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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 6500 steps. The temperature this morning is cooler than Sundays at 45/45 degrees. Currently the Sun is shining and the warmth from it feels good.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    I'd have gone straight to SSD but there's this thing called money and a certain cat is eating a lot of it right now. I found the 2 tb hybrid drive for just $99.95 plus tax, ordered it, and then the box sat in the spare bedroom for a week until we could get to it.

    After a quick format of the new disk, I did a full restore, system and data files, all in one process. Time machine backups on an iMac (or any Mac, for that matter) are wondrous things as long as you keep them complete and consistent. I made sure I backed up at least every day or two, sometimes more than once a day, and I'm glad I did (and do) as it made restore easy and relatively painless.

    After restore, all I had to do was log in to the Apple store to resume automatic update checks, rebuild the mail boxes (always seems to want to do that, sometimes after a system update too) and catch up the mail from several weeks of missing mail downloads. I was quite pleased with the ease of the whole transition.

    I've eaten, both cats have been offered food. Lilo was, as usual, interested in hanging around the kitchen to make sure that whatever I was having wasn't more interesting and whether it might be shared. It might have been more interesting but it wasn't being shared so i presume she went to check out her own food. Ariel had at least a snack and I could tell that overnight she had some food.

    Got my Windows 10 virtual machine all updated last night, after my restore, and now updating an Ubuntu virtual machine, that hasn't been updated since February so this might take a while.

    Guess I'll go fold laundry in the interval.
    Hi Ed
    That is a much better price compared to a 2Tb SSD, I was curious so I did a quick Amazon search found 2Tb SSDs running from $550 at $1070 for the Samsung 850 PRO - 2TB - 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD. The Samsung 850 EVO was cheaper at $697 with less longevity and performance due to the type of memory chips used.

    That sounds relatively painless as long as the backups are safe. Do You store them locally on a backup drive or?
    I remember many, many years ago when I was at a Video Rental store the girl was backing up the system to floppies. We got to talking and I found out that She was using the same backup disks every day so there was only one backup that could be damaged if the backup had a problem. I told her I would have three sets FWIW. I used to backup a BBS to floppies many years ago back in the DOS days and I rotated three sets.

    Just Curious as I have only dabbled in Linux. What updates get done with a Ubuntu installation? I ask as I have installed Linux Puppy on a old Laptop that I did update to its max of 2GB memory and a smallish IDE SSD drive. It is set to dual boot between Windows 7 and Puppy :)
    When I was younger and used that OTHER brand/compatible PC, I used to build my own, or J and I would build them together. I agree that they have become much more complicated, and more difficult to work on.

    Apple is doing their level best to make them IMPOSSIBLE to work on and disposable, putting some of the new ones out as sealed units where basically once it becomes insufficient for you, your choice is to replace it. That's it. No upgrading memory, no upgrading CPU, no installing a larger internal drive...disposable computers.

    This does not make me happy, as they are ALSO getting into even more proprietary parts for the ones that aren't sealed units, and even if you would like to install it yourself, you will have to buy the parts from them, at least until the third party manufacturers can figure out how to make new parts, or buy licenses from Apple. Of course all along they have preferred that we take them in to their store for repairs/replacement parts, as clearly we nerds can't POSSIBLY do this as well as their nerds can. I sometimes think they are just a bunch of KITTENS.

    I seem to remember that the first hard drive I ever had was only 10 megabytes and cost several hundred dollars. Of course this was in the days when Bill Gates told us that no one would EVER need a drive that big or fill one up...

    The Apple proprietary architecture is one reason I started with IBM clones back in the XT Clone days and of course price as even a Apple II was not that inexpensive.

    I recall having Full Height 5.25" hard drives that were a whopping 5Mb that I installed in a computer for my sister. My first drive was a Seagate ST225 20Mb drive. Info here

    I remember that famous or is it infamous pronouncement ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Been up awhile...have had my coffee and then a cup of green tea with a banana. Need to go find something more...maybe a piece of toast with mashed, possibly seasoned avocado?
    Have not really planned anything for this day. Several things I'd like to get to...we'll see....

    At least its sunny today. Yesterday was weird. Windy, not terribly warm, sometimes spitting a bit of rain, etc.

