Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...
    HELP! I've been swallowed up by the internet this morning! Way too much time spent reading interesting things that are just not all that important.
    ED.... WOW! you've gotten blueberries from your bushes. I'm impressed. DS1 says even with the netting, which he only did one season, and I doubt he really did it right? has not gotten blueberries for humans..just for birds and such. Also swears his tomatoes were eaten by squirrels last summer??? Oh, well...that garden is a he preps the ground, she plants and tends the garden...so somebody isn't doing something right!!!! :) Their problem not mine. :)

    Hair today, and dinner with DS1. Should be fun. And I'm going to make the mosquito stuff. About the time I was going to get that started...like I"d gotten the pump sprayer out, etc...it poured down rain...and for the rest of the afternoon, it rumbled and rattled like it was about to pour again...so I decided to wait a day!

    Other than that, I'm done for the day...have already cleaned both bathrooms, and run the sweeper...so those chores are done. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I ended up going back out yesterday with 13,475 steps and so far today I am up to 11,700 steps and I also found one dime on the way back from the Barber Shop. It was around 59 degrees when I started out a little after 7AM, Now it is getting warm with a forecast high in the mid to upper 80s.

    Have a Nice Weekend
    Good Morning!
    One short of 80 degrees right this minute...and I'm about to put on long pants, and shirt, and pick berries??? I must be nuts! (or I really do like fresh, homegrown, free food!! LOL)
    I did watch the USA win last night...so its on to the Semi-Finals...that game to be Tues. night I think. I was really tired by the time it ended. (11:30) Woke at my usual hour, and went right back to sleep. No sense in only sleeping 6 hours.
    Today, besides picking blackberries for my breakfast, I'm going to make an 'intriguing' sounding mosquito preventive... If this works I'll be amazed, and one happy camper! Its Cheap blue mouthwash, (got that at Walmart earlier this week), and Epsom Salts (have that) and cheap (no such thing I discovered) stale beer. So I got the cheapest beer Publix had, and opened it Wednesday night..... so should be 'stale' by this afternoon!! :) IF THIS WORKS, I'll be shocked, but happy!

    Thats it for today... the rest of my time will be spent doing 'this and that'...which can take up a lot of time! :)


    Hi Valerie
    Nothing tastes better than fresh just picked fruit and vegetables, add in free and You have a huge winner.

    Good Luck with the mosquito preventive
    Opened ON TIME today, as they finished the work about half an hour before I even got to the store. But there are always other chores to do, so I would have been busy regardless.

    Pizza for dinner.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Only supposed to get up to 84 today with no chance of rain!

    Cereal with fresh, organic blueberries (from MY bushes) was a big part of my nutritious breakfast this morning. I'm watching Windows 10 update on another screen (boring!) and Lilo is sitting on her bun warmer, which is really a small, flat, box-like computer that she likes to sit on or even drape herself across, though it's not really big enough for that.

    Orchid Society board meeting this afternoon, with lunch before (if desired) at a nice restaurant with good food. We reserve the "party" room at the back for the lunch and meeting. I often get the soup of the day along with a small salad, but sometimes the soup isn't to my taste and I get some kind of breakfasty egg thing instead. They do make pretty good Eggs Benedict.

    Well, off to do BIG WATER indoors for the plants.

    Hi Ed
    I guess that is good news that they finished, not to mention that it works, working is something that sometimes does not happen afterwards.

    Fresh Blueberries sounds rally good.

    I took the Windows 10 free upgrade. Then I followed some tutorials on how to turn off all the built in spying (Unneeded Reporting).

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...
    HELP! I've been swallowed up by the internet this morning! Way too much time spent reading interesting things that are just not all that important.
    ED.... WOW! you've gotten blueberries from your bushes. I'm impressed. DS1 says even with the netting, which he only did one season, and I doubt he really did it right? has not gotten blueberries for humans..just for birds and such. Also swears his tomatoes were eaten by squirrels last summer??? Oh, well...that garden is a he preps the ground, she plants and tends the garden...so somebody isn't doing something right!!!! :) Their problem not mine. :)

    Hair today, and dinner with DS1. Should be fun. And I'm going to make the mosquito stuff. About the time I was going to get that started...like I"d gotten the pump sprayer out, etc...it poured down rain...and for the rest of the afternoon, it rumbled and rattled like it was about to pour again...so I decided to wait a day!

