100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I had a healthful and yummy dinner: tofu and zucchini. Good news at the dentist...no cavities plus no visible damage from my week of teeth clenching during sepsis-fever week. After that, my teeth hurt so horribly that I thought I would have to have them all removed. Luckily they recovered and no longer hurt.

    Hi Val
    Interesting meal. What a great visit to the Dentist.

    Have a Good Day and Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, that must have been pretty bad for your teeth to hurt so much! I am glad everything turned out good then, and at the dentist, too! Supper sounded good! And I love zucchini! :)

    Roger, I do not envy your shoveling, especially the wet heavy snow! That is a job! Very wise to skip the walk IMO!

    That was quite interesting about the film found from the S.F. earthquake. I have seen another film and pictures from it, and find it fascinating. Which is kinda bad as it is a disaster. I guess we will have to be watching for space junk in a few weeks. That is kind of mind boggling! Be my luck.... I guess the tourists usually see the better parts of town seeing N.Y. It is sad to see some of the old neighborhoods go to ruin. I have seen pictures on google where my Grandparents lived, and some of the houses are kept up. But many are broken and abandoned on the street. So sad. The old bakery building is still standing but it is abandoned and graffiti written all over it. It was beautiful when I was growing up. :'(

    I had Thai food with my daughter, and barely squeaked by on calories. Might skip weighing Friday! :#

    Hope you all have a great day, and stay safe!! ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    MFP thinks that the shoveling was near 1900 calories burned :smile:

    Some of the tourist areas have changed too.
    Times Square costume characters will have to follow rules

    Topless performers take over Times Square

    Times Square is a big tourist attraction and Broadway is all around there too.

    Back in the 90s I drove through East Orange where I was in Grade School and High School and it used to be a nice area then. Now it was boarded up buildings and Graffiti and dirt and debris. So I know what You are saying, it was so sad.

    I went and Picked up a Pad See Yew Lunch Special and a Large Thai Salad for later and had those as my meals for the day. It was Tasty too.

    I did notice this:
    Buttons61 5 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 3/08/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning.

    I did not do too well today! I got into the Lays potato chips! >:) I always get a taste for them, especially after A time of doing well! I was over calories though not by too much. I could have been worse. I don't doubt you burned that many calories shoveling. How long did it take you all to shovel? Don't miss the snow here t all!

    Val, I can't believe you have had your air on already. How hot did it get there? I did not realize you all were that warm! Hope you are doing well!

    I almost got the Pad See Yew at the Thai place. I never had that. Maybe I will get it next time. What was in your Thai salad? Just curious... :)

    I turned down dinner with my daughter (Chinese) tonite as I was just too tired to get out. I would say it was good for the diet, but then I succumbed to those chips, lol!

    Noon is our get together on Sat. A real banquet. I may be in trouble. I made potato salad to take. Hopefully they will like it. They are funny about their potato salad down here. Sometimes they get on the pickle relish, mayo and eggs here and don't try other stuff. I make mine with miracle whip, mustard,vinegar and sugar, celery, and onion and eggs. Potato of course. We will see... :#

    Don't forget to set the clocks ahead Sat nite! :# ..... Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have indeed posted even more humor

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 31 on the porch. The walking was not that easy since even in the areas where the sidewalks were shoveled they did not all have cutouts at the curb to cross the streets. Some busy driveways were sheets of ice too.

    My Brother and I were out doing four stops yesterday. Lots of damaged trees all over the area. The Decorative trees in the ShopRite parking lot had lots of damage.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Two elderly gentlemen from a retirement center were sitting
    on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says: 'Slim, I'm 83 years
    old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age.
    How do you feel?'
    Slim says, 'I feel just like a newborn baby.'
    'Really!? Like a newborn baby!?'
    'Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.'

    Three old guys are out walking.
    First one says, 'Windy, isn't it?'
    Second one says, 'No, it's Thursday!'
    Third one says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'

    Morris , an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical.
    A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a
    gorgeous young woman on his arm.
    A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doing
    great, aren't you?'
    Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.''
    The doctor said, 'I didn't say that.. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful.'

    Hartford Police Say Man Drove Stolen Car to Court To Face Stolen Car Charge

    Best Buy’s Geek Squad Techs Search Customer Computers For The FBI, Reports Claim

    Gubernatorial candidate Kelda Roys breastfeeds in campaign ad

    Toxin forces order to stop eating recreationally caught shellfish in Bay Area

    Rugby player paralyzed after eating slug on a dare

    CIA Warns of Extensive Chinese Operation to Infiltrate American Institutions

    Marine Corps Commandant: 'Less Than 30% of Young Men and Women' Qualified to Join Military

    Which Democrat is obstructing confirmation on Trump’s openly-gay nominee for Ambassador to Germany?

