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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning All!
    Hope Lee-Ann has a safe trip this morning...weather on the east coast is not so great right now.
    Also, Lee-Ann you can post anything food wise you want...I was only half kidding about the cheesy posts! And, I guess right before you were able to return here we found a great cheese replacement. Its a brand, 'Follow Your Heart', We've so far found it at Kroger, Publix and Whole Foods...it may be other places as well...its so much better than any of the others. It MELTS, as in, I can make a grilled cheese sandwich!, or Pizza, etc. It comes in shreds or slices, oh, we also found that brand in shredded Parm. Cheese. So, post away!!! I am so used to mentally adopting recipe's that I pretty much read them 'fixed'. :) LOL!

    I did see a soup recipe today that had me shaking my head. It was a lentil chili recipe that included kidney beans and pinto beans as well...the list of ingredients included rinsed lentils, dry kidney beans and dry pinto beans. The instructions started out great, and you had the lentils cooking...and then the sautéed onion, etc. and then it was add the kidney beans and the pinto beans, simmer for 5 minutes....wait, what???? Never did it tell you to cook those big beans...and people raved about the soup, etc. You know how the comments go... like people I KNOW you didn't make this!.. Those hard uncooked beans will break your teeth! :)

    I have no idea what this day will bring. I have plenty to do here, and one really sore lower back. Not sure why. Will shuffle around and get some laundry started, and cook a skillet of my breakfast greens, and see if it improves. Some stretching is most def. in order this morning.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 26 degrees with a little ice still on the ground and sidewalks in places where it melted Yesterday during the warmup where parts of NJ got up to 60 degrees. I walked 8.6K steps and 1 cent so far, yesterday I reached 11K steps by the end of the day.

    I have finished updating the food reviews group yesterday with the last of the new NS foods

    Fast… and furious: Car owner fails in desperate bid to stop his £270,000 Lamborghini being smashed to pieces in Taiwan because it was fitted with fake plates
    The Lamborghini Murciélago is thought to be a custom LP 670–4 SuperVeloce
    Its owner was pulled over back in 2013 at a routine police checkpoint by officers
    Supercar was found to have the registration plates of an £18,000 Ford Sedan
    Authorities decided to completely destroy it to avoid illegal parts being sold on
    The custom Murciélago - though to be an LP 670–4 SuperVeloce - had been impounded because it was being driven on a public road without a valid registration number in 2013.

    After three years of appeals, the government decided to demolish the luxury car in front of horrified onlookers.

    Scroll down for video with the link below

    Have a Great Monday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    Howdy y'all from Paducah, KY! 13 degrees out there right now and only supposed to get to 27 today.

    I got in about 5:30 last night (6:30 eastern) and was immediately whisked away to a nephew's house for a family dinner that included some other nieces, nephews, one brother, one sister, great nieces, and my mother. Chili, hot dogs, and a cake that my mother invented. Yes, Eduardo got his cooking inventiveness from my mother. I took an extremely small piece of cake just to sample. Two small bites.

    I will be doing some walking at a mall later as I want to wave at a friend who works there (and who will insist on giving me a German chocolate cookie from her bakery there...) but I also want to go to a shoe store in the same parking lot as that mall.

    But all that will be after house-sitting briefly at the duplex my mother's moving into shortly. She bought the whole building but has a renter on the other half. I'll be letting the carpet cleaners in while my mother teaches a class and then she'll come by and release me from duty if the cleaners aren't done yet. THEN, lunch with my sister and probably my mother at a market in midtown where a friend works. I hope she's there today.

    Then, after the mall, out to the Purple Toad Winery to pick up a few bottles to take back to Georgia with me. Some will be Christmas gifts and some will be added to my bar. If there is room there in the afternoon may wave a a couple other friends.

    And THEN, maybe off to spend some time in the evening with yet another old school friend.

    Tomorrow I think there will be another family dinner of some kind of soup, but that is presumably being carried to the house I'm staying at with one of my sisters and her husband. Her husband and I get along great, despite being almost polar opposites politically. We are very much alike on just about everything else! We are also both adult enough to disagree about politics without fighting about it. We just agree to disagree and have some interesting conversations. My sister is more aligned with me politically. He must have SOME good sense. He married my sister after all. :)

    Blood glucose was a bit high on rising so breakfast was just some sausage and boiled egg. No carbs. I'll save those for lunch and that inevitable cookie and dinner...

