Phase 2 strolling thread!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks! Having one serving bread today. Using the orowheat today. Prefer Ezekiel but the thin bun will make a great chicken burger Sammie! Tomorrow I will have the ak maks for lunch.

    Keeping everything the same cept adding one bread serving this week.

    I do love the pistachios. They take awhile to eat and are GOOD. I passed on them last night just to see if I could not be so much of a pig. Wasn't easy but I did it!

    I just got back from the store and I got some sugarfree Popsicles and some sugar-free gum to help with those late-night munchies
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member

    B v8. Hb egg

    S. Almonds string cheese

    L. Roast beef, Swiss cheese, cukes, ak mak, mustard, bell pepper and bolt house

    S. Hb egg v8

    Di Chicken, asparagus, apple sauce

    De yorgurt bar and almonds

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Today, final:

    Br: yogurt and berries
    sn: low carb tortilla with cheese
    late lunch: appetizer size of ribs, and a side salad
    dinner: zucchini pasta with feta and hazelnuts
    de: fiber one brownie
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    Up in time to peddle today...that's a good thing. Lunch was packed last night...breakfast is simple and easy and ready. Made chicken last night so all I have to do is the veggies for dinner...I just don't get why I am so tired after work. That is really what I am working on...aka trying to not be such a slug AFTER work.

    HAGDE! (have a great day everyone)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I over slept! Ugh. Will have to do my run later in the day.

    Today's plan:
    yogurt and berries
    sn: berries
    lu: low carb wrap with chicken, quinoa, pinto beans
    sn: string cheese
    di: good question
    de: enlightened mint chocolate chip ice cream bar
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm out of a whole bunch of stuff, too busy to go shopping (maybe late afternoon), so I'll have to make do.

    Today's plan:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana

    L: blueberries, egg salad with onions and celery and mustard (not mayo) on Toufayan whole wheat smart pocket, Green Giant Healthy Weight vegetables

    Snacks: apple/part skim mozzarella string cheese; plain yogurt/clementine

    Dinner: V8 juice, turkey meatloaf with white beans, Green
    Giant Baby Vegetable medley, mini whole wheat bagel, pistachio nuts

    It's a beautiful day here in NY--I hope it is as well where you guys are. Going for a long walk in 15 minutes.
  • roserobotham
    roserobotham Posts: 10 Member
    Hello SBD friends! I am just starting Phase 2--lost 6lbs!
    My plan today is to incorporate a carb or 2 and see what happens...I'm hoping for increased energy to work out! Any advice on foods to eat to feel energized would be greatly appreciated--Oh and no eggs. I do not like them. Makes breakfast a challenge.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hello SBD friends! I am just starting Phase 2--lost 6lbs!
    My plan today is to incorporate a carb or 2 and see what happens...I'm hoping for increased energy to work out! Any advice on foods to eat to feel energized would be greatly appreciated--Oh and no eggs. I do not like them. Makes breakfast a challenge.
    my advice? Don't limit breakfast to traditional breakfast foods!

    I eat peanut butter on ezekiel, i have PB in yogurt, I have left overs. I eat steak. I have chicken. Sometimes I skip breakfast.

    If you're feeling low energy: add more beans. They are a God send. Some refried beans with melted cheddar would be a good breakfast.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    Welcome Rose! Happy you found us! Good job on the weight loss!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today's Plan:

    b: hb egg, coffee, juice
    s: almonds, baby bel light
    l: roast beef, swiss cheese, bell pepper slices, ak maks, carrots, watermelon, mustard, bolthouse dressing for veggie dipping
    s: nectarine
    d: chicken, asparagus, cauliflower, parm/reggiano, apple sauce
    di: yogurt bar, almonds
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Had an off day yesterday. Had slept only about 3 hours the night before and had a zillion errands and chores to do. After making good food choices all day, I blew it in the evening, when I was exhausted; I ate everything in the house that wasn't nailed down. Oh, well, I'm not perfect, so I start again today and know I will make good choices. This is actually progress for me. In the past, I would have felt guilty today and maybe done some more binge eating. Now I know this was just 1 wrong turn, a momentary detour.

