Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Here's an update on my nephew-in-law from his wife

    Positive visit with radiation oncologist this afternoon. Jeff's recent issues with arm functioning and seizure are lingering side effects of treatment, not tumor growth. That is good news. Tumor is stable. We see the medical oncologist today to work out chemo plan. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning! Well, It didn't get down to the 80's as promised. Temps have been in the mid 90's this week. I guess that's better than the 100's though! And it's been a bit dryer and breezier so can't complain too much. Today is our library concert. I'm looking forward to it since we missed the last one. Then our usual routine after that. I don't remember if I told you but Dan has stopped going to church with me. :(

    Debora, thanks for the update on Jeff. Good news! I'll continue to pray. Did you find a pumpkin bread recipe yet? I know it's the wrong time of year to use the oven but sometimes you just have to, and get over it. I'll email you my recipe. Last time I tried to email you it didn't go thru so we'll see how it goes this time.

    Sheryl, hope to hear from you soon.

    Have a great week all!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2018
    Debora, I couldn't find your email address in my outlook. Will you please give it to me again? Or send me an email? In the meantime, here's my pumpkin bread recipe. :) Have a great day!



    3 ½ cups flour
    1 cup sugar
    ½ cup brown sugar
    ½ cup molasses
    2 tsp baking soda
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp salt
    2 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp ground nutmeg
    1 tsp ginger
    1 can (16 oz.) pumpkin puree
    ½ cup vegetable oil (or ¼ cup vegetable oil & ¼ cup coconut oil)
    2 tsp vanilla
    4 eggs
    1 cup chopped walnuts
    1 cup raisins (optional)


    Grease and flour 2 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pans. Or use cupcake papers and make muffins instead.

    In a large mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients.

    In a separate bowl stir together the pumpkin and oil.
    Beat in eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

    Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and add the pumpkin mixture. Stir just until dry ingredients are moistened. Add walnuts and raisins.

    Pour batter into prepared pans. Bake at 350° for 1 hour (or approximately 35 minutes for muffins) or until a wooden pick or cake tester inserted in center comes out clean.

    Makes 2 loaves or 12 large muffins.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all, hope you all are doing okay. Things are fine here – just never seem to slow down a lot. I think this next week looks less slow, but…. that’s always subject to change. This last week we had a conference at church on learning how to work with anger, forgiveness, etc. in a Biblical way. Very good teaching. I did miss two evenings. One was for our 4-H tour and it was a nice one. The places were interesting to see and we had a good time visiting while we ate our sack lunches and those who wanted to swam. The next night I went to Lucy’s last two volleyball games. I had not made it to any others. Her dad acted like the team was not very good. They did lose all 4 games but they were not big losses and there were some good volleys. Lucy does a good job of serving but doesn’t like to have the ball come toward her.

    We still make it into see my Uncle each week. Last week we were there twice cause Friday he said his TV wasn’t working. We had no kids here for dinner (gone on trips) so ate at Spangles and then went to see him. Turned out the maintenance man had found the problem with the TV but the guy in charge talked to me about Uncle Joe needing clothes cause his are disappearing. They think the “friend” is taking them. I hope not. They said they have never had anyone like her around. Wow. When we went the next time, I took a few of his things and we’ll keep an eye on his closet. This week we have his care plan meeting so we’ll see how they think things are going. Usually after seeing him we go to the Goodwill store that has a good number of books, This week we also went to His Way Books. Ralph found a few books to buy and I found a full box of Bibles which are free. We went to Menard’s and got 45 dozen eggs to donate to a church camp several from our church help with. So we try to make our trips in worthwhile.

    Our Missions Banquet last Friday was very good. The speaker had several activities along with his message with all worked together so the evening lasted longer but the babysitters did a good job. Our main dish was a Sweedish. It tasted fine but from the ingredients you wondered. It was chicken, rice, peanuts, bananas and a little bacon. Then we had a fruit salad and dessert was pound cake with whipped cream and fresh fruit and of course rolls. We didn’t go home hungry – we were fed physically and spiritually. I’ve counted the offering but still need to get it to the bank this week.

    Yesterday was the 4-H Fashion Revue. I helped with check-in so was there by 7:30 am. I got to watch Lucy and another girl from our club model their buymanship outfits. Lucy got a red. She’s is always nervous when modeling but her dress looks good on her and comfortable and will get good use with band and choir concerts. We went and ate at McDonalds and Julie joined us too. Then we went back for the public fashion revue and then home. I made it home by 3 and have been doing stuff since then. This is the third Sunday so all the kids will be here. We have 6 birthdays to celebrate so I used m&ms to divided the cake into six pars and used a white pearl like thing to put the first initial on. And made sure I had all the needed candles for 42, 36, 33, 18, 11, and 3. We just sing to one at a time so I can use some of them twice.