    Today would have been my father's 80th birthday. I'm sure he's enjoying a birthday slice of coconut cream pie in heaven.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Ed, have a safe trip home for your visit. Loved reading your recipe. NMF (Not My Food) but when I got to the part about turning off the oven light I lost it!

    AND some day I will learn not to eat or drink while looking at Roger's comics. I almost spit breakfast on my computer over the little girl telling the difference between 'lay' and 'lie'!!

    It was 66 degrees when I woke (late) this morning!!! A bit foggy, but not windy, which surprised me as we were under a wind advisory til 10 a.m....had the back door open, felt good. Then after 9:30 the wind did pick up..and it tried, I mean tried to rain...just didn't happen. Driveway not quite wet... Roger I will check on our rain totals for the year, but except for 2 weeks ago we really haven't had rain...they forecast rain, we get an hour or so of misty drizzle. So, no, we're still severely dry down here.

    Lee-Ann, don't worry about mentioning meat and seafood. It doesn't bother me. Post pictures of cheesy pizza and I might gripe a bit though! :)

    Ok, finished my breakfast, time to get dressed and on with this day!

    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if You liked that comic :) That makes my day complete.

    I wish it was anywhere near 66 degrees, tomorrow is supposed to be colder here, they are forecasting 10 degrees overnight.
    Good Morning All!
    Hope Lee-Ann has a safe trip this morning...weather on the east coast is not so great right now.
    Also, Lee-Ann you can post anything food wise you want...I was only half kidding about the cheesy posts! And, I guess right before you were able to return here we found a great cheese replacement. Its a brand, 'Follow Your Heart', We've so far found it at Kroger, Publix and Whole Foods...it may be other places as well...its so much better than any of the others. It MELTS, as in, I can make a grilled cheese sandwich!, or Pizza, etc. It comes in shreds or slices, oh, we also found that brand in shredded Parm. Cheese. So, post away!!! I am so used to mentally adopting recipe's that I pretty much read them 'fixed'. :) LOL!

    I did see a soup recipe today that had me shaking my head. It was a lentil chili recipe that included kidney beans and pinto beans as well...the list of ingredients included rinsed lentils, dry kidney beans and dry pinto beans. The instructions started out great, and you had the lentils cooking...and then the sautéed onion, etc. and then it was add the kidney beans and the pinto beans, simmer for 5 minutes....wait, what???? Never did it tell you to cook those big beans...and people raved about the soup, etc. You know how the comments go... like people I KNOW you didn't make this!.. Those hard uncooked beans will break your teeth! :)

    I have no idea what this day will bring. I have plenty to do here, and one really sore lower back. Not sure why. Will shuffle around and get some laundry started, and cook a skillet of my breakfast greens, and see if it improves. Some stretching is most def. in order this morning.

    What, Maybe the author of the recipe assumed that everyone knew You had to prepare the dried beans first?

    I'm sorry to hear You have a sore back. I hope it gets better really quick.

    Good Luck getting more rain
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    Ed, I would say the casserole looked delicious - but there was nothing to see! That must mean it really was delicious.

    Val, got it - no dairy in our discussions!

    Roger, if Costco has protein shakes (premixed or powder) that is probably a great place to get them. I have found Costco very accommodating to take returns. If you try their shakes and don;t like them, you have nothing to lose since that will take them back. As for Wonderslim, sometimes they have a sale. If I see one, I will let you know.

    Heading to north Jersey office today - and not happy in the cold! Take care all,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    I have bought the Shakes at CostCo before, They used to be more expensive, Now they are equal or less expensive so why not use them and not reward NS for discontinuing something and raising the price on the replacement :)

    I appreciate the offer, please do let me know if You spot them on Amazon. I tend to buy things like that from them for two reasons. Often I can get free shipping and if the lowest price is not with free shipping I can often save by choosing carefully and the other big reason is that I prefer not to spread my Credit Card info all over the Internet.

    Stay Warm, It was cold out this morning :(
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Thanks Roger..the back will loosen up. It just surprised me, cuz I'd been up a bit earlier and no pain. Don't know where this came from!

