100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. Sorry I’m sporadically appearing. Just got off work (9pm). They reorganized again, taking more away from the boss I really like. Sunday night 10:30 pm, a colleague called me to tell me not to worry. Um, I wasn’t worried, I was sleeping...but, what shouldn’t I worry about? She went in to tell me how valuable I am to the team and what a great talent and work ethic I have. Okay, I thanked her...but what shouldn’t I worry about? I think she’s not allowed to tell me that mgmt is pushing out my other boss...and this was her way to say I’m not getting pushed out. I guess. My foot. Well, I don’t remember injuring it either. A week ago, i woke and the top of the foot near the big toe and second toe was swollen, sore, and oddly colored. Like a green bruise. It consistently hurt, worse when walking...but not too bad today.

    Hi Val
    I'm sorry to hear that Your sleep was disrupted, I have a suspicion You are right that the boss You like is getting made redundant as the first step in elimination.

    I have done something like that were I must have stubbed my toe and it was worse than I had though as it was sore for a while.

    Good Luck, Hopefully the pain will be gone shortly
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    It did not rain much today, but the air was damp. I got my blood drawn and went to lunch with a friend. I barely stayed in calories, and had too many carbs probably, but it could have been worse. At least I did not blow it entirely and eat more, as I often have done. That was a good thing! :)

    Roger, the first thing that popped in my head was making fried rice with the last of the rice, lol. Great minds... I congratulate you for not doing it and staying on track! :D
    Hi Jan
    You congratulated me too soon :blush:
    OTOH if You look at my earlier post today, I did do a nutrition research so as to not use to much of the rice or peas and thus I did control the calories.

    I hope that the Vampires fang did not hurt or leave a mark. You would not believe how long it took me to learn I did not have to have a bruise from a blood test :(
    Our only sunny day comes tomorrow, with rain the rest of the week. But a nice week end. The Olympic article was interesting. I used to watch several things, but since giving up cable and while I worked, I had stopped watching.I always enjoyed figure skating (minus a few judges) and the bobsleds.

    Val, That is sure weird with your foot. Maybe it was bruised on your last walk, though it seems a bit ago. But glad it is better. Your company certainly keeps one guessing, No non drama there! :*

    Take care all. Stay focused! Eat healthy!! :# ...Jan

    At least we will have had three days of dry following the four days of dreary with rain weather before heading back for two more days of rain starting Thursday.

    About the only part of the Olympics we watched was the curling and that is delayed via the DVR as is liberally larded with commercials.

    Congratulations on this.
    Buttons61 9 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/26/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    That is so funny about the rice! But I think controlling the proportions and having it may be far better than denying it! So congrats are still appropriate. :)

    Alabama has bad lightening too. We rank up there and having experienced it as I was waiting in the barn with the horses, or just at home, I can vouch it seems far more fierce than what I was used to.

    My daughter and I are going to see Sean Dietrich tonite who is coming to Montgomery to speak. He has columns in many Southern magazines, an online daily column, and has written several books. He relates stories of growing up in Ala. and poor people, country folk and just inspiring people he meets while traveling, mostly in Fla. Ala. and Tenn. He also plays blue grass and country in a pretty good band. Just writes about ordinary folk. It is pretty good.
    Saving room for heavy hors d'oeurves that I may need to just look at a few...Being layback, the food might be Southern comfort food. :p

    The lady that does my labs is pretty good. Aside from the stick that seems to hurt worse as I get older and more of a wuss, she is the only one who can ever get blood from my rt. arm. I have used my Lt. arm all my life and is sore from the nerve pinch every now and then. Happy to use the other. I am not sure if she ever left a mark, Maybe once in the last 10 years. You could ask the people if they can use a butterfly needle is you bruise a lot.

    Hang in there Val! Hope you have a good week! <3
    Good day to all! ...Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted more humor and these are what I thought would be interested links. I notice that I seem to be finding more health related links

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 31 on the porch. Today is forecast to be in the high 50s possibly 60 today is predicted to be dry with rain arriving later in the day on Thursday and heavy Friday.