    Today was fun. It was chaotic with all the birthdays but fun. Pizza Hut had the pizza ready 15 minutes later than I scheduled it but everyone enjoyed them and no leftover watermelon. Cake is gone. too. Everyone left about 3:30 except for Thomas and we took him to the church at 5 to meet some other guys to go to camp to be counselors this week. Lori will take two others to be campers in the morning. Thomas will have the cabin of youngest boys.

    I don’t think this coming week is real full but I wrote what I was doing to one of my sisters and there are several things going on. So we’ll see how it goes and how much gets done at home. Next to do is my list for tomorrow.

    Poor Jamie – a tepee and strangers around a lot. I think that shouldn’t be happening. Makes it hard for her to enjoy her yard. She was smart to put up the fence. But no fun to have the neighbor act like that. But you understand where she is coming from with your neighbor. Good for Dan ignoring your neighbor but how long can you do that as the bush keeps growing.
    Sorry to hear Dan as stopped going to church with you. Glad he’s okay about you going.
    Thanks for the recipe. I like the idea of making the muffins and the raisins in it. Of course, the way I get around to things, it could be winter before I get to it. It is hot for rain but that doesn’t stop me other than trying not to use the oven between 3 and 6 (unless I turn the ac off). Your weather is hotter than here but we have a lot of days in the 90s. We have been getting some rain off and on. We haven’t gotten too much at all yet.
    I don’t seem to have your email either. I thought I did. Mine is ralphdebora15@gmail com.

    Take care and have a good week at work.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Our library concert last week was really good. It was a husband and wife and they performed a lot of Joni Mitchell and James Taylor tunes. They also did some classics from the 30's and 40's so it was a really nice variety. I had a coupon for a free personal pizza at a local restaurant so we went there to eat afterward. We spit a cobb salad in addition to the free little pizza and it was perfect.

    Today our bible study group which is on hiatus for the summer is going to meet for lunch to celebrate July birthdays. It will be nice to see everyone.

    Our AC went out right before bed a couple of nights ago. We finally got a repair guy out at 6:30pm last night but it was quite an ordeal getting to that point. Everyone is SO busy this time of year. The first guy said he was going to come on Thursday but Dan waited all day and he never showed so Dan called another company on Friday. He basically had to tell the so called experts what was wrong with it. Crazy! But all's well that ends well.

    Debora, thanks for the email address. I'm going to send you an email now to see if it goes thru. Please reply back so I know that you received it. Sounds like you had a great week. Hope you have a bit slower time this coming week.

    Have a great day!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. It’s been a good week and some interesting parts. And it did fill up more than I thought it would. Monday I did get to have a day at home and I never get tired of that.

    Tuesday morning I got a call from the dentist that they could finish my crown so we hurried and went to town and got that done and then at at a BBQ place. Then we went to my uncle’s care plan meeting. It went fine. He’s doing okay. Only problem is his “friend”. She calls the home with questions and complaints a lot and calls him a lot – during meals, when he’s in the bathroom and busy, when he’s walking with his walker. He’s like getting phone calls and tried to answer right away even if it’s not a good time. So they take his phone at night and tell him they will charge it and don’t give it to him till after breakfast and slip it out if he’s going to a group thing so he’s not distracted. I don’t answer when she calls here but they don’t have that option. I did get another call cause I wont let her take him to a dance so Ralph and I will do that sometime and check it out – see if there’s someone we would okay taking him or what. She said she’s called the State and we can’t keep him from going to things. The home would back me up on not letting her take him so I’m not worried.

    Anyway, after the meeting we visited with uncle, went to a donut place where donuts cost your age (so mine was $.64) that day. It was good and a fun thing to do. Went to a bookstore, Bed Bath and Beyond and ended up at Lori’s. Julie came too and we worked on organizing her Operation Christmas Child stuff. Took us about 3 hours but I think she feels more ready for the year.

    Wednesday I took some more empty boxes over to my sister’s house and worked on the Echoes. We are making progress and closer to done but it all takes time. Had the rest of the day at home. Just keep plugging along. Thursday I got to be at home too until evening except for taking the recycling in. I had a fair superintendent meeting in the evening. We went early and saw the work Matthew and Julie have done on the house they are selling. Really hoping to sell it quickly. Then I dropped Ralph at McDonalds and went to the meeting. Lori was there too and she had dropped Jim and the two little ones at McDonalds too so they joined Ralph.

