100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Morning! :)

    It feels good walking outside and getting some things done. This spring I am the most on time! I have my hoses set, and a plan. I have caught my weeds early, so that is a plus!! I have even put down some grass seed, though that is a work in progress!

    I am surprised you did not have sleet! Glad it was rain instead though! I have enjoyed these 2 days home, I sure got a few things done. I am not sure about Easter. My son sometimes had it there if they were home. He has been so busy lately I have barely talked to him. It would be last minute. And ham does give my gout a run for the money. My daughter is still in the wanting to be home, quiet and veg state. I can understand that. I am just happy for the beach trip, and it is Mother's Day for that! Actually, I may be spending it with my friend with brain cancer. She is having chemo, and her husband is wanting to travel to La. for a wedding. So if I am with her, we may plan something. It is a little up in the air for scheduling. She often eats very mindfully, so may not be a problem. We will see. I do have a taste for homemade potato salad. Or I could use sweet 'tators, and add lib. We shall see! :p

    Holiday meals were a big deal for my family. When my "former" husband ran off, they have dwindled. They are not an important thing to my daughter-in law. She has problems she has not wanted to address. Her bout with cancer has given her the excuse to not face any of it, and the ready excuse she is not up to anything when it suits her. I do understand her, but I am trying to be the bigger more adult person here and not let it interfere with my son and her. She does stuff with her family, but not ours, unless the kids have a birthday or it is Christmas or Thanksgiving. She is very controlling on how I can do for the family. Of course, the divorce and betrayal did not help as she had really loved my "former" spouse. She truly is not fond of the fallen, Christian though she is, lol! Some friends from church may be on their own, too, so I will be somewhere in all likelihood! They did pretty much save my life. I hate saying "ex", it is used to much and casually and usually with some probably justified attitude. I may still have an small issue there, lol! :*

    Off to read humor, and fix my ferns. I think I lost one. Bummer! Enjoy the rest! Jan B):)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    I was out walking today and did 8.5K steps + 2 cents. The temperature this morning was 40 degrees on the weather forecast and 41 on the front porch, There was a mild wind blowing and overall it was not too bad outside :)

    I saw this on a link on that page. I was thinking that is nice of them.
    Chick-fil-A announced that they're offering free breakfast for carpoolers in Atlanta from April 3-14.

    and then there was this one in a similar vein on yesterdays news from New York City.

    Jaime Jinete, owner of Nicole's Cleaners in Astoria.

    ASTORIA — A dry cleaner in the neighborhood is offering to clean interview outfits, free of charge, for unemployed job seekers who need it.

    Jaime Jinete, the owner of Nicole's Cleaners on 34th Street just off 30th Avenue, said he started the deal earlier this year as a way to give back to the community — or, as he puts it, "just to give people hope."

    "Sometimes someone probably has to make a decision whether you clean your suit or you get a MetroCard to go to that interview," the 41-year-old business owner said. "I can't get you a MetroCard, but I can help with the suit or an outfit."

    More details on that page including a picture.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Woo Hoo!! 700 days login! Awesome!!!! o:)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Morning! :)

    It feels good walking outside and getting some things done. This spring I am the most on time! I have my hoses set, and a plan. I have caught my weeds early, so that is a plus!! I have even put down some grass seed, though that is a work in progress!

    I am surprised you did not have sleet! Glad it was rain instead though! I have enjoyed these 2 days home, I sure got a few things done. I am not sure about Easter. My son sometimes had it there if they were home. He has been so busy lately I have barely talked to him. It would be last minute. And ham does give my gout a run for the money. My daughter is still in the wanting to be home, quiet and veg state. I can understand that. I am just happy for the beach trip, and it is Mother's Day for that! Actually, I may be spending it with my friend with brain cancer. She is having chemo, and her husband is wanting to travel to La. for a wedding. So if I am with her, we may plan something. It is a little up in the air for scheduling. She often eats very mindfully, so may not be a problem. We will see. I do have a taste for homemade potato salad. Or I could use sweet 'tators, and add lib. We shall see! :p
    Hi Jan
    Getting a jump on those fast growing weeds is always a plus.