    So, for today:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana

    L: clementine, egg white Swiss cheese (reduced fat) omelet, mixed vegetables

    Snacks: apple/skim mozzarella stick; plain yogurt with clementine

    Dinners: mixed green salad, broiled salmon, broccoli and cauliflower mix, mini whole wheat pita, Emerald 100-calorie pack of walnuts and almonds

    Hope you all (my mindset is getting ready for GA) enjoy today.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yesterday was goofy:
    Br: yogurt and berries
    sn: jerky
    lu: avocado, ham, nuts
    sn: none
    di: sirloin and green beans
    de: chardonnay
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    Silvergirl...I had a bad day too. Out of the blue. I have been depressed for awhile...but did not let it interfere with my eating...until last night. I over did the pistachios and the Julie's strawberry bars...I was looking at today and thinking I have one lone frozen TJs mac and cheese in the freezer...will have that.

    BUT then read your post. Going into kitchen now and prepping my ak mak sammies for work with veggies and Bolthouse dressing...nectarine for dessert.


    I do have to work...67 and need the paycheck to make ends meet. But also, I think it does help to keep me on a schedule. If I weren't working, I might just have stayed in bed all this time and gotten more depressed. I do wish I had some days off right now, but I don't ...have to deal with this.


    b: hb egg, juice
    s: almonds, baby bel
    l: same as yesterday, no watermelon, however
    s: hb egg juice
    d: chicken, apple sauce, asparagus, cauliflower
    d: yogurt bar with almonds

    AND then to bed. And wake up ready to go tomorrow. Need an attitude change by the weekend. Three good days in a row will help.
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Magic, I so know how easy it is to overdo pistachios ;-) . I've decided to give them up for a while till I lose some more weight. I'm now restricting my nuts to the Emerald 100-calorie packs--have a stash of them in the house and want to use them up before the move. Also, these individual packs create psychological limits I can live with. I'm looking forward to the move--then I can get ak maks too!

    Hope today is a better day for you.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    I do package the pistachios in 30 counts in baggies. Had two bags. Ugh
    Won't even say how many bars are had.
    Oh ok. 3 yogurt and one healthy choice

    I do feel ok today. Back at it

    Will change up after work routine today. Goal is to get more accomplished so I don't feel so depressed!

    The right amount of good foods will sure help to make that happen!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    edited August 2016
    This is my juice...I found it on Amazon...was looking for something that would give me some energy without any stimulants. I do like it...take it in the morning. Think I will take one after work too.

    One scoop with water in a 16 ounce bottle...shake shake shake ... drink and go. I love it in the morning...will see how it works in the afternoon.

    I did get the greens one as well...ick on the taste! :( Like the reds better. :)

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Had an off day yesterday. Had slept only about 3 hours the night before and had a zillion errands and chores to do. After making good food choices all day, I blew it in the evening, when I was exhausted; I ate everything in the house that wasn't nailed down. Oh, well, I'm not perfect, so I start again today and know I will make good choices. This is actually progress for me. In the past, I would have felt guilty today and maybe done some more binge eating. Now I know this was just 1 wrong turn, a momentary detour.

    So, for today:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana

    L: clementine, egg white Swiss cheese (reduced fat) omelet, mixed vegetables

    Snacks: apple/skim mozzarella stick; plain yogurt with clementine

    Dinners: mixed green salad, broiled salmon, broccoli and cauliflower mix, mini whole wheat pita, Emerald 100-calorie pack of walnuts and almonds

    Hope you all (my mindset is getting ready for GA) enjoy today.

    This is great progress!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm in steak mode.
    Here's the deal: I made a huge thing in the crock pot that was super SB friendly, but I didn't love it. Hubs does. Or says he does. HA. It's now HIS.
    I bought several grass fed sirloins 8oz each. I am eating 4oz a night.

    So, today, odd again (I'm trying to transition back go early morning workouts):
    br: miso soup, then a protein bar
    sn: blueberries
    lu: turkey (no nitrates) and cheese in a low carb wrap
    sn: mushrooms
    di: 4oz sirloin, and 2 cups of brussels with some butter. I cooked the steak in the cast iron skillet with a pad of butter and some thyme. As it was finishing I nuked some baby brussels and then finished them in the skillet as well
    de: my downfall...some chardonnay. YUM. I *may* have a square of dark chocolate later.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,824 Member
    Sounds Devine! So far so good tonight. I want to wake up tomorrow with a great day under my belt!
    I have a couple sirloin steaks in the freezer. Maybe this weekend!