    Friday was the day that had the most change to it. It happens to be the day both daughter-in-laws have birthdays. So we ended up doing our errands first thing Friday morning. We then went to Derek’s house and I stayed with his 6 while Derek took Lindsey out to lunch at a little diner. Gave her a little break from kids. They had celebrated as a family in the morning and were doing Taryn’s party In the evening with her friends. We got home about 2:30 which game me time to put everything away and finish straightening the house and Alan’s kids came a little after 5 so Alan could take Katie out. We had our usual pizza and they played till they were picked up around 8.

    Today has been at home. I baked a pan of brownies which I hope will be okay. The timer went off and I thought they could use another minute but did turn the oven off fortunately cause I don’t know how long it was before I thought of them again. They cut okay. I made cucumbers and onions and cut up a pineapple. We had salads and the rest of the pizza for lunch. And now we are ready to head off for a wedding.

    The wedding was nice. Bride has a therapy dog so he was the ring bearer. Reception was about a half hour away from the wedding and further from here but we went and stayed till the meal was over. Saw some people I don’t see very often. So we were gone longer than I thought we would be but I’ve basically gotten what has to be done. Ralph still has more wok to do with the boxes we’re taking to Kansas City on Monday but I can’t do much of it.

    Will send this on it’s and hope everyone is doing okay and just too busy to pop it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Usual kind of week with plenty to do. Visited my uncle. Fielded a phone call on one of his loans - no, he can't make any payments. I'm sorry. County 4-H Fair officially starts today. I'm headed that way in a bit. I work in the concession stand this morning. This afternoon hubby and I are going to a wedding renewal service - 1st one ever. Fair will take up a lot of the next week. Have Willing Workers next Thursday so also working to have things ready for it. Still figuring our some of the things my sister used to do. Nothing exciting to report.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi all, I went to work this morning from 6:15am to 12:30pm. I am pretty much totally caught up. It feels really good! Of course, come Monday my email inbox will probably be full but at least my workload will be current. Yay!

    Dan and I will do our usual shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts in a little while. Sprouts is having their quarterly 25% off so we will be stocking up and spending lots of money. It's been pretty warm so I don't plan to cook. I'll either buy a rotisserie chicken at Sprouts or make Tuna sandwiches.

    I'm going to go to Jami's to get my hair colored tomorrow. We always have a nice time together. Then there is a free concert in the park at 5:30pm to 7pm that Dan and I are considering attending. We've seen the artist before and really like her but we'll have to see how hot it is. Plus I really don't like doing stuff like that when I have to work the next day but we'll see how we feel.

    Our bible study group lunch was nice. Food was just OK (kinda bland for Mexican food) but the fellowship was wonderful! Found out that our bible study teacher's husband had a heart attack the week before on her birthday. Thank God he lived but his heart is REALLY bad. Praying that he will finally make the lifestyle changes that he needs to make to get well.

    Debora, nice of you to watch the kids for both families so they could take their wives out for their birthdays. Smart that one went out to lunch and the other out to dinner. How did your brownies turn out?

    Ok, I'm going to go do some google searches. Have a great week!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good evening everyone, I’m sure you are wondering where I am and what I’m doing. I’ve put you guys off for far too long again, so sorry. I am simply extremely tired, all the time.

    I even got an email from Carla stating that she popped in here to see what’s going on and found that I hadn’t added any comments.

    So, I realized that I NEED to stay in touch. Sound familiar? I know I’ve said that before, I have great intentions, but I’m simply too exhausted.

    We’ve had a heat wave the last 2 weeks and forecast through next Wednesday. It’s not unusual for us to get high 90’s and actually hit 100 degrees each year, but it only lasts a day or two, three at the very most. So, having these high temps for 2 weeks is very unusual. I’m not doing anything strenuous and resting in my comfy chair with the fan blowing my way. John, on the other hand, keeps going outside. I can not get him to sit still. Fortunately, he’s not doing anything too strenuous either, setting up hose-end sprinklers in the north pasture and hand watering with the hose in the south pasture. The water is cooling, however, he places himself in the direct sun, not the shady areas. I go out often to check on him and make sure he’s getting plenty of liquids. I’ve seen him drink out of the hose, plus get into the barn refrigerator and get Gatorade. Also, he comes into the house and gets frozen fruit bars, so I think he’s handling the heat better than I am.

