Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    5200 steps today including a few steps in the Grocery Store. I picked up Three Tangerines, 4 Cameo Apples, 3 Bananas and two Navel Oranges. The weather today is somewhat better than yesterday, somewhat cooler and a little lower humidity thus it was somewhat more comfortable while walking.

    Somewhat of a NSV last night, I pulled the suit I bought in 1995 out of the closet to try on and I did not remember being that heavy back then. I must have been however as it was way to big so now I have no suit to wear when needed :( Now I need to do something(s) I hate doing. Spend money and shop for anything :)

    Have a Nice Thursday
    Good Morning...Wednesday.
    Always a busy day. Soon to eat my breakfast, then take off for Kroger, home, Publix, home, lunch, and end cap with call from DS1 and dinner. Also, in the meantime, the load of laundry till get moved from the washer to the dryer..and folded..and the dishwasher which just quit cycling will get emptied. I will be exhausted! :)

    Roger, glad you got your rain. As long as its not to 'noisy' rain makes for great sleeping! :)

    Ed...wonder if this next week, with its % possibility of rain/thunder storms will actually happen? Hopefully at least 'some' will.


    Hi Valerie
    Funny, I did my Laundry yesterday too :)
    Grocery Store run while walking. I spent at least 5 minutes doing that. I do need to vacuum, now I just need to acquire the Get it done mind set and get started. OTOH inertia has set in as I sit here. FWIW I have had the Muscle Milk Chocolate flavor Protein Shake I picked up at CostCo recently, 100 calories and 20g protein, taste is Meh. The Premier Protein Shakes taste better, 160 calories and 30g Protein.

    I could hear it hitting the Wall AC unit when it started and then the drop size seemed to ease off and No more noise.

    Good Luck with the Weather
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! For various reasons, we ended up eating out last night, Vietnamese. Very nice, but too much of it. Tagging wasn't too bad yesterday. Nothing outside.

    Supposed to get to around 90 today, 30% chance of rain, and 50% chance tonight.
    Hi Ed
    I do not recall ever having had Vietnamese food nor would I know where to find a place for it, OTOH I am sure there must be somewhere within a reasonable driving distance. Is it Spicy or Have much heat? I do eat The Americanized Chinese, Italian, Thai food and the last place I worked we had the Christmas party at a Korean/Japanese eatery so I have had that too.

    Hard to believe it is almost the 4th of July already.

    Enjoy the Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!..Happy Thursday. Happy? cuz its almost Friday??? I dunno!!
    Having late breakfast, wasn't intentional. Now for breakfast cleanup.
    Load of clothes to be folded...bathrooms to clean. No doubt sweeper will get run today, sometime, and will save mopping tile for tomorrow! LOL

    I missed the rain yesterday Ed..how was it at your house? I hope you managed some drops!
    Vietnamese is good...and yes, mostly lots of it. Did I tell you that the other day on my way to Marietta via the back roads. (JimmyCarter) I spied The Loving Hut. I really do want to go there one day, probably for lunch...cheaper to try out restaurants at lunch :). I've seen it mentioned various times on the internet. If its decent it could well be worth the trip!

    Roger, how goes the berry crop, and the fruit trees. As I recall there were just a smidge of fruit on the raspberries, and several fruits on the trees? My black berries are now all done for the year. They were surprisingly good, and I'm trying to 'rethink' that 100 square feet of back yard. Looks awful, but 2 weeks of berries were surely good....hmmmmmm!

    Off to do my chores... and then listen to lectures..or did I tell you I signed up for another Coursera class. Its going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. Mainly because my last anatomy class was 50-ish years ago!!!! Thats a long time to remember which side of your heart has the most muscle, or just where and what the Mitral Valve is/does... Going to be a huge learning curve happening over here...stand back...the brain may explode from information overload!! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking 5200 steps. As I approached the Quick Chek my Phone rang, It was my brother asking did You forget You need to drop the car off today? Oops, I sure did, This is the second back window where the Mechanism has failed. I suspect it is due to the fact that they only get used if I hit the button by mistake :) It went down a little way and would not go up or down, The motor was running. This is the same thing that happened to the other rear window.

