Every day chats!



  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Cindy you have gained muscle since your clothes are falling off you! You go girl!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Cindy is going to loose her knickers :#
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Welcome Back Cindy. Missed you too :) Oh I would be furious about that subway wait and having to wait that long for food. I'm pissed off just reading it. You cannot do that to Teens who are STARVING and the nerve of the one teen to throw away the burrito after a few bites when you were hungry. Arghhh. Sweet of you to give it to her/him anyways and they are young, just chalk that one up to a good cleansing fasting day lol.

    Cindy since you were under several days did your body go into 'Starvation Mode' and hang on to the weight do you think or maybe due to Stress. I know when I'm stressed I really tend to hang onto weight. Good for you for joining the Biggest Loser group. I'm not ready for that one yet but woo hoo...nice.

    I did google on weighing and I get so many differing answers I'm just logging what I feel is appropriate such as chicken breast skinless boneless baked I will log as the cooked weight not raw. Raw is 8 ounces vrs the 4 cooked. Hope I'm doing it right.

    Barlovo; Thanks for all your insight. I actually got small plates a few years ago but a few months ago I bought these little kid plates for my gf and I with matching forks and spoons and we love using them. Makes us feel silly and like a kid and it's fun as well.

    I also totally agree with you about the fiber and protein first thing in the morning. I have found that's what works best for me as well. Lots of water as most of the time my stomach is growling and feels like it's hungry when really I'm dehydrated. Oh and don't I know those trigger foods, oh yes sugar messes me up every time. Carbs and sugar makes me crave more and makes me feel hungry. It's great were learning our bodies and know how to adjust to make optimal healthy choices.

    Liz; I like your idea of eating with Chopsticks Hmm you have me thinking about that now :)

    Everyone I hope you are having a good healthy day.

    Noodle; Hiya and thinking of you. Thank you for all your encouragement and kind words. You Rock!

    ***I had my colonoscopy and endoscopy yesterday. I seem to have a wheat gluten intolerance. I swell when eating wheat products. My test for celiac disease came back normal but they did 6 biopsies of my esophagus and large intestines and I should know in 2 weeks what the results are. They did say I didn't have any polyps and no Diverticulosis but I do have a Hiatal Hernia. Whoo Hoo.... not too bad considering all.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Karen, My smaller plates are an oriental pattern, half bowl half plate. I got a couple of sets of pretty chopsticks and chopstick holders to go with them. I have a thing about the table looking good and food presentation. I am glad your oscopies went well yesterday. I am sure you are relieved to have it all over.
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Hello everyone I hope all is well.

    This week I only went to work three out of five days, thanks to the snow that hit our area. Temps are the coldest it's been in 20 years! Needless to say I'll be inside all weekend, yet again.

    I'm convinced I had a fever the other morning. First I was burning up then I got the chills and couldn't get warm. Also, my stomach was not happy. I knew it wasn't food poisoning but something wasn't right. I'm thinking it was a bug of some sort. So I ate toast, bananas, and green tea.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hey QT - The flu is going around here. Golden was home from school for 1 1/2 days with the crud. I hope your feeling better. Stay warm :)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello My Lovely L.O.S.T. friends~
    Karen~ I'm glad your tests went pretty well...I will be sending prayers and positive vibes your way that the rest of your tests come back with good results as well!!! I am having the same results as you with the research on weighing food...it seems to be all opinions since everyone tends to contradict each other! But I am not giving up! I'm glad you are not either!!!
    I'm not sure about the starvation mode...my metabolism is screwy any way from all my yo yo dieting over the years. They tested my thyroid and I guess it goes by numbers...my number was exactly on the cusp of having a problem but my Dr knows I HATE taking meds for anything so she is just keeping an eye on it and trying to let me correct it naturally by starting to have an overall healthier lifestyle! I go back for another check in June.

    MdwstQT~ I hope you shake that bug before it gets a hold of you too good! I was just talking to a co worker about the same thing...I think working 50 days in a row and then the only 2 days off I had were going to NY for Kyli's field trip and being up 40 hrs...then coming right back to work that night is catching up with me! I am freezing cold...can't get warm and feel very run down and drained today! I need to realize I am NOT a spring chicken any more! I am hoping getting some sleep tomorrow will help!

    Liz~ I also bought smaller plates. My husband kept forgetting and when he did the cooking...he would fill a huge plate and get upset when I would only eat 1/2...it took a few months but now he grabs me my small plate every time. I actually thought about using my Grandsons Mickey Mouse toddler plate and silverware set lol!

    Aaliceinw~ I sent your friend the invitation...I hope she decides to join us!!!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day my friends!!! <3
  • NEKrebel
    NEKrebel Posts: 35 Member
    Finally found my way here! Thank-you for inviting me ladies. It also took me a while to realize that I had to go to the end of the posts to be current - duh!! I am 66, my doctor is not helpful at all, partner can eat as much as he wants and is still skinny. So My Fitness Pal is my only real support. We have an inexpensive, basic treadmill but now that my stamina and pain level allows me to walk I am getting some exercise. I gained about 50 lbs from meds during a medical treatment almost 3 years ago. I was already a bit overweight - now my BMI says obese :'( The meds really did a number on me - I just feel wiped out most of the time. I have done a lot of research and I'm sure the meds caused adrenal fatigue. My adrenal glands were already stressed from my PTSD and the chemo type meds put too much stress on my body. It took only 10 weeks to almost kill me but it sure seems like a very long, slow journey back. So glad to have you supportive, understanding ladies to "travel" with.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Welcome NE! It is good to have you here :)

    Cindy - You take care of yourself <3

    Everyone else have a wonderful weekend!!! B)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Wow! Everyone has been super busy this week.

