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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Sent/received a couple text from my oldest, ate a pita stuffed with slices of an Heirloom Tomato, Cherokee, a little red onion, and some cucumber slices and a bit of hummus...then I went to bed and slept for about another 90+ minutes! I really was tired.

    The cartoons were great Roger, had to laugh at the gym owner in ATL. He certainly is within his rights to restrict his gym membership. We let in cops, but not their weapons. Didn't want them on the cops person, nor did we want them in our lockers and possibly inviting someone to steal them. And that $1M dollar bill...you can always spot who slept thru all of their classes.

    Ok, a white bleach load about to come out of the washer, I have run the sweeper. Eating salad in a pita as late lunch (late breakfast I had one of the same) Its just so good with the cuke, and the heirloom Cherokee tomato, etc...I may fix an ear of corn and some watermelon when I get home from the gym...IF I make it to the gym today...they're open til 9 tonite, so I have almost 4 hours to either do it, or put it off! :)


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Looks Tasty to Me :)




  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking once again, The temperature this morning was 66 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch, FWIW.

    Some interesting reading by following the links below.
    Alleged purse thief accidentally photo-bombs group pic on 4th Street
    Posted: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 9:15 AM EDT

    Residents Who Lost Home In Fire Were Trying To Ward Off Evil Spirits
    August 9, 2017 10:10 PM

    California Bunker Business Sees Spike As Tensions Rise With North Korea
    August 10, 2017 11:41 AM

    Vegetarians Are Nearly Twice As Likely To Be Depressed As Meat-Eaters, Study Finds
    August 9, 2017 3:09 PM

    'Fat Studies' course deems 'weightism' a 'social justice issue'
    Dan Jackson Campus Reform Intern @MrDanJackson
    on Aug 09, 2017 at 4:10 PM EDT

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi....I'm heading to bed again in just a few...
    Stayed up two nights in a row watching that Princess Di Documentary....conclusion? TV is EVIL!!! I am so tired, and then I watched cake decorating, and Rogers cartoons, and, and, and.
    Saw the pleas for adopting a cat...not gonna happen, guys! If I should out live Tom E. there will be another fur baby...but it will bark. :)
    So happy today is National Lazy Day...


    Hi Valerie
    If I said I did not bother watching it...

    I suspect You do not agree with the conclusions in the link on Vegetarianism :)
    Sent/received a couple text from my oldest, ate a pita stuffed with slices of an Heirloom Tomato, Cherokee, a little red onion, and some cucumber slices and a bit of hummus...then I went to bed and slept for about another 90+ minutes! I really was tired.

    The cartoons were great Roger, had to laugh at the gym owner in ATL. He certainly is within his rights to restrict his gym membership. We let in cops, but not their weapons. Didn't want them on the cops person, nor did we want them in our lockers and possibly inviting someone to steal them. And that $1M dollar bill...you can always spot who slept thru all of their classes.

    Ok, a white bleach load about to come out of the washer, I have run the sweeper. Eating salad in a pita as late lunch (late breakfast I had one of the same) Its just so good with the cuke, and the heirloom Cherokee tomato, etc...I may fix an ear of corn and some watermelon when I get home from the gym...IF I make it to the gym today...they're open til 9 tonite, so I have almost 4 hours to either do it, or put it off! :)

    I have no idea what Cherokee is beyond a tribe of indians.

    I'm glad You enjoyed the Cartoons.

    What I find interesting is that the Gym can do that but a bakery is sued and Fined for following their religious beliefs...

    I hope Your day went well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Again
    We had Rain overnight, That means another couple days we do not need to water the Garden :)
    According to my brother it rained around 2:30 AM, The streets were dry when I went out this morning. I slept later than usual too.

    Enjoy the Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Orchid judging photography today. Sink is cleared. I've finished off my shepherd's pie, for breakfast, and the pigs have been slopped. These cats get really excited about their breakfast!

