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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked 7341 Steps + 1 Dime during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 64 on the news channel and 65 degrees on the front porch. The predicted high for today is in the 70s and a chance of Thunderstorms.

    Today is D-Day for my diet as we meet friends at Harold's for Dinner. I know I will be overeating :(

    Here is a weird one IMO
    Trump Orders Government to Stop Work on Y2K Bug, 17 Years Later


    Officers To Be Put On 12-Hour Shifts, As City Violence Increases
    BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore sees multiple deadly shootings in just a matter of hours. It was a burst of violence that forced the commissioner to make a drastic move today.
    All uniformed officers will be on mandatory 12-hour shifts, as the city hustles to control the crime.
    Ava-joye Burnett reports the violence spilled over from the night into broad daylight today.
    After a violent night, the police department announced a plan on how to address this problem, as the Police Commissioner was angered by the violence.

    Politics ?

    Have a Great Friday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Friday!
    Yep, that was quite a little storm last night. Every time I thought it had finally blown thru, it started all over again. Ended up with 2 ¼ inches of rain. Mostly in the first go around!
    Nice out there this morning. I went out and picked up little branches that fell from the trees, warm by Rogers walking standards, but 68 felt good to me.

    No, Ed we haven't heard from LeeAnn for some time. She should have achieved her doctorate, and probably taking some screen time off. Also, she was re-doing P90X getting ready for summer...as I recall she does quite a bit of hiking and camping in the summers. Hopefully she'll log in sometime to say Hi.

    Roger I think my fav. cartoon today is the squirrel instructions to 'act cute'. I watched a baby squirrel walk the electric wire from my roof to the pole at the edge of my driveway, then over the wire to the pole about a third of the way around the cul de sac, and down the guywire till I couldn't see him any more. Nice little adventure for such a little guy.

    I think I should get busy doing something...will let you know if I 'do something'..LOL!! Lazy morning.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017
    Cheese dreams and stranger things.

    Hi Ed
    I am impressed, I rarely remember details about my dreams :)
    Here's the big bowl of potato salad (J's grandmother's recipe) that I made for him to start on tonight. He'll have several meals that include it, and maybe a snack or two, depending on how much he eats and how often.

    I cooked two more boiled eggs than I needed for the potato salad, on purpose, and turned those into deviled eggs for him, so his dinner was deviled eggs and Granny's potato salad. I don't have her deviled egg recipe but I didn't find hers, when I had them, to be much different from mine, and so never asked. Comfort food at its best!

    I finished off this morning's mac and cheese with a jalapeño angus cheeseburger. Mac and cheese is a comfort food for me. Didn't have the ingredients on hand to make Mom's meatloaf, which is another great comfort food.
    When my Brother makes potato salad it is pretty simple, Boiled Potatoes, Mayo, Small bits of fresh Celery and Onion and some hard boiled eggs. I find it to be tasty and the the Bits of Celery & Onion give it some crunchy texture.
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 67 out there now with an expected high of 88 and 20% chance of rain.

    We had a nice little storm run through last night and the power was even off for a moment, but came back on after less than a minute. This was good since my burger had just started cooking! J's potato salad and deviled eggs were already made up and I suppose I cold have eaten my mac and cheese cold, but it was, I'm sure, much better warmed up in the microwave.

    Today some laundry probably and might get more housework done if I don't feel too lazy.

    Has anyone heard from Leemom? She's been missing from this board for ages...
    I just looked out the window and I see that we have just had some light rain. The street is wet except under the Trees where the street is still dry.

    It sounds as if You were lucky as far as the power loss :)

    FWIW I can and have eaten Mac & Cheese that has cooled down to slightly warm, cold I would not eat however. I also like my Burgers be at best slightly pink inside not red.

    Georgia’s lax voting security exposed just in time for crucial special election
    Report uncovers a litany of lapses in voting system used state-wide.