    Have a Great Friday & the Start of the Holiday Weekend for many.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good Morning!..Happy Thursday. Happy? cuz its almost Friday??? I dunno!!
    Having late breakfast, wasn't intentional. Now for breakfast cleanup.
    Load of clothes to be folded...bathrooms to clean. No doubt sweeper will get run today, sometime, and will save mopping tile for tomorrow! LOL

    I missed the rain yesterday Ed..how was it at your house? I hope you managed some drops!
    Vietnamese is good...and yes, mostly lots of it. Did I tell you that the other day on my way to Marietta via the back roads. (JimmyCarter) I spied The Loving Hut. I really do want to go there one day, probably for lunch...cheaper to try out restaurants at lunch :). I've seen it mentioned various times on the internet. If its decent it could well be worth the trip!

    Roger, how goes the berry crop, and the fruit trees. As I recall there were just a smidge of fruit on the raspberries, and several fruits on the trees? My black berries are now all done for the year. They were surprisingly good, and I'm trying to 'rethink' that 100 square feet of back yard. Looks awful, but 2 weeks of berries were surely good....hmmmmmm!

    Off to do my chores... and then listen to lectures..or did I tell you I signed up for another Coursera class. Its going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. Mainly because my last anatomy class was 50-ish years ago!!!! Thats a long time to remember which side of your heart has the most muscle, or just where and what the Mitral Valve is/does... Going to be a huge learning curve happening over here...stand back...the brain may explode from information overload!! :)


    Hi Valerie
    Two of the Raspberries fruits are starting to show color, Four had fruit altogether out of 10, I suspect that is not too bad for the first year in the ground and they are mostly growing great too.
    You can see the amount of color so far in this shot.

    That is a Yard Stick between the Raspberry an the Blackberry plant on the right.

    Two of the three Apple trees had flowers and I see no fruit set however.

    Some of the oddities I have been picking up while walking :) Two of what look like Chuckie Cheese Tokens? and something with a hole in it.

    Hopefully Your brain does not explode, that is so messy :)
    Have a Great Friday
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning...TGIF!!
    I've been on the internet. I think the house next to me did sell, but is not listed as such..so, could be the Koreans took it off the market and rented it? May never know which is NOT a problem.
    I also did some research for a particular stainless steel 'everyday' pan..still looking :)
    Cats fed, me next. In going thru my email I came across a recipe for spring rolls...usual skins and plant materials, along with Spicy Peanut Tofu. I am so making the Tofu. It would be good on a salad for protein, or of course in spring rolls too!

    Yesterday was pretty much a do nothing day...although I did get the front bath cleaned, and the trash to the street, and some stuff cooked up to not only eat, but to have leftovers too.

    I gave up on seeing rain yesterday...and this morning I see an extra quarter inch in the gauge. Yea!!! That rounds up to an inch for this week (Saturday to Saturday)...

    Roger, I'm sitting here grinning! Nice pix of the raspberries...next year you should have a good crop...also like the white bloomers...onion? Love that your brother 'interplants' his garden beds.

    Interesting pix of the 'coins'. Isn't it strange the things one finds while walking :) Makes it fun.

    Ed, stay cool today. At least you should be home early enough to escape the hottest part of the day, and hopefully napping with Lilo in wonderful A/C!!! Would you be interested in the spicy tofu crumbles for J? I can email if yes.
    (Roger I am not intentionally excluding you, but somehow don't see you either cooking or eating tofu!! Please correct me if I'm wrong!!!)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    I did post this morning. I swear I did! But it seems to have disappeared. Oh well.

    By all means, send us the recipe. We can give it a try. Maybe it would make some asian fusion tofu tacos or something!

    Heading to nap with Lilo shortly.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Dinner last night was a veggie burger pretending to be meat. Morningstar Farms Grillers. Today J is headed up to Kentucky to go to a memorial for an uncle who died some time back. And he's bringing a cousin or two back home with him, for a week or two. If they get bored (probable) maybe we can stick them on the MegaBus if there is one that goes to Louisville so they can get home...