    Had a good time in town, Ted and I totally toured Cooks Warehouse, the scent shop was closed by the time we got there, but that's ok....next time. Dinner was take out from Med. Grill, as Ted had already prepped Tabouli, and his tabouli is far above what I've ever eaten out. So, we ate at his house...I got my usual falafel, and Ted got enough humus for us to share. I love dinners like that. (We ate and watched a soccer match, and just relaxed chatter) Then I began the journey home!!! Oh My! I did go right past the diligently working men who are repairing 85, what I didn't know was that they have 4 of the 6 lanes North of the collapse also CLOSED to repave. So traffic was a bit heavy??? Yep it was!!! But, at least it didn't pour rain...it did do a good job of heavy misting and some buffeting wind bursts! But that was do-able.
    Hi Valerie
    Your Post reminded me I had not eaten my Banana yet and I was feeling a little hungry as a result so I went and had that before I post this reply. I cut off a end of it for later to go on my cereal I will be having for breakfast. Today is a large bowl, 28g 100 calories and 50 calories of 1% milk and the rest of the Banana sliced into it probably around 10AM since I just at the Banana at 8:30 :)

    The weekend weather was weird here. Last nights forecast showed temperatures below normal through next Sunday :(
    Today, ???

    Glad to know Ariel ate a bit last night, and snacked this morning...Poor kitty. Hate it when animals are 'off their feed'.... Glad you got your computer hard drive installed, backed up, etc. I can't even fathom 2 tb. I think the hard drive in my first computer was measured in mega bites!!!

    Roger you two (you and Ed) kill me....computer issues are far far over my head. And I read what you're doing or have done and just shake my head and wonder what you're talking about. :)
    I have always loved my Mac's for their simplicity, and if I do have a problem....poor Ted gets a call!!! I think I had a pretty good handle on early computers, but like cars...they've become complicated. I used to be my own shade tree mechanic, and then came A/C's and Emissions, etc, etc.... I don't work on cars anymore either!!!

    Ok, off to get dressed,...while typing I got a message from Marietta about Jack and the kids coming over to install the new water filter cartridges, and new wireless doorbell, etc (chores), and for the life of me I don't recall him saying they were coming by after church, but since I watched church already, and have been here, went thru a handful of emails...I think I'd better get dressed. Or Grammie will be opening the door in her jammies and robe!!! LOL!!


    I used to do my own car work too. I even rebuilt engines, No more to much clutter under the hood. The last repair I did was change the Alternator on my 1988 Sunbird. And that was not to bad as it was on top of the engine and that made it accessible.

    I wonder how long the batteries last in those wireless doorbells ? I suspect that they alert You in some manner when it is time to change the battery. Sort of like I get a email from FitBit when it is time to change the battery in my FitBit Zip. Of course that requires me to see a new email from them. I also have External Raid drives that have a place to set them to send a email if there is a problem too.

    I ma sure You had a Nice Visit with the Family.

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    You might find this interesting or maybe not? I was poking in the small junk room in the basement and ran across a 1.2mb 5.25" floppy drive and since I still have disks I wan to look at in that format I ordered a cable to allow it and a 1.44Mb drive to connect to the computer. Since they use different connectors I had no cable for the 1.2Mb drive. Everything came Saturday. Power cable Y adapter as they also have different power connectors and the Floppy cable and installed everything Saturday. I thing my 1.44Mb drive is No good, Back to Amazon for a replacement if testing proves that to be the case. That is my suspicion as I could read disks in the USB external and not it it. Why use the internal? The USB one was introducing a lag everytime I brought up the Windows 10 This PC to access drives :(

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    56 out there now with an expected sunny high of 77.

    Sounds like a nice day.

    Need to get the rest of the laundry folded, and get out to the store for a few items.

    Which reminds me, I need to add an item to my list. :)

    When Linux updates, it can check pretty much all the installed software, and the system, and update everything at once, much like a Mac.

    If you have installed anything from a third party, that isn't in one of the Ubuntu software repositories, you may have to update that manually, but as long as you have all the necessary repositories in your list to check, the ones from there will be checked periodically, or you can manually trigger a check of all of them. Most developers prefer to put their software into one of the repositories so that it's more readily available and can be easily searched, as if one were browsing in the Google Playstore or the like.

    It's very much like the underlying Unix system on a Mac.

