Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good morning! I didn't get here yesterday because Jami and I went to an early 9:30am matinee to see "A Star Is Born" starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. It was an excellent movie. Of course we cried several times! I don't remember if I have seen either of the older versions but the acting and music were very good in this one. Jami and I haven't gone to the movies together in a VERY long time! I couldn't have any of the popcorn with her but that was OK with me. We went to a "luxury" theater called the Angelika Theater where you have recliners with little tables attached and can order a meal at the concession stand and bring your food into the theater with you. It is also assigned seats so you choose your seats when you purchase your tickets. The seats are very comfortable but a tad too big for me to be totally comfortable as weird as that sounds. When I got home I made lunch for Dan and I. We had mac and cheese from Trader Joe's. One of my favorites. We did our usual shopping but did not eat out. Instead I bought a rotisserie chicken from Sprouts for dinner. It was delicious as usual.

    My brother Joe's furnace and hot water system are all linked together and it went out Thursday night. When I called him Friday he was in a panic. The heating company he usually uses told him the system is too far gone (leaking in too many places) and would have to be replaced. Minimum cost would be $7,000 and they couldn't do it until Mon. or Tues. I talked him through what his options were. I suggested he get a second opinion and a recommendation from our nephew Mike. As for being in a house without hot water or heat for 4 days, I told him he could either get a heater and an extra blanket, he could go to a hotel, or he could ask someone if he can stay with them for a few days. He is VERY uncomfortable asking anyone for something like that so he opted to call Mike for a recommendation. The guy Mike recommended said they would be there 8:am Monday to assess the issue. In the meantime he decided to buy a heater and a blanket. Of course, being the procrastinator that he is, he waited until 9pm his time Saturday to go and buy everything so Dan and I spent a couple hours from our Saturday evening to walk him thru which heater to choose (he called us from Home Depot) then help him figure out how to safely get it set up and running.

    After that, we watched a few shows and went to bed.

    I don't know if you are watching any of the new shows but there are a few good ones. We are enjoying "Manifest" although it's a little weird but very suspenseful. We are also REALLY enjoying "God Friended Me". It is really well done with good storylines and good acting. For comedies so far we like "The Neighborhood" and "The Kids are Alright". The other shows we're recording are just OK. Will probably delete a few eventually.

    Today will be my usual church at 8:30am then shopping at Jimbo's then home to do my Sunday cooking for the week. I'm toying with the idea of going back to my old church but haven't decided yet. I may switch back and forth for a while.

    Debora, how exciting for Thomas to make such an amazing touchdown! That must have been really fun to watch. Nice to hear that the doc was there to monitor him and had him rest for a while. Also good that it didn't take Ralph too long to get used to the Smartphone. One of these days Dan and I will take that leap! :) Also nice to hear that Medicare made your eye appt. cheaper!

    Well, have a wonderful week!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good evening...lots of comments for me to read, but I want to comment myself, even before reading them, in case I run out of time. I got John interested in the World Series, so he's occupied for a short while at least. Last night, he watched about an hour, but on the weekends when he says he wants to watch a ball game, he only lasts about 10 minutes.

    Anyway, these last few weeks have been pretty miserable, these shingles are awful. Plus, I'm just plain drained from chemo and dealing with John. But, I'm still here and will catch you up as I can. I am getting emails from cousins asking me how we are, so it's time for an update, been a long time since I've been in contact with anybody.

    Nancy and I are playing phone tag and have an intimate relationship with each others answering machines. Norma and I talk almost daily. She is so happy with her new husband and new life, loves retirement and is moving to Arizona. More on that later. I gotta go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I was able to work yesterday morning so I worked from 6am to 12pm. Very happy that I was able to get somewhat caught up. :) Went to the farmer's market afterward to get some wonderful green beans and treated myself to some sprouted hummus. Dan and I did our usual grocery shopping afterward then watched some shows.

    I'm going to make chicken cacciatore today for dinner. We make it with marinara sauce, boneless skinless chicken thighs, carrots, onions, and potatoes. Delicious!

    Sheryl, so glad you got a chance to check in. Sorry you are still having issues with the shingles and that the chemo is kicking your butt. I will continue to pray for you and John. I would love to be included in the cousin email updates if you ever think of it. Check in when you can.

    Debora, I'm sure you are busy as always. Have a wonderful week.