    I am, honestly, not thrilled with the idea of their visit. When one of them was little, I found her to be obnoxious and noisy, and I don't even KNOW the other one. But the obnoxious and noisy child has presumably grown up and claims to be looking forward to eating the food I cook...I KNOW! I'll melt her face with spiciness! Bwahahahahaha!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did some walking today 6000 steps + 1 cent from yesterday. The something with a hole in it that I posted a image of Yesterday turned out to be a penny. I used a fine Emory cloth on it and was able to see Lincolns head after sanding off some of the corrosion.

    Todays weather was decent around 76% humidity and 68 degrees when I left the house. Yesterday we heard thunder several times throughout the day but no significant rain until around 9PM. No watering needed today. My Brother brought home some nice looking Portulaca's AKA Moss Rose. They were in a 6 pack that cost a whole Dollar :) I pulled out the last left over hanging basket and put four of them into it and two near the ones in the ground. That makes four hanging baskets for three spots. One will sit on the front Stoop. Now one Geraniums, One Petunias and one Begonias and now one Portulaca.

    Today's plan is a picnic on the lawn from here:
    My Thoughts on this as of now are eat my Hot On NS Plan dinner at home ahead and take a Cold Protein Shake, 100 calories, a Nice Apple or Tangerine and for later in the evening a nice tasty NS Dessert, possibly the Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Nut Bar 200 calories or the Vanilla Shortbread Cookies 160 calories. Since I do not want to eat my brothers low calorie items he plans on taking, IE Potato Salad with real Mayo & Egg and Macaroni Salad using home made Pesto that has fresh Basil from the garden and Chicken Leg Quarters. My Other Option would be to hit the Burger King for 2 Whoppers using the Coupon for Buy One Get One Free. 630 calories each or 470 each without Mayo. If I did that I would go the No Mayo route and combine the meat and throw out one Bun and eat the Lettuce and Tomato as a salad. Going that route could make it usable as a lot of the calories must be coming from the Large Bun :)

    Let's not forget to mention the Rear Passenger Window Repair on the Buick $207 :(

    Have a Great Start of the 4th of July Holiday Weekend.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Guys!! Yep, it really is Saturday!
    Today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future, the word is HOT. I am just afraid it may be hooked up with a mean old bum named DRY. Summer certainly is upon us.
    Staying with the 'littles' tonite so their parents can have a nice quiet dinner out. Actually, I also will be having a quiet dinner. They will take their iPods, iPhones, etc, and not a peep out of them will be heard. It frustrates the hell out of me, but it is what it is.

    Grass needs a haircut...so I think I will have breakfast, and get out there as quickly as possible....its 73 now, swiftly heading to 90+. Hope the grass is not wet with dew. I really do not like to cut wet grass :(

    That said

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good Morning...TGIF!!
    I've been on the internet. I think the house next to me did sell, but is not listed as such..so, could be the Koreans took it off the market and rented it? May never know which is NOT a problem.
    I also did some research for a particular stainless steel 'everyday' pan..still looking :)
    Cats fed, me next. In going thru my email I came across a recipe for spring rolls...usual skins and plant materials, along with Spicy Peanut Tofu. I am so making the Tofu. It would be good on a salad for protein, or of course in spring rolls too!

    Yesterday was pretty much a do nothing day...although I did get the front bath cleaned, and the trash to the street, and some stuff cooked up to not only eat, but to have leftovers too.

    I gave up on seeing rain yesterday...and this morning I see an extra quarter inch in the gauge. Yea!!! That rounds up to an inch for this week (Saturday to Saturday)...

    Roger, I'm sitting here grinning! Nice pix of the raspberries...next year you should have a good crop...also like the white bloomers...onion? Love that your brother 'interplants' his garden beds.

    Interesting pix of the 'coins'. Isn't it strange the things one finds while walking :) Makes it fun.

    Ed, stay cool today. At least you should be home early enough to escape the hottest part of the day, and hopefully napping with Lilo in wonderful A/C!!! Would you be interested in the spicy tofu crumbles for J? I can email if yes.
    (Roger I am not intentionally excluding you, but somehow don't see you either cooking or eating tofu!! Please correct me if I'm wrong!!!)

