Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Had a great lunch, went grocery shopping before lunch, at home I prepped veggies, washed and thoroughly dried greens, and then went out for lunch! Actually that was nice. I was hungry, but could just eat, and didn't have to dirty the kitchen, or spend time chopping, etc. May do that again on Wednesdays!

    I got the same kind of 'savings' after spending $67 from Kroger, Ed. Do they really think we're that dumb? LOL!

    Roger, my Mom used to fix 'your kind of salmon patties'...I liked them...and yes, fried chicken CAN be really awful...I've done it, long ago. I made 'decent' fried chicken, and one night my husband remarked that the chicken was ok, but not as good as what his Mother makes. (in fairness, she did make some awesome chicken, and I watched and tried to duplicate her chicken), anyhow, after the comment about my fried chicken I never fried another chicken again! yep, really.

    Tonite's dinner was a big beefsteak sliced tomato, tucked into pita bread, with vegan mayo, a bit of salt and some pepper. I've been waiting all summer ..... and I had some corn on the cob as well. It was all good!!

    Need to run the dishwasher, and fold the clothes I washed and dried while shopping, lunching, etc. and I will have had a good day!

    Oh, my foot. The swelling and discomfort behind my ankle on the inside of my foot is from the cartilage, which is inflamed. He seemed to think it will get better, to continue to wear the brace, and to exercise my foot by walking...4-5,000 steps a day. (He's 'into' Fitbit..) So, one leg exercise for the good leg, and walking for the right leg...I think I'll take the left leg along when I go walking. Seems to me it will work better that way. LOL! So, that's that for the podiatrist for now. Unfortunately you can't inject steroids into the inside of the ankle... :( So, just need to 'deal with it' til it heals.

    Ok, see you in the morning!
    Hi Valerie
    I wonder if those so called savings are what they figure is the difference between their regular prices and MSRP ?

    Just curious, What is the reason You can not inject there?

    Good Luck with Foot
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'll field the pricing question as I worked at Kroger for several years, and J's mother still works at Kroger. Kroger has this "membership" sort of card that gets you a lower price on a lot of items, but since ANYONE can get a card and don't even have to register it, it's really a false savings. the receipt will show you what your total "savings" was, but since most of that was just from using the card to get the lower price, it's not real.

    To be fair, the sale price without the card is marked higher on those items. And if you use the u-scan and don't scan any card, then you pay that higher price, but only people who, for whatever reason, choose to pay the higher prices do so. At most registers with a cashier, the cashier will, if asked, scan a "courtesy" card for you and you can still get the lower price.

    If you DO register the Kroger card, with your real name and address, then they'll also send you coupons in the mail for money off things that you normally buy, which is a real savings, and for things they think you might want to buy, to get you to buy more stuff, but I generally only buy the stuff I was going to buy anyway. You can also, with a registered Kroger card, get e-coupons online for instant, automatic money off on items, without having to scan a physical coupon at the register, assuming you've scanned your Kroger card at the register. And every Friday you can download the coupon for the "Friday Freebie" free item. You have to download the coupon on Friday, but it's good for use any time in the next two or three weeks.

    The same goes for the Kroger fuel center. Scan a Kroger card and you get at least three cents off per gallon, always. If you have amassed enough fuel points (by buying groceries, scanning each time) you get more off, in ten cent increments, up to $1.00 off per gallon. These larger amounts are a one time deal and are only good until the end of the month AFTER you have amassed a given month's points. You get one point for every dollar spent on groceries, and ten cents off per gallon for every 100 points you have amassed, but no rounding and that first 100 really only gets you seven extra cents off as you would have the three cents off regardless. Points between one 100 point balance and the next 100 point balance are useless unless and until you reach that next 100 point number. So you get ten cents at 100 points, twenty cents at 200 points, etc, but you won't get eleven, twelve, etc. Only ten, twenty, thirty...