    You stay warm tomorrow. 10 degrees is caution time! (and down here its the end of the world!) :)

    Breakfast was good...not sure it will hold me til lunch. Not really hungry right now, but not exactly full/satisfied either.

    Planning a trip to the gym in just a few. Need to get dressed and move laundry from Washer to Dryer. Always nice to come home to warm fluffed clothes!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Valerie
    I have had my back go into intense pain instantly in the past and that took a while to clear up, Hopefully Your back is not doing that to You.

    I will be adding an extra layer and carrying charged hand warming devices :)

    Have a Nice Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Out the door it was showing 14.3 degrees on the closed in front porch, That means it was colder. I walked 7.5K steps, luckily there was no wind today.

    The gifts Bill Gates has given to Redditors as a secret Santa for the last four years
    How does it feel when the world’s richest man is your secret Santa?

    “Flabbergasted” is how Aerrix, a Reddit user who got a gigantic box of gifts from Bill Gates last week described it.

    Since 2009, Reddit’s gift exchange has brought holiday cheer to strangers’ doorsteps. Last year, over 120,000 people from 150 countries joined in the world’s largest secret Santa exchange, which matches participants through a “giant daisy chain.” Each Santa is given a person’s username so they can scour through the profile to find the perfect gift. There is no fee to take part, but the guidelines recommend spending at least $20 on your gift.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...Tuesday.
    I'm working my way thru my coffee, so not exactly 'awake'. Enjoyed the cartoons Roger...Hamster snacks....yep, I can see that happening! And Diesel Fried Chicken...yummmm.

    Gym is going to be on my list. Also time to get some order to the stack of Medicare and Health Insurance papers for the year..ugh. Not my idea of fun. But.

    Also a little kitchen clean up to do...

    Other than that...the day is mine!

    Tom E. Cat thinks I'm his personal doorman! Is there not a fast food chain called 'In and Out'?...if so, they need my Tom E. Its not quite 'nice' outside, but not awful, so he want in, and shortly its meowing at the back door to go back out...And I don't know what's worse, him wanting, or me obliging him! LOL!!

    I can't imagine walking in 14 or less degrees! Freeze your lungs! :) You are a hearty, dedicated walker Roger. :) Would you like to know what our forecasted temps will be Christmas day, or Christmas Monday? (you might want to pack an overnight bag before I tell you!) Ah, the south! I'd forgotten to look up our rain fall deficit for the year...will try to get that done in my 'busy' day today! :smiley:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,227 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday here in Kentucky. I have been assigned barbecue pickup duty this morning, so need to get to that or there will be a lot of hungry people at dinner tonight.

    Off to the barbecue place!

  • Leemom3
    Leemom3 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi folks,
    It is reading cold outside, but the sun is making me feel it is not as bad as yesterday. I also do not think it is as windy.
    Roger - your cartoons and other pictures are really funny. What a great way to start the day. Thank you.
    Val - you have mentioned the Follow you heart cheese before. It sounds like a good option. My daughter is coming over today - maybe we can make a WF stop to see if they have any for her. I am sure she would appreciate a good grilled cheese!
    Ed - glad to see Eduardo made it to KY with you! And for what would have been your dad's 80th birthday - happy birthday. I still call my mom on my dad's birthday to wish her happy birthday for him, and wish my dad my own special wishes. He would be 94 this coming January. I know he is keeping an eye on all of us!
    Stay warm all,
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ed! Good Morning!
    BBQ duty...bet you're glad its pickup, and not cooking 'cue all day long' :)

    Roger I found it....30 year average rain fall for ATL is 49.71 inches. We've had 35.69 inches. Second least amount of rain only to 2007 when it was 31.inches, and we were a week from having no water. Part of our problem is that Lake Lanier, or the Lanier Puddle as Ed called it a couple weeks ago, has a fairly small catch basin. So, we not only need rain, we need it in fairly specific areas. However at this point, we just need rain, period! Rain, not the white stuff or frozen crystal stuff to paralyze the city!

