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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    Great One here, Who has not heard that phrase :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked 7674 Steps AKA 3.44 miles according to the FitBit + 0 Cents during today's walk :) I have been listening to Agatha Christie Audio-books or Dramatizations for radio of the ones I could not find as Audio-books.
    The temperature this morning was 65 on the news channel and 66 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level.

    I could not believe we could not find Sticky Fly Ribbons locally, however after searching Multiple places my Brother found non. So off to Amazon...
    Pic FR10B Sticky Fly Ribbons, 10-Pack
    Total Before Tax: $4.99
    Estimated Tax: $0.34
    Order Total: $5.33
    Which seemed a decent price as that was the delivered price :)

    Have a Great Thorsday AKA Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!

    It's 75 out there now, with an expected high of only 77 and 40% chance of afternoon/evening showers.

    I've been up for hours but very distracted by various things. I finally did get that laundry folded and the dishes washed, except for Lilo's breakfast bowl, which is going into the dishwasher to wait, very shortly.

    One tooth is bothering me a lot so back to the dentist. I suspect a bit of gingivitis but we'll see...
    Hi Ed
    Well, I guess I won't be eating lunch today...the dentist re-did one of the recent fillings and so I'm numb. If my blood sugar demands it I'll somehow eat something soft, like mac and cheese, or stroganoff but I'm thinking probably no lunch.

    But she didn't charge me anything since she isn't sure she didn't cause the problem by possibly cracking the filling while installing a crown previously. :)

    Right now sipping water carefully with a straw.
    The Bad, Pain and now the time used up and the numbness.
    The Good, The price.
    I managed to NOT bite my mouth this time around. Usually I end up biting it while I'm numb, which makes it fun when it wakes up and fun for several days afterward!

    I did have some mac and cheese for lunch, very carefully eaten, and then made some more for dinner. The places where she put the shots in, as well as the gum that was already irritated, are aching now but hopefully will get better soon.
    Been there done that, TBH I have bitten the inside of my mouth even without being numbed :(

    You will likely be horrified by this, however I always liked the "Gourmet?" Kraft Dinner Mac & Cheese well drained and using Melted Butter to bind the cheese to it and have never managed to successfully make a Home Made Mac & Cheese that was near my liking in the past.
    Currently I am skipping high Carb foods as they make me feel warmer and it is summer :)

    I hope Your mouth is better today.
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Today I get to go to the doctor for my physical. It's really just a "fill in" as I haven't had one for several years, but there are a FEW things my endocrinologist does not check or monitor.

    Still need to make an appointment for the ophthalmologist too, as I'm overdue on that.

    Nothing else is firm on today's agenda.

    69, looking for a high of 80, with 90% chance of thunderstorms. Sigh...
    D Day coming up, AKA Doctors for a Physical Monday and I have to fast which means the Vampire will be draining my blood too. That will be throwing my morning off on Monday, I think I can have my morning coffee as I drink it black and unsweetened :)

    No Rain in today's forecast. High in the 80s and 90s tomorrow :(

    I am due to see the Eye doctor too. I want to get a new prescription as well as an eye exam. I have been putting it off since I do not feel that I am where I can pay cash for new glasses. I want a Distance pair and a short range for when I am on this computer, they would be optional however as I can see nicely close up. I am just wondering if short range glasses would help with eye strain.

    I did see that the Atalanta area would be having poor weather when I watched the news yesterday.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good Morning Ed...
    So sorry about your tooth. Hope they can help without needing you to sacrifice a leg and an arm.

    Shopping went well, I took my umbrella with me everywhere, and it didn't rain!!! Everything's now put away, and the IP just indicated the rice was cooked...making some Aloo Gobi ( potato and cauliflower in a curry sauce) for dinner, and plan to put it over the rice. For right now, I have a salad to eat, and a nap to take before my Wednesday Chat with Jack (DS1).


    Hi Valerie
    You know that the reason it did not rain is that You prepared for it :)

    When I cook rice I take the lazy way out and either use the not so gourmet Instant Rice or a Rice Cooker if no rush. The Instant Rice is also handy to thicken up the NS Dry cups for Lunch or Dinner. Since I switched to the Using Boiling water and letting it sit that works too.

    Yesterday, Wednesday, I did a test on Chinese Food for lunch. I had the Snow Peas, String Beans and Broccoli Diet meal withe the sauce on the side, I ended up not using the sauce. I got two meals out of the Veges due to the amount of them. I passed the Rice to My Brother to use if he wants to use it if not It goes from the refrigerator into the garbage for the next pickup. I also had a small order of the Bone in Spare Ribs, 5 Ribs and Tasty too and a Egg Roll. For Dinner I had the other half of the Veges and a 100 calorie Protein shake and nothing else. Today by skipping the pint of rice that comes with the "Diet Dinner" I was OK on the scale and am not feeling the effects of the heat like I would with the rice. Why Rice with the meal comes to mind FWIW.
    Video is cute Ed....and what they were eating IS good! Not my food anymore, but I remember delicious!!

