Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Debora, praying for your sister and family. What a shock it must have been, who would equate a sore arm with a brain tumor, but symptoms are a strange breed. I'm glad that they put them together and praying for a good outcome for him.

    Good Morning. It's been weird around here, John's actions and comments are more erratic, more and more of the dementia is showing. We were out and about this past week and even for a short errand or a grocery run, John wants to go with me. He has nothing to do at home, so he says he might as well do nothing in the car. Sometimes he goes into the store with me, but mostly he stays in the car and listens to a CD, Bluegrass music. While we were out, I was reminded of one of the things I was going to tell you...for years, I have seen Golden Corral commercials on tv. It's a buffet and the food looks so good. Yes, I know that the food in the commercials always look better than the real thing, but I really wanted to try it and couldn't find one around here. I looked on the internet last year and found that the closest restaurant to us is located in Spokane, clear across the state. Why would they advertise in Portland if there isn't a Portland location????? I have been baffled for a long time about this, but low and behold, they have now built and opened a Golden Corral just a few miles from us. We drove by it on our outings. I still have my doubts about going, we no longer do buffets since John hardly eats anything anymore. From everyone I've heard from that's been there, it's very good but very crowded, long waits, (and, when we've driven by, the parking lot is packed), so I'll put it off until the newness has worn off.

    The other thing that I remembered is that there is another stray cat hanging around. This one is a black and white "tuxedo" cat, looks just like Marcie's Simon. Looks very pretty from a distance. However, this cat is not friendly, runs away every time we look at it, so we don't know if it's a male or female. Maybe, in time, it will get used to us.

    Big day tomorrow, taking John to the dentist. This will be the initial exam and x-rays and then we will see how much work needs to be done. John has been waffling on going/cancelling, going/cancelling. I think now, I'll say it's too late to cancel, we HAVE to go.

    Crazy email situation, CenturyLink has changed the whole format of my email and I'm having quite a time navigating through it. I have to learn all over again. For several days, I could not find the button to click for a new email to send, it just wasn't there. I could "reply" "forward" "delete" but no "new" or "compose". Frustrating!!! Yesterday, after a different problem with the computer and messing with a bunch of other things, now, there is a "new message" button to click. I am sure that it was not there before, just appeared, Strange Things!!!!!

    I need a refill, my mug got cold.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Update - my sister doesn't not have to go tomorrow (maybe later). After more test things still aren't clear. The radiologist thinks it's a tumor. The neurosurgeon thinks as fast as the symptoms came on, it could be a blood clot. So surgery is being done tomorrow morning. Jeff decided he wanted to see their daughter so they were having someone drive her up so the family is together this evening. She is 10. Jeff is not in any pain, just can't make his left arm do anything but they all seemed pleased that it's just affecting the one arm.

    Babysat this morning. Enough kids to keep his busy but they all did well. This afternoon was Good News Club. Older boys didn't met because two had contest and this time one who has not come for awhile came so we just had him stay with the big group. This evening I've been making calls to tell family about nephew and sending out emails. Ready to do my list for tomorrow now.

    Found water in the vegetable drawer yesterday so cleaned it out and then found water under the drawer and got some on the floor to was wiping it up with a towel. Felt one of the fridge magnets. Felt around a little more knew there was something else stuck so pulled and tugged it out to find out it was a dead mouse - ug. Washed my hands after that.

    Sheryl, glad John goes with you. Then you know what he's doing. Yep, to late to cancel the dentist. Hope it all goes well and John cooperates. Golden Corral makes for a lot of ups and downs to get your food too. I haven't been to one for a long time. I understand the frustrations of changes. Glad you found the new button. Websites change often - I know it's supposed to be improvements but still - it's hard.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Surgery was successful in that Jeff is doing well now. Incision was made around 10:30 am and he went to recovery around 5:30 pm so a long day. They'll get the pathology report in 5-7 days. His left arm has had some movement which is good. He was maybe being moved to a regular room today and will probably go home Saturday or Monday and then have to come back during the week to be checked and hear the report. They didn't have to shave his head but he can't wash it and it's driving him nuts.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, sorry to have left you guys hanging for so long, I didn't get over here at all the last two days.

    Debora, glad to get the update and will continue to pray for Jeff and family. I'm sure your sister is relieved, but I'm sure they all think about the long road ahead.

    Wednesday morning was rough, each step of the way in preparing to go to the dentist was a struggle with John. My stomach was tied up in knots as he continued to refuse, then finally cooperated, little by little. After a shower and getting dressed, I decided to leave early, get John into the car as soon as I could, once on the road, he couldn't back out again. I ran a few errands on the way and we still got to the dentist 1/2 hour early. They were very good with John, but the day was long as the dentist had had an emergency with a child and after x-rays, we had a long wait for the exam. (After getting home, I heard the phone message that they had left asking us to come in later because of the emergency, but we had already left early). Anyway, as I suspected, John needs a lot of extensive work and he is not going for it right now. He is in no discomfort and says he doesn't need anything done. The tartar/plaque is so bad that the dentist wants a periodontics specialist to do the cleaning, so that means another totally different appointment. I was so hoping to get everything done in one trip and be done with it. Now, I have a huge fear that after a thorough, deep cleaning, John will have sensitivity and if he's in pain...I'm in deep, deep trouble. Right now, John is refusing to go, so we'll see what happens in days/weeks to come.

    I needed the last few days to recover from the stress. I'm doing pretty well now. John has forgotten about the whole thing, so I can bring it up all new and different and see if I can come up with a good approach.

    John is up now, so I better go.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi all, Jami and I had a really nice time last Saturday. We went to Famous Footwear first. I bought 2 pair of sandals, 1 black and 1 tan, for $42 each. I later returned the tan pair when Dan and I went grocery shopping. Then we had our toes done. Jami's experience wasn't as good as mine so we won't be going back to this place although they got good reviews for the most part. Next we went to lunch at Chin's in the same mall and got a large bowl of hot and sour soup to share and an order of spring rolls to share. After that we went to Ross Dress for Less and I bought 2 more pairs of sandals, 1 black and 1 brown, for $20 each and 1 pair of brown shoes for $15. My main goal was white sandals but Jami tells me they are out of style. :( I will keep looking though. I found a pair at a "healthy shoe store" but they wanted $100 for them and I absolutely cannot pay that kind of money for sandals! It was stretching it paying $42 for a pair! Dan and I got a rotisserie chicken at Sprouts again and I made some mac & cheese to go with it.