    I had two of the Turkey and Stuffing Shelf Stable meals that came in the Holiday pack and I had one of them Yesterday as my Lunch. It was free as I would not have ordered it. I will admit it was tastier than I had remembered from when I originally tried it, And they get some crunch into the stuffing, likely from Celery. The Turkey was as bland as I had remembered it as it is a shaped and formed turkey loaf, However with the Gravy it was OK.

    I would Bet a lot of money that I am remembering correctly about the Chicken and BBQ Beans :( It is now 230 calories, in a different tray with a different gravy for the chicken whereas in the past the Chicken picked up a nice flavor from the beans and the chicken is much smaller and I believe the beans are fewer too. As I remember it in the past the Calorie count for it was 290 but it was tasty. Now I am sorry I still have some in the cupboard after having the first of the resized one the other day. Drat !

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Studies are increasingly clear: Uber, Lyft congest cities

    This is just so sad not to mention weird
    Kids Use Tech So Much They Can’t Hold A Pencil Anymore, Doctors Say

    Flood fears rise as wicked storm system tears across southern, central U.S.
    Susan Miller,Doyle Rice and Thomas Novelly, USA TODAY Updated 10:23 a.m. ET Feb. 26, 2018

    ‘National disgrace’: Community fights back as California overrun by homelessness, human waste, needles

    Millennials are fattest generation in history

    Eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains slashes depression risk by more than 10%

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    That is so funny about the rice! But I think controlling the proportions and having it may be far better than denying it! So congrats are still appropriate. :)

    Alabama has bad lightening too. We rank up there and having experienced it as I was waiting in the barn with the horses, or just at home, I can vouch it seems far more fierce than what I was used to.
    Hi Jan
    The other thing I finally thought of was that if I order Chinese take out tell no rice when I order or possibly if they have it available Wild Rice which I believe is not a real rice :smile:
    My daughter and I are going to see Sean Dietrich tonite who is coming to Montgomery to speak. He has columns in many Southern magazines, an online daily column, and has written several books. He relates stories of growing up in Ala. and poor people, country folk and just inspiring people he meets while traveling, mostly in Fla. Ala. and Tenn. He also plays blue grass and country in a pretty good band. Just writes about ordinary folk. It is pretty good.
    Saving room for heavy hors d'oeurves that I may need to just look at a few...Being layback, the food might be Southern comfort food. :p

    The lady that does my labs is pretty good. Aside from the stick that seems to hurt worse as I get older and more of a wuss, she is the only one who can ever get blood from my rt. arm. I have used my Lt. arm all my life and is sore from the nerve pinch every now and then. Happy to use the other. I am not sure if she ever left a mark, Maybe once in the last 10 years. You could ask the people if they can use a butterfly needle is you bruise a lot.

    Hang in there Val! Hope you have a good week! <3
    Good day to all! ...Jan B)
    Good Luck with the hors d'oeurves AKA Horse Divers :smiley:
    It sounds as if You would have a good time too.

    I have had them do it both ways, a regular stick and one with a butterfly needle and what helped prevent a bruise was keeping pressure on the spot when the needle was removed. That seems to prevent the vein from leaking under the skin and causing the bruise. Fortunately so far I seem to have blood that clots quickly. I suspect that if I were on blood thinners it would be different, Luckily I am not on those.

    Congratulations on staying on plan
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/27/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I’m still kicking. Foot hurt for more than a week (it started after my beach walk), but now seems okay...swelling down and returned to normal color. But I really don’t feel well...physically about 75% energy but more so emotionally as if something bad is about to happen. I don’t know why...nothing (except the work crap) is happening in my world. Sorry so glum. Take care.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Went to see Sean D. last nite and it was just fabulous. He is such a gifted story teller. I can not remember the last time I just laughed so much. He shares some poignant moments, sings and even sings while telling stories. We had a small buffet of " to die for" BBQ pulled pork in a cup with pickles and onions on top that were kind of gently pickled, and poppy seed chicken over rice. They were nice serving sizes you could easily count. Then one of the best pecan cinnamon bread puddings I have ever eaten. I was so glad I had saved up my calories! The funny thing is I lost my last 2 pounds this morning that puts me back at my original weight that I was like 2 weeks ago, when I was at my lowest in like 6 months. I still do not get the weight gain, or more likely why I had shown that big weight lost and regain so quickly. You never know sometimes! I also got to meet him, and he signed my book from Ellie Mae (his hound dog) and himself, and got 2 great hugs! He said he remembered my name from the comment sections when he prints his stories. I was honored! I have not seen my daughter laugh and enjoy something so much in a long time. It was a really good night. <3