    So glad you were able to get into see your Dentist, and that she ? was able to fix it and you still have all your limbs!!! As the numb wears off can be un-fun. Hope you were able to sleep thru most of it. If you didn't eat lunch, and you're face has feeling, I'll bet you dinner will be delicious! :)
    Take care you don't bite your own mouth. Doesn't feel good, and a tad embarrassing to boot.

    BTW I was thinking that the closest You can come to a Do Over is a recount :)

    It is a good day whenever You can see any type of doctor and retain all Your limbs.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning.
    This may/may not interest ED..Whole Foods Midtown has opened a Restaurant at the store. It is now open. "The Roast" Ted and I are going Monday...I believe the hours are 11 - 11, but not sure about the closing hour. Probably will be overly pricey, but I really, really want to go.

    Ed, like Roger I too am guilty of on occasion biting my own mouth. Hurts, and makes me really mad at myself!!! LOL!! Hope today finds you only sore, and not in pain.

    Today, it is already raining...and O and I are going fabric shopping. Quack, quack, quack...this whole rainy last few days is for the ducks! That is NOT a complaint, as what I know about living in GA...rain, rain, rain, and then NOTHING wet and 90+ for months. So enjoying the rain as best I can.

    Roger, ""Diet Dinner" I was OK on the scale and am not feeling the effects of the heat like I would with the rice. Why Rice with the meal comes to mind FWIW."
    Because for centuries the Chinese, Japanese, 'Asian people' lived on rice (like about 90% of their diet was starch/rice) and vegetables...breakfast lunch and dinner. Meat was a seasoning, or a special occasion treat. They did not eat dairy, and very little sugar...That's 'why' rice.
    It wasn't until recent history that meat became 'a daily' food. Japan has/had one of the 'blue zones', where the people lived well into their 90's, were active, and in good health, with their mental faculties still intact. Their rice was white too....go figure. They were slim, strong, had almost no cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. However like so many good things...we've managed, maybe not intentionally, to ruin their good health with meat, oil, sugar, etc. The rice is not the fault.
    I think I can understand why rice may make you feel warmer....has to do with how starches work. They are slowly digested because of all the fiber, and so the 'fuel' lasts for a long time, unlike faster digesting vegetables, fruits, etc. Starches like rice, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, have been found to be the predominate foods in all 5 of the blue zones. Corn for the Central Americans, Rice in Asia, etc.
    If you really do want to eat that rice, you could freeze it now, and defrost it later...with a small amount of water, rice is one of the best starches to reheat. OR, you can eat it cold. Like in a salad bowl with vegetables, greens, and for you meat eaters about 2-3 oz meat. or go meatless for one meal.
    Aren't you sorry you asked? LOL!

    Oh, and I loved, loved, loved the cartoons today!!!! Started my morning off with a grin and a few giggles! Thanks!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    The pain has been fading as the day progresses, but it (and possibly the weather) left me with a splitting spike headache that now needs to fade. But...

    I've got that 9 1/2 pound half ham (you know, the one that has been in the freezer for months) cooking in the oven now and the smell is sooooooo good! It should come out of the oven in about 15 minutes and then needs to stand for a few minutes before serving.

    While it's standing, maybe I'll make some mac and cheese to go with it for tonight's dinner...and steam a few green bean from the freezer.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    I decided on cheesy mashed potatoes to go with my Mid Summer Night's Ham. J is eating the rest of the bowl of potatoes now, and will finish some restaurant leftovers later for the rest of his dinner.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2017
    And here's the enormous plate of ham I sliced off the bone after dinner. The bone is in the freezer for seasoning some beans for a future dinner.

    There's not as much meat let on the bone as I usually leave, because this ham was really well done and came off the bone very easily. Very yummy too!

    And Lilo approved, from down on the floor where a few bits fell down (ahem) by accident.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Lilo approved ham....you can't beat that! :)
    Glad the mouth pain is fading, and hope the headache is gone after dinner!
    That would call for a second glass of wine!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    73 out there now and expecting a high of 89 with 20% chance of rain.

    Nothing technically on the agenda today, but might get a little more housework done.

    I've been fed and Lilo has been fed and the sink is cleared.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Looking back at technology of the times.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked some Steps, The Dew Point is in the 70s and it was 77 degrees on the porch and the weather report on TV at 6AM and not comfortable, As I did not get a good nights sleep either taken altogether I did not go to far. I came home and laid down for a while and am now feeling somewhat better. Thunderstorms in the forecast too :(
    Yesterday I ended up close to 12K steps for the day.

    Any Stephen King fans out there?

