Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, seem like I’ve been on the go plenty. Bible conference was good. We went everyday but Tuesday. We didn’t go in the morning cause Ralph wasn’t feeling well and in the evening he was feeling better and we went to Thomas’ basketball game. They lost but he did get to play some and played well. Of course, I am his grandma.

    Valentine’s Day we took my Uncle to the place he used to work for their program an potluck. We took him with his walker and won’t do that again. Just more work even if the wheelchair is heavy to lift. He enjoyed the singing. I was gong to fill his plate since he eats soft food but they brought him a place before I could get there so I took off his tray what he couldn’t eat for me and got him a little more soft stuff. So it worked out. I had planned to get my cold stuff after we took him back to the home but the way they were talking about the weather, I did my best to remember all I needed.

    The weather didn’t get too bad so we did our usual errands and went to my dentist appointment. Still have a couple teeth that the gum part is not very good. Then we went and ate at Chick-Fil A for our half anniversary. Saturday I got ready for Sunday and for supper we went to a soup supper at an area church – yummy chicken noodle soup.

    Sunday everyone was here and we celebrated our youngest birthday. The kids had fun playing (spent part of the time watching Dukes of Hazard). Do you remember them.

    Monday was 4-H so worked on getting ready for it. It was a good meeting. Tuesday afternoon was Good New Club. We were supposed to get a big snow but just got a little so we were able to have Bible study in the morning and church in the evening. The local school cancelled. I don’t know why but I guess it gave the kids a chance to play in the snow which mostly melted in the afternoon.

    Thursday morning Arlene and I getting SS paper sorted. Then we ate and Ralph and I headed in to visit uncle. We stopped at a Walmart on the way to get his watch band changed and found out in the remodel they eliminated the jewelry dept. So we went to another one and they still have the dept so helped me. But said eventually all Walmarts will lose that area. Uncle was happy with the watch we got him. Did some other errands and then went to a Museum in El Dorado. A friend had donated a pump organ purchased in his family in 1907. And his cousin (whose mother learned to play on this organ), gave about a 30 minute concert. I bet her legs were tired since she had to pump the whole time. That was fun.

    Friday was our usual shopping. Then I was home for the rest of the day and all of today. We got rain today, a little snow and we’ll see what happens overnight. We have a saying, if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change.

    Ralph has been busy getting the brooder house ready for next week and his new chicks come. He’s washed it good and has heat going so everything will dry well and be warm when the chicks come.

    Hope all is going well for you.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Thanks SO much for the birthday wishes Debora! I had a really nice birthday. The new restaurant was good. Everyone liked what they had and said they'd come back. They came in after dinner and we played a couple of rounds of dominoes which is always fun. I've also had several friends and co-workers take me to lunch so feels like I've been celebrating all month. :smiley: We finally had some sunshine yesterday and it seems like all of San Diego hit the streets happy to be out in the sun - traffic was heavy everywhere all day long. Jami and I got together and did our tradition of taking the birthday girl shopping for her birthday. We hit a really good sale at Sears which was the first store we went to. She got me 3 shirts and a pair of pants all for $27!! Didn't find anything else but didn't need anything else. :) Then we went to lunch at this restaurant called BJ's that opened a few years ago that I have not tried yet. It was OK. Typical chain like a Chile's or an Applebees. She dyed my hair after that so a really nice time together. Dan and I did our usual shopping afterward and had a nice evening together.

    Debora sounds like your uncle's Valentine's event was very nice and the pump organ at the Museum sounds wonderful!! How many chicks is Ralph getting this time? Does he still have all the other ones?

    Well I've got to get going to church. Have a wonderful week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2019
    Good morning all, another rainy day here in socal. Supposed to rain on and off all week. I doubt we are in a drought situation any longer! I made myself a nice cup of ginger pear tea and am sipping as I write this. Poor Dan is getting cabin fever because he can't go outside and play. The good news is that he enjoyed the last jigsaw puzzle so much that he decided to put it together again after he took it apart. :) It is called Chicago nights and has a night sky with stars at the top, then the Chicago skyline, then railroad tracks and a couple of trains (his favorite part) at the bottom. Earlier I took a pair of pants that Jami bought me for my birthday to a local gal who does alterations out of her home as a hobby. This is my first time using her services. She seems very nice and is going to charge $8. She already called and told me the pants are ready so I will pick them up when we go to do our shopping.

