Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, the fall temps sounds great for you. A sun sensitivity sounds horrible. When you used to work in the heat every, you probably got acclimated. My husband sure does better outside than I do although he like it less as time goes on. We have cooler days thrown in now and then some warmer ones. I'm sort of planning an oven meal for next Sunday so hope it's one of the cooler ones. Thank you for the prayers for Jeff. They have gotten very creative in things they do to enable him to do more. He does not do physical therapy. The problem for him is caused by the tumor so nothing will help it.

    We just had one of the kids here on Sunday so a smaller group but good talking. Everyone seemed to enjoy the meatloaf too. Sunday evening was a "talent show" at church but all the activities pointed us to living more for Jesus and the hope we have for heaven. Such a good evening.

    Last night was 4-H so i spent the day getting things ready for it. Had a new family visit and a very small group attend. It was elections. I am "nervous" about the person elected to secretary cause they seem to miss quite a bit. But he signed up so hopefully, they'll do better this year.

    I'm home for the day and then we have the Farm Bureau annual meeting/dinner tonight so i don't have to cook - always nice.

    Have a nice day.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi ladies, great to hear from you! We've had a cooler week this week in the mid 80's but it is going to be around 95 degrees today and tomorrow then back down to the mid 80's the rest of the week. I'm happy with mid 80's and it hasn't been humid so we're good. The neighbor across the street and one to the right has his house up for sale. It is a 3 bedroom 2 bath 1700 sq ft listed for $779,000. We're praying that an older couple purchases it instead of another young family with kids. We are the only house on the street surrounded on all sides by young families with kids! This was supposed to be a 55+ neighborhood but an attorney found a loophole and sued to force the community to allow families. We are going to do our shopping early today because Jami and Joe are coming over tonight. We are going to order Pizza and play dominoes. I am really looking forward to it. Hopefully Dan will be OK with doing this more often. I've been checking weather in Portland, OR and Boise, ID every so often to see how those areas compare to us here. It's been interesting.

    Debora, Hope you have a great birthday! Sounds like you've had a good couple of weeks. We had meatloaf this week too. It was good. I've never tried it in the crockpot. I'll have to try that someday. Farm Bureau dinner sounds good (any time we don't have to cook is good). :)

    Sheryl, all that hot weather is oppressive. Hope it cools down soon. Is John going out in the heat?

    Well, I'm going to go clean the house to prepare for tonight. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    How is everyone doing? Today has been busy with getting ready for tomorrow. Got the house straightened, rolls baked, casserole mixed up, baked and “decorated” the cake and cut up a watermelon. Ralph got 13 boxes of books addressed so we can take them to KC Monday. Then I’ll have more space in the hallway for a little bit. We visited my uncle one day, went to Bible study, worked with friend at church, had Thomas (oldest grandson) come over for a meal – glad I had some stuff to feed him. Worked on things at home when I had time. Got elections done at 4-H and collected a few record books so have started going through them. I even got Ralph’s haircut. I picked up a keyboard at the thrift store and hooked it up today so am adjusting to it. The good part is all the letters show. The bad part is a couple of the keys are not in the same place so have to remember than. The push is a little different too but it’s not slowing me down too much. Thursday night family and friends had a special prayer time for Blesisin. Tomorrow will either be a good distraction or a sad day without her. The other grandmother has talked of doing a lot of crying and I haven’t but I guess we all do things differently. Tomorrow everyone will be here. We have three birthdays to celebrate. So that part will be fun.

    Isabella, why do attorneys always have to find a loophole. I hope you get an older couple too. Could be someone to do things with. For sure a neighbor that doesn’t cause you any problems. Ha. Your house prices seem high but it all depends on the area I’m sure. Have a great time. Praying Dan enjoys himself and you can do it.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It will be a fun day since everyone will be here.

