100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan and Roger, I'm still watching April ghe giraffe! Today i mowed the front/back/side yards, right before a little rain. This is Emily's spring break....and I've been chained to my computer (working). I made a crockpot of chili....as I watch the news about all the NE snow! I'm still not being consistent at all. ☹️
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    I went out walking today and hit 7.4Ksteps, The temperature was 23 degrees Vs 21. Due to road and sidewalk conditions I did not go as far as I had hoped to go. OTOH I did go further than yesterday. The street in front of the house is Decent, However as I went further the same streets that had icy patches still had them in the same spot. I did manage to find a safe route to go further however.

    I had a call yesterday around 1:15PM that the frozen portion of my order had shipped. I did not really expect it yesterday and I do today however. I also pulled most of the basement freezer and used a large Putty knife to scrape the frost that had formed in the freezer and dumped it in the sink to melt. So I am ready for the delivery today. I have the Baskets I use all set to go in the living room and the clipboard so I can check in the order :)

    I have a Green hat with a hat band saying Happy St. Patrick's Day for tomorrows walking :)

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Well, looking around my house, inertia seems to be my problem too! I just give up seeing how much there is to do sometimes and it is hard to get past just taking the meds, giving dogs meds, and getting our meals out to us all! Sometimes I do not get beyond that and emails! I am cooking more and have more dishes doing the real foods, but feel better. It was hard to tell how much better I feel from diet, or not such a strenuous pace! Probably both. :)

    Hi Jan
    Not only did I wash and dry the Bath (shower) mat and clean the Bathroom then we had to go dig may car out and finish shoveling the left over driveway from the day before :( Oh well.

    I turned on the oven before going walking today and roasted some Sweet Potatoes as my brother plans to make a Sweet Potato Pie and one other flavor for tomorrow St. Patrick's Day Dinner. We invited a neighbor to join us too. the $1.88 a pound Corned Beef in waiting to be cooked and in a to heck with the diet for the day as I know the sodium and carbs will have me retaining water I also told him to get a loaf of Irish Soda Bread for Fridays meals too.
    Poor weathermen, they can sure take some flack! On the average ours do a very good job. Often they have the rains coming in at the time it actually starts, at least at my house. It sounded like a complex system, and better to be safe than sorry! I had not heard about the Georgia peaches. Awful! We have a peach grower at church, and I am anxious to see how they fared. I am sure the trees were blossoming. The sun is warm, and at my house, the cold seemed to not damage leaves yet. I think it may not have got down as low as they said, hopefully. It is frightfully windy, and the wind is cold for here! Nope, not trading! :#
    OTOH this not the first forecast they blew this year and it is Only March. Our Governor even commented that he was not yet ready to declare a state of emergency the day before the storm since the last times they forecast bad weather and he did declare one ahead of time the weather turned out to not be that bad after all.

    Bummer, I was hoping to swap weather :)

    FWIW Yesterdays news they mentioned that the cold weather will damage the Cherry Tree blossoms in Washington DC. They went into bloom early due to the warmth we were having.
    Corned beef was on sale here, finally. Picked up 2 for 7 and 8 dollars each. They were great size wise and I should get several meals from them. I passed up some soda bread; that was sad! It looked good! I did buy cabbage and have carrots, so I will celebrate St. Patrick's week, lol! The corned beef has been running about 25-30 dollars a piece. Needless to say, It has been a while since I had it!

    Did you all make your own meats this year? Envy your celebration! Maybe not the cleaning!

    Take care, and take it easy shoveling that heavy or icy stuff! .. Jan B) (make you jealous with sunshine, lol!)

    Before We cook the Corned Beef or last New Years Ham we soak and rinse them a couple of times to reduce the sodium levels and that is despite starting with a reduced sodium Ham :)

    Then My brother has decided to boil the Corned Beef vs Baking it to further reduce the Sodium levels.

    Today he make a Supermarket Run and will pick up a Cabbage.

    We already picked up two other Corned Beef for the freezer and he will turn them into Pastrami later this year.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    I Did it again, more humor posted this morning :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan and Roger, I'm still watching April the giraffe! Today i mowed the front/back/side yards, right before a little rain. This is Emily's spring break....and I've been chained to my computer (working). I made a crockpot of chili....as I watch the news about all the NE snow! I'm still not being consistent at all. ☹️

    Hi Val
    You did get some exercise with the Mowing, It is a shame it needs it already.

