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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    I've just gotten around to settling down to eat breakfast. Cat out, box cleaned, pantry search for brown rice vinegar for a Smoked Paprika Sauce I plan to make later. I had no brown rice vinegar...but do have Seasoned rice vinegar...has added salt and sugar...so after much searching I found that mine has 180 mg salt/ 2 tablespoons....thats not much at all, and since I only need a teaspoon of it....I've wasted a lot of my morning for not much at all! LOL!

    Still no baby giraffe....although it seems as she's working to that end. Vet checks have become a less than easy task! She's tired of folks looking at her lady parts!!!! Last time she did a little dance with the vet and her intent was to step on his feet! Giraffe's can kick hard enough to break a lion's skull, so caution needs to be taken. :)

    I've hit my step goals and strength training goals every day except Sunday...have know idea why I posted that like I did Roger!!!

    Fed Tom E. a new dinner food last night...a packet of Whiska's chicken & duck meat. He sniffed it and walked away, I was ready to strangle his little neck, but he pretty quickly returned and ate a couple bites, and then went back and ate most of it. This morning I see the plate is licked clean! I think he liked it...(lucky for him!) LOL!!

    Ed, enjoy the Orchid Weekend. Sounds like there will be food for everyone, which is good, as I don't recall a lot of food being available on the grounds there. I came really close to buying an orchid yesterday...it was a cream colored one about half the buds opened...but the reality is my one suitable window for orchids is FULL, and if I purchased on, something would have to be discarded...and since I don't want to part with any of my orchids....... I'd really like to rotate this house about 90 degrees!! fat chance of that!!!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh, Roger, you most likely will not find your blood type on your lab blood work. You MIGHT find it on your drivers license. Unless there is a specific reason, blood type generally is done in the Blood Bank when crossmatching units of blood. I typed myself and my two boys when I was in lab tech school, just for practice. Other wise I would have no idea what my blood type is. I know the boys are both rH-positive, as am I, so no aliens in my family!!!! :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,218 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    Need to get going, off to the Botanic Garden. Got to get things ready for the Judges' breakfast.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    I was out walking today and hit 6.9K steps and The temperature was 43 degrees vs 51 degrees yesterday. I had started back from the furthest point on my walk when the first stray snow flake went past me at 6:35AM.
    Withing 5 minutes it was snowing steady so I shortened my return leg just in case. So far 1 hour later it is still not sticking so I suppose I could have gone the full distance, Safety first however. The Snow started much later where I am than the original forecast time for where I am and that was on the evening news last night :)

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good Morning!
    I've just gotten around to settling down to eat breakfast. Cat out, box cleaned, pantry search for brown rice vinegar for a Smoked Paprika Sauce I plan to make later. I had no brown rice vinegar...but do have Seasoned rice vinegar...has added salt and sugar...so after much searching I found that mine has 180 mg salt/ 2 tablespoons....thats not much at all, and since I only need a teaspoon of it....I've wasted a lot of my morning for not much at all! LOL!

    Still no baby giraffe....although it seems as she's working to that end. Vet checks have become a less than easy task! She's tired of folks looking at her lady parts!!!! Last time she did a little dance with the vet and her intent was to step on his feet! Giraffe's can kick hard enough to break a lion's skull, so caution needs to be taken. :)

    I've hit my step goals and strength training goals every day except Sunday...have know idea why I posted that like I did Roger!!!

    Fed Tom E. a new dinner food last night...a packet of Whiska's chicken & duck meat. He sniffed it and walked away, I was ready to strangle his little neck, but he pretty quickly returned and ate a couple bites, and then went back and ate most of it. This morning I see the plate is licked clean! I think he liked it...(lucky for him!) LOL!!

    Ed, enjoy the Orchid Weekend. Sounds like there will be food for everyone, which is good, as I don't recall a lot of food being available on the grounds there. I came really close to buying an orchid yesterday...it was a cream colored one about half the buds opened...but the reality is my one suitable window for orchids is FULL, and if I purchased on, something would have to be discarded...and since I don't want to part with any of my orchids....... I'd really like to rotate this house about 90 degrees!! fat chance of that!!!


    Hi Valerie
    Sometimes we do that sort of time waste :) I would have thought it would say on the label too.

    Sooner or later the Giraffe will deliver. They seem to have been off with the estimate by a fair amount of days too.

    Just from curiosity was that cat food expensive or was it just the waste if he did not eat it ?