    Love to all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Hi, I keep putting off writing cause it seems like I “don’t Have time” but other things wait. We took 17 boxes of books to Kansas City one day. Plus we visited the usual book stores. We left before daylight but got home just early enough for Ralph to gather eggs. I got to Good News Club, babysit on Wednesday nights during Bible study. I’ve been to Bible Study. We almost to the end of the book of James so need to order new books – will do Colossians/Philemon next by Elizabeth George. I took granddaughter to 4-H Officers training. I’m trying to go through record books and things at home. Today I’m going to our County 4-H Achievement Celebration and then on to Thomas’ play – Arsenic and Old Lace. Last night I went to his final football game. I’m not sad that era is done. Sadly, they lost this one and during the last quarter, Thomas got hit hard and they had to stop the game for a few minutes. Fortunately, all is well. I’ve managed seeing Uncle Joe each week. Guys finally got back out in the field combining soybeans so Ralph has been making trips to and from Wichita – sometimes waiting in line 2-3 hours. Last week Deacon spent 3 nights and 4 days in the hospital with his asthma. One night was in PICU. We went to see him and watched the other kids for an evening too. So there doesn’t seem to be a lack of something to do.

    This morning Derek came out and replaced our front stool (the back one is for another day). It worked but not well and we were pouring more and more water down it. It still needs a tweak but he needed to get to a house closing. He also put a new sink and faucet in. I made a trip to town for a couple of things he needed. While I was gone he got all the hard water deposits off the countertop. Looks brand new – now, the question is, can I keep it that way.

    Tomorrow morning is Youth Sunday. They are in charge of the Youth Sunday – Thomas is a part of a skit and one of the two “preachers”. Afterwards, they serve everyone a meal they have fixed.

    It’s about time for me to leave so I’ll go ahead and send this now so you know I’m alive and well and do a reply later. Sunshine here.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, We had a potluck for Halloween at work. Everyone requested I bring my deviled eggs again. They were a big hit. It was a nice spending non-work related time together as we ate lunch.

    This has been a hectic but good weekend. I'm just now getting a chance to visit. Spent all of yesterday with Dan. Did mostly usual stuff but nice to have the whole day together.

    Today I cleaned the new shower with my glasses on this time and noticed a crack in the grout in the 2 back corners. I guess everything settled. I called the guy who installed the shower and he came out pretty quick today and caulked it. Made Dan and I very happy.

    Now I will do my usual Sunday cooking for the week.

    Debora, how was Youth Sunday? What did the kids make for a meal?

    Have a great week!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This morning was good. We had all 13 of our kids in Sunday School. They did well. But still glad we have three of us there. The service was not as long today but that’s normal when the Youth Group does it. They had the pianist, special music, announcements – well everything but when their youth sponsor spoke and then the pastor had the closing prayer. Thomas was good in his skit and did a fine job with his part of the message on obedience. Everyone did good but I’m partial to him. Then we enjoyed a delicious meal – cheesy potatoes, pulled pork sandwich, green beans, orange jello and butter finger dessert. We hung around and visited and were some of the last to leave.

    Since we got home, I’ve been watching taped shows, working on the computer, walking and taking it easy. Ralph has been working on some questions our daughter-in-law sent him – getting ready for his 80th birthday party. Next will do my list for tomorrow and gear up for the week. I also listened to the message from my uncle’s friend. She has left me alone for a couple of months. It wasn’t a pleasant message. Basically I’m being cruel and wrong and if I don’t change things, she’ll take me before a judge. I’ll let you know when that happens. He’s not in a prefect place (who is) but he’s in good place for him and I’m still not going to let her take him out.

    Isabella, glad you and Jaime could enjoy a movie together. I’ve heard that’s a good one. Nice that you could help your brother over the phone take care of the heating problem. It’s so good when you have someone to bounce ideas off.

    I really hadn’t watch any of the shows you mentioned but I tape God Friended Me in case 60 minutes doesn’t start on time so checked it out and liked it. I like New Amsterdam this season and the new Last Man Standing.

    I didn’t realize you cook for the week on Sunday but that’s smart with you working and the commute. What did you fix for this week? Sorry you have to go to church along again but glad you can go. Is one church closer? Cool that you got such quick service on the shower. I’ll have to be more careful in the front bathroom since it looks so good now and should clean up the back room better before Derek works on it (I’m probably not the best of housekeepers.)