    I think we used to (and may still) have one 1.2 MB floppy drive in one of our servers and probably a 1.44 MB "hard" floppy drive too. Not that we have a lot of stuff on that type of disk that we can guarantee we could still read...but we did copy most all of those disks onto to CD optical quite a few years ago, and have loads of old software and junk data files, most of the software totally incompatible with any modern systems. There are emulation software programs that one can still run to use some of that old stuff, just for fun.

    Need to clear the sink into the dishwasher and get my *kitten* off to the store to buy a few groceries.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi, news is on, must be after 12p :)
    I've spent at least an hour with this opened....read a little, do a chore, read a little, eat, wash rinse and repeat! Most of the computer talk went WAAAAY over my gray little head, but Floppy Disks....long long ago, in a hospital basement, it was my 'job' (along with cross matching blood, running to the ER, Labor and Delivery, etc, etc) to go downstairs and remove a thingy, like a cake bell jar, with these disks in it, set it into another container, sorta like a cabinet, and take the 'other one' and and put it into the emptied space.....that was the backup system. And it needed to be done at 2 a.m....why? who knows why at 2 a.m. Why not 7 a.m or 8 or noon or any other time when there were people who could have done it??? That hospital had 350 beds and an active ER...and two weary overnight techs.. I lasted a little under 5 years. No benefits, 2 weeks vacation, no IRA's or other retirement, etc. Oh, if you were sick....you went to work...sick leave didn't pay unless you were out 3 days, and went to the Doc and got an excuse?????
    I digressed.... and I get a headache just remembering....

    Today is chore day...I need for the car gasoline, for me a script that HAS to be filled...its my thyroid tablet...a trip to the bank to cash $40 of insurance rebates, return an item to Aldi's, and a stop by the gym....
    closer to home, the dishwasher is running, and the laundry is sorted, to be washed later tonite..
    I'm gonna be tired! :)

    The cartoons were a hit again today....am making the kitten in a box who showed up for Tuesday as my desktop for tomorrow! (when I have a chiro appointment) and need to take knives to Cooks Warehouse to be sharpened, and I'll have to pass Whole Foods TWICE, I'm guessing I'll stop there too...I need some light Miso, which I can't find at Kroger, and Publix has no idea what 'miso' is!!!! I know I can get it at Whole Foods...

    By Wednesday, should I be able to get out of bed from post exhaustion ( LOL ), will be groceries, Thursday cooking, Friday? oh, return to Cooks Warehouse to get my scissors and knives, Saturday is one of the kids spring concerts, followed by an early Mothers Day Dinner.

    Mother's Day may be spent lolling in bed!!! :):smiley::wink:

    oh Ed, that 'found' underground bunker is creepy!!! Also needs to be 'organized and cleaned' :)
    Looks like someplace teenagers would live LOL!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Valerie, the cake bell jars contained multi-platter disk packs and the "sorta like a cabinet" container was likely the disk drive unit, as they were quite large and very easy to crash.

    Depending on what sort of system these were attached to, they could have been, as you said, backup disks, or they could also contain an operating system and/or other types of data files.

    We used similar packs for the manual data entry systems for tax returns for many, many years at the IRS, but that did, of course, eventually move to a much more efficient, and more compact, system.

    On the old systems, each "node" had about two dozen data entry terminals attached to it, and operators would sit there and speedily enter the relevant data from paper tax forms all day long and well into the night during filing season. At the end of the day, or in the wee hours of the morning, my cronies and I would "drain" the data from each node and make a tape to be passed on to the mainframe operators for batch processing a little further into the morning, that had to be done before the workday started at 7:00 a.m. and people wanted the mainframe available for realtime processing.

    The timing could get a little tight and realtime was not always available on time. LOL.

    It was much more streamlined and efficient by the time I retired and it was no longer necessary for it to even be done at all 10 service centers, but only maybe half of them, especially as more and more people were filing electronically.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Howdy y'all. I'm the first poster today! Because I turned into a pumpkin a few minutes ago...

    We got back from the Orchid Society meeting about 11:40, and then I had to clean out the coffee urns, put away leftovers from the late night Chinese restaurant where we usually eat after meetings, and put away the leftover salsa and cheese dip (I made the cheese dip) from the meeting. There were no leftover tortilla chips. But there are some Fritos Scoops here that J can use to make a snack on the leftover dips.

    After putting away leftovers, had to prepare the nightly food for the sugar gliders, and then give the cats their nightly treats. Ariel ate some of hers. Tomorrow she gets another appetite booster quarter tablet, which should help her appetite. She hasn't eaten a LOT for the last couple of days but she has eaten some so we're feeling OK about that. Normal for this period after the Vincristine treatment...