    Roger, I remember the chicken and beans as one of my favorites! I hate when they tinker with a good thing! You are doing remarkably well on your fast and NS. Better than me on a fast and regular food! I am just happy we are headed in the down direction on the scale. I do have to weigh every day to stay accountable. My daughter is doing very well,but she threw her scale away. She does better without it! She also eats a lot of Korean food, not American as such. Your articles were very insightful. The pencil thing was rather shocking and very sad. As bad as the homeless story was, it was good to see some action taken on cleaning up and getting those people help. It is a start at least and movement! Unlike so many other issues.

    Val, with all the things going on at work, and you being sick and hurting, I doubt it is odd you feel that way. Even though you were out a while, for as much as was going on physically and emotionally for you in the last 2 years, I would think you would have some anxiety. Often the kind of anxiety you are feeling is a common one of waiting for "that other shoe to drop" going thru that experience you have had. Today's media, contacts and life in general give you and others that feeling. I doubt you had the rest you really needed while you were out, as it was short compared to all you have been thru and are going thru. It is important to keep your inside strong thru prayer, meditation, music, reading, just something Zen like you like. You constantly give away your energy so need to replace it positively more than other people. Hard to do... Of course, I love my small dose of Effexor which I find levels me out chemically which I need. Sensitive people often do. I need to go off it occasionally as you can get a little too unmoved as you should be sometimes, but I find for me it helps an original unbalance I have had , and I feel good it is a medical problem I have, and not a failing on my part. Wish I had known it years ago. After lobotomies and the early days of course. :D That last part might be just me of course! :)

    Sorry for writing an epistle! Apparently non- movement is my thing today! Take care all! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor again

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 42 on the porch. Yesterday was in the low 60s. Today is predicted to be dry with rain arriving later in the day and heavy Friday possibly turning to snow Friday depending on where in NJ You are located.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    THE MAC DADDY McDonald’s record holder Don Gorske, 64, set to eat his 30,000th Big Mac – and vows to continue scoffing burgers until the day he dies

    Malibu bans restaurants from giving out plastic straws, stirrers and utensils

    Revolutionary Treatment? Scientists Successfully Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease In Mice

    [bLess than half of German submarines and warplanes ready for use[/b]

    With DNA from a museum specimen, scientists reconstruct the genome of a bird extinct for 700 years

    More Americans now support a universal basic income

    Up to 60 per cent of prisoners have head injuries, as experts warn brain damage may fuel crime

    Trouble Sleeping Might Be An Early Sign of Alzheimer’s Disease

    Oh Oh

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I’m still kicking. Foot hurt for more than a week (it started after my beach walk), but now seems okay...swelling down and returned to normal color. But I really don’t feel well...physically about 75% energy but more so emotionally as if something bad is about to happen. I don’t know why...nothing (except the work crap) is happening in my world. Sorry so glum. Take care.

    Hi Val
    If I said it appears that You may have gone for to many steps and inflamed something ?
    I am happy to hear that things are back to normal with Your foot.

    I suspect that Your mind is worried about what that call telling You not to worry and letting You know that the boss will have less responsibility may be the cause.

    I believe that the limited time diet is helping too, Tuesday I had a Large Beef Broccoli With no Rice and a 10 piece order of Chicken Nuggets as my Lunch & Dinner and This morning I was a 1/4 Pound lower than Tuesday Morning. I ordered it with no rice to avoid that temptation :wink:

    The Nuggets from the Chinese take out were better than the ones from Burger King, McDonalds and Wendy's for one simple reason. When I picked them up they were still in the fryer from my phone order and when I ate them first on arrival home they were still very hot and very Crispy.

