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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Roger, I run Ubuntu on my little Dell mini notebook, which has the following configuration:

    Memory 2.0 GiB
    Processor Intel Atom CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz x 2
    Graphics Intel 945GME x 86/MMX/SSE2
    OS type 32-bit
    Disk 243.9 GB

    It runs fine, albeit a bit slow. Some speedup tweaks I researched online did significantly improve performance, but I rather suspect any OS is going to look slow on that little box compared to my regular desktop computer.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Oh, and Roger, you had asked a while back about my backups for the main computer. They are on a USB attached, external 5 TB disk that is dedicated to that. Yes, there is only one, so no backup backup...but the odds of the main drive AND the backup drive both failing at once are minimal.

    I don't back up the mini-dell Ubuntu notebook at all, as I don't keep anything critical on that. It's just for playing with 32-bit Ubuntu and for carrying with me on road trips, or using while watching TV in the living room.

    I also have my Windows 10 Virtual Machine, and a 64-bit Ubuntu Virtual Machine on my iMac, but they get backed up as a matter of course as they are on the iMac and get backed up along with it. They are not dual boot. I use Oracle VirtualBox for those.

    Even though I migrated away from the Microsoft world years ago, at J's urging, quite a few years after he migrated to Apple...I still like to keep my hand in with the current Windows, and so I have the virtual machine for playing around and having fun, and so I can help my Windows locked friends out with questions.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 7800+ steps. The temperature this morning is 49/49 degrees. I had over 10K steps Tuesday as I did a little House walking to bring up the step count.
    It was a nice day to walk, not breezy, no Sun glare in my eyes and wearing a hoodie it was a comfortable temperature too.
    I will be going out later on to CostCo as I am nearing the end of my last bag of frozen vegetables. So my shopping list is Fruit, maybe. Truvia Sweetener, Some Protein shakes and of course the Veges.

    This one is hard for me to grasp or to put it another way, What the heck !
    From Here: http://www.wbrc.com/story/35355907/middle-school-student-suspended-for-liking-photo-of-gun-on-instagram?clienttype=generic&utm_content=buffer194c2&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
    Middle school student suspended for 'liking' photo of gun on Instagram
    TRENTON, OH (FOX19) -

    An Edgewood Middle School student was handed a 10-day suspension for “liking” a picture of a gun on Instagram with the caption “ready."

    The parents of Zachary Bowlin posted a picture of the intended suspension notice which read, “The reason for the intended suspension is as follows: Liking a post on social media that indicated potential school violence.”

    "I was livid, I mean, I’m sitting here thinking ‘you just suspended him for ten days for liking a picture of a gun on a social media site," father Marty Bowlin said. "He never shared, he never commented, he never made a threatening post… anything on the site, just liked it."

    The picture in question is of an airsoft gun, and according to the students’ parents, their child didn’t comment on the post but simply liked the picture.

    "I liked it, scrolling down Instagram at night about 7, 8 o’clock I liked it," Zacahry said. "The next morning they called me down [to the office] patted me down and checked me for weapons."

    Since receiving the notice, the family said the school has dropped the suspension and there will be no repercussions for the child’s actions.

    Friday morning an email went out to parents stating:

    “Yesterday evening school officials were made aware to an alleged threat of a student bringing a gun to school. We act on any potential threat to student safety swiftly and with the utmost importance. This morning, the alleged threat was addressed and we can assure you that all students at Edgewood Middle School are safe and school will continue as normal. Thank you”

    More Info by following the link
    An completely over the top reaction IMO.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Need to get going, but stopped by to say Hello...
    I have no idea what those disc's were. I was told they were back-up disc's incase the computer failed, we'd have the data??? Who knows what they really were... :) It was 40 years ago!!!
    The pix..some did look familiar...
    The return to Aldi's was not food...it was one of those enticing (read cheap) impulse buys...a pair of shoes...little black flats, which I do need to replace, and these have some arch support built in, which I NEED...the price was surely right....the return was the second pair. First pair was way too big...so I exchanged them for the next size smaller...should work, right? Nope, nope, nopity nope as Opus might say....second pair was too small. (I was beginning to feel like Goldilocks) the shoes only came in even sizes....so, no shoes. Sure would have been a win/win score had they only fit!!!

    Ugh...that mountain of bacon. I used to eat bacon occasionally but was never a big fan, so I look at my bacon eating friends and wonder why!!!??? LOL! Glad you two enjoy the salty greasy stuff. I'll go eat a Brussels Sprout!!! :smiley:

    The knives...2 are my expensive Wustoff (sp) knives, and my very large Chinese Cleaver that I bought in NJ, in the early 70's. Its a dandy, heavy, and until about the last couple years still sharp...it needs a good sharpening. (I've tried sharpening it, but I'm not very good at it and it needs professional help) Also a small pair of sewing scissors that belonged to my Grandmother. They too have been in fine shape, but could stand a bit of sharpening. I just hope he doesn't lose them, or mess them up.... I've heard of this guy who does the sharpening for Cooks Warehouse...seems he must take his van around and sharpen most of the knives in the restaurants etc, of ATL!! So my knives and the scissors should be in good hands......

