100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All!

    Good job getting back on track, Rodger. I think you have managed to do far better getting rid of your five lbs. than I did! I did fairly well at church on Sunday, for lunch, but I had left overs which I should have put up like you did! Luckily some of it was Paleo approved, but alas, not the bread that I got into! :*

    This morning I had planned a good breakfast, and the dogs were rather slow, so I headed out to my friends court date with a banana and nothing else. I did not even manage more than a swallow of coffee, and I also managed to walk out of the house without my thermal cup of coffee I had prepared for myself. I left it on the counter and did not realize it till I had gotten in the car. My stomach growled a lot all thru court, rather loudly! It has never done that other than the last time I went to court. That was strange. And embarrassing...

    On the way home my car just kind of succumbed to my lack of willpower and turned into Jack's and I found myself having a steak biscuit, hash browns and a large coffee. I had actually gotten out this morning by 0630, but it was 10:45 when I had breakfast. Definitely a poor choice! But tasty! :*

    Then my daughter called to go to a late lunch, and off we went to a new BBQ place. It was the best BBQ I have ever eaten! I went all out and had mac and cheese, baked beans and camp stew for my sides, and some nice healthy brisket to go with my no no's! I did have water as my saving grace... It is spring break for my daughter also, and I did enjoy getting together. Perhaps too much! If all goes well, and she does not call to go for Indian food I do have some nice salmon waiting for me!

    I am so glad your weather is improving! It got up to 80 today and was the perfect spring day. I was planning to do more outside, but did not really make it, except for a few little things. I am adopting a Miss Scarlett attitude! Tomorrow is another day!

    Val, I am so glad you at least were able to spend a few days with Em! You do have an exacting and time consuming job. It is a shame some of those people can not treat you better. I really do not like working with people like that. Maybe Dave could put in a good word for you. Not that he should have to. Grrr! You do a great job of managing your feelings under the circumstances. Much better than i would I think!!

    I bet your garden is getting ready to move outdoors, or do you still have a few weeks? I think we are supposed to wait till mid April, but it sure is hard with the weather so nice. I heard we may get a cold spell, but I will be surprised! Of course, I have been fooled before! I swear, the older I get, I feel the less I know! :D

    Have a good day all! I am headed for humor, lol! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And Once again, more humor posted this morning :)

    I was out walking today and did 7.7K steps, The temperature was 43 degrees. I lost another 2 pounds of what had to be mostly water weight since yesterday morning due to the amount of loss. Now I am One pound under my Friday Morning Pre St. Patrick's day meals weight, Whee :)

    I'll be brief, I need to work up a shopping list of groceries for my brother to take with him. So far I have a Cooked Turkey breast Half, Some Frozen Green & Yellow Beans with Carrots, Bananas and some Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and some fresh Baby Carrots.

    Then Later today I'll work on digitizing some more of the 78RPM records, Yesterday I did one Album of them and some Audio cassettes.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm feeling better than I did on Friday. I don't get paid for overtime and having worked the previous weekend, i was well over 40 hours. But a nice guy asked me to come in and produce and ship his proposal (since he was on travel). I asked the temp receptionist to make the shipping label, while i did everything else. She didn't know how, but contacted the regular receptionist (she's the one I have trouble with). That women (for three hours) told the temp that Val was not allowed to use her shipping code. After three hours of arguing, the temp said, it's not for Val, it was for Dave....immediately she said of course that's okay! I work for the company!!!! This is clearly not personal material. So a three hour task took six hours...of the only Spring Break day that I could have spent with my kid. But...I spent the weekend with my kid!!!!

    Hi Val
    I hated it when I worked on a Salary basis, Talk about being taken advantage of :(

    I'm sorry to hear that You are still having trouble at work.
    At least You spent the weekend with Your Kid.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    Good job getting back on track, Rodger. I think you have managed to do far better getting rid of your five lbs. than I did! I did fairly well at church on Sunday, for lunch, but I had left overs which I should have put up like you did! Luckily some of it was Paleo approved, but alas, not the bread that I got into! :*

    This morning I had planned a good breakfast, and the dogs were rather slow, so I headed out to my friends court date with a banana and nothing else. I did not even manage more than a swallow of coffee, and I also managed to walk out of the house without my thermal cup of coffee I had prepared for myself. I left it on the counter and did not realize it till I had gotten in the car. My stomach growled a lot all thru court, rather loudly! It has never done that other than the last time I went to court. That was strange. And embarrassing...
    Hi Jan
    I have no real problem losing as long as I can stay 100% NS loss plan.

