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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And I managed to not post yesterdays humor :( so today is a a double post of Saturday and Sunday Humor :)

    I did some walking today and I will be going out shortly to do the mowing which should give me my exercise for the day. The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 66 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level.

    You would think the day off on Saturday would help, Oh well, Maybe if I had slept better last night :)
    Tomorrow is a D Day, Doctors visit with fasting. That will throw my entire morning off. Normally I get up, drink a protein shake, walk, have a banana on the return home and then later Breakfast. I am thinking of not going walking ahead of the Doctors visit sine my plan is to walk up there and then get coffee for the return leg as well as looking at the Fruits in the nearby Produce store and Grocery Store. Since that is the plan I will take the back pack when I head out.

    There may have been a Tornado in south Jersey, It sure looked like one in the cellphone video that was shown on the news. It had not been confirmed by the National Weather Service as of last night however.

    The News reports are full of IMO poor grammar. As an example yesterday in NYC there was a drive by shooting where the driver and the passenger were both hit. The news report said "The Driver Somehow managed to drive to the Police Precinct". It would have made just as much sense if they had said that "The Driver managed to drive to the Police Precinct". IMO the Somehow was completely redundant :(

    Have a Really Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, good to know your in less pain!! Roger is right, work sounds like there may be some improvements there as they appreciate you. It is nice to have your views affirmed!! I am sorry about the pups. So much for my faith in mankind! :# But I would rather that happen then they took them and regretted it and they did not have a good home or lost it. They are a commitment people sometimes fail to recognize.

    Rodger, that is an awful article about Illinois. I do not know how they could have not made corrections much sooner. Like decades ago. Good Grief!!

    I am amazed at your weather and how bad it was. When I checked it still had not hit you yet. That is kinda frightening. Sounds like you fared worse than us! We had a beautiful day yesterday with only one swirl of a storm later in the evening. It also rained this morning before I was up. We had another 2 inches. The ground is just saturated. May was running thru puddles that were more ground water table than actual puddles and having a ball!
    It is partly cloudy for the week-end, then we should be done! Thank goodness! The dew pts. are in the high 70's also, and horrible. The weatherman joked we are wearing our humidity like a coat. So true!!

    I hope you feel better soon and get back on track with sleeping! That does make you feel wretched! The Stephan King movies sounds good. I could get it on Amazon if I get the Spike TV subscription, but I will probably just wait a bit till they offer it themselves. I will have to check it out!!His stuff is definitely ;) creepy.

    Off for humor!! Thank you as always!! You all take care!!! ..Jan :)

    Hi Jan
    Can You guess who inspired the three Dinosaur cartoons ?? :)

    if I said for many years corruption in high places starting with Chicago would You believe me ?
    From Here
    Vote early and vote often is a generally tongue-in-cheek phrase used in relation to elections ... however, did not find widespread use until the early 1900s when it was used in relation to the activities of organized crime figures in Chicago.

    Luckily the humidity is down today. Last Night the Dew Point was in the 50s which is a decent improvement over the previous 70s.

    The Spike TV series of the Mist is a series.

    It is different than the Movie version from 2007.
    You could join netflix free for a month and be sure to cancel within the month and get the DVD to view for free or maybe stream, I did not look further.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And I managed to not post yesterdays humor :( so today is a a double post of Saturday and Sunday Humor :)

    I did some walking today and I will be going out shortly to do the mowing which should give me my exercise for the day. The temperature this morning was 70 on the news channel and 66 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level.

    You would think the day off on Saturday would help, Oh well, Maybe if I had slept better last night :)
    Tomorrow is a D Day, Doctors visit with fasting. That will throw my entire morning off. Normally I get up, drink a protein shake, walk, have a banana on the return home and then later Breakfast. I am thinking of not going walking ahead of the Doctors visit sine my plan is to walk up there and then get coffee for the return leg as well as looking at the Fruits in the nearby Produce store and Grocery Store. Since that is the plan I will take the back pack when I head out.

    There may have been a Tornado in south Jersey, It sure looked like one in the cellphone video that was shown on the news. It had not been confirmed by the National Weather Service as of last night however.