    Today will be a busy day at least until Noon, My Brother and I are planning to visit the eyeglass place to order glasses with the new Prescriptions and then out further to pick up something he ordered that has arrived and then the ShopRite Grocery Store on the way home. I plan to take a Turkey Sandwich along to eat midmorning per my diet plan.

    Good Luck and Cheer Up
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Went to see Sean D. last nite and it was just fabulous. He is such a gifted story teller. I can not remember the last time I just laughed so much. He shares some poignant moments, sings and even sings while telling stories. We had a small buffet of " to die for" BBQ pulled pork in a cup with pickles and onions on top that were kind of gently pickled, and poppy seed chicken over rice. They were nice serving sizes you could easily count. Then one of the best pecan cinnamon bread puddings I have ever eaten. I was so glad I had saved up my calories! The funny thing is I lost my last 2 pounds this morning that puts me back at my original weight that I was like 2 weeks ago, when I was at my lowest in like 6 months. I still do not get the weight gain, or more likely why I had shown that big weight lost and regain so quickly. You never know sometimes! I also got to meet him, and he signed my book from Ellie Mae (his hound dog) and himself, and got 2 great hugs! He said he remembered my name from the comment sections when he prints his stories. I was honored! I have not seen my daughter laugh and enjoy something so much in a long time. It was a really good night. <3
    Hi Jan
    I suspect that I would not have been happy with the way they served the pulled pork, is that a Southern thing putting Pickled Onions and Pickles on top ? I would have preferred it plain with no topping or on a bun.

    The Pecan Cinnamon Bread pudding sounds delicious.
    Yesterday I tried mixing some Cinnamon and Sweetener on then putting the result of that on a 40 calorie slice of wheat toast lightly buttered. I thing I may have had to much Cinnamon or something as it was slightly bitter, Oh well, I tried to recreate something from my Youth that used Cinnamon Sugar and failed :(

    I find that water retention based on what I eat does that to me, Yo Yo weighing.

    It sounds as if You had a great Evening too, Whee!
    Roger, I remember the chicken and beans as one of my favorites! I hate when they tinker with a good thing! You are doing remarkably well on your fast and NS. Better than me on a fast and regular food! I am just happy we are headed in the down direction on the scale. I do have to weigh every day to stay accountable. My daughter is doing very well,but she threw her scale away. She does better without it! She also eats a lot of Korean food, not American as such. Your articles were very insightful. The pencil thing was rather shocking and very sad. As bad as the homeless story was, it was good to see some action taken on cleaning up and getting those people help. It is a start at least and movement! Unlike so many other issues.
    You can see my comments about the revamped NS Dish in my reply to Val.

    If I threw away the scale, not that I would as it was fairly expensive, near $200 so I would just stop using it the only way I could tell if I were doing good or bad for weight would be how the clothes fit and how many holes were visible on my belt :wink:

    You may have seen my comment on the Pencil article. I thought the links might be interesting to You.
    Val, with all the things going on at work, and you being sick and hurting, I doubt it is odd you feel that way. Even though you were out a while, for as much as was going on physically and emotionally for you in the last 2 years, I would think you would have some anxiety. Often the kind of anxiety you are feeling is a common one of waiting for "that other shoe to drop" going thru that experience you have had. Today's media, contacts and life in general give you and others that feeling. I doubt you had the rest you really needed while you were out, as it was short compared to all you have been thru and are going thru. It is important to keep your inside strong thru prayer, meditation, music, reading, just something Zen like you like. You constantly give away your energy so need to replace it positively more than other people. Hard to do... Of course, I love my small dose of Effexor which I find levels me out chemically which I need. Sensitive people often do. I need to go off it occasionally as you can get a little too unmoved as you should be sometimes, but I find for me it helps an original unbalance I have had , and I feel good it is a medical problem I have, and not a failing on my part. Wish I had known it years ago. After lobotomies and the early days of course. :D That last part might be just me of course! :)

    Sorry for writing an epistle! Apparently non- movement is my thing today! Take care all! ...Jan
    I would not wish something as primitive as a lobotomy on anyone.

    Any comment(s) on my Chinese from Tuesday ?

    Wish me Luck at the Grocery Store, avoiding temptation there is tough, I have Apples and Citrus on my list as well as a Jimmy Dean Scrambles as I loaded a digital Coupon for it.