    I am sure You be doing better shortly
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi Val!

    Do not be discouraged! Take a day at a time! You have kept checking in and that is a marvelous accomplishment considering your schedule! Chili sounds good! I hope you can take a half day and maybe get out some! I have been chuckling at April the giraffe myself! That baby will come when it is ready, and not before, it seems. Calculating must be more difficult then thought, lol! Em is a good kid! Another really good accomplishment! Hang in there! Dig out a few minutes of peace during the day for yourself! Make it a scheduled priority since you are on the computer anyway! <3 ..Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Roger! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Envy your St Patrick's celebration, especially the bread! I do not envy you digging out your car. That is some work, especially with the kind of snow that seemed to fall! It is still chilly here and cloudy. It is warmer and we have no freeze warnings. A good thing. My blossoms seemed to make it thru the weather okay, as did the leaves and other greenery. I uncovered my honeysuckle and it seems to be doing good, too. I purchased some creeping red thyme from a mail order nursery and it arrived in great shape. It came way faster than I thought, so I need to make the bed ready today or tomorrow. Glad I had caffeine this morning!

    My daughter bought me a corned beef! So I have three! It was a really nice "joke" present actually! She surprised me yesterday by going to dinner with me, and we went to a buffet. They have mostly shrimp and oysters and I definitely indulged. I was just happy to go out with her! I was planning on avoiding most carbs, but they had the best looking french fries I ever saw, and they were fabulous. Since I had fries, I had a few hush puppies so I was over calories and carbs. I did not care, it was great. I was still proud of myself as I did only have a very small helping of the fries and hush puppies. No where what I used to eat, so I am going to consider it a Win and get right back today with a very low carb selection! :)

    Impressed you got in some walking and got your cleaning done! Enjoy St. Patrick's day! Thank you for the humor! Headed there now! :# ...Jan- expecting 80 degrees in the next week! :o
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    This is the diet that I need!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And still more humor posted this morning :)

    I went out walking today and hit 8.4Ksteps, The temperature was 30 degrees Vs 23. Yesterday I was at 11.5K steps by days end despite a lower step count while walking. The streets and Sidewalks were decent. While I am walking I have not seen nearly as many joggers or walkers since the Snow fell. I have seen a few people walking their dogs.

    There is supposed to be rain or snow or a mix moving into the area tonight into tomorrow :(

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, I wore the Green hat with the Happy St. Patrick's Day band on it that my brother gave me a couple of weeks ago while walking.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi Roger! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Envy your St Patrick's celebration, especially the bread! I do not envy you digging out your car. That is some work, especially with the kind of snow that seemed to fall! It is still chilly here and cloudy. It is warmer and we have no freeze warnings. A good thing. My blossoms seemed to make it thru the weather okay, as did the leaves and other greenery. I uncovered my honeysuckle and it seems to be doing good, too. I purchased some creeping red thyme from a mail order nursery and it arrived in great shape. It came way faster than I thought, so I need to make the bed ready today or tomorrow. Glad I had caffeine this morning!

    My daughter bought me a corned beef! So I have three! It was a really nice "joke" present actually! She surprised me yesterday by going to dinner with me, and we went to a buffet. They have mostly shrimp and oysters and I definitely indulged. I was just happy to go out with her! I was planning on avoiding most carbs, but they had the best looking french fries I ever saw, and they were fabulous. Since I had fries, I had a few hush puppies so I was over calories and carbs. I did not care, it was great. I was still proud of myself as I did only have a very small helping of the fries and hush puppies. No where what I used to eat, so I am going to consider it a Win and get right back today with a very low carb selection! :)

    Impressed you got in some walking and got your cleaning done! Enjoy St. Patrick's day! Thank you for the humor! Headed there now! :# ...Jan- expecting 80 degrees in the next week! :o

    Hi Jan
    Then to top things off I stopped at the Grocery Store and bought Rye Bread on impulse...
    Corned Beef & Rye sandwiches in the future based on that. Two ounces of the Corned Beef is 100 calories and a slice of the Rye bread is 75 calories so slice the bread in half add a touch of Mustard and Voila a SC +PF mid day snack :)

    FWIW We picked up Four Corned Beef on sale and will be turning two of them into Pastrami and One Baked and one Boiled for today since that is what My brother decided to do. We can pull out the slicer and Vacuum seal portions for the future Saturday or Sunday since it will slice nicer when chilled.
    If You would like the Pastrami Recipe let me know. It is really simple in terms of Ingredients and Preparation time.