    Sheryl, so good to hear from you. Even just a “hi” lets us know you’re there. I’m sure the shingles have been worse for you to deal with everything else you have going on. Best thing for you to do is to rest and we’ll keep praying for you.

    Watch out for those answering machine romances. Glad you and Norma can keep up with each other so well. Will Arizona be closer or further from you? Probably doesn’t make that much difference – just curious.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! I'm going to go to the farmer's market today to get some honey and hopefully some chard. Then Dan and I have our library concert later. We've seen this performer before. He does a lot of Jimmy Buffet songs. Should be a nice weekend. Weather has been in the high 70's to mid 80's. Dan's heel has been hurting. Sounds to me like plantar fasciitis which I have heard is very painful. I will try to get him to go to the doctor and get it diagnosed. We'll see how that goes. These men are very stubborn when it comes to doctors!

    Debora, this past Sunday I cooked a bunch of ground beef and used it in several meals such as tacos. I also made a big pot of chicken cacciatore and got several meals out of that. I even froze a container that we'll get a couple of meals from. This Sunday I'll probably make a casserole. Maybe a chile relleno casserole. Yes, the newer church is closer. That's part of the reason I'm still going there. I'm glad you're enjoying God Friended Me. We are still enjoying every episode.

    Sheryl, I'm praying for you and John every day.

    Love you guys!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Another week has zoomed past. As weird as it may sound, I did not realize how much I could enjoy having the toilet flush each and every time with no help from me. It’s a little loud but hopefully when a bunch of people are here we don’t notice it. Monday I was home all day. My original plan was to clean one room a day (not a deep clean but a little more than surface) to be ready for Thanksgiving. Then that day I thought I try and do the jobs I could get knocked off the list and I did pretty go for that. But I didn’t get the living room done and the next day I had just as many different little jobs to put on the list. But I kept trying and things I can put off till afterThanksgiving, I moved ahead in the card file.

    Tuesday was Good News Club. We had to meet upstairs because of voting but it went okay and the kids did a good job of being quiet with their feet. Wednesday morning was Bible study. The afternoon at home and babysitting during church in the evening. Alan and Ralph were busy combining and hauling soybeans in to get all done they could before the snow came.
    Thursday morning I babysat for Lindsey . I only had the baby so it was easy cause she slept most of the time. Ralph went along cause it was snow/raining. Roads were not ever bad but visibility was affected some. Ralph did some stuff while I was babysitting (walking around the house and reading). We are at McDonalds and then went to visit my uncle. We didn’t stay a long time but he basically told us good bye. Maybe he waned to get back to his nap. As we drove back home, we saw snow sticking to he ground. We ended up with about two inches but driving was never a big problem.

    Friday morning was the usual errands. In the evening we went to the Haggai Banquet. Delicious meal and good speaker. Enjoyed the conversation at out table too. Today Ralph went to a meeting and then to a bunch of bookstores that were having a sale so I had the day at home to myself. I came p with a new game plan and feel good about what got done. I got the bathroom stuff back in the bathroom, the basement picked up from two weeks ago, started on stuff for 4-H (Monday night). It’s our Achievement so more to do than a lot of meetings so will hopefully work on it tomorrow too. I think it’s too much to leave all for Monday. Tomorrow we have our family shoebox packing party (doing 100 boxes) so loaded up stuff I have here and got food ready for noon meal – taking sandwich stuff and everyone can make their own.

    Isabella, thanks for sharing how you gear up your meals for he week. That’ smart o have to not think so hard when you come home from work each night. I have another curiousity question for you. Does Dan take care of the housework or do you do some of it each evening cause you never talk about having to clean?
    Your weather is much warmer than ours. We started at 18 this morning but did get up to 42 so most of the snow is gone. We seem to do a lot of jumping around with out temps.
    Oh dear, pain in the foot is not good and if it’s the plantar thing, my niece had that and it is painful. Not sure if there’s a lot you can do. Good luck on the doctor visit. Guy can be stubborn.