    Dan Goodin - Jun 15, 2017 12:37 am UTC

    According to a detailed report published Tuesday in Politico, Lamb wrote a simple script that would pull documents off the website of Kennesaw State University’s Center for Election Systems, which under contract with Georgia, tests and programs voting machines for the entire state. By accident, Lamb's script uncovered a breach whose scope should concern both Republicans and Democrats alike. Reporter Kim Zetter writes:

    Within the mother lode Lamb found on the center’s website was a database containing registration records for the state’s 6.7 million voters; multiple PDFs with instructions and passwords for election workers to sign in to a central server on Election Day; and software files for the state’s ExpressPoll pollbooks — electronic devices used by poll workers to verify that a voter is registered before allowing them to cast a ballot. There also appeared to be databases for the so-called GEMS servers. These Global Election Management Systems are used to prepare paper and electronic ballots, tabulate votes and produce summaries of vote totals.

    The files were supposed to be behind a password-protected firewall, but the center had misconfigured its server so they were accessible to anyone, according to Lamb. “You could just go to the root of where they were hosting all the files and just download everything without logging in,” Lamb says.

    Do You feel secure? :(
    The rest of the details are at that link.

    My Brother just looked out the window and said "Well, there goes the yard work I planned for Today"

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning! Friday!
    Yep, that was quite a little storm last night. Every time I thought it had finally blown thru, it started all over again. Ended up with 2 ¼ inches of rain. Mostly in the first go around!
    Nice out there this morning. I went out and picked up little branches that fell from the trees, warm by Rogers walking standards, but 68 felt good to me.

    No, Ed we haven't heard from LeeAnn for some time. She should have achieved her doctorate, and probably taking some screen time off. Also, she was re-doing P90X getting ready for summer...as I recall she does quite a bit of hiking and camping in the summers. Hopefully she'll log in sometime to say Hi.

    Roger I think my fav. cartoon today is the squirrel instructions to 'act cute'. I watched a baby squirrel walk the electric wire from my roof to the pole at the edge of my driveway, then over the wire to the pole about a third of the way around the cul de sac, and down the guywire till I couldn't see him any more. Nice little adventure for such a little guy.

    I think I should get busy doing something...will let you know if I 'do something'..LOL!! Lazy morning.


    Hi Valerie
    I suspect You missed my post with the info on Ga's election system, Yikes.

    68 is OK, 68 and high humidity not so much.

    It does sound as if You had some storm too. It sounds sort of what they are forecasting for Monday. Part of the weather forecast yesterday said it would be a tropical rain.

    I wonder if we will see LeeAnn in the future, hopefully. The more the merrier :)

    If I said I liked all of them or I would not have used them, Yes, some more that others naturally.

    Now I am running late so I am being brief.

    Enjoy the Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Really having trouble coping right now, but I'm sure over time I'll get through it.

    Meanwhile, trying to keep my sense of humor. Loved the funnies Roger.


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Back again. The dish washer is running, so I can check off that portion of kitchen chores.
    I do believe, that I am going outside and see if I can do a bit of yard work...mowing is out of the question, but putting on my crocks, (knowing my feet will get wet), and trim the dead flowers on the butterfly bush..if I keep at this chore, it will bloom a second big bloom later towards fall. Same with Crepe Myrtle...but my crepe M is now about 30+ feet tall, so not doing that! I also need to finish trimming back the burfordii holly, etc...

    I had not heard of nor seen the article about the voting issues here. Good Grief. Thanks for that post!

    I think there may be a quick trip to Publix to pick a lottery ticket for Mega Millions...I could put that money to good use. :)

    Ed, you will get thru it, but in the meantime grieve the loss of your sweet kitty, and give Lilo some extra loving time. Or play games with her...like go make up your bed, (yes even if you have to strip it), and then put it right back on....as I recall she likes 'helping' with that chore.
    Continue to fix comfort foods for you and J...you will get thru this.
    Anytime you may want to have coffee just to get out of the house, or to see people, give me a shout...you're in my contact list, so your call will show up with your name, and I'll answer.
    (I don't answer just numbers...those numbers can leave a message)

    Need to get moving..