    I will back-track to when Norma and her John arrived July 4th…they arrived July 4th.
    July 5th was my doctor’s appointment to get the results of the CT scan. Norma went with me and my John to the office and run a few errands, her John stayed to work on their motor home. (There is and probably always will be something to tinker with on the motor home). The results showed that the tumor which was growing and caused the change in chemo drug was stable, however, there's a “subtlety” on my liver, so the doctor wanted to schedule an MRI. We were told that when a radiologist uses the term “subtlety”, it usually turns out to be nothing but should be investigated. I had to wait for insurance approval so the MRI finally took place this past Tuesday, after Norma and her John were back on the road. I’m ahead of myself again, back to earlier in July. Norma and her John were with us a couple days and Saturday morning, the 7th, we drove them to the Portland airport to catch their flight to meet up with their Alaska cruise group. They were gone for 2 weeks and I picked them up Sunday early morning on the 22nd. They stayed with us another 2 days before taking off again. They had a fabulous time and Norma said that it couldn’t have been a more perfect honeymoon if they had planned it themselves. If you remember, Norma joined this group of friends planning this trip over a year ago, before she met and married John, so they were thrilled when it worked out that he could be included into the group.

    Back to this past Tuesday, Norma and John took off in the motor home to continue their road trip. Since Mom has passed, there is no need to rush back to Southern California, so they get to enjoy an extended vacation.
    I went to have the MRI done in the afternoon. I had a lot of trouble holding my breath for the allotted time during the procedure. Even though I started breathing before I was suppose to, the technician said the pictures turned out clear and readable. I get the results tomorrow morning when I go see my oncologist again. These new chemo drugs have really taken their toll, I am always tired. I just don’t do anything and figured all housework can wait and most projects will be put off til next summer. What energy I can muster goes to care for John, he's getting worse.

    It’s time to go check on John again, it’s 6:30 pm and still 97 degrees, he’ll need another drink. I promise to do my best to check in Tuesday morning and let you know how my appointment went. And, comment on your comments after I read and catch up.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I still haven't had a chance to read all the comments, so I don't have my response ready, but I will tell you about my doctor's appointment on Monday. Bottom line is that there is a spot on my liver, but the MRI didn't really show any more detail than the CT scan did. The doctor said that 90+% of the time, it's benign, so he decided it's best to monitor it with CT scans for awhile instead of doing a biopsy. I agreed, we'll watch it first, rather than another surgery right now.

    Our weather is cooling down, yesterday was in the 80's, felt nice. John was still outside all day. Tuesday, I got him in the car and we enjoyed the AC while driving around. Stopped for lunch and then another stop at a lake to watch boaters and swimmers. John was fascinated with the boat launch, those drivers were very good at backing their trailers down into the water and guiding their boats into or out of the water. John said that if it weren't so hot, he'd stay there all day. We drove some more through some gorgeous forests, but, driving that much really exhausted me, I was ready for home and glad to stay home yesterday.

    Today, we go back in to the office for lab work and my monthly chemo injections. Then, a little grocery shopping on the way home and plan to stay home tomorrow and the weekend.

    I skipped several weeks of Blue Apron meals, the meals offered this month did not sound appealing to me and I had gotten a coupon for another type of meal service, so I'm getting two weeks ($20.00 off each of the first 2 weeks) of Freshly, these meals are already cooked, just heat them up. I imagine they will be like the meals-on-wheels dinners that I got several years back. Come frozen, just pop them in the microwave and easy that I don't have to cook too much right now. This meal delivery starts next week on Thursday, so I still need to fix meals for a little while. I'll let you know how they taste...they are advertised as "gourmet chef" prepared.

    Oh yes, I also go back to see the doctor in 2 weeks, so he is keeping close tabs on me.

    I am officially on Medicare now. What a headache getting all the insurance paperwork completed and changed over so my treatment doesn't get interrupted. Well, we'll see if it truly does transfer smoothly as my appointment today starts a whole new billing process. I guess I won't know for a while though, as it takes time to go through Medicare first and then supplemental before my portion gets to me.

    I think that's it for now, I'll be back to read and catch up, I hope.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi all, getting here kinda late today because Dan actually got up around the same time I did and wanted to talk so I've been giving him my time today. He's in the shower now getting ready to go grocery shopping so I have some time to come here. We have a pretty standard Saturday planned. We'll go to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. It's been pretty hot and somewhat humid here like in the mid 90's so I won't be cooking again today. I've pretty much been making sandwiches or salad for dinner this week.

    Dan has been pretty frustrated with living here again so we started looking at possibly selling the house and renting something and once again, looking at other places to rent or buy made him realize that we actually really have it pretty good here. We'll see.

    Sheryl, SO GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE!!! Sorry to yell but I'm just so happy to see you! I was just thinking I need to email you. Thanks so much for the update on the CT scan. Good that the tumor hasn't grown. Scary about the spot on your liver. I've been praying for you and John every day. Sad that the chemo makes you so tired. I really appreciate that you took the time to come and talk to us. Hope you can continue to stop in maybe at least once a week or so. Very nice to hear that Norma and John's honeymoon went so well. I'm also very interested in hearing how the new meal service is. Interesting that you are now on Medicare. My brother Joe just went on Medicare. He said it was a big hassle to sift thru all the info on the different plans. He said it is also pretty expensive compared to what he was paying thru the affordable care act but once you are eligible for Medicare you can't stay on the affordable care act plan.