    Other than that, I'm done for the day...have already cleaned both bathrooms, and run the sweeper...so those chores are done. :)


    Hi Again
    Ending up with all my time spent on the Internet happens too often, to the detriment of other things getting done :)

    We had some critter that was taking one bite out of each of the lower hanging tomatoes last year, that ruined approximately 1/3 of them.

    I hope You stayed dry.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    We had some critter that was taking one bite out of each of the lower hanging tomatoes last year, that ruined approximately 1/3 of them.

    I hope You stayed dry.

    Get out early in the morning or very late at night and look for a box turtle. Box turtles used to do that to our tomatoes when I was growing up in Kentucky. The lowest hanging ones were as high as they could reach, but for some reason they didn't want to eat a whole tomato. They'd just take one bite and move on to the next one...

    I'm really kind of amazed that the deer and/or other critters haven't eaten all the blueberries, but the two bigger bushes really are producing quite a lot this year, so I'm getting enough to have in cereal, just eat as a snack, mix with plain yogurt, feed to the sugar gliders, and I'm pondering making muffins or pancakes. Could also mix a few with some stevia sweetener to make a bit of refrigerator jam to enjoy on toast for a couple of mornings.

    I may even have to freeze some for later! This is the best they've ever done and I'm very pleased with them and so glad I planted them. The blackberry canes aren't producing nearly as much as I'd hoped this year, but what they ARE producing is very tasty, and I know for a fact that the critters are eating more of those. Maybe they like the blackberries better than the blueberries...

    J's sister is here for a short visit and they've gone out to find some food for her. I made pork chops and mashed potatoes but that was hours ago and it's all gone. I don't think she eats pork chops anyway. Some Rosè of Pinot Noir went very nicely with dinner and later I had one single windmill cookie. I could eat a whole BOX of those things but limited myself to one.

    Come to think of it, there's still about half the bag of cinnamon almonds left from the renaissance fair, since I only eat 12 almonds at a time and then forget about them for a few days at a time. LOL. Good way to extend enjoyment of that annual treat though.

    But enough late night rambling. I think I'm about ready for bed.

    Good night!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2016
    7K steps and one cent today :)
    The weather was nice and cool when I left the house. My first stop of the day was to connect the three drip hoses and turn on the water for most of the garden. My brother will water the rest of it that do not have any hoses to it later today. That would be some of the raised beds and potted plants. We currently feed three drip hoses off of the one spigot through the use of Y fittings, The second Y being fed off of the first Y giving three available connections.

    Forecast temperatures up to 90 for today, sort of hard to believe as it was 66 when I left the house at 6:30AM, OTOH the sky only has a few scattered thin clouds to stop the solar heating.
    Yesterdays possible Thunderstorms never happened, Chance of them for today and tomorrow however.

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    We had some critter that was taking one bite out of each of the lower hanging tomatoes last year, that ruined approximately 1/3 of them.

    I hope You stayed dry.
    Get out early in the morning or very late at night and look for a box turtle. Box turtles used to do that to our tomatoes when I was growing up in Kentucky. The lowest hanging ones were as high as they could reach, but for some reason they didn't want to eat a whole tomato. They'd just take one bite and move on to the next one...

    I'm really kind of amazed that the deer and/or other critters haven't eaten all the blueberries, but the two bigger bushes really are producing quite a lot this year, so I'm getting enough to have in cereal, just eat as a snack, mix with plain yogurt, feed to the sugar gliders, and I'm pondering making muffins or pancakes. Could also mix a few with some stevia sweetener to make a bit of refrigerator jam to enjoy on toast for a couple of mornings.

    I may even have to freeze some for later! This is the best they've ever done and I'm very pleased with them and so glad I planted them. The blackberry canes aren't producing nearly as much as I'd hoped this year, but what they ARE producing is very tasty, and I know for a fact that the critters are eating more of those. Maybe they like the blackberries better than the blueberries...

    J's sister is here for a short visit and they've gone out to find some food for her. I made pork chops and mashed potatoes but that was hours ago and it's all gone. I don't think she eats pork chops anyway. Some Rosè of Pinot Noir went very nicely with dinner and later I had one single windmill cookie. I could eat a whole BOX of those things but limited myself to one.