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Well, I DID strip and make the bed but Lilo wasn't around to help. When I last "rearranged" the covers she watched, with interest, but didn't volunteer, but then I wasn't making large empty spaces for her to jump to.

    Lilo, incidentally, is 15 years old. We say we don't want to think about getting another cat, but realistically? In a month or three, we'll probably be looking into adopting again. Probably from Furrkids.

    Bed sheets that were stripped, along with the sheets from the main guest room, are in the dryer now, having been washed earlier this morning.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed, well at least you tried. I just remember how distraught Tom E. was when Hoot died. Poor ole Tom was a mess. And yes, that's when the rocking started. I knew you and J were having some 'comfort food', I just thought maybe Lilo needed some extra fun attention. Guess I guessed wrong! Sorry if I caused you extra work.

    Did you see where Amazon bought Whole Foods? Can't wait to see how this plays out. Ha Ha, I can see O & N ordering from Alexa! Ice cream, chips, cookies, a kids best dream! :):)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    Nailed It :)


    Not Me


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked 4700 Steps during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 65 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch. The reported humidity is 100% and when I looked out the Living Room window before walking, the street was wet except under trees where it was dry, thus the rain that had fallen must have been light so far. The weatherman is predicting spotty rain and Thunderstorms for NJ :(

    Yesterday was D-Day for my diet as we meet friends at Harold's for Dinner. I did do some overeating :(
    I had their Bacon Cheese-Burger, a Whopping Big Burger and what looked like a quarter pound before cooking of crispy Bacon.

    Ominous signs for states as revenue targets missed
    By Reid Wilson - 06/15/17 10:00 AM EDT
    Two out of every three states in America took in less tax revenue than expected this year, the worst performance since the depths of the recession, and twenty states expect to address budget shortfalls in the coming year.

    The new data, contained in three reports released by state budget analysts this week, raise concerns that states could face a new round of belt-tightening — and that another economic slowdown could be just around the corner.

    The reports cite a variety of factors behind the revenue slowdowns, from falling commodity prices to the rising costs of government services. Some of the slowdown also likely comes from wealthy taxpayers and corporations, which have delayed some tax payments until next year in hopes that tax reform proposals will pass Congress.

    Thirty-three states will miss revenue projections in Fiscal Year 2017, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers. That’s the highest number of states to miss revenue targets since 2010, during the middle of the recession, when 36 states missed projections.

    In total, states anticipate revenues falling short by $12 billion. Most of the shortfall comes from sales tax collections, which are projected to be down $6.6 billion. That troubles some economists because sales taxes are traditionally the most stable revenue sources for states.

    More info by following the link

    From Here, I found some news from Georgia yesterday :)

    FBI joins investigation at Karen Handel's house
    Updated: Jun 16, 2017 - 7:14 AM
    ROSWELL, Ga. - Authorities were called to the neighborhood where Karen Handel lives in Roswell after suspicious envelopes were found in mailboxes Thursday afternoon.
    Police say Roxburg Drive off Old Alabama Road was shut down for several hours while crews investigated.
    At least five homes in the neighborhood received an envelope with a "white powdery substance" in it.
    The FBI was called in to take the lead on the investigation.

    I gather this election is being watched intently by both parties too.

    Georgia’s Special Election Is a TV Ad Bonanza
    The House race between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel has attracted $48 million.

    Visit the page for more Info if interested :)
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    I have never heard of Scomber Fish BTW.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Really having trouble coping right now, but I'm sure over time I'll get through it.

    Meanwhile, trying to keep my sense of humor. Loved the funnies Roger.

    Hi Ed
    Time does help, slowly unfortunately.

    I just saved Your Image to send off to my brother.

    I hope they help even if it just a little.

    Stay Well and I hope the Ga news I ran across when I was looking at news sites yesterday are not as worrisome as the previous days post most likely was.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017
    Back again. The dish washer is running, so I can check off that portion of kitchen chores.
    I do believe, that I am going outside and see if I can do a bit of yard work...mowing is out of the question, but putting on my crocks, (knowing my feet will get wet), and trim the dead flowers on the butterfly bush..if I keep at this chore, it will bloom a second big bloom later towards fall. Same with Crepe Myrtle...but my crepe M is now about 30+ feet tall, so not doing that! I also need to finish trimming back the burfordii holly, etc...