    Good News that Your Blossoms survived.

    Congratulations on this :
    9 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 3/16/2017 and was under her calorie goal
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    This is the diet that I need!

    Hi Val
    There's something wrong with a See Food Diet vs a Seafood Diet?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    I went out walking today and hit 8.14Ksteps, The temperature was 32 degrees Vs 30. The road and sidewalk conditions
    I overindulged in the Corned Beef & Cabbage yesterday, As well as Boiled Potatoes and Gravy, Home Made Beer Bread, Some Irish Soda Bread and Home Made Pies, Sweet Potato Pie and Pecan Pie, with Homemade Whipped Cream. As a result I am up almost 5 pounds of Water Weight today and probably a slight weight gain that I will have to work on :(

    After Yesterdays 2:30 overeating at Lunch with a a neighbor I had a Apple & a Tangerine with a Protein Shake for Dinner. Tomorrow whatever of the Two Corned Beef are left they will be portioned up and Vacuum sealed for later usage. Why two? They were $1.88 a pound on sale and We ended up picking up four. My Brother Soaked them in water to reduce the sodium level and then Boiled one and Baked one :) To me they both tasted the same.
    My plan for the Vacuum Sealed portions is 4 ounces per package and use that over two days as 50 calories and 275g of sodium per ounce along with a 60 calorie wrap for a SC + PF. Hopefully the soaking reduced the Sodium level.

    The forecast today is for Rain, Snow or a Mix depending on where You are in the Metropolitan area. I did see a few stray snow flakes while walking.

    Have a Nice Weekend

    I Did it again, more humor posted this morning :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I am sure you can get that weight off pretty quickly! My sodium has been over the roof eating corned beef for 2 days, but it was sure worth it! It was yummy and a long time since I had it, I should have picked up more myself! Oddly, the cabbage just hit the spot! Probably because of the beef juices, lol! Wish I had the bread, so I envy you yours! :p

    Great you could get out to walk. It is rough when you have a mix like that coming down. I think we may be done with cold weather. It is grey and cloudy, but a cool 60 degrees. Next week should be 70's and 80's. Our winter just was not cold enough for the ground to be cold, which helped the plants, I guess! :)

    I have 5 lbs to take off too, before getting back to pre-NOLA weight. It is a slow go, but I need to shop for meat, so I think I will get fish and chicken, which should help! I have a bread craving, so isn't it interesting that indulging in a few days of not so good for me food, had brought those cravings back. It just shows how addicting our additives and packaged type food has become! I may have one day though to indulge in a small amount of bread or mashed potatoes and get it out of my system! I am not going to be obsessive about it!

    Headed for the humor, and I will healthily race you those 5 lbs! Let me know when it is off!
    Be good, keep up your good work! Have a good day! :) ..Jan ( getting caffeinated!)

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I went into the office for the first time in a year. The new bldg is very nice, but my experience was way worse than I was expecting (and I really thought my expectations were low). People are mean.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi. I went into the office for the first time in a year. The new bldg is very nice, but my experience was way worse than I was expecting (and I really thought my expectations were low). People are mean.

    I hate that was your experience! Maybe working from home has been a blessing. I know women are usually meaner than men. I hate that happened! Ego's?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    I went out walking today and did 8.8K steps Plus 1 Cent, The temperature was 35 degrees Vs 32. The road and sidewalk conditions were good overall. I lost 2.5 pounds of what had to be water weight since yesterday morning.

    The forecast yesterday was for Rain, Snow or a Mix depending on where You are in the Metropolitan area. We had a light drizzle yesterday and they had snow in northern NJ. The weather seems to have avoided the area where I am :)

    I sliced up some of the Corned Beef yesterday and plan to use 2 ounces on a slice of Rye Cut in half with a touch of spicy brown Mustard for my mid morning snack. I will freeze much of the rest for use later. That should end up at 100 calories and a whopping 550g of Sodium :( for the CB. I my also use Thousand Island Dressing instead of the Mustard, I can not decide which way to go and may not know until I actually do it. I'm off to vacuum seal some of the Corned Beef right now as a matter of fact.