    The rules are more complex than they need to be as, at the pump, you are offered the LARGER of the current month or the prior month's total of available cents off, and if you don't use the prior month's points first, by specifying EXACTLY that amount off, then it will use the current month's points, if larger, and the prior month's points may then expire before you use them. The months don't combine and it won't automatically use the prior month's points first, unless the prior month's points are the greater number or the month's have the same amount off available. Way too complicated for most customers.

    Also, at the fuel centers there is a rule (sometimes broken) that the cashier may not scan a courtesy card for you. If you don't have a Kroger card and can't be bothered to get one, then you pay the higher price and don't get 3 cents off per gallon. Kroger sometimes may make little or no profit on fuel, as the selling price is not based on the price Kroger paid for the fuel.

    The fuel centers align the regular price with competing area stations, to equal or beat those prices, so it's generally worth getting the Kroger card so you can at least get that three cents off per gallon.

    If you are worried about Kroger tracking what you buy, then just don't register your Kroger card. You can still get the lower prices on some items in the store and the three cents off on gas, as well as building up points for more off on the gas, but you miss out on the Friday freebies, the coupons in the mail, and the e-coupons then.

    Usually in the summer, they have a "double fuel points" on weekends deal if you scan a special coupon (or load a certain e-coupon) when buying groceries. You can also, often, get four times the fuel points for buying gift cards during a given period, and by filling out an online survey, from randomly printed grocery receipts, you can get an extra fifty fuel points up to once every seven days. Customers get horribly confused by the double points deal too and try to use that coupon at the fuel center, thinking they'll get to use twice the points they have accumulated, or that they get points for buying gas, neither of which is true. You get points for buying groceries (excluding tobacco, alcohol, and taxes) and you use points when buying gas, if you have enough to use.

    Needless to say, I have and use a registered Kroger card to maximize the savings, both real and false, and usually buy my fuel at Kroger.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Breakfast this morning was, indeed, that link of bratwurst with some toast.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Slept late, it was nice to not have to get up early. :) Still trying to get thru my cup of coffee, so in truth can't say I'm really 'awake' just yet!

    Things I'd like to do, and things that need to be done are going to be two different lists today!
    First thing is Breakfast! Woke hungry, need to cobble something together to eat. (it may only be a banana and some granola) though I'd rather have a green veg and some rice or beans or something along those lines, just don't want to be in the kitchen all that long.

    I'm sure Tom E. by now thinks I've left the building!!! Time to feed the cat........

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited August 2017
    Kiara enjoying what we call the mommy bed, and then discovering Lilo's box in the kitchen and having a great time in it!





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking + 10 Cents, The temperature this morning was 73 on the news channel and 73 degrees on the front porch.
    It was semi pleasant walking this morning with humidity in the uncomfortable range.
    We had a thunderstorm roll through yesterday afternoon and another one this morning Before I went for my coffee.

    I'm not sure how I feel about this one, it depends on how they are doing it.
    School District Launches High-Tech Way To Track Students
    August 1, 2017 6:42 PM By Yona Gavino

    For someone pushing a green agenda this seems wrong IMO
    EXCLUSIVE: Al Gore’s Home Devours 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household
    Drew Johnson Senior Fellow, National Center for Public Policy Research
    10:39 AM 08/02/201
    On Friday, Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – arrives in movie theaters across the country. But there’s another inconvenient sequel worth noting and, like most sequels, this one is even worse than the original.

    Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and “do as I say not as I do” lifestyle has plunged to embarrassing new depths.

    In just this past year, Gore burned through enough energy to power the typical American household for more than 21 years, according to a new report by the National Center for Public Policy Research. The former vice president consumed 230,889 kilowatt hours (kWh) at his Nashville residence, which includes his home, pool and driveway entry gate electricity meters. A typical family uses an average of 10,812 kWh of electricity per year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

    You can visit the links for details.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'll field the pricing question as I worked at Kroger for several years, and J's mother still works at Kroger. Kroger has this "membership" sort of card that gets you a lower price on a lot of items, but since ANYONE can get a card and don't even have to register it, it's really a false savings. the receipt will show you what your total "savings" was, but since most of that was just from using the card to get the lower price, it's not real.