    Well, I'm going to finish my diet soft drink and go to bed.

    G'nite all.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    In No particular order





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 7700 steps + 1 Cent. The temperature this morning is the same as yesterday 46/44 degrees. I had over 10K steps by Dinnertime Monday as I did a little House walking to bring up the step count.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    56 out there now with an expected sunny high of 77.

    Sounds like a nice day.

    Need to get the rest of the laundry folded, and get out to the store for a few items.

    Which reminds me, I need to add an item to my list. :)

    When Linux updates, it can check pretty much all the installed software, and the system, and update everything at once, much like a Mac.

    If you have installed anything from a third party, that isn't in one of the Ubuntu software repositories, you may have to update that manually, but as long as you have all the necessary repositories in your list to check, the ones from there will be checked periodically, or you can manually trigger a check of all of them. Most developers prefer to put their software into one of the repositories so that it's more readily available and can be easily searched, as if one were browsing in the Google Playstore or the like.

    It's very much like the underlying Unix system on a Mac.

    I think we used to (and may still) have one 1.2 MB floppy drive in one of our servers and probably a 1.44 MB "hard" floppy drive too. Not that we have a lot of stuff on that type of disk that we can guarantee we could still read...but we did copy most all of those disks onto to CD optical quite a few years ago, and have loads of old software and junk data files, most of the software totally incompatible with any modern systems. There are emulation software programs that one can still run to use some of that old stuff, just for fun.

    Need to clear the sink into the dishwasher and get my *kitten* off to the store to buy a few groceries.
    Hi Ed
    Since I had the 1.2 Mb drive and disks laying around I figured why not see what was on them before cutting them into pieces for disposal. I did find that of the few I tested some read and some did not. Oh well.....
    I also need to do some testing to determine why the 1.44Mb internal drive is not reading disks that test good in a USB external. That will be todays project, Pull the drive, change the cable and see if it is the cable or the drive. I'm pretty sure the floppy port is good as the 1.2Mb drive if placed on the end of the cable instead of the 1.44Mb drive works.

    CDs can go bad to, Do You recall the chatter about this, Disk Rot?
    Disc rot is a phrase describing the tendency of CD or DVD or other optical discs to become unreadable due to physical or chemical deterioration. The causes of this effect vary from oxidation of the reflective layer, to physical scuffing and abrasion of disc surfaces or edges, including visible scratches, to other kinds of reactions with contaminants, to ultra-violet light damage and de-bonding of the adhesive used to adhere the layers of the disc together.

    Not to mention that on a CD You can easily trash the disk by damaging the top surface, That is why when the DVD was designed they moved to Data layer to the center where it was protected by the plastic layers on the top and bottom. FWIW If You need to only destroy the data on a DVD simply but carefully so as not to get cut, use something sharp like a razor knife and pry the top and bottom apart , Voila, Done :) Even simpler with a CD, Just take the razor knife and make a few slices through the top layer where only the thin lacquer protects the data layer.

    I wonder if the laptop can run Ubuntu? I only gave it a 20Mb partition as the SSD is not that large, It has 2Mb of Memory which it the max for it and is a 32Bit processor.
    Valerie, the cake bell jars contained multi-platter disk packs and the "sorta like a cabinet" container was likely the disk drive unit, as they were quite large and very easy to crash.

    Depending on what sort of system these were attached to, they could have been, as you said, backup disks, or they could also contain an operating system and/or other types of data files.

    We used similar packs for the manual data entry systems for tax returns for many, many years at the IRS, but that did, of course, eventually move to a much more efficient, and more compact, system.

    On the old systems, each "node" had about two dozen data entry terminals attached to it, and operators would sit there and speedily enter the relevant data from paper tax forms all day long and well into the night during filing season. At the end of the day, or in the wee hours of the morning, my cronies and I would "drain" the data from each node and make a tape to be passed on to the mainframe operators for batch processing a little further into the morning, that had to be done before the workday started at 7:00 a.m. and people wanted the mainframe available for realtime processing.

    The timing could get a little tight and realtime was not always available on time. LOL.

