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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I had not heard the news today, busy church day. It is frightening. I will definitely be vigilant! People are really just crazy now days. That is a good idea about using the extract that way for pancakes. Too bad you did not patent it! You could have been rich! That is what some of the breakfast brands do now to their pancakes! :#

    I never thought about the name grumpy puppies! It is unusual!! I am glad he fits right in!! And gets to get on the bed too!! :)

    The dogs are waiting for me to go to bed as a matter of fact! It was a long day, and I should have no trouble falling asleep tonite!! :D

    Take care all!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted some humor and a link this morning

    I did some walking this Morning and still + 0 Cents, Oh well. The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    Once again it is a cloudy day with no Sun showing. I suspect that the clouds are related to Jose's approach and Tuesday the forecast indicates rain and wind due to Jose's passing off of the NJ coast.

    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Devour our juicy, 9 patty Triple Triple Burger with record speed, and you could walk away fuller and RICHER. The contestant who finishes the 9 patties, 9 slices of cheese, lettuce, tomato and bun in the fastest time nationally wins $3,330.

    I found this to be a interesting read
    After visit to Confederate monuments, 5 Richmond teenagers from low-income housing share thoughts about removal
    From staff reports Sep 16, 2017
    Friday morning, Richmond Cycling Corps took five of its members, ages 16-17, on a tour of the Confederate monuments in Richmond.

    The purpose, according to a RCC Facebook post, was so the young men, all from Section 8 public housing, could "formulate their own opinions" about the monuments before Saturday's expected rally at the Lee monument by a small pro-Confederate group out of Tennessee and "the media frenzy that's going to ravage through Richmond tomorrow."

    After the tour of the monuments, 17-year-old Daquan Morton, with input from the four other RCC youth, wrote what RCC posted on its Facebook page Friday night, which appears below.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Yes, Grumpy Puppy Rescue Inc is the name...don't know why, but it's fine. We're in Facebook. Prince is now an integrated member of my pack! The king-sized bed is even more crowded.
    Hi Val
    As long as You can get enough sleep that way.

    Thank You for the Answer
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2017
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I had not heard the news today, busy church day. It is frightening. I will definitely be vigilant! People are really just crazy now days. That is a good idea about using the extract that way for pancakes. Too bad you did not patent it! You could have been rich! That is what some of the breakfast brands do now to their pancakes! :#

    I never thought about the name grumpy puppies! It is unusual!! I am glad he fits right in!! And gets to get on the bed too!! :)

    The dogs are waiting for me to go to bed as a matter of fact! It was a long day, and I should have no trouble falling asleep tonite!! :D

    Take care all!! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    It made the NS Pancakes tasty and did not add and calories :)

    I hope You had a good nights sleep

    Craziness in France again, The world is going to damnation speedily.
    France acid attack: US tourists assaulted in Marseille
    17 September 2017
    Two US tourists have had hydrochloric acid thrown in their faces at Marseille train station, French media say.

    The victims, both in their early 20s, received treatment in hospital, but were released later in Sunday.

    Two other members of their group were also attacked at Saint-Charles station, but did not get acid in their faces.

    The incident is not believed to be terror-related. The attacker, described by police as a mentally unstable 41-year-old woman, has been arrested.

    Note that this not terror related and sadly similar attacks have happened in New York City too.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I slept okay in the crowded bed...there were times I wanted to flip over, but didn't want to disturb the sleeping canines...so I didn't move. Tonight, i hot in the bed first and claimed a better spot! You know I love my doggies.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Val, that is so funny about your dogs!! I sure miss cuddling with my bunch. Chester can't get up there anymore, and I am afraid if he would come down in the middle of the nite he might break something. I just can't let May may up there till Chester is gone. I do not want Chester to think I have replaced him. So I get the bed all to myself But I do miss that ... :) Glad you are getting out some to walk! Short is better than nothing!

    Rodger appreciated the humor. The cats in the boxes were my favorites. It is back to hot here a few days with highs in the low 90's. No rain. I need to water tomorrow! And probably get back to the DR and have my med adjusted one more time for my B/P. And clean, lol! I do not understand how I can have such a dusty house! I think it is global warming, lol! :#

    Enjoyed the articles, nice to know the Paris attack was only a crazy person, not terrorists! :s

    No body work too hard!!! And be mindful!!!! ...Jan :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor today

    I did some walking this Morning and still + 0 Cents, Oh well on the good side The Grass was dry and I have now mowed the lawn ahead of the forecast rain with a moderate breeze courtesy of Jose. The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 71 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    It is a cloudy day with no Sun showing. The clouds are related to Jose's approach and the forecast indicates rain and wind due to Jose's passing off of the NJ coast.