    Have a Great Sunday

    Once again, more humor posted this morning :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I am sure you can get that weight off pretty quickly! My sodium has been over the roof eating corned beef for 2 days, but it was sure worth it! It was yummy and a long time since I had it, I should have picked up more myself! Oddly, the cabbage just hit the spot! Probably because of the beef juices, lol! Wish I had the bread, so I envy you yours! :p

    Great you could get out to walk. It is rough when you have a mix like that coming down. I think we may be done with cold weather. It is grey and cloudy, but a cool 60 degrees. Next week should be 70's and 80's. Our winter just was not cold enough for the ground to be cold, which helped the plants, I guess! :)
    Hi Jan
    As You may have noticed I did drop 2.5 pounds in 24 hours :)
    Also You can see my plans above for the midmorning snacks of PF + SC for the next couple of days. and I could also use a 60 calorie sandwich wrap vs the Rye Bread. No indecision for me :)

    I figure in my case it is a combination of Sodium and Sugars from the Pies. Either of those make me retain water and the combination most likely made it worse.
    I have 5 lbs to take off too, before getting back to pre-NOLA weight. It is a slow go, but I need to shop for meat, so I think I will get fish and chicken, which should help! I have a bread craving, so isn't it interesting that indulging in a few days of not so good for me food, had brought those cravings back. It just shows how addicting our additives and packaged type food has become! I may have one day though to indulge in a small amount of bread or mashed potatoes and get it out of my system! I am not going to be obsessive about it!

    Headed for the humor, and I will healthily race you those 5 lbs! Let me know when it is off!
    Be good, keep up your good work! Have a good day! :) ..Jan ( getting caffeinated!)

    I noticed You seem to be doing good with the food logging and that is a Key Component to weight loss. I also use canned Chicken and Turkey for PFs. Or I can have my brother pick up a roasted 1/2 Turkey breast from the ShopRite Grocery Store as a PF. It tastes pretty good with a smear of Miracle Whip on a wrap.

    Today for breakfast I had a NS Turkey Sausage & Egg Muffin and 1/2 a slice of Velveeta for taste which added a whopping 20 calories to the Sandwich. A Wonderslim Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie Bought via Amazon which is 100 calories and 15g Protein. Information is here. http://www.wonderslim.com/wonderslim-weight-loss-smoothies-strawberryyogurt.html
    I started using some of them when NS discontinued the Strawberry Protein shake and I branched out into other flavors when NS killed off all of the protein shakes. Their Turbo shakes taste worse and cost more too.

    FWIW Jimmy Dean has some decent tasting Egg and sandwiches in the freezer section that taste pretty good and are a decent calorie count.

    Many foods are carefully crafted to achieve two goals, Taste Good and cause a craving for more of them. Not real nice of them BTW.

    I will let You know when it is off, Notice I said when and not if :)
    I know You will do it too.

    Enjoy the Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I went into the office for the first time in a year. The new bldg is very nice, but my experience was way worse than I was expecting (and I really thought my expectations were low). People are mean.

    Hi Val
    I am sorry that happened to You, OTOH I have to admit that I am not too surprised. People seem to be much more mean spirited now than in years past.

    Be Good and don't let it bother You.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 7.9K steps, The temperature was 35 degrees. The road and sidewalk conditions better overall, The Brook is running a little high from snow melt. I lost another 1 .25 pounds of what had to be mostly water weight since yesterday morning due to the amount of loss. One more pound to go to get back to my Friday Morning Pre St. Patrick's day meals.

    I used 2 ounces of the Corned Beef between two 1/2 slices of Rye bread with Thousand Island Dressing yesterday for my mid morning snack. Nice and tasty too.

    Have a Great Monday

    And Once again, more humor posted this morning :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm feeling better than I did on Friday. I don't get paid for overtime and having worked the previous weekend, i was well over 40 hours. But a nice guy asked me to come in and produce and ship his proposal (since he was on travel). I asked the temp receptionist to make the shipping label, while i did everything else. She didn't know how, but contacted the regular receptionist (she's the one I have trouble with). That women (for three hours) told the temp that Val was not allowed to use her shipping code. After three hours of arguing, the temp said, it's not for Val, it was for Dave....immediately she said of course that's okay! I work for the company!!!! This is clearly not personal material. So a three hour task took six hours...of the only Spring Break day that I could have spent with my kid. But...I spent the weekend with my kid!!!!