    I had not heard of nor seen the article about the voting issues here. Good Grief. Thanks for that post!

    I think there may be a quick trip to Publix to pick a lottery ticket for Mega Millions...I could put that money to good use. :)

    Ed, you will get thru it, but in the meantime grieve the loss of your sweet kitty, and give Lilo some extra loving time. Or play games with her...like go make up your bed, (yes even if you have to strip it), and then put it right back on....as I recall she likes 'helping' with that chore.
    Continue to fix comfort foods for you and J...you will get thru this.
    Anytime you may want to have coffee just to get out of the house, or to see people, give me a shout...you're in my contact list, so your call will show up with your name, and I'll answer.
    (I don't answer just numbers...those numbers can leave a message)

    Need to get moving..

    Hi Valerie
    My brother was outside mowing the grass yesterday, The next time it is due it is my turn, Not my favorite pastime :(

    If I said that I suspect that article did not make the news in GA, would You be surprised ?

    More GA Election news in today's info post by me FWIW. What I took from the one article is that people are going Nuts over political things these days :(
    Ed, well at least you tried. I just remember how distraught Tom E. was when Hoot died. Poor ole Tom was a mess. And yes, that's when the rocking started. I knew you and J were having some 'comfort food', I just thought maybe Lilo needed some extra fun attention. Guess I guessed wrong! Sorry if I caused you extra work.

    Did you see where Amazon bought Whole Foods? Can't wait to see how this plays out. Ha Ha, I can see O & N ordering from Alexa! Ice cream, chips, cookies, a kids best dream! :):)
    I did see that news regarding Amazon and Whole Foods. It made the network news here. I have a suspicion that we are starting to see the signs of a few large corporations owning nearly everything worth owning.

    If I said I can not see me ordering groceries over the Internet as I want to see the Produce and meats for example before I decide to Buy or not to buy...

    Have a Good Weekend

    P.S. before I forget a couple of food reviews.
    I just had the New NS Creamy Beef Alfredo, It was tasty, however the beef was just small flecks throughout the cup and the sauce tasted familiar like some of the other add water and heat cups :)

    The Food from Harold's:
    The Burger was not quite as cooked as I wanted despite ordering Well Done...
    I pulled off and discarded most of the top bun while I was eating leaving some to hold it with until the end when I left it on the plate too.
    My side of Onion Rings were very Crunchy & Tasty. I did eat two large and one small and passed the rest around. I managed to resist the siren call of their Carrot Cake
    The cake in the display case looked about 12"+ tall and 18+" across. All their pastries were whoppers.
    You can get an idea of the portion sizes from this link
    For example My Brother and a friend split the Pastrami Sandwich and both took home enough for a couple of more meals. The sandwich came with extra plates and Rye bread standard, They expect it to be shared.
    The Pickle Bar also had More Rye and dark bread, small muffin shaped bread and cubes of Onion bread to go with the all You want Pickles
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Not feeling so sensational here, with a great big Ariel sized hole in our hearts but somehow we'll muddle through. My primal screams in the kitchen this morning didn't shatter any of the glassware so I guess they weren't TOO loud.

    Lilo got me up about quarter after seven but I've been distracted by folding laundry from yesterday, eating breakfast, feeding Lilo, crying, screaming, talking to Jason and making the baked beans for the pool party that I don't really feel like going to.

    I don't want to be home, but don't really want to be anywhere else either. If there were a way to cease to be, temporarily, until the pain fades, that would be great but there's not and the permanent solution on that is unthinkable. I'll go hours and be just fine and then something triggers.

    Time will make it easier. I keep telling myself that. Being with people today should help for a while. People who didn't know Ariel and won't remind me of Ariel. If we hadn't promised to go we probably wouldn't so it's just as well we did promise.

    J took Thursday and Friday off work to try to begin coping.