    I mainly find that I am not happy with the water weight that Ham puts on me and I do tend to overeat at a Holiday Meal.
    Holiday meals were a big deal for my family. When my "former" husband ran off, they have dwindled. They are not an important thing to my daughter-in law. She has problems she has not wanted to address. Her bout with cancer has given her the excuse to not face any of it, and the ready excuse she is not up to anything when it suits her. I do understand her, but I am trying to be the bigger more adult person here and not let it interfere with my son and her. She does stuff with her family, but not ours, unless the kids have a birthday or it is Christmas or Thanksgiving. She is very controlling on how I can do for the family. Of course, the divorce and betrayal did not help as she had really loved my "former" spouse. She truly is not fond of the fallen, Christian though she is, lol! Some friends from church may be on their own, too, so I will be somewhere in all likelihood! They did pretty much save my life. I hate saying "ex", it is used to much and casually and usually with some probably justified attitude. I may still have an small issue there, lol! :*

    Off to read humor, and fix my ferns. I think I lost one. Bummer! Enjoy the rest! Jan B):)

    I hope You manage to save the Fern...

    I hope Your Sunday is enjoyable
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I And yet again, I posted some humor this morning :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited April 2017
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Woo Hoo!! 700 days login! Awesome!!!! o:)

    I had to repeat this--- it was so awesome Roger!! Great job!!!

    I am at a plateau, but intend to lose and get in that next 10 lb. bracket!! I did not eat Paleo today, as i had a lot of fruit, and 1 piece of bread, but I did okay, ate healthy, and was in my calorie range. That is alright with me! I am going to treat myself and read your humor, thanks for posting! :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 7K steps. The temperature this morning was 45 degrees on the weather broadcast at 5:50AM and 38 on the front porch, There was no wind blowing and overall it was not bad outside :)

    The Waterways are still running high from the previous soaker and more rain moves in tonight into tomorrow with a prediction of ponding on the roads and localized flooding in the low lying areas.

    I was planning on going to the Acme tomorrow when My Brother is out for cases of spring water Through Thursday they have cases of 24 1/2 liter on sale at a good price for this area of 4 for $8.88 or $2.22 each and since it can sit without spoiling why not take advantage of it.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Woo Hoo!! 700 days login! Awesome!!!! o:)

    I had to repeat this--- it was so awesome Roger!! Great job!!!

    I am at a plateau, but intend to lose and get in that next 10 lb. bracket!! I did not eat Paleo today, as i had a lot of fruit, and 1 piece of bread, but I did okay, ate healthy, and was in my calorie range. That is alright with me! I am going to treat myself and read your humor, thanks for posting! :#

    Hi Jan
    Thank You for the kind words, I keep chasing Chalmations log in count and never catch up :)

    I have hit plateaus too, I found that keeping going and not letting it bother me worked for that. Only once the first year did I end up calling NS to see what to do and when they looked at my food diary they found that I had been low on calories for a while and taking their advice to get the calories up worked.

    Your consistency as noted on the home page here is the key.
    11 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 4/02/2017 and was under her calorie goal.

    Have You thought about something like this

    Zig-Zag Calculator for Fat Loss and/or Muscle Gain
    8th January 2016

    Learn what zig-zagging your calories does and compute a sample week of zig-zags. Zig-zagging is a nutrition method for fat loss and muscle gain.

    These numbers are generic guidelines. Some people may require much higher calories to drop weight, or much lower calories to gain weight. Every person is different! The calculator has a lower limit of not less than 8x your body weight in calories - this is what I use with my clients.

    The way it works IMO is You go higher one day and lower another so that the calories for the week are what You should be eating for weight loss. The theory is that this way Your body experience changes on a day to day basis. It is also a good way to have a cheat food now and then without feeling guilty :)

    BTW Nothing wrong with bread my brother buys a whole wheat that is 40 calories a slice and it tastes good and toasts well too. I have stolen a couple of slices in the past and cooked a egg to go on it to have as a SC + PF. I had it both fresh and toasted with a really light smear of real butter for taste.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    I hope You have a good upcoming week
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I had no phone or internet for most of the day due to storms. I guess a flying trampoline knocked out some power as well as did heavy rains. I had a Dr appt. but she was sick. They could not get hold of anyone, so I used the trip to go to Lowes instead and bought some potting soil (on sale!) and rosemary and dill. Tuesday, I can just recycle, hopefully.

    I am not surprised your waterways were running higher. Good you got out for your steps! I am counting some exercise that is more heavy duty for motivation. I liked the zig zag idea in the article. I don't eat that many calories to lose, but I am sure I could work out the same principle at my level or a bit above. I will try that! Thanks! :)

    I am not ready to quit like sometimes, I will just be glad to get any below my present weight. It is always a stumbling block that I usually start yo yo-ing in my commitment! Just that little bit of bread yesterday is giving me a craving for a McDonald's cheeseburger of all things, lol! Maybe I can work that in for a lunch!

