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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    As far as I know, 105/70 is great. Maybe I am missing something too? If my upper gets under 90 and/or my lower gets under 60 then I am concerned...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited May 2017
    Heading outside before weeding gets too hot...

    Yes, I did it agin, lost my post by going back a page to look at today's cartoons.
    So the only thing left is Eds post at10:20...leaving this page, and going back to a previous post will wipe out anything you've started. Don't know why I don't remember that, cuz I KNOW that very thing will happen.
    I do understand the concern over the kid who looked at a picture of a gun...it is moronic. That's part of what is wrong with the schools...we graduate some mighty fine Test Takers, and even some who really do grasp math, science, etc...but are seriously 'short' on the ability to THINK. Somewhere in that kids trip from class room to Principals office somebody (adult) should have had a 'light bulb' moment.

    About blood pressure...I take a little football shaped pill supposedly every day...it truth every other day, ok? They are working toooo well for me. This is an excerpt from an article Dr. John McDougall wrote. He's not alone with this assessment, just easier to find his articles that some of the other Plant Based Whole Food docs.

    Overzealous treatment of high blood pressure with medications results in an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and death, especially when with those drugs the diastolic pressure is lowered below 85-90mm Hg. Some investigators even declare that lowering blood pressure below 105mm Hg with drugs is associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Possibly this ill effect of reaching too low a blood pressure by treatment with drugs is the result of a sudden critical decrease in the flow of blood to the heart muscle. (This relationship is true only for lower blood pressures in people on medication
    a low pressure of 110/70, with no medication, IS a sign of good health.)

    (bold letters is my doing)
    And since I'm over 70, and I take blood pressure pills, 105 systolic was not good!
    This morning its back in the 130's, and I was drinking half caff coffee at the time. OOPS! THe Heart Association will allow seniors Systolic up to 160. And I had breached that on one office visit...Now I take my blood pressure on Wed and Sat, and dutifully record it on my phone app, and she looks at my at home readings...hence no 'white coat' issues.

    I hear the weeds calling!!!!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    LOL trying to change the comment about the bold letters...and It won't let me! (Bold letters ARE my doing)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    edited May 2017
    It's a trap!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 64 out there now, looking to a high of 82 with 30% chance of precipitation.

    Got to get Ariel to the vet for this week's drop-off treatment.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday!

    68 out there now and looking toward a partly cloudy 88 with no chance of precipitation. Guess I can put the snow shovel away.

    Might need to get to the grocery soon, but a nap might also be in order since that vulture cat made me get up at 7:00 this morning. Been distracted by the usuals.

    Lunch yesterday included a whole lot of garlicky, slightly buttery steamed asparagus. This is the dawning of the age of asparagus, age of asparagus. Asparagus! Asparagus!

    Just as a side tidbit, asparagus should be eaten with the fingers, although some people prefer the fingers to be served separately.

    Dishwasher is running, and the internet is calling.
    Hi Ed
    I like the play on the Age of Aquarius :)
    Way back when I used to go to Broadway and see Plays. Some of them were Hair, The King & I with Yul Brynner, Evita with the original cast and many more.
    Can't remember whether we've seen this one before, but I think it's funny. Irish people try southern food.


    I have not watched this yet, I wonder if they were fed Chitlins, Hog Maws and Greens?
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 64 out there now, looking to a high of 82 with 30% chance of precipitation.

    Got to get Ariel to the vet for this week's drop-off treatment.

    Good Luck and Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Heading outside before weeding gets too hot...