    Nekrebel, welcome and as you can see, we are a bunch of normal but super duper, motivated and inspiring ladies. We all learn so much from each other too.

    Cindy thanks so much for adding Nekrebel. Give yourself a break so that your body can also repair itself and catch up with all of the recent stresses. Ignore the scale. When I am dropping weight, it tells me I am gaining. I am able to fit into a pretty dress I bought two years ago, and it fits me better than when I bought it.

    So awesome to see everyone back. Sorry that you are suffering from the consequences of the cold. MDwstQT wrap up snug n warm.

    Liz you are too funny! So my knickers are actually falling off me know, which means I can do more lingerie shopping :smiley: Hope you are having an awesome week :)

    Karen, I am so pleased that all of your tests have come back positively for the most part.. I am also gluten intolerant and have illuminated almost all gluten from my diet in the last 12 months, you will hopefully sense the difference quite quickly. The pain in my joints and the inflammations disappeared almost completely. I was also on meds which slowed my metabolism down, I stopped them in December! Good luck for next week's tests. Oh and try to avoid gluten free foods, they tend to contain very high sugar and salt content.

    (Keeping fingers crossed that this posts properly)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    I think I caught a nasty bug in NYC. My throat is on FIRE...I'm freezing cold and no matter how much tea I drink, I can't warm up and I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck!!!! I don't have time to be sick!!!!!
    Nekrebel~ I'm so glad you found us! This is an AMAZING group of people! You and I are practically neighbors...I am from NH.

    Liz~ Thanks...I am ok with losing my knickers LOL! I don't want o ever fit in them again!!!

    aaliceinw~ Glad your technical troubles seem to be over!

    I'm really feeling crappy...gonna go lay down. I will try to get back later!
    Have a FAB__LOSS day my friends!!! <3
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Welcome NE. This is a wonderful group. Supportive and enlightening. Glad you joined us.

    Liz. I'm not going gluten free just yet. I just bought a whole bunch of products that have gluten in it and I'm going to go ahead and eat those because I can't afford to revamp the house like I did last time I gave a whole bunch of food away and it was extremely costly to switch over to gluten-free cost 600 bucks so while I still have gluten-free flour I have coconut oil organic and I'll kinds of stuff like that I won't be going back to gluten-free probably for a while.

    I think it's a wheat sensitivity hopefully when I get the biopsy results in a couple weeks maybe the doctor can tell me more maybe it's too much sodium in my diet I'm really not sure I lean more towards the gluten sensitivity though.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    I hope you will All check out my picture and recipe in the recipe section it was very filling lots of veggies for only 307 cal. I personally thought it was much tastier than a slice of pizza.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Karen, I totally understand about switching over the kitchen. I used keep 6-9 months of staples and when I had to switch it was ugly. I don't keep as much now as the flours and pastas don't have the same shelf life. I am glad you came through the tests so well. Hopefully now they will be able to tell you what is going on.
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all, what an eventful week for everyone!

    Cindy and mdwstQT, I hope you both feel better soon. The crud that is going around this winter is really bad, I'm still run down.

    NEKrebel - welcome! It's great to meet you. I feel very lucky to have found this group on MFP. I'm sorry your doctor isn't supportive but you can find lots of good tips and suggestions here. Many of us are also dealing with various medical issues and it does make managing our weight more complicated. But it can be done and eating well also really has helped my overall recovery.

    Karen - I'm so glad you are getting some medical answers. Let us know how you are feeling as you work with the gluten issue - I hope it really helps.

    Also I wanted to share my first major non-scale victory since joining MFP - I'm down a bra size!! I'm really big busted and because of neck and shoulder injuries from a car accident and previous surgery, it's actually a big problem. I think a lot about breast reduction surgery but I am hoping that it won't be necessary if I lose weight.

    So the exciting news is that I am both down 2 inches band size, and a full cup size. I ordered my new bras and they just came today. Yay!!!

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations barlovo!
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Barlovo; Great job. Congrats. That's a great accomplishment. :)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Woo Hoo Barlovo!!! I totally understand the happiness of that NSV!!! I too have always been very top heavy :( It has always made me very self conscious and uncomfortable especially when I was young! So far whenever I lose weight...that is NOT a place I lose! I am so happy for you!!!
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Cindy - my cup size actually went UP when I first started losing weight. I was devastated! But after I dropped about 40 lbs, it started going down. I hope I can drop a couple more sizes before this is done.
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    :D I lost 2.8 pounds this weigh in. I weigh in every Sunday. I'm soooo happy. Woot!