    Come to think of it, there's still about half the bag of cinnamon almonds left from the renaissance fair, since I only eat 12 almonds at a time and then forget about them for a few days at a time. LOL. Good way to extend enjoyment of that annual treat though.

    But enough late night rambling. I think I'm about ready for bed.

    Good night!
    Hi Ed
    Thanks for the tip on a turtle doing that.

    I guess You think of the Blackberries as a sacrificial offering that protects the Blueberries :)

    Good Suggestion on the Refrigerator Jam, I have frozen Blueberries in the freezer I keep forgetting to use, Out of sight - Out of mind. I need to bring them up to put in the cereal for tomorrow. I alternate between cereal and hot breakfasts, Or to put it another way, I open the quart of 1% milk I pulled off of the shelf to chill in the refrigerator and use it for assorted cereals until it is gone and then I switch back to the NS Frozen Breakfasts and have one of each, those being, Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, Sausage & Egg Muffin that I add 1/2 a slice of Velveeta to, The Canadian Bacon Egg Cheese Muffin and the Cinnamon Roll. Then back to cold cereal again. I eat a different cereal each day with sweetener. Currently I am rotating between the 7 types on hand with a different one each day. Then I use a Quaker Oats Oatmeal reduced sugar Oatmeal as a mid day snack & 120 calories.

    The Cinnamon Almonds reminds me I have some Macadamia Nuts and Black Walnuts in the freezer too.

    Have a Nice Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! First load is already in the dryer and the second load is in the washer. Nap is in the future...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    OOPS! I missed morning!
    I slept in til 9:30!!!! Holy cow!
    Have unloaded the dishwasher, and run the sweeper.. not much else except breakfast for me, and for the cats. I think I"ll stick with this trend! LOL!

    Had a good time in town yesterday...nice new short haircut, and a great dinner at RThomas. I got their Thai bowl...quinoa, tempeh, and a ton of veggies with a sauce that had a slight peanut taste. Anyhow, it was good, but since Ted and I had shared an appetizer, dinner was too big, so there is a nice doggie box waiting for me in the refrigerator. Added to a big salad, should make a great late lunch.

    I missed the coolest temps...68 was predicted..but it was still low 70's so I opened the house. 75 in here now, and I'm wearing a lightweight robe. LOL!!! I've also made a big glass of hibiscus tea...in one of those big insulated cups with a straw...will work on drinking that all day!

    Ed, I was thinking box turtle when I read Rogers post....for slow little critters they can really wreck low hanging tomatoes. As can chipmunks. And if you're DS1, and have a chickenwire fenced little garden, squirrels. But at least the squirrels take the WHOLE tomato. :)

    Roger that's some breakfast rotation you've got going on there! I'm impressed.

    Oh, and I think my mosquito concoction might actually be working. I'll know for sure this evening about 5p...that's when the little devil-things start looking for blood. I've stood out there this morning, and nothing. I do know when spraying, a lot of misc. bugs and moths took off! So far the plants look like their still fine too. And it SMELLED incredibly good! Nice and minty! I think maybe the smell has about worn off...hoping that the intended results haven't worn off as well. (it is supposed to keep mosquito's away for about 80 days. time will tell)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Working with little sleep as we went to the Weird Al concert last night at the Fox Theatre downtown. I did sleep as much as Lilo would let me after doing the laundry yesterday, but she was in a mood.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    Ed, hope Lilo is over her 'mood' so you can catch a good nap this afternoon. At least its a cool start to our morning, 59 here in Duluth :).

    Needless to say since its quite cool for the almost first day of summer...(about 12 hours from now) the house is open. I did wait for morning light. Not comfortable to open doors during dark time. Locked screen doors don't appear 'safe' to me.