    Well, I'd better go and get ready for our "outing". :)
    Have a great week all! Stay cool!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, 4-H Fair week is over. It was nice. We had very pleasant weather which made all the shows more fun to sit at. Hog show was only about 2 ½ hours long. Beef show went for 6. Glad we showed pigs. Our club had three turns in the concession stand and I was able to do two of them. That’s always fun. I take care of the cash box. I didn’t eat there a lot as the prices were high to me and McDonalds wasn’t too far away and Freddies and Braums….. They served pulled potk sandwiches the night of the sale – yummy. I ate lunch with a friend one day, ate with Lori’s family a couple of time, by myself with a good book. And Ralph was happy at home with frozen meals. Worked out nice that he didn’t eat the chicken or leftover pizza cause I could use them for meals after the fair. The grandkids did a good job on their projects. The older three all get to take something to the State Fair. Their pigs got red ribbons (we have market hogs – not show hogs) but that didn’t matter the night of the sale. They still got around $700 each – good college money. They had a new event this year that Lori really wanted to watch and it turned out Thomas had set up to do his senior pictures so I offered to take him home and do their dishes since I haven’t done that for a long time. And strange as it may sound, that was fun. There were a lot of dishes. (Used to do that a lot when I would stay with Emily. Said I would keep doing it but really have not.) Clean-up was Thursday morning. I help at the beginning but let the younger ones do more. But I do stay till the end and help give out ribbon money and get for a bunch in our club. Ralph had gone to a dinner meeting so I finished up getting groceries and got home about 12:30.
    I had the start of a headache so took a nap and got everything together for Willing Workers. I will definitely have to fill in beads in the necklace containers for next month but am slowly figuring things out and will do some things a bit different. We had a good speaker, I had fun making bracelets and was headed home about 9:30 – not too bad at all.
    Since I had done my errands during the week, I didn’t have to go to town on Friday. I did go over to sister’s house and look through the stuff Scott left to donate and loaded up the car – trunk and back seat. Then I had the rest of the day at home. Ralph took two of the grandsons in the afternoon to look at some old tractors and to town to drop off the stuff at the thrift store. I started straightening the house but still had a bit of a headache so rested some.
    Today I took three of Alan’s kids to a puppet show at the library. It was fun cause the puppeteers were all from our church (three of them my grands). It was a half hour program. Some songs, short segments, knock knock jokes, and the story of Noah and the ark. Ralph took grandson Clark to an old-time threshing day (they were gone about 7 hours and had a grand time). I finished the house, made an éclair cake, baked rolls, cut up a watermelon, did dishes 2 or three times and got ready for tomorrow. Come Monday it’s back to all the usual stuff

    Isabella, those Saturday mornings at work are such a help to you and probably nice on the paycheck too. Glad they allow you to do that. We went to Sprouts a little over a week ago but mainly looked at the fruits and veggies and picked up things on sale.
    Getting together with your Bible study group is always fun. I just had an email about whether it would work to move our Bible study to a morning. I don’t like the idea as it will take another morning away and I get more done in the morning than I do in the evening (I slow down then) but will go with the majority if we can find a morning that works. I will be interested to see how Ralph reacts to the idea. He’ll probably like it.
    The brownies turned out fine – probably only because I turned the oven off.
    Heat doesn’t make cooking near as fun I do a lot with the microwave and when the ac don’t notice it too much. Do you go in person to look at places or do a lot online. At least this can help him decide he has it good and put up with the not so good or you may find that perfect place to move too. Keep us posted on the hunt. Hmmm, your brother says medicare cost more. Oh dear, I’m hoping it costs less on medicare. I’ve been on a Christian sharing plan and haven’t had to really use it.

    Sheryl, so good to hear from you. I figured the reasons you gave were why we didn’t, but appreciate you taking the time – even if it’s just every week or so. If you need to rest, rest. Taking care of you is most important. You are smart to stay inside when it’s hot and smart to keep liquids (popsicles count that way) and things handy for John since he likes to go out. What a fun visit with John and Norma. So neat to hear how God worked out their honeymoon with a trip Norma already had planned. And how wonderful for you to have the time to talk to her in person. Sorry to hear John is getting worse. You’re right – to a big part the house and projects can wait. If needed, maybe you could hire someone to do some of the house stuff.
    Glad to hear the spot can just be watched for now. Having doctors you trust is worth a lot.
    I hope the new meals taste good – sound that they would work out good for you. There are lots of those kinds of services now it seems like. Less work for you is good.
    I’ll be joining you on medicare soon. I have an appointment next week but I don’t have to transfer all the stuff you do. Did you figure it out on your own or have someone help you? I’m glad I have someone to help – have gotten so much stuff in the mail. That along with all the election stuff – I’ll be glad when our primary is over next week. I didn’t do anything about uncle and voting since I don’t have a current photo ID and he doesn’t know anything that is going on right now.