    Hi Valerie
    See my update on the one with the hole in it in the previous post.
    I saw a weather forecast this morning before going walking that seemed to indicate Your weather is leaking up into our area later next week with the weatherman muttering about he believes temps will be in the upper 90s :(

    I see You got some rain, no watering needed for a couple days.

    Yes the White Bloomers are on Onions. The Basil is starting to go to seed too. We pulled the rest of the radishes a while ago as they were going to seed and not developing any bulb to eat.

    I agree some of what I have seen while walking is strange.

    I did post this morning. I swear I did! But it seems to have disappeared. Oh well.

    By all means, send us the recipe. We can give it a try. Maybe it would make some asian fusion tofu tacos or something!

    Heading to nap with Lilo shortly.
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Dinner last night was a veggie burger pretending to be meat. Morningstar Farms Grillers. Today J is headed up to Kentucky to go to a memorial for an uncle who died some time back. And he's bringing a cousin or two back home with him, for a week or two. If they get bored (probable) maybe we can stick them on the MegaBus if there is one that goes to Louisville so they can get home...

    I am, honestly, not thrilled with the idea of their visit. When one of them was little, I found her to be obnoxious and noisy, and I don't even KNOW the other one. But the obnoxious and noisy child has presumably grown up and claims to be looking forward to eating the food I cook...I KNOW! I'll melt her face with spiciness! Bwahahahahaha!
    Hi Ed
    FWIW I have lost posts too, Usually something stupid I did too. Hit Preview and forget to hit the post button for example.

    I have asked my Brother for the recipe, His memory is as good as mine :)

    I hope You and Valerie had good weather, parts of NJ took a pounding yesterday with power lines and trees down. Where I am we just had some rain luckily.

    Good Luck with the upcoming visitors.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Made blueberry muffins (using Stevia baking blend, instead of sugar) and they came out all right! I've been just nibbling blueberries and feeding them to the sugar gliders but finally MADE something with some of them. LOL!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Its darn early!
    I dunno why I got up at 5 this morning...But, her I am!
    It is going to get so hot so quickly this morning that I'm questioning even trying to get out there. Its 71 to 76 degrees, depending on where you look. I have weather channel and another app called Fahrenheit, and then there is the Weather Channel app on my computer...and they are all different. But they're all saying upper 80's by 11 a.m. So, having my coffee and computer time, and breakfast now...there are a couple of things I'd like to get done outside before it becomes 'melting degrees'.

    Staying with the kids got cancelled yesterday afternoon, so I 'fiddled' around after cutting my grass and the neighbors front yard. The two join, and when both cut they look really pretty. Also these are the neighbors who for 2 years did a lot of my mowing when I couldn't because of my knees. So, it felt good to do something for them for a change. But, by the time I finished around 11:30 it was already 'melting fahrenheit'...

    Roger, sorry the coin with the hole was only an old mistreated penny. I was hoping for something more esoteric! :) Couldn't we make up a story or something?

    Reading about you eating your blueberries, and sharing them with the sugar gliders, made me miss my blackberries...and they've only been finished bearing fruit for about 2 weeks!!

    Sunrise is about 30 minutes off, so I need to get into 'gardening gear', and eat my breakfast.
    Hope everybody is having a good weekend and looking forward to some fun activity for Monday. DS1 is having us (me and his brother) for BBQ on the 4th. I'm guessing, knowing that son, that there will be fireworks to go with the food. I need to call today and offer to bring a covered dish or two. Last time he did this was on Mothers Day a year ago, and he had a wealth of veggies from the grill for Ted and I to eat. I'm hoping for a repeat! Also, I hope we get to shoot off his latest backyard thing...he saw a U Tube, and got the stuff he needed for about $12...and he now has an honest to goodness 'Bottle Rocket'.. plastic bottle, rubbing alcohol, some PVC pipe and a grill igniter. I've seen his vid's that he posted on fb, and they're hilarious! Darned thing really takes off and goes pretty high too.

    Breakfast! Now!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Pondering whether to slow cook the pork ribs today or (somewhat faster) cook them tomorrow. It's supposed to get to 99 today.

    While Lilo didn't get me up QUITE as early as Valerie got up, she did poke at me a little bit after 6. I suspect D made enough noise getting out the door for his shift at Ingles to get Lilo up and running. At any rate, she and I have been fed and I still have time to decide about the ribs as if I do decided on today, I don't have to get them started quite this early. I still have a couple of hours to decide.