    Want to quickly run the mower, (after I go buy gasoline), deadhead the roses, and make a quick grocery run to Kroger for the Dole Salad mix that NOBODY else seems to carry in this area. That Sweet Onion Citrus dressing that comes with it is addictive! And while I can make a similar tasting dressing, I can't quite seem to 'nail it'...:(

    Decided last evening to try out the effectiveness of the mosquito spray that I put out on Saturday morning...interesting observation. 2 feet away from the spray area, the little beasties feasted on my good red blood supply....but if I stood IN the sprayed area, they buzzed around my legs, but none landed. And I stood there a goodly length of time.... Although I cannot smell the spray, I think they can, and somehow it interfered with their ability to 'smell' my carbon dioxide, and couldn't find me. Or it could be the mint smell from the cheap blue mouthwash that confuses them??? Its cheap enough to make that I could do another batch, I have the ingredients...I'm a little concerned about the effect it may have on my mossy lawn...I surely do not want to kill my moss!
    And I've wondered if I could just spritz my shoes, pants, & shirt lightly with mouthwash and get the same effect. I think I'd be happier wearing mouthwash than I am with wearing Deet. So, 'play time' continues until I get some more experimenting done!!

    Also, there is a new batch of 'ice cream' to be made today. I'm thinking Cherries and Blueberries for this batch. Banana slices frozen overnight so ready to go!!!

    Meanwhile this morning I've been reading class offerings from Coursera... Have found two that are interesting...one that sorta scares me....its a graduate school level course. Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics, from University of Minnesota, "a graduate-level, hands-on interactive exploration of real informatics tools and techniques offered by the University of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota's National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. We will be incorporating technology-enabled educational innovations to bring the subject matter to life. " This just from the technology standpoint could be beyond my remaining elderly brain cells!!! But, something keeps pulling me back, even after exploring another class from the University of Copenhagen...this one on T2D.. (type 2 diabetes). The sylabus for that one gets into areas that are 'forbidden', in USA. Like stem cell use, and drugs not available in US, etc. And some others...that course in Healthcare Informatics keeps nagging at me.... do I dare???

    Ok, Roger is probably out pounding the pavement right now, will look for him over breakfast.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I Stopped by the Grocery Store on my walk this morning and Picked up some Apples, Bananas and a Tangerine. 5700 steps and one cent. The weather this morning is 1 degree warmer than yesterday and was comfortable while walking with a light intermittent breeze.

    Breakfast will be simple today as I already had my Banana before going walking, a NS Cinnamon Roll and a NS Chocolate Protein Shake, Midday snack will be Home Made Egg Salad made with Lite Mayo and Sugar Free Sweet Relish, 0 Calories and a 60 Calorie Whole Wheat Wrap. Tomorrow I'll start back on the Cold Cereal with 50 calories of 1% UHT Milk and Sweetener.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    OOPS! I missed morning!
    I slept in til 9:30!!!! Holy cow!
    Have unloaded the dishwasher, and run the sweeper.. not much else except breakfast for me, and for the cats. I think I"ll stick with this trend! LOL!

    Had a good time in town yesterday...nice new short haircut, and a great dinner at RThomas. I got their Thai bowl...quinoa, tempeh, and a ton of veggies with a sauce that had a slight peanut taste. Anyhow, it was good, but since Ted and I had shared an appetizer, dinner was too big, so there is a nice doggie box waiting for me in the refrigerator. Added to a big salad, should make a great late lunch.

    I missed the coolest temps...68 was predicted..but it was still low 70's so I opened the house. 75 in here now, and I'm wearing a lightweight robe. LOL!!! I've also made a big glass of hibiscus tea...in one of those big insulated cups with a straw...will work on drinking that all day!

    Ed, I was thinking box turtle when I read Rogers post....for slow little critters they can really wreck low hanging tomatoes. As can chipmunks. And if you're DS1, and have a chickenwire fenced little garden, squirrels. But at least the squirrels take the WHOLE tomato. :)

    Roger that's some breakfast rotation you've got going on there! I'm impressed.

    Oh, and I think my mosquito concoction might actually be working. I'll know for sure this evening about 5p...that's when the little devil-things start looking for blood. I've stood out there this morning, and nothing. I do know when spraying, a lot of misc. bugs and moths took off! So far the plants look like their still fine too. And it SMELLED incredibly good! Nice and minty! I think maybe the smell has about worn off...hoping that the intended results haven't worn off as well. (it is supposed to keep mosquito's away for about 80 days. time will tell)


    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if great minds think alike :) We both ended up with haircuts Saturday.

    Two votes for Box Turtles :)
    Good Monday Morning!
    Ed, hope Lilo is over her 'mood' so you can catch a good nap this afternoon. At least its a cool start to our morning, 59 here in Duluth :).

