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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Kid friendly horror movies?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited August 2017
    Why is this veggie burger bleeding?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Disclaimer. I have never watched Game of Thrones and have not read the book(s) either. No idea how "genuine" these cocktails are.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2017





  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking once again, The temperature this morning was 68 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch. Lower Humidity today too.

    I did treat myself to two scrambled eggs, Whole Wheat Toast and a few of the Home Fries in the middle of my walk.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Morning long gone..I was at the ice rink! Stopped at Whole Foods on the way home, since I drive right past it...(that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it)...more Chicken Fried Tofu. I surely hope you can't OD on Tofu!!! Also stuff for salad, and (here comes the bad part)..they had BISCUITS!!! I've been craving biscuits for a long long time...so today I bought 2. They are not Vegan but sometimes you just gotta scratch that 'I want' itch. One will be part of dinner tonite, and the other probably sealed and put in the freezer. AND they had my SO's sugar free coconut milk Ice cream...on sale. Bought 2 pints. Needless to say it was not a cheap stop, but one that will hold me for 'stuff' for awhile.
    Hi Valerie
    OTOH If You not fix that craving who knows what will happen ?

    I'm pretty sure Tofu is safe unless taken to extremes. Too much of anything is a problem.
    Its a good thing they played this practice game. Hopefully they will shuffle a few kids around, as the score at the end was about 8 or 9 to zip! Not sure how many, cuz after 4-0 they quit putting the score up on the time keeping board. So, that didn't go as planned or hoped for, but I think there was more going on than just a hockey game. I suggested that to Jenn, and she denied it... we'll see. (For one thing Jack didn't come off the coaches bench at the end of the game complaining about the game....Nate was off ice a good bit, and we had a not very good goalie... time will tell!

    Then after I ate some fried tofu and salad, I packed myself back into the car and went to the gym! Not something I usually do on weekends. But I figured with the 'goodies' from WF I'd better be moving around all weekend!

    Ed, Ted burns like you do...he finally after several really bad sunburns learned he just couldn't hang out in the sun...even wearing a t-shirt, etc. Jack (blue eyed) and my green eyes both tan..but my Mom, dark brown hair and eyes...burned and got huge big water blisters just like Ted does now. Life just isn't always as it should be, certainly not fair either!!

    I'm sitting here with my foot and ankle encased in cold packs....not because of any pain, but just because I was so hot..turned on two ceiling fans, and the ice, and I'm feeling pretty comfy again.
    Interesting that the practice game went that poorly :(

    Is that helping with the heat? I did think pretty much everybody down in Ga. had AC whether or not they run it all the time in the summer is something else.
    I'm glad you guys liked the Funeral Wiggly...Made me laugh! I'd not heard Nancy Sinatra sing boots for quite awhile...LOL!!! And I'm going to thief the Hatching Vegans pix and send it to a friend in Michigan. She is not Vegan, though she and her hubbs did have a go at it several years ago. He thinks himself as quite a 'chef'...may be, I don't really know, but he does tend to run on overly rich sauces, butters, etc....not my idea of cooking, anyhow they pretty much gave it (Vegan) up after about 6-9 months. Too bad as they both have health issues because of their weight, yada, yada, etc.

    Ok, weekend backup done, so time to eject Laci, and get my foot freed from the cold, and work on the kitchen a bit. (not in the kitchen, but ON the kitchen) Wasn't time to get everything cleared this morning, then 'most' of the groceries got put away...the grocery bags need to be returned to the trunk of the car for next WF trip.

    Roger glad to know you're feeling better! Being sick in the summer is the pits!! I'm sure you didn't need to hear me say that, either! :)
    AND hope Ed's nice shady porch is not as bad as what my yard is....its still, hot, and way too humid. Must be Dog Days....its miserable out there!


    Does being a Vegan help with weight? I would have thought You could overeat on almost anything.
    If I said I have been known to leave some grocery store / CostCo items in the trunk for later in the day or the next day would You believe me?