    Will let you go and maybe work on typing the program for Monday. Not too hard to do since I copy and paste last years and then make appropriate changes. :
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2018
    Started my day out making Dan and I a nice breakfast. Then I had a Cutco knife rep come and sharpen my knives at 10:00am. They sharpen them for free as part of the lifetime guarantee. I don't know if you've ever heard of Cutco? The knives are pretty expensive but they are made in the USA and are guaranteed forever. Even if you pass them down from generation to generation. I know a gal who has her grandmother's Cutco set and they are still going strong. I have a Cutco knife sharpener but it is only for the straight edge blades and it is still nice to have someone else sharpen them from time to time. I bought a knife sharpener like mine from the gal today and will give it to my friend in FL for Christmas. Dan and I did our usual shopping around 2pm. Spent a lot today. I bought an organic chicken to cook for Thanksgiving. It cost $15.00. Seems silly in a way when I could have gotten an already cooked rotisserie chicken for $7.99 like I did last year. But I just felt like cooking one this year so there we have it.

    We are going to our Friends Jackie & Ken's for dinner tonight. She is going to make eggplant parmigiana and tiramisu. YUM!!! I'm bringing the salad. I found a "super foods" salad kit at Costco with kale, broccoli stems, sliced brussels sprouts, cranberries, pepitas and red cabbage with a sort of coleslaw dressing. Hope they like it. We always have a really nice time with them so I'm really looking forward to it.

    Debora, funny you should ask about cleaning. :) I am not really much of a "Suzy Homemaker". With just Dan and I the house stays fairly neat (except the couple of corners where I tend to stack paperwork). Dan only cleans his shower and does his own laundry and I clean the rest of the house on Saturday. Mostly dust and sweep and clean the bathrooms. After meals I wash the dishes and he dries. It works for us. :)

    OK, I gotta go finish getting ready for our night out. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello. Family shoebox packing party was fun. I forgot to get rubberbands so Lori got some and put them on the shoeboxes after 4-H on Monday. She also, for fun, put them in the shape of a Christmas tree. She said it wasn’t easy to do. But everyone enjoyed it. We had our achievement night at 4-H. Weather wasn’t real nice so some stayed home so plenty of pizza. Ralph and I took 2 of the family shoeboxes to take to Chick-fil-a to get a coupon for a free sandwich. We did that on Thursday (Ralph’s birthday) when we also wenT to the Grand Opening of a Half Price Bookstore. Ralph told them it was his birthday and they gave him a $15 gift card. We bought about $100 worth of books so it got used.

    Sunday was a big celebration for Ralph’s 80th. I ordered pizza for the family to eat after church and then they started decorating (I baked a pie to use to sing to Derek since his birthday was the next day). Derek and Lindsey had done most of the prep work. There were centerpieces on the tables and a big display of pictures of him over the years, tractors and chickens. People came from 2:30 to 4:30. We had a guest “book” and I counted about 160 that came – not including our family. Ralph thoroughly enjoyed visiting with everyone as they came and people stayed around visited. They served cake (chocolate or white), mixed nuts and pop (Ralph’s request). He has enjoyed all the cards people brought and is still getting some in the mail. We had a sheet cake left and the round decorative one left. The sheet cake I’ll put out tomorrow and I cut the top into slices and froze it. It’s a snickerdoodle flavor.

    I’ve been working on straightening the house and gearing up for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I did the ham (cooked it Monday) and today baked 2 batches of dinner rolls and 2 dozen deviled eggs. Everyone else is bringing the rest of the food. If everyone comes, we’ll have 34 here so the house will be very full but we survive it for one day. Hopefully, the weather will be nice.

    Alan has been trying to finish up the soybeans before we get more rain which is supposed to happen Friday. He even has someone helping in one field. He finished the field by our house although some of it still has to be hauled in. In the morning, Alan wants to get the combine home and things under cover. Ralph has to grind some feed first thing.

    Tomorrow we have a Thanksgiving service at 10. It’s one of the best service of the year cause it’s people in the congregation sharing why they are thankful. Then we’ll eat around one. My niece is bringing out my uncle so I’ll fix his plate with hopefully easy to eat food. We’ll have smoked turkey (my nephew-in-law with the brain tumor did it for us even though they won’t be here), ham, cheesy potatoes, pistachio salad, green bean casserole, crockpot corn, deviled eggs, rolls, cranberry sauce, dressing, olives and some other relish stuff. And pies and cakes for dessert. No one should leave hungry. They usually stay into the evening and eat leftovers.