    Needless to say since its quite cool for the almost first day of summer...(about 12 hours from now) the house is open. I did wait for morning light. Not comfortable to open doors during dark time. Locked screen doors don't appear 'safe' to me.

    Want to quickly run the mower, (after I go buy gasoline), deadhead the roses, and make a quick grocery run to Kroger for the Dole Salad mix that NOBODY else seems to carry in this area. That Sweet Onion Citrus dressing that comes with it is addictive! And while I can make a similar tasting dressing, I can't quite seem to 'nail it'...:(

    Decided last evening to try out the effectiveness of the mosquito spray that I put out on Saturday morning...interesting observation. 2 feet away from the spray area, the little beasties feasted on my good red blood supply....but if I stood IN the sprayed area, they buzzed around my legs, but none landed. And I stood there a goodly length of time.... Although I cannot smell the spray, I think they can, and somehow it interfered with their ability to 'smell' my carbon dioxide, and couldn't find me. Or it could be the mint smell from the cheap blue mouthwash that confuses them??? Its cheap enough to make that I could do another batch, I have the ingredients...I'm a little concerned about the effect it may have on my mossy lawn...I surely do not want to kill my moss!
    And I've wondered if I could just spritz my shoes, pants, & shirt lightly with mouthwash and get the same effect. I think I'd be happier wearing mouthwash than I am with wearing Deet. So, 'play time' continues until I get some more experimenting done!!

    Also, there is a new batch of 'ice cream' to be made today. I'm thinking Cherries and Blueberries for this batch. Banana slices frozen overnight so ready to go!!!

    Meanwhile this morning I've been reading class offerings from Coursera... Have found two that are interesting...one that sorta scares me....its a graduate school level course. Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics, from University of Minnesota, "a graduate-level, hands-on interactive exploration of real informatics tools and techniques offered by the University of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota's National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. We will be incorporating technology-enabled educational innovations to bring the subject matter to life. " This just from the technology standpoint could be beyond my remaining elderly brain cells!!! But, something keeps pulling me back, even after exploring another class from the University of Copenhagen...this one on T2D.. (type 2 diabetes). The sylabus for that one gets into areas that are 'forbidden', in USA. Like stem cell use, and drugs not available in US, etc. And some others...that course in Healthcare Informatics keeps nagging at me.... do I dare???

    Ok, Roger is probably out pounding the pavement right now, will look for him over breakfast.


    Interesting that the spray works when sprayed in an area. It is not the biting process that bugs me, Pardon the play on words, It is the following itching that gets to me.

    I thought You would be trying it on Your person not on an area.

    I tried pounding the pavement, I had to stop that as it was hurting my hands when I did it.

    Enjoy Your Monday
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Working with little sleep as we went to the Weird Al concert last night at the Fox Theatre downtown. I did sleep as much as Lilo would let me after doing the laundry yesterday, but she was in a mood.

    Off to the salt races!
    Hi Ed
    Weird Al Yankovic, Wow, That must have been great.

    Have a Good Day

    Seen while walking

    Weed or Wildflower?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I heard that today is the Longest day of the year yesterday. Interesting that they did not mention at the same time that it coincides with a full moon too.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    The blue flower/weed is I think Chicory. Can't really see the foliage very well to tell for sure.
    Summer has arrived, and tonite is the full Strawberry Moon!
    Got a ton of outside done, just not all the mowing. So, will finish that tomorrow.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Meeting today offsite, assuming someone actually shows up at 7:00am to relieve me. The picture is a wildflower. Of course if one doesn't WANT that flower there, then it's a weed.

    Supposed to get to 91 today.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The blue flower/weed is I think Chicory. Can't really see the foliage very well to tell for sure.
    Summer has arrived, and tonite is the full Strawberry Moon!
    Got a ton of outside done, just not all the mowing. So, will finish that tomorrow.


    Hi Valerie
    Thanks for the feedback on the plant. Does this closer look help?
    Someone else said the same thing, that it might be Chicory.

    I guess it isn't worth harvesting the roots however, hard to say. Maybe try and find some ready to use to try.

    If it is Chicory then I have heard of it being used in Coffee.

    My Brother did the yard work yesterday whacking off the seed heads rather that running the mower.