    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Hackers Have Successfully Hidden Malware In Popular PC Cleanup Tool

    September 18, 2017 11:49 AM
    12 foods you can buy in bulk that will last until the end of world
    By Hannah Maluth, Published: Sept 18, 2017 7:34 a.m. ET

    THEME PARK TRAGEDYThrillseeker, 21, ‘killed by moving coffin’ as he walked through a haunted house fairground ride
    The victim was reportedly hit by machinery inside an attraction called 'Buried Alive' at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park
    By Tom Michael, 17th September 2017, 9:25 pm, Updated: 18th September 2017, 3:39 pm

    For eight months, a Lenexa man’s body sat in a KCI parking lot. His family asks why
    By Ian Cummings, icummings@kcstar.com, September 17, 2017 2:53 PM

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2017
    I slept okay in the crowded bed...there were times I wanted to flip over, but didn't want to disturb the sleeping canines...so I didn't move. Tonight, i hot in the bed first and claimed a better spot! You know I love my doggies.

    Hi Val
    I do indeed know that, Good move claiming a better spot.

    I did see Two Deer grazing along one of the brooks I crossed over, A Mother and a Young one. I noticed them when I looked over the side of the bridge. They must have really good vision, I was well above them and as soon as I looked over the side they both turned their heads and stared at me til I moved on.

    I'm glad to hear You slept OK despite...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, that is so funny about your dogs!! I sure miss cuddling with my bunch. Chester can't get up there anymore, and I am afraid if he would come down in the middle of the nite he might break something. I just can't let May may up there till Chester is gone. I do not want Chester to think I have replaced him. So I get the bed all to myself But I do miss that ... :) Glad you are getting out some to walk! Short is better than nothing!

    Rodger appreciated the humor. The cats in the boxes were my favorites. It is back to hot here a few days with highs in the low 90's. No rain. I need to water tomorrow! And probably get back to the DR and have my med adjusted one more time for my B/P. And clean, lol! I do not understand how I can have such a dusty house! I think it is global warming, lol! :#

    Enjoyed the articles, nice to know the Paris attack was only a crazy person, not terrorists! :s

    No body work too hard!!! And be mindful!!!! ...Jan :)
    Hi Jan
    That sounds like a wise decision with the dogs.

    No Need to water for quite a while currently and with the forecast rain probably not for a few more days depending on how much rain we get.

    I sometimes wonder where the dust comes from here too. The weird part is the front half of the house builds dust like crazy and the back half of the house stays close to dust free.

    There are too many crazy people loose in the world these days.

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!
    Well, I did get some running around done and I got to the Dr., too. A successful day!! I have a little more to do in the morning and then I hope to get home to clean some. I sure wonder where my day goes. lol!

    How do you miss a dead body in a parking lot for 8 months?.... That seems strange no one had noticed, though I believe it!

    I wondered if New Jersey was breezy from Jose, and you answered my question. Those poor islands and people in the Caribbean. Hard to believe. On computer they do not seem to making as much of it as Irma, but it is surely still awful. Between that and the Mexican earthquakes, and wildfires, the western hemisphere seems to be having a bad year... :(

    We got a good rain this afternoon. We needed it as it was dry. So glad I didn't have to water either!! :)

    Keep up the good walking work!! I was lazy today!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor has been posted

    I did some walking this Morning and + 5 Cents, The forecast rain failed to make it to my part of NJ, It did rain along the NJ Shore. There was a moderate breeze courtesy of Jose. The temperature this morning was 71 on the news channel and 70 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    It is a partly cloudy day, The clouds related to Jose's approach have moved away from here.

    on a recent news broadcast the Young Lady made a slight or not so slight boo boo. She talked about a rare Suma Tran Tiger Cub. I looked at my brother and said what the heck. He Said she meant a Sumatran Tiger Cub :)
    I see grammar, pronunciation or Spelling errors on the News broadcasts daily. I am thinking if this is the caliber of News Broadcasters in a Major Market like New York City what is it like in smaller markets ?

    Interesting ? Link, I found it interesting :)
    Diabetes spikes among Mississippi children and no one knows why
    Sarah Fowler, The Clarion-Ledger Published 6:00 p.m. CT Sept. 16, 2017 | Updated 2:50 p.m. CT Sept. 18, 2017

    I found this to be weird
    b]Illegal immigrants storm Pelosi press conference, say Democrats are a 'deportation machine' [/b]
    by Anna Giaritelli | Sep 18, 2017, 2:13 PM

    Sorry for the Political bit, It struck me as weird

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Well, I did get some running around done and I got to the Dr., too. A successful day!! I have a little more to do in the morning and then I hope to get home to clean some. I sure wonder where my day goes. lol!