    I saw this:
    Buttons61 10 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 2/28/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
    And also this
    Buttons61 14 hours ago
    lost 1 lb since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 17 lbs so far.

    Once Again congratulations on doing so well.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I’m working late (as usual). But I’m feeling good today...caught myself dancing in the kitchen without even thinking about it. I sm in touch with my anxiety... Lexapro helped but then insurance no longer covers it and the wsnted $365.00 per month out of pocket...so, went off of that. I tried two others and was really sick from them...so I gave up looking for something that’s covered.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have now posted more Humor, Enjoy

    I'm back from walking again and one Quarter AKA 25 cents. The temperature this morning was 44 on the porch. Yesterday was in the low 60s once again. Today's rain started arriving in the evening and heavy today possibly turning to snow later depending on where in NJ You are located.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    New shark species discovered by research team led by Florida Tech professor

    Montclair Bans Distracted Walking

    The Sad Tooth: 6 In 10 Adults Are Too Scared To Visit The Dentist

    It may be possible to bring a human back to life five minutes after their heart stops beating

    Man Reportedly Attempts To Rob 7-Eleven Store Armed With A Finger

    Woman busted for poisoning friend's cheesecake in ID theft bid

    Woman busted for poisoning friend's cheesecake in ID theft bid
    Pesticides put bees at risk, European watchdog confirms

    Ultra Wealthy Are Being Lured to Italy by Low Tax Rates

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I’m working late (as usual). But I’m feeling good today...caught myself dancing in the kitchen without even thinking about it. I am in touch with my anxiety... Lexapro helped but then insurance no longer covers it and the wanted $365.00 per month out of pocket...so, went off of that. I tried two others and was really sick from them...so I gave up looking for something that’s covered.

    Hi Val
    Great news that You were feeling so good.

    I have done that with medications that did not deliver anything approaching results worth the $$$

    Have a Great Day

    Hi Jan
    I did see this:
    Buttons61 10 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 3/01/2018

    Have a nice day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Yesterday was spent at the Dr, and today getting my refills. He has changed around a few of my meds. hopefully for the better. Today was the longest I have ever waited for my meds, two hours and 15 minutes. It was okay as I took a book and the time past pleasantly and quickly. Where else can you get 10 medicines for free for 90 days. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Part 2
    I do think your idea of no rice with the broccoli dish was smart, You got to eat a lot of nuggets. I know the restaurants down here do not usually have wild rice, but it a good idea! Basmati rice is not as starchy as reg. rice and is better when watching your weight. Also if you cook it, cool it 24 hrs, then reheat to eat, it loses some of the properties that makes you gain weight and raise your blood sugar. Same with potatoes. Of course that is plain rice and potatoes. Any added stuff or frying raises the risk as normal. I will have to find the name of the concept my friend experiments with. :#
    Congrats on the quarter! :)

    Val, congrats on dancing!! <3

    My dinner of the fried fish platter set me back a tinch, as we also had some birthday cake for the girl who organizes our group. Ooops! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Even more humor is posted

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 37 on the porch. Yesterday turned very windy. The rain at the start of the day turned to snow before 10AM. Luckily the snow never stuck to the ground and this morning the ground is dry. The winds are starting to abate, however the power did go out before 5AM for a few minutes.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    How can a place with 58,000 homeless people continue to function?

    KFC now running out of gravy

    Harvard Blew $1 Billion in Bet on Tomatoes, Sugar, and Eucalyptus

    Saline in IVs may increase risk of death, kidney failure

    History of tattooing is rewritten after world's earliest figurative inkings are found on 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummies in the British Museum

    Outrage over Facebook's Intrusive Forced Malware Scans

    Weight Watchers is shifting from weight loss to wellness as ‘healthy is the new skinny’

    ‘Silent Seizures’ A Clue To Memory Loss In Alzheimer’s Disease

    Gorilla Statue Removed After Complaints It Was ‘Racially Insensitive’

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Yesterday was spent at the Dr, and today getting my refills. He has changed around a few of my meds. hopefully for the better. Today was the longest I have ever waited for my meds, two hours and 15 minutes. It was okay as I took a book and the time past pleasantly and quickly. Where else can you get 10 medicines for free for 90 days. :)

    Hi Jan
    I keep a book in the car just in case.