    This Saturday we have our free library concert. We have seen this artist, Gregory Page, a couple of times before and really enjoy his music so we are looking forward to it. Afterward we will go to late lunch/early dinner to a place we only went to once when they first opened about 20 yrs ago called Islands Fine Burgers (a small local chain). Jami and Joe went there recently and liked it. We figure since they are still in business they must be decent. Then we'll do our usual grocery shopping and watch a recorded movie.

    I still have a movie theater gift certificate so I took the day off Monday so we can go to a matinee and have lunch. It will be a nice little staycation weekend.

    Debora, I will pray for Jeff and ask my bible study group to pray also. My brother should be coming back from Israel today. I can't wait to hear all about his experience. You're right, everyone I've talked to who has gone has said that it is the trip of a lifetime. You should be very happy and proud that you won part of the challenge and lost 7 1/2 pounds. Great work! It isn't easy at this stage in our lives. I really need to lose at least 20 lbs but I guess I'm not willing to put in the hard work to get there.

    Sheryl, interesting that John has been more clingy and wants to go with you everywhere but I guess I can understand it - when he can't go outside and putter he doesn't want to sit around the house alone. Good that you got him to go to the dentist. I will pray that you can figure out how to get him to have the needed dental work completed. My mom did not have dental care the first 35 years of her life in Italy so by the time she came to America, although her teeth were healthy her gums were not and she eventually lost all but 4 of her teeth. The dentist wanted to pull the rest and put in dentures but she refused since her friends all had problems with their false teeth. So I remember one of my first trips to the dentist as an adolescent being told that if I didn't want to end up like my mom, I'd better go for regular dental visits and take care of my teeth. That statement impacted me for life and I have taken very attentive care of my teeth ever since. All this to say that perhaps if you find a way to put it to John that he will lose his teeth if he doesn't take care of them then perhaps that will help convince him to have the dental work? Your new email system sounds very frustrating. We always get Microsoft outlook put on our systems for consistency sake. Even though they change it up a bit it is similar enough to find what you need.

    Well, I'd better go and get ready for our outing. I feel like a little kid - I'm so excited! Great to be so easily amused! ;) Love you guys!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We are having some beautiful weather today. Almost 70 even though it started out around 30. Of course I’ve been in the house most of the day but I’ve been able to enjoy it looking out and I did go out to get the mail and take trash out. The week has sped by. Tuesday morning was my turn to babysit for the kids at Bible study. We had about 8 kids but they behaved well and the older ones are a good help. Then we had Good News Club in the afternoon. The older boys didn’t meet because of a music contest but one boy who hasn’t come all during basketball did come cause he wasn’t in music. We just had him stay with out group. Hope he’ll be back next week.

    Wednesday I decided I would stay at home. I offered to go stay with my sister during my nephew-in-laws surgery but she didn’t want that but she did call me every time her daughter called her. I did stuff at home in between calls and was just there for her. We did go to church in the evening.

    Thursday was a full day. We went in to go to the big town’s library book sale. When we got there the parking lot was pretty full but we went on in. The sale was on the 3rd floor and before we got on the elevator, we were told the line was backed up to the second floor and then it was down to the 1st. We stood in line for a bit but decided to leave and go to a book store. We had some books to give him and bought a couple. It was 11:30 by then so I suggested we eat so we went to Wendy’s and stayed there for quite awhile. Ralph rested and I worked on my Sudoku. Then we went back to the library and it didn’t take long to get in. Got one bag of books.

    Then we went to Uncle Joe’s and worked on his TV (no luck even after Ralph went and bought something) and I helped him pay some bills. Then we went by his friend’s place and gave her her table and lamp and got more of Uncle Joe’s clothes – doing lots of laundry right now. Then we got gas, went to a grocery store and finally got home around 6. About 8 we got a call from Derek to see if we were at Brecken’s concert. I felt so bad that we missed it – could have gone but….. That evening they took Ava in to the hospital when she had her 4th seizure in 2 days. After they got hold of her neurologist, they sent her home and I’m imagined upped her meds. Probably had a growth spurt so what she was taking wasn’t enough.

    Friday morning we did out usual errands. No matter how short or how long my list is, seems to take about the same amount of time. Brought a pizza home to Alan’s family since their Thursday evening had been disrupted with a hospital trip. I started straightening the house and getting all the groceries put away, etc. etc.

    Today I got to have the day at home. Ralph went to a funeral. I got the house straightened up – even ran the vacuum this week. I baked cookies to finish up the sour milk (had done pancakes and biscuits earlier in the week). It was a big recipe (6 dozen). I browned up 5 pounds for ground beef for taco meat for tomorrow (hoping for leftovers). I had a phone call from Uncle’s friend but let it go to message and was glad I did as she didn’t have much good to say about me or family. I sort of understand where she’s coming from but one day she sweet and one day she’s not so …. I cut up 2 pineapples and a big onion and kept up with the dishes so think we’re ready for tomorrow. I’ll cut up the lettuce in the morning and do the tomatoes while we’re heating up the tortillas.

    Michelle, Jeff and Katie were driving home today (5 hours). They will go back next Thursday to hear the pathology report. He is still a little unsteady with walking so takes it slow and will have to get therapy to help his arm. They lives changed a lot this past week.

    Sheryl, I’m sorry the dentist was such an ordeal but nice that then John forgets about it. I had to go to a periodontist and they did mine in 4 visitse – ¼ of the mouth each time. They wanted me to come each week but I did it once a month – not cheap. They deadened me the first time but I skipped that step after that even though it didn’t change the price. So if you go that way I would ask if they can put him out and do it all in one trip cause his teeth will probably need more work than mine. I couldn’t tell much with my teeth but each person is different. Will pray you can bring it up in a way he’ll be willing to do it. I understand not wanting to do something when you don’t hurt. I put of my two root canals for a long time but boy, the stench when they were opened up was bad. And, yes, I have another one to schedule.