    I seem to recollect seeing a house that was designed to rotate on a TV show in the past. I believe it was to keep the windows into the sun for solar heating.

    Congratulations on hitting Your step and strength goals
    Oh, Roger, you most likely will not find your blood type on your lab blood work. You MIGHT find it on your drivers license. Unless there is a specific reason, blood type generally is done in the Blood Bank when crossmatching units of blood. I typed myself and my two boys when I was in lab tech school, just for practice. Other wise I would have no idea what my blood type is. I know the boys are both rH-positive, as am I, so no aliens in my family!!!! :)

    FWIW I just looked and no it is not on the DL. I do not know how they could know it to put it there. OTOH Sadly there is so much information being shared by government agencies these days...

    Have a Nice Day
    Enjoy the Humor
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    Need to get going, off to the Botanic Garden. Got to get things ready for the Judges' breakfast.

    Hi Ed
    Enjoy Your Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I Ran across this article a interesting read if true.
    Is going gluten-free giving you diabetes? New study links diet with the disease and this from it
    A major study by Harvard University suggests that ingesting only small amounts of the protein, or avoiding it altogether, increases the danger of diabetes by as much as 13 per cent.

    Gluten-free diets adopted by growing numbers of health-conscious consumers enhance the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, scientists have warned.

    A major study by Harvard University suggests that ingesting only small amounts of the protein, or avoiding it altogether, increases the danger of diabetes by as much as 13 per cent.

    The findings are likely to horrify the rising number of people who are banishing gluten from their daily diet, encouraged by fashionable “clean eating” gurus such as Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley.
    "People without Celiac disease may reconsider limiting their gluten intake for chronic disease prevention, especially for diabetes"Dr Geng Zong, Harvard University

    Gluten is found in wheat, rye and barley and gives food a chewy texture and elasticity during the baking process.

    Only around 1 per cent of people are genuinely gluten-intolerant, a condition called coeliac disease, however some estimates put the proportion of adults adhering to gluten-free diets in the UK at more than 12 per cent.

    The researchers behind the study have suggested that people who are limiting their gluten intake who are not coeliacs should think again, and pointed out that there is no evidence that going gluten-free has any health benefits.

    The Harvard team examined 30 years of medical data from nearly 200,000 patients.

    More in the article....
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...TGIF :)
    Day going...LOL. Just finished breakfast, but I do have laundry going, kitty boxes cleaned, etc. So there is some minor progress!

    Stormed last night.....cat sat outside my door raising a ruckus. What the heck could I do about that thunder? shush Mother Nature?? LOL! I sure couldn't put him out, though I expect that is what he may have wanted...out! I think in stormy weather out and safety are one and the same to a cat and some dogs. Its the 'wild' in them.

    Enjoyed Gymnastics last night, and there won't be any for O next week. A school function that will not return her home until after gymnastics is over. Glad they remembered to tell me!

    Not so happy over the Harvard Study....I'd like to know who PAID the researchers, and what their objective was. However it its only 13% increase in chance of becoming diabetic, what other foods, etc could account for that....and most comforting, 87% chance I (or anyone) WONT become diabetic! Personally, I know the bloat, the joint inflammation (pain), the brain fog, etc. Not eating gluten!

    Snow Roger??? OMG! Your winter just isn't quitting gracefully is it? Glad you erred on the side of safety on your walk.

    Had a good arms work out yesterday...a little later this morning, its 'Fry-thigh-day' (not original name with me, but I like it!)... If I work really hard today, and get extra steps in, my Saturday workout should be short and sweet. Just cardio, will have gotten my planned strength training completed after today. Also looking at the scheduled classes, and may combine a couple classes (back to back) so that I can get all 4 areas in next week. Cuz I'm sure not doing in my thighs, only to have to sit 5-6 hours to the beach next day...that would be sure torture trying to get out of the car!! LOL!!!

    Time to get moving....need to be at the gym in an hour, so little chore or two, and then I'll be off!

    Still no baby giraffe but I think soon.....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,218 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! I think...the days are all running together at the edges. But at least I got through Friday, which is the worst day of the show.

    Friday was up at 5:00 to be sure of getting to the botanic garden by 7 (avoiding the worst traffic) to get the coffee and breakfast ready for the judges, vendors and other helpers.