    We were supposed to have dinner at our friends Jackie and Ken's house tonight as a treat because they missed my birthday dinner but poor Jackie has the flu so we re-scheduled for Saturday March 16th. We will do our usual grocery shopping later as the rain allows. I am going to suggest we stop somewhere for a nice bowl of soup. Maybe a local Chinese restaurant.

    My brother Joe has diverticulitis and they want to remove his entire sigmoid colon and have scheduled surgery for March 11th. Of course, he didn't ask any questions such as what are the possible issues when living without one's sigmoid colon! I am very concerned about it. I would like to see him try to cure it with proper diet first but I'm not sure if that will happen with his bachelor ways. I am going to google and see what I can find out about it.

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, sorry you are getting so much rain that it makes it hard to get out and do the usual things. Dan’s puzzle sounds like a fun one. Was it easier to do the second time around?
    Hope the alteration worked out well. Nice to have someone so close.

    Our last week had a lot of gong but much sadness. We got the email Tuesday on Ralph’s chicks so headed to Wichita later (10:30 pm) to get them to find out that they are now sent 2 day priority. We didn’t think that was so nice with our extra cold weather. The post office called us at 5 on Wednesday so he headed in to get them. Happily there was only one dead – there were warm deals in with them. Unfortunately, the next morning 7 more were dead. And more each time he went out to check them.Thursday night I got up to use the bathroom and found a pile of boxes on the stool tying to ger the ones left closer to the heat lamp. Ended up with two that lived. Very sad. Ralph (even though he couldn’t get a tester to show anything, decided in was carbon monoxide poisoning.

    Since there were no chicks to watch (the two were fine in their box) we traveled 3 hours away to watch our grandson play volleyball. It was fun but we were gonr 15 hours. It worked okay cause we didn’t have anyone over or Sunday dinner. We just had the rest of our pizza from Friday.

    Sunday night we started watching Alan’s 4 kids – sleeping at their house and supper at our house with school in between. Monday Ralph went in to a book sale and went to the Orscheln store and came home with some more chicks – thought he just needed better ventilation. When I came home this morning, he told me he had been up most of the night and several chicks had died so now he wondered if it was the feed. He’s never had this happen before and is baffled and rather down.

    Right now he is headed to town to vote (I did it last Friday) on a school bond issue. We voted no cause of some of the things they added that we don’t see as necessary and we know how much we as landowners will be paying over the next 30 years..He will be back when Ava gets dropped off and I’ll have the other three at Good News Club.

    We had snow Saturday night but not enough to cancel church. And cold. It was around 0 last night. The sun has shone the next two days so that helps the outlook. Some melting even happens when it’s so cold. Will sign off now and head off for Good News Club.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! We are actually seeing a little bit of sunshine here and there so I am happy. :)

    So sorry to hear about Ralph losing all the chicks Debora! That would be really heartbreaking! It could very well be the feed. Does he have chickens left from last year and is just adding to the group or are all the chickens gone and he is starting over? We usually vote no on bond issues also. It just isn't worth it most of the time and as you said, they often sneak stuff in that you don't want to pay on for 30 years. Hope everything went well with taking care of Allen's kids.

    Today is our free library concert day. The artist is one of our favorites that we've seen several times before. Not sure where we will go for early dinner. I may suggest that Chinese place we went to last week. We each had a giant bowl of "mixed ingredients" soup which had a good variety of veggies, noodles, and chicken, beef, and shrimp. Delicious and I took half of mine home and we had it for another meal! We'll do our usual shopping afterward. God blessed us with some good news, even with the latest tax changes we will be getting a refund this year. God is good!