    Isabella, I’m so glad you found your sandals. Yes, I don’t like to pay $100 for shoes either. Ralph occasionally has to do it for his cowboy boots but they do last a long time. You have a fun weekend planned. Thanks for asking your Bible study group to pray. You can never have too much prayer. Glad you’re excited about your day – good to enjoy all you do and you do some fun things.

    Well, it looks like it’s time to head for bed, especially since we lose that hour of sleep tonight. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I browsed back to refresh my memory and wanted to comment about Joe's trip to Israel. Isabella, I'm so excited that he was able to go and trust he had a fabulous time. We have dear friends who made the trip over 20 years ago and still talk about it as the trip of their lifetime. What a treasure to see all those places that mean so much to us through our faith.

    Norma and John's wedding reception was last Saturday, a great success of family and friends gathering to celebrate. I am so happy for them. Mom did not go and her health is failing even more. She had an appointment scheduled with her primary doctor on Monday, but they were able to get in earlier, Thursday of last week, because Mom's finger burst open again (the gout) and was oozing. They set up an appointment for Monday with the orthopedist in place of the scheduled appointment with the regular doctor. But, Monday came and Mom refused to go, just couldn't make it. Norma cancelled and rescheduled, but not til April. After the blood work from last week, Mom's doctor said the kidneys are bad again, so they have an ultrasound scheduled for today for her kidneys and an echo-cardiogram scheduled for tomorrow. Just as Norma and I told her, without any exercise at all for months, now Mom can not walk. She's in the wheel chair full time. Norma has hired a "transport" vehicle for these appointments since Mom can not even get herself from the wheel chair into the car anymore. Her legs are swollen and bigger than ever before. My recent phone calls have been very short, Mom coughs a lot and doesn't want to talk. However, yesterday's call, Mom talked and talked non stop, but I couldn't understand her, she's not making much sense anymore. We'll see how the appointments go with this new form of transportation, my gut feeling is that Mom will refuse that as well. I know she will complain, she complains about everything now.

    John is still complaining about his teeth and I keep reminding him that all I have to do is make a phone call and set up the appointment. He says "not yet", so I think there may come a time that he consents. I just hope it's soon.

    Here's a photo of Norma's family from the reception.


    from left to right: Joel, (Norma's younger son), Janelle, (Joel's wife), John, Norma, Jackson, Beth, (Brent's wife) and Brent (Norma's oldest son) holding Hudson.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Spoke with Mom yesterday afternoon and she sounded better. Although I was confused at first, I was mistaken on her appointments and the ultra sound is next Thursday, so when she talked about her finger, it threw me. Anyway, she saw the orthopedist yesterday and he said that if her finger doesn't hurt, it's not worth opening it up to scrap it out because then it will hurt, plus open it more to infection. So, even though it looks terrible, they are going to leave it alone. Today is the echo-cardiogram and that was ordered because of her legs swelling, not due to her pace-maker as I first thought. I asked her about the new transportation and she said it's very nice and they will take her to all her appointments from now on. Yay! no complaints.

    This is short again, John is up already.

  • northcoastbeauty
    northcoastbeauty Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a sunny 81 degrees and 43% humidity here at 10:21 am. The cold front came through so it is the leftovers of that. I am saddened by all the tornadoes that have come through this year. Those that are suffering and those who have family they will never see again. It is so sad to watch the news anymore.

    Hubby and I built another trellis made of some of my garden grids I purchased years ago. We stacked them two high which gives me an A-frame trellis measuring about 76" high by 32" wide. I can take the two sections apart and use them laying on the long side to support low growing things during the winter in my 8' x 3' beds. They are perfect for that but in the meantime I will be using them as an A-frame for growing the watermelon. It is a bush watermelon that will get to be about 4 feet tall and I should be able to trellis the short vines on it. I'll be growing them in a huge black pot the soil is already in. I realized this morning there aren't any drain holes in this pot yet, so hubby will need to help me on this. I have two other of the same pots that are empty so he can drill holes in one of those and we can transfer the soil into it.

    The cantaloupe is coming along very well with lots of flowers on it and I am sure most are just male flowers, but too small to really tell. Some of the flowers have opened and those I can see are male flowers. I have peas forming and the bush cucumber has really exploded in leaf size and beginning to fill out it's area now. I haven't seen any flowers on it yet but sure it will happen very soon. The cherry tomatoes are coming in and I have enough today to make my pasta salad with roasted bell peppers using them. I think I put the recipe over in the recipe thread a while back.

    On on a serious note I thought I would update on my angiogram I had done. Although when I was in recovery hubby and I were told that my arteries were clean as whistle (which they are) and they said my heart was operating at 55% (which it is not) my doctor on follow up last week told me my heart is operating at only 39%. He said I have pulmonary hypertension and it is why I have trouble breathing. He said because of the lung issues my heart has to work extra hard to get the blood into my lungs which weakened my heart. So, I have cardiomyopathy caused by pulmonary hypertension. My heart may get stronger if I stay on the blood pressure meds, but the lungs will never repair themselves.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Blood pressure meds treat Pulmonary Hypertension? Which ones r u taking? I too have Pulmonary Hypertension, but am unaware of any meds that treat it. I'd like 2 share with my physican.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning all! Happy St. Paddy's Day! I wore green to work yesterday and met my senior citizen friends at the senior center for corned beef and cabbage. It was a bit dry but for $4 you can't beat it!! I try to meet the ladies for lunch there 2 to 3 times a month.