    Why not say it, It is true :) What hurt also was it happened during the really nice weather.

    Stay Cool
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The pool party was pleasant enough. I did spend most of it under the upper deck, in the shaded lower deck, but did venture out for two very short pool sessions. One was just for two minutes, really just a quick dip, and the other, later, for only 5 minutes, as it was VERY bright out there today. J spent a bit too much time in the pool and has some sunburn on his face.

    For a change someone else also brought some baked beans! A couple who had not been to any of the parties all summer long showed up for this one and brought a small (relatively...9x13 actually) dish full of baked beans that were quite good, but almost as completely different from mine as another dish of baked beans could be. Their dish was much sweeter and not spicy at all, that I could tell and only had one kind of bean in it. Good flavor though.

    Both dishes of baked beans got hit pretty hard by the guests but the other couple did take some of theirs home with them. I could have taken a couple of servings of ours home but usually leave it for the hosts as they really like my baked beans, and so does the mother of one of them, who lives next door to them. I saw them preparing a couple of plates of food for her to nibble on for tonight and tomorrow and they included generous servings of my baked beans. She is much too old and infirm to think of attending the pool parties but apparently does enjoy the food from them. She would probably have difficulty with the crowd size too. At this party we had 62 total guests! This was, I think, the biggest pool party this summer. Plenty of food, of course, with Angus burgers, Hebrew National franks, lots of side dishes, and several desserts.
    Hi Ed
    I suspect I would have liked their baked beans better as I am not a fan of spicy foods :)
    The baked beans my Brother makes from dried beans are only one kind of bean too and is somewhat sweet too.

    I have loaded a digital coupon for the ShopRite to the Key tag for the Hebrew National any variety that brings the price down to $1.99 which around here is a good price, Without the Coupon they are on sale at $2.49. Hey 50cents saved is 50cents in the pocket. I have the low fat ones on the shopping list to use as a protein. I also have the NS Chicken & Baked Beans Dinner in the cupboard and if I save the Chicken from that for the next day and slice two of the Hot Dogs into it, Voila, Franks and Beans :)
    One of the hosts made an evil deep dish baked cheesecake with a thick graham cracker crust and a cherry topping. I think aside from that I vaguely remember some brownies and an apple pie, but that evil deep dish cheesecake caught me and it caught J too. That was the dessert of choice for both of us. As expected he didn't eat much else, just a couple of deviled eggs (yes, THAT couple was there! Yay!) and a tortilla chip with some cheese dip. After the party he got some fried rice at one of our favorite Thai restaurants.

    The evil cherry cheesecake was delicious. We both had quite reasonably small slices of heavenly evil cheesecake.

    Blood glucose several hours after the party, and a couple of hours after having just an appetizer from the restaurant: 178. I'll take that and be pretty happy with it, considering the foods eaten over the course of the day. Actually pretty decent glucose level.

    Oh, and J says my deviled eggs are better... :)
    Oh, Oh, I would have had a problem resisting the Cheesecake, Brownies and Apple Pie. I suspect if I had been there I would have had decent sized pieces of all three on my plate since Sweets are my weakness.
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! 68 out there now with an expected high of 94 and 0% chance of rain.

    At least the nights are still getting cool, despite the high heat days!

    Been up for a while. I think the cats were sticking pins in a voodoo doll this morning because lower back pain woke me. Lilo had been purring at me for a bit but I dozed back off until they found the voodoo doll.

    I still need to feed them. I guess I'll wobble into the kitchen and do that now and then ice my back.
    It appears we are lucky ?? today starts at 68 and only goes into the upper 80s.