    78 out there now with an expected high of 89 and 20% chance of rain.

    As for the baked beans, here's the line up, plus bell peppers, onion, jalapeños, garlic, black pepper, smoke seasoning, ginger, brown sugar, and tomato paste:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2017
    Lilo, being the only cat in the house, is definitely getting more attention now. I don't know how much she misses Ariel, but Lilo is getting more attention. And I think she knows that I'm upset as she's being more attentive to me too. I need to get showered for this pool party and go and try to have a good time.

    My stripping the bed wasn't extra work, as it needed it anyway. Lilo is loved and she knows it. She helped raise Ariel when we brought Ariel home as a kitten.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Roger, please tell us you did not eat that piece of cake! It looks fabulous, and I'd have certainly loved a bite of it, well, OK, I'd have probably loved the whole piece but a bite would be all I would need to eat...

    J is getting in the shower now. Off to the party shortly.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Saturday!
    4p. 89 degrees, sunny, little breeze, and 45% humidity...all in all just to walk around the yard picking up sticks, and trying to grab my britches (weight of my cell phone was trying to undress me!!! (that was interesting!! and certainly grabbed my attention)

    I hope the pool party is going well for both J and Ed. Sounds like Ariel is holding up well which is good! I just can't get my memories of poor old Tom E.

    Binge listening to a Lifestyle Seminar...I didn't listen during the week, but have Sat. and Sun to listen to the speakers I'm wanting to hear.
    Also making up my homemade mosquito spray...I love this stuff...its a bottle of very large and cheap bottle of blue mouthwash, several (3) cups of Epsom Salt, and 3 cans of the cheapest beer you can find...Those three things, mixed so the Epsom Salt dissolves...then spray in areas where you might sit outside, or where you know the mosquitoes are...it holds up for about 80 days! And it does not kill the mosquitoes or other bugs, but the smell confuses the mosquitoes and they don't land on you. Its weird. and the mosquitoes do leave the area after a few hungry days. So, cheap, easy, and doesn't totally kill the environment.

    Ok, now to get the sprayer filled, a different pair of shorts, and go confuse the mosquitoes!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    We had a good time at the pool party and were able to mostly just live for a few hours. Another one next weekend, and then another the following weekend! Busy summer...

    They ate pretty much ALL of the baked beans. I have become the official bean baker.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked 29 Steps during today's walk according to the FitBit :)
    To explain why, I noticed before I left that the display was off so I changed the battery and as a result the clock was off and showing 12:11 so I am theorizing that while I was out it was recording and then when I powered up the computer it synchronized the time and said, Oh, look it is a new day and the step count for today started fresh with the steps I had done walking be credited to Saturdays count :)
    The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 71 degrees on the front porch with 100% humidity. When I looked out the Living Room window before walking, the street was somewhat wet except under trees where it was dry, thus the rain that had fallen must have been light so far. The weatherman is predicting spotty rain and Thunderstorms for NJ once again :(
    There is something outside that is causing my nose to run a sneezes so I did not stay out that long as I am much better in the house.

    From Here,
    Edgy: Fusion Calls Rep. Scalise a "Bigoted Homophobe" After Being Shot
    Christine Rousselle
    Posted: Jun 16, 2017 11:35 AM

    You may not see this one elsewhere...
    ICYMI: Someone Fired Several Shots At This Indiana Driver Who Had A 'Make America Great Again' Flag
    Matt Vespa
    Posted: Jun 17, 2017 8:00 AM

    Just Wrong IMO
    New Civility: Nebraska Democrat Doubles Down on Saying Republicans Getting Shot "Was Funny"
    Katie Pavlich
    Posted: Jun 16, 2017 11:15 AM

    Have a Great Fathers Day AKA Sunday

    Humor post coming soon as I get it finished :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Lilo is helping me report that it's 71 out there now with an expected high of 84 and 80% chance of showers. Sounds like a wet day. We got our 20% yesterday as we got home from the pool party.

    I've had my breakfast and Lilo has been served.

    Maybe a little laundry today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...