    74 out there now with an expected high of 88 and 30% chance of rain.

    Need to keep drinking my tea and make another cup.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Irish people taste Finnish food. I don't think they were Russian to taste all of it...

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited August 2017
    And now...move the Irish to Lapland! The swede casserole sounds interesting to me but it seems odd to use rutabagas in that fashion, with sweet stuff. (Yes, I looked up the recipe.)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited August 2017
    I don't see that a gym can actually, legally say "no cops" as far as customers in general. I mean, how would you even know if Joe Cool comes in and buys a membership and never comes in uniform, or brings his gun? I can see a "no guns" policy, but "no cops" is definitely discriminatory, just as the bakery.

    Cops need to exercise too! Not all of them have a walking beat that give them automatic exercise.

    I've always had mixed feelings about the bakery thing. On the one hand, I can side with the baker not wanting to "participate" in things that are against his/her religious beliefs. But...to only do so abut things that are OBVIOUSLY against it, such as a same gender marriage, while not asking other customers if they happen to be marrying for the fifth time, or purchasing for some other party or celebration that might offend the baker...well, that's picking and choosing your "sin" and being discriminatory. All the same, the potential customer could just choose to take the business elsewhere, and perhaps share the information with friends.

    I can also see the viewpoint that if you are a business, open to the public, and advertising that you make wedding cakes, then you need to make wedding cakes. For whoever wants to buy them. The advertising doesn't say they'll make wedding cakes EXCEPT for one particular type of wedding that doesn't agree with their religious beliefs.

    Would they refuse to make a wedding cake for a movie or a play, since it's not a "real" wedding? What if the movie or play just happened to be about a same gender wedding, even though it's not a REAL wedding and the actors aren't really gay, or getting married? And what if the movie or play is portraying same gender weddings as WRONG?

    Would they refuse to sell anything to an overweight person, because they believe gluttony is a sin and they don't want to participate in that person's sin by selling them cupcakes?

    If their religious beliefs include the idea that mixed marriages (misogyny) is wrong, would they refuse to bake that cake? And, of course, they aren't giving all potential customers a questionnaire to fill out, stating that they agree with all the baker's religious beliefs and live their lives according to them...

    Just seems to me that 1) the customer can just choose to take his/her business elsewhere and share their experience freely with friends and/or the public, suing only as a last resort if they have no other options, but also that 2) The baker ought to re-think their policies and separate their public, business life from their private, religious life and perhaps choose a different profession where they don't have to make such a choice...or at least advertise, publicly, and very visibly, at or near the entrance to the business, and when answering the phone or placing advertisements, just who they will and won't do business with, and why, and see how long they remain in business...

    We don't need to be buying those cakes anyway. They are fattening. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    The purse snatcher sounds like one of those "dumbest criminals ever" to me!

    I've heard of people burning their residence down trying to kill a spider, or get rid of some other nuisance, so I guess evil spirits might fit right in there, but I think there are better ways...

    The article on the vegetarians skirts the fact that some vegetarians are smart enough to supplement the things they don't get enough of, like B-12, or eat vegetarian foods high in that nutrient, if available. And some don't necessarily like nuts. Still, I suppose the results, for average vegetarians who may not do this are still valid...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Forgotten cartoon characters:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited August 2017
    Six cartoon characters who secretly reveal their faces.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Oh my gosh! So much posting today!!

