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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    We just got back from playing with the cats at the Holcomb Bridge PetCo, where Furrkids is having a $10 adoption special. He had thought of going to the humane society too, but our vet called and confirmed Lilo's UTI, so we need to bring her in for a shot. Otherwise, we'd have been going to look at the cats at the Humane Society too, though Lawrenceville is a bit of a drive.

    I got married in Lawrenceville, though, so I know it's not TOO terribly far.

    I would have been happy to accompany him to Lawrenceville if he really wanted to go but, honestly, there was one cat at the PetCo that REALLY likes him and he liked her too, and I think he's going to put in for her, and honestly I think going to the Humane Society would just have confused the issue for him as he might have found another that he liked that liked him and then would have a harder decision to make.

    If he goes for it, Beth (the cat) is a little over three years old, about the same age as our first cat was when we adopted her, and she LOVES sitting in his lap, just as our first cat did.

    She's a lovely tortoise shell cat and I think she'd be the right one for him, but it's his choice and I want him to be happy so whatever cat works out for him in his head will win with me.

    Lilo is my precious darling still and, though she's fifteen, seems to be still in quite good health (knock on wood) so may be with me for another year or two, maybe even three. She'll be very hard to let go, but I know it will happen some day.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have not walked today, I will be walking later on when I walk to the doctors and then go look at the fruit in two different locations. I figure that will give me my exercise for the day, just later than usual :)
    The temperature this morning was 66 on the news channel and 63 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level still.

    Whoopee, I have been holding the same weight for 5 days now :) This is good as I am within the range I want to be for weight.

    I have started cooking some Hamburger meat to a well done level as a PF for later on, the rest of the Family Pack of it is in the refrigerator freezer section.
    The Laundry is washing and hopefully will be dried and folded before I leave around 9:15 AM.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Sunday Morning!
    Supposed to not rain for a few days!!!! Roger, Yes, we still need rain, lake still below full pool by about 6 ft, is what I read this morning...It may get better, as the rain that happened in the reservoir basin drains down to the lake... But. we do still need rain.
    I had to look up Baxley GA Roger....its about 3.5 hour drive SSE of where I live. Its way south in Vidalia Onion growing area!
    Hi Valerie
    If I am unhappy somewhere I do not go back unless it is minor and for something minor I will give them a second chance. Anything beyond a minor problem I also tell them I will not be back and why. I do not get Violent.
    People are much too ready to resort to violence for little things. As an example in NYC, NY we keep seeing bystanders getting shot when some low life pulls a illegal gun and starts shooting over a argument :( What has happened to the world ?
    I think I'm heading for the shower, then something to eat, and grocery run for 2 or 3 ears corn to grill this evening. Oh, and either raspberries or black berries too.

    Ed, would J be willing to at least look at the cats at the Gwinnett animal shelter? Its 'cat' month and I think adoption fees have been reduced to $30. I know it would be a long ride over there, but..it may save a kitty from being killed. Ben and I went there after his beautiful 'Miss Sage' left us. Long story, bad flea dip at a chainstore pet place...neurotoxin, bad from the get go.
    Just a thought. The cat he adopted was a beautiful short haired black all over with green eyes. It was late fall when we went, the Fulton county Humane shelter only had 3 kittens! I'm sure that all the shelters now have a wealth of meowing fur babies and adult cats as well.

    So, my leftover time today will also be spent outdoors with trimmers, clippers, tip bag, and gloves!!! :) Plants and shrubs should be feeling anxious today :)

    Loved the idea of my BD cake collapsing from the weight of the candles!!!! I should live so long!
    I have been getting a few Raspberries from the back Yard and I am impatiently waiting for the Bumper Crop of Blackberries to ripen.

    If I spend any time in the backyard I have to gear up with long sleeve pants and shirt or I start itching. I am beginning to think it is the English Ivy in the Neighbors yards.

