church – The Johnson Stings. It was very good.

    Monday morning Ralph had a check up so we went n for it and took stuff for the thrift store only to find out they were closed. Oh well, it gave me more time at home to do stuff. I’ve started working in one of the basement rooms for my 10 minutes. Found a mouse in the trap. Going to be slow going – so far going through food I brought from sister’s back in June. This time it will go up in the pantry so I’ll use it. She had several kinds of vinegars – not sure how I’ll use them except maybe with baking soda when I do my drains.

    Tuesday I was home all day. Ralph went to a cousin’s funeral but he wanted to go to town afterwards and I didn’t. He got home before the ice and snow came which turned out not to be too bad except when it was coming down. But it made a lot of after school/evening things cancel. And not knowing hoe it would be, we cancelled our Bible study. So friend and I walked a little later when we could see roads were okay. It was a pleasant surprise when phone holder for uncle came in the mail. But we found out the phone would now not arrive until sometime on Thursday. So we started revamping our week to work round the changes.

    So Thursday fiend and I worked at church on fixing wordless book bracelets. It’s not a fast process. Ralph had stayed in the house in case the phone came cause we had to sign for it. When I came home I saw a not under the doorbell. “Fed Ex, please ring bell. I can’t hear.” Well, the phone came at 11:30 so I had an hour before we needed to leave for my mammogram appointment. Spent most of that oh the phone setting it up. Had to do a call back to finish. So I got my mammogram done and we went to the thrift store. Ralph sat down in a chair to wait for me and noticed it was a lazy boy in nice shape for only $40. And our one recliner had broken. We knew they came apart so bought and loaded it up and brought it home. Got the minutes added to the phone and then realized something was not right cause it wouldn’t make or receive calls. So we headed for the Best Buy store and they were nice enough to help us. Phew. We took it to my uncle and he was glad to get it (no idea of all the work that went into it). With the holder it shouldn’t go through the laundry. We went and ate at Wendy’s and relaxed a bit and then to Dillons to do my grocer shopping. Not my normal store so took longer but got it done.

    Since we shopped on Thursday, I got to stay home most of Friday. We did go in to the school to see Clark in the Wax Museum. He was Gerald Roberts – a rodeo person. Every character had some connection with Kansas. All the kids did a good job. Otherwise, I got the house mostly cleaned up, we got the new recliner set up, found out we could fix the old one easily so did that and put a different chair out on the front porch. Today I went and helped with 4-H Days. I lasted less than 3 hours. Our club had a chorus which I got to hear and then some did talks. From there I met some of my Flylady friend for a meal at Cracker Barrel. Good food and good visiting. Came home and baked brownies, made a blueberry jello, put away the stuff form a container that Ralph had sorted and am now visiting wit you.

    Isabella, smart to take a vacation day so you can keep adding up. No reason you should lose anything. Fun to have breakfast with your friend and see her new home. Enjoy your DVD and shopping. Glad he subs were good.

    Can’t believe that January is almost past.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hi! It's cold (59 degrees) and rainy here today so we decided to do our shopping early while it wasn't raining. Got some chicken thighs at Trader Joe's so I can make chicken soup tomorrow. Perfect weather and I've been having a hankerin' to make soup. :) It's supposed to rain thru Tuesday and clear up on Wednesday. We need the rain so no complaints. We are just going to stay in and relax the rest of the day. I may do a load of towels but that's about it. Dan is working on a jigsaw puzzle of a lighthouse on a hill so he is occupied (addicted!). :) I plan to make meatball sandwiches today and bought some nice grass fed beef at Sprouts for $3.99 per lb so I'll make burgers tomorrow. I can't believe February is here already. I don't want to make the dish I usually prepare for Valentine's day so I'm going to have to come up with something else. Not sure what. Maybe we'll just have steak or maybe I'll make pulled pork in the crockpot. I'll have to see what I'm in the mood for as it gets closer. I've decided I'm going to take a vacation day one Friday per month. Friday Feb. 15th will be my vacation day this month. Not sure if we'll do anything but it will be nice to have the day off especially since it's the day after Valentine's day and is the Friday of my birthday weekend.

    The movies we got from the library last week were both duds. I'm really glad Dan didn't watch the second one with me because he would not have been happy.

    I had my yearly review at work on Friday and it was a really good review. My boss had nothing but nice things to say and thanked me. I told her I really appreciate her too and we both got a tad teary eyed! She said that I will get at least the usual 3% raise but she will try for more. Dan says it's not enough because I don't get paid enough as it is but I'm satisfied with it.

    Debora, nice of you to get the phone all set up for uncle. Always nice to get caught up with your flyladies too. You got a great deal on that Lazyboy recliner and nice that you were able to fix the other recliner also.