    The News reports are full of IMO poor grammar. As an example yesterday in NYC there was a drive by shooting where the driver and the passenger were both hit. The news report said "The Driver Somehow managed to drive to the Police Precinct". It would have made just as much sense if they had said that "The Driver managed to drive to the Police Precinct". IMO the Somehow was completely redundant :(

    Have a Really Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    DOGS: Now Jellybean is spoken for...he's the sweetest and most relaxed of the litter. He's my baby (favorite)...had been much smaller than the others (1lbs vs. 2lbs at one-week old). Married couple home-owners with a white german shepherd and a smaller terrier mix. They are friends of a friend's friend. Their Facebook page shows tons of pics with them and their dogs in their house and yard and out hiking, which i like because i want people that are involved with their dogs. So, I'm happy with that match. I also liked that they went to the Grumpy Puppy Rescue Inc Facebook site and looked at ALL his baby pictures and videos that I've posted over the six weeks that I've had him. They will pick him up on 7/8, same as Iggy, after everyone has recovered from spay/neuter on 7/5. So, now to find Marshmallow the right home. My neighbors love Marshmallow but they rent and they can only have one small dog there. But, they've started looking to buy a house...i told them i can hold her until they're ready. So, we shall see. They want to take her for walks, but (1) she's not yet fully vaccinated and (2) she's a baby and not yet leash trained.

    WORK: my new boss is learning that I don't lie, I don't avoid work, and I always meet deadlines. But, I'm concerned...she'd rather have a cheaper person in my spot. Yet, the last 5 people that they hired were over-confident Millenials who didn't perform well and did everything they could do to avoid work..and then quit or got fired within 1-2 years. And meanwhile Val's holding down the fort. She and her new boss SEEM willing to compromise on integrity (no proof, but hints). HIP: well, bouts of pain, but overall better than before treatment. So, that's good but I want it to be reliable...so that i can go do stuff and not have to stay so close "just in case." FOOD: i cooked yummy and healthful food for lunch and dinner today. My kid was super happy as we had just been eating frozen stuff. WEATHER: today was much cooler (only in low 90s) plus light breeze. All the dogs were extra playful in the cooler weather, so we had more backyard time.

    Hi Val
    Congratulations on finding a home for one of the dogs. Condolences on the Other two falling through.

    I hope You are not paying for the vet visits ?

    If I Said Millennial's do not seem to have the same work ethic or desire to find a nice job and stay with it...

    To me being in the 90s is very hot :)

    Good Luck at work. Businesses need to learn that older people make better, more reliable employees

    P.S. I'm back after mowing the grass :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I just looked at Your reports on the home page. Way to Go
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017
    Humor Again

    I have not walked today, I will be walking later on when I walk to the doctors and then go look at the fruit in two different locations. I figure that will give me my exercise for the day, just later than usual :)
    The temperature this morning was 66 on the news channel and 63 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level still.

    Whoopee, I have been holding the same weight for 5 days now :) This is good as I am within the range I want to be for weight.

    I have started cooking some Hamburger meat to a well done level as a PF for later on, the rest of the Family Pack of it is in the refrigerator freezer section.
    The Laundry is washing and hopefully will be dried and folded before I leave around 9:15 AM.

    Have a Great Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Well Val, that is a pretty sad cool streak when it is just the lower 90's!! But know you are happy! Glad the dogs enjoyed it! :)

    Rodger, hope the DR. went well! Sounds like the day is well planned!!

    Sunday went well for lunch being I cooked and had had guest lunch. However, small group we got together for kind of a combined group dinner which was a virtual buffet, and I overate! It was kind of stressful to me and I overate at home later. Today just ate what I had a taste for, so hopefully I am done and get back healthy!! :|

    My bouts of not being mindful are at least shorter!! Take care!! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2017
    Again, More Humor Plus = two posts

    I walked 6956 Steps AKA 3.11 miles according to the FitBit + 1 Cent during today's walk and 1 cent yesterday afternoon found in the Home Depot parking lot :) I have been listening to the first Miss Marple by Agatha Christie Audiobook.
    The temperature this morning was 62 on the news channel and 63 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level once more.

    Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Case with Religious Freedom Implications,
    The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Monday in favor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer, a case with national religious freedom implications that involved a denied grant application for playground resurfacing.

    The case began in 2012 when Trinity Lutheran Church applied for a Missouri Department of Natural Resources state grant meant to help public and private schools, nonprofit daycare centers, and other nonprofit entities buy rubber playground surfaces made from recycled tires.

    The grant application was denied because the Department had a provision in place that "no money shall ever be taken from the treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect, or denomination of religion." The Supreme Court ruled today that this state policy violates the rights of Trinity Lutheran under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

    Chief Justice Roberts explains in his opinion that “the Free Exercise Clause ‘protects' religious observers against unequal treatment’ and subjects to the strictest scrutiny laws that target the religious for ‘special disabilities” based on their ‘religious status.’”

    “Applying that basic principle,” he writes, “this Court has repeatedly confirmed that denying a generally available benefit solely on account of religious identity imposes a penalty on the free exercise of religion that can be justified only by a state interest ‘of the highest order.’”

    Roberts acknowledges that the consequence of the state’s decision is “in all likelihood, a few extra scraped knees,” but concludes “the exclusion of Trinity Lutheran from a public benefit for which it is otherwise qualified, solely because it is a church, is odious to our Constitution all the same, and cannot stand.”

    On Minimum Wage, Basic Economics Again Rudely Intrudes on Liberal Dreams Jun 26, 2017 2:25 PM
    Seattle's $15-an-hour minimum wage law has cost the city jobs, according to a study released Monday that contradicted another new study published last week. A University of Washington team studying the law's effects found that the law has boosted pay in low-wage jobs since it took effect in 2015, but that it also caused a 9 percent reduction in hours worked, The Seattle Times reported. For an average low-wage Seattle worker, that's a loss of about $125 per month, the study said. "If you're a low-skilled worker with one of those jobs, $125 a month is a sizable amount of money," said Mark Long, one of the authors. "It can be the difference between being able to pay your rent and not being able to pay your rent." There would be about 5,000 more low-wage jobs in the city without the law, the study estimated...in the years covered by the study, 2015 and 2016, the minimum wage was at most $13, depending on business size, worker benefits and tips.

    In other words, even before the full $15-per-hour mandate was phased in, thousands of jobs were killed, and low-wage workers' hours were significantly reduced -- taking money out of their pockets. Behold, the (ahem) wages of "fairness." A rival study conducted by a progressive, pro-union organization was commissioned by the Seattle Mayor's office (after preliminary data from UW's respected, nonpartisan team of economists appeared politically unhelpful to the city's policy), predictably declaring the move a big success. Unsurprisingly, it is being criticized as bought-and-paid-for propaganda. Its liberal authors are counter-attacking by alleging that the more credible study by mainstream economists is methodologically flawed, drawing this strong rebuke: "When we perform the exact same analysis as the Berkeley team, we match their results, which is inconsistent with the notion that our methods create bias," one UW professor noted. It turns out that when you raise the cost of creating new jobs and sustaining existing ones, fewer jobs are created, and employers find ways to stay in business. Hardest hit are low-skilled, would-be workers looking to get a foot in the door -- as well as low-income workers whose hours were slashed after the government artificially mandated a spike in their hourly pay. Based on the data, the harm outweighed the benefits:
    NBER: $13 minimum wage in Seattle LOWERED average low-wage employee pay 6.6 percent. https://t.co/LLv9xmQuM2 pic.twitter.com/uMOtnF9ui4
    — Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) June 26, 2017

    Seattle's minimum-wage hike seems to have reduced low-wage workers' earnings by $1500 a year: https://t.co/zB3elfXWdJ
    — Annie Lowrey (@AnnieLowrey) June 26, 2017

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Well Val, that is a pretty sad cool streak when it is just the lower 90's!! But know you are happy! Glad the dogs enjoyed it! :)

    Rodger, hope the DR. went well! Sounds like the day is well planned!!

    Sunday went well for lunch being I cooked and had had guest lunch. However, small group we got together for kind of a combined group dinner which was a virtual buffet, and I overate! It was kind of stressful to me and I overate at home later. Today just ate what I had a taste for, so hopefully I am done and get back healthy!! :|

    My bouts of not being mindful are at least shorter!! Take care!! ..Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I agree that the lower 90s is not a cool streak to me.