    BTW I like the idea too. I should live so long :)

    Good Luck with the yard work
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    We just got back from playing with the cats at the Holcomb Bridge PetCo, where Furrkids is having a $10 adoption special. He had thought of going to the humane society too, but our vet called and confirmed Lilo's UTI, so we need to bring her in for a shot. Otherwise, we'd have been going to look at the cats at the Humane Society too, though Lawrenceville is a bit of a drive.

    I got married in Lawrenceville, though, so I know it's not TOO terribly far.

    I would have been happy to accompany him to Lawrenceville if he really wanted to go but, honestly, there was one cat at the PetCo that REALLY likes him and he liked her too, and I think he's going to put in for her, and honestly I think going to the Humane Society would just have confused the issue for him as he might have found another that he liked that liked him and then would have a harder decision to make.

    If he goes for it, Beth (the cat) is a little over three years old, about the same age as our first cat was when we adopted her, and she LOVES sitting in his lap, just as our first cat did.

    She's a lovely tortoise shell cat and I think she'd be the right one for him, but it's his choice and I want him to be happy so whatever cat works out for him in his head will win with me.

    Lilo is my precious darling still and, though she's fifteen, seems to be still in quite good health (knock on wood) so may be with me for another year or two, maybe even three. She'll be very hard to let go, but I know it will happen some day.
    Hi Ed
    I know some people that have trouble making decisions if there are many choices.

    It sounds like a nice cat.
    I hope the UTI goes away quickly and does not reoccur.

    Good Luck
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    60 out there now and expecting a high of 86 with 0% chance of rain. That scary yellow thing is back in the sky again, after intermittently peeking out all weekend. We hadn't seen it for over a week but it was apparently just lurking, waiting to pounce!

    Those outdoor plants that are water lovers are looking really splendid this summer, as they've had just what they want. We have some elephant ears that are larger than they've ever been.

    I need to get to the grocery today and maybe get around to some laundry. Maybe. Really, it's maybe on the grocery too...I COULD wait until tomorrow, but today is supposed to be a good day.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Let's go back in time to the 50's and make a dinner just like Mom might have made. Except my mother never made corned beef and cabbage. I think we would have liked it.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2017
    Regrettable recipes from the past...warning - some rather graphic comments. Oh, and these guys don't know what Dr. Pepper is flavored with and don't know what a capon is. They really should learn to research before opening their mouths.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    You know, some of those vintage recipes may make you never want to eat again.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    edited June 2017
    Mmmm! Pickles stuffed with hot dogs. Then, modernized.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    One of the young ladies seems to have been stuck in dance mode permanently. And she could move her feet too!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    We scooped Lilo up and took her to the vet two days in a row. Saturday, for her annual checkup (and evaluation of her apparent and hoped for UTI - hoped for as opposed to other, worse reasons she could have been exhibiting similar symptoms) and Sunday for her antibiotic shot, after confirmation of a UTI. All her other annual checkup stuff and full lab workup and urinalysis looked good.

    So, after she had her breakfast this morning, Lilo decided that under the bed was the best place to nap for a while.

    I rather suspect she's feeling a bit blah from the antibiotic injection, a common reaction, and she's also wary that we might be planning to scoop her up for yet another trip to the vet. I shined a flashlight under there and she just blinked at me warily.

    I made no attempt to get her out, figuring she'd come out when she was ready. She's now finishing off her breakfast in the master bathroom, so I guess my waking her up and NOT grabbing her to go to the vet may have been the signal that we aren't planning to do that today.

    Or, maybe, she'll go back under after she eats more. Who knows?
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Late afternoon/evening.
    Just got home...What a funny day. I don't trust my 15 year old dishwasher, so it only runs while I'm around...thus when I started it last night I was setting myself up for a very late day....and you know that meant I slept quite late this morning. Was just getting ready to hop on the scale, and DIL texted to ask when I was planning to be out there, I answered 1-1:30...answer, could you be here at 12:30? Nate had 2 little boys visiting, and she wanted to do something with/for a friend...so I ate half my lunch, took the other half with me...beat it out to Sugar Hill...had a great day with all the kids. They're loud, but good kids. O's doing well with her sewing. so that's a good thing. Only once did I hear, I don't think I can do that, will you do that part for me Grammie? Answer was no! You can do it. And she did!!! Very proud of her.