    Guess I’m up-to-date now. Take care and I hope this next week is a good one for all of you. Know that you are all in my prayers.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Monday has had a interesting start - not necessarily good. We got called cause Alan had not shown up with pigs to load so Ralph drove over to the farm. Ended up waking him and was yelled at and came home. Then I got a call saying to come back to help start the truck but not to say a word. I went along and he "yelled" out hard things yet said I love you. Something is going on but don't think he'll talk to me. Anyway, if you think of us, would appreciate prayers. If I see our pastor Wednesday, I'll talk to him but Alan is going to a different church now. Anyway, I knew I could safely talk to you guys. Thanks for listening.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday Sheryl!!!!!
    Hope it was a good day for you.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, this week whizzed by, mostly from my La-Z-Boy. We went to my appointment last Thursday, lab work first and waited about 1/2 hour before getting my chemo injections. The nurse said that my blood count was "seriously" low, but the doctor did not take me off the pills this time. I was in my third week of the cycle and am now off for the fourth week, so next appointment, my blood count should be rising again. After the appointment, we went shopping and hit 2 stores, Trader Joe's and Fred Meyer. I don't know if it was a reaction to the shots or low blood count or trying to do all my shopping in one day, or a combination of all, but I was totally wiped out. I spent Friday and Saturday in my big comfy chair with only interruptions when John called me outside to see something or help with something. That happened about 4 times each day. I made hamburgers and potato salad for lunches, easy meals. I get my new meals starting tomorrow, I'm anxious to see how they are and how they arrive (frozen?). It doesn't specify on the web site, it just says they are cooked and only need heating.

    We're having more heat again. I got John in the car yesterday and we went out for lunch. John had his usual, a cheeseburger, he is always happy with a burger, he's so easy to please. I had breakfast food...spinach omelet with red onions, bacon, cheese, and mushrooms, Oh, sooooo good. Then drove around again for a few hours, taking a route we hadn't taken in several years. Several spots that used to be pasture or trees are now housing developments, so sad. When we get home, I head for my comfy chair and John heads outside, I just CAN'T keep him in. We hit 100 degrees yesterday and he's out in the pasture in the direct sun, watering. I keep telling him that we don't need to water every day, (or in the heat of the day) but that doesn't stop him. Our water bill will be horrendous. At least we don't get additional fines like in California drought areas.

    Thank you for birthday wishes, it was a good day. I hope that maybe we'll do the same today, only head south instead of north...I need to hit the gas station first and fuel up. My favorite place for fuel is south of us.

    I really need to get an update out for my cousins. I thought about it after the CT scan and then waited for the MRI results and now I'm still in limbo. The tests presented more questions than answers, not sure what to tell them. I'm sure they are tired of just hearing how tired I am. Not too much new here.

    Well, I hear John stirring and the bedroom light just flicked on, so I know he's up, better go.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh yea, proof that I am really losing it...Fred Meyer sent out an email last week, all the customers with their rewards cards got a coupon for employee discounts on all Kroger products. So, last Thursday when I did our major grocery shopping and I made a lot of generic Kroger purchases, I discovered after getting home that I totally forgot to use my coupon. How disappointing.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies! It has been in the mid to high 90's all week. But not as humid as they predicted so I guess it's all good. This week is supposed to be cooler - high 80's. Winds are supposed to pick up but that isn't a good thing this time of year. Lots of fires burning. The worst being the Carr fire in the Redding area. Over 183,000 acres burned (and still going) and 1,600 structures destroyed so far. Devastating and very sad. None too close to us right now thank God! We've had 2 of the worst 6 California fires in history right here in San Diego in 2003 and 2007 so it can be very scary. We have our free library concert today and I'm really looking forward to it. It will be a bluegrass band called "Virtual Strangers". We've seen them before. They are very enjoyable. I'm sure we'll do our usual early dinner afterward then go to Trader Joe's and Sprouts.