    Loved the humor! It is a highlight! Take care! ..Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 7,200 steps. The temperature this morning was 50 degrees on the weather forecast and 51 on the front porch, There was a mild wind blowing and The forecast rain was still falling at 6AM, and it had ceased by 6:30 so I walked and it did drizzle a couple of times, Not bad overall however.

    The brook I walked past was running high and was slightly over it's banks.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I had no phone or internet for most of the day due to storms. I guess a flying trampoline knocked out some power as well as did heavy rains. I had a Dr appt. but she was sick. They could not get hold of anyone, so I used the trip to go to Lowes instead and bought some potting soil (on sale!) and rosemary and dill. Tuesday, I can just recycle, hopefully.

    I am not surprised your waterways were running higher. Good you got out for your steps! I am counting some exercise that is more heavy duty for motivation. I liked the zig zag idea in the article. I don't eat that many calories to lose, but I am sure I could work out the same principle at my level or a bit above. I will try that! Thanks! :)

    I am not ready to quit like sometimes, I will just be glad to get any below my present weight. It is always a stumbling block that I usually start yo yo-ing in my commitment! Just that little bit of bread yesterday is giving me a craving for a McDonald's cheeseburger of all things, lol! Maybe I can work that in for a lunch!

    Loved the humor! It is a highlight! Take care! ..Jan
    Hi Jan
    I also have Burger cravings, However in my case it is for a McDonald's Bic Mac or a Burger King Whopper or Wendy's Baconator and of course a large serving of French Fries. Usually I manage to resist the urge, Oh No, I'm making myself crave one of those :(

    High winds that are hungry have been known to eat the Power, Phone and cable which usually kills the internet for most people. The exception being those that use a smartphone or a little USB plugin that uses wireless to provide internet.

    BTW if You noticed the Zig Zag caories are adjustable, There are also other sites that may have a easier to use one. I just did not have the links handy in the basement where I posted that from.

    I also noticed this, Congratulations
    13 hours ago, completed her food and exercise diary for 4/03/2017 and was under her calorie goal.
    Buttons61 13 hours ago, burned 236 calories doing 40 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Gardening, general"
    I And oncd again, I posted some humor this morning :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Great humor! I started with that this morning! The raid can one is so plausible here in Alabama! :D

    Nice job walking! You are having a warm streak!! I am having a day relishing the internet, as we will probably lose it again in Weds. bad weather. It is so funny to have one perfect day in between two storms. Usually there is residual rain. I bought a larger rain gauge. Silly, but the first one is so skinny it barely will sit in my holder. It would be too easy to offer a perfect replacement for the one holder I have. We did get 3 inches of rain, a good thing. I guess I will wait to seed some, as Weds. is supposed to be a gully washer day.

    I went back and looked at the zig zag calories again and adjusted it more to my level and that will work. Interesting idea. I think the body has to adjust some to your weight, but when it seems awhile, I would think that this would help.

    I did not mean to get you craving something! I know the feeling, though. Big Macs can call to me, too! I like Arby's Gyro with the chicken. That is not a bad thing for a cheat day, though I try to go when it is not like 2 for $4.00! LOL!

    I have some fresh fruit and veggies to eat up, so today will hopefully be a simple fast stay on target day! That the plan, anyway! :) Have an awesome day! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi Again
    I'm back from my run to CostCo @ $113+ and 11,380 Steps now :)

    While I was at CostCo I noticed that they had the NS $100 gift cards which is an extra $25 off of the regular discounted price. I did notice where it said Member Only Item Fortunately I am a member.
    $25 OFF, $25 manufacturer’s discount is valid 3/23/17 through 4/17/17. While supplies last.

    So I know have Two bags of the Cauliflower/Broccoli/and two types of carrots in the freezer as well as Their Frozen Green Beans. a Tray of Pink Lady Apples, a 3 Pound Bag of Bananas and a Bottle of their Real Vanilla Bean Extract for my brother. I also picked up for stock a 10 pack of Kleenex and a Pack of Charmin TP. It isn't a low coat shopping trip when You Buy in bulk to save Money :(
    I did manage to not buy the Tres Leche Cake even if I would really like to try it after having seen it on several cooking shows.

    On the Way Home I managed to overcome my Carts trying to turn into the hot food area :)
    Then on the way home I had to fight the steering wheel on the car when it tried to turn into McDonald's and following that I had the Same problem driving past Burger King, the Bakery I passed and Wendy's :)
    I managed to beat and arrive home safely with no extra fattening foods.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2017
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!!