    We had a really nice weekend last week. On my vacation day Monday we saw the movie "Game Night". It was a screwball comedy. Dan didn't like it as much as I did because he kept trying to read more into it - looking for suspense or "Alfred Hitchcock" type stuff. Then we went to dinner to a new Mexican "taco shop" we've heard good things about. We really enjoyed it. The food was really tasty and the prices were great. Of course I had a lot of catching up to do at work this week since I took Monday off but it was still worth it. I'm going to try to take a day off every month or so to use up some vacation time and get some additional R & R.

    Not much planned today which is fine by me. I just want to relax and read my book. I'm reading a murder mystery by Elizabeth George. Her books take place in England with New Scotland Yard and she uses the same detectives in each novel. I won't be reading outside this weekend though since we are having rainy (and chilly) weather. Just a light rain which is good so that it will actually soak in and water everything instead of fast and furious then running off. We will probably go grocery shopping a bit earlier to avoid the "St Paddy's Day" crowd.

    My brother's trip to Israel was great as expected. He came home sick though. Probably from the plane ride home although he said he felt a sore throat coming on the last day in Israel. He took 6 rolls of 35mm film and also took 400 pictures on his church iPhone!!! Now I have to get him to get it all developed/downloaded while he still remembers what he saw and did! :) They renewed their deacon vows and got baptized in the Jordan River, took a boat ride on the sea of Galilee, went to Bethany where Mary was told she was going to have a child, went to Nazareth, went to the wailing wall, and of course, toured Jerusalem. If I remember correctly I think he said they also went to Ephesus but I could be wrong. He brought 3 rolls of quarters for the toilets only to find out he needed shekels! Oh well. He was already feeling a bit down when I spoke to him because he misses the camaraderie of the group.

    I don't remember if I told you that the husband of one of the girls in my bible study fell off a high ladder and landed on his head (he is a general contractor). They had to remove part of his scull to relieve the swelling and he was in a coma for a couple of weeks. Well, the Lord has really been with them (thanks to LOTS of prayer)! He is actually awake most days now and is speaking. He remembers his family members names and seems able to reason and have short conversations, etc. Truly a miracle!!! God is SO good! We are looking forward to seeing how he progresses in the coming weeks. The Lord has even been providing food and finances. Since he is a private contractor he is their only source of income. If you guys think of it please keep Tad and Amy and their children (1 with special needs) in your prayers.

    Debra, sounds like you've actually had a couple of days that you could be at home that weren't so crazy! Taco day for Sunday is a great idea! Sounds like Jeff's surgery went well. I look forward to hearing the test results.

    Sheryl, so sorry to hear that your mom's health has deteriorated so much. I know that is very difficult for everyone. Thanks for sharing the pic of Norma's family. What a wonderful picture! I'm sure it will be a great memory for all of them. Sorry that your mom couldn't go but in a way it is a good thing because I'm sure Norma was able to enjoy the day more and let the day be all about her as it was meant to be. :)

    Have a great day and a blessed week all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    As usual, another week has sped by. Sunday we had most of the normal group here. Ralph and I left at 2 – leaving others to turn off the lights – and went to a memorial service for a family from the Kenyan church. We were told it would start at 3 so that’s when we arrived but it went more on Kenyan time and the service began at 4. It was in a home and the first hour we visited and watched the women cook. Very interesting to watch a cabbage head get cut up so quickly. The service lasted about 1 ½ hours, quite a bit singing, memories shared and then the missionary and Ralph both had a time of sharing. After that we ate. Lots of good food – rice, fresh fruits, a yummy cabbage dish and a spinach dish (Ralph did not take them) and some chicken and a stew with beef. No desserts. Came home and had time to do my list.

    Monday night was 4-H so I was busy the first part of the day getting the calendar ready and the stuff I needed to take. It was Parents night so the parents of the officers did the jobs and we had a parent give a talk. He didn’t’ go as long as I’d hoped but it was very good and people hung around and visited.

    Tuesday I was home for the morning and then we had Good News Club in the afternoon. We gave out the resurrection egg cartons since spring break is next week. The evening I found clothes and all the TV stuff to take to Uncle Joe. Also, I realized I could find my tickets to the musical. I looked everywhere I thought they could be and finally emailed Lori and she said she could get me new ones. Whew! (we eventually found out they must have fallen out at McDonalds and Wendy's traced them back to the school. No names on them - just The Music Man so that was nice of them).

    Wednesday was a full day. I walked with my friend, did some stuff at home, went and worked on the Echoes at church. Ralph picked me up from there and we headed for town. We ate at McDonalds and then went to see my uncle and get a better picture on his TV. We had the maintenance man come help us and when they finally hooked up the converter box, we got a clear picture. It only gets one channel but it has a great picture. Personally, I think if we had tried the converter box the week before we’d have gotten it then but at least it’s done for now. And the maintenance guy said he would work on getting a flat screen in there if a resident left and didn’t take theirs. So…. I took his mail and we visited a bit and then we left and went to the Goodwill store and then home via another town to get gas. We got home about 5:15 so had time to fix supper, eat and go to church. Before I left in the morning, I had gotten two calls from Shirley. After the call she left on Saturday, I decided not to answer. One she talked about his clothes and the other about something. Then when I got home from church, I found two more messages both about why we didn’t take the antennae and converter box in. And she said she wished I would answer. I did call her back and told her I had just gotten home from church and she said – Oh. She said she shouldn’t have talked like she did the other day so guess I’ll answer calls for now.

    Thursday was the day to take recycling in. The person who brings the trailer was there so had a ice visit with her with things she likes and doesn’t like. Had a quick lunch and then I headed to Derek’s to watch the boys for a couple of hour. Madden took a good nap but this time I let Deacon sneak out with me and stay up. He thought that was fun. Then the evening was the annual meeting for our electric coop. Different place catered the meal and food was ok. We didn’t win a door prize this year.

    Friday I got to run errands by myself so Ralph could go to Grandparents Day for Deacon. The room gets crowded if too many go and he’s done some of the others by himself. I did my shopping and then had lunch at Arby’s with a friend. Our hour sped by. When I got home and put things away, I realized a sack got left in the store so will take my receipt back next week and get my money back. In the evening we went to see the Music Man. Thomas played the part of the Mayor and did a great job. Everyone did. Lucy was in a lot of the group scenes. They put it on a total of 6 times with the last time going on right now. Then tomorrow morning Thomas will head out with the Youth Group to Chicago for work project. I think he’ll be tired but he’s young.