    Plenty of home snapped (well, snipped) green beans from CSA boxes in the freezer too, and broccoli in the crisper, so I can have TWO green vegetables and there is a small personal watermelon in the fridge as well. I could strip the two ears of corn and make a small dish of fried corn to finish it off. And, of course, potato salad for J.

    Might need to go and get more eggs though, before it gets too hot...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    My Brother & I went to the Picnic on the lawn yesterday and finally saw the Fireworks, I say finally as the Ball game went into extra innings and they paused the game after 11PM and did the Fireworks, then it looked like they were getting going again, we left and were on the way home at 11:30. During the Interval I wandered into the Target an ended up buying a Jance paperback called "Dance of the Bones" one of the books featuring J. P. Beaumont at 15% off and on the way out I saw a Starbucks so I had a hot Coffee. Thus the 6Pm to 10Pm ran 6Pm to 11:30Pm :) They were nice enough to keep the Historic Van Horne House open as well *kitten* handing out goodie bags from the Unity Bank. The Weather was surprisingly cool to where everybody was feeling a chill by the time the Fireworks went off. If I has realized it would be that chilly on July 2nd I would have dressed warmer.

    I ended up over 11K steps yesterday and was somewhat sore today after getting a late start walking I did 3500 steps and One Cent. The weather seemed OK heading out however I did start to feel warm on the return leg.

    What I did for food yesterday was eat my Dinner at Lunch time and my lunch at the Picnic. I ended up with was a NS Grilled Chicken sandwich with a smear of Lite Mayo on the the buns which I toasted lightly before reassembling the sandwich and 1 1/2 slices of shopRite Precooked Bacon, A Tangerine, A Chocolate ready to drink Protein Shake by Muscle Milk 100 calories from CostCo, Fresh cauliflower courtesy of my brother likewise the Carrot sticks and Celery bites. Dessert was the NS Vanilla Shortbread Cookies. They came around with a tray of Brownies and Ginger Cookies while we were there, I ended up with one of each :( FWIW I also had a Bottle of Frozen water to keep the foods cold and a chilled one to drink.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Made blueberry muffins (using Stevia baking blend, instead of sugar) and they came out all right! I've been just nibbling blueberries and feeding them to the sugar gliders but finally MADE something with some of them. LOL!
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Pondering whether to slow cook the pork ribs today or (somewhat faster) cook them tomorrow. It's supposed to get to 99 today.

    While Lilo didn't get me up QUITE as early as Valerie got up, she did poke at me a little bit after 6. I suspect D made enough noise getting out the door for his shift at Ingles to get Lilo up and running. At any rate, she and I have been fed and I still have time to decide about the ribs as if I do decided on today, I don't have to get them started quite this early. I still have a couple of hours to decide.

    Plenty of home snapped (well, snipped) green beans from CSA boxes in the freezer too, and broccoli in the crisper, so I can have TWO green vegetables and there is a small personal watermelon in the fridge as well. I could strip the two ears of corn and make a small dish of fried corn to finish it off. And, of course, potato salad for J.

    Might need to go and get more eggs though, before it gets too hot...

    Hi Ed
    You and Valerie are having what I think of as I hope we do not get that hot this year weather. The current forecast is for 89 degrees Tuesday followed by four days over 90. AC Units don't fail me now :)

    I wonder how many calories and grams of sugar per muffin You saves using the Stevia. I was afraid to measure my BS this morning after the Brownie and a Homemade Chocolate Ball yesterday. On the good side the scale was kind to me this morning. I also forgot to mention above that I sampled my brother Home made Potato Salad and Macaroni Salad with Home Made Pesto using Basil from the Garden instead of Mayo.