    Sheryl, Happy Birthday!! Glad it was a good day. How was your drive to the south? It is sad to see pastures become housing developments. We used to have tomato fields close to us that are all houses now. I can more than understand why you'd be so tired after all that at the doctors and shopping afterward. I know what you mean about forgetting to use the coupon. I would have been REALLY bummed. How far are they from you? I have done that a couple of times. The last time was at Sprouts, I had a $5 off coupon I forgot to use. I realized it while I was still in the parking lot and went back in. They were very nice and gave me the $5. How are your new meals?

    Debora, sorry to hear about your situation with Alan. Will definitely keep you all in my prayers. Glad everything went so well at the 4H fair. How did your Medicare appointment go? I tried to get Dan interested in a Christian medical savings plan a few years ago but he didn't even want to consider it. Too foreign of a concept I think.

    Well, it's breakfast time and Dan is waiting for me. Have an awesome week ladies. Stay safe!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, it’s a busy Saturday here. I just about have the house straightened. I have baked the rolls and cake – just need to do my simple decorating, the ham is baking today (will slice and reheat in crockpot tomorrow) and I just ordered the pizza for Monday evening (4-H). I still have two salads (one fruit and one veggie) to make and hopefully it all fits in the fridge. We have 4 birthdays we will celebrate tomorrow so have those gifts ready.

    It’s been a pretty normal week. It was unique in that I’ve had three days at home – Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Wednesday we worked on the Echoes – getting close to done. Arlene hopes we can come up with something else to do. Ralph and I went in to visit Uncle Joe and shop for birthday presents. Thursday I had an appointment to get set up the insurance and drug plan to go with medicare. Guy also helped me with uncle’s life insurance. He’ll lose some money but we are going to cancel it cause otherwise he pays into it until he dies so could well overpay. He even had his assistant write the letter for me. So thankful. I had Bible study in the evening. Some would like to meet in the morning so we will do that when our member with fruit trees is done with apples. Friday we did our usual errands.

    Hubby is working at slicing the ham. I have a vegetable salad to make yet but waiting to see what room is left in the fridge. Ah, he’s done and the 6 qt crockpot is full. Hope it heats up well. Will be nice to have the slicing done.

    4-H is Monday. All who can are meeting early to show and tell their fair projects at the nursing home and then we’ll have pizza and our meeting. I have a dental cleaning scheduled and Thursday we get our foster granddaughter (5 months old) for a few days. Hopefully, that all goes well. A lot of the schools around here start next week too so back to that routine.

    Sheryl, your cousins will wait till you have something to report. If they are like me, they think things are about the same and that’s how it is. Have they all written you? Glad you got out for a drive and easy meals work. Hamburger patties can be fixed so easily. Glad you only have to go out about 4 times a day. But that’s enough in the heat you have. Rest when you need to. So if the MRI gave more questions than answers, what’s the next step? I’ve done that with a coupon too. Just want to kick myself. At least you still hopefully, bought stuff you’ll use. I’m curious about your meals too.

    Isabella, your Saturdays may have a routine to them but they always sound fun. Glad sandwiches and salads work for you. Since the ac is working away, I just go ahead and do whatever but rely on the microwave a lot. My one concession probably is not to use the oven between 3 and 6 on weekdays to help use less electricity and hopefully help our bill. I had the oven on quite a bit today. So sad about all the acres burned. I can’t imagine what that looks. We see acres of pasture burned but it’s all planned. I talked about my medicare appointment above so won’t repeat myself. With what our guy worked out, we’ll spend a little less each month – no complaints about that.

    Hope you all have a good week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good Morning John went back to bed so I can collect my thoughts and jot down a few lines. Last Wed and Thurs were hot, hot, hot, so we took off. Stayed cool in the car, plus, saved on our water bill 'cause John wasn't home to water. Yay!

    Wednesday, we stayed local, drove south to fuel up and then headed east and ended up at LaCamas Lake. Wow, stumbled onto Lake Drive and a huge development of million dollar homes. Just gorgeous, huge homes, beautifully landscaped and great views, but simply too, too big. Mansions. Interesting though to look at. There were a lot of for sale signs, but only 2 had the little box attached with a flyer in them. I stopped and grab the flyers, just so curious at how much these places sell for. One was one and half million and the other, a million and a quarter. Unbelievable. I joked with John regarding the many other homes with no flyers available, the old adage came to mind..."if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it".