    Gyms are 'clubs'...you pay money to join a club/gym. You do not join a bakery. You purchase items from a bakery. We did not exclude cops, only their weapons. We did have police officers, and some wanna be's...(private security guys)...just no guns. As far as bakers refusing to sell cakes to certain groups/individuals...I guess that is their prerogative, but it would seem to me to be a poor business plan. And the pharmacists who refused to fill prescriptions a few years ago...that is just wrong. If you've got your doctors script...then their JOB is to fill it, not to make a social, political, moral judgment.
    There is more going on in England than deciding that vegetarians are more likely to be depressed...first, I don't believe I'd base my findings let alone report on ONE study. Ed's right everyone who gives up meat should learn a bit about what they're doing...and the first thing you learn is to take your Vitamin B12. What the heck nuts has to do with it is beyond me.. Omega 6 is primarily in OILS... its part of the problem. So to blame nuts for Omega 6 is just not quite making any sense. BUT...it wasn't very long ago that it was reported that veg. diet was dangerous for babies...yep, for infants it surely would be...though if your infant has a problem with cows milk, and you won't breast feed..what do they replace the milk with....Soy Milk. maybe goat milk...but at least when I had babies it was soy milk... and I'm NOT saying that was right...every box of nut milk that I've ever seen has a caution label..."Do not use for infants" I have to think that the dairy industry along with the beef and chicken folks are funding some of these studies..(not a good idea if you want the TRUTH) Its like RJ Reynolds saying cigarettes were healthy...and yes there were studies to that fact...funded by the Tobacco Industry of course. So, yes Roger, you're right I think that article is plain simple BS. :)

    Ok, I'm falling asleep..its been a fun, and long day...going to bed now, watch for me in the morning!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Proofreading fail





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did not do any walking today, I had a bad sleepless night and have now got a sore throat. The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch, FWIW.

    Some interesting reading by following the links below.
    106-year-old Antarctic fruitcake found, might be edible
    Newly discovered artifact of South Pole expedition in 'excellent condition'
    By Mike Moffitt, SFGATE Updated 12:43 pm, Friday, August 11, 2017

    Goldfish turn to alcohol to get through winter in icy ponds
    During the winter, goldfish and their relatives can have a blood-alcohol concentration beyond the legal limit for drink driving.
    22:54, UK, Friday 11 August 2017

    Jeffrey Dastin August 11, 2017 / 11:05 AM / in 14 hours
    Amazon looks to new food technology for home delivery

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I don't see that a gym can actually, legally say "no cops" as far as customers in general. I mean, how would you even know if Joe Cool comes in and buys a membership and never comes in uniform, or brings his gun? I can see a "no guns" policy, but "no cops" is definitely discriminatory, just as the bakery.

    Cops need to exercise too! Not all of them have a walking beat that give them automatic exercise.

    I've always had mixed feelings about the bakery thing. On the one hand, I can side with the baker not wanting to "participate" in things that are against his/her religious beliefs. But...to only do so abut things that are OBVIOUSLY against it, such as a same gender marriage, while not asking other customers if they happen to be marrying for the fifth time, or purchasing for some other party or celebration that might offend the baker...well, that's picking and choosing your "sin" and being discriminatory. All the same, the potential customer could just choose to take the business elsewhere, and perhaps share the information with friends.

    I can also see the viewpoint that if you are a business, open to the public, and advertising that you make wedding cakes, then you need to make wedding cakes. For whoever wants to buy them. The advertising doesn't say they'll make wedding cakes EXCEPT for one particular type of wedding that doesn't agree with their religious beliefs.

    Would they refuse to make a wedding cake for a movie or a play, since it's not a "real" wedding? What if the movie or play just happened to be about a same gender wedding, even though it's not a REAL wedding and the actors aren't really gay, or getting married? And what if the movie or play is portraying same gender weddings as WRONG?

    Would they refuse to sell anything to an overweight person, because they believe gluttony is a sin and they don't want to participate in that person's sin by selling them cupcakes?

    If their religious beliefs include the idea that mixed marriages (misogyny) is wrong, would they refuse to bake that cake? And, of course, they aren't giving all potential customers a questionnaire to fill out, stating that they agree with all the baker's religious beliefs and live their lives according to them...