    Also Chiro visit. Oh, while in Aldi's, I picked up a 5 pound bag of potatoes (baking kind) for $1.99, a bag of sweet potatoes, and a bag of yellow onions...and walked out the door for less than $5. Not bad!

    Gotta goooooo...
    (cat and I need to eat)

    Hi Valerie
    Or Should I say Goldilocks with those shoes :)

    There is nothing wrong with Broccoli that has been crisped in the fryer, Can You sense a trend here ?
    Yup Fried Foods, Bacon, French Fries etc.

    I think I'm lucky my brother has sharpening skills :) Over the years he has built up a array of sharpening tools.

    IMO a good quality knife pays for itself with the savings over cheap disposable knives.

    That sounds like a decent buy to me. I try and keep sale prices in mind when I go to CostCo as some sale items elsewhere are cheaper. OTOH I believe the Truvia and the Frozen Vegetables are unbeatable.
    Looking at Amazon I see the 400 count Truvia is $23.49 with free shipping, best Price and on CostCo.com at a Delivered Price $14.99.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday!

    Currently 67 out there looking to a sunny high of 86 with 0 percent chance of precipitation.

    When Lilo wanted me up this morning I just opened the bedroom door for her and crawled back into bed.

    I didn't sleep well because of some GAStrointestinal issues that were rather uncomfortable but most of that seems to have finally subsided. Makes me wonder if maybe some allergic issues to something in the vegetarian meat or vegetarian shrimp in my lo mein dish last night may have occurred.

    Seems unlikely, since it was nothing but tofu based meat/seafood, but I remember having MAJOR issues with something in the vegetarian sausage and rice pilaf from NutriSystem, as well as the old vegetarian fajita, with both making me violently ill after eating them. They had soy bean protein based "meat" in them as well, and it may be that something in some forms of that get me. Part of my allergic food reactions of that sort usually involves some gas.

    I didn't eat all that much of my dish last night so it's possible, if it was an allergic reaction, that my taking two Benadryl caps when I got home may have saved me from being sicker. I took them because of sinus allergy issues, but they ARE a general antihistamine too, and have the side effect of promoting sleepiness, which may have helped me sleep through the worst of it.

    I have leftovers and we'll see what having that for lunch today does to me. May take some benadryl with lunch just in case...and lay down after, as that helps SOME but not so much with major reactions.

    I think, regardless, that next time I won't order the vegetarian version of the house lo mein and just have the REAL house lo mein instead. I only got the veggie version on a whim, as I was in the rare mood for lo mein noodles, and with the side thought that J might want to see if his tastes toward fake meat, in general, had changed. They hadn't...though he said he did find the fake pork almost acceptable. The fake shrimp, which impressed me as far as fake, soy based protein goes. They didn't quite get the texture of a real shrimp, but kinda sorta, and the taste was not bad at all.

    J had pan fried noodles with fried tofu, in a brown sauce. I didn't try his dish.

    Need to get the sink cleared and STILL need to get the rest of that kitten laundry folded. I keep getting distracted.

    Oooh! Shiny squirrel!

    Hi Ed
    I suspect You could be right regarding the Soy based protein, I'm sorry to hear that happened to You.
    Roger, I run Ubuntu on my little Dell mini notebook, which has the following configuration:

    Memory 2.0 GiB
    Processor Intel Atom CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz x 2
    Graphics Intel 945GME x 86/MMX/SSE2
    OS type 32-bit
    Disk 243.9 GB

    It runs fine, albeit a bit slow. Some speedup tweaks I researched online did significantly improve performance, but I rather suspect any OS is going to look slow on that little box compared to my regular desktop computer.
    The laptop I have is a Desktop P4 2.2 or maybe 2.4 Ghz Processor, This was at one time a high end desktop and gaming laptop. Now it is closer to a still functioning antique :) It is old enough that the USB ports are not even USB2 versions.
    Oh, and Roger, you had asked a while back about my backups for the main computer. They are on a USB attached, external 5 TB disk that is dedicated to that. Yes, there is only one, so no backup backup...but the odds of the main drive AND the backup drive both failing at once are minimal.

    I don't back up the mini-dell Ubuntu notebook at all, as I don't keep anything critical on that. It's just for playing with 32-bit Ubuntu and for carrying with me on road trips, or using while watching TV in the living room.