    I'm going to go read now. Have a great week and stay warm!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. We had very cold weather a few days ago. Then yesterday it started out at 37 and got up to 60 and it was 56 when I got up this morning. Had to get a light weight jacket out. We started Good News Club up last Tuesday and had 16 come. We have some people doing a club in the town where the 5th-8th go to school so we don’t have any older kids which felt different.
    Our Bible study was able to meet Wednesday. Arlene and I worked on going through bracelets on Thursday – goes a little faster as we get used to doing it. So after we get caught up from the last 7 or so months, it won’t feel like so much work. We’ve been doing the bracelets made with big beads and the ones with the smaller beads will be a bit harder.
    We went to visit my uncle on Thursday. I had the family letter so read it to him. He again complained about his eyes so hopefully, they do the eye check they said will happen. Otherwise, we may have to get him checked out. He doesn’t read but it’s still nice to be able to see properly.
    Friday and Saturday night were basketball games. They won the one on Friday night by as much as they lost on Saturday night. He got to play Friday night cause they had such a good lead. Saturday was senior night and all the seniors got to play the last quarter. They made several points while having fun and playing hard. Thomas ended up on the floor 3 or 4 times, he was playing so hard. They were both nights with only a boys game so they could start a little earlier so we weren’t out too late.
    Today we have communion at church so start a little later. Then, instead of eating dinner here, we are going to the church Alan is attending for their souper bowl dinner – chili or potato soup. Then Lori’s family plans to come here and hang until time to go to their super bowl party. Jim will nap (he does some security guard work some nights) and the rest of us will hang – I hope to cut t-shirt strips for making jump ropes. We’re are going to a super bowl party too – for the fellowship more than the game but it will be fun to watch too.
    The week ahead to me feels very full. We’ll see how it goes.

    Hi, Isabella I had to chuckle when I read you post. You said it was 59 and cold. Here is was 59 and we thought it was warm. Sorry the movies were duds. At least you didn’t have to pay anything.
    Congrats on your job review. I’m not surprised but it’s nice to hear. Seldom is the money enough but they do work with you well. Hope they can come up with something more.
    I’m kind of like Dan when there’s a jigsaw puzzle out. They keep calling my name. Enjoy your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, last Sunday went as planned. Church, soup dinner, Lori’s hanging here till we both went to our Super Bowl parties. We women visited more than we watched – very nice time. Monday I had at home. Tuesday morning I was home. In the afternoon Ralph went into the research place cause he had another cold and I went to Good News Club. We had ice Monday night but it wasn’t too bad by afternoon. Tuesday night we got enough ice that a number of schools cancelled for Wednesday. Again, it was better during the day but more ice was predicted so I kept hoping they would cancel church. They didn’t but Ralph didn’t want me to go cause he was sure I would have ice on the car afterwards so made phone calls and there was only going to be one in the nursery so the other person took care of it. And cars did have ice by the time church was over. Then about 11 there was lightning and thunder and it poured down rain for a few minutes that turned into ice pellets. Even more schools cancelled on Thursday. But the sun came (still was only about 10 out) and started melting. Alan and Katie had signed up to go to a Customer Appreciation Day and since we cancelled Willing Workers (we older women didn’t want to get out and take any chances) I watched their kids. My evening meeting got cancelled so I went with Ralph to the soil conservation meeting – had a good meeting. Friday I went to town by myself. I shopped, visited a friend and took the farm books in so now I can move on to another project.
    Friday evening we went to Beauty and the Beast Jr – school play two of the grandkids were in. They did a wonderful job. Today I was home this morning so baked my rolls and made pudding pie. This afternoon was a funeral for a cousin’s husband and then went out to eat with a friend who has moved away but was back in the area. So a full week but a good one.
    Our Bible conference starts tomorrow – we have services morning and night through Wednesday. Thursday we’re taking my uncle to a Valentine Day deal in at noon and Friday we’ll shop and I have a dental appointment. So it will be another full week. Hope you all are doing well.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! My day off yesterday was nice. Dan took me to lunch at the hamburger factory. I had a mushroom burger and he had fried chicken. Next time maybe I'll try a philly cheese steak sandwich instead of usually getting a burger when we eat there. Today I'm dusting and doing laundry. I love "clean sheet night"! :smiley: Dan finished his lighthouse puzzle and started a Chicago Nights puzzle. It has a night sky, the Chicago skyline, then a couple of trains and a bunch of train tracks at the bottom. Looks tough but he is really enjoying it. I wonder if he'll be tired of puzzles for a while after this or if he'll do the other 2 we have left. We shall see. We will do our usual saturday grocery shopping in a couple of hours. I also plan to make brownies for myself for my birthday tomorrow. We are going to dinner with Jami and her husband Joe tomorrow to a new restaurant called Ponce's Mexican Restaurant. The original Ponce's down south a bit has been in business for 30 years and is well loved. Hope this one is just as good since it is local.

    Debora, you're right - that is funny that I said it is cold here at 59 degrees and you are having it warm at 59 degrees! :) I think it is the fact that there was no sunshine to warm things up just wet and cloudy. It is going to be in the mid to high 50's again this week but we should have a couple of days with sunshine this week so things should be better. The Beauty and the Beast Jr sounds really cute. I love going to plays. Your week sounds really full as usual. At least you got a day at home. Hope your uncle's Valentine's Day event went well.

    I'm off now to go make my brownies. Have a wonderful week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Happy Birthday Isabella!!!!!
    Since you're already written this weekend, you probably won't see it till next week but I did think about you. Hope to stop in and chat more.