    Thomas will not be here since he is on his senior trip and is in Israel. Lori and family will head to Dallas on Friday to help with the shoeboxes there. We don’t do Black Friday craziness but we may go to the bookstores for something fun to do.

    Isabella, do you have a lot of Cutco knives? I don’t have any. Some of the kids have a few. Glad you got all your weekend things done. Are you fixing your chicken tomorrow? What else did you have? Yes, just having the two of your makes a difference and there’s less dust in town too. But I would also guess that you are very organized, not a big keeper and are basically decluttered. I hope I’m like you someday. I love that you can keep it up like that and make it seem so easy.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2018
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Our dinner out at our friends Jackie & Ken was really nice! We had a wonderful time. Ate way too much though. Haven't pigged out like that in a while.

    I'm going to roast my organic chicken today on a "beer can chicken" style ceramic roasting pan. Should turn out very moist. I'll also make mashed potatoes and broccoli. I also plan to make pumpkin bread for dessert. Should be a nice relaxing day. I have a 4 day weekend so that will be really nice and relaxing also.

    Debora, Happy birthday to Ralph! Sounds like it was really nice. So wonderful that you guys do all those shoeboxes. I always enjoyed doing my one or 2. :) Have a fantastic rest of your week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi all, hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was very simple and nice. The chicken came out very moist but the legs never seemed to get cooked enough - even when I put them back in the oven for another half hour.
    We went out to eat yesterday. Went to the Hamburger Factory and had a very large burger and fries but it was our only meal for the day so we didn't feel too bad about pigging out. Today we will do our usual shopping. I have some leftover mac and cheese and I think I will combine it with the leftover chicken and throw in some broccoli or other veggie - Oh, and of course, more cheese! ;) - and make a skillet meal out of it. Tomorrow I will make a quinoa, artichoke heart and spinach (and cheese!) casserole. Yummy and freezes well.

    Debora, I realized later that I never answered your question about my Cutco knives. I have 2 that I bought when I was 17yrs old. A carving knife and a French knife. I went to a demonstration to see if I wanted to sell them. I did not but I was so impressed that I bought 2. I bought the rest of the set - 5 knives, a spreader, a carving fork (to go with my carving knife), and a pizza cutter - when we first moved into this house about 15 yrs ago. I love them and the forever guarantee makes them well worth while. And they are still made in the USA! My French knife fell from a magnetic strip many years ago and the tip broke off. I figured it was my fault so I never did anything about it. When I bought the rest of the set the rep said I should send it in to be replaced anyway. So I did and they replaced the blade for free no questions asked. You just pay for shipping. My favorite is my santoku knife. My latest rep said I should send in my Cutco cutting board and they'll replace it. Again, I pay the shipping.

    Sheryl, we miss you! Praying for you both.

    Ok, I've rambled on long enough. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    As I said I look forward to our Thanksgiving Day service and it was a good one. From all those that shared was so much to be thankful for – some of it was hard stuff but God still walks beside you. Everyone showed upand the kitchen table was covered with food. Then after the first round, we put things away and put out the desserts. I pushed the cake and several took some home so just had about 10 pieces to freeze. We had pumpkin, apple, pecak and chocolate pie, a sopapilla dessert, a brownie cake and birthday cake. It was a beautiful day so the older kids spent a lot of time outside. The little ones played inside. I got tickled at Maggie whose 3. After using the bathroom, she came out and said grandma got a new stool, a new sink and a new toothbrush. She was right on all three counts but I was surprised she notice the toothbrush. I finally bought a more expensive electric one so we’ll see if it makes a difference. My niece brought my uncle out. People didn’t spend a lot of time visiting with him but he enjoyed watching everyone. Around 5:30 we brought the leftovers back out and people ate again but not as much. People visited, read, slept, worked on my puzzle and just enjoyed the day. We even had open windows to keep the house from getting too hot. The last ones left about 7.

    Friday we needed to take Jim’s car to the shop to have the brakes worked on so we went ahead and went to town. We went to Half Price Bookstore again, to Dillons for a few things and ate at McDonalds. Then we stopped by Derek’s and got the pictures and stuff they had borrowed. Lindsey was working on putting their tree up. All those kids and she still keeps things looking so nice.