    Great humor! I started with that this morning! The raid can one is so plausible here in Alabama! :D

    Nice job walking! You are having a warm streak!! I am having a day relishing the internet, as we will probably lose it again in Weds. bad weather. It is so funny to have one perfect day in between two storms. Usually there is residual rain. I bought a larger rain gauge. Silly, but the first one is so skinny it barely will sit in my holder. It would be too easy to offer a perfect replacement for the one holder I have. We did get 3 inches of rain, a good thing. I guess I will wait to seed some, as Weds. is supposed to be a gully washer day.

    I went back and looked at the zig zag calories again and adjusted it more to my level and that will work. Interesting idea. I think the body has to adjust some to your weight, but when it seems awhile, I would think that this would help.

    I did not mean to get you craving something! I know the feeling, though. Big Macs can call to me, too! I like Arby's Gyro with the chicken. That is not a bad thing for a cheat day, though I try to go when it is not like 2 for $4.00! LOL!

    I have some fresh fruit and veggies to eat up, so today will hopefully be a simple fast stay on target day! That the plan, anyway! :) Have an awesome day! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    Dog Gone it, I just noticed I misspelled Once in the notice that there was new humor posted :)

    We will be having a Nice Day Wednesday and then Thursday more rain so we also have one nice day in-between the rain.

    The way I look at it it can not hurt to try a Zig Zag week :)

    When You read the post I made above You will see I managed to overcome the Cravings although the bakery was really calling me for a Bakery made bread, or one of their Really large Apple Turnovers... Oh well I managed to overcome :)

    I really did not need a three pound bag of Bananas however it will keep me out of the local grocery store tomorrow.
    So now my modified plan for tomorrow is strap on the Back Pack and stop for a two egg breakfast and a little toast, bring home the home fries for my brother which will keep the breakfast On Plan for me and stop at the Dollar Store for a quart of their milk to put on the shelf for use later this year. I like to have two in reserve as well as the one in the refrigerator which I will likely open for use on Cereal Thursday or Friday as I may or may not have the NS Strawberry Crepe Breakfast to finish off this session of Hot NS Breakfasts. I alternate eating a selection of their Hot Breakfasts and having Cereals until the quart of milk I open is used up so as to not have it go to waste via spoiling.

    I now have a Three Pound Bag of Clementines with one eaten and the tray of apples to eat with my lunches and my Dinners and the Bananas to have as part of my Breakfast. Plenty of Frozen vegetables to.

    I did comment on the humor page.

    No Arby's in my area the I remember seeing, Not near me anyway, there is one 8.6 miles away and that is far enough not to tempt me, Taco bell has never tempted me either. Oh No, No 2 for days anywhere can only lead to eating too much.

    You have been doing good staying on target so I have faith You do it today too. I will be looking tomorrow to see :)
    Maybe that will help?

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today and did 7,200 K steps. The temperature this morning was 45 degrees on the weather forecast and 49 on the front porch, There was a light Fog in the area and TBH over most of NJ.
    I stopped for a couple of eggs and whole wheat toast as breakfast and to kill time until I could stop at the Dollar Store for a second quart of milk to put on the shelf, I am sure it will be used up before February 2018 :)
    I also stopped at the Grocery Store for 3 Nectarines and 4 Black Plums to add variety to the fruits I Picked up at CostCo yesterday.

    The brook I walked past was running high and was slightly over it's banks again today.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I And again, I posted some humor this morning :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, so far it has been remarkably quiet this morning. The weather radio woke me several times in the early am but for severe thunderstorms that was not over my house, I guess. A good thing! It almost noon, and we have had barely even rain. It is looking like a fizzle for strong storms, they do not seem to be materializing. They have called off school and many businesses have closed. Poor weatherman. I am of the better safe than sorry type, because it could have been bad. Still time to go!

    Awesome job with planning and on your shopping trip! You are incredibly organized!

    Also incredible job not paying attention to all the fast foods and the bakery. Usually if you come home and eat, you are often more satisfied, as fast food is gone too quickly, and not satisfying. It will always leave you wanting something else besides.

    *******GOOD INSPIRATION!!!********

    The design fails are hilarious. I could not decide which was the worst, they were all so crazy! I am off to read the humor! The sun is coming out, maybe it will fuel storms, but I think the poor weathermen are going to take a beating for this one. Oh dear! :s ..Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi All. I'm struggling to get (and stay) on my healthy track. But, I did finally call my doctor to ask for an ortho referral for my hip. On the voice mail to them, i started crying. I'm just so tired of being in pain. I finally got my taxes done! A young family wanted to buy my house, but now the dad got a job two hours away...so no interest in that house. Work is crazy. I wish you both a lovely day! Val