    Pick up the barbecue at lunchtime and bring it to another building at the botanic garden, where people could actually sit down and eat, and then bring it back to the building where the show is, to feed the few vendors and helpers who hadn't been able to take time to walk to the other building and eat. Then put it away, while making more coffee...and after the show heading out (catching ALL the traffic I had missed that morning) to the Friday night show dinner for the judges, vendors, and helpers, at a member's house big enough to handle a crowd. The ones putting on the Friday night feed, were, of course NOT ones who had worked all day, so they were able to focus on the big dinner, which was, by the way, very nice.

    Now I need to get to Kroger and get a case of water since we ran out of bottled water at the show yesterday afternoon, then stop quickly at the vet to pick up canned cat food for Lilo, and head down there to get coffee ready for the vendors and helpers by 9:00!

    Working today until 5 too. Whee!

    Later, gators.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    What could possibly go wrong with these next Three? :)


    I had to look at this one for a second...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 6.5K steps and The temperature was 19 degrees on the closed in front porch and that gets warmth through the walls of the house vs 43 degrees yesterday. I normally use the temperature from the local cable news channel. Today the news, time & temperature crawl is missing :(

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...TGIF :)
    Day going...LOL. Just finished breakfast, but I do have laundry going, kitty boxes cleaned, etc. So there is some minor progress!

    Stormed last night.....cat sat outside my door raising a ruckus. What the heck could I do about that thunder? shush Mother Nature?? LOL! I sure couldn't put him out, though I expect that is what he may have wanted...out! I think in stormy weather out and safety are one and the same to a cat and some dogs. Its the 'wild' in them.

    Enjoyed Gymnastics last night, and there won't be any for O next week. A school function that will not return her home until after gymnastics is over. Glad they remembered to tell me!

    Not so happy over the Harvard Study....I'd like to know who PAID the researchers, and what their objective was. However it its only 13% increase in chance of becoming diabetic, what other foods, etc could account for that....and most comforting, 87% chance I (or anyone) WONT become diabetic! Personally, I know the bloat, the joint inflammation (pain), the brain fog, etc. Not eating gluten!

    Snow Roger??? OMG! Your winter just isn't quitting gracefully is it? Glad you erred on the side of safety on your walk.

    Had a good arms work out yesterday...a little later this morning, its 'Fry-thigh-day' (not original name with me, but I like it!)... If I work really hard today, and get extra steps in, my Saturday workout should be short and sweet. Just cardio, will have gotten my planned strength training completed after today. Also looking at the scheduled classes, and may combine a couple classes (back to back) so that I can get all 4 areas in next week. Cuz I'm sure not doing in my thighs, only to have to sit 5-6 hours to the beach next day...that would be sure torture trying to get out of the car!! LOL!!!

    Time to get moving....need to be at the gym in an hour, so little chore or two, and then I'll be off!

    Still no baby giraffe but I think soon.....
    Hi Valerie
    Maybe You can Google or Bing for more details using the Dr's name?
    I Googled it and found this page:
    "Co-authors are Benjamin Lebwohl, M.D., Frank Hu, M.D., Ph.D., Laura Sampson, Lauren Dougherty, Walter Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H., Andrew Chan, M.D., M.P.H., and Qi Sun, M.D., Sc.D.

    Author disclosures are on the manuscript.
    This study is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute."

    I'm glad You enjoyed the Gymnastics.

    FWIW We had 2 or 3 inches of Snow yesterday. The ground was so warm that it melted on most surfaces. There was a little accumulation on the lawns and my depth measurement was from the trunk of the car where it cooled off enough to accumulate. Today the Sidewalks and Roads were nice and dry.
    They are forecasting a range of nothing to over 2 foot of snow Tuesday depending on the Storm track.
    I was wearing so many layers to keep warm I probably looked like the Michelin Man and if I had fallen would have bounced back up :)

    Have a Nice Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! I think...the days are all running together at the edges. But at least I got through Friday, which is the worst day of the show.

    Friday was up at 5:00 to be sure of getting to the botanic garden by 7 (avoiding the worst traffic) to get the coffee and breakfast ready for the judges, vendors and other helpers.

    Pick up the barbecue at lunchtime and bring it to another building at the botanic garden, where people could actually sit down and eat, and then bring it back to the building where the show is, to feed the few vendors and helpers who hadn't been able to take time to walk to the other building and eat. Then put it away, while making more coffee...and after the show heading out (catching ALL the traffic I had missed that morning) to the Friday night show dinner for the judges, vendors, and helpers, at a member's house big enough to handle a crowd. The ones putting on the Friday night feed, were, of course NOT ones who had worked all day, so they were able to focus on the big dinner, which was, by the way, very nice.