    To be fair, the sale price without the card is marked higher on those items. And if you use the u-scan and don't scan any card, then you pay that higher price, but only people who, for whatever reason, choose to pay the higher prices do so. At most registers with a cashier, the cashier will, if asked, scan a "courtesy" card for you and you can still get the lower price.

    If you DO register the Kroger card, with your real name and address, then they'll also send you coupons in the mail for money off things that you normally buy, which is a real savings, and for things they think you might want to buy, to get you to buy more stuff, but I generally only buy the stuff I was going to buy anyway. You can also, with a registered Kroger card, get e-coupons online for instant, automatic money off on items, without having to scan a physical coupon at the register, assuming you've scanned your Kroger card at the register. And every Friday you can download the coupon for the "Friday Freebie" free item. You have to download the coupon on Friday, but it's good for use any time in the next two or three weeks.
    Hi Ed
    That makes sense since that is the same way that the ShopRite does it. Coupons in the mail. e-coupons and Lower prices on sale items than the sale price :)

    They do not seem to have a courtesy card at the register however since the tag ID is also what holds the dollar amounts to earn free meat before certain holidays.
    The same goes for the Kroger fuel center. Scan a Kroger card and you get at least three cents off per gallon, always. If you have amassed enough fuel points (by buying groceries, scanning each time) you get more off, in ten cent increments, up to $1.00 off per gallon. These larger amounts are a one time deal and are only good until the end of the month AFTER you have amassed a given month's points. You get one point for every dollar spent on groceries, and ten cents off per gallon for every 100 points you have amassed, but no rounding and that first 100 really only gets you seven extra cents off as you would have the three cents off regardless. Points between one 100 point balance and the next 100 point balance are useless unless and until you reach that next 100 point number. So you get ten cents at 100 points, twenty cents at 200 points, etc, but you won't get eleven, twelve, etc. Only ten, twenty, thirty...

    The rules are more complex than they need to be as, at the pump, you are offered the LARGER of the current month or the prior month's total of available cents off, and if you don't use the prior month's points first, by specifying EXACTLY that amount off, then it will use the current month's points, if larger, and the prior month's points may then expire before you use them. The months don't combine and it won't automatically use the prior month's points first, unless the prior month's points are the greater number or the month's have the same amount off available. Way too complicated for most customers.

    Also, at the fuel centers there is a rule (sometimes broken) that the cashier may not scan a courtesy card for you. If you don't have a Kroger card and can't be bothered to get one, then you pay the higher price and don't get 3 cents off per gallon. Kroger sometimes may make little or no profit on fuel, as the selling price is not based on the price Kroger paid for the fuel.

    The fuel centers align the regular price with competing area stations, to equal or beat those prices, so it's generally worth getting the Kroger card so you can at least get that three cents off per gallon.

    If you are worried about Kroger tracking what you buy, then just don't register your Kroger card. You can still get the lower prices on some items in the store and the three cents off on gas, as well as building up points for more off on the gas, but you miss out on the Friday freebies, the coupons in the mail, and the e-coupons then.

    Usually in the summer, they have a "double fuel points" on weekends deal if you scan a special coupon (or load a certain e-coupon) when buying groceries. You can also, often, get four times the fuel points for buying gift cards during a given period, and by filling out an online survey, from randomly printed grocery receipts, you can get an extra fifty fuel points up to once every seven days. Customers get horribly confused by the double points deal too and try to use that coupon at the fuel center, thinking they'll get to use twice the points they have accumulated, or that they get points for buying gas, neither of which is true. You get points for buying groceries (excluding tobacco, alcohol, and taxes) and you use points when buying gas, if you have enough to use.

    Needless to say, I have and use a registered Kroger card to maximize the savings, both real and false, and usually buy my fuel at Kroger.
    If I were frugal I would get my fuel at CostCo, However for the amount of driving I do it is not worth the extra miles to get to a location that has fuel.