    I also have my Windows 10 Virtual Machine, and a 64-bit Ubuntu Virtual Machine on my iMac, but they get backed up as a matter of course as they are on the iMac and get backed up along with it. They are not dual boot. I use Oracle VirtualBox for those.

    Even though I migrated away from the Microsoft world years ago, at J's urging, quite a few years after he migrated to Apple...I still like to keep my hand in with the current Windows, and so I have the virtual machine for playing around and having fun, and so I can help my Windows locked friends out with questions.
    I have entirely switched to Portable 4Tb USB3 externals. So much smaller, No external power needed either. and the price is not that much higher. Also IMO the Portables are more shock resistant, I could also be wrong about that :)

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    So...if the kid had liked a picture of a baseball bat would they have feared he was going to bring one to school? A Swiss Army knife? How about liking a picture of a Siberian tiger? OMG! What if he brought a SIBERIAN TIGER to school??? Or a cobra? He could slip a king cobra into his backpack! Hope he didn't like any pictures of snakes...or spiders...or pretty much anything, other than a gun, that could potentially be used to commit violence...hey, he could have liked a picture of a folding chair! You could hurt someone if you hit them with one of those things! OK, enough silliness about that for now...sheesh, I may appreciate, and like, a picture of a gun (not likely) but that doesn't mean I would want to get one and carry it around. The only think I can imagine wanting a gun for would be if I had a need to hunt for my own food, which I would find difficult, though I did occasionally go with my dad or uncle potting at squirrels. Learning how to use a shotgun and a rifle was pretty much part of life where I grew up. And yes, we ate the squirrels...

    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    63 out there now looking to a sunny high of 88.

    Sink already cleared. I DID finally get that laundry folded yesterday, despite all the shiny squirrels, and then proceeded to put my undershirts in J's drawer and vice-versa. D'oh!

    Lilo let me sleep in to the glorious time of...7:10 a.m. despite not going to bed until 12:15 this morning. I think a nap is on the agenda for today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    edited May 2017
    Incredible views from the surface of the sun, video:

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I just lost my entire post...not thinking.......ugh.
    Need to get it together shortly and head to the grocery(ies)) Its Wednesday ya know....
    Got all my steps in yesterday, and am planning either today or tomorrow to head to the gym, I've been given a task... They're training a new kid, and evidently he's having trouble remembering all of the verbiage that goes with giving a prospective member a tour of the gym, and I was asked to enter as a stranger, and need a tour so he can practice. Should be fun. :) I'll be nice and not intentionally mess him up, which believe me I could do!....
    For right now, I'm going...
    Will return... (threat or promise...your choice!)
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Yep, said I'd be back.. Got it all done...
    Kroger run, and today I did get my senior discount, for what will undoubtedly be the last time. Boo Hiss Kroger!
    Then home, unloaded and put away the $40 of food I bought...off to the gym, put in a short workout, and hustled to Publix...picked up the arugula, leeks, watermelon quarter, and whatever else was on my short list...took my blood pressure, and scared myself...105 over 70. Bit lower than I'd like to see....took it here at the house after chat with Jack, and while my soup was cooking....it was 120/64 so it is recovering...
    Home got everything unloaded and stored, except the quarter melon...did that after the chat with Jack... made myself some really good oil, meat, and dairy free potato soup for dinner, and topped it off with a nice salad. Kitchen has been 'cleaned up, and lights out' for the night.

    Un ?? the hybrid animals, some of those were really cute, and I will send the kitten penguin to Ted in a couple days on 'Caterday'. The snake one with the cats head...not so much!!!

    All that is left is to play my last go on Scrabble...I'm behind 20 points, so there will be no win tonite. I was nicely ahead until last night when he 'bingo-ed for 60+ points. Oh, well!!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning and did 8400+ steps and 2 Cents. The temperature this morning is 49/47 degrees.
    I went to CostCo where I picked up 3 bags of frozen vegetables, Fruit, Truvia Sweetener, and 3 flavors of Protein shakes. Then being curious I went further to the sort of nearby Wegmans, Wow, They are not cheap. $9.50 for the Hot Food Bar which had lots of low cost items in the Taste of Asia and Taste of Mexico sections and a so so selection of regular foods. I doubt I will be going there again as I was completely underwhelmed by the Value for cost.

