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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Quick Good Morning!
    Tom E. has eaten and departed for the day, I'm working on my coffee, and then have a couple things to finish before Ted arrives at 10:30.
    Mosquito spray is about ready to go spray too.

    Beard bumps....Tom E. wants to bury his head in the crook of my neck/shoulder...cats are weird. :) I also noticed you had a lap blanket...to keep cat hair off your clothes, or to keep kitty claws out of your legs? Tom E. associates a folded bath towel as 'rocking time'...gets all wound up and hops up into the rocking chair....hard to sit in the chair when there's already a cat in it!!!! LOL!

    Roger...those pictures. OUCH...the boat, I don't know why it happened, but bet somebody's in a heap of trouble! Car in the concrete...now that's a problem, as are the other two cars. As for the stair way...that is a health hazard!!! You could break your fool neck trying to go down stairs...and be stone cold sober to boot!

    Ok,, little black box says Roger posted... and then I gotta go....

    Hi Valerie
    I agree, I would not want to use that stair.

    The oops pictures make You wonder.
    Glad you reminded me...that little ole lady needs to grab a big black trash bag, and shuffle down the street.... and one day I am going to get SHOT. Not from cleaning up the street, but yesterday it was all I could do to hold my tongue...walking out of Publix, carrying 2 bags of groceries, a car pulls into a parking spot, door opens, and a McDonalds coffee cup falls out onto the parking lot, and this dude gets out, looks at it on the ground, closes his door, and walks away....as that old gray haired woman GLARED at him. I had a few choice words, but decided I wanted to live a few more days at least. People are just somehow so damn lazy, slovenly, (add a dozen words of your own) grrrrrr!!

    Roger other than corn, what other food did you say makes you feel hot? I find that really interesting. Corn as a complex carb breaks down slowly, as do potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, etc. That's why they like fiber have a great satiety value. I can eat a nuked faux baked potato and be full for 4-5 hours, etc. I'm just curious. I find things like this interesting. (bet you'd have never guessed. :) )

    Ok, time is not waiting for me this morning...

    I find that all carb overloads have that effect :) Simple ones like the frosting on cakes or donuts are the quickest and the complex just take longer.

    I watched a car door open in a McDonalds parking lot one day a hand reached out and dumped all their litter on the ground. The worst part was that 2 foot away was a McDonalds trash can. People are that lazy :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger, gelatin itself is animal based. Even iff they could/can synthesize it in a laboratory, there really isn't a need as there are several plant based alternatives, though at the grocery stores it does seem there is ALWAYS room for Jello (sound familiar?) but finding the plant based alternatives is still sometimes a bit tricky, though it is getting easier over time.

    Gelatin is even an ingredient in regular marshmallows, and finding vegetarian marshmallows can be fun too. In my opinion they taste exactly the same but I guess it's more expensive to make the vegetarian ones since the equipment isn't normally set up for that at the big manufacturers.
    Hi Ed
    I knew that in the beginning the Gelatin was animal based, I had just assumed that they had found cheaper alternatives :)
    Here's what the Jel dessert looked like, in an individual serving ramekin, after sitting in the refrigerator overnight.

    It made 4 servings according to the box, so I divided it up into 4 servings when I mixed it up.

    Not nearly as red as the picture on the box, which was just fine by me as I would just as soon they not add all that food coloring anyway.

    Looked like Jello. Tasted like Jello. 19 grams of carb per serving, all sugar.

    Unlike Jello, no protein at all, and so, I guess, not much nutritional value, if any.

    It does not sound as if they were too worried about nutritional values TBH
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday!

    70 out there now with an expected high of 87 and 20% chance of rain.

    Up early because my van has an appointment at a dealer to check on erratic dinging, and flickering lights. Hopefully just a loose belt or the like, but of course we'll see, assuming I can even get the van to the dealer...
    I hope it is not something expensive. Flickering lights and erratic dinging does not sound like a loose belt. A loose belt is a easy to check item IME. The flickering sounds like a intermittent open or short circuit. It could be as simple as a loose easy to fix connection.