    Yes, I did it agin, lost my post by going back a page to look at today's cartoons.
    So the only thing left is Eds post at10:20...leaving this page, and going back to a previous post will wipe out anything you've started. Don't know why I don't remember that, cuz I KNOW that very thing will happen.
    I do understand the concern over the kid who looked at a picture of a gun...it is moronic. That's part of what is wrong with the schools...we graduate some mighty fine Test Takers, and even some who really do grasp math, science, etc...but are seriously 'short' on the ability to THINK. Somewhere in that kids trip from class room to Principals office somebody (adult) should have had a 'light bulb' moment.
    Hi Valerie
    So true and also so sad that they can take tests and excel but it all by rote and not anything where the concept is also learned so it can be applied elsewhere :(

    Common sense is not there anymore. Only Blind adherence to Rules and maybe PC? Zero Tolerance is one of the worst concepts out there in so many cases.

    Did You try Ctrl Z Also I can often go back with a Alt + left arrow on my windows keyboard an be back where I was.
    About blood pressure...I take a little football shaped pill supposedly every day...it truth every other day, ok? They are working toooo well for me. This is an excerpt from an article Dr. John McDougall wrote. He's not alone with this assessment, just easier to find his articles that some of the other Plant Based Whole Food docs.

    Overzealous treatment of high blood pressure with medications results in an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and death, especially when with those drugs the diastolic pressure is lowered below 85-90mm Hg. Some investigators even declare that lowering blood pressure below 105mm Hg with drugs is associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Possibly this ill effect of reaching too low a blood pressure by treatment with drugs is the result of a sudden critical decrease in the flow of blood to the heart muscle. (This relationship is true only for lower blood pressures in people on medication
    a low pressure of 110/70, with no medication, IS a sign of good health.)

    (bold letters is my doing)
    And since I'm over 70, and I take blood pressure pills, 105 systolic was not good!
    This morning its back in the 130's, and I was drinking half caff coffee at the time. OOPS! THe Heart Association will allow seniors Systolic up to 160. And I had breached that on one office visit...Now I take my blood pressure on Wed and Sat, and dutifully record it on my phone app, and she looks at my at home readings...hence no 'white coat' issues.

    I hear the weeds calling!!!!

    Have You asked about pill splitting? Regarding the the one I take for Gout prevention it was suggested to me by the doctor to try doing that and see what happens. so I have been doing that for a while now and so far so good not to mention a saving in costs by doubling the length of time a prescription fill lasts :)

    Just curious how high was Your BP running prior to starting on the BP pills? Dangerous levels? I ask as I suspect that there are far to many pills be prescribed where diet or activity level changes would work.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017
    OK, I looked at that video link, Not as bad as I thought it would be. I actually like Collard Greens with Bacon or Ham :)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, the short and sweet...
    Its your fault..you Roger AND you Ed!! I have been trying or MONTHS to catch whoever it is that ever so kindly brings my trash can and recycle bin back to my garage door on trash day...So, today I took this laptop to the front room, cracked the blinds, and boy oh boy I was gonna catch them today.... and then I started reading you posts from today, and seeing the cartoons from yesterday that I'd missed.....and suddenly I see motion.....it was the little red car from next door, and the trash cans were already back at my house...........ARG!!!!! LOL!! (not my fault for reading, your fault for posting, right???? LOL!!

    I want to get outside before it gets hot, and while there is a nice breeze...but first,
    Roger I appreciate the idea of splitting the BP meds, no so sure that is one that can be split. I'd have to ask....and she, (Little Doc) would probably keel over...you see its $4.60 for a 3 month supply!, so its sure can't be beat for cost!! I just want OFF the darn things, period. (but not so much liking the risk of stroke either...)

    OK gotta get moving...laundry to move from dryer to bed, and also washer to dryer! and then there are those weeds, :smiley:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Here's a little meme I made while watching the (always) pokey Windows 10 update process...

    1owuv5.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I'm back...
    Outside only an hour, got some trimming done, and I gathered 2 loads and then a few more, of sticks, branches, twigs that have fallen out of the trees since last week... Took some pix of a start I took from a PeeGee hydrangea. It was one of the pieces that broke off during planting the original plant that Jack & Jenn gave to the Mom's several years ago. Its gotten Huge!, and will be in full bloom next week.