    Today has been at home. I had to make the salad for tomorrow. Tried out a new recipe for a green jello so we’ll see how it is liked. It has cream cheese and cool whip so can’t be too bad. Main dish will be salsa chicken over rice. Ralph has been getting the boxes of books ready so the boys can load them tomorrow and then we’ll have a day trip to Kansas City on Monday.

    My nephew-in-law got the pathology report this week and it wasn’t good. They couldn’t remove all the tumor and it is cancerous so after healing from the surgery, he’ll do chemo and radiation. So keep praying. Then my oldest sister fell yesterday and hit he face. She’s black and blue but did something to her nose so has to see a plastic surgeon on Monday.

    Sheryl, what a good family picture of Norma’s family. Glad your mother likes her new mode of transportation but sorry she’s stuck in the wheelchair and having so many problems. Makes it extra busy for Norma to take care of it all but I’m thankful she willing to do it. Looks like you might get John back to the dentist. Watch for you chance and grab it.

    Anew, sounds like your garden is doing great and you’ve got it going again. Yum. Sorry your heart and lungs do not work well but thankful you know how to pace yourself and take care of yourself.

    Isabella, your 4 day weekend was nice. Glad it was worth working harder the rest of the week. Neat to take the senior citizen friends out. I did not know Elizabeth George wrote mysteries (maybe it’s not the Elizabeth George I’m thinking of). Glad your brother had such a great time (we all knew he would). So many memories for him.
    No , you had not mentioned Ted and Amy. So glad they are seeing improvement. I wrote them down so can remember them. Prayer is so important.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good Morning, the last few days I've either been on the phone or waiting for phone calls. (And emailing a lot). Norma got a phone call from Mom's PCP's nurse (Thursday night) and due to all the swelling, she said Mom needs to be seen by a doctor soon and even though Mom would be right there on Friday for the echo-cardiogram, their office just couldn't fit Mom in. So, it was suggested to take Mom to Urgent Care after the echo-cardiogram. While at that appointment, Norma mentioned the urgent care to them and the nurse said if it were my mom, I'd go directly to the ER, forget the "middle-man" of urgent care. So, Norma did and Mom's been in the hospital since Friday night. She had fluid building up around her organs: heart, lungs and kidneys and of course, her extremities are as big as ever before. Her breathing was so labored, Norma and John did not expect her to make it through the night, but she did. She is draining, a lot, and her breathing is better. However, her legs are still very swollen, but I'm sure that her legs will be the last part to show improvement. Norma's been with Mom every day but with the improvement she saw last night, Norma plans to go to church this morning and her regular Sunday routine and then go see Mom this afternoon.

    Debora, I absolutely love "The Music Man". That's my favorite musical and my all time favorite movie. We did it when I was in high school too, loved it. I am so happy that your grandson got a named part in the play, I can remember the mayor's part, every part in that musical is special. I was like Lucy, I always played a "towns-people" in all my high school musicals. It was so much fun and a memory for my lifetime.

    John must think I'm interested in the NCAA March Madness because as I sit here typing, John is giving me a play-by-play narrative of the game he's watching. I think I'll go sit with him and enjoy him enjoying the game. Our together time, plus, maybe I can keep him from getting up between games and going outside. I lost him yesterday between games, he went outside to pick up a branch he saw from the window and didn't come back until he had filled 2 wheelbarrows with debris.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning ladies, It has been cool and drizzly this week which is actually a good thing. It will be warming up to the mid 70's next week. Perfect! Looking forward to another quiet Saturday. I'll do some catching up on the computer then I'll read before we go shopping. I started a new book that I got at the library by Janet Evanovich. She writes fun, lighthearted mysteries centered around a female bounty hunter in Trenton, NJ. Since I'm from NJ, I like to read the "New Jerseyness" of it all in addition to the crazy situations the heroin gets into. You probably don't remember but the first book in the series, "One for the Money", was made into a movie a couple of years ago. I am reading the 19th in the series.

    My friend that I visit that has the "emotional/mental problems" is getting quite a bit worse. She can't remember from one minute to the next. Also, she is on a VERY limited income. I was going to visit her last week so I could take her grocery shopping (she can no longer drive) otherwise she spends all her money very quickly on restaurant food she can walk to or order and have delivered. There are no grocery stores nor convenience stores in walking distance (she can't walk very far). This causes her to run out of money very quickly after receiving her SS check and she starves for the rest of the month. Dan got strangely upset when I told him how poorly she was doing and did not want me to go. It was tough but I didn't. Upon further reflection I realize that part of it is probably due to his having to deal with his sister's mental issues all during his child and adolescent years. Also, I got overly involved with another woman several years ago and spent a great deal of our money trying to help her but you just can't dig them out when they get that far gone. (When I stopped paying for things I never heard from her again.) He is probably afraid that I will do the same here (I see that I was headed in that direction) and we just don't have the money anymore. I prayed about it and feel that the Lord is telling me to back off and let Him work and stop getting in His way. I'll do my best to be supportive and see where the Lord leads in all this. Her name is Teri if you feel inclined to pray for her.

    Debora, So sorry to hear that they did not get all of the tumor during Jeff's surgery. I will continue to pray for him and his family. I asked my bible study group to pray as well. Hope your sister is feeling better. She must be in a lot of pain. I don't remember much about the Music Man but it sounds like the play was wonderful. Great that Thomas is in Chicago for a work project. How long will he be there? What a great experience. Thanks for praying for Tad and Amy! Really appreciate it. FYI, the "post" above was not a new one from anew. It is an old post that someone I'm not familiar with copied so they could ask her a question about her meds.