    Ok, off to the shower, and then get me to the gym! It really helped my back yesterday being on the bike, but at abour 28 minutes I got a cramp in my left ankle, that suddenly decided to ascend to the calf muscle. Surprising how fast I could stand up! And a few steps it was over.
    Don't need more of that. Tried the elliptical again...I just cannot do that. at the top of the 'elliptical' path just as it begins its descent, pain shoots thru my knee. Not good! So, today I think I will bike for 20, and see if I can comfortably walk on the TM for another 10-20. Thats the plan anyhow.

    I see Lee-Ann just posted...will go read...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Lee-Ann. Hope you find the cheese. I used the Smoked Gouda for my grilled cheese, and Ed used the cheddar..both were tasty! I'm also liking a sprinkle of the parmesan on things like my Crash Hot Potatoes, etc. Its not cheap, and it is a high fat item, but then cheese has a lot of fat so they're 'even' on that score.

    You and Roger are in the deep freeze right now, but glad you have sunshine. Still no sun here, but they say its coming late today, or tomorrow. Sunshine does make things better!

    Enjoy your time with your daughter today.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...Tuesday.
    I'm working my way thru my coffee, so not exactly 'awake'. Enjoyed the cartoons Roger...Hamster snacks....yep, I can see that happening! And Diesel Fried Chicken...yummmm.

    Gym is going to be on my list. Also time to get some order to the stack of Medicare and Health Insurance papers for the year..ugh. Not my idea of fun. But.

    Also a little kitchen clean up to do...

    Other than that...the day is mine!

    Tom E. Cat thinks I'm his personal doorman! Is there not a fast food chain called 'In and Out'?...if so, they need my Tom E. Its not quite 'nice' outside, but not awful, so he want in, and shortly its meowing at the back door to go back out...And I don't know what's worse, him wanting, or me obliging him! LOL!!

    I can't imagine walking in 14 or less degrees! Freeze your lungs! :) You are a hearty, dedicated walker Roger. :) Would you like to know what our forecasted temps will be Christmas day, or Christmas Monday? (you might want to pack an overnight bag before I tell you!) Ah, the south! I'd forgotten to look up our rain fall deficit for the year...will try to get that done in my 'busy' day today! :smiley:


    Hi Valerie
    I actually passed on some of the weird food ideas :)

    I believe there is such a fast food chain, actually it is i In and Out Burgers.

    Actually the only part of me that was cold was the Thumbs, The Thumbs are heated in the Gloves but being out in the open holding the Coffee Cup and Walking Stick they got colder than the other fingers that were together in the Mittens I wore over the heated gloves. I did Put the Hood up on the Hoodie as I am not that hardy.

    Enjoy the Warmth
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Leemom3 wrote: »
    Hi folks,
    It is reading cold outside, but the sun is making me feel it is not as bad as yesterday. I also do not think it is as windy.
    Roger - your cartoons and other pictures are really funny. What a great way to start the day. Thank you.
    Val - you have mentioned the Follow you heart cheese before. It sounds like a good option. My daughter is coming over today - maybe we can make a WF stop to see if they have any for her. I am sure she would appreciate a good grilled cheese!
    Ed - glad to see Eduardo made it to KY with you! And for what would have been your dad's 80th birthday - happy birthday. I still call my mom on my dad's birthday to wish her happy birthday for him, and wish my dad my own special wishes. He would be 94 this coming January. I know he is keeping an eye on all of us!
    Stay warm all,

    Hi Lee-Ann
    It was cold enough even with no wind. We cleaned out my Brothers old car earlier so it can be driven to the Knackers for scrap tomorrow. It is much to rusty underneath for anything else and is making funny noises underneath on the road. The only reason he is still driving it is to use up the gas in the tank first. The New(er) F150 is plated, insured and now has it's new tires, Thus it is ready to go.

    Good Luck at WF.

    I'm glad You are enjoying the humor.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday here in Kentucky. I have been assigned barbecue pickup duty this morning, so need to get to that or there will be a lot of hungry people at dinner tonight.

    Off to the barbecue place!
    Hi Ed
    Just curious, How do You plan to Keep the BBQ hot?