    Today there are the reduced to $1 plants from Lowes to be planted. That would be three Hostas and a Lily of some kind.

    Have a Nice Day
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Meeting today offsite, assuming someone actually shows up at 7:00am to relieve me. The picture is a wildflower. Of course if one doesn't WANT that flower there, then it's a weed.

    Supposed to get to 91 today.

    Off to the rat mines!
    Hi Ed
    Thanks for the feedback, The way I look at it, if it grows in the yard and has flowers and I did not pay anything for it, Good!

    I wonder if the Hollyhocks will amount to anything, We have three planted from seeds that my brother started in small pots. Last years planting of Roses are blooming nicely. I see Raspberries on four of the ten plants I planted this year. Jungs did say on the website I where I looked to see which ones to get that You might see some light fruiting on some of the the first year.

    Good Luck getting to that meeting
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,647 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to get to 94 today. 20% chance of rain.

    Off to the salt races!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I found a Quarter laying in the road in the first block of my walk, and one corroded Penny on the inbound leg as I neared the Grocery Store total found 26 cents and 7K steps. I picked up four Cameo Apples for $.99 a pound and other Miscellaneous fruits and a head of Lettuce.

    Today the weather was great to walk in, it was 13 degrees cooler then yesterday for 6AM due to a cold front that moved through the area.

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Supposed to get to 94 today. 20% chance of rain.
    Hi Ed
    Hopefully You get to stay dry and a forecast high of 87 degrees today and that is with the cold front that moved through yesterday :)

    Have a Great Tag Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Grocery shopping and DS1 chat...I think not yard work...I about did myself in yesterday, but my efforts paid off. I got all of the cats paw, and all of the Virginia creeper out of, and off of, the azalea's....took a bit over 2 hours, and much stiffness later in the day!!! :)

    The definition of flower vs weed we learned in my Gardening thingy was that a 'Weed is only a plant that's in the wrong place' Yes, they did use chicory as a coffee sub. and I think they still do mix it in to the grind in New Orleans...its bitter nasty stuff! :)

    Have one really sore hip...hope the Aleve does its job.

    Want to get on with my grocery shopping before it gets nasty hot this morning. Was 75 here to start the day...90's all week...no lovely cold front coming our way...

    Ok, I'm heading off to get dressed and out of here. Need to be at 3 places this morning. Costco for their granola, Kroger to use my $2.50 coupon for my blueberries, and whatever veggies and salad stuff looks good...Publix???? not sure why...may get to skip that one.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning!
    Grocery shopping and DS1 chat...I think not yard work...I about did myself in yesterday, but my efforts paid off. I got all of the cats paw, and all of the Virginia creeper out of, and off of, the azalea's....took a bit over 2 hours, and much stiffness later in the day!!! :)

    The definition of flower vs weed we learned in my Gardening thingy was that a 'Weed is only a plant that's in the wrong place' Yes, they did use chicory as a coffee sub. and I think they still do mix it in to the grind in New Orleans...its bitter nasty stuff! :)

    Have one really sore hip...hope the Aleve does its job.

    Want to get on with my grocery shopping before it gets nasty hot this morning. Was 75 here to start the day...90's all week...no lovely cold front coming our way...

    Ok, I'm heading off to get dressed and out of here. Need to be at 3 places this morning. Costco for their granola, Kroger to use my $2.50 coupon for my blueberries, and whatever veggies and salad stuff looks good...Publix???? not sure why...may get to skip that one.


    Hi Valerie
    I like that definition of a weed, I did wonder how Chicory tasted, my quick look on the Internet said it tasted similar to coffee, nothing about Bitterness.

    Would that be the Twin pack Quaker Granola? I did buy that to try and It was too crunchy to thrill me as a cereal, OTOH as something to nibble a tiny handful of it works good. I have separated the two pouches and plan to drop the unopened one off at the food donation table at the library.

    You are not having great weather I see. I saw 67.1 for the front porch temperature on my bedroom clock when I woke up this morning. It is a nicely featured Alarm clock. It shows Inside and outside temperatures as well as inside and outside humidity and the date and day of the week :) The latter is handy for when I wake up and wonder what day it is :)

    The CostCo veges do not tempt You?

    Good Luck with Your Shopping