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  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    The radio in my car is tuned to what would be considered the dusties and R&B/neo-soul. My kids are basically listening to The Isley Brothers, Michael Jackson, Earth, Wind and Fire, and Anthony Hamilton. I am still trying to figure out how Lil Wayne still has a career because his lyrics are all over the place lol.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    "A pledge pin on your UNIFORM!?!"
    That song is still my ALL TIME favorite I must admit. I got that cassette when I was 14 and had to replace it many times until MP3's came into existence!!

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I listen to mostly audiobooks in my car. The half hour each way commute goes faster for me that way.

    Our Pandora playlist is mostly 70's and 80's. There are a few "new" artists on there too, What Does The Fox Say? lol
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Lexi, You can NEVER go wrong with Earth Wind and Fire.

    I have XM radio in my car. I'm all over the place with that. I use it to torture my kids when I put it on the '50's.

    I do listen to what my students listen to just to keep up with them. I don't want like debating with them, but my biggest concern about today's music is lack of originality.

    I still remember when MTV actually showed music videos.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    There was a program for the middle school students at my school. The dj was playing the instrumental version of a song which was bearable (I was trying to write lesson plans). The kids came in singing the words "I'm love with the coco!" All I could think was why are they singing about cocaine in school!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I'm in love with the coco might be the dumbest song I have ever heard. That has been a popular tune for sure.

    This semester I am teaching at our alternative school in the afternoon. They pipe in classical music over the PA. It's funny, because sometimes we'll pay close attention to the music and the kids are in tune with what they like and don't like about this music. They don't like it, but it doesn't completely turn them off.

    Every Friday in my regular classes I play Hawaiin music. We call it Aloha Friday. My students hate to admit how much they really like it. Of course, there are some great reggae sounds they get to listen too.

    This is our last week of school before spring break. Believe me, it is not here soon enough. I can't wait to head to Florida. My son is a big baseball fan and we are going to at least 3 games while we are there. We will see the Red Sox twice and get to see the Tigers and the Yankees. I'm hoping to see the Atlanta Braves but haven't worked that out yet.

    You all have a great week.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I have never heard of that song and I refuse to look it up, especially since you said it was the dumbest song, I truly do not need that stuck in my head!

    You sound like a great teacher Coach. I hope you get to go to all the games while in Florida.

    Just put on next month's TF schedule, looks brutal lol

    Have a great week ~
  • teach0722
    teach0722 Posts: 42 Member
    I have a question for all of you. Do you do another workout days of a scheduled HIIT workout? I'm not getting the same calorie burn as I do the fire workouts. Not sure I'll have energy for one, but it's worth a try. Thanks!!!!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Yes, I added in a Fire 30 or Fire 45 on those days. I never got very high burns with just the HIIT workouts :)
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Since I don't wear a heart rate monitor, I have been using the presets in this app for high impact aerobics. That count seems a little low considering the amount of leaping and fast pace. My schedule has a second workout on HIIT days but my kids are usually fussing by that point or I am too tired to even do it.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I find I burn less per minute on the HIIT workouts, I get a better burn when I have a constant workout. The pauses mess me up. My Bodymedia shows that when I am doing the HIIT workouts, I barely get a constant 7-8 calories per minute burn, whereas while doing the TF workouts I get 10-12 calories per minute. That is why I add on :)

    Do what works for you!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks Amy! I was getting a little worried but I guess it is normal. I need to look at next month's schedule to see what is on deck for the next 4 weeks.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I have a question for all of you. Do you do another workout days of a scheduled HIIT workout?

    I usually do some work on the elliptical on HIIT days or a 2 mile walk. That way I can still get in a 45-60 minute workout.

    Thanks BeLight! I don't know if I'm great, but I enjoy going to school every day and working with kids. I enjoy coaching because I like taking kids where they can't take themselves and I have some great co-workers. It is certainly not a job.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Until I reach my goal weight, I am trying to burn at least an extra 600 calories a day. That is why I added in workouts. Plus I get in as many walks as possible during the day. Even 10 minutes of brisk walking at a time really adds up!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    No matter what workout I have scheduled I try to do something extra to have a total of 60 minutes minimum.

    Since we are in the meat of our track schedule I am using the track before or after practice. We have meets once a week which puts me at home around 9:30 or 10:00 and if I have school work to do I'm not a happy camper when the alarm goes off.

    As ready as I am for spring break I'm nervous about my workouts. I had a schedule that wouldn't allow me to miss many, but I believe sitting at baseball games and on the beach may keep me from TF more than I would like. I will have an elliptical and I will do that for sure.
  • teach0722
    teach0722 Posts: 42 Member
    My husband coached track and field for over ten years. This is the first year he didn't because he is working on his phd. I know from personal experience how draining coaching, especially track and field can be! I worked a track and field meet once and it is exhausting! I bet your burn a ton of calories during those practices and games! Great Job!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    It's a lot of fun but definitely a lot of work and hours. I wouldn't change anything about it though. I figure on a normal day I get an extra 6-8,000 steps. Some days I walk 2 miles after practice. We have a meet tonight, but it's going to be a small one with 2 other schools.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Extra steps are extra calories, sounds like another bonus to coaching!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Well, it was quite the week and I certainly enjoyed it. We spent time at several beaches including Cocoa Beach on the east coast and Sanibel Island on the west coast. Went to 3 spring training baseball games and a surf festival.

    The highlight was walking 2 miles from our spot on the beach to the Cocoa Beach Pier at 9 am. We had eggs, bacon, toast and I drank 2 beers while my wife had a pina colada with her breakfast. Then we had to walk back.

    There are not many healthy options at fast food restaurants or ball parks but I did the best I could. I did elliptical workouts and walked but did not do any TF. I am starting where I left off with week 13.

    I certainly relaxed and took some great pictures of sunrises off the Atlantic and sunsets from various spots. I did get sunburned too. haha

    We celebrated Easter with family and now it's time to get back to work.

    It feels GREAT to be back.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Sounds like you had an awesome Spring Break! Glad you enjoyed it.