    Maybe Your stomach is allergic to court :)
    On the way home my car just kind of succumbed to my lack of willpower and turned into Jack's and I found myself having a steak biscuit, hash browns and a large coffee. I had actually gotten out this morning by 0630, but it was 10:45 when I had breakfast. Definitely a poor choice! But tasty! :*

    Then my daughter called to go to a late lunch, and off we went to a new BBQ place. It was the best BBQ I have ever eaten! I went all out and had mac and cheese, baked beans and camp stew for my sides, and some nice healthy brisket to go with my no no's! I did have water as my saving grace... It is spring break for my daughter also, and I did enjoy getting together. Perhaps too much! If all goes well, and she does not call to go for Indian food I do have some nice salmon waiting for me!
    I succumb to Mac & Cheese when my brother brings home leftovers from a meeting, Thankfully they are a once a month thing and only sometimes do they have Mac & Cheese.

    Salmon sounds like a good choice.

    I would have trouble with Good BBQ, We do not have good BBQ locally, Only chain food versions :)
    I have had good BBQ when I drive south in the winter to Florida on Vacation in the past however so i do know the difference, Probably if I had not had the Good stuff I would be happy with chain food BBQ.
    I am so glad your weather is improving! It got up to 80 today and was the perfect spring day. I was planning to do more outside, but did not really make it, except for a few little things. I am adopting a Miss Scarlett attitude! Tomorrow is another day!

    Val, I am so glad you at least were able to spend a few days with Em! You do have an exacting and time consuming job. It is a shame some of those people can not treat you better. I really do not like working with people like that. Maybe Dave could put in a good word for you. Not that he should have to. Grrr! You do a great job of managing your feelings under the circumstances. Much better than i would I think!!

    I bet your garden is getting ready to move outdoors, or do you still have a few weeks? I think we are supposed to wait till mid April, but it sure is hard with the weather so nice. I heard we may get a cold spell, but I will be surprised! Of course, I have been fooled before! I swear, the older I get, I feel the less I know! :D

    Have a good day all! I am headed for humor, lol! ...Jan B)

    Our weather here is in a Yo Yo pattern with alternating between nicely warm and chilly. Tomorrow night it is supposed to be in the 20s again. Our average high should be in the 50s :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good day!

    Roger, you did an awesome job losing! If I had a hat, it would be off to you! I just ate out too much I am afraid! I plan to be back on track today. No excuses!

    I was surprised you all were still so cold at night. I went to feed the birds this morning and darned near died of heat stroke in my winter robe! LOL! I guess I need to dig out my summer one! :D

    Well, I did eat my breakfast on track, so far, so good! I plan to work outside a little and de-clutter the house. This shall be a monumental undertaking as I have not been home in the morning for a while, and that is when I have energy! ....I think. :#

    Enjoy digitilizing your music! That sounds like an enjoyable afternoon! Thanks for being an inspiration!

    Jan B)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Great humor! Thanks for posting! :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good day!

    Roger, you did an awesome job losing! If I had a hat, it would be off to you! I just ate out too much I am afraid! I plan to be back on track today. No excuses!

    I was surprised you all were still so cold at night. I went to feed the birds this morning and darned near died of heat stroke in my winter robe! LOL! I guess I need to dig out my summer one! :D

    Well, I did eat my breakfast on track, so far, so good! I plan to work outside a little and de-clutter the house. This shall be a monumental undertaking as I have not been home in the morning for a while, and that is when I have energy! ....I think. :#

    Enjoy digitilizing your music! That sounds like an enjoyable afternoon! Thanks for being an inspiration!

    Jan B)
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Great humor! Thanks for posting! :#

    Hi Jan
    Thank You for the Kind words. I suspect I shall hit a roadblock today as there are two Sweet Potato bread baking in the oven. It was either use up the over baked amount of the Sweet Potatoes or eat too much of them or Throw them out and Both my Brother and I hate wasting good food like that. Even if they are home grown from the garden :)
    We should end up Giving at least on of them away and I know my Brother will eat the lions share. I will have one slice hot from the oven most likely with butter melting into them.

    As for the temperatures, That's NJ Normal :)

    I did not get to Digitizing the Records as I ended up making the bread while my brother did the Grocery Shopping.