    Have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    When I last wrote, I was headed for Good News Club. We had to meet upstairs in the Community House because of the voting. And boy, were the kids wriggly but we got through it.

    Wednesday was Bible study and then I hurried home to bake rolls for Willing Workers. Had pizza for the grandkids which we all enjoyed. Then Thursday was our all day meeting. Gail and I were in charge of set up for the noon meal, we are on the project meeting so got those our and then Gail was our speaker in the afternoon so it was a busy day but went well. Not many ate the bread so I sent some home with some that wanted them – too many for us and freezer space is limited. Again, I had the kids in their room shortly after 7. I had been working on going through bracelets but this time I took a knitted blanket to hide the ends. Got done with one. Alan and Katie got home about 5 am so I headed home and got a short nap before I got up to walk as my walking partner was also back from her trip. Then we did our Friday shopping. My list wasn’t too long so we were home by noon.

    In the evening we had the fun of gong to the musical – State Fair – three of the grandkids were in it and they all did a good job. Thomas, of course, being the oldest had a speaking part. This is his last musical at Sunrise. Graduation is getting close. It was a late night but the show was a good one. We had seats toward the front so could see everything really good.

    Today I’ve spent at home. Ralph went to a funeral. Alan asked me to watch Ava this afternoon sot he rest of them could go to the musical so she is here – watching Curious George and the Wiggles. Since I new she was coming, I worked on stuff for Sunday all morning. I made the casserole, jello, brownies and bakes the rolls. I just have some little things to do when she leaves which will probably be around 6.

    They are in the process of potty training Ava. Right now it is us adults who are trained and sent her to the bathroom every once in awhile. I hope she’ll eventually know to go on her own. She is wearing underwear rather than a pull up today so send her to use the potty fairly often.

    This next week is spring break so we won’t have Good News Club but it will still be a busy week. Monday night is 4-H. Tuesday Ralph has an appointment. Wednesday is Bible study and church and I may be keeping some of Derek’s kids. So next week, you’ll find out what really happened. 😊 Have a good week.

    Isabella, I see you beat me in here. Yea on the concert and eating out. Very col on the tax refund.

    Thanks for commenting on the chickens. I should update you. He finally decided the problem was his propane heaters so got it set up with electric ones. He kept picking up some when he went to town so now had about 80 – just not all the same kind. He still has his old batch. He will keep them until these ones are starting to laying in about 5 months. He still bring is 4-5 dozen a day.

    Have a good week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Update on my nephew-in-law - Jeff’s bi monthly oncologist update.
    Tumor unchanged/stable! They are adjusting meds to improve his energy level and reduce nausea. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning Debora and Isabella, I can't believe I let this go so long, but I've been wiped out with the new chemo drugs. I sleep in most mornings and when John gets up earlier as well, I just don't have time on the computer. When I logged in this morning, I see that I have 21 comments to catch up on dating back to January 5th. I will try to see what you two have been doing these last few months later on, not enough time now to read it all. I trust you've been well, I know you've been busy.

    The cancer has spread to my liver, so my oncologist really boosted my chemo to stop it in it's tracks, but I think I've experienced every conceivable side effect this go around. I'm zapped and try to save all my energy to care for John.

    I'm still trying to formulate my thoughts for an email update to the cousins and friends, but I have so many months to go through, I'm overwhelmed.

    Norma is coming for a visit next week, I'm so excited. Brent and Jackson have Spring Break from school the last week of March, so Norma will spend several days with us and then drive down to Salem and be with Brent's family for four more days before coming back up here and we'll take her to the airport Saturday, March 30th. I trust that I'll feel well enough to drive down on Wed. March 27th and visit with them all. And, see how they've furnished their new house there. Last time we saw them, they had just arrived to a new empty house.

    I hear John getting up now, so I need to go help him.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    The week went much like I said. Monday I got ready and went to 4—H. It was parents night which is always fun as they run the meeting and do the talks. Then, maybe because it was spring break, everyone hung around and talked for a long time.