    Have a good week. I’ll send this off and close the computer down. Guess with how it’s been acting today, I should do it more than once a week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I took Friday off again. Dan and I went out to breakfast at a local Mexican restaurant then went to Trader Joe's since it was very close to the restaurant. We relaxed the rest of the day. I made keilbasa for dinner and we watched a recorded Hallmark movie. It was a nice day. Today we went to Sprouts and went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch since we had a coupon for a free sandwich. That is always nice. Our Chick-Fil-A now serves mac & cheese as one of the sides so I tried it. It was pretty tasty. I bought this creamy pasta sauce made with pureed butternut squash and carrots (and something else) that they were sampling. I'm going to make it for dinner tonight. I'm really enjoying these Fridays off. :)

    Debora, Hope your birthday was really nice. Great that everyone was there. I forgot to answer your question last time about whether Japanese food is like Chinese food. It is somewhat like Chinese but not quite. Not a lot of dishes with sauces, etc. They serve things like terryaki chicken or beef or sushi. They also serve ramen bowls which is basically meat and broth and lots of long ramen noodles.

    Sheryl, hope all is well with you and John.

    Have a great week all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, hope you had a good week We had a wonderful surprise at dinner. Derek said at 5 they were going to go get Blessin. They had llet her spend the night with the bith mom but she had told them the reintegration was off (something they should have learned from the social worker). They don’t know for how long but one of the kids was having trouble at school, she wasn’t taking the one to therapy plus she has no job and no means of transportation so they are going to figure out a new plan. Mom hadn’t had any kids for 20 months so even getting the 4 before school started was probably a lot. Anyway they were all smiles. They hung at our house till it was time to go get her. I started a puzzle with Taryn so have spent “too much” time on it but it’s done now.

    Monday we took 13 boxes of books to Kansas City. Then we went to a used bookstore having a clearance sale cause they have to move. It’s a place I can’t help Ralph look so I sat out in the car and read my book and napped a little. It was a hot day but there was enough of a breeze it wasn’t bad. We met some friends for lunch, hit three more bookstores and came home. A very full day.

    Tuesday Ralph had an appointment so I went along and then we went to Etc. (more books) and bought a battery for the work car. I had the rest of that day and all day Wednesday at home. My to do list never seems to get any shorter. I concentrated on the 4-H stuff that was due Friday. We took the work car to a shop to get worked on and then I went to Bible study. At Bible study they celebrated my birthday with yummy treats. We like having birthdays just for the food. Thursday morning I worked with Arlene. Then we headed to our usual errand town and did the shopping. I left Ralph at McDonalds while I went to a meeting. We were delayed a bit cause the car had a flat tire that Ralph “got” to change.

    Friday we were off to Wichita. I got to get together with some Flylady friends. Then we visited my uncle and did other stuff to fill up the time till we got to go watch Lucy play volleyball. She has really improved in my eyes. We watched the B game where she played the hwole time, the A game when she played some (these were junior high) and then we watched the first game of the high school varsity. There were some really good volleys. We left then to get home, unload and eat. Today I’ve been home all day – baked rolls and brownies, made 2 salads – one for noon and one for the SS picnic tomorrow evening and got the house straightened up. Three times of doing dishes kept up with all the dirty ones I made today. Now I just have a few more little things to do before I can head for bed.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Having another relaxing Saturday. No plans other than the usual shopping, etc. My friend Jami is helping her friend have an estate sale today and tomorrow. They are retiring and selling everything and moving to AZ. I was going to drive over there and visit for a while just for a little adventure but it is overcast and drizzly today so I think I'll pass. Maybe I'll go tomorrow if the weather is better. Happy it is rainy these last couple of days though because this could be fire season so keeping things moist is a good thing. Next week Jami and I and our friend Mona will go to the movies to see Downton Abbey. Hope it is still playing. Can't wait to see it. Jami will dye my hair next Sunday. It really needs it.

    Debora, sounds like you had a great week. Busy but good. Seeing your Flylady friends is always a treat. Volleyball games is one of the sports I actually enjoy watching.