    Cat in the Box :)
    Nice looking cat

    Thank You for the clear concise explanation and the Links

    P.S. I have reused the Cheezeburger ones elsewhere here on MFP.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Slept late, it was nice to not have to get up early. :) Still trying to get thru my cup of coffee, so in truth can't say I'm really 'awake' just yet!

    Things I'd like to do, and things that need to be done are going to be two different lists today!
    First thing is Breakfast! Woke hungry, need to cobble something together to eat. (it may only be a banana and some granola) though I'd rather have a green veg and some rice or beans or something along those lines, just don't want to be in the kitchen all that long.

    I'm sure Tom E. by now thinks I've left the building!!! Time to feed the cat........

    Hi Valerie
    I am not feeling hungry this morning.... Oh well, I have had my coffee at least.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    edited August 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's fantastic Friday! 70 out there now with an expected high of about 87 and 30% chance of rain.

    So when WILL we be going to Celsius as our official temperatures anyway? Maybe I should start posting both, to get used to the idea, but somehow I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. But other things that I thought wouldn't happen in my lifetime have happened, so one never knows...

    Got some sweeping done but need to give the bathrooms a cleaning. I hate doing the bathrooms.

    I got back into ordering from Schwan's as they seem to have (not sure when) got home delivery re-instated in this area. When I first moved down home delivery wasn't happening around here, and if I wanted anything from them it had to be shipped, and the shipping for my small orders was too much. I never wanted enough to make an order that was big enough for free shipping. I think it had to be over $75 dollars and even then only sometimes free, during specials.

    I had home delivery while in Memphis and liked a lot of the frozen stuff, especially in the LIVESMART category, and would also sometimes get ice cream or pizza. They deliver every two weeks here, and I got my first home delivery two weeks ago, with some jalapeño cheese snacks that J liked when Kroger briefly had a similar item, and some ice cream for summer indulgence.

    Today's order has some more of the Zesty Jalapeño Bites and some Mozzarella sticks for J, and some Breaded Blue Hake and Tortilla-Encrusted Alaskan Sole for me, both from the LIVESMART category. I used to LOVE the Hake from Schwan's, though it was Hake tenderloins that I used to get. We'll see if these breaded portions are as good. I could live without the breading on either fish but figure that little bit of breading on it won't make too much of a difference if I go easy on the sides.

    I usually grill or broil my fish, unbreaded, with light seasoning and maybe a little lemon or a light sauce but do enjoy breaded fish once in a while. I LOVE pecan or walnut encrusted fish, and have made that a time or too myself.

    If you're interested in the Schwan's items (they USED to make some of the frozen NS items and deliver the frozen NS stuff, but I think NS changed vendors), look at WWW.SCHWANS.COM.

    Well, cats have been recharged ... er I mean fed, and I've eaten. Later, gators!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    The high tech way of tracking students sounds like a good idea, but what if a student starts to get on the bus, thus "swiping" and then runs back to get something they forgot? Will the bus "know" that the student didn't actually finish getting on the bus or will the bus then "think" that the child is getting OFF the bus when the child returns to get on the bus for real? I'm sure they could find ways of ensuring that this doesn't happen, but if not carefully done, there could be some seriously mis-tracked students!

    The headline made me remember back to when the government employees were concerned about "Big Brother" possibly watching where they went with their government issued blackberry or cell phones, all of which, of course, could have been trackable by the built in GPS.

    I never worried about it. I figured if some bored GS7 tech wanted to see where I was going to dinner, let him. I guess some were worried that they'd be monitoring where they went and might catch them going into an "adult" entertainment venue or the like. Again, if it's on your own time, who really gives a KITTEN? It wold be highly unlikely that such technology would be used to track everyone all the time and unless they had some compelling reason to track a given individual's movements, it wasn't likely to happen anyway. And any such individual who needed to be tracked would likely either WANT to be tracked (for safety reasons) or smart enough to leave the device when going somewhere shady...might conceivably catch a few dumb criminals though, or shady individuals, at least at first.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...TGIF!
    This is going to be a work day, as yesterday deteriorated into couch potato nothingness!