    Some of the Old 78 RPM records I did Yesterday are over 100 years old (1916) and marked from the factory at $1.75 which was a large amount of money 100 years ago. Some of them are even Single Sided with the back side being flat :)

    Congratulations on being on track. I find that I can not eat out except for Breakfast and not go way overboard.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW I just pulled the Sweet Potato Bread and they smell delicious. I expect they will taste delicious too as I licked the beater and it was tasty uncooked :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 8.6K steps, The temperature was 43 degrees and is forecast to drop though the day. I regained 1/4 pound of the weight I had lost since yesterday morning due to having some of the fresh baked still warm Sweet Potato bread. It was tasty with the Little bit of Butter melting into it. It could have been worse if I had not adjusted my afternoon snack, Dinner and evening desert to compensate.

    Not too surprising considering that the Sweet Potato bread recipe has 2 cups of sweet potatoes, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups flour, 1 cup vegetable oil, 3 large eggs, vanilla, Baking Soda, Baking Powder as well as assorted spices :)

    While I was walking I dropped off one loaf of the bread, some of the Beer bread and the rest of the Sweet Potato Pie and the last of the Pecan Pie. A friend stopped off yesterday and picked up the other parts of the Pies and Beer bread. We held onto a little of the Sweet Potato bread which my brother will finish off, most likely today and that will be the end of those temptations :)

    Then Later today I plan to work on digitizing some more of the 78RPM records.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Jan
    Congratulations on Your Victories.
    10 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 3/21/2017 and was under her calorie goal
    10 hours ago, burned 333 calories doing 45 minutes of Gardening, general

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Still more humor posted this morning :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    You managed a lot of entries! You have sure been busy this morning. I did accomplish a few things yesterday and got back on track eating. It is a slow process giving up those goodies! your pumpkin bread sounds delicious. You will have to put down the rest of the measurements and baking temperature! It sounds good for making for church, where I can share the calories! :)

    I put some of my plants out, though it is a little cool. I must have watered all of 3 times over the winter, so they look a little bedraggled They just needed the air and easy watering. Or maybe just watering...lol! I can cover them if we have a cold spell.

    That is nice handing out goodies to your neighbors! I am sure they really appreciate it. I actually might get crazy today and put away the last of my Christmas decorations. I think it would be a nice touch before Easter!

    Great job on your walking! I have increased mine a little bit, though I need to up it a little more!

    Your 78 collection sounds awesome! How many records do you have all together? I have just a few, but the quality is not good. They were a gift bought without playing first, and they should have played them, lol! I have never seen one with just one side! Antiques down here seemed more plentiful about 30 years ago down here. They are a little harder to come by now! I do not know if it is the collectors or just alot of people liking old things! :#

    I am off to read the humor, thank you!, and do a little planting. I need to go to Montgomery and get dog medicines. It has cost me more to come home than it did on vacation. Something wrong there! ..Take care...Jan.. B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. My boss' boss quit last week. Today, my boss (the best ive ever had!) gave her notice. So im really bummed about the latter. April is still pregnant but looks like she's getting close.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2017
    Even more humor posted this morning :)

    I was out walking today and did 7.1Ksteps, The temperature was 23 degrees and is colder than yesterday, It was not that much worse walking than yesterday since there was no wind today. I lost the 1/4 pound of yesterdays weight gain and more weight this morning

    Later today I plan to work on digitizing some more of the 78RPM records. The ones I did yesterday are old and many were one sided. Many of them under the Victor and Victor Record label, from the Victor Talking Machine Company :)
    Working on 33 1/3 RPM records too, Currently I am starting on two shows from Serenade in Blue a Radio Program of the U.S. Air Force Recruiting Service :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Still more humor posted this morning :)
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    You managed a lot of entries! You have sure been busy this morning. I did accomplish a few things yesterday and got back on track eating. It is a slow process giving up those goodies! your pumpkin bread sounds delicious. You will have to put down the rest of the measurements and baking temperature! It sounds good for making for church, where I can share the calories! :)

    I put some of my plants out, though it is a little cool. I must have watered all of 3 times over the winter, so they look a little bedraggled They just needed the air and easy watering. Or maybe just watering...lol! I can cover them if we have a cold spell.

    That is nice handing out goodies to your neighbors! I am sure they really appreciate it. I actually might get crazy today and put away the last of my Christmas decorations. I think it would be a nice touch before Easter!

    Great job on your walking! I have increased mine a little bit, though I need to up it a little more!