    Thursday, we took off all day and drove west, to the coast. Fantastic day, mid 70's and gorgeous. Still 98 degrees when we got home at 6:30 pm. So glad we were gone to a cooler, nicer spot. I was craving fish and got the best cod I've had in ages. I ordered fish and chips because I wanted the fish, but French fries, the chips, are my least favorite way of having potatoes. (I always pay a little more and sub onion rings when I order a burger or sandwich) I was so pleased when the waitress asked me if I wanted a baked potato. YES! love baked with butter and sour cream. It surprised me because baked is usually only offered after 4 pm, for dinner, and this was 2 pm for lunch. It was very good. They had good cole slaw also, and garlic bread, Yum. Of course, John had his cheese burger with fries. Again, he's easy to please, cheese burgers when eating out and cheese burgers at home. This restaurant had a dessert menu that had us drooling, but we usually don't have room for desserts. This time, I ordered it to go and thought we'd enjoy it that night at home. A chocolate fudge pie that stated "if you are a chocoholic, you'll be in heaven" and a marionberry cobbler. Strangely enough, as good as the meal was, the desserts were not. We did not like either one.

    After driving 48 miles Wednesday and 200 miles Thursday, I was ready to stay home Friday and the weekend. We cooled down around here and that was good. I see that I can push myself when necessary but also really crash in my comfy chair when I have the chance.

    The Freshly meals are nice to have when I don't want to cook, but not the greatest. Last week we got BBQ pulled pork with squash cakes, meatloaf with mashed cauliflower, and pork al pastor with Mexican corn. The pulled pork was dry, but with our own BBQ sauce added, it was OK. and we added our own hamburger buns and made it into a sandwich. I really liked the squash cakes, made with spaghetti squash and bacon bits. The meatloaf is OK and I really like the mashed cauliflower, (I added a little butter to mine, yummy). We're having the other pork one today. I have to laugh, on the package, it states to "enhance the experience" they recommend to plate the meals. HA! I can barely keep up with cleaning the dishes that I legitimately need to dirty, I am not dirtying more dishes when I can serve it in the microwavable container that it comes in. Oh, it comes "refrigerated", in an insulated box with ice packs but looks similar to a lean cuisine type frozen meal. This next Thursday, I'm receiving 2 each Sicilian-Style Chicken Parmesan and Slow Cooked Beef Chili, and then 1 each of a BLT Omelet and a Green Chile & Sausage Frittata. Since John never wants breakfast, I'll try the omelet and frittata for 2 of my own breakfasts when John sleeps in. If they are good, I may continue to get more breakfasts for myself for my early mornings, and still cook Blue Apron for us later in the day.
    I received an email from Blue Apron yesterday that my meals are "on their way". Oops, the many weeks that I skipped have passed by already and I forgot to check on that. So, I'll get 3 more meals delivered today and I went on the web site and skipped 3 more weeks, so we'll see what I end up doing later. I may alternate each company every other week for awhile. Also, with weekly doctor appointments again, we'll be eating out at least once a week.

    Yesterday, I had lab work and saw the doctor, no big changes. Today is the last day of my 7 days off of the Ibrance and my blood work showed OK enough to start back up again on the pill tomorrow. I will still get my monthly injections and another CT scan in 6 weeks. Everything is just "being monitored" right now.

    John is up again now, so I better go. Gonna be hot again today so I'm sure the water will be running.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, your drives sound wonderful. The desserts sound delicious. Sorry they weren't. Drives are nice but not so relaxing for the driver. What you saved in water, you spent on gas, but well worth it.
    Glad the Freshly meals are ok. They are a help for you. I'm with you. If they are in a container you can eat out of, that sounds good to me. It's great that there are easy ways to help you out.

    Our Sunday was great. The meal was a hit and we had fun visiting as we opened the gifts. Today I finally got all caught up with the dishes but that's how I want it. The missionary that spoke in the evening at church was good.
    Monday I got ready for 4-H. We had a good turn out to talk at the nursing home. Then we had time to visit with the residents. Pizza together was fun and then the meeting part was good.
    Tuesday morning I was at home. The afternoon we went and got Lori's kids and took them in to deliver their buyers ribbons. We ended up with rain off and on. Waited in the car before going into the bank it was coming down so hard. Fortunately, it let up so we could stop at McDonalds for ice cream cones. Came home, cut Ralph's hair and did my list for Wednesday and Thursday.
    Wednesday I worked on the Echoes with friend. This project is almost at an end (after about 3 years). We have had fun working together so we may come up with some other projects we can work on. I got one or two in mind. Gives her something to do one morning and gives me a planned time to work on some things. So helps both of us. After lunch, Ralph and i headed out for the rest of the day. It was our 43rd anniversary. We went to some bookstores, visited my uncle, tried to buy a tivo remote at Best Buy and continued our 2 year tradition of eating at Chick-Fil-A, visiting Sprouts and ending up at Krispy Kreme.
    This morning we gained an extra person for 4 days - Blessin is 4 months old. Fairly easy - eat, play sleep Ralph enjoys giving her her bottle. We are doing our errands with her tomorrow. We'll see how that works out. And now we're up-to-date again and I need to do my list for tomorrow. Good night.