    Just seems to me that 1) the customer can just choose to take his/her business elsewhere and share their experience freely with friends and/or the public, suing only as a last resort if they have no other options, but also that 2) The baker ought to re-think their policies and separate their public, business life from their private, religious life and perhaps choose a different profession where they don't have to make such a choice...or at least advertise, publicly, and very visibly, at or near the entrance to the business, and when answering the phone or placing advertisements, just who they will and won't do business with, and why, and see how long they remain in business...

    We don't need to be buying those cakes anyway. They are fattening. :)

    Hi Ed
    I would expect that a business has the right to decide who to serve in some cases, just as I have heard that some lodging facilities have non smoker rooms. I do not smoke and I dislike the smell of burning cigarettes, Strangely I do not mind some pipe tobacco.

    You raised some good points too. It seems to me that You have the right to exclude some people from Your Business. Example would be a Disruptive type. Someone with a bad case of BO etc.

    Is it right to exclude someone on moral or religious grounds is different and the courts are deciding that as well as public opinion.
    The purse snatcher sounds like one of those "dumbest criminals ever" to me!

    I've heard of people burning their residence down trying to kill a spider, or get rid of some other nuisance, so I guess evil spirits might fit right in there, but I think there are better ways...

    The article on the vegetarians skirts the fact that some vegetarians are smart enough to supplement the things they don't get enough of, like B-12, or eat vegetarian foods high in that nutrient, if available. And some don't necessarily like nuts. Still, I suppose the results, for average vegetarians who may not do this are still valid...

    Some crooks are stupid. The purse snatcher and the man trying to cash a million dollar bill :)

    I hope I am being clear as I did not get much if any sleep.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Oh my gosh! So much posting today!!

    Gyms are 'clubs'...you pay money to join a club/gym. You do not join a bakery. You purchase items from a bakery. We did not exclude cops, only their weapons. We did have police officers, and some wanna be's...(private security guys)...just no guns. As far as bakers refusing to sell cakes to certain groups/individuals...I guess that is their prerogative, but it would seem to me to be a poor business plan. And the pharmacists who refused to fill prescriptions a few years ago...that is just wrong. If you've got your doctors script...then their JOB is to fill it, not to make a social, political, moral judgment.
    There is more going on in England than deciding that vegetarians are more likely to be depressed...first, I don't believe I'd base my findings let alone report on ONE study. Ed's right everyone who gives up meat should learn a bit about what they're doing...and the first thing you learn is to take your Vitamin B12. What the heck nuts has to do with it is beyond me.. Omega 6 is primarily in OILS... its part of the problem. So to blame nuts for Omega 6 is just not quite making any sense. BUT...it wasn't very long ago that it was reported that veg. diet was dangerous for babies...yep, for infants it surely would be...though if your infant has a problem with cows milk, and you won't breast feed..what do they replace the milk with....Soy Milk. maybe goat milk...but at least when I had babies it was soy milk... and I'm NOT saying that was right...every box of nut milk that I've ever seen has a caution label..."Do not use for infants" I have to think that the dairy industry along with the beef and chicken folks are funding some of these studies..(not a good idea if you want the TRUTH) Its like RJ Reynolds saying cigarettes were healthy...and yes there were studies to that fact...funded by the Tobacco Industry of course. So, yes Roger, you're right I think that article is plain simple BS. :)

    Ok, I'm falling asleep..its been a fun, and long day...going to bed now, watch for me in the morning!!


    Hi Valerie
    I had a feeling You would disagree :)

    It was not that long ago that it seemed as if every movie and TV show was loaded with smokers too. I suspect product placement by the Tobacco industry.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 73 out there now with an expected high of 89 and 0% chance of rain.

    I'm on the last roll of paper towels so really should try to get to the store today. Maybe some laundry and vacuuming too, and need to get the cat boxes scooped and the garbage and recycles to the curb.

    And see if my out of town friend has any time to say hi face to face today...