    Spike TV has started running a series based on the Mist Thursday nights at 10. The first episodes next showing is Saturday at 4PM and others showed up in the Guide when I looked. The Movie from 2007 is also showing on IFC Sunday at 11:15PM.
    The Mist is a 2007 American science-fiction horror film based on the 1980 novella of the same name by Stephen King.

    On Wednesday, when I did a test on Chinese Food for lunch. The Snow Peas, String Beans and Broccoli Diet meal with the sauce on the side and a small order of Bone In Spare Ribs...
    That seemed to work OK as I was down in weight on Thursday and held the same weight today. That weight FWIW is lower than when I went to Harold's last Friday so Yea!

    We could not find the Sticky Fly Ribbons we thought we had left so I ordered them from Amazon. When I unpacked them that is when I found the Old ones :) Actually they had been hidden by the quarts of 1% milk on the shelf :( Yesterday I picked up 5 kinds of fruit and 2 quarts of the Milk since I had put the last on in the refrigerator to become nicely chilled. The ones I bought are good on the shelf until April 18, 2018.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    That Dog is small :)





  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2017
    Well, I didn't have much on the agenda, but Eddie the housekeeper got busy in the Zen Penguin Room, where there used to be 3 litter boxes (from when we had 5 cats) that we had never reduced because Ariel and Lilo between them used them all, along with the one in the living room and the two in the master bathroom.

    We had kind of followed the outdated idea that you have one litter box per cat, plus one more even though our cats had learned to share litter boxes.

    Well, after we got down to just two cats, Ariel was the only one using the one in the living room, so that one, the ugliest biggest one in the master bathroom, and ONE of the boxes in the Zen Penguin Room went out back for hosing and eventual disposal, leaving only one in the master bathroom and two in the Zen Penguin room.

    Part of the multi litter box thing was also that Sunnie had been in the habit all along of peeing outside the box and we tried to have plenty of available boxes for her, and, again, left them all even after she passed.

    Well today I eliminated another one in the Zen Penguin room so we are down to (for now) just two litter boxes. One in the master bathroom and one in the Zen Penguin room. We will probably get another cat eventually, but will try to keep this down to two boxes if we can. I think as long as I scoop often we should be able to.

    There is still some cleanup left to do in the Zen Penguin room and we need to steam clean the carpet in the master bedroom and the master bathroom to eliminate stains from Ariel's last days, but we're getting there...slowly. It kind of hurts to work on those, even though they are certainly not parts of Ariel that we want to keep around forever.

    Right now I'm waiting for the Pine Sol mopped floor areas to dry so I can set some things back in place and ponder finishing up the Zen Penguin Room...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Thursday Morning.
    This may/may not interest ED..Whole Foods Midtown has opened a Restaurant at the store. It is now open. "The Roast" Ted and I are going Monday...I believe the hours are 11 - 11, but not sure about the closing hour. Probably will be overly pricey, but I really, really want to go.

    Ed, like Roger I too am guilty of on occasion biting my own mouth. Hurts, and makes me really mad at myself!!! LOL!! Hope today finds you only sore, and not in pain.

    Today, it is already raining...and O and I are going fabric shopping. Quack, quack, quack...this whole rainy last few days is for the ducks! That is NOT a complaint, as what I know about living in GA...rain, rain, rain, and then NOTHING wet and 90+ for months. So enjoying the rain as best I can.

    Roger, ""Diet Dinner" I was OK on the scale and am not feeling the effects of the heat like I would with the rice. Why Rice with the meal comes to mind FWIW."
    Because for centuries the Chinese, Japanese, 'Asian people' lived on rice (like about 90% of their diet was starch/rice) and vegetables...breakfast lunch and dinner. Meat was a seasoning, or a special occasion treat. They did not eat dairy, and very little sugar...That's 'why' rice.
    It wasn't until recent history that meat became 'a daily' food. Japan has/had one of the 'blue zones', where the people lived well into their 90's, were active, and in good health, with their mental faculties still intact. Their rice was white too....go figure. They were slim, strong, had almost no cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. However like so many good things...we've managed, maybe not intentionally, to ruin their good health with meat, oil, sugar, etc. The rice is not the fault.
    I think I can understand why rice may make you feel warmer....has to do with how starches work. They are slowly digested because of all the fiber, and so the 'fuel' lasts for a long time, unlike faster digesting vegetables, fruits, etc. Starches like rice, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, have been found to be the predominate foods in all 5 of the blue zones. Corn for the Central Americans, Rice in Asia, etc.
    If you really do want to eat that rice, you could freeze it now, and defrost it later...with a small amount of water, rice is one of the best starches to reheat. OR, you can eat it cold. Like in a salad bowl with vegetables, greens, and for you meat eaters about 2-3 oz meat. or go meatless for one meal.
    Aren't you sorry you asked? LOL!