    BP was 134 this morning, while drinking my half caff, before Friday's medication...it was 134/71. So not taking the pill today...will check on it again tomorrow. They haven't called about picking up my knives, so I'll thank them, and pick them up Monday.....go to the Scent shop, and I will find a place to have a good look at traffic on 85 North and South!!! Can't believe it was rebuilt this quickly...our Dept Of Transportation takes a lot of mostly deserved criticism but they've really stepped up to the plate on this one!!

    I cooked something new and foreign today for lunch....ok, new to me only possibly..
    I made, and sliced, and pan fried wait for it....Grits! Saw a recipe last night while waiting for the little gymnast to arrive with family. It was for polenta,which I don't think I've ever eaten. So I googled...polenta vs grits...well, that's interesting...so this morning I cooked some cornmeal and pronounced it Grits...chilled it, sliced and fried it...(dry fry in ceramic skillet)...darn good! And that was 'seasonless'...add some extra's like herbs, or garlic or onion and it will be over the moon!

    This dumb ankle is swollen and a bit uncomfortable to walk on... Guess I'll be seeing Dr. Pat early next week...and I may be in need to a Ortho Doc.... oh, I hope not.....

    Still nice out at 81 degrees because of the breeze. So, I may go back outside for awhile. This time to truly pull weeks, as I did everything but weed this morning.

    going to do a test post to try Roger's Control Z and Alt + left arrow to see if that works on a Mac. I did go to the toolbar and looked under the edit menu..that was no help, so not sure if this will work. Let you know.........
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Nope, nope, nopity nope....
    If its retrievable it will usually show under my Edit menu. Oh, well, if nothing else it was a nice reminder to pay attention to what I'm doing in the future!!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    edited May 2017
    We dropped Ariel off at about 7:30 and then had breakfast at a nearby (to the specialty vet) Hardee's which is a VERY rare treat for me, as there simply isn't one anywhere near where we live. Near as in...within a mile or two anyway...so as all the known Hardee's restaurants in the area are quite some distance from us, I am not going to take the trouble to drive for half an hour just to indulge.

    Picked Ariel up, after going back to that area and having lunch at a nice little Indian place, just across a parking lot from the Hardee's, and brought her home to give her Prednisone and Mirtazapine and play "what does Ariel like today" and, amazingly, she was hungry enough to like some treats that she snubbed yesterday. Still working on finding a regular cat food she will eat during this interval. She CAN live on just treats, as the nutrition for those is about the same as normal cat food, but she can't live on Hairball control treats, though she loves them. Only a few of those per day or as many as 10 every other day so she has to eat something else.

    We bought two bags of different recommended "smelly" dry cat foods and she seemed vaguely interested, and might eat some of one of those later. I've ordered the extra smelly version of her regular Royal Canin Urinary SO from PetCo (with the vet number for confirmation of prescription) and we'll see how she feels about this. The vet doesn't normally carry the extra smelly version so I figured I'd just order overnight from Petco. Just not sure when they'll actually send it...but they should email.

    We may go broke buying different cat foods and treats before going broke paying for the chemo...

    And I'm STILL waiting for this Windows 10 update to finish...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    A friend just posted this one on FaceBook, and I don't really consider the meme to be political, per se, as I think whichever way you lean, one can see the humor here if one wishes to see it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





    And for Mothers Day :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2017
    I was out walking this morning and did 4300 steps + 11 cents. The temperature this morning is 50 on the news channel and 50 degrees on the front porch. It seems that the rain arrived overnight. So far it is not too heavy, it is steady. There are predicted rainfalls of 3 inches in the southeast end of NJ to 1 inch in the northwest corner of the state.

    I was adjusting my upcoming in June order and noticed some new foods. The Breakfast Chocolate Chip Baked Bar
    and for Lunch the Turkey Pot Pie Melt
    The Spinach and Cheese Pretzel Melt
    Creamy Beef Alfredo Add Water Cup 210 calories

    Have a Great Weekend, Stay Dry