    Well, take care all and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week is gone and today felt like a fall day. That was really nice cause we had Old People’s Day and it’s held in a gym that is not airconditioned. Ralph had a good time reconnecting with people and I know enough to have a good time too. Oldest person there this year was 102. You can officially come at 65. They have a meal (same every year), a program but people come to visit with people they don’t see often. Rest of day I’ve done stuff to get ready for tomorrow.
    Monday I got together with two of my sisters and one BIL (who can't be left alone). We shopped and ate and shopped and had dessert. Younger sister even took us past her house. She has kept where she lived to herself for a number of years (just how she is) but is a bit more open now. Plus she had my son there to light her water heater, a niece to mow her lawn and I actually had driven by her house shortly after she moved in cause my nephew knew how to look up houses sold. It was a good day but longer than I thought it would be. But once a year is okay and since I drove they both paid for everything.
    I had my physical this week and Ralph got checked since they changed his blood pressure medicine. He did not like it that I did not get to go in the room with him so guess we won’t make appointments at the same time again. They also got us in early so went on in to visit uncle. Then we went to Taryns’s tennis match. She didn’t win the doubles or singles match but did win some game sand has definitely improved. Then we went to Lucy’s volleyball game. They both have more but none that work out for me to go too. We also met about Good News Club and are starting next Tuesday.
    We had our last evening Bible stidy. I fought going to the morning but like it now. We had an interesting experience. Two men came in. Our church kitchen’s lights come on automatically which surprised them. The one said he was looking for his cousin who we all know. I had just gotten her new number the day before so I gave that to him but did not tell him where she lived. He talked about Peru and CA. Anyway they left. I called Glenda and said she would be getting a phone call. Then we decided to lock the door. 😊 I called Glenda after we got home and it was her cousin. He has lived in Peru the last 13 years so she hadn’t seen him for a long time. The guys even spent the night with Rich and Glenda. So all turned out well.
    Out bank had customer appreciation day Friday so we went to town a little later so we could eat lunch there. Then in the evening Ralph went to a visitation and I went to Jeremiah’s football game. He’s a freshman so isn’t in there much and their setup is such that you can’t see the players well. I left during the third quarter so I could be home by 10 plus Sunrise was well ahead – final score was 75-50 I heard.
    With all the going, I don’t get a lot done at home but I do what I can and deadlines get met.

    Isabella, yes, drizzly weather is not fun to get out in. We got a bit of rain today - none last night but I had a beautiful lightning show to watch so assume someone was getting rain.
    Hope you enjoy Downton Abby. That's one I would like to see but it seems like too many evenings are full. Getting your hair done next week will be nice too.

    Sheryl, I hope things are gong okay for you. I continue to pray for you.

    Enjoy your week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, really enjoyed Downton Abbey yesterday. Now Dan says he may want to go see it so we may go this coming Friday when I am off again to use some vacation time. I wouldn't mind seeing it again. Dan and I are really starting to enjoy my extra Fridays off. Afterward I went to a store called Bath & Body Works which is near the theater. I don't know if you have those where you are. They sell candles, soaps, shampoo & conditioner, scents, etc. One of our newer sales guys gave me a gift certificate for being so helpful and when I saw they were having $10 off their 3 wick candles (for one day only) I decided to go in and use it to get a candle for someone as a Christmas gift. Well, come to find out the gift card is for $25 (what a nice guy!) so I bought 2 candles. They are regularly $24.50 each so I only had to use $6.00 of my own money. It was really hard to decide which ones to buy because they had a lot of scents to choose from. When I got home Dan and I went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch/dinner. We had a coupon for a free grilled chicken sandwich so I had that and Dan had the regular. It was OK but I prefer my usual spicy chicken sandwich. We're recording lots of new shows so we watched several then went to bed. It was a nice day.

    Dan had a physical for the first time since 2008 and I am happy (and very relieved) to say all his labs came out normal, so aside from the somewhat high blood pressure (which he has had all his life) and being a tad overweight, he is healthy. The doctor was surprised to see that even his prostate is normal. I guess that is unusual for a man his age. I think the supplement I have him taking for his prostate must be at leaset part of the reason.

    Debora, sounds like you had a lot of fun events this week - Old People's Day, the shopping day and lunch with your sisters, Customer appreciation day - all sounds really nice!

    Sheryl, hope all is well with you. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. Even more so this week since we saw the Downton Abbey movie. Dan and I were discussing again how wonderfully thoughtful it was of you to share your DVDs of the series with us.

    Have a great week all!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, Dan and I went to see Downton Abbey Friday (yesterday) at the Angelika Theater (a luxury theater with recliners for seats). He enjoyed it as much as I did. He said it was like seeing old friends again. After the movie the food is 1/2 price with your ticket stub so we had lunch there as well. I had a burger with green bean fries and Dan had a club sandwich with regular fries. The whole meal came to $15 and it was a LOT of food. We were still full and did not have dinner. We went to Trader Joe's afterward then watched the old Robin Hood movie with Errol Flynn and a couple of shows before we went to bed. Dan said it was the best day he has had in a very long time.