    I did find a whole penny this morning while walking, Whee :)

    Good Luck with the back pain
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Guys!
    Busy day...outside early morning to water??? Yeah, really. That front bed was bone dry, and plants were wilting.. So, half hour there and under the tree shade garden...watered the moss, thats a quick water job! Moss just needs a sprinkle...then as it was 10 a.m. I cut off the water. On to the rose bush, got that all neat and deadheaded...into the house, laundry from yesterday to fold, dark load to wash and dry...all that done and put away. Finally stopped to eat a bite, decided I was tired, so watched the noon news and crawled into bed for a 2 hour nap! and on and on.
    Watched the Santa Fe chili rodeo :) that Ed posted. I love the 'taste' of chili peppers, the heat not so much. I do tend to like green rather than red chili' sauces. I've had chili pepper flavored chocolate...its 'ok'.

    Roger yes, I've put stuff/left stuff in the trunk over night..just so I wouldn't eat it... Sometimes though stuff stays in the trunk cause I forgot to go back and get it. That's usually bottled water, or 6 packs of black beans, etc. The ice packs for my ankle did seem to help ME cool off quicker... I do believe 99% of the south has AC... I just keep mine between 77 and 80.
    I suspect you can eat too much of just about anything...
    ummm, do Vegan diets help you lose weight? you asked....for some yes...me, not so lucky.

    Tomorrow I'm going to make a Publix run for a package of veg. sausage patties. Thought I had some...but nope...the patty, some grape sugarless jelly and that other biscuit..MMMMM!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 71 out there now with an expected high of 89 and 10% chance of rain. Don't know how much eclipse we'll see here or even whether it will be overcast, but I intend to NOT look at the sun anyway. Might watch it on TV though.I know we don't get total here.

    Need to get out to the store, and need to be sure and do that well BEFORE eclipse time.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking once again, The temperature this morning was 68 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch the same as yesterday.

    Breakfast will be a NS Cinnamon Roll

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member



    Huh ?


    Well hidden :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I HART FOOD. Episode 1:
    Hi Ed
    They have been advertising AKA Plugging this show all over the food network channel :)
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 71 out there now with an expected high of 89 and 10% chance of rain. Don't know how much eclipse we'll see here or even whether it will be overcast, but I intend to NOT look at the sun anyway. Might watch it on TV though.I know we don't get total here.

    Need to get out to the store, and need to be sure and do that well BEFORE eclipse time.
    It appears that we are slightly lower in temperature here than You are, OTOH our forecast high is 90 and humidity is forecast to to be increasing throughout the day.

    We are forecast to be in the 75% Eclipse area. The news this morning had a warning not to use the eclipse glasses from one Jersey Shore amusement location and to bring them in for a refund. It would seem that the scammers do not give one hoot if they cause eye damage as long as they get the money.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    They have been advertising AKA Plugging this show all over the food network channel :)

    I loved this first episode! Not sure, but I think the second episode is tonight.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    We are forecast to be in the 75% Eclipse area. The news this morning had a warning not to use the eclipse glasses from one Jersey Shore amusement location and to bring them in for a refund. It would seem that the scammers do not give one hoot if they cause eye damage as long as they get the money.

    Have a Good Day

    I just hope that all the people remember that EVEN WITH APPROVED GLASSES it's only safe to actually look directly at the sun during the 2 to 3 minutes of the TOTAL eclipse.

    One wonders how many people who aren't even in the total eclipse area have purchased the glasses and try to use them to look at their partial eclipse. Glad I've already had my ophthalmologist appointment for this year...I suspect they'll be rather overbooked for a while after today. :(

    But now, to put a somewhat humorous spin on it...for those not in the total eclipse area, here is a totaled Eclipse.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hey Guys!
    Busy day...outside early morning to water??? Yeah, really. That front bed was bone dry, and plants were wilting.. So, half hour there and under the tree shade garden...watered the moss, thats a quick water job! Moss just needs a sprinkle...then as it was 10 a.m. I cut off the water. On to the rose bush, got that all neat and deadheaded...into the house, laundry from yesterday to fold, dark load to wash and dry...all that done and put away. Finally stopped to eat a bite, decided I was tired, so watched the noon news and crawled into bed for a 2 hour nap! and on and on.
    Watched the Santa Fe chili rodeo :) that Ed posted. I love the 'taste' of chili peppers, the heat not so much. I do tend to like green rather than red chili' sauces. I've had chili pepper flavored chocolate...its 'ok'.