    Tuesday we went in to Etc. and grabbed a sandwich at McDonalds before Ralph’s appointment. The Research pace was in a new location in the building but we found it easily and got him checked out and blood taken. One more appointment and he is done. Not sure how long mine goes but emailed in that I have developed a runny nose. It’s already better today but I did last longer than 12 hours. Then we went on to the bigger town to visit my uncle and go to his care plan meeting Then we visted bookstores that were having sales. Ralph ended up getting `11 study Bibles. We are lunch with my younger sister and I was finally able to give her her calendar from our oldest sister. Had a good time and it had quit raining when we left Wendy’s.

    Wednesday it was still raining in the morning and was getting windier. But after a good Bible study , the rain had stopped and the sun was shining. Still very windy but I didn’t have to go out again until church. Then we didn’t end up with any kids to watch so had a good time visiting.

    Thursday morning Arlene and I worked on going through wordless book bracelets and then I got to be home for the rest of the day for the most part. I did go to church to pick up Thomas with the youth group got back from work project. Then as we got almost back to my house, we found out his dad was on the way out so I drove back to the church. That was okay. I got to hear a little bit about all they did. By Sunday it will be old news.

    Friday was the usual errands and stuff at home. Today is getting ready for Sunday. Just Lori’s family will be here as Alan’s church is doing a baked potato meal. For fun I’m doing some easy green things since it’s St. Patrick’s Day – sweet pickles, pistachio salad, kiwi, peas (and carrots), mint oreos and mint chocolate chip ice cream. 😊

    Lindsey’s parents ended up keeping the two boys and they put Blessin in respite care. And it is okay – I have plenty to do so after having Alan’s kids all last week, it worked out well.

    Sheryl, wonderful to hear from you. Sad to hear the liver has spread to the liver. Chemo of any kind is tiring – much less a strong dose. Do you go in and get it or are you taking it via pill? (and don’t worry, it’s fine if I never get an answer). Wonderful that you can still take care of John.
    Your update to the cousins doesn’t have to go back to the last time you did one. Just telling them what is going on presently (about like you did us) would be good enough.
    That is so exiting that Norma is coming and will be so good for you to have a little pampering from her. Will pray that you can make the drive on the 27th to see their place. Seeing everyone in person would be so fun.
    Keep taking are of yourself. I was all set to call you this evening but now I’ve been updated, I won’t. I want you to rest all you can to get ready for Norma. Continuing to pray for you and John.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2019
    Good morning all! We are finally having some sunshine and warmer days. There will be a chance of showers Wed and Thurs so not totally finished with all the rain yet but shouldn't be as bad as it has been. It is official - California is no longer in a drought. At least for now. I took Friday off of work and we went to Verizon and got new phones since mine was breaking. We both got new flip phones and Dan also got a smart phone. We're dipping our toe into the water slowly!!! We are going to have dinner with our friends Jackie and Ken tonight. We were supposed to go to her house but her adult son has the flu so they are going to pick us up and take us to a restaurant in Mission Valley called the Lazy Dog. We have never been there but they like it and so long as they are driving it sounds good to us. Probably pub grub.

    Sheryl, SO happy to hear from you. I was wondering if I should try calling you. Sorry to hear that the cancer has spread to your liver. I can't even imagine what the new stronger chemo is doing to you. I pray for you and John just about every day. Happy to hear that Norma is coming to visit.

    Debora, you are busy as always. The play sounds like it was really enjoyable. I'll stay tuned for further details on how the rest of your week ended up. :)

    I'm going to go out and enjoy some of that sunshine now!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Had a really nice day yesterday. I met several former co-workers from my old bail bond days for lunch. We had lunch at a restaurant called Chili's. It's kinda like an Applebee's. We had a really nice time catching up. We are going to try to get together at least quarterly. Afterward Dan and I did our usual shopping. He has decided we are eating too much (especially too much protein), so we split a chile lime chicken burger (from Trader Joe's) for dinner. I wasn't hungry since I had a big lunch so it was plenty. We'll see how it goes in the future. Today I'm going to Jami's house after church so she can dye my hair. It will be nice to see her. Her birthday is coming up soon so hopefully we can make some plans. I'll go to Costco afterward to pick up a pie and flowers for my supervisor's birthday tomorrow. Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, and another week is gone from the year.