    Today I am going to my friend and co-worker Paula's house warming party. She has been renovating it for 6 months and it is finally finished. Look forward to seeing it. Dan probably won't go but that is OK.

    Well, hope you all have a nice week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. It’s been awhile since I’ve written. Just haven’t taken the time. We got Good News Club started. We have 25 kids come – not all the same week. Our Wednesday nights started up and we have two kids in the nursery so I get to play every week. Taryn finished up with tennis. Paige is doing a couple of nights of volleyball. Jeremiah is playing football. So we have activities to go to. We work out making it in to see Uncle joe. Sometimes he makes more sense than others. Last time his knee was giving him a lot of pain. I still have not gotten his cremation plan set up and need to do that.

    I’m getting set up to do another research study. Got my flu shot and 1st pneumonia shot out of the way. I always like the extra cash. Hopefully, there won’t be too many appointments but that’s when I get money, so….. We are gearing up to do our family packing party for Operation Shoeboxes. I bought a bunch of soap and washcloths this week and Ralph is bagging them up. Lori does the most work. We are doing 4-H Sunday tomorrow and she is bringing stuff for our club to pack several boxes. It’s fun to work together and helps with the 100 she does on her own. I went over last week and we straightened up the corner of her basement. I got to see Thomas’ college corner – fridge, TV, desk area and a sofa close by. He still sleeps upstairs and there’s plenty of other stuff down there from the girls playing.

    The are rough moments – Deacon had another stay in the hospital with his asthma. Ava is having a few more seizures. Lindsey got food poisoning so had an ambulance ride to the hospital but fortunately only had to stay a couple hours. They have their last month with Blessin. She is spending more time with her birth mom each week. The other 4 kids have been in the home since just before school. But overall, life is good.

    Isabella, cool that you got to go to Downton Abby twice. Did you catch more the second time? You do good at a\having coupons for good places to eat too. Lori and Lindsey went last night an enjoyed it. I got to watch Maggie at the football game since Lori was gone and Jim had to run the clock. One of her friends was there so that was a huge help.
    Cool on your great buy at Bath and Body Works. I go there about once a year – if I need things for Christmas. So many choices of smells to choose from.
    We just had a Trader Joe’s open in Wichita. We haven’t made it there yet but am sure we will check it out.
    How was the housewarming party? We have the Fall Parade of Homes the last three weekend and we went and checked out two of the ones Derek has in it. He does a nice job (even if I am prejudiced.

    Well, I spent today doing lots of one time and am hoping it makes my list a little shorter in the future. I feel like a got quite a few things done. Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Took another Friday off this week. Had a nice relaxing day. We went out to an early dinner to a local italian restaurant called Mama Cella's. Food was really good this time. We were both very happy. More relaxing Saturday then we did our usual shopping, etc. Today I'll do my cooking for the week.

    Debora, I enjoyed Downton Abbey both times. It was nice to see it with Dan because he got so much out of it. House warming party was very nice. I stayed a couple of hours. Sounds like you had a great week and very efficient.

    Well, I have to get going to church. Have a great week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Evening Isabella and Debora. I got John settled in to watch Sunday Night Football...he will sometimes sit for 10 minutes, sometimes 1/2 hour, so I never know how much time I have to myself. He sat for about 10 minutes and then got up and wandered around. But, is back sitting and watching again. Gave me a little time to read back several comments and get caught up a little. (There are still probably at least 20 comments from months ago that I never got read, I think I'll let that go).

    Isabella, it's not hot here anymore, but John did go out in the heat. At least he would stop often and get something to drink. We have water and gatorade in the barn refrigerator, so he doesn't always need to come all the way back to the house. Now, it's cooler and drizzly, but that doesn't stop him either. If he stays out too long in the cold, he comes back in "frozen", but unless it's pouring rain, he continues to go outside a lot. When he is inside, he's pacing from room to room looking out windows and giving me a running narration of what he sees. We never had kids, but I sure feel like I have one now. It's exhausting, I don't know how mothers do it, especially with more than one.
    How sad that your park is no longer 55+, the older we get, the harder it is to deal with lots of kids around. Except, I guess, for grandmas, right Debora? You are always surrounded by kids and seem to enjoy it.