    You are not the only one trying to decide how to cook something My Brother is trying to decide how to cook what he describes as a Thick Beef Steak Tomorrow, inside in a skillet, the Oven or bring the Grill out of the shed. I plan to pull some of the Hebrew National 97% fat free Hot dogs and Grill them tomorrow so The grill will be set up. I also plan to put them on a 60 calorie Whole Wheat or Honey Wheat Wrap instead of a Bun with a little Ketchup and No Sugar Added Sweet Relish that is Zero Calorie per serving. Being aware that it showing Zero Calories really means under 5 calories per serving :)

    Have a Nice day
    Good Morning! Its darn early!
    I dunno why I got up at 5 this morning...But, her I am!
    It is going to get so hot so quickly this morning that I'm questioning even trying to get out there. Its 71 to 76 degrees, depending on where you look. I have weather channel and another app called Fahrenheit, and then there is the Weather Channel app on my computer...and they are all different. But they're all saying upper 80's by 11 a.m. So, having my coffee and computer time, and breakfast now...there are a couple of things I'd like to get done outside before it becomes 'melting degrees'.

    Staying with the kids got cancelled yesterday afternoon, so I 'fiddled' around after cutting my grass and the neighbors front yard. The two join, and when both cut they look really pretty. Also these are the neighbors who for 2 years did a lot of my mowing when I couldn't because of my knees. So, it felt good to do something for them for a change. But, by the time I finished around 11:30 it was already 'melting fahrenheit'...

    Roger, sorry the coin with the hole was only an old mistreated penny. I was hoping for something more esoteric! :) Couldn't we make up a story or something?

    Reading about you eating your blueberries, and sharing them with the sugar gliders, made me miss my blackberries...and they've only been finished bearing fruit for about 2 weeks!!

    Sunrise is about 30 minutes off, so I need to get into 'gardening gear', and eat my breakfast.
    Hope everybody is having a good weekend and looking forward to some fun activity for Monday. DS1 is having us (me and his brother) for BBQ on the 4th. I'm guessing, knowing that son, that there will be fireworks to go with the food. I need to call today and offer to bring a covered dish or two. Last time he did this was on Mothers Day a year ago, and he had a wealth of veggies from the grill for Ted and I to eat. I'm hoping for a repeat! Also, I hope we get to shoot off his latest backyard thing...he saw a U Tube, and got the stuff he needed for about $12...and he now has an honest to goodness 'Bottle Rocket'.. plastic bottle, rubbing alcohol, some PVC pipe and a grill igniter. I've seen his vid's that he posted on fb, and they're hilarious! Darned thing really takes off and goes pretty high too.

    Breakfast! Now!


    Hi Valerie
    We have three temperature sensors sitting on the front porch, One feeds the Unit in my brothers bedroom, one feeds the Alarm clock in my bedroom where I can see at a glance what the reading is when I wake up as well it displays the Time, Duh!, Day of week, Date and Humidity outside and Humidity in the bedroom. So I knew before I left the bedroom that it was 66.7 degrees at 6:54AM. Then third one feeds a Inside/outside display in the Living Room. Just for redundancy I also have a Wall Clock that displays Date, Day, Inside Temperature and of course the time :) TBH I have clocks in most of the rooms of the house, I still need to hang the one in the Basement in the Basement Computer room that also has my modest Entertainment setup. Really Cheap 42" HDTV that I use as the computer monitor as well as Satellite & Basic Cable TV, and small WD Media Player and BluRay display.

    My Media Player actually accesses Accuweather service and can play videos from it as well as displaying the time and current Accuweather temperature on the Main menu screen.

    You have been busy too. I had hopes that it would be more esoteric too. Such as something off a item such as this thing.
    Oh Well.

    I guess You know that in NJ any Fireworks are illegal even Sparklers and those things you lit and they put out black snakes :) Talk about a Nanny State.

    It appears that sooner rather than later we will be going to having one of the lowest gas taxes to having one of the Highest gas taxes :( Boo

    I hope You have a Good Holiday Weekend
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    edited July 2016
    Update: I decided to start the boneless, country style pork ribs in my largest slow cooker with a splash of vinegar, a quarter cup of water, and some South African Smoke seasoning CLONE that I made from a recipe on the internet.

    Some home made barbecue sauce is chilling in the fridge.

    Meanwhile, in my smallest "real" slow cooker (not just food warmer) I have started some chili barbecue baked beans to go with the ribs. Later I'll probably make some purple potato salad. And I'll dry fry some tofu for J so he can have barbecued tofu.