    Roger yes, I've put stuff/left stuff in the trunk over night..just so I wouldn't eat it... Sometimes though stuff stays in the trunk cause I forgot to go back and get it. That's usually bottled water, or 6 packs of black beans, etc. The ice packs for my ankle did seem to help ME cool off quicker... I do believe 99% of the south has AC... I just keep mine between 77 and 80.
    I suspect you can eat too much of just about anything...
    ummm, do Vegan diets help you lose weight? you asked....for some yes...me, not so lucky.

    Tomorrow I'm going to make a Publix run for a package of veg. sausage patties. Thought I had some...but nope...the patty, some grape sugarless jelly and that other biscuit..MMMMM!

    Hi Valerie
    The garden is producing a Bumper crop of Cherry Tomatoes and Light Green Chilli Peppers. Two Eggplants picked and gone and at least two more that are more than large enough to be used. I see I was wrong and the Raspberries are going into production again for the fall.

    leaving items in the trunk AKA Out of sight, out of mind works too.

    Both You and my one aunt with that thermostat setting for the AC :) I keep the Wall unit in the Living Room set at 74 and it cools off most of the main floor. This is the second summer I have not bothered to put the Small window unit in this room where I have the computer I am typing this from :)
    FWIW I believe a lot of that is due to my not eating pastries and other high Carbohydrate foods.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the foods.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Ed
    They have been advertising AKA Plugging this show all over the food network channel :)

    I loved this first episode! Not sure, but I think the second episode is tonight.
    RogerToo wrote: »
    We are forecast to be in the 75% Eclipse area. The news this morning had a warning not to use the eclipse glasses from one Jersey Shore amusement location and to bring them in for a refund. It would seem that the scammers do not give one hoot if they cause eye damage as long as they get the money.

    Have a Good Day

    I just hope that all the people remember that EVEN WITH APPROVED GLASSES it's only safe to actually look directly at the sun during the 2 to 3 minutes of the TOTAL eclipse.

    One wonders how many people who aren't even in the total eclipse area have purchased the glasses and try to use them to look at their partial eclipse. Glad I've already had my ophthalmologist appointment for this year...I suspect they'll be rather overbooked for a while after today. :(

    But now, to put a somewhat humorous spin on it...for those not in the total eclipse area, here is a totaled Eclipse.

    Hi Ed
    I know that they are being snatched up in NJ.

    I liked the totaled eclipse and reused it :)
    The Internet or to put it another way the Wild Reposting West :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Disney movies that were never made.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! 72 out there now with an expected high of 91 and 0% chance of rain, according to the weather channel page. Oddly, Facebook was warning me last night that it would be rainy today in Peachtree Corners. I guess we'll see which one is correct. Hang on, I'll see what the weather app on my smartphone says...it says 6%, with about the same high, though it claims it's currently 71 out there, rather than 72.

    I did get to the store yesterday. I got milk, uncured, fully cooked bacon, both pork (thick cut) and chicken (thigh meat) and I had some of the chicken bacon this morning, with a steak biscuit. The chicken bacon was okay, but I think next time I'll microwave it a bit longer to get it more crispy. It was a little on the chewy side, but very low fat compared to regular bacon.

    While the package of frozen steak biscuits claimed to be JUMBO steak biscuits, I knew from the weight that I wouldn't consider them jumbo and when I set one out last night to thaw for part of this morning's nutritious(?) breakfast I immediately saw that I was correct.

    At any rate, I had the treat of a steak biscuit this morning. Not as nice as a freshly prepared one at a fast food restaurant, but it was pretty decent and I have three more in the freezer for future indulgences.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    It took me a second look before I saw how :)