    So with the afternoon and today, I just about have the house back in shape. I am making the taco meat for tomorrow. I still have a salad to make and cookies to bake.
    Yesterday Julie came by to get some yarn (she making all the nieces and nephews hats for Christmas using a round loom.) They found a dead mouse on the floor so I still have to get it out. Glad it waited to expire till after everyone left. Hope there aren’t too many more. It’s not a very big one.

    I have a itinerary of where Thomas is on his Israel trip so that’s fun to keep track of. I didn’t realize he’s gone a whole two weeks. Will finish the stuff I mentioned and getting close to finishing the puzzle – although the last part is always the hardest.

    Isabella, glad your meal turned out so nice and you outings have been fun. It does sound like cutco does stand behind their knives. I got some knives when we got married and they still are cutting so I probably won’t take the plunge at this time of my life.

    Got everything done for tomorrow and I finished the puzzle. My sister and I started this puzzle last Easter. Won’t work another one with her. And I don’t plan to do another 1000 piece one – but plans are always subject to change.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning! We are having our company holiday party today. It is being held at the Del Mar Race Track (and fair grounds). They have horse races. We are in one of the "celebrity" booths. It would not have been my choice, especially so early in the month, but it is nice that our division manager wants to do something nice for us. The food should be really good. I am going to drive to my co-worker Paula's house and ride to the track with her. It ends at 5pm but we'll probably leave around 3pm.

    Later Dan and I will do our usual shopping. He has been so discouraged and depressed lately. I'm worried about him. Don't know how to help him other than to pray and I know that is the best thing I can do for him but it is still hard to see him so unhappy. But I have to keep reminding myself that our Lord is good, He is sovereign, and He loves us.

    Wow Debora, amazing that you've had your knives since you got married! You must take really good care of them. There are several good brands of knives. Do you know what brand they are? I agree, no reason to get new knives. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". :) How do you sharpen them?

    OK, I'm going to get in the shower so I'm not rushing around at the last minute. Have a wonderful week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It's been a week with the usual activity. We had Good News Club, Bible study, worked with Arlene, visited uncle and errands (got a gift for uncle that Santa will give him at home Christmas party), my weekly errands on Friday and to an appointment for Ralph and visit to the thrift store one morning. Today was a 40th wedding anniversary and a wedding - good food at both events. I have the house straightened of my stuff. Ralph still has some book stuff to take care of. Even though we'll just have 4 here to eat, I like things picked up. Since we were gone a good part of today, I picked up a frozen lasagna and french bread. Keeping it simple.

    Hope you enjoyed you company party and the food. Some people have so many Christmas activities, they may have been trying to get ahead of the busyness. Glad you had someone to go with. You got some extra visiting in that way.

    Glad Dan will go and do the shopping with you. Do he use any medication for his depression. That can be hard to fight. Will be praying. My husband is so outgoing, it's hard to me to imagine what it would be like for you. I'm so glad you have the Lord to take you through it.

    After you asked me about the knives I had to google them - they are Ekco Arrowhead and according to the internet very good knives and even a collector's item. It's possible they need to be sharpened but I keep using them.

    How much decorating do you do? The place I put the tree last year won't work this year so I need to figure out what to do. But first I need to get some yearly reports done. Have been "struggling" with the financial one all week and just this morning found one number i wrote down wrong (back 5 months) - just keep reading it right I guess. So that will make things easier.

    We got a big rain last night - glad it didn't get cold enough to freeze. Not so nice for the living nativity going on but you deal with whatever there is.

    Enjoy your week.

    P.S. Sheryl, sure hope you are doing okay.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thank you Debora and Isabella for constantly thinking about me. I'm "hangin' in there" and every morning, for weeks, I've been saying I've got to get over here and chat with you and fill you in, but something always happens to distract me. John's been getting up early again. I'm here now, but who knows for how long?

    A Very Good Morning to you. So far, it's been good for me. I got the animals fed and got my coffee and have a moment to sit at the computer. John went back to bed, but again, who knows for how long? I still haven't gone all the way back to my last comment to read all your comments to the present, but maybe later today, I can catch up. There is football on all day and John may get interested long enough to allow me to do that. He watches tv anywhere from 5 minutes to a half hour at a time, but just can't sit still. He looks out the window and has to show me whatever it is that he may be seeing. I can't say no and go over to the window or on outside if it's good weather and John is outside and he comes and gets me. I read your yesterday's comments and Isabella, I know exactly how you feel about Dan and depression. I am praying for you and Dan as I pray for John in that respect too. He is so frustrated and depressed, it's hard to watch and there's nothing we can do to help them except pray. Yes, God is good and He has a Perfect Plan for us.