    Oh, and I loved, loved, loved the cartoons today!!!! Started my morning off with a grin and a few giggles! Thanks!


    Hi Valerie
    Thanks for the historical perspective. I find that the heat has much less impact if I stay clear of sweets and starches. In my case sweets such as a frosted cake also have the effect on me...

    At my brothers suggestion, we added a little water to the rice, broke it down into two parts and vacuum sealed it and it is in his freezer drawer. I have some instant rice I can stir into the NS dry cups if I feel like it and that also adds some flavor to it after I add the boiling water and stir.

    I'm happy to hear You enjoyed the humor. I hope today's hits the spot too :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Today's humor was great! I stole several and re-posted to FaceBook!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The pain has been fading as the day progresses, but it (and possibly the weather) left me with a splitting spike headache that now needs to fade. But...

    I've got that 9 1/2 pound half ham (you know, the one that has been in the freezer for months) cooking in the oven now and the smell is sooooooo good! It should come out of the oven in about 15 minutes and then needs to stand for a few minutes before serving.

    While it's standing, maybe I'll make some mac and cheese to go with it for tonight's dinner...and steam a few green bean from the freezer.
    Hi Ed
    I hope the pain has completely faded away.
    And here's the enormous plate of ham I sliced off the bone after dinner. The bone is in the freezer for seasoning some beans for a future dinner.

    There's not as much meat let on the bone as I usually leave, because this ham was really well done and came off the bone very easily. Very yummy too!

    And Lilo approved, from down on the floor where a few bits fell down (ahem) by accident.

    That Ham looks so tasty I am now rethinking my previous decision to pull some Roasted Chicken breast or Turkey Breast from the freezer and instead pull some of the Baked Ham instead :)
    Today's humor was great! I stole several and re-posted to FaceBook!

    I'm glad that they met with Your approval. I am on a different computer and these have been sitting for a while waiting to be used :)

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Sometimes actors just can't keep a straight face.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    From the Chicago Tribune
    What to do with a broken Illinois: Dissolve the Land of Lincoln
    oposes. (Video by Phil Geib)
    John KassJohn KassContact ReporterChicago Tribune
    June 20, 2017
    Illinois is like Venezuela now, a fiscally broken state that has lost its will to live, although for the moment, we still have enough toilet paper.

    But before we run out of the essentials, let's finally admit that after decade upon decade of taxing and spending and borrowing, Illinois has finally run out of other people's money.

    Those "other people" include taxpayers who've abandoned the state. And now Illinois faces doomsday.

    So as the politicians meet in Springfield this week for another round of posturing and gesturing and blaming, we need a plan.

    And here it is:

    Dissolve Illinois. Decommission the state, tear up the charter, whatever the legal mumbo-jumbo, just end the whole dang thing.

    We just disappear. With no pain. That's right. You heard me.

    The best thing to do is to break Illinois into pieces right now. Just wipe us off the map. Cut us out of America's heartland and let neighboring states carve us up and take the best chunks for themselves.

    Illinois hasn't had a state budget for years. The state continues to spend money it doesn't have, and the state's credit ratings have dropped, increasing the cost of borrowing more money we don't have to keep the rotten shebang going.

    Bills pile up; Moody's Investor Service says taxpayers are on the hook for $251 billion in unfunded public union pension liabilities.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! TGIF!!
    I just watched the Tech. video...impressive...and long! LOL! Some of it is now hilarious. :) Ed you and Roger are both very technology savvy, how many of those things have you had in your past? I can account for quite a few...partly because I'm older (for the early stuff) and because the boys had a lot of it after about mid 70's. I think Jack lived at Radio Shack! :)

    Not much on my agenda today! Yes, there are things to do, don't worry I won't be bored!

    Had a great time with Olivia yesterday. Talk about a kid in the candy shop! She loved EVERYTHING at Jo Ann's Fabrics. Started out on a sorta rocky note. We, her Mom, myself and O were talking about what we were going to get/look at, and all of a sudden there was a flood of tears...I'd asked her if she'd ever been to a fabric store..... Well, she had, with GrandMommy! Her Grandfathers wife, on her Mom's side. That woman had a way with kids, loved to sew, made little summery dresses and tops for O to wear, doll clothes, etc for O. She and GrandDaddy died 4 years ago, within 3 weeks of each other. Poor Livy. I wasn't sure how she'd react once we got to Jo Anne's. We spent well over 2 hours there! And no tears. Poor kid.

    Inch and a half of rain yesterday, but no bad storms. That was the first thing out of Jenn's mouth when we got back...tornado in Cobb county!!! Little ears picked up and she was ready to head to the basement...but it was all north of us, so no worries.

    Ok, I think I may be getting hungry...thinking breakfast might be nice.