    Guys enjoyed all the green stuff last Sunday – had leftovers but not much.

    Monday I had at home. Really felt like I got some things done.

    Tuesday Ralph had n appointment. He had strained his back on Friday so went to town with a cane. Getting up and down was hard for him so we didn’t do much extra. Good News Club was in the afternoon. Then I had a 4-H meeting an Ralph decided to go along and then we ate at Burger King.

    Wednesday was Bible study. Then we headed to town to visit Uncle Joe. Well, I visited Uncle Joe and Ralph stayed in the car. He did go in at the Good will store abut let me go buy he boxes at Home Depot.We got home and I babysat at church in the evening.

    Thursday Alan and Katie went to a meeting. So I went to thee house around 6:30 and got the kids off to school. Then I worked with Alene at church and did a few things at home until time to go pick up the kids from school. Stayed at our house through supper and took them home. Dog had made some messes for us to clean up. But it wasn’t bad.

    Friday was a full day. Ralph was hurting enough, he let me do almost all the driving. We did our regular errands. Then we went to the bigger town for a ribbon cutting at the Union Rescue Mission. They have built some very nice apartments to help the men get more established. We hurried home to eat. Ralph chored and then to small town for granddaughter’s class poetry reading. From there it was back to Wichita for oldest grandson’s baseball game. We left partway through the second game so we could eat and get our cold stuff.

    Saturday was at home. I straightened the house, made eclair cake and potato salad. I cut up three pineapples and baked dinner rolls along with finishing up the SS lesson and a few other small things.

    Today I taught and thought it went well. All 14 kids were there. Good message at church. And then 25 were here were here for dinner. Besides what I mentioned earlier I had porkchops in the crockpot, and green beans. Have leftovers of everything but dessertt. Will have to make two the next time so pieces can be a bit larger.

    Isabella, glad you ae getting more sunshine. How was the Lazy Dog? Always nice when someone else drives. We have Chili’s here – ate there last September. How fun to get together with people you worked with. I’m sure you enjoyed the time with Jamie and feel good with your hair done. Have a good week. Hoe we both have sunshine.
    Are your flip phones really just flip phones? When we got one for my uncle, all we could get was a flip phone that's a smart phone. We've only told him it's a regular phone but it has the capabilities. Hope Dan likes the smart phone. There are a lot of things I like, some things I didn't get with my phone that I would like but would have a hard time going back.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    See a misspelled word now but can't remember how to edit so you'll just have to put up with it :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! Finally getting a chance to check in! Went to the farmer's market yesterday then to a Friend's house to notarize some legal documents for her. We chatted for a couple of hours then I left so Dan and I could do our usual shopping. Had a really nice day. Everyone was in a good mood. Today was church then went to one more store to pick up a couple of things. We are treating ourselves to a steak and baked potato for dinner tonight. I should be good. My brother is still recouperating from his surgery. They were going to release him from the rehab this weekend but he and his roommate have nausea and diarrhea so they are keeping him for observation.

    Debora, the Lazy dog was good. We enjoyed it. We've had sunshine all week and I even got to sit outside for a bit today. Yes, Jami and I had a very nice time together. We watched a movie called Interview with God. It was very interesting. I was surprised she picked it. Yes, our flip phones are really flip phones. We like them. Dan is slowly getting used to the smart phone. The jury is still out. :)

    Have a great week!

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Had a really nice day yesterday. I took the day off of work to use up vacation time. It was Jami's birthday also so I convinced her to take the day off as well and we spent the day pampering her for her birthday. First we got pedicures my treat for her birthday present. She also got a manicure. Then she got a hair cut. Then we visited our friend Mona who got a new golden retriever puppy so Jami could get "puppy kisses" for her birthday. It was a really nice day. Dan and I got a pizza from a new place in the area. It was good but as good as our favorite. We watched an old movie after that.