    How do you miss a dead body in a parking lot for 8 months?.... That seems strange no one had noticed, though I believe it!

    I wondered if New Jersey was breezy from Jose, and you answered my question. Those poor islands and people in the Caribbean. Hard to believe. On computer they do not seem to making as much of it as Irma, but it is surely still awful. Between that and the Mexican earthquakes, and wildfires, the western hemisphere seems to be having a bad year... :(

    We got a good rain this afternoon. We needed it as it was dry. So glad I didn't have to water either!! :)

    Keep up the good walking work!! I was lazy today!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Before I forget to mention this, I was looking out the Picture window in the Living Room before I went walking and I saw a group of Deer Running down the street.

    They had footage of a building collapsing from the earthquake and another building where some of the facade was falling off, Then in a later broadcast they showed a fire that went up in a explosion a few seconds later. The People in Mexico and the ones in the Caribbean can not catch a break :(

    I thought the body that sat there that long was past strange... Enjoy today's humor and the links I posted above. I found the second one to be really Bizarre.

    We may need to water after all, it depends on how dry the soil is. Jose tracked further east and only the East side on NJ got rain. My brother did buy a electronic device that can be stuck into the soil to determine the moisture levels.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    That is awesome about the deer! I guess it is good that you were not out walking yet! They might have run you down!! We have deer here, but not the abundance you seem to have, especially in an area that is obviously housing area. Either that or they sneak around at night! :#

    I saw the footage of the explosion in Mexico. How frightening that must have been. I wonder if everyone knew it was the earthquake, or if people thought something else might have been going on at the same time. Might be that California may go sliding around again soon. They still are due for a big one...

    You walked for 130 minutes! I noticed that! That was quite the walk!! :)

    Appreciate the humor!! It will make me in a better mood to run around! I need to go to UPS and return a package and pick up some potting soil, and a few items to send a smile box to some kids in Honduras, where there is a school the church sponsors. I am sure there is more I need to do. Just having trouble thinking of it, lol!

    Jose was a weird little storm. It will be interesting to see where Maria ends up... I think there is something after her developing too.

    Off for humor!! Thanks again!! ...Jan.. B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humorous images ans a link from another persons post

    I did some walking this Morning and + 0 Cents. The temperature this morning was 73 on the news channel and 71 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, humidity is still forecast to hang around for another day or two :(

    Interesting Links ?, I found it interesting :)

    Suspect in Starbucks robbery may sue man who stopped him

    By Dianne de Guzman, SFGATE Updated 7:40 am, Wednesday, September 20, 2017

    b]Ransomware hack targeting 2 million an hour [/b]
    Shannon Vavra 17 hrs ago,

    Smart billboards are checking you out – and making judgments
    By Tim Johnson, September 20, 2017 5:00 AM

    Wow, Not Good
    For weeks, Equifax customer service has been directing victims to a fake phishing site
    by Dani Deahl and Ashley Carman Sep 20, 2017, 1:17pm EDT

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    That is awesome about the deer! I guess it is good that you were not out walking yet! They might have run you down!! We have deer here, but not the abundance you seem to have, especially in an area that is obviously housing area. Either that or they sneak around at night! :#

    I saw the footage of the explosion in Mexico. How frightening that must have been. I wonder if everyone knew it was the earthquake, or if people thought something else might have been going on at the same time. Might be that California may go sliding around again soon. They still are due for a big one...

    You walked for 130 minutes! I noticed that! That was quite the walk!! :)

    Appreciate the humor!! It will make me in a better mood to run around! I need to go to UPS and return a package and pick up some potting soil, and a few items to send a smile box to some kids in Honduras, where there is a school the church sponsors. I am sure there is more I need to do. Just having trouble thinking of it, lol!

    Jose was a weird little storm. It will be interesting to see where Maria ends up... I think there is something after her developing too.

    Off for humor!! Thanks again!! ...Jan.. B)

    Hi Jan
    OTOH seeing the Deer means that they have been out Munching, Likely on someones garden or ladscaping :(

    Only see the Deer early in the morning before everybody is out and about here on the streets. I do see them feeding later in the Morning feeding along the brooks where they are not that close to civilization :)

    Maria Worries me somewhat as it is to early to know where it will end up going.