    Sheryl, So sorry to hear that your mom is in the hospital. Sounds like they got her there just in time. Good that she is doing well enough that Norma could have somewhat of a normal routine on Sunday before going back to the hospital. I'll keep them all in my prayers. How fun to hear that you used to be in musicals in school. I can just picture you as a "towns people" singing your little heart out. :) I just loved what you said about going to watch John enjoying the game.

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Howdy, everyone. Another full week here. I’m not any busier than someone who goes to a job everyday – just maybe have a little more variety. Sunday was nice. The salad I made was liked but still had plenty left (still have a little left) and plenty of other leftovers that I put in the freezer yesterday. Sunday evening we went to another memorial service – this one for the man who just passed away. It was at a church and more formal. His wife was there so we got to talk to her and her daughter. They were shipping the body back to Kenya to be buried on their farm and the wife will probably stay there. There was a meal after the service and we left after that – driving in the rain – yay.

    The son-in-laws had loaded 17 boxes of books and we headed for Kansas City about 6 on Monday morning – drove in rain all the way so not the most fun but made it and they unloaded the boxes quickly, we paid and were on our way. We got home at 9 pm. We hit McDonalds for breakfast, Burger King for lunch, Wendy’s for supper and went to s5 bookstores – probably got enough books for 1 box but had fun.

    Tuesday morning I babysat for Bible study and then we had Good News Club in the afternoon. Wednesday was at home – the person I work at church had something to do so I skipped too. I always have plenty to do here. Then it was church in the evening. I took 4 kids to and from but ended up with no kids in the nursery to watch. I still stayed there and listened from a nice rocker.

    Thursday morning we went to a garage sale at the school Lori’s are at. Couldn’t talk Ralph into a flatscreen TV they had so didn’t buy much. Then I met up with a friend at Panera while Ralph went to a bookstore and we visited Uncle Joe. I convinced him we didn’t’ need to go get cash and just talked. We were talking about how my niece needed to get out of the POA with everything she has going – possibly move to Mexico since her husband so fat can’t come back for a year and she kind of misses him so called the home after we got home. And I learned (and it makes sense) that Uncle Joe owes them. So next week when we go in to talk about the POA, we’ll talk about that (and his other bills). My nephew who works at our local nursing home said that bill comes first. My uncle borrowed too much money but I guess he didn’t know how to make it on what he had (which wasn’t a lot). I went to Bible study in the evening. We never got past the sharing part cause everyone seems to have something hard going on so it was more a prayer time.

    Friday was errands in the morning and then home the rest of the day. Everything I can check off the list feels good. I’ve been making a new list each day and there’s never a lack of things to put on it. Fixed pizza and salads in the evening – hadn’t done it in a couple of weeks so really enjoyed it.

    Saturday was interesting. We went to watch Jeremiah play volleyball. We understood it was a fundraiser deal and almost everyone would be Asian. So I pictured Asian families there watching their junior high boys play. No, it was almost all Asians and mostly guys but player wise, Jeremiah was definitely the youngest one – others were 20s to 40s. But it didn’t bother him. We were about the only two spectators other than a very few wives and a handful of kids. They played some good volleyball and Jeremiah did okay – didn’t phase him to play with older ones and they gave him pointers. We stayed a couple of hours and then headed home. Got a text from Julie inviting us to their “new” place in about an hour so changed our plans and ate in town till they were headed to the place. Matthew’s grandparents came too. It’s a small house but nice and big enough for the two of them. They have 20 acres which includes a pond, a barn full of stuff and an old farmhouse full of stuff so plenty to do but it’s a place he as wanted for years so Grandma Rae sold it to him. They are doing some stuff to their house and then want to get it on the market. We ended up being gone till 4 but I got things done and to bed about the usual time. I made a rather unhealthy but very good tasting dessert – used mostly oreos and cool whip. I cut up 2 cantaloupes and peeled and cut up 6 pounds of carrots (did the 5 pounds of potatoes this morning) plus a few other things but it’s all good.

    Today was SS and church. Everyone enjoyed the pork roast and veggies and dessert. Everyone left around 2 and I ended up dozing off while Ralph was outside selling a few chickens. Small world - this guy contacted us wanting chickens and in talking found out our son built his house and they go to church together. Now I’m chatting with you and watching the KU game – watch as long as we have a Kansas team playing. K-State lost yesterday (on a station we don’t get) so this is the last of the three. It’s a close game. (And KU won in overtime)

    Sheryl, if you didn’t have so many DVDs to watch, I’d get you a copy of the one my grands were in so you could watch it. They really did a good job. How’s your mom doing? Wonderful that Norma can be there for her and you get good phone support. And she has John’s support now too. I feel a little bad about my uncle when I know how much care John gets with you but we feel good that he is in a place where he gets his meals. Bringing him into our homes was not considered. I took care of my dad with a catheter but would have a hard time doing it with my uncle and for other reasons.

    Isabella , cool and drizzly sounds wonderful. We got about an inch on Monday – need more but that helps. Bradford pears are in bloom in the big town – beautiful. Dan probably gave you wise advice – good that he helped you step back and look at the big picture. You are such a caring person. Do they not have meals on wheels or anything like that out there? It’s not the same but I feel bad about the bills my uncle has but not the money to pay and know I have to not do it. Not the same thing going on as with your friend but still have to be careful how you step in. Reading what you wrote is helpful to me (even though it’s not the same situation.
    Work project was good – they came back Thursday. He said they cut down a lot of trees. Thanks for continuing. What he has is a bad kind – they say no one has every been cured from it – a few months to a couple years. Thanks for the FYI on Anew – that makes sense.

    Well, the basketball game just went into overtime. 60 Minutes will start much later. I’ll start working on my list. I think tomorrow is my one day at home (after I walk) so better make good use of it.

    Have a good week everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a sunny 81 degrees and 43% humidity here at 10:21 am. The cold front came through so it is the leftovers of that. I am saddened by all the tornadoes that have come through this year. Those that are suffering and those who have family they will never see again. It is so sad to watch the news anymore.