    I'm still always tired, that's frustrating too. My mind has a list of things to do, but my body will not cooperate. The shingles have healed on the skin, but there's residual tingling deep inside. Kind of prickly and sometimes it seems like electrical shocks. Weird and uncomfortable, but so much better than it was.

    I got a lot of really good information from The Truth About Cancer and Chris Beat Cancer and through them, I also got involved in other webinars and more information about nutrition and other alternative healing. But, now I'm inundated with emails to sign up for more and more webinars, etc. I registered for one about Autoimmune Secrets and never had time to watch any of the episodes. Others sounded so interesting, but at a time that's not convenient for me to sit at the computer for an hour or two. Well, there's never an hour or two for me to sit at the computer, constant distractions. I had one quite a long time ago about detoxifying body and home. I watched the first episode and it was very interesting. I couldn't get back to the rest of it as it aired, so I purchased the dvd package and I still haven't watched it. I think I need to UNregister from some of these things because my email inbox is overflowing and I'm overwhelmed. Delete, delete, delete. I get so wrapped up in browsing through those emails that I don't get any written and sent.

    I still haven't updated my cousins or my NM Family. When I do, soon I hope, I'll send an email to you too Isabella.

    I'll sign off now and hopefully can read some of your comments so I can join in the conversation. Be back later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week has zoomed by. We just had Jim and Lori and the 2 littles over after church. And they only stayed till 2 when they picked up the other two from Christmas program practice. Sunday evening at church was a Christmas program focusing on Whose Child Is This. Good.

    Monday was working on the treasurer books and getting the yearly report done and I had a terrible time getting things to add up but eventually, I got it figured out. That was the day Thomas got back form his Israel trip. Still haven’t had a chance to talk to him. Good News Club went well. Wednesday afternoon was the Fesper at church. It’s for those who ar 70 and up but I get to go because my husband is in the age range. We had a program and then a light meal – soups and fruit and peppernuts. That night was church and babysitting.

    Thursday afternoon was Willing Workers so I finished prepping for it in the morning – cutting strings, finding my wrapping paper, etc. Everyone brings a treat for it so lots of goo refreshments. The program was by two who had been to Israel last May. Very interesting. Friday was the usual trip to town and the evening we went to a visitation for a cousins’ son (he was only 52 and thankfully, a Christian). The funeral was this morning and then there was a lunch with more visitng. The rest of today has been getting ready for tomorrow. I have my meatloaf mxed up, baked brownies and made dinner rolls. I just finished up the dishes.

    Tomorrow night is the children’s Christmas program. Our class will practice during Sundy School. We sing two verses of Away in the Manger. Even if the kids don’t sing they will look cute.

    Sheryl, fighting the shingles and cancer stuff at the same time is exhausting. Hopefully, you keep feeling better and get a bit more energy. Taking care of John is another full-tie thing. So glad you are able to go with the flow.
    Yes, it would take some time, but unsubscribing from things you don’t have time for would be a smart idea. I too would like to hear what you write for your cousins when you get around to it.

    We have cold weather but at least not snow or ice to mess with.

    Enjoy your week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi ladies, we had our free concert yesterday. It was good. Then we went to Villa Capri for Italian food. I got a calzone. It was HUGE. I only ate about a 1/4 of it and gave 1/4 to Dan. I'll have lunch for a couple of days. :) Then we did our shopping. Our church had a children's pageant today. It was really cute.

    Sheryl, it is SO good to hear from you! I can't imagine what it's like to have the risidual of the shingles inside. I'll keep praying for you. Thanks for praying for Dan. I keep getting a lot of email invites too but I have them go into a special folder right off the bat so they don't clog up our inbox and make Dan crazy. Then I usually delete most of them. Like you, I just don't have the time. I appreciate that you will include me in the email when you send your update.

    Debora, I didn't decorate for Christmas last year and probably not this year either. Maybe some day I will again. I do put up a few things at work. No, Dan is not on any medication. He tried a couple but got all the side effects and no benefit so he only takes the xanax as needed now.

