
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    Well, I bought a new belt today.... in January I was wearing a 52" belt, and today I bought a 46" belt.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,064 Member
    I bought jeans last year in the size I thought I was...without trying them on. When I got home I could not even button them and I was too embarrassed to take them back. Last month I was going to order some new jeans but not sure of my size. I went to try them on and they are now baggy in the waist and thighs!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @motown13 thats incredible!

    @bisky you must be very happy!

    This past weekend I went snowmobiling for the first time. It was a lot of fun and I wouldn't have done it before dropping 55lbs. I borrowed the snowsuit and it fit just fine but only because I'm now smaller.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Not my NSV, really, but hubby has started eating low carb and had to give away new jeans he bought a few weeks ago and replace them with smaller ones. I guess I can claim this, since I'm the one who inspired him. :)
  • petunia773
    petunia773 Posts: 473 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    Not my NSV, really, but hubby has started eating low carb and had to give away new jeans he bought a few weeks ago and replace them with smaller ones. I guess I can claim this, since I'm the one who inspired him. :)

    That's an awesome NSV!! I wish my boyfriend would follow in my footsteps but I don't foresee him giving up carbs any time soon. UGH!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    @SuesNewImage that's incredible!

    I have a couple new NSVs:

    I did eventually get out to the mall with money I budgeted away and purchased a 1X dress and a 1X shirt for the first time in YEARS! I tried on XL, and while it fit it was too snug to risk it lol.

    Last weekend I also bought a food scale and have been weighing my food and portioning it out. It takes extra time while I'm doing it but logging is a lot easier. Did you know Costco pork chops are 10oz?! Because I didn't! I split my sucker into 3 portions last night, 4oz for supper, 4oz for my lunch the next day, and 2oz extra that my hubby gnawed on while he was cooking, lol. Holy moley those chops are big.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member

    This weekend I made it up a very steep pathway to enjoy this magnificent view! I wouldn't have been able to do that 45 lbs ago.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Oh my, that is gorgeous, @PaleoInScotland !
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    How beautiful! congrats, @PaleoInScotland ! Whereabouts is that?
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,064 Member
    daylitemagdaylitemag - where did you go snowmobiling? Congratulations on a fun day.

    Paleoln - that is a beautiful pic. Where did you go hiking?
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    It's Queen's View in Tay Forest Park in Perthshire, Scotland. I've wanted to see that view since last year, but knew I'd never make it up the path. I practically raced my husband up the path this weekend. When we first got there he looked at me like I was crazy, he didn't think I'd make it. It's not very far, just steep, and more than I could have handled a year ago.
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    Just wanted to say that I feel high on life right now. Day 5 back on keto and Im down 5lbs but the real win...I feel amazing! Energy is high, mood is high, skin is clear, bloating is gone.

    That's all! :-)
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    Tanukiko wrote: »
    Just wanted to say that I feel high on life right now. Day 5 back on keto and Im down 5lbs but the real win...I feel amazing! Energy is high, mood is high, skin is clear, bloating is gone.

    That's all! :-)

    Great! :)

    See, this is what is missing for me... my energy is no better, I often feel bloated, and I don't know of any change in my mood.... however, one thing has happened. I had severely cracked heels, and now they are almost fully healed.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    It's Queen's View in Tay Forest Park in Perthshire, Scotland. I've wanted to see that view since last year, but knew I'd never make it up the path. I practically raced my husband up the path this weekend. When we first got there he looked at me like I was crazy, he didn't think I'd make it. It's not very far, just steep, and more than I could have handled a year ago.

    Lovely spot! I am so so jealous. I'm in Western Canada near the Rocky Mountains and although it has been unseasonably warm it is still brown and white everywhere. Blah.
  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    I have only been working LCHF for a little over a week at this point, but I already fit back into an old pair of jeans that were just a leeetle too tight. Yeeeeah buddy!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    @PaleoInScotland Whereabouts is that in Scotland - fantastic view. Who would have thought the wonders of nature were an indirect result of weight loss? I have started C25k (just finished week 3) and I love going out at night and just getting beyond the edge of town and light pollution to where I can see the stars, which I hardly ever do. Uplifting!

    And well done on your NSV!
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    @totaloblivia it's Queen's View in the Tay Forest Park in Perthshire, Scotland. I look forward to doing a lot more exploring as I lose more weight!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @Lillith32 Congrats on your loss. You are totally going to rock that bikini!

    In case this helps to recalibrate your body image:
    Have you ever seen a UK program with Gok Wan?


    Fun n light hearted show where he helps women accept themselves and their shape plus find clothes to suit their body type.

    You are not alone! Many women have a mental image of themselves or their most hated body part that is way off from reality. In some of the showz he has 8 or so women of different sizes line up in underwear, in order from smallest to biggest and asks the participant to place herself in the line. He asks them what she thinks of other women's shapes and the participant can admire other womens real bodies. The participant usually places themselves in the bigger end or even bigger than all the women. Truth is she will be measurement wise in the lower part of the line up. True ah-ha moments. It sounds ugly but Gok has such genuine care for the women and being gay he is not at all threatening so I found it empowering to watch. He says measurements of some women so we can do an arm chair comparison and help reduce body dysmorphia.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    I feel like hugging everyone of you. I am so excited for you all and love hearing all the NSVs. I try to save reading this thread for days when I need a lift. Our 7.5 months of doggy sitting comes finishes today, as she flys out. I so appreciate reading your successes. So uplifting! Thxs for sharing!!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    nicintime wrote: »
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    My wedding ring isn't falling off, but it is finally fitting on my finger! That's a big NSV for me. It's been more years than I can count since I've been able to wear my ring, I could never bring myself to get it enlarged. My husband teared up when he saw it on my finger this week.

    Oh, that brought tears to my eyes!

    I have lost two re-sized wedding bands. Going for my original from 36 years ago! And when I make it, you'll hear it !! :smiley:

    @PaleoInScotland that is such an awesome success. @nicintime well done on your journey so far, I am looking forward to hearing you celebrate fitting the original