    I also stopped at Costco and bought my gas...I still had half a tank, but on the way I noticed several stations were selling for $1.99, so I knew Costco would be cheaper. And it was at $1.96. So it was worth stopping, as I was going right by it.

    I will watch the video's while I eat my dinner...just wanted to stop in while I was listening to the evening news. (Ed, sadly, I can remember some of those foods). YUCK! :) Especially that green jello stuff. I wasn't a picky eater, but green jello, stewed tomatoes, and tapioca would stop me cold!

    Roger, when those blackberries turn, be sure to take some great pix for us. Even with all the rain, mine never did become anything tasty or bigger in size. Off with their Heads!!!! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,207 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 65 out there with an expected high of 85 and no chance of rain.

    Definitely need to get out to the store today or tomorrow.

    Tonight, at 6:00, we are scheduled to meet with someone from Furkids to pick up Beth. We may change her name to something we consider more cat appropriate, such as Kiki or Lucky or the like...but we don't have to make that choice immediately. If she actually responds to the name Beth we may leave it, but that name doesn't include the K or T noises that cats seem to like.

    Of course I do wonder if Kiki, a name I like, would sound too much like Kitty and call all cats in range.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017
    I walked 6956 Steps AKA 3.11 miles according to the FitBit + 1 Cent during today's walk and 1 cent yesterday afternoon found in the Home Depot parking lot :) I have been listening to the first Miss Marple by Agatha Christie Audiobook.
    The temperature this morning was 62 on the news channel and 63 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level once more.

    Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Case with Religious Freedom Implications,
    The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Monday in favor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, a case with national religious freedom implications that involved a denied grant application for playground resurfacing.

    The case began in 2012 when Trinity Lutheran Church applied for a Missouri Department of Natural Resources state grant meant to help public and private schools, nonprofit daycare centers, and other nonprofit entities buy rubber playground surfaces made from recycled tires.

    The grant application was denied because the Department had a provision in place that "no money shall ever be taken from the treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect, or denomination of religion." The Supreme Court ruled today that this state policy violates the rights of Trinity Lutheran under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

    Chief Justice Roberts explains in his opinion that “the Free Exercise Clause ‘protects' religious observers against unequal treatment’ and subjects to the strictest scrutiny laws that target the religious for ‘special disabilities” based on their ‘religious status.’”

    “Applying that basic principle,” he writes, “this Court has repeatedly confirmed that denying a generally available benefit solely on account of religious identity imposes a penalty on the free exercise of religion that can be justified only by a state interest ‘of the highest order.’”

    Roberts acknowledges that the consequence of the state’s decision is “in all likelihood, a few extra scraped knees,” but concludes “the exclusion of Trinity Lutheran from a public benefit for which it is otherwise qualified, solely because it is a church, is odious to our Constitution all the same, and cannot stand.”

    On Minimum Wage, Basic Economics Again Rudely Intrudes on Liberal Dreams Jun 26, 2017 2:25 PM
    Seattle's $15-an-hour minimum wage law has cost the city jobs, according to a study released Monday that contradicted another new study published last week. A University of Washington team studying the law's effects found that the law has boosted pay in low-wage jobs since it took effect in 2015, but that it also caused a 9 percent reduction in hours worked, The Seattle Times reported. For an average low-wage Seattle worker, that's a loss of about $125 per month, the study said. "If you're a low-skilled worker with one of those jobs, $125 a month is a sizable amount of money," said Mark Long, one of the authors. "It can be the difference between being able to pay your rent and not being able to pay your rent." There would be about 5,000 more low-wage jobs in the city without the law, the study estimated...in the years covered by the study, 2015 and 2016, the minimum wage was at most $13, depending on business size, worker benefits and tips.