    Well, Dan is waiting for me so I'll close now. Have a blessed week ladies.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning all, I had a really nice day yesterday. I went to the farmer's market with my friend Jackie. We went to a new restaurant for lunch afterward and sat and talked for quite a while, then went to Big Lots. It is a discount store for "overstocked" items. Is there a Big Lots near either of you? I bought several boxes of Christmas cards. They took another 25% off the already low price. :) I already sent out my cards but I didn't have any extras in case I got a surprise card in the mail from someone and wanted to send one to them. Afterward Dan and I did our usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping then watched an old movie Judgement at Nuremburg (very heavy but very powerful) then a couple of comedies to lighten the mood.

    Today I am going over Jami's after church so she can dye my hair. Yay! I always look forward to hair dye day so I can look younger again and also so I can have the pleasure of Jami's company. :) We're not going to hang out much afterward today though because she has a funeral to go to plus get ready for her mom's arrival tomorrow for the holidays.

    My brother Joe was in the hospital this week. We found out he has diverticulitis. One of the pockets burst and he got an infection so they had to go in and clean it out. He is in a recovery rehab now and hopes to go home tomorrow or Tuesday. They want to go in again after he recovers sufficiently and "clean out" the rest of the pockets before they burst. He had been complaining of abdomen pain for MONTHS and the doctors couldn't figure out what the problem was. Diverticulitis is pretty common so I'm surprised that none of them thought to check for it. They even performed a hernia surgery but there was no hernia! Scary!

    OK, gotta go to church. Have a blessed week all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Merry Christmas – the day is just around the corner. And what a special day to celebrate for us as Christians. Our family gathered together Friday night. I ordered Pizza Hut pizza and everyone brought snacks (I made cream puffs and peppernuts). We ate, got the annual picture with the grandkids, read the Christmas story and then had fun watching everyone open their gifts. They headed home around 9.
    Today was a good Sunday. We had all 13 of the regulars and 1 visitor in Sunday School - went well. Only had three of Lori's kids here at dinner. Alan was doing something with Katie's family. Jeremiah had volleyball so his dad took him and Lori was home with a bad pain from her sciatic nerve. It was quiet but fun. We had cake and ice cream for dessert - said it was in memory of my sister - today would have been her birthday.
    Seems like I haven’t written cause I have keep busy. We had our Church Christmas program, Taryn had one, Alan’s kids had one, and Lori’s kids had 2 that we attended. We had our Good News Club party. The Youth Group came to carol one evening. We had Uncle Joe’s care plan meeting, his weekly visits and took to a Christmas dinner at the senior citizen’s place where he used to work (he really enjoyed that). I did the Christmas shopping (a lot online), wrapped presents. And tried to keep the house up in between.
    Tomorrow night we plan to go to a Christmas Eve service with Derek’s and look at some lights. Tuesday morning we have a Christmas Day service at church, Wednesday night is the Claassen cousin get-together. Saturday my oldest sister comes for 2 nights and we have the McCullough Christmas Sunday afternoon. Also, that afternoon, I get Derek’s 5 kids (the foster babyis staying with another family) for 2 ½ days. (Her parent get them on the 28th). So you’ll understand if I don’t’ get back her for awhile. Life has not slowed down.

    Isabella, I probably would not put the tree up if the kids weren’t coming. I have the nativity scene upstairs and do enjoy it. It doesn’t take decorations to celebrate. Sounds like Dan knows what’s works best for him. Not good to stay on meds if you get side effects – they are not fun.
    I have shopped at Big Lots. The one close to us closed so don’t go as often. Smart to stock up on cards when you get a good buy. I have gotten away from sending any. This year I’m treasurer of our ladies group and had to send out a money gift to our missionaries. For those in the states it seemed nice to use a card so got a box at Walmart. Will pick up some after Christmas for next year. I’ve almost used the whole box.
    Glad you got some pampering and friend time when you got your hair done. It’s about time for a haircut for me and I have to find a new person to do it so…..
    Oh my, your brother has been through a lot. Glad they finally figured out the problem an he is on the mend.
    Do you get both Monday and Tuesday off this week? Enjoy whatever time you get.

    Merry Christmas to You and Yours.