Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    About that banana/cherry dessert...tonite you will get a verdict. Last night I finished my Global Health class! And it was late.
    Eating my cup of beautiful wild blackberries with some Bare Naked baked granola, added a couple T hemp seeds and some additional ground flax. (the bag said it contained flax, however it was the last item on the ingredient list..which makes me think they waved a flax seed over it before it baked! :) )... I also added my golden almond milk, so I should be eating a really really healthy breakfast!!!! :)

    73 when I got up at 7...no doubt the coolest it will be today....and Ed mentioned the 95 degree bit....summer has indeed landed in GA.

    I think I need another cup of coffee, and then its fold clothes from the dryer, empty dishwasher, make some coleslaw to go with lunch, and I have an hour interview set up with Coursera...It supposedly will get me a $75 gift card from Amazon! Now, that would be AMAZING! :) We'll see.


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    PS...one should not go berry picking in capri pants and a t-shirt...even in one's own back yard....good heaven I got 'thorned' ! There should be another batch of berries about Wed or Thurs, and you can bet, I'll remember a woven long sleeve shirt, and jeans and boots!!! LOL! You'd think I'd never picked berries in a briar patch before!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    About that banana/cherry dessert...tonite you will get a verdict. Last night I finished my Global Health class! And it was late.
    Eating my cup of beautiful wild blackberries with some Bare Naked baked granola, added a couple T hemp seeds and some additional ground flax. (the bag said it contained flax, however it was the last item on the ingredient list..which makes me think they waved a flax seed over it before it baked! :) )... I also added my golden almond milk, so I should be eating a really really healthy breakfast!!!! :)

    73 when I got up at 7...no doubt the coolest it will be today....and Ed mentioned the 95 degree bit....summer has indeed landed in GA.

    I think I need another cup of coffee, and then its fold clothes from the dryer, empty dishwasher, make some coleslaw to go with lunch, and I have an hour interview set up with Coursera...It supposedly will get me a $75 gift card from Amazon! Now, that would be AMAZING! :) We'll see.

    PS...one should not go berry picking in capri pants and a t-shirt...even in one's own back yard....good heaven I got 'thorned' ! There should be another batch of berries about Wed or Thurs, and you can bet, I'll remember a woven long sleeve shirt, and jeans and boots!!! LOL! You'd think I'd never picked berries in a briar patch before!!

    Hi Valerie
    I suspect You are pretty close to the truth with the flax seed. The ingredients are supposed to be listed in the order of quantity for Largest to least.

    Hopefully the Gift card comes and speedily too. $75 for use on Amazon would be good.

    I made a similar mistake pruning the roses this year :)
    Mental note to self: "Wear Leather Gloves to Prune Roses" !

    Fortunately when I picked the wild Raspberries last year I did not get stuck. This year despite it being the first year of planting them I do see some Raspberries forming on 4 of the biggest plants. The Blackberry plant is growing quickly, Maybe next year for fruit on it.

    Stay Cool
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Cool and Dry! Major downpour with lots of loud noise! We needed the rain...it was only a quarter inch or so, but very much appreciated! It also knocked the temperature back to 80...but with unbelievable humidity!!

    I don't know squat about growing raspberries....I think I remember that the canes all get cut back to the ground except the ones you're training on wire trellis???? Man don't trust that!
    I do know blackberries fruit on second year canes...
    That said...are your black berries thornless? I know there are thornless varieties out there., not sure about raspberries and thorns...

    I thought I was scheduled for a 2:45 conference today to earn my $75 gift card to Amazon......and its quite past that...nothing. I either didn't get picked or ????? Oh, well...if I'm going to win, I'd rather it be Mega Millions tonite!!! LOL!!!!! Boy Howdy wouldn't that be something! :)

    Ok, time to finish cleaning up the kitchen....I got the stuff washed that I used to make a big bowl of 'Rainbow Slaw'..and a 4 serving sandwich filler of chickpeas etc. (both new recipe's and both absolutely delicious)....but the kitchen floor looks like a restaurant floor after a huge dinner event!!! LOL!! I used the Spiralizer, messy, and a grater, more mess, and chopped everything from onion to ginger, and I was not exactly 'neat'... So, off to the kitchen goes the scullery maid!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Made the Cherry Banana Soft Serve dessert!!!
    Halved the recipe...and of that, half went into a container in the freezer...
    The rest...??? Was so good I ate it straight out of the bowl of the food processor!!!! Yes, I did!!

    I'd think you could make this with banana's and frozen peaches, blueberries, mango, pineapple, etc.