    The Doctor's visit went OK if You exclude having to be stuck twice to draw the blood for testing.

    Sunday went OK :) If You exclude the Chinese Takeout that would have been OK if I had not picked up the side of Chicken Wings to go along with the small order of Bone in Spare Ribs, Oops :(

    I'm sorry to hear it was stressful...
    Today's lunch will the over 1/2 of the order of steamed Chicken Broccoli left from yesterdays Chinese Take out.
    I think I sort of overate at dinnertime to as I had a Home Made Hamburger with a 1/2 slice of cheese on two slices of the 40 calorie Wheat Bread and a 1/2 pint of fresh fruit salad from the supermarket. I am retaining water from something yesterday :(

    I know that despite not getting on the scale that yesterday ended my streak of weighing the same :)

    Good Luck
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Glad you are still finding money!! Sorry you had to be stuck twice at the Dr., that is no fun! But at least you were in your target range for the visit! I am sure a day or two of staying with your NS meals will get you right back on track! Chinese food just seems to do that! :#

    So does Italian!! We had lasagna at the buffet. And several homemade desserts. It would not have been so bad, but I did eat at lunch so had very few calories left for a dinner. The sad thing is, I really was not hungry at all. Had I been home I probably just would have had a protein shake. But once started, of course I had seconds. We had combined two groups and I did not know two of the couples. I guess someone made the comment that the girls would sit on the patio and the guys inside. Well, several of the older people, who I know did not hear that said, were seated inside to avoid the step out, which was not a big thing except for the oldest lady in our group who cannot walk well. I tend to sit by her because she is single too, and immobile and I hate she gets excluded sometimes, though not intentionally (except by her daughter!) just because she is not mobile. One of the other ladies in the other group had leaned over to her husband and remarked something about us sitting inside, and she gave me the dirtiest look. I know they thought I, (or we?) were snubbing them, and honestly we had not meant to. I never could figure a way to correct it, though after eating I should have migrated to the back to talk and try, but by then, I was just kind of staying in my little spot, I was tired and just kind of overwhelmed. I am not naturally a talented social person, and in the South, that is an unforgivable sin. Our small groups get really close, and many of these people have known each other for generations. They just do not get sometimes how kind of closed up that can also be. I do not really know if anyone even knew about all this "undercurrent" other than one or two of the other group. I know what my intentions were, so I should not have let it worry me, but stress me it did, and I came home and just ate stuff, not even being hungry, obviously... So Dumb!!..... Be glad you do not stress eat!! I wonder if that is a more female thing than male. It is always something!! :|
    Yesterday, I just ate what I wanted, and enjoyed it, but I did not step on the scales. My son brought back some pasta from Italy and a spice cookie for me. I had the cookie with my coffee and way too much pasta for dinner, but it was fabulous and much different than American pasta. Today I am back on track and looking forward to be. :) It sure seemed a rough weekend, lol!

    Interesting article about the wages; they did warn that would happen! Going for humor!! Thanks, I needed that, lol! :D ..Jan
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    You found the cartoon I have on my wall!!! :D ALL the dino ones are awesome!!! Love the cats too!! A perfect day to read them all!!! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted two things today, Humor and some links

    I walked 7290 Steps AKA 3.25 miles according to the FitBit + 0 Cents during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 58 on the news channel and 56 degrees on the front porch with a decent humidity level once more. The Humidity and temperature are forecast to rise tomorrow :(

    Leave your smartphone in another room! Having your mobile within arm's reach reduces brainpower (even if the device is turned off)
    Published: 10:40 EDT, 26 June 2017 | Updated: 10:40 EDT, 26 June 2017

    Daily news 26 June 2017
    Birds use cigarette butts for chemical warfare against ticks

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Glad you are still finding money!! Sorry you had to be stuck twice at the Dr., that is no fun! But at least you were in your target range for the visit! I am sure a day or two of staying with your NS meals will get you right back on track! Chinese food just seems to do that! :#