    Debora, it's time for a new keyboard for me too. Most of my letters are missing again. Since John no longer gets on the computer, I may try one of those "cushy" ergonomic keyboards that look like they are very curvy, but I'm told that they are very comfy on the hands/wrists. I return empty ink cartridges to Staples and get rewards, so I can use my next coupon toward a new keyboard.
    I got my flu shot a couple weeks ago too. I called in the morning to make an appointment and was on hold for so long, I decided to hang up and see if they would take a walk-in. Which they did. Then, last week, the pharmacy called to see if I wanted them to contact my physician to get a new Rx for my blood pressure med. (No more refills on that last Rx) I said yes, please go ahead and do that, but then got a call from my doctor's office asking me to make an appointment for a blood pressure check before making out a new Rx. I thought that I could do a walk-in for that since it's only a blood pressure check, but no, the doctor wants to see me. It's been over a year since she saw me last and wouldn't just write up a new Rx. I didn't realize it since I go to my oncologist office so often and get my BP checked there all the time, and they do share info, but this time I needed to make an appointment.

    Speaking of appointments, I finally got my liver procedure scheduled for a week from tomorrow, Monday, Oct 28th. The delay was so I could be off the chemo drugs for at least 6 weeks and also, waiting fit into Norma's scheduled better. She's flying up to be with us. Even though it's an out-patient procedure, I'll be at the hospital almost all day and they won't let me drive after, so Norma can be with John while I'm in the operating room and then drive us home. She is so good with him and he's comfortable with her, so I can be calm during the procedure knowing John is OK. He is never left alone anymore.

    Since John can't sit through a movie, especially at a theater, I pre-ordered the Downton Abbey Movie DVD from Amazon. It doesn't have a release date yet, but as soon as it's available, they will ship it to me. Norma saw it on the Monday after the big opening weekend, she went to the matinee for only $6.00, senior price. Great deal. She loved it and I was hoping I'd have the dvd by the time she comes here next week so we could watch it together, but I think that's wishful thinking. She said that I will love it too. She also said that it's like seeing old friends again and getting reacquainted.

    John is up and around again. I asked him who is winning the game and he doesn't know. He knows very little these days. It is so difficult seeing him like this, just not the man he used to be, but still very loving.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, the week has sped by. Monday we visited my uncle, checked out Trader’s Joes and went to Paige’s volleyball games. Tuesday I got lab work done to check my A1C (which is in normal range), went to the thrift store – shopped and donated. We had Good News Club in the afternoon and then went to Taryn’s music concert. Wednesday was Bible study in the morning and church in the evening – got cuddles in the nursery this week. Thursday, I worked with friend – sorted bulletins for the secretary and then friend and I went to Arby’s for lunch – had their rueben. Very good. Got to cut Ralph’s hair in the evening (not a favorite task). Friday was hurry and to errands and then went to watch Derek’s two youngest. After Blessin went down for her nap, I gave the monitor to Julie – there but working – and walked the two blocks to the park with Madden. Then we played in his room. When the next three got home from school, they had their snacks and got out the ipads until their dad came so they could all head out to take Blessin to her bio-mom for 3 days. It’s more time each week and the change will be made by Thanksgiving. Went home and fixed our pizza and salads. Today I had the whole day at home. Got lots of steps in, baked rolls and brownies, cut up a pinapple, straightened the house and got out the crockpots. Will put the pork tenderloin on before I head for bed. I needed to make a dish for our fellowship meal so did enough deviled eggs so we could have some with out meal too. So doing all that has kept me out of trouble.

    Isabella, glad you enjoyed it both time. Lori and Lindsey saw it last week and enjoyed it. I’m glad you are enjoying your Fridays off. Do you feel like there’s a lot for work waiting for you when you go in on Monday.