    In other words, even before the full $15-per-hour mandate was phased in, thousands of jobs were killed, and low-wage workers' hours were significantly reduced -- taking money out of their pockets. Behold, the (ahem) wages of "fairness." A rival study conducted by a progressive, pro-union organization was commissioned by the Seattle Mayor's office (after preliminary data from UW's respected, nonpartisan team of economists appeared politically unhelpful to the city's policy), predictably declaring the move a big success. Unsurprisingly, it is being criticized as bought-and-paid-for propaganda. Its liberal authors are counter-attacking by alleging that the more credible study by mainstream economists is methodologically flawed, drawing this strong rebuke: "When we perform the exact same analysis as the Berkeley team, we match their results, which is inconsistent with the notion that our methods create bias," one UW professor noted. It turns out that when you raise the cost of creating new jobs and sustaining existing ones, fewer jobs are created, and employers find ways to stay in business. Hardest hit are low-skilled, would-be workers looking to get a foot in the door -- as well as low-income workers whose hours were slashed after the government artificially mandated a spike in their hourly pay. Based on the data, the harm outweighed the benefits:
    NBER: $13 minimum wage in Seattle LOWERED average low-wage employee pay 6.6 percent. https://t.co/LLv9xmQuM2 pic.twitter.com/uMOtnF9ui4
    — Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) June 26, 2017

    Seattle's minimum-wage hike seems to have reduced low-wage workers' earnings by $1500 a year: https://t.co/zB3elfXWdJ
    — Annie Lowrey (@AnnieLowrey) June 26, 2017

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    60 out there now and expecting a high of 86 with 0% chance of rain. That scary yellow thing is back in the sky again, after intermittently peeking out all weekend. We hadn't seen it for over a week but it was apparently just lurking, waiting to pounce!

    Those outdoor plants that are water lovers are looking really splendid this summer, as they've had just what they want. We have some elephant ears that are larger than they've ever been.

    I need to get to the grocery today and maybe get around to some laundry. Maybe. Really, it's maybe on the grocery too...I COULD wait until tomorrow, but today is supposed to be a good day.
    Hi Ed
    We have had that same Scary Yellow thing in our sky too :)
    I suspect that the larger than normal leaves could lead to higher water needs if You hit a dry spell OTOH
    We scooped Lilo up and took her to the vet two days in a row. Saturday, for her annual checkup (and evaluation of her apparent and hoped for UTI - hoped for as opposed to other, worse reasons she could have been exhibiting similar symptoms) and Sunday for her antibiotic shot, after confirmation of a UTI. All her other annual checkup stuff and full lab workup and urinalysis looked good.

    So, after she had her breakfast this morning, Lilo decided that under the bed was the best place to nap for a while.

    I rather suspect she's feeling a bit blah from the antibiotic injection, a common reaction, and she's also wary that we might be planning to scoop her up for yet another trip to the vet. I shined a flashlight under there and she just blinked at me warily.

    I made no attempt to get her out, figuring she'd come out when she was ready. She's now finishing off her breakfast in the master bathroom, so I guess my waking her up and NOT grabbing her to go to the vet may have been the signal that we aren't planning to do that today.

    Or, maybe, she'll go back under after she eats more. Who knows?
    Whee, Only a UTI, That sounds strange when I see it, OTOH a much easier cure than other things.
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 65 out there with an expected high of 85 and no chance of rain.

    Definitely need to get out to the store today or tomorrow.

    Tonight, at 6:00, we are scheduled to meet with someone from Furkids to pick up Beth. We may change her name to something we consider more cat appropriate, such as Kiki or Lucky or the like...but we don't have to make that choice immediately. If she actually responds to the name Beth we may leave it, but that name doesn't include the K or T noises that cats seem to like.

    Of course I do wonder if Kiki, a name I like, would sound too much like Kitty and call all cats in range.
    I just learned something... Cats liking the K or T noises is something I did not know.

    We did have a decent rain around 4:20 AM. How considerate of it to fall when we were sleeping and steal away by Sunrise :)
