
  • smuller73
    smuller73 Posts: 71 Member
    I have a pair of "skinny pants" the ones I kept in my cupboard that I was determined to fit into again one day. My mum bought them for me in a sale years ago and I think I only wore them once but even then, as they were low rise, I had a muffin top and they were quite tight. Put them on this morning and they were loose. No muffin top at all and actually a little baggy around the bum and thighs. Cleary need a new pair of skinny pants to aim for. :)
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    ^^^^ Yes! @minties82 you are beautiful! And what a little sweetie you have in your arms.

    Holy whatnot - I thought the second photo was of your two daughters! That's a wonderful change - amazing.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    You look like a new younger person! Awesome job!!

    I bought a vocal harmonizer and am going to set up my home studio. It seems I look the part more of a guitar player singer than 100 pounds ago

    It is just a harsh truth. Fat kept me out of a passion of my youth. I remember playing guitar in a teenager band. It was pretty cool

    I sent a quick 20 second iPhone clip to a band and got an invite to come to a practice that quick.

    Got 2 slots to sing and tell them what I want them to learn.

    I already know two but gotta get them memorized

    Crash my Party - Luke Bryan
    Wrecking Ball - Eric Chirch

    My daughter is very psyched and may add some backing vocals on my recording

    Some very cool times. A fun thing for me and also a very cool father daughter thing

  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    You look like a new younger person! Awesome job!!

    I bought a vocal harmonizer and am going to set up my home studio. It seems I look the part more of a guitar player singer than 100 pounds ago

    It is just a harsh truth. Fat kept me out of a passion of my youth. I remember playing guitar in a teenager band. It was pretty cool

    I sent a quick 20 second iPhone clip to a band and got an invite to come to a practice that quick.

    Got 2 slots to sing and tell them what I want them to learn.

    I already know two but gotta get them memorized

    Crash my Party - Luke Bryan
    Wrecking Ball - Eric Chirch

    My daughter is very psyched and may add some backing vocals on my recording

    Some very cool times. A fun thing for me and also a very cool father daughter thing

    This is fantastic! I wonder how many of us missed opportunities and didn't try for things because of the extra weight we have been carrying...
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Overheard the office gossip yesterday that wasn't meant for my ears....... It seems my weight loss is not only a topic of discussion but now they have decided to start dieting too. By the end of the day, even had one come up and tell me that the weight was flying off now.

    I was also able to wear two new dresses I'd had forever that never fit right. I wore them out to eat two nights this weeks and it was a nice change. They were comfy and my tummy no longer puffed out. I've also gotten up to a 4 mile walk every evening with my dogs. Last night, I even made 5. (Dogs not so happy about this LOL)

    I'm not a picture person, but I think I'm going to do some in progress pics after another 10 lbs. I'm starting to notice some small changes in the mirror and I'm getting my cheekbones back!

    All of you above however are a HUGE inspiration for me to keep going. I started this to support my husband, who has since fallen off the wagon after losing 52 lbs, but now I realize how much better I feel and look that I don't ever want to go back to the way I was eating. You guys look amazing!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    HA I had an unusual NSV. Tonight I was walking up the hall wearing one of my long house dresses. Dogs were walking with me and the one dog stepped on my dress dragging on the floor. It did not used to be that long. Now it does have so much holding it out in front back and sides it has grown way too long. Another dress to alter. I refuse to buy new until I hit goal.

    While I understand not wanting to spend money while just knowing you will shrink out of it, it is sometimes quite the boost to morale to get a single choice item or two in the transition size. Properly fitting clothes help our morale and help us see the true progress sometimes. I'd personally recommend this. You can always donate to a shelter later once you've shrunk out of those too.

    But being able to alter your own clothes is awesome. I understand that all too well. I keep intentionally washing all my clothes on hot and shrinking them in the dryer!! Congrats to you and all!!
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Cheap smaller Wal-Mart workout clothes were a nice motivator
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I haven't lost any "New" weight since mid June :-(, but I have dropped a pant size!:-) I am still hanging in there and glad about it!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Aside from the near daily thrill of finding clothes that I fit back into, and the joy of my ever increasing donation bag of fat clothes; I am finding that I am happier and because of that I started painting watercolors again, and I find myself singing or dancing along to songs on the radio, taking small social risks, getting out the old sewing machine because ideas are popping into my head. These are all things I used to love to do, but stopped when the big, dark fat cloud moved over my life. So happy it's moved on. So worth the struggle to get where I am today. So grateful for never giving up.
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    Today I am wearing a pair of jeans my husband bought for me last Christmas. One of those pairs that were the right 'size' but the style was tight. They were too nice to get rid of and I refused to get a bigger size. They fit perfect now. I'm looking forward to fall too so I can see what new clothes I can wear.
  • danidanibobani
    danidanibobani Posts: 125 Member
    I have lost the baby weight! This morning I weighed in at my pre pregnancy weight. Never you mind that the baby will be five in a couple weeks. ;)
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    Congrats @danidanibobani! Do you still have the pre-pregnancy clothes?
  • danidanibobani
    danidanibobani Posts: 125 Member

    I have some! Which is great because I am just now working again, and I had some work clothes in the mix.
    Congrats @danidanibobani! Do you still have the pre-pregnancy clothes?

  • LindaSmith108
    LindaSmith108 Posts: 19 Member
    I have lost the baby weight! This morning I weighed in at my pre pregnancy weight. Never you mind that the baby will be five in a couple weeks. ;)

    Congrats, I wish I were you. I've been almost 28 years trying to say that too. :blush:

  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Such a great thread. Glowingly soft skin, no more dark circles (what?!), strong hair...it stopped falling out (and I have really long hair) and started growing, yes growing, past the length it loves to stop at. No more edema, or at least very little .... that is the best part for me since that's what makes me gain and my clothes too tight. I had the worst problem with that and feel so much better about myself with it lessened/gone. Looking younger overall, no more hunger crashes.
  • Standsfast
    Standsfast Posts: 77 Member
    How wonderful for everyone above! My NSV is my knees have stopped whining about carrying the laundry up the stairs. And I don't mind going back down the stairs when I forget to get whatever I went down for. :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    How wonderful for everyone above! My NSV is my knees have stopped whining about carrying the laundry up the stairs. And I don't mind going back down the stairs when I forget to get whatever I went down for. :)

    Knees! So true! My OA in the knees is much better. No even noticeable at times. :)
  • QuallyLeShay
    QuallyLeShay Posts: 37 Member
    Put on my skinny jeans yesterday only to realize they are now my fat jeans. Boom!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    WOO Halo @QuallyLeShay! Skinny jeans becoming fat jeans is a celebration! :smiley:
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Put on my skinny jeans yesterday only to realize they are now my fat jeans. Boom!

    That is awesome!!

    Now you gotta go buy clothes!