    Enjoy that Dinner, it Sounds delicious
    Hey Ed! Good Morning!
    BBQ duty...bet you're glad its pickup, and not cooking 'cue all day long' :)

    Roger I found it....30 year average rain fall for ATL is 49.71 inches. We've had 35.69 inches. Second least amount of rain only to 2007 when it was 31.inches, and we were a week from having no water. Part of our problem is that Lake Lanier, or the Lanier Puddle as Ed called it a couple weeks ago, has a fairly small catch basin. So, we not only need rain, we need it in fairly specific areas. However at this point, we just need rain, period! Rain, not the white stuff or frozen crystal stuff to paralyze the city!

    Ok, off to the shower, and then get me to the gym! It really helped my back yesterday being on the bike, but at abour 28 minutes I got a cramp in my left ankle, that suddenly decided to ascend to the calf muscle. Surprising how fast I could stand up! And a few steps it was over.
    Don't need more of that. Tried the elliptical again...I just cannot do that. at the top of the 'elliptical' path just as it begins its descent, pain shoots thru my knee. Not good! So, today I think I will bike for 20, and see if I can comfortably walk on the TM for another 10-20. Thats the plan anyhow.

    I see Lee-Ann just posted...will go read...

    Hi Again
    You are well under where You need to be then for rain, Good Luck

    I hope those pains do not happen today too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi...gym time was good...no cramps in feet or calves! Did 15 on TM, and 20 on the bike. If I think about it later tonite I will do another 10 or so on my bike at home...better for you, so they say. (wonder sometimes just who 'they' are) Did not get on the elliptical. I sorta sneered at it in passing! :)

    Still quite overcast...not too windy, still gray day is gray day. Looking forward to seeing the sun sometime! 49 here now...and although Weather Channel says partly cloudy...we ate totally socked in...its not even 'bright' out. Yuck!!!

    Ok, lunch over, and time to do a chore or three and then talking with DS1 tonite instead of our usual Wednesday Chat. Marietta and I are going to the mall...and no way will I be home by 5p. :) More likely will be somewhere having another coffee! (decaf for me, please)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Out the door it was showing 24 degrees. I walked 8.8K steps + 1 cent, luckily there was no wind today.

    Later on around 9:40 I will be leaving for CostCo for Apples and Some Frozen Vegetables :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Hi...gym time was good...no cramps in feet or calves! Did 15 on TM, and 20 on the bike. If I think about it later tonite I will do another 10 or so on my bike at home...better for you, so they say. (wonder sometimes just who 'they' are) Did not get on the elliptical. I sorta sneered at it in passing! :)

    Still quite overcast...not too windy, still gray day is gray day. Looking forward to seeing the sun sometime! 49 here now...and although Weather Channel says partly cloudy...we ate totally socked in...its not even 'bright' out. Yuck!!!

    Ok, lunch over, and time to do a chore or three and then talking with DS1 tonite instead of our usual Wednesday Chat. Marietta and I are going to the mall...and no way will I be home by 5p. :) More likely will be somewhere having another coffee! (decaf for me, please)

    Hi Valerie

    That sounds as if You had a good visit to the gym and no cramps is good news.

    We have had several of those overcast days here too, I look out the window and Think :(

    That sounds like me. I have my regular coffee while I walk then if I have any more it is also decaf.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Y'all!!
    Woke earlier than I meant to! Have been messing with computer stuff...Had to change a password, thats always frustrating to me. No, I don't know why, not like its difficult exactly!

    Heading for shower when I finish this. Our Mall plans are being held hostage by ATT. M's land line is messed up. They were there Monday, and have to come try again today. So, the day will be what the day will be....?????

    24 degrees, ah, is that a warming trend? jk! We were supposed to have freezing fog this morning, multiple alerts on my phone this morning from Nat. Weather Service....no such thing here..though I'd imagine around the lakes, or the river, lower areas, etc. might have seen some. I'm just hoping for a peek at the sun today. It looks brighter than it has, so there is hope!

    Have fun at Costco Roger. Hope are able to get in early, and out without too many people to stumble over! I know shopping is not your 'fun thing'!! I saw a long range weather forecast last night, and the weather looked ugly for the east coast Christmas? I surely hope not!

    Some concern about all the terror by truck issues they're talking about. Real, or news hype?, a bit unsettling either way.

    Ok, tea time, and shower! Then when ATT says phone is fixed I will be ready to meet my shopping/lunch buddy!