    I'll probably steam some broccoli too, got to have that green vegetable!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Back again. Just finished my breakfast. I came inside about 9, and it was still quite comfortable outside. Sure its not so now. Then I got sucked into the Internet....
    I've switched my meals up...eating a lunch-ish breakfast, a big main meal noon-ish, and a Light Breakfast of a Protein, a starch, (cereal, or grain) and a fruit for Evening Meal. Working for me, at least for now.

    I'll have to 'report' on my 4th meal, after DS1 cooks it! :)

    Ed, what is "South African Smoke seasoning CLONE" just curious. I read a 'tip' online about 2 weeks ago for 'grilled, smokey flavor' and one of the things they suggested is Lapsang Suchong..(spelling is off but close enough) If you've ever had that tea is is most definetly 'smokey'. One day, I will give this smokey tea to season something a try.

    Roger... Ed and I have 3 back to back predicted 100 degree days coming, supposedly. Don't need that!
    And I thought the penny reminded me of old Roman Coins. Trying to figure how the heck it got to NJ is the problem!!! LOL!!! Nanny State, yep I'd say so, though GA only opened up to a lot of fireworks last year. Before that we could use sparklers, smoke snakes, and small firecrackers. I grew up blowing things to high heaven with M-80's and cherry bombs!!

    Sleepy time is fastly approaching. Not going to fight it! But glad I got up early and got some outside stuff done. I have one more rose bush to dead head, so I may repeat this tomorrow.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    edited July 2016
    Laundry is going, and nap is soonish.

    Here's the CLONE recipe, found online. It's tasty, but one does have to watch how much one uses because of the high salt content.

    Clone Recipe: Trader Joe's South African Smoke Seasoning

    Ah, Trader Joe's. If you've been to one, you know and if you haven't you dream of one day visiting one.

    Our nearest TJ's is an hour drive away so I only make it there a couple times a year. One of my most fave items is the South African Smoke Seasoning Blend (SASS for short).. it is large flakes of sea salt, paprika, basil and garlic in a grinder.

    As much as I love it, I found myself wishing I could sprinkle it like salt, versus grinding it and having larger flakes on my food. So.. I made my own! Plus, this means I can have it anytime and if you aren't near a TJ's.. you can enjoy it too!

    I recommend using a Bullet blender if you have one.

    Trader Joe's South African Smoke Seasoning

    5 tsp smoked paprika
    2 tsp sea salt
    2 tsp garlic salt
    2 tsp garlic powder
    1 tsp dried basil
    1 tsp hickory smoked salt

    Blend together in the Bullet, Store in a glass jar or covered container. Use as you would salt.

    Found at THIS whole food vegan website:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 20,674 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! Dinner last night ended up being the boneless ribs, home made barbecue sauce, cheesy julienned potato casserole, baked beans, steamed buttered broccoli, and I opened a bottle of Syrah to go with it. All the broccoli was consumed but there is still some casserole, ribs, and beans to be eaten and half the bottle of wine.

    I do have more broccoli in the refrigerator so I can steam some more if desired to go with the leftovers. And I can cut the small, personal watermelon too, and might do that today.

    95 is the high called for today, with 30% chance of scattered showers. We'll see what develops. We could use some more rain here.

    Off to the rat mines!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I got out and did 4500 steps and a stop at the Grocery Store for 3 Bananas 49 cents a pound, 3 Navel oranges 5 for $1.99, 2 large tangerines 40 cents each and 3 Cameo Apples selling for 99cents a pound. Temperature out the Door was in the lower 60s, a Possibility of Rain Tonight.

    Two of the Bananas went into the refrigerator for Wednesday & Thursday and the third one is on the Counter for Tomorrow Morning.

    Breakfast today was a Banana before walking, Post Raisin Bran 11o calories with 4 ounces of 1% milk 50 calories and Sweetener and a Premier Protein Vanilla Shake, 30g Protein and 160 calories :) I also pulled the 97% Fat Free Hebrew National Hot Dogs for Later on with a 60 calorie Honey Wheat or Whole Wheat wrap, Cleaned the Grill and generally made ready for later on.

    Have a Great 4th of July