    It was much more streamlined and efficient by the time I retired and it was no longer necessary for it to even be done at all 10 service centers, but only maybe half of them, especially as more and more people were filing electronically.
    That does sound like they were drives as You surmized.
    Howdy y'all. I'm the first poster today! Because I turned into a pumpkin a few minutes ago...

    We got back from the Orchid Society meeting about 11:40, and then I had to clean out the coffee urns, put away leftovers from the late night Chinese restaurant where we usually eat after meetings, and put away the leftover salsa and cheese dip (I made the cheese dip) from the meeting. There were no leftover tortilla chips. But there are some Fritos Scoops here that J can use to make a snack on the leftover dips.

    After putting away leftovers, had to prepare the nightly food for the sugar gliders, and then give the cats their nightly treats. Ariel ate some of hers. Tomorrow she gets another appetite booster quarter tablet, which should help her appetite. She hasn't eaten a LOT for the last couple of days but she has eaten some so we're feeling OK about that. Normal for this period after the Vincristine treatment...

    Well, I'm going to finish my diet soft drink and go to bed.

    G'nite all.
    You Night Owl :)

    Good Luck with Ariel's Appetite
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi, news is on, must be after 12p :)
    I've spent at least an hour with this opened....read a little, do a chore, read a little, eat, wash rinse and repeat! Most of the computer talk went WAAAAY over my gray little head, but Floppy Disks....long long ago, in a hospital basement, it was my 'job' (along with cross matching blood, running to the ER, Labor and Delivery, etc, etc) to go downstairs and remove a thingy, like a cake bell jar, with these disks in it, set it into another container, sorta like a cabinet, and take the 'other one' and and put it into the emptied space.....that was the backup system. And it needed to be done at 2 a.m....why? who knows why at 2 a.m. Why not 7 a.m or 8 or noon or any other time when there were people who could have done it??? That hospital had 350 beds and an active ER...and two weary overnight techs.. I lasted a little under 5 years. No benefits, 2 weeks vacation, no IRA's or other retirement, etc. Oh, if you were sick....you went to work...sick leave didn't pay unless you were out 3 days, and went to the Doc and got an excuse?????
    I digressed.... and I get a headache just remembering....
    Hi Valerie
    That does not sound like a desirable job IMO. I should talk however as I have had Crud jobs too :)

    I concur with Ed, that sounds like Disc packs. Do these Look Familiar, Images by following the link
    A Disk pack is a layered grouping of hard disk platters (circular, rigid discs coated with a magnetic data storage surface). A disk pack is the core component of a hard disk drive. In modern hard disks, the disk pack is permanently sealed inside the drive. In many early hard disks, the disk pack was a removable unit, and would be supplied with a protective canister featuring a lifting handle.

    The protective cover consisted of two parts, a clear plastic shell, with a handle in the center, that enclosed the top and sides of the disks and a separate bottom that completed the sealed package. To remove the disk pack, the drive would be taken off line and allowed to spin down. Its access door could then be opened and an empty top shell inserted and twisted to unlock the disk platter from the drive and secure it to the top shell. The assembly would then be lifted out and the bottom cover attached. A different disk pack could then be inserted by removing the bottom and placing the disk pack with its top shell into the drive. Turning the handle would lock the disk pack in place and free the top shell for removal.

    Today is chore day...I need for the car gasoline, for me a script that HAS to be filled...its my thyroid tablet...a trip to the bank to cash $40 of insurance rebates, return an item to Aldi's, and a stop by the gym....
    closer to home, the dishwasher is running, and the laundry is sorted, to be washed later tonite..
    I'm gonna be tired! :)

    The cartoons were a hit again today....am making the kitten in a box who showed up for Tuesday as my desktop for tomorrow! (when I have a chiro appointment) and need to take knives to Cooks Warehouse to be sharpened, and I'll have to pass Whole Foods TWICE, I'm guessing I'll stop there too...I need some light Miso, which I can't find at Kroger, and Publix has no idea what 'miso' is!!!! I know I can get it at Whole Foods...

    By Wednesday, should I be able to get out of bed from post exhaustion ( LOL ), will be groceries, Thursday cooking, Friday? oh, return to Cooks Warehouse to get my scissors and knives, Saturday is one of the kids spring concerts, followed by an early Mothers Day Dinner.

    Mother's Day may be spent lolling in bed!!! :):smiley::wink:

    oh Ed, that 'found' underground bunker is creepy!!! Also needs to be 'organized and cleaned' :)
    Looks like someplace teenagers would live LOL!
    It sounds like the Cat in the Box was in time to be useful :)

    If I said I'm curious what and why a return to Aldi ?