    SO, I used 1 ½ ripe bananas cut into 'coins' and frozen. I used a bit over half a cup of frozen cherries, (to finish off the bag) And next time, I think I might cut the cherries in half before I put them into the processor....a good splash of vanilla..and then as needed I added probably about a total of ¼ cup of almond milk...a bit at a time till it was a frozen dessert! (I forgot to add the choc. chips!!!) Next time...and there will be a next time for sure!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day all over again! Whee!

    87 predicted for today, with 50% chance of rain. I can live with that.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    72 now, and sunny...but as Ed said... gonna change! Want to get my trip to the grocery done early.
    I have no banana for breakfast...fast forward my twisted mind....YEP! I'm eating ice cream with breakfast! LOL!! Goes nicely with my granola. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    8500 steps so far today. Today is nearly the same weather as yesterday with a bit more warmth, walking was OK. Coffee, Post Office and Grocery Store on my walk using the backpack for the 6 Apples and 6 Navel oranges at 6 for 1.99 and one Banana as they were somewhat ripe less the 10% senior discount. Then home for NS waffles and out to Costco to spend another $120 :)

    I got around to putting the Owners manual and the attachments manual for the Singer Treadle Sewing Machine Model 27 in Sleeve Protectors and Loose Leaf folders as the pages are sort of Brittle and got the new leather belt set to the proper length. Now to learn how to sew :)

    Picture from Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singer_Model_27_and_127

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Cool and Dry! Major downpour with lots of loud noise! We needed the rain...it was only a quarter inch or so, but very much appreciated! It also knocked the temperature back to 80...but with unbelievable humidity!!

    I don't know squat about growing raspberries....I think I remember that the canes all get cut back to the ground except the ones you're training on wire trellis???? Man don't trust that!
    I do know blackberries fruit on second year canes...
    That said...are your black berries thornless? I know there are thornless varieties out there., not sure about raspberries and thorns...

    I thought I was scheduled for a 2:45 conference today to earn my $75 gift card to Amazon......and its quite past that...nothing. I either didn't get picked or ????? Oh, well...if I'm going to win, I'd rather it be Mega Millions tonite!!! LOL!!!!! Boy Howdy wouldn't that be something! :)

    Ok, time to finish cleaning up the kitchen....I got the stuff washed that I used to make a big bowl of 'Rainbow Slaw'..and a 4 serving sandwich filler of chickpeas etc. (both new recipe's and both absolutely delicious)....but the kitchen floor looks like a restaurant floor after a huge dinner event!!! LOL!! I used the Spiralizer, messy, and a grater, more mess, and chopped everything from onion to ginger, and I was not exactly 'neat'... So, off to the kitchen goes the scullery maid!


    HI Valerie
    I do not know about cutting the canes back, I know the ones growing in the wild fruit each year however. I do not remember if the Blackberry is a thorn-less variety without going out back to look TBH.

    I'm sure the Kitchen will recover :)
    Made the Cherry Banana Soft Serve dessert!!!
    Halved the recipe...and of that, half went into a container in the freezer...
    The rest...??? Was so good I ate it straight out of the bowl of the food processor!!!! Yes, I did!!

    I'd think you could make this with banana's and frozen peaches, blueberries, mango, pineapple, etc.

    SO, I used 1 ½ ripe bananas cut into 'coins' and frozen. I used a bit over half a cup of frozen cherries, (to finish off the bag) And next time, I think I might cut the cherries in half before I put them into the processor....a good splash of vanilla..and then as needed I added probably about a total of ¼ cup of almond milk...a bit at a time till it was a frozen dessert! (I forgot to add the choc. chips!!!) Next time...and there will be a next time for sure!


    Hi Again
    Good to hear that the recipe is a keeper. I figure why not eat it out of The Processor bowl, why make another dirty dish that adds to the dishwashing. Makes Sense to me.
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    72 now, and sunny...but as Ed said... gonna change! Want to get my trip to the grocery done early.
    I have no banana for breakfast...fast forward my twisted mind....YEP! I'm eating ice cream with breakfast! LOL!! Goes nicely with my granola. :)


    Hi Once more
    I am guessing that would be the Ice Cream You put into the freezer. I am guessing the texture was Good from the freezer?

    I was back home from walking with a stop at the Grocery Store, NS Breakfast And through the CostCo and unloading by 10:29, I looked from curiosity. I am lucky that the Closest Costco which posts hours starting at 10AM opens earlier. As I was heading in before 10 there were people pushing loaded carts out already.