    Your 78 collection sounds awesome! How many records do you have all together? I have just a few, but the quality is not good. They were a gift bought without playing first, and they should have played them, lol! I have never seen one with just one side! Antiques down here seemed more plentiful about 30 years ago down here. They are a little harder to come by now! I do not know if it is the collectors or just alot of people liking old things! :#

    I am off to read the humor, thank you!, and do a little planting. I need to go to Montgomery and get dog medicines. It has cost me more to come home than it did on vacation. Something wrong there! ..Take care...Jan.. B)

    Hi Jan
    Originally I believe all the records were sold single sided. The ones I did that were single sided were from between 1910 and 1916 :) I think some of the ones I have not done yet are even older...
    The old ones are not what You would call HiFi but they are interesting to listen too.
    For example the Cohen on the Radio record is a humorous discourse :)

    I have asked my Brother to forward me the link to the Sweet Potato bread, He mentioned that there were not to many to be found too. I will post the link here when he does since we taste tested that particular recipe.

    I am not sure how many records I do have between the 33 1/3 RPM, 45 RPM and the 78 RPM I have yards of shelf space covered with them. I also have a hand cranked spring powered acoustic upright player that plays both formats of 78s, that would be the Hill and Dale format and the Side to Side format that won the format war.

    Weird that it is costing more.

    Congratulations on having completed her food and exercise diary for 3/22/2017 and was under her calorie goal.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi. My boss' boss quit last week. Today, my boss (the best ive ever had!) gave her notice. So im really bummed about the latter. April is still pregnant but looks like she's getting close.

    Oh my goodness! Well, it appears there are a few unhappy campers at that company. They do seem to not be too supportive of their staff. I hate your boss is leaving, especially since she was good to you! Here is praying they find a worthy replacement. That will sure cause a hole there for a bit. Bummer! Glad April is doing well! How are your plants? Hang tough there! Remember to take some soul breathers! :) ..Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    It still sounds chilly up there to me! Good job walking! We are having a cool spell. It will be in the 60's today, instead of 88 degrees! :# I guess we would have broke a 110 year record had we hit 90! Crazy weather!

    I remember the victor and victor label, I am not sure from where! Sounds like a cool collection, especially with your hand cranked player. I had a chance to get a hand cranked Victrola when I was in Czechoslovakia, but it was the beginning of the visit and I hesitated. It was all of $50.00 but I was going to back before I left. The shop was closed due to a funeral in the family and I could not shop. I sure was kicking myself! :'(

    I have lost 2 lbs, but I did not add my weight gain to the record, I just refused to! I should be getting on track better! I stopped for Chinese at a little place when I went for my dog meds. I had a craving for their crispy jumbo shrimp, and I figured with no sides I would do okay. I still lost, but had an egg roll and rice. I forgot about that rice and should have planned for white rice to take home for Chester, but succumbed to fried ! LOL! I do that a lot! :o

    I am going to work outside some and feel better, so maybe I will get going losing in spite of myself!!

    As always, thanks for posting the humor! Have a good day! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW Here is the Sweet Potato Bread Recipe
    My Sister's Sweet Potato Bread
    Recipe by Karen=^..^=
    Perfectly moist with just the right amount of sweetness. I left out the walnuts (personal preference) and added pecans to one

    Yield 2 Standard Loaves
    Units are US

    2 cups white sugar
    1 cup vegetable oil
    3 eggs
    2 cups mashed canned candied yams or 2 cups sweet potatoes
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    3 cups flour
    1⁄4 teaspoon baking powder
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1⁄2 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    1 teaspoon ginger
    1 teaspoon ground cloves
    1 cup chopped walnuts


    Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
    In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, oil, egg, sweet potatoes and vanilla.
    In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients (except walnuts) together well and add to wet ingredients.
    Stir until just combined.
    Fold in walnuts.
    Pour into 2 standard loaf pans.
    Bake for 75 minutes or until thin knife inserted in center comes out clean.
    We used Pecans since we had them left over from the Pecan Pie and would have had to buy Walnuts.
    Link to the web page that also has a picture of the finished Product
    Here is the Nutrition info from the same page:
    Note that the Nutrition information is for the entire recipe so You have to decide what portion to use :)
    Nutrition Info
    Serving Size: 1 (1280 g)
    Servings Per Recipe: 1
    Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 2926.1
    Calories from Fat 1407 48%
    Total Fat 156.4 g 240%
    Saturated Fat 20.4 g 102%
    Cholesterol 279 mg 93%
    Sodium 1372.7 mg 57%
    Total Carbohydrate 354.4 g 118%
    Dietary Fiber 10.2 g 40%
    Sugars 202.3 g 809%
    Protein 37.9 g 75%

    I also have two recipes for the Sweet potato Pies that we have used and the Really easy to make Beer bread if anybody is interested.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    It still sounds chilly up there to me! Good job walking! We are having a cool spell. It will be in the 60's today, instead of 88 degrees! :# I guess we would have broke a 110 year record had we hit 90! Crazy weather!