    I can not argue that the price beats out the delay.
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Part 2
    I do think your idea of no rice with the broccoli dish was smart, You got to eat a lot of nuggets. I know the restaurants down here do not usually have wild rice, but it a good idea! Basmati rice is not as starchy as reg. rice and is better when watching your weight. Also if you cook it, cool it 24 hrs, then reheat to eat, it loses some of the properties that makes you gain weight and raise your blood sugar. Same with potatoes. Of course that is plain rice and potatoes. Any added stuff or frying raises the risk as normal. I will have to find the name of the concept my friend experiments with. :#
    Congrats on the quarter! :)

    Val, congrats on dancing!! <3

    My dinner of the fried fish platter set me back a tinch, as we also had some birthday cake for the girl who organizes our group. Ooops! ...Jan

    TBH if they sold the Chicken Nuggets in a lower quantity such as 5 or 6 I would have ordered that quantity since when I pay for something I can not bring myself to throw it out.

    Interesting about the cooling changing the properties.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Another busy day. It was my granddaughter's birthday today and celebrated with Shepherds pie and chocolate cupcakes. I was actually still under my calories so a pleasant day again. Poor KFC! I really feel sorry for them. I bet the old carrier that did not win the contract is having a laugh...The IV story was way interesting too. It will be interesting to see if any changes are made. The gorilla story was quite weird. I would have objected to the cage myself...I cannot see why they could not give him a new face without the red lips and all. Then he would not look like the old racial thing, although that did not hit me at first. Always something...

    We had lots of wind, but sounds as if you had us all beat. I would not like that wind with your temps! I need to survive Sunday at guest lunch. maybe then my eating will be geared towards losing, and eating for weight loss! Sure is slow going! :)

    Have a good day, and stay warm!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And I have posted more humor

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 39 on the porch.
    It is a cloudy day so far, Hopefully the Sun will come out later. Yesterdays weather forecasts are saying that we could get another storm on Wednesday.

    burial site discovered off Florida's Gulf Coast
    Divers in 2016 reported possible human skeletal material off the coast of Manasota Key in Charlotte County, Florida.

    New York crowned marijuana capital of the WORLD with locals consuming double the pot of Los Angeles where it is legal

    Plague ‘hiding in plain sight’, warn scientists

    Chatsworth House's hidden cry of anguish from the workmen who built her -discovered during £32m restoration programme

    Antarctic sea ice forces research ship to turn back

    Previously unknown 'supercolony' of 1.5 million penguins discovered in Antarctica's remote Danger Islands

    'We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now': South African parliament votes to SEIZE white-owned land as experts warn of violent repercussions

    ‘Silent Seizures’ A Clue To Memory Loss In Alzheimer’s Disease

    Facebook keeps creepy secret files on the intimate habits of internet users even if they DON'T have an account: Here's how to see yours

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Another busy day. It was my granddaughter's birthday today and celebrated with Shepherds pie and chocolate cupcakes. I was actually still under my calories so a pleasant day again. Poor KFC! I really feel sorry for them. I bet the old carrier that did not win the contract is having a laugh...The IV story was way interesting too. It will be interesting to see if any changes are made. The gorilla story was quite weird. I would have objected to the cage myself...I cannot see why they could not give him a new face without the red lips and all. Then he would not look like the old racial thing, although that did not hit me at first. Always something...

    We had lots of wind, but sounds as if you had us all beat. I would not like that wind with your temps! I need to survive Sunday at guest lunch. maybe then my eating will be geared towards losing, and eating for weight loss! Sure is slow going! :)

    Have a good day, and stay warm!! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    You had a nice day then, I have not had Shepherds Pie, OTOH I do know what they are and if it is made with ground beef and not lamb I am sure I would enjoy them.

    I did not see anything racist with the Gorilla Statue either. I wonder if the push to get rid of it came mainly from one person.

    Congratulations on staying under Your calorie goal at Your Granddaughter's Birthday.

    Good Luck with Sunday Guest Lunch