    I would have been home earlier but I walked the Aisles looking for the Stevia Based Sweetener and then decided to get some Protein shakes hence the big bill. I would have been under $50 without the shakes. I am, trying the Muscle Milk Chocolate at 100 calories per and the House Brand Strawberry Cream and Vanilla Shakes. I used to enjoy the Vanilla years ago. I wonder if it has been reformulated or not in the interval.

    Have a Great Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Tag day all over again! Whee!

    87 predicted for today, with 50% chance of rain. I can live with that.

    Off to the rat mines!
    Hi Ed
    Do You think that mine will ever dry up or produce an endless supply of rats :)

    Hopefully Your Tag Day is a easy day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Tag day wasn't too bad at all. No outdoor tagging, and light on the indoor tagging.

    95 is predicted for today, with small chance of rain.

    I'm pretty sure the rat mines will produce an endless supply of rats.

    So off to the salt races today!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    On a 'Time Diet' today :) (why not???) Chiro this morning, then WF for a vegan entree or two, home, late lunch, trash gathering and curbing, and if I make it....9:30 Copa América, Quarter Final...USA vs Ecuador. Thats busy enough for me, and a late night too...

    It was a lovely 70 degrees this morning when I got up...back door open!!!! But will be hot and miserable by afternoon.

    Ed, glad tag day went well yesterday. Did you get afternoon rain? Stormed here! (and I was in the gym....so had an extra long bike experience)... It did cool things off, but the humidity shot up, so it wasn't exactly comfortable.

    Roger, yep the Cherry Banana Ice Cream did pretty well...it is a tad icy, but, for how its made, its amazingly simple, quick, and tasty. I bought bananas yesterday at the grocery, so sometime later this week/weekend the rest of my experimental ice cream will be a dessert.

    Off to the shower.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I had a oops moment today and forgot to take my FitBit so no step count :(
    Despite the weather forecast last night showing rain overnight into today I have not seen any rain when I was walking and the Cars only had a few scattered drops on them from the overnight hours. The Temperature was around 70 when I left and Probably not much higher now due to the cloudy skies.

    Have a Great Day

    Expected Forum Downtime 6/21/16
    Nova Posts: 2,364 MFP Staff
    Hi folks,

    Starting at 10AM Pacific Time on June 21st, Vanilla's hosting environment will be in a maintenance window and there will be some downtime, which will impact this forum. The expected actual downtime will likely last for approximately an hour or less.

    Thank you for your understanding!

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Tag day wasn't too bad at all. No outdoor tagging, and light on the indoor tagging.

    95 is predicted for today, with small chance of rain.

    I'm pretty sure the rat mines will produce an endless supply of rats.

    So off to the salt races today!
    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if Tag day went well for You

    Stay Dry & Cool
    Good Thursday Morning!
    On a 'Time Diet' today :) (why not???) Chiro this morning, then WF for a vegan entree or two, home, late lunch, trash gathering and curbing, and if I make it....9:30 Copa América, Quarter Final...USA vs Ecuador. Thats busy enough for me, and a late night too...

    It was a lovely 70 degrees this morning when I got up...back door open!!!! But will be hot and miserable by afternoon.

    Ed, glad tag day went well yesterday. Did you get afternoon rain? Stormed here! (and I was in the gym....so had an extra long bike experience)... It did cool things off, but the humidity shot up, so it wasn't exactly comfortable.

    Roger, yep the Cherry Banana Ice Cream did pretty well...it is a tad icy, but, for how its made, its amazingly simple, quick, and tasty. I bought bananas yesterday at the grocery, so sometime later this week/weekend the rest of my experimental ice cream will be a dessert.

    Off to the shower.


    Hi Valerie
    Good to hear that the Ice cream from the freezer was good too. We seem to be in a slump for rain, if the predicted rain does not arrive we will be watering the plants today.

    Next week the temperatures go up to uncomfortable. Today is predicted to be in the 70s :)

    Good Luck with Your weather
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Roger, thanks for the info on the boards being down on Wednesday...

    its 94 degrees out right now...I did have t o run the car A/C on my way home from ATL, (about 12:30)...

    Have eaten my WF prepared dinner, with some salad from my refrigerator, and an ear of corn from yesterday's shopping....

    Planning to watch the USA game tonite.

    See you in the AM....
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Not much rain here earlier in the week, despite the predictions, though sometimes the rain comes while I'm napping so I can't be sure of just how much actually came down.

    Leftover lamb steak and small serving of mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy for breakfast.