    Now I need to get to Kroger and get a case of water since we ran out of bottled water at the show yesterday afternoon, then stop quickly at the vet to pick up canned cat food for Lilo, and head down there to get coffee ready for the vendors and helpers by 9:00!

    Working today until 5 too. Whee!

    Later, gators.
    Hi Ed
    I have noticed that myself, I often look at the Clock on the computer or bring up the info screen on the DVR for day & date.

    It sounds like a enjoyable day overall.

    We only drink Bottled water here or Seltzer AKA Club Soda :)

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...morning running out :)
    Ok Roger the last pix in the group of 3 'what could possibly go wrong'....what the heck is it??? The other 2 were easy! This one really has me stumped. Needing answer :)

    Yesterday was a record day for steps....almost 10,000. Considering I try to stay in that 6,000 range in agreement with the arthritis foundation's recommendation. Bit stiff this morning, but the clean carpet, all the laundry, etc made it worthwhile!

    Today's lunch is going to be 'strange' by most peeps measures. I have two big and beautiful poblano peppers to be seeded and sliced, which I will water or broth sauté with a good bit of sliced onion, and probably a dab of cashew cream sauce. Also eating the portabella mushroom with its tasty sauce probably on a bun..(the mushroom on a bun)....and another yet to be determined veg.

    A little dusting or some kind of 'decluttering' in the living room, two bathrooms, and I quit!!!

    Ed, hope all is going well at the Orchid show...yesterday was quite a busy day! I spent a long time looking at a cream colored orchid the other day...just kept repeating 'no, nope, not today' My window sill is FULL, and I don't want to part with any of the ones I have...sooooo no new phalaenopsis for Valerie!!!

    Roger, are you kidding about the coming snow? I'm so sorry! I picked some of my 'smelly' daffodils yesterday, and a tulip, and a couple stems of Lenten Rose, (which holds up surprisingly well as a cut flower)...those in two small little vases and all the orchid blooms makes being in the kitchen a happy place!

    I have only one serving of that lentil soup I made some days ago. Its still tasty, but I think I'll wait a day or 3 before I make another huge batch!

    still no baby giraffe...I just checked. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Valerie
    Mainly it is a locking pin that is designed to pull out with no tools in short a type of Cotter Pin. Here is a link to a page with a picture of one without the clevis pin.
    Hairpin cotter pins, also known as hitch pins, are easy installed and removed for securing axles, clevis pins, and other shafts and parts

    That possible amount of snow was the range they showed in last nights weather forecast.
    Here is the link to the WABC AccuWeather Page.
    Eyewitness News
    NEW YORK (WABC) --
    A Blizzard Watch has been issued in New York City, Long Island and Connecticut for Monday night through Tuesday evening.

    AccuWeather says arctic air will grip the Tri-State area, setting the stage for freezing temperatures all weekend before the storm next week.

    Latest models Euro east & GFS west, answer lies in between, Tuesday 12-18? of Snow, Winds 40-50 Vis. less 1/4, Blizzard Watch, Prepare Now! pic.twitter.com/AlWtnw2aXa
    — Bill Evans (@Evansweather) March 11, 2017

    Meanwhile, models continue to strongly signal the potential for a strong coastal storm starting Monday night.

    A low pressure system is expected to intensify and the Accuweather team is gathering new details that indicate a Nor'easter is developing Monday night thru Wednesday morning.

    Significant snow is likely for parts of the area with potential for a major winter storm set up across the Eastern seaboard.

    How much snow we can expect is still in the preliminary stages and will be more accurate as we get closer to Monday Evening :(

    I have been eating Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Bread one toasted slice at a time :)

    Have a Nice Evening
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh no, not another Nor'easter! You've had at least one that I can remember this winter!! Tell Mother Nature that this is over kill and to bring in spring! LOL! if we only could, right. I know you will have made all necessary precautions like we do in the south....get your bread and eggs :)

    Also enjoyed your observation that your Cinnamon Raisin Ezekial Bread is being eaten one slice at a time. That's about how the Sprouted Ezekial bread goes at my house!

    Ok, I know what cotter pins are...Though I admit I need a pliers to pull one ;)...I was wondering what this was on...an airplane, a toy wagon, farm equipment, etc. Its rusted state looks like its been holding whatever for a long time?!?