    I remember the victor and victor label, I am not sure from where! Sounds like a cool collection, especially with your hand cranked player. I had a chance to get a hand cranked Victrola when I was in Czechoslovakia, but it was the beginning of the visit and I hesitated. It was all of $50.00 but I was going to back before I left. The shop was closed due to a funeral in the family and I could not shop. I sure was kicking myself! :'(

    I have lost 2 lbs, but I did not add my weight gain to the record, I just refused to! I should be getting on track better! I stopped for Chinese at a little place when I went for my dog meds. I had a craving for their crispy jumbo shrimp, and I figured with no sides I would do okay. I still lost, but had an egg roll and rice. I forgot about that rice and should have planned for white rice to take home for Chester, but succumbed to fried ! LOL! I do that a lot! :o

    I am going to work outside some and feel better, so maybe I will get going losing in spite of myself!!

    As always, thanks for posting the humor! Have a good day! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    If I said it felt chilly the last two days going walking at 6AM Yesterday and 6:15AM today.

    I find that Chinese Take Out makes me retain a lot of water :)
    As for the Chinese Egg Roll I found this
    Calories in Chinese Egg Roll
    Nutrition Facts
    Calories in Chinese, Egg Roll (shrimp)
    Serving Size: 1 serving
    Amount Per Serving

    Calories 384.9
    Total Fat 20.0 g
    Saturated Fat 0.0 g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g
    Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g
    Cholesterol 0.0 mg
    Sodium 363.2 mg
    Potassium 444.9 mg
    Total Carbohydrate 24.3 g
    Dietary Fiber 1.5 g
    Sugars 0.0 g
    Protein 25.7 g

    Vitamin A 2.8 %
    Vitamin B-12 12.1 %
    Vitamin B-6 16.8 %
    Vitamin C 8.9 %
    Vitamin D 13.4 %
    Vitamin E 10.4 %
    Calcium 6.8 %
    Copper 0.0 %
    Folate 14.0 %
    Iron 17.1 %
    Magnesium 0.0 %
    Manganese 0.0 %
    Niacin 26.8 %
    Pantothenic Acid 0.0 %
    Phosphorus 0.0 %
    Riboflavin 0.0 %
    Selenium 0.0 %
    Thiamin 0.0 %
    And this from another Website
    LIVESTRONG.COM Food and Drink Diet and Nutrition Nutrition Facts

    How Many Calories Are in a Chinese Egg Roll?
    by JOSHUA BAILEY Last Updated: Oct 21, 2013
    How Many Calories Are in a Chinese Egg Roll?

    The Chinese egg roll is made of chopped vegetables wrapped in a thin sheet of dough. An egg roll may or may not contain meat, depending on who made the roll. The dough is then dipped in an egg mixture to coat the outer portion. The roll is then placed in a deep fryer to be cooked.

    The typical serving size of a Chinese egg roll is one complete roll. There are 200 calories per serving. The number of calories from fat depends on the how long the egg roll is fried. Typically, fat accounts for 50 to 75 calories per serving.

    There are 400 mg of sodium per egg roll. This is almost one-third of the American Heart Association’s recommended dietary limit of 1,500 mg of sodium per day. The egg roll is typically a side dish to a Chinese entree. Chinese entrées typically contain a lot of sodium, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Thus, you need to take the egg roll sodium level into account when you calculate the sodium content of the whole meal.

    I always assumed that a Egg Roll was Healthy due to all the Fiber from Vegetables in it :)

    I'm Glad You are enjoying the humor.

    I hope the Recipe for the Sweet Potato Bread comes in handy for You
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    BTW We baked Sweet Potatoes in and then peeled them to get them for the baking as using Candied Yams would have made it really sweet, OTOH if You would rather not bake them and then cool them before use look for a low sugar canned version :)