    Sheryl, it is always so good to hear from you. Glad John stayed with the game long enough for you to be able to chat. It’s nice John enjoys the outdoors but stays on your place. I’d love to know what you think of the keyboard. It is nice to be able to see all the letters again even if I don’t look at them all the time. Glad you got your flu shot. I also got my first pneumonis shot. So hope to stay healthy. Hope you get into your doctor quickly so you can have your bp med. So nice that Norma can fly up when you have the procedure done. That will be great for you for the help with John. I may be around kids a lot with grandkis, Sunday School, 4-H and Good News Club but it is not day in and day out. I can’t quite imagine how you handle it all except that God helps you. Yes, the DVD probably won’t be released until it’s out of the theaters. Ralph would not enjoy it and I don’t care to go alone so I may just miss it. But I’m sure I’ll survive. Prayers that the liver procedure goes just fine and you are up and about right away.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies! It has been hot this week and with the Santa Ana winds we have several fires popping up. The ones within 20 miles of our home are less than 100 acres and they were during the day so we are blessed so far but more Santa Ana winds are coming this week (Wednesday & Friday) so praying the Lord will continue to protect us. There is a pretty bad fire in Sonoma County (wine country) and one in Santa Clarita (near LA) that is larger. Both are still burning.

    Just so you ladies know, those curvey ergonomic keyboards have some of the keys in a different place than a standard keyboard. They say you get used to it but we bought one for a gal at work and she didn't like it. We've had a couple of other people try it and they didn't like it either. We recently got a new employee that was used to one so she is happy to use it.

    Debora, yes there is a good amount of work piled up on Mondays when I take Friday off but it is worth it and it is better than taking several days off in a row. The work would REALLY pile up then. So far it has been manageable. I bought a fresh pineapple this week too - from Sprouts. They were $1.98 each. I could smell the sweetness when I picked it up so I knew it would be a good one (last couple I bought were tart so I hadn't bought one in a while). It is SO good!!!

    Sheryl, great to hear from you as always. Happy to hear that Norma is coming up to be with you and John for your Liver procedure Monday. Aside from the fact that it is great to have her there it will put your mind at ease for John. I will be praying for you. Dan's new doctor forces his patients to come in before he'll renew their blood pressure meds if they haven't been in for a year too. He says he needs to make sure their liver is OK. Dan's recent visit, lab work, physical was really good! Everything is healthy. Doctor seemed surprised that even his prostate is healthy. Made me very happy. He took him off one of the blood pressure meds so now he only takes Olmesartan.

    Well, I gotta go. God bless your week ladies!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, wow, I'm feeling so good. Praise The Lord. I think this is the best that I've felt in 6 years, since I got sick in November of 2013. I planned to come here first thing and then got delayed this morning because I started playing with my ecards again, Happy Halloween.

    First, Isabella, I'm going to copy/paste my last email update here for you. Debora is included in that group NM email that I send out so she got this yesterday...

    A quick update to let you know the procedure went very well. Since my doctors wanted me off the chemo drugs for at least a month prior to surgery and Norma offered to come to help out and it turned out best for her to come later in October rather than earlier, the surgery was scheduled for October 28th. I’ve been off the drugs for 7 weeks and what a difference that made. I feel so much better.

    Norma arrived last Thursday and we have had terrific sister time together. We got to see Jackson’s (Norma’s 7 year old grandson) soccer game last Saturday and enjoy a great family visit and a delicious lunch at Brent and Beth’s house.

    This past Monday was the procedure and I was so excited to get this done. I was so comforted that Norma was with John in the waiting area, it made it a more pleasant, calm experience for me. Norma is great with John and I knew he was in good hands. I was awake throughout the procedure and heard everything…it was fascinating. They used a micro-catheter (the diameter of a hair) entering an artery in my wrist and then going down the aorta into my liver, found the spot in my liver and blasted it with chemo that will only travel a maximum of one centimeter. Not having chemo running through my whole body is a blessing, I feel great. I’ll have a CT scan in one month and then at 3 months and 6 months after that. If more cancer is detected, this procedure can be done again, as many times as necessary.

    I am resting and watching Norma do all the work, at least for 2 days anyway. That’s how long the doctor told me not to flex my wrist or lift anything. Actually, I’m itching to get back to doing something, I’ve been idle for far too long.

    Thanks again for all your prayers and support, you all mean so much to me.

    I hope that very soon, I'll get back to my emails and comment on all that you are doing and have written to me about. It's been awhile since I've done a very personal email to each individual, only blanket updates to all the family and friends

    We're meeting up with Carol for lunch today. I don't know if you remember, or if I even mentioned it to you, that I know Carol through Norma. They went to college together and one of the early visits that Norma made years ago, I met Carol and her husband when we met up for a reunion with Norma and Carol has been a great friend to me ever since. She invited me to join the women's Bible study and included me in several other outings. Anyway, this will be fun, they'll be talking and reminiscing about college days. Where are all the old friends and who's doing what now.