    Good Luck
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,195 Member
    Well, I'll be bringing the car back Wednesday. The guy said he thought that the fact it was a little low on oil was the problem but after their oil change, it still did it on the way home, once.

    But the AC fan needs replacement so I'll be bringing it back in Wednesday anyway, and if it's still doing that then, I'll just explain it again...

    AC fan replacement is NOT CHEAP.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Well, I'll be bringing the car back Wednesday. The guy said he thought that the fact it was a little low on oil was the problem but after their oil change, it still did it on the way home, once.

    But the AC fan needs replacement so I'll be bringing it back in Wednesday anyway, and if it's still doing that then, I'll just explain it again...

    AC fan replacement is NOT CHEAP.
    Hi Ed
    Sadly I would not expect replacing the AC fan to be inexpensive. I am assuming that You mean the one that blows the air around inside the Car and not the one under the hood that blows cooling air over the Condenser as I would expect that one to a part of the Engine cooling system.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good Morning!
    Boy, did I have rain yesterday! Ted mowed the lawn, I sprayed my DIY Mosquito spray, and trimmed and edged...We chatted, he changed the batteries on my 'weather station', and got it sync'd with the outdoor part...he left early afternoon...and about 3 hours later it started..and when I looked this morning I was really surprised...2.25 inches of rain yesterday and perhaps some overnight? Wowza!

    Laundry and some cooking...def. making lentils and a supply of rice, and some salad dressing, (time for some T Crack again)...and maybe a Paprika sauce if I still feel like making more 'refrigerator staples'

    Ed, hope your van issues are something very small and cheap!

    Note to self: I need to go to Honda and actually have my oil changed...its finally below 50%. oil life.

    Hope Roger's having a nice walk.... will come back later to catch up!
    Hi Valerie I had missed this one earlier...

    I did have a nice walk too.

    In answer to a earlier post here are images of the Blackberry plant.

    This shows the Way the Blackberry plant is producing fruit. See my notes below regarding the second image.

    This image shows the damage caused by one of those Vermin Squirrels sitting on the fence eating the not yet ripe blackberries. Will I get any by the time it is done? It has decimated my Raspberries by eating them off the plant before they are ripe too. I am so disgusted, I am not raising plants for Vermin food :(

    I know it is a squirrel as my brother pointed it out to me yesterday sitting on the Patio eating the Not yet ripe Raspberries, When I chased it away from doing that it ran up the fence and was sitting there eating the not yet ripe Blackberries :(

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    oh my....not good news from either of you!
    Ed, sorry about the A/C fan, and the maybe not yet fixed flickering lights business...
    And Roger....sad about the berries....little tree rats. As I recall your area has a big population of the tree rats? I mean, unless it is against your local or state policies, you could trap the little dudes...transport them about 5 mines from your home...but I'm guessing it would be a never ending job..OR..you could always get a dog!!! ;)

    Netting? chicken wire? Past that....get a dog!!!

    Eating my lunch salad, lentils cooked, rice cooked, laundry in the dryer, I even picked up my dumbbells for about 5 minutes. yeah, 5 minutes...better go do those sets again several times.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,195 Member
    Squirrel tastes like chicken...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ed Posted...'Squirrel tastes like chicken"
    Yep, it DO!!! In MO on the farm, squirrel was sometimes dinner! Mom fixed a good squirrel dish. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,195 Member
    Howdy and good night again. Headache so back to bed, now that Lilo and I have been fed....
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking for an hour, The temperature this morning was 74 on the news channel and 75 degrees on the front porch. The Humidity is reported as being in the uncomfortable range, I agree BTW. By the time I got back home the temperature was 80 in the shade.

    These Coloradans say Earth is flat. And gravity’s a hoax. Now, they’re being persecuted.
    The Flat Earth movement is growing in Colorado, thanks to technology and skepticism about science
    Every Tuesday at 6 p.m., three dozen Coloradans from every corner of the state assemble in the windowless back room of a small Fort Collins coffee shop. They have met 16 times since March, most nights talking through the ins and outs of their shared faith until the owners kick them out at closing.
    They have no leaders, no formal hierarchy and no enforced ideology, save a common quest for answers to questions about the stars. Their membership has slowly swelled in the past three years, though persecution and widespread public derision keep them mostly underground. Many use pseudonyms, or only give first names.
    “They just do not want to talk about it for fear of reprisals or ridicule from co-workers,” says John Vnuk, the group’s founder who lives in Fort Collins.
    He is at the epicenter of a budding movement, one that’s coming for your books, movies, God and mind. They’re thousands strong — perhaps one in every 500 — and have proponents at the highest levels of science, sports, journalism and arts.
    They call themselves Flat Earthers. Because they believe Earth — the blue, majestic, spinning orb of life — is as flat as a table.