    So does Italian!! We had lasagna at the buffet. And several homemade desserts. It would not have been so bad, but I did eat at lunch so had very few calories left for a dinner. The sad thing is, I really was not hungry at all. Had I been home I probably just would have had a protein shake. But once started, of course I had seconds. We had combined two groups and I did not know two of the couples. I guess someone made the comment that the girls would sit on the patio and the guys inside. Well, several of the older people, who I know did not hear that said, were seated inside to avoid the step out, which was not a big thing except for the oldest lady in our group who cannot walk well. I tend to sit by her because she is single too, and immobile and I hate she gets excluded sometimes, though not intentionally (except by her daughter!) just because she is not mobile. One of the other ladies in the other group had leaned over to her husband and remarked something about us sitting inside, and she gave me the dirtiest look. I know they thought I, (or we?) were snubbing them, and honestly we had not meant to. I never could figure a way to correct it, though after eating I should have migrated to the back to talk and try, but by then, I was just kind of staying in my little spot, I was tired and just kind of overwhelmed. I am not naturally a talented social person, and in the South, that is an unforgivable sin. Our small groups get really close, and many of these people have known each other for generations. They just do not get sometimes how kind of closed up that can also be. I do not really know if anyone even knew about all this "undercurrent" other than one or two of the other group. I know what my intentions were, so I should not have let it worry me, but stress me it did, and I came home and just ate stuff, not even being hungry, obviously... So Dumb!!..... Be glad you do not stress eat!! I wonder if that is a more female thing than male. It is always something!! :|
    Hi Jan
    The trick is not getting back on track for me it is staying on track. A good Lasagna, YUMMY !
    I hope You are right and it only needs a day or two to be back where I was that morning.

    If I said my brother is the gregarious one...

    That is so kind of You to stay and keep here company.

    It may be more of a female thing. Stress never bothered me that way :)
    Yesterday, I just ate what I wanted, and enjoyed it, but I did not step on the scales. My son brought back some pasta from Italy and a spice cookie for me. I had the cookie with my coffee and way too much pasta for dinner, but it was fabulous and much different than American pasta. Today I am back on track and looking forward to be. :) It sure seemed a rough weekend, lol!

    Interesting article about the wages; they did warn that would happen! Going for humor!! Thanks, I needed that, lol! :D ..Jan

    I have not stepped on the scales the last two days, Tomorrow will be different however.

    In what way was the Pasta different? I suspect that their Bread is much better too.

    Who did not see that coming, Politicians is who, Raising the Minimum wage is a feel good while corralling votes thing IMO.

    The other problem is it will raise the cost of most things and when We are on a fixed income, guess who gets the worst of the impact of that. IMO the law of supply and demand works.

    As I remember it from the weather forecast today should be a nice day. Currently at 8:40AM it is 70 degrees showing on the shaded thermometer in the back yard. So nice not needing to run the AC before I even left to go walking. The living Room is up to 72 degrees :)

    8 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 6/27/2017 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

    Enjoy Today's Humor Too
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    You found the cartoon I have on my wall!!! :D ALL the dino ones are awesome!!! Love the cats too!! A perfect day to read them all!!! :)

    Hi Again
    Which one was it? Just curious :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    It is the one with the dinos watching the ark sailing away, saying, "Crap, was that today?". ... So me!!! :D
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    And good morning!

    It is hot and humid! The flies are taking over my house. Guess I will be ordering the fly strips myself. I hate them, but the reviews on the inside traps seem to suggest the reviews are fake. I guess I will go for tried and true. They are even bothering the dogs. (Who apparently are not good at catching them, lol!). They are the pesky ones that after you swipe, they come right back in 2 seconds. No intimidation at all. They buzz you in defiance!