    John is up and asking questions so I'm going to cut this short again. I will discipline myself to get back here everyday again...Norma is doing NOOM and logging food, so she has inspired me to log again. I'll get back on track.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, what a Happy Halloween I had. No Trick or Treaters, we have a bad street (traffic/no sidewalk) so discourage any kids from coming around, but had a wonderful lunch with friends. I always love getting together with Carol and John feels comfortable enough around her that he was also very talkative yesterday. Usually he's very quiet when we're out socializing, even when we're with his friends these days, which is seldom so maybe that's why. I talked so much that I started losing my voice again. But, it felt so good. I'm feeling the best now than I have in the past 6 years, since I first got sick. God is Healing and Gracious and I am so Blessed.

    I think tomorrow we will hook up with Jack and Gayla for a visit. Even though they live across the street, we haven't done anything with them in quite a while. I guess I'm back on the social circuit, ha ha ha

    Isabella, thanks for the heads up about the keyboard. I'm waffling on that since they are more expensive, do I want to take that chance? I'll let you know.

    We are having beautiful weather here this week, although it's very cold. I'm so glad that there's no rain while Norma is here.
    Ha! the sun is streaming through the windows and I really, truly have lots of cobwebs everywhere. However, I doubt that I'll clean windows until Spring...I can sure put off housework, it's so easy for me to say "there's always tomorrow".

    Time to go out to feed, I'll bundle up, the thermometer says 28 degrees out there. Norma and John are still in their toasty beds.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Again, I must say that I am so blessed, I'm feeling very good. Today Norma wants to mow my lawn again, so we'll be working outdoors. We did quite a lot yesterday, but didn't get around to the mowing. Norma helped me with repairs that I couldn't do myself and John just couldn't understand my instructions to help me. What a load off my mind that these things got done. Yay !!!!!

    I found Recipe Rehab on tv again and enjoyed watching that this morning. They re-did quiche to a healthier version (I love quiche) and then a sausage and egg dish in the second 1/2 hour. Both recipes look so good. I remember that when I started NM, I really enjoyed Turkey Sausage...I'll have to get back to that again, so much healthier than bacon.

    Everyone is up now, so I'll close this and hopefully come back tomorrow and catch you up. Norma is leaving in the morning so they will have to get up earlier than they have been, I'm sure I'll be up already, and we plan to go out to breakfast and then get to PDX for her 9 am flight.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies! It has been somewhat cooler here this week. Still no major fires in our area from the Santa Anas so we are really blessed! Dan and I will do our usual shopping today. Then we have plans to go to dinner with Jackie and Ken tonight. I am really looking forward to seeing them. We plan to take them to a restaurant in a nearby town called Sublime Alehouse. We haven't been there before but they got good reviews on yelp and it sounds like a fun restaurant.

    Sheryl, SO great to hear from you!! Very happy that the liver procedure went well! Also VERY happy that you are off the chemo and feeling much better. Wonderful that you got to get out to some fun outings and also got lots of stuff done around the house. God is SO good!!! Thanks very much for copying and pasting the NM update email. Please feel free to add me to that update group if you can. I'm pretty good at letting housework/cleaning wait. I can't remember the last time we did the windows. Not a priority these days. Brrrr - 28 degrees?! I'd have a hard time getting outside to feed critters. :) Be careful not to overdo!

    Debora, I know you're very busy as always. What are the temps like in your area these days?

    OK, I'll say bye for now. Bless your week ladies!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Getting ready to shower and go to breakfast and the airport. I got Norma to join MFP, logging is so much better here than on Noom. I got her into our group as well, so we may hear from her and learn more about Arizona and Tucker the dog, etc. What fun.

    Isabella, look for an email.

    Will check in when I get home later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Came by to log my food, but too tired to talk too much. I need to log throughout the day, I may have forgotten something since I'm sort of in a brain fog this late. It's not really very late, but late for me.

    Norma got off just fine this morning and arrived early. We had a great time together. I'll try to give details in the morning.