    Today we will do our usual shopping then meet Jami and her family for dinner for her birthday at a local pub grub place called Urge Gastropub. It should be a nice evening.

    The sun is shining so I'm going to go sit outside and read now. Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Interesting - we seem to have lost the ability to edit after we post these so I guess there will be no corrections!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi guys,
    Isabella, what fun you had pampering Jamie. Interesting that you could get just flip phones.
    Okay, I tried to edit something last time and decided I forgot where the spot was. That makes me feel better that you can’t find it either.

    Things have stayed busy. We went to baseball games two days this week. I baked 6 dozen dinner rolls for the salad supper at church tomorrow night. They aren’t as nice as some weeks but they will have to do. We’re eating tacos so don’t need the dinner rolls here. And I won’t go to the Salad Supper cause Derek and Lindsey decided to do a separate birthday party for Blessin (foster daughter who is turning one) cause they never know when she might have to leave. So have someone picking up the offering envelops for me. The part starts at 5 and the Salad Supper at 6:30 so might be able to pick up the envelopes on the way home.

    Good News Club is still going on. We have two more Wednesday nights for me to babysit at church.. We still get in to see my Uncle once a week. Our local Rescue Mission has a book sale business and evidently Bible don’t sell so we stopped by one day ad wen through he Bible shelves. We ended up with 6 boxes of Bible to sent to Kenya – all free. We are close to have a load of books ready to ship.

    Wow, I thought I has so much to tell you about and my mind is drawing a blank. I know I spend a lot of time doing swagbucks. It’s probably not worth my time but when I’m home, the extra $50 a month is nice. We went to funeral yesterday and another friend (82 years old) passed away yesterday.

    My friend and I who work at church once a week are close to being caught up on going through the Wordless Book bracelets. We’ll have a good number ready for when the friend from Paraguay comes up to visit again.

    I keep plugging away on the house but seems like my progress is very slow. The grass is greening up and growing so I need to get out and pick up sticks so it’s ready for when Ralph wants to mow. Also, Easter is just around he corner so will need to get eggs ready to hunt and things like that. My list always has more on it to do. This coming Monday is 4-H and it’s our exchange meeting so will be fun but need to get the calendar and things ready for it. Usually Monday is my one day at home that I get something done but will do 4-H stuff this time.

    Glad to hear things are going well with you Isabella. Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It will be another sunny day today but weather has been cooler than usual for this time of year. Not that I'm complaining! It will be hot everyday soon enough! Supposed to be in the mid 70's today and mid 60's to low 70's thru Wed then Thurs and Fri it is supposed to be in the low 80's. Much more normal. I want to wear sandals so I can show off my pretty toes from the pedicure. :wink:

    Should be a really fun weekend. It is our free library concert today. The artists are Nathan and Jessie (a woman). We've seen them there before. She plays guitar and he plays the accordion. It is such happy music. Then we will do our usual shopping, early dinner, etc. We have a gift certificate to Outback for $25 so maybe we'll go there. Tomorrow Jami and I are going to a town called Fallbrook for their Avocado Festival. It is basically a street fair that features all things avocado. :smiley: It should be a really fun day. No big plans for Easter this year. I'll probably just get a rotisserie chicken from Sprouts.

    Debora, great that you guys got all those free bibles to send to Kenya. What a blessing! I have to ask, what is swagbucks?

    Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Happy Easter! Not much going on here. It is a mellow weekend. Just R & R. I will do laundry and dust though. They are going to shut our electricity off for 7 hrs on Tuesday to update transformers. Dan is not happy. I told him to go to a movie and out to lunch and hopefully they'll be done by then. We'll see how it goes. We will do our usual shopping today. I'm going to suggest Chick-fil-A for early dinner.

    Well, Debora, you must be very busy. Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Pretty quiet here. Hope you're both OK...