    I'd like to make a WF run...Jonesing for some Chicken Fried Tofu.. but the problem is, if I drive over there and they don't have it, then I'm grumpy the rest of the day...OR, I could just drive intown and go to the MidTown store...where they will have what I want, but its a rather long trip for a couple bucks worth of tofu...(my trips intown tend to run about 44 miles round trip)

    Roger asked why they can't inject the inner ankle...since its the cartilage and spreads from ankle to about a quarter way up my lower leg...there really isn't any place to inject, unlike a joint where there is a bursa sac.... I'm sure I am getting some relief from the injection as the steroids don't exactly stay in the bursa, but tend to drift thru out the body...but, its still sore, tender, hurtful, none the less.

    Garbage men did not take away the old wheelbarrow...so I will have to call them for a special pickup...or break it into pieces, and bag it :). I was actually kinda thinking I might do that and ditch the wooden frame, and keep the 'bucket' part. It might make a dandy place to grow winter greens. (lettuces).

    Ed, I do use my Kroger card, first got it when I worked the Starbucks kiosk, and got a flat discount as an employee. I do get nice coupons 2-3 times a month, and they are things that they track thru my card. Sometimes I get lucky and get a $5 off coupon..those are nice too!!!
    Since Costco is on the way to Kroger, I do buy my gas there. But, I know Jack and Jenn use Kroger gas and feel like it saves them a good bit of money...but then drives the big Sienna, and Jack drives 2 hours round trip 4 days a week to and from work..so they go thru a lot of gasoline!

    Saw the Cheezburger links online yesterday from fb. They always have great kitty pix and video's.. Enjoyed seeing Kiera pix in Lilo's box. Wild cats just aren't box cats very much. Wish the had been.

    Ok, heading to the kitchen for some breakfast, and then I have a load of dark clothes in the dryer from yesterday, and then the list just goes on and on and on...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    Garbage men did not take away the old wheelbarrow...so I will have to call them for a special pickup...or break it into pieces, and bag it :). I was actually kinda thinking I might do that and ditch the wooden frame, and keep the 'bucket' part. It might make a dandy place to grow winter greens. (lettuces).

    In my neighborhood we've found that just about anything extra we leave out at the curb gets picked up by SOMEONE. Not necessarily the garbage men, but it disappears nonetheless. We did special call for some items once that were about as useless as could get. I forget exactly what they were, but we didn't think anyone would be mysteriously picking them up.

    We left the old microwave oven out there and within two days it was gone. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,182 Member
    FOOD REVIEW: Schwan's Tortilla-Encrusted Alaskan Sole

    Very tasty, and a surprisingly delicious green tomatillo salsa to serve with it.

    I had it with some steamed green beans (home frozen) and bread and butter.

    Wine choice to go with it was a nice dry Riesling.

    For the food I give it a good, solid 4.5. I truly believe that I could do a bit better myself, but I've never tried making tortilla-encrusted Alaskan sole before, so can't be sure of that. The Schwan's version is delicious, flaky, and goes very well with the green tomatillo salsa packaged with the fish.

    Problematical bit: Clearly designed to be two sets of "dinner for two" as the package is filled with 4 nice sized pieces of fish and only 2 packets of the salsa, large enough to clearly be meant for use on 2 pieces of fish each. As Jason doesn't eat fish, I set back half of the salsa and I guess I'll be having another piece of the fish in the next couple of days. Maybe for breakfast tomorrow! I didn't want to cook two pieces and face warming it up in the microwave, and messing up the nice crispiness of the crust.


    Taste: 4.5

    Price: $$ at 16.99 for four home servings, but still considerably cheaper than a comparable dinner at a restaurant, assuming you can even find tortilla-encrusted Alaskan sole at a restaurant.

    Overall, very satisfactory for home delivered frozen food.

    Link to the product, which has its internal link to nutrition stats.