    71 lost 'fireworks dogs' at San Diego shelters
    Dozens of scared or disoriented dogs left their homes during or soon after Tuesday’s Fourth of July fireworks and they are still waiting for owners to retrieve them from San Diego County animal shelters.
    County officials say animals unclaimed within the three-day holding period may be put up for adoption so owners of missing pets should check the lost and found website or visit shelters in person as soon as possible.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    oh my....not good news from either of you!
    Ed, sorry about the A/C fan, and the maybe not yet fixed flickering lights business...
    And Roger....sad about the berries....little tree rats. As I recall your area has a big population of the tree rats? I mean, unless it is against your local or state policies, you could trap the little dudes...transport them about 5 mines from your home...but I'm guessing it would be a never ending job..OR..you could always get a dog!!! ;)

    Netting? chicken wire? Past that....get a dog!!!

    Eating my lunch salad, lentils cooked, rice cooked, laundry in the dryer, I even picked up my dumbbells for about 5 minutes. yeah, 5 minutes...better go do those sets again several times.

    Hi Valerie
    We do indeed have a huge amount of them, I usually see 4 or more when I am out walking and that is per block of road :(
    My bearer of bad news also told me yesterday that he has seen a rabbit eating the low hanging berries. So we have now seen a squirrel and rabbit doing that :(

    I am not sure it is even legal to transport them like that in NJ, We have weird laws. From Here:

    Parsippany man accused of killing squirrel
    PARSIPPANY – A township homeowner who says he’s struggled for years with a squirrel invasion is due in court after he allegedly killed one of the animals with a trap about a week ago, police said.

    Mark Paul Slaughter, 52, has been charged with needlessly killing an animal and not providing food, water or protection to an animal, police said.

    Parsippany Animal Control Officer Chris Dikovics charged the man last Tuesday after authorities received a report that Slaughter had been trapping squirrels at his Lake Hiawatha home, Parsippany Police Officer Earl Kinsey said.

    Slaughter said yesterday he had been trying to keep squirrels off his property for 17 years, catching them with the trap and then releasing them a few miles away in a wooded area.

    During that time, he said, the animals broke into his home and were responsible for foul odors, and they destroyed the wooden edges on his roof. Slaughter estimated that he caught and released at least 50 squirrels

    In NJ even rats
    Man Faces Charges After Killing a Rat
    Published: August 4, 1994

    HILLSIDE, N.J., Aug. 3— A man who trapped a rat in his garden, then hit it with a broom handle to keep it from escaping has been charged with needlessly killing it.

    The man, Frank Balun, 69, said he used a squirrel trap last week to capture the rat because it was eating his tomato plants. Then he called the American Humane Society to take it away.

    But while waiting for the rat to be removed, Mr. Balun said, he saw it trying to escape, so he hit it with a broom handle. When the humane society agent arrived, the rat was dead.

    Mr. Balun was issued two summonses on Tuesday by the American Humane Society and ordered to appear in Hillside Municipal Court on Aug. 24.

    They have gone crazy in this state.
    Ed Posted...'Squirrel tastes like chicken"
    Yep, it DO!!! In MO on the farm, squirrel was sometimes dinner! Mom fixed a good squirrel dish. :)
    I would not know as I have never had squirrel.

    Other sort of news. Today is bake a Sweet Potato Bread(s) day by my brother. I drop my car off tomorrow for it's annual oil change and every two years State inspection. I must have put several hundred miles on the car since the last oil change :)
    The Bread goes with the car, They take care of us so we take care of them :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy and good night again. Headache so back to bed, now that Lilo and I have been fed....
    Hi Ed
    I'm sorry to hear that, I hope today goes better for You

    Good Luck
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,195 Member
    Howdy again y'all. Headache is still lurking but kicked back some by some of the usual OTC chemicals. 79 out there now with an expected high of 88 and 30% chance of rain, along with a warning to prepare for strong storms.