    Hubby and I built another trellis made of some of my garden grids I purchased years ago. We stacked them two high which gives me an A-frame trellis measuring about 76" high by 32" wide. I can take the two sections apart and use them laying on the long side to support low growing things during the winter in my 8' x 3' beds. They are perfect for that but in the meantime I will be using them as an A-frame for growing the watermelon. It is a bush watermelon that will get to be about 4 feet tall and I should be able to trellis the short vines on it. I'll be growing them in a huge black pot the soil is already in. I realized this morning there aren't any drain holes in this pot yet, so hubby will need to help me on this. I have two other of the same pots that are empty so he can drill holes in one of those and we can transfer the soil into it.

    The cantaloupe is coming along very well with lots of flowers on it and I am sure most are just male flowers, but too small to really tell. Some of the flowers have opened and those I can see are male flowers. I have peas forming and the bush cucumber has really exploded in leaf size and beginning to fill out it's area now. I haven't seen any flowers on it yet but sure it will happen very soon. The cherry tomatoes are coming in and I have enough today to make my pasta salad with roasted bell peppers using them. I think I put the recipe over in the recipe thread a while back.

    On on a serious note I thought I would update on my angiogram I had done. Although when I was in recovery hubby and I were told that my arteries were clean as whistle (which they are) and they said my heart was operating at 55% (which it is not) my doctor on follow up last week told me my heart is operating at only 39%. He said I have pulmonary hypertension and it is why I have trouble breathing. He said because of the lung issues my heart has to work extra hard to get the blood into my lungs which weakened my heart. So, I have cardiomyopathy caused by pulmonary hypertension. My heart may get stronger if I stay on the blood pressure meds, but the lungs will never repair themselves.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Blood pressure meds treat Pulmonary Hypertension? Which ones r u taking? I too have Pulmonary Hypertension, but am unaware of any meds that treat it. I'd like 2 share with my physican.

    Hi. I think you read this wrong. My lungs will not repair themselves, I use salmerotol discus twice daily for my lungs. The blood pressure meds are for lowering my blood pressure, which may help my heart to become stronger. My cardiologist told me on last visit my heart sounded a teeny bit stronger, so that is good. I hope you get to feeling better.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, thought I would come in again and update on things around here. Well the data breach kind of made me think it was time to come in too. I changed my password so hopefully it is all good, but I don't know what these people will do with what little info they got out of me.

    We had an awful storm come in around 1:30 am with tornadoes included. Houses that were in repair from hurricane harvey have now lost their new roofs, and some houses look just like they did when harvey came in and destroyed them. My heart goes out to all these people trying to rebuild their lives around me. Our house is okay, the fence is still standing, we lost power for a little while but there are, or were thousands without power this early am. I don't know if that has been fully remedied or not. Aye Aye Aye.

    It was a beautiful day after the storm though, we also found a restaurant on the water that was awesome good food, I had salmon and hubby had redfish, it was great food. We will be going back for sure.

    I don't have a garden started this year, I was trying to take a trip to California again but that will not work out. I can't afford it at all, driving both ways is not fun and I won't fly. It's all just too expensive to take in right now. It makes me feel like a failure though, I have yet to meet my grandson who is 1.5 years old now and I have a new grand on the way. Soooo...

    See you all later, have a great night.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi all, Happy Easter! We are going to Jami's for Easter. It should be really nice and I'm looking forward to it. Not much new here. We're having warmer temps this week. High 70's to Low 80's. Got my hair cut last night. Seems she rushed thru it this time. I'm not too happy with it so far - I'll have to see after I wash it today. I picked up a pizza afterward. It was tasty. We have enough left over for lunch. We'll do our usual routine today.

    Hubby is feuding with the neighbor again. Same issue of putting stuff in the easement right next to our house so hubby can't get to our east wall very well. Also, they now have 2 large dogs in a patio home and allow them to poop where ever they want which is often in the easement so Dan has to walk thru a mine field of poop when he needs to go onto the easement to inspect the east wall of our house. He's not happy! The neighbor says there is no poop and says Dan is wrong about stuff being too close to the wall. You'd think we'd be able to all sit down and have a discussion to resolve these issues. Men's egos don't help. Now they avoid making eye contact when I see them so they won't have to say hello. Sheesh! High School stuff!

    Debora, sounds like Thomas' trip went well. I'm sure you're very proud of him! My friend tried meals on wheels but the cost was $7 and she felt she'd rather get frozen dinners for @2.50 at Walmart. Of course, that was when she could still drive. I sent her an application for rides but she said she can't deal with filling it out. Don't know what the solution is. I think it is somewhat the same situation with your uncle and I appreciate the feedback. Sounds like we both need the same advice. Sorry about Jeff's diagnosis.

    Anew, good to hear from you. So sorry to hear about the tornedo. Must be tough to go thru in an area that has been thru so much and still hadn't recovered from the first disaster. Glad to hear your fence is still standing. The new restaurant you found sounds great! I'd love to find a decent relatively inexpensive fish restaurant here. After Anthony's closed nothing else has come close.

    Sheryl, hope all is going well. I bet John is loving all the basketball. Hope your mom is doing better. Is she out of the hospital?

    Again, happy Easter all!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello everyone, another week has sped by.
    Monday was at home – did what I could. Tuesday morning, Ralph had a check-up and then we went to half-price day at the thrift store. We found a few books and I got a toy for the church nursery. We had Good News Club in the afternoon. Had a girl come who had come last year so it was nice to see her again.

    Wednesday I worked on the Echoes at church. From there we took Ralph in to get his eyes checked. The squiggly deal is a normal thing that comes with age so that was good to know. We stopped at Walmart to check his blood pressure. It was high at the doctor’s office and we have a cuff to check at home but thought that was another place we could do it. Not going down to where it usually is so will keep watching it. In the afternoon I worked on the prayer guide. No church in the evening so another evening at home.