    Great job walking! You are so right!! My mindset is not right! I should not be getting back on track, but being on track. Good job!!! And you are so right. The minimum wage is an easy push to make the politicians look good. When it really lags it is a good thing, but obviously your business must stay in business for it to work. Just the basics... and they ignore it all. Funny about the cigarette butts, scary on the cell phones. Imagine the next generation..... :|

    Well, I am sure we had got a foot and a half of water, and we had 2 days of sunshine, and I darn near lost a plant or two not watering quick enough! Go figure!! The world is strange!!! I hate putting my nose out!! The A/C and I are best friends! Occasionally I dream of living in a place with little humidity. :#

    The dried pasta he chose was very much like german spaetzle in looks. I had to cook it about 2 1/2 minutes longer, though it was a short pasta. It had more of a chew to it, like a fresh pasta. I did make sure it was Al Dente. Oddly, I like my sauce on top of pasta, not mixed. But this was best mixed, as the sauce clung to the pasta, but did not make it mushy. It was fabulous, and I already miss it!! (Hence the 5 lb gain, again!!). I had regular red sauce, and a butter, garlic and cheese. It is often served in Italy with a pesto or another green sauce, which I will have to research. I have not found a pesto I really like more than traditional sauces. Basil ones are a little strong for me, Italian parsley is more to my liking. lol! Not too dietetic! :#

    Enjoy your day!!! Thanks for more humor!! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    humor once more

    I walked 5600 Steps AKA 2.5 miles according to the FitBit + 0 Cents during today's walk. The temperature this morning was 65 on the news channel and64 degrees on the front porch with a decent slightly higher humidity level once more. The Humidity and temperature are forecast to rise tomorrow :(

    Democratic Voter Fraud: Liberal Student Sentenced For Registering Dead People To Vote
    Posted: Jun 27, 2017 11:00 AM
    A James Madison University student and Virginia native is facing at least 100 days in prison after a Virginia district court found him guilty of submitting 18 fabricated voter registration forms.

    Andrew Spieles is an employee of Harrisonburg Votes, an organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. Starting in 2016, his job was to register as many voters in Virginia as possible, and track their information, CNSNews reports:

    “...After filling out a registration form for a voter, Spieles entered the information into a computer system used by the Virginia Democratic Party to track information such as name, age, address and political affiliation...Every Thursday an employee/volunteer hand-delivered the paper copies of the registration forms to the Registrar’s Office in Harrisonburg.”

    The Registrar’s office caught on to Spieles’s scheme when they noticed that many of the names on voter registration forms belonged to deceased community members. The office also noticed inaccurate names, social security numbers and birth dates on registration forms. It became abundantly clear that these forms were not new voter registration.

    . He confessed to stealing information from the Virginia Democratic Party’s “walk sheets,” taking names, addresses and ages at random from the data. He also disclosed that he forged fake social security numbers.


    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    It is the one with the dinos watching the ark sailing away, saying, "Crap, was that today?". ... So me!!! :D

    Hi Jan
    Thanks for the Info :)
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    And good morning!

    It is hot and humid! The flies are taking over my house. Guess I will be ordering the fly strips myself. I hate them, but the reviews on the inside traps seem to suggest the reviews are fake. I guess I will go for tried and true. They are even bothering the dogs. (Who apparently are not good at catching them, lol!). They are the pesky ones that after you swipe, they come right back in 2 seconds. No intimidation at all. They buzz you in defiance!

    Great job walking! You are so right!! My mindset is not right! I should not be getting back on track, but being on track. Good job!!! And you are so right. The minimum wage is an easy push to make the politicians look good. When it really lags it is a good thing, but obviously your business must stay in business for it to work. Just the basics... and they ignore it all. Funny about the cigarette butts, scary on the cell phones. Imagine the next generation..... :|
    I had that problem last year, I was killing more than 10 a day on the Living Room window and forget about the rest of the house. They were heavy again earlier, Until We got the Fly Strips to hang and then the volume dropped way off , I guess they spread the word, stay out of there he's prepared :)

    It seems obvious to You and I that if You make a business unprofitable they will either find a way to reduce costs or go away. I remember this one from 2015 :(
    San Francisco bookstore closes because of $15 minimum wage law
    February 3, 2015
    A bookstore in San Francisco's Valencia Street shopping district has announced it's closing its doors, and the owners' farewell note names the city's $15 minimum wage as the main culprit in the store's demise.