    I've been fed. The felines have fed. Kiara is galloping around like a wild thing, and trying to get Lilo to play.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited August 2017
    RogerToo wrote: »

    Hi Ed
    I would expect that a business has the right to decide who to serve in some cases, just as I have heard that some lodging facilities have non smoker rooms. I do not smoke and I dislike the smell of burning cigarettes, Strangely I do not mind some pipe tobacco.

    You raised some good points too. It seems to me that You have the right to exclude some people from Your Business. Example would be a Disruptive type. Someone with a bad case of BO etc.

    Is it right to exclude someone on moral or religious grounds is different and the courts are deciding that as well as public opinion.

    I remember in olden days, you know when we co-existed with the dinosaurs, businesses having signs in the window stating "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason" but haven't see one of THAT type of sign in a long time.

    Of course a business has the right to decide who to serve, as you said, in SOME cases. I can see a business ejecting (and maybe banning) a disruptive customer or a smoker who insists on smoking in a non-smoking environment. Or even someone who refuses to leave their gun(s) at home or locked in the car. Some might question the bad case of BO (or maybe bad breath) but businesses do have hygiene requirements and environmental policies...and someone who literally fouls the air should be sent home for a toothbrushing and shower! :)

    As you saw, I have mixed feelings myself on the religious grounds as the ones that have made the news seem, from what I know of them, to be based on somewhat hypocritical and selective "beliefs" that don't match the Christianity that I learned, but I do support freedom of religion, and can even sympathize with a baker who's "heart" wouldn't be in it, or felt that they were participating in the sin, if they knew they were baking it for a celebration that they believe is wrong.

    I'm sure the same bakeries sold many cupcakes, birthday cakes, and other items to people they didn't know anything about though, including people they might well have preferred to not do business with, had they known more about them. But they didn't ask, because in a business sense it doesn't make sense to. What you don't know can't upset you and you're in business to make money.

    As with most freedoms, my freedom of (or from?) religion ends when it stomps on someone else's freedom. Unfortunately, the lines of where one person's freedom ends and another person's freedom begins are quite blurred!

    Not so many years ago it was perfectly all right to refuse service to mixed race couples, or even to refuse them the right to get married, and this was justified largely by claims of religious belief. And of course it was legal to ban colored/black/African American (and that's all the names I'm gonna list) people to the back of the bus, to a different water fountain, or from your business entirely, as though they were not as human as a white person.

    And I'm not going to pretend that changing the laws on misogyny and legality of banning people based on skin color have really fixed the societal problems because it's obvious that they haven't. It's just somewhat under the table now, but it's all still there.

    The laws (and general public - at least expressed in public) attitudes about those things changed. And the laws have changed regarding other things, and general public attitudes, but largely have not changed the attitudes and beliefs of some people. Who is right and who is wrong? Who knows? Things change. I'm all for happy coexistence of all people. Live and let live. If it's not harming me, or anyone else, I don't mind! Of course people can't even agree on whether certain things are harming anyone or not and if someone insists on protecting me from myself (when I am not actually harming myself) then I do have a problem with it.

    And to some extent even there I waffle. I don't smoke. But I used to. I prefer non-smoking accommodations when traveling.

    I understand the addiction. I also understand the dangers of smoking, including second hand smoke. But if someone else wants to smoke, I don't care. If they are blowing it right in my face, I will move, if possible, or ask them, politely to take it elsewhere or put it out. If they are in a non-smoking section and refuse, then I might (MIGHT) speak to management about that. But it's not a big enough deal, to ME, to fight about it and I'll even request outdoor seating (or smoking section) if I'm in a group where I know someone wants/needs to smoke. Because I respect that need.

    Eventually the latest hubbub will all settle down and we can all refuse to buy cake for the right reason.

    Because it's fattening.

    Now if someone starts refusing to sell salad or fresh vegetables to people for quasi-religious reasons, I may totally rethink things again. But most vegetable vendors don't want, or need, to know much about their customers or the orientations of the customers.