    Thursday I dropped off some stuff I had purchased for a friend and she gave me a loaf of rye bread. It is so good. We then went on to see my uncle and changed the POA to me. We found out it’s just a medical POA. He needs a finance one too but I guess as long as he can sign the checks, it’s okay. I had to break the news to him that he doesn’t have a lot of money cause he has to pay the nursing home. That was a big let down. I couldn’t pay all they wanted. Now I need to work on getting the automatic payments changed and write letters to where he has loans to say he can’t pay them. I don’t like doing that but I’m not going to pay them. We took my uncle to eat at Wendy’s and my niece joined us. He seemed to enjoy it but it’s a job to load the wheel chair so I didn’t give the friend (girl) permission to take him to church. She already has back problems. I know that means he probably will miss church tomorrow, but that’s how it is now. I did get is TV so it can get more channels cause I remembered that with a converter box, you change the channels through it. He didn’t really care but he can if he wants.

    Friday Ralph had to go get soybean meal so I went to town by myself. Didn’t have a long list. Then I was home the rest of the day. I got most of uncle’s clothes in boxes so room looks a bit better. One more load to wash.

    This morning we went to a prayer service for a sister of a friend. Not often in a Catholic church so it was interesting. Then I worked here, straightening and my food stuff. Two of the girls are bringing part of the meal tomorrow so I had less to do today. I made a salad and deviled eggs today. Tomorrow I’ll put on the ham and the hash brown potato casserole. I have eggs (filled with quarters) ready to hide. It’s supposed to be cold so will probably do it in the basement but that’s okay. We went to a soup supper fundraiser for a young man with colon cancer tonight. He had to stop the chemo cause he had to have emergency surgery and has to recover but he’s finally home from the hospital.

    Lindsey told me she took Deacon to the ER Wednesday evening but he didn’t have to be admitted. Then they had the inspection of the house for foster care one morning and got their license in the afternoon and then two little girls so they will be here tomorrow. And her husband and dad are headed to San Antonio in the morning for the final four games. So she’ll have 7 kids on her own - ages 1,2 (3 on Monday), 3, 4, 6, 7, 10. Whew.

    I think I’ve talked about the masks and capes that Lori makes and sells. The guy that had ordered 500 sets ordered another 500. So they’ll be busy sewing again. I don’t know how long they have to do it.

    Wow, Anew, a tornodo through your area. I’m glad you are okay but so sad for the many around you who have to rebuild again. So sorry you can’t make it to CA. Maybe you could meet in the middle. I can’t imagine not seeing my grandkids.

    Isabella, I’m sure you’ll have a great time with Jaime.
    Sorry the neighbor is so disagreeable.
    The ride thing sound like a good deal for your friend – then she could buy the meals at Walmart. That sounds like a lot for meals on wheels. But if it’s too hard or she won’t be bothered, you’ve done what you can.

    Sheryl, hope all is well for you.

    Have a blessed Easter everyone.
    He is Riwn!!!!
    He is Risen Indeed!!!!!!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Happy Easter everyone, the weather has been great the last couple of days and we need to paint to repair the damage the hurricane caused. The wind removed the paint like it was sandpaper so we ordered a pressure washer to clean the siding and eaves first. We used it to clean the concrete in the front, and the front of the house yesterday. It is amazing the brick no longer has any green mold on it and the concrete is so clean I actually like it now. It has always had this gray color and I thought it was just that color. Turns out it is actually a nice white color with lots of nice colored pebbles in it. The sand was imbedded in it and that is what made it so ugly and a broom did nothing for it. Hubby used a broom and dustpan to sweep up the wet sand as we cleaned. I think it was like 5 huge loads of sand he removed from the driveway to keep it out of the street gutter.

    Now I like my pathway and driveway, and it even plays off the red/orange brick I have always disliked so much. I think I might refrain from staining the brick a different color now. Of course that depends on the paint we are using and wether it plays well with the brick or not. I like lighter brick on newer homes and the new roof is a multicolored dimensional 30 year which we always had a color idea for the siding and trim to go with it. So, I will re-stain the brick if needed, but who knows maybe it will all work out in the end. For the record, I like red brick on craftsman homes, I just don't like it on newer homes. The craftsmans have such nice architectural designs to them that red brick is just one of the needed elements to make it fit into itself. Otherwise, I prefer a lighter brick color like cream or light tan because the color seems to be more welcoming than a dark brick. Anyway, the next concrete to clean is the back patio, that ought to look real nice when we do that.

    Isyvanek-Can your friend ride the bus to Walmart? She may have trouble filling out paperwork for a ride because of the confusion, maybe she needs a little help on that? She can get a bus pass for a low amount if she is low income and then she would be able to go anywhere she wanted to on the bus line. Of course that would mean if she is near a bus line. I am nowhere near anything like that, so finding a ride would be a need for me if I couldn't drive or own a car.

    Arobed-Yeah lots of tornadoes damaging things around here. It's awful. I told the kids I would buy them all plane tickets and meet in San Antonio to play up there when mom is able to travel. That's the best I can do. It would cost us just as much for plane tickets, car rental and hotel if we did that as it would for me to go to CA and stay there for a month. I can travel to San Antonio, just can't make that trip to CA. We'll see how that goes.

    Sanferris, hope you all are doing well.

    Does anyone know who NorthCoastBeauty is?

    Goodnight everyone, have a great Easter with family and friends.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cold day here - barely got above 30 so we hid the eggs inside which is actually easier cause I do it in three groups so I don't have to remember where as many eggs are - most hid at once was 32. Kids had fun. Meal was good. Lori brought the crockpot corn - don't know what I do wrong but her's was really good. Then Lindsey had bought sugar cookies and little cupcakes from a friend - really nice but lots to eat after a big meal.

    SS went good - had donuts during Sunday School opening so I've had plenty of sweets today. Junior high boys (of which one is a grandson) did special music - did actions to a song - choreographed well with a good message about the cross. Family stayed till around 4. Foster girls are just there till tomorrow - glad she realized that was a little much - especially with Deacon having trouble with his breathing.

    Tomorrow should be at home so going to work on my list and hope to plan well what I can get done.

    Anew, cool that the washing made things look so different. And neat that you do have plans to meet up.
    No idea who NothCoastBeauty is - somebody that belongs to MFP is the best I can do. Ha.

    Enjoy your week.