    Lunch today, when I finally got around to making it, was my grilled portabella mushroom on a slim piece of roll, and the peppers, onion in cream sauce (cashew cream) with the addition of whole kernel corn. I've made the poblano chilies with onion before, but had been reading recipe's, and the addition of corn was genius! Fortunately I have enough leftover to enjoy at least 2 more time, which should work out just right....I want all perishable food eaten by Thursday night! Anything still here will go into the trash, save a couple banana's for breakfast.

    Oh, and those potato and onion bags I bought?....the potatoes are doing great no sprouting, etc. the onion not so much. I wonder if the 'sprouting' had begun in the onions before I bought them at the grocery and just wasn't noticeable. They in all truth had small maybe one inch sprouts, that were beige in color but sprouted none the less. I have a couple more onions in the sack, and when they are gone I plan to wash the bag...so I'll let you know how that goes..

    I'd give you a giraffe update, but because of wind and storms the live feed of the giraffe is down. Some 8 million people are trying to watch and many are fussing. Where is the IT department when you need them? LOL!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,218 Member
    Late night howdy, y'all.

    Lived through Saturday. Just been running around the house resetting all the clocks for the hour we're losing tonight, but STILL need to get there relatively early tomorrow to make the coffee...

    From the amount of coffee consumed today, I think HE WHO CONTROLS THE COFFEE CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE! THE COFFEE MUST FLOW!

    I made a lot of coffee throughout the course of the day. Even made an emergency run to Kroger to buy more, as I had started with about 1/3 of a can of regular, but at the rate they had been consuming coffee I finished that off this morning. They didn't run out while I was gone, as the nearest Kroger isn't far.

    Fortunately I had the foresight to buy TWO 32 count cases of half liter waters. They almost drank up a whole 32 count pack today! Over Thursday and Friday, they consumed a 35 pack from Costco, and we ran out in mid afternoon Friday. I was determined we were NOT going to run out again, and it appears we won't.

    They have eaten most of the yogurt and pastries, a little over half the boiled eggs, maybe half a family size bag of chips, and a good bit of the small snacky bagged foods I bought. Tomorrow is "try to entice the vendors and volunteers to eat up all the leftover stuff" day so we don't have too much to throw out or try to disperse to people at the end. I can already tell there will be some fruit left over, but I'm sure someone will take that. I'll take some of it if no one else wants it. Snacky things can be eaten at local Orchid Society meetings.

    I don't think I've spent TOO much on stuff, and feel like I haven't gone over budget. I'll be reimbursed regardless, but the show chair wouldn't give me a number, just said to buy what I needed. My most expensive individual purchase was two 74 ounce insulated coffee urns with lever action dispensing. I carefully shopped for urns that would meet my standards and then found the best price I could. Those came in just under $60 with shipping and everything and they seem to be EXCELLENT coffee urns. I was very satisfied with them and people had relatively fresh, hot coffee from me all day in them. I got a lot of compliments and thanks on having coffee available all day every day too!

    The urns will be utilized in local society meetings as well, and, of course, in future shows, so they were more of an investment than just a purchase, but we'll still pay for them out of the show budget for this year.

    OK. I'm cooled off now from running around setting clocks. I think I'll feed the sugar gliders and go to bed...Tomorrow is another day. And the LAST DAY OF THIS #$%^ show!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,218 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    Last day of the orchid show. I will keep the coffee flowing! And I'll wear a jacket today as it's supposed to be cool.

    Need to get ready to head out.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and hit 7.7K steps and The temperature was 22 degrees Vs 19 degrees yesterday. It looks more and more like plenty of Snow Tuesday :( If so I suspect I'll stay home.

    Tomorrow I need to strap on the Backpack and stop at the Grocery Store as I will have eaten my last Banana.

    From here:
    Dogs 'deliberately deceive owners' to get what they want

    Cats might have a reputation for being a bit sneaky or scheming - but, according to science, we really ought to be keeping an eye on dogs if we're worried about our pets running rings around us.

    A new study, published in the journal Animal Cognition, has found pet dogs will deliberately deceive humans in order to get something they want.

    Researchers at the University of Zurich studied 27 dogs, pairing each one with two human partners: a "co-operative" one who would allow the dogs to eat treats, and a "competitive" one who withheld the treats.

    Visit the link for the rest of the article