    Supposed to get to 94 today with 40% chance of rain.

    Might be opening late this morning as they were supposedly re-attempting the computer work last night, and everything was scheduled to be down until 7:00. I'll be there, available to open on time, just in case. The last time they told me I might be able to open at 6:00, but since the computer work didn't happen it was a good thing I was there on time to open at the normal 5:00.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I remembered to take my FitBit today. Short story behind that oops yesterday, I change into 7 pocket walking shorts to walk this time of year and change back out once I get home, Yesterday I just forgot to transfer the Fitbit.
    The Temperature was in the 60s when I left and started feeling warmer on the homeward bound leg..

    Have a Great Friday

    Just in case You missed it :)

    Expected Forum Downtime 6/21/16
    Nova Posts: 2,364 MFP Staff
    Hi folks,

    Starting at 10AM Pacific Time on June 21st, Vanilla's hosting environment will be in a maintenance window and there will be some downtime, which will impact this forum. The expected actual downtime will likely last for approximately an hour or less.

    Thank you for your understanding!

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger, thanks for the info on the boards being down on Wednesday...

    its 94 degrees out right now...I did have t o run the car A/C on my way home from ATL, (about 12:30)...

    Have eaten my WF prepared dinner, with some salad from my refrigerator, and an ear of corn from yesterday's shopping....

    Planning to watch the USA game tonite.

    See you in the AM....

    Hi Valerie
    I have my fingers crossed that the car AC works when I need it, so far I have not used it this year to cool the car. Not that I get out in the car all that much now that I walk past a Grocery Store and a produce store when I walk some of the routes I walk.

    Enjoy Your Day
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Not much rain here earlier in the week, despite the predictions, though sometimes the rain comes while I'm napping so I can't be sure of just how much actually came down.

    Leftover lamb steak and small serving of mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy for breakfast.

    Supposed to get to 94 today with 40% chance of rain.

    Might be opening late this morning as they were supposedly re-attempting the computer work last night, and everything was scheduled to be down until 7:00. I'll be there, available to open on time, just in case. The last time they told me I might be able to open at 6:00, but since the computer work didn't happen it was a good thing I was there on time to open at the normal 5:00.

    Off to the rat mines!
    Hi Ed
    We have had the same problem (?) here, rain in the forecast and then a no show by it. It is leading to having to water the garden. However that has been lessened in frequency since my brother mulched with straw in the last week.

    Your weather is warmer than I like to see, We do have warmer weather in the forecast for the upcoming week sadly. I say sadly as that will be on my turn to pay the electric bill :)

    Good Luck with the upgrade, Are You taking a book in case or are there other chores at work to do?

    Have a Nice Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    One short of 80 degrees right this minute...and I'm about to put on long pants, and shirt, and pick berries??? I must be nuts! (or I really do like fresh, homegrown, free food!! LOL)
    I did watch the USA win last night...so its on to the Semi-Finals...that game to be Tues. night I think. I was really tired by the time it ended. (11:30) Woke at my usual hour, and went right back to sleep. No sense in only sleeping 6 hours.
    Today, besides picking blackberries for my breakfast, I'm going to make an 'intriguing' sounding mosquito preventive... If this works I'll be amazed, and one happy camper! Its Cheap blue mouthwash, (got that at Walmart earlier this week), and Epsom Salts (have that) and cheap (no such thing I discovered) stale beer. So I got the cheapest beer Publix had, and opened it Wednesday night..... so should be 'stale' by this afternoon!! :) IF THIS WORKS, I'll be shocked, but happy!

    Thats it for today... the rest of my time will be spent doing 'this and that'...which can take up a lot of time! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Opened ON TIME today, as they finished the work about half an hour before I even got to the store. But there are always other chores to do, so I would have been busy regardless.

    Pizza for dinner.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Only supposed to get up to 84 today with no chance of rain!

    Cereal with fresh, organic blueberries (from MY bushes) was a big part of my nutritious breakfast this morning. I'm watching Windows 10 update on another screen (boring!) and Lilo is sitting on her bun warmer, which is really a small, flat, box-like computer that she likes to sit on or even drape herself across, though it's not really big enough for that.

    Orchid Society board meeting this afternoon, with lunch before (if desired) at a nice restaurant with good food. We reserve the "party" room at the back for the lunch and meeting. I often get the soup of the day along with a small salad, but sometimes the soup isn't to my taste and I get some kind of breakfasty egg thing instead. They do make pretty good Eggs Benedict.

    Well, off to do BIG WATER indoors for the plants.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...