    Might yet go back to bed again, but we'll see...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,195 Member
    edited July 2017
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi! Finally here.
    I guess Roger that GA is not that far behind you...I don't know if we can kill rats or not, probably not squirrels, and I know for sure snakes, only if they are poisonous. Yet we are not allowed to keep backyard chickens in my county...
    They do make hoses nozzles that are motion activated..maybe if you nearly drowned the little devils?

    Ed, hope that headache has subsided. Loved the cat pix...some of them are going to be emailed to Ted on Caterday!
    And speaking of Saturday...I was in Decatur today to see my Chiro...and then proceeded to drive on to Whole Foods for a head of Frisee Lettuce, and some of the Fried Tofu...and realized there was a Tesla behind me...and I next saw her parking near me in the shopping center...when she got out of her white Tesla, I remarked that I loved her car...and the conversation began...long story short we're getting together Saturday after my hair appointment so I can ride in her Tesla!!! I am super excited! AND as I was leaving WF without any Frisse or fried tofu, (boy was that a let down...they had neither) I was passed by a black Tesla that 'escorted me' to the interstate!! LOL!! It was Tesla day!!!!

    Lunch was so late the I am just now eating my dinner. And I am so tired of sitting....my niece is in Europe and posted 60+ pix this evening..and a friend from another NS group and I have kept in touch over the years, and she and her hubs are doing a motorcycle tour thru the SW..so then there were those pix and video's....oh, and I rocked the furry baby for over an hour...needless to say my step count today is deplorable!
    Lucky tomorrow is shopping day, so I will be making up a few steps.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,195 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 69 out there now, with an expected high of 88 and 80% chance of storms.

    Lilo and I have been fed and the sink is cleared. Leaving soon for the auto dealer to have the AC fan replaced.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    Slightly? late 4th of July Humor



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking for an hour, The temperature this morning was 77 on the news channel and 75 degrees on the front porch. By the time I got back home from dropping off the car for its every two year inspection the temperture was 84 in the shade.

    I'm back home after dropping off the car, the walk back was only semi comfortable due to temperature and a high humidity.

    A story about the NYC subway system from Los Angeles, California.
    “Die Kitties Die!” screamed the headline in the New York Daily News when, in 2013, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority chief Joe Lhota criticized a decision to pause trains in a Brooklyn subway station to rescue a pair of kittens lost on the tracks.

    These days, New York so badly needs to get the trains to run on time that Lhota, whose unfortunate anti-cat comments caused a minor scandal, has been brought back as chairman of the transit agency.

    Extreme measures are in order to fix the 112-year-old subway system, and nothing — not budget cuts, political infighting, or cats — can stand in the way.

    Delays have doubled over the last five years, and accidents are on the rise. A subway derailed last week, crashing into a wall and igniting a trash fire after hitting equipment left on a track near 125th Street in Harlem. Nobody was seriously injured, but hundreds of terrified passengers had to evacuate through a smoky underground passage lighted only by their cellphones.

    On the heels of the derailment, Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week signed an executive order declaring a “state of emergency” on the subways, making official what many New Yorkers in their gut already know. The governor also allocated an additional $1 billion for improvements.

    Few think it will make much impact for the largest subway system in the United States, with 665 miles of track and 472 stations.
    To be sure, the system isn’t as bad as it was in the 1980s, when cars were covered with graffiti and riders had to look over their shoulders for fear of being mugged.

    Today the subways are in some ways victims of their own success. The city’s economy is booming and so is public transit ridership. Nearly 6 million people a day use the subway, up from 4 million in the 1990s, and they are packed into a system that has barely grown at all.
    “The system opened in 1904. It was designed in the 19th century. For the most part, it is still running on concepts that were developed by folks in the late 1800s, and that’s problematic in this, the 21st century,’’ Lhota said at the conference.

    Have a Great Wednesday