    That is nice of Your Church
    Keep up the good work

    P.S I notuced this
    Buttons61 7 hours ago
    Burned 141 calories doing 30 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Another trip to UPS as I did not make it last time! And general running to do. It is 90 here but the nites are cooler. Next week is supposed to be more in the upper 80s. I am supposed to go out tonite to a fish shake. It is very good I just have not gone for a long time to there, but it will be very good, though not for dieting as the best dishes are their fried catfish and the seafood platter. Ready to out though!

    Hopefully Maria will turn quickly so the US is out of the path. it is supposed to, so that is good!! What a year! All the hacks make for quite the year also! People are getting too sophisticated in their crime. We had a hack into Montgomery county gov't. website this week. They are still working on it and it disrupted marriage and different licensing, and I think a few court proceedings. What a mess. they did call in the FBI.

    Great job with your walking! You are so consistent!! Humor was pretty hilarious too! Take care!! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did manage to post more humor today despite being a bit under the weather :(

    I did not do some walking this Morning and thus found + 0 Cents. The temperature this morning was 68 on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, Daytime high temperatures are forecast to hang around for another day or two in the mid 80s or higher :(

    Interesting Link, I found it interesting :)
    Singapore baggage handler 'swapped hundreds of tags'
    From the BBC News 20 September 2017
    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Another trip to UPS as I did not make it last time! And general running to do. It is 90 here but the nites are cooler. Next week is supposed to be more in the upper 80s. I am supposed to go out tonite to a fish shake. It is very good I just have not gone for a long time to there, but it will be very good, though not for dieting as the best dishes are their fried catfish and the seafood platter. Ready to out though!

    Hopefully Maria will turn quickly so the US is out of the path. it is supposed to, so that is good!! What a year! All the hacks make for quite the year also! People are getting too sophisticated in their crime. We had a hack into Montgomery county gov't. website this week. They are still working on it and it disrupted marriage and different licensing, and I think a few court proceedings. What a mess. they did call in the FBI.

    Great job with your walking! You are so consistent!! Humor was pretty hilarious too! Take care!! ...Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    Sometimes the best made plans go astray...

    Fish Shake or Fish Bake?

    I hope Maria goes away too peacefully too, OTOH it already crippled Puerto Rico which is a US territory so I suspect massive aid will be flowing that way.

    I wonder if the Government Website hack was just someone fooling around to show how clever they are or had some as yet undiscovered malicious purpose.

    Hopefully the FBI catches the perp and it is not someone overseas that is more or less untouchable being elsewhere than here in the USA.

    Being under the weather,Throat and a Faucet of a Nose I did not walk today, so much for consistency.

    I'm glad You are enjoying the Humor however.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry to hear you are still under the weather. Not much worse than trying to get a summer cold! I hope you will feel better soon!

    I think I was trying to say fish shack, lol! I have no recollection writing what I did. That is kind of scary! I hate it when my mind does things I am not aware of! :# However the food was excellent. They have the best hush puppies ever. You get served that, coleslaw and beans as a starting munch, served family style. There is plenty to last thru dinner. They had this relish that was some kind of pepper jelly that was to die for. It was so good I put it on the beans and most of the fish. We had a good time.

    Did some cleaning and i am tired tonite, and ready for sleep. That is pretty scary since it is only 11;30 and I am up for usually another 2 hours.

    Boy, that bag handler--I bet he had so many people mad at him!! What was he thinking???

    I sure hope you feel better quickly and it doesn't drag on! You need plenty of orange juice and that NS chicken soup you were talking about!! Don't overdue!!! Hang in there! ..Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did post more humor and a link
    I managed to spot one of them, How did You do ?

    I did not do some walking this Morning and thus found + 0 Cents. The temperature this morning was on the news channel and 68 degrees on the front porch and back yard thermometer, Daytime high temperatures are forecast to be well over the norm for the next day or two, The Forecast high for today is 88 to 89 and 90 or higher for Sunday :(

    Interesting Link, I found it interesting :)
    $1.8M stolen in minutes after couriers leave keys in van outside bank
    Raisa Habersham The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    6:49 p.m Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017

    Naked man hit, killed in the middle of I-85 in DeKalb
    Raisa Habersham John Spink The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Updated 1:24 p.m Friday, Sept. 22, 2017

    Nestlé Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For
    September 21, 2017, 5:00 AM EDT
    The company’s operation in Michigan reveals how it’s dominated the industry by going into economically depressed areas with lax water laws.

    Have a Great Weekend