    I leave it to my brother who had all sorts of Gizmos to do the sharpening of the Knives. Scissors since we had so many laying around can just go away and that slowly reduces the clutter.

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Need to get going, but stopped by to say Hello...
    I have no idea what those disc's were. I was told they were back-up disc's incase the computer failed, we'd have the data??? Who knows what they really were... :) It was 40 years ago!!!
    The pix..some did look familiar...
    The return to Aldi's was not food...it was one of those enticing (read cheap) impulse buys...a pair of shoes...little black flats, which I do need to replace, and these have some arch support built in, which I NEED...the price was surely right....the return was the second pair. First pair was way too big...so I exchanged them for the next size smaller...should work, right? Nope, nope, nopity nope as Opus might say....second pair was too small. (I was beginning to feel like Goldilocks) the shoes only came in even sizes....so, no shoes. Sure would have been a win/win score had they only fit!!!

    Ugh...that mountain of bacon. I used to eat bacon occasionally but was never a big fan, so I look at my bacon eating friends and wonder why!!!??? LOL! Glad you two enjoy the salty greasy stuff. I'll go eat a Brussels Sprout!!! :smiley:

    The knives...2 are my expensive Wustoff (sp) knives, and my very large Chinese Cleaver that I bought in NJ, in the early 70's. Its a dandy, heavy, and until about the last couple years still sharp...it needs a good sharpening. (I've tried sharpening it, but I'm not very good at it and it needs professional help) Also a small pair of sewing scissors that belonged to my Grandmother. They too have been in fine shape, but could stand a bit of sharpening. I just hope he doesn't lose them, or mess them up.... I've heard of this guy who does the sharpening for Cooks Warehouse...seems he must take his van around and sharpen most of the knives in the restaurants etc, of ATL!! So my knives and the scissors should be in good hands......

    Also Chiro visit. Oh, while in Aldi's, I picked up a 5 pound bag of potatoes (baking kind) for $1.99, a bag of sweet potatoes, and a bag of yellow onions...and walked out the door for less than $5. Not bad!

    Gotta goooooo...
    (cat and I need to eat)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    This may be the best proposal the young lady ever gets!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    Currently 67 out there looking to a sunny high of 86 with 0 percent chance of precipitation.

    When Lilo wanted me up this morning I just opened the bedroom door for her and crawled back into bed.

    I didn't sleep well because of some GAStrointestinal issues that were rather uncomfortable but most of that seems to have finally subsided. Makes me wonder if maybe some allergic issues to something in the vegetarian meat or vegetarian shrimp in my lo mein dish last night may have occurred.

    Seems unlikely, since it was nothing but tofu based meat/seafood, but I remember having MAJOR issues with something in the vegetarian sausage and rice pilaf from NutriSystem, as well as the old vegetarian fajita, with both making me violently ill after eating them. They had soy bean protein based "meat" in them as well, and it may be that something in some forms of that get me. Part of my allergic food reactions of that sort usually involves some gas.

    I didn't eat all that much of my dish last night so it's possible, if it was an allergic reaction, that my taking two Benadryl caps when I got home may have saved me from being sicker. I took them because of sinus allergy issues, but they ARE a general antihistamine too, and have the side effect of promoting sleepiness, which may have helped me sleep through the worst of it.

    I have leftovers and we'll see what having that for lunch today does to me. May take some benadryl with lunch just in case...and lay down after, as that helps SOME but not so much with major reactions.

    I think, regardless, that next time I won't order the vegetarian version of the house lo mein and just have the REAL house lo mein instead. I only got the veggie version on a whim, as I was in the rare mood for lo mein noodles, and with the side thought that J might want to see if his tastes toward fake meat, in general, had changed. They hadn't...though he said he did find the fake pork almost acceptable. The fake shrimp, which impressed me as far as fake, soy based protein goes. They didn't quite get the texture of a real shrimp, but kinda sorta, and the taste was not bad at all.

    J had pan fried noodles with fried tofu, in a brown sauce. I didn't try his dish.

    Need to get the sink cleared and STILL need to get the rest of that kitten laundry folded. I keep getting distracted.

    Oooh! Shiny squirrel!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Return to Aldi's...sounds like a great movie title!