    I had over 11K steps yesterday after the extra walking at CostCo and Wegmans. Later I need to go to UPS and ship back the floppy drive. Testing showed it to be the problem. Since I will be out I need to take the gas can and pick up fuel for the mower and Tiller too. Since I am around a 1/2 tank in the car I might as well fill it too :)

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So...if the kid had liked a picture of a baseball bat would they have feared he was going to bring one to school? A Swiss Army knife? How about liking a picture of a Siberian tiger? OMG! What if he brought a SIBERIAN TIGER to school??? Or a cobra? He could slip a king cobra into his backpack! Hope he didn't like any pictures of snakes...or spiders...or pretty much anything, other than a gun, that could potentially be used to commit violence...hey, he could have liked a picture of a folding chair! You could hurt someone if you hit them with one of those things! OK, enough silliness about that for now...sheesh, I may appreciate, and like, a picture of a gun (not likely) but that doesn't mean I would want to get one and carry it around. The only think I can imagine wanting a gun for would be if I had a need to hunt for my own food, which I would find difficult, though I did occasionally go with my dad or uncle potting at squirrels. Learning how to use a shotgun and a rifle was pretty much part of life where I grew up. And yes, we ate the squirrels...

    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    63 out there now looking to a sunny high of 88.

    Sink already cleared. I DID finally get that laundry folded yesterday, despite all the shiny squirrels, and then proceeded to put my undershirts in J's drawer and vice-versa. D'oh!

    Lilo let me sleep in to the glorious time of...7:10 a.m. despite not going to bed until 12:15 this morning. I think a nap is on the agenda for today.
    Hi Ed
    I posted that because the blind adherence to silliness that should have been stopped long before the child was called into the office is just so hard to believe. Like a Picture, Wow. Would they have had the National Guard with Anti-Tank weapons outside the school if he had liked a picture of a tank ?

    Good Luck getting enough rest, I find I am better if I get enough sleep :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just lost my entire post...not thinking.......ugh.
    Need to get it together shortly and head to the grocery(ies)) Its Wednesday ya know....
    Got all my steps in yesterday, and am planning either today or tomorrow to head to the gym, I've been given a task... They're training a new kid, and evidently he's having trouble remembering all of the verbiage that goes with giving a prospective member a tour of the gym, and I was asked to enter as a stranger, and need a tour so he can practice. Should be fun. :) I'll be nice and not intentionally mess him up, which believe me I could do!....
    For right now, I'm going...
    Will return... (threat or promise...your choice!)

    Hi Valerie
    Messing him up on purpose would be somewhat mean, Possibly a temptation but mean :)

    What I have found is that if I still have a blank page I can try a Ctrl-Z which is Undo or try opening the same tab if I closed it which is possible in FireFox and that will bring it back to life.
    Yep, said I'd be back.. Got it all done...
    Kroger run, and today I did get my senior discount, for what will undoubtedly be the last time. Boo Hiss Kroger!
    Then home, unloaded and put away the $40 of food I bought...off to the gym, put in a short workout, and hustled to Publix...picked up the arugula, leeks, watermelon quarter, and whatever else was on my short list...took my blood pressure, and scared myself...105 over 70. Bit lower than I'd like to see....took it here at the house after chat with Jack, and while my soup was cooking....it was 120/64 so it is recovering...
    Home got everything unloaded and stored, except the quarter melon...did that after the chat with Jack... made myself some really good oil, meat, and dairy free potato soup for dinner, and topped it off with a nice salad. Kitchen has been 'cleaned up, and lights out' for the night.

    Un ?? the hybrid animals, some of those were really cute, and I will send the kitten penguin to Ted in a couple days on 'Caterday'. The snake one with the cats head...not so much!!!

    All that is left is to play my last go on Scrabble...I'm behind 20 points, so there will be no win tonite. I was nicely ahead until last night when he 'bingo-ed for 60+ points. Oh, well!!!

    So far so good with the one store offering a 10% senior discount on Wednesday and I have a key tag from them that is good any day of the week and can be stacked with the 10% on Wednesdays. I have a feeling that Seniors perks are slowly being eroded everywhere :(2gPMw7.gif

    I'm sorry if I am missing something, I thought 105 over 70 is an acceptable reading?

    If I said You got off light, I spent near $140 at CostCo Wednesday, $75 just on the Protein shakes, Boo-Hiss to NS for discontinuing their affordable Protein Shakes and replacing them with much more expensive bad tasting replacements. So far the best I can do is The ones from CostCo and Atkins Protein Shakes from the Grocery Store to add variety in taste.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday!

    68 out there now and looking toward a partly cloudy 88 with no chance of precipitation. Guess I can put the snow shovel away.

    Might need to get to the grocery soon, but a nap might also be in order since that vulture cat made me get up at 7:00 this morning. Been distracted by the usuals.

    Lunch yesterday included a whole lot of garlicky, slightly buttery steamed asparagus. This is the dawning of the age of asparagus, age of asparagus. Asparagus! Asparagus!

    Just as a side tidbit, asparagus should be eaten with the fingers, although some people prefer the fingers to be served separately.

    Dishwasher is running, and the internet is calling.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    edited May 2017
    Can't remember whether we've seen this one before, but I think it's funny. Irish people try southern food.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,212 Member
    Failed McDonalds food items.