    Borderland Books, which specializes in fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and horror books, stuck it out through rent increases, online commerce competition, and the recession. But San Francisco's plan to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next three years has proved to be too much:

    Although all of us at Borderlands support the concept of a living wage in principal [sic] and we believe that it's possible that the new law will be good for San Francisco — Borderlands Books as it exists is not a financially viable business if subject to that minimum wage. Consequently we will be closing our doors no later than March 31st. [...]

    The change in minimum wage will mean our payroll will increase roughly 39%. That increase will in turn bring up our total operating expenses by 18%. To make up for that expense, we would need to increase our sales by a minimum of 20%. We do not believe that is a realistic possibility for a bookstore in San Francisco at this time. [Borderland Books]

    Opponents of minimum wage hikes have long argued that the laws price employers and low-skill workers out of business. Bonnie Kristian

    Well, I am sure we had got a foot and a half of water, and we had 2 days of sunshine, and I darn near lost a plant or two not watering quick enough! Go figure!! The world is strange!!! I hate putting my nose out!! The A/C and I are best friends! Occasionally I dream of living in a place with little humidity. :#

    The dried pasta he chose was very much like german spaetzle in looks. I had to cook it about 2 1/2 minutes longer, though it was a short pasta. It had more of a chew to it, like a fresh pasta. I did make sure it was Al Dente. Oddly, I like my sauce on top of pasta, not mixed. But this was best mixed, as the sauce clung to the pasta, but did not make it mushy. It was fabulous, and I already miss it!! (Hence the 5 lb gain, again!!). I had regular red sauce, and a butter, garlic and cheese. It is often served in Italy with a pesto or another green sauce, which I will have to research. I have not found a pesto I really like more than traditional sauces. Basil ones are a little strong for me, Italian parsley is more to my liking. lol! Not too dietetic! :#

    Enjoy your day!!! Thanks for more humor!! ..Jan B)
    Yup, the low humidity here has meant that the plants need watering a day or two after a rainfall too.

    My Brother likes Pasta with Home Made Pesto or tomato sauce.
    For myself in the past, I was happy with a jar of store bought sauce and 1+ pounds of meat added in, That meat having been Hamburger, Sweet Italian Sausage, Thin Cut Center Cut Boneless Pork Chops. I was eating a half Meat and Half pasta meal :)

    I wonder if You would like it with Thai Basil ?

    Stay Comfortable
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    More rain expected for today. We had about 3 days of sun, I guess that was it!! :) South Al. has been under flood warnings since the tropical storm came thru. A little soggy down that way!

    I love Thai basil, that would be interesting to try that as a pesto. It is unusual there is something I am not fond of, as evidenced by my eating history!! I have found today's sauces in jars to be better than some of my old homemade recipes. Food quality offerings have come a long way! We also used neck bones back in the day to add to the sauce. It gave great flavor and was fun to eat if you like to gnaw on the bones, which I confess I do, at home, lol! :#
    I do like the old country Sunday sauce where Grandma threw in leftovers from the week in the sauce and simmered all day. Especially with beef chunks and pork chunks! I may have to have spaghetti for supper or soon!! My other Grandma always added bacon with ground beef sauce. Not bad either.

    I remember that bookstore article about the minimum wage. Sad.. The news locally here is all about shootings. We have had a terrible rash of them, and a 9 year old boy was killed by a 14 year old, not an accident, but out of anger. Several other shootings here in the last few days have involved children as young victims hurt either in the crossfire, or intentionally. I hope this is not the next round of what is new in the world. :(

    On the bright side, I have sure enjoyed the humor! Off to check again! Great job on your steps! Take care! ..Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm back. My new phone arrived and I even set it up correctly. Two pups are reserved, only Marshmallow needs a home. Work got scary, but now much better. Three senior VPs now attend that committee and the own the fight. It never was mine but it seems i was the only employee following that policy. Thanks to me...training for all (I know...not a way to make friends.) New boss is really getting the picture of who i am. She's turning to me a lot, and giving me freedom to do what i do. Each day l send her a new list if what i do...and each day she asks questions and then thanks me. Today she asked if we could clone me...I said I'm working on Val 2.0, but she's only 14. She responded "Argh, if it weren't for the child labor laws." So that's feeling more stable. Hip has been doing fine, but mostly sitting.