    Lack Of Sleep Can Lead To Weight Gain

    Florida wants to tinker with time. Will it be the end of the clock as we know it?
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning.

    I did not do too well today! I got into the Lays potato chips! >:) I always get a taste for them, especially after A time of doing well! I was over calories though not by too much. I could have been worse. I don't doubt you burned that many calories shoveling. How long did it take you all to shovel? Don't miss the snow here t all!

    Val, I can't believe you have had your air on already. How hot did it get there? I did not realize you all were that warm! Hope you are doing well!

    I almost got the Pad See Yew at the Thai place. I never had that. Maybe I will get it next time. What was in your Thai salad? Just curious... :)
    Hi Jan
    I love those potato chips too, That is why I buy them only when I can buy them in individual packages. That size is a reasonable calorie count even when You eat the whole bag, A reasonable amount less than 200 calories.

    They sell that size at the Grocery Store next to the Hot foods and Salad bar area.

    How long did we shovel ? Over the two days we were out there shoveling the heavy wet snow for over 4 hours.

    The Thai salad is pretty much a regular salad, what makes it so tasty is the Peanut Salad Dressing.
    I turned down dinner with my daughter (Chinese) tonite as I was just too tired to get out. I would say it was good for the diet, but then I succumbed to those chips, lol!

    Noon is our get together on Sat. A real banquet. I may be in trouble. I made potato salad to take. Hopefully they will like it. They are funny about their potato salad down here. Sometimes they get on the pickle relish, mayo and eggs here and don't try other stuff. I make mine with miracle whip, mustard,vinegar and sugar, celery, and onion and eggs. Potato of course. We will see... :#

    Don't forget to set the clocks ahead Sat nite! :# ..... Jan
    Well TBH it would not be much of a Potato Salad without Potatoes :wink:
    BTW do they make Macaroni Salad much down south where You are ?
    A easy Macaroni salad option would be to boil elbow macaroni to slightly Aldente and then use the same sauce for both it and the Potato salad. Normal Potato Salad around here would be Mayo, Eggs optionally and Sweet Relish to taste.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    It’s 87 degrees here today (im not heat-tolerant). Tomorrow I’ll be picking up a new foster dog, Sammy. vpv9h214gmgy.jpeg
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning!

    Love Sammy! He looks like a sweetheart! It is great you can get your dogs to get along. May is so protective, I am afraid to even foster another dog. Dog whisperer I guess I'm not, lol! You ARE hot,Val! I had no idea!

    Well, no diet day today. had a lot of goodies at our get together and polished off the rest of my potato salad, which was unfortunately a lot of calories. I am sure this put me back a wee and a half.

    I am cooking for small group too. not a healthy week-end! Loved your 3 jokes Roger, and I identified! :#

    Rain all tomorrow. We need it... Nobody work too hard! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And indeed I have don it again, More humor is posted

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 29 on the porch.
    My Brother and I were out doing four stops yesterday. Lots of damaged trees all over the area. The Decorative trees in the ShopRite parking lot had lots of damage.
    While I was walking I took a different route for safety as I needed to stay on the roads for much of the walk. Wires and trees are still down where I was walking :(

    It seems as if tomorrow's previously forecast storm is now scheduled to arrive Monday overnight into Tuesday with some snow in the forecast.

    How Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Saw Into the Future

    High Levels Of Fecal Bacteria Found At Popular Spring Break Beaches
    CBS Local — If you’re headed to Texas for spring break you might want to stay off the beach or at least out of the water, according to a new report.

    One Hundred Years Later, the Madness of Daylight Saving Time Endures

    What scientists found trapped in a diamond: a type of ice not known on Earth

    Texas Waitress Who Cut Food For Diner Gets $16K Scholarship

    Brain zap can make people re-experience old dreams while awake

    This 3,500-Year-Old Greek Tomb Upended What We Thought We Knew About the Roots of Western Civilization

    Seven years after tsunami, Japanese live uneasily with seawalls
    Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February

    The low mark was set in December, at 6.8 percent. Then, the rate spiked to 7.7 percent, but that increase proved short-lived.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It’s 87 degrees here today (im not heat-tolerant). Tomorrow I’ll be picking up a new foster dog, Sammy. vpv9h214gmgy.jpeg
    Hi Val
    My heat tolerance seems to be tied to how many carbohydrates I eat, for hot weather I need to keep them to a minimum :smile:

    Good Luck with the New Foster Dog
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Love Sammy! He looks like a sweetheart! It is great you can get your dogs to get along. May is so protective, I am afraid to even foster another dog. Dog whisperer I guess I'm not, lol! You ARE hot,Val! I had no idea!

    Well, no diet day today. had a lot of goodies at our get together and polished off the rest of my potato salad, which was unfortunately a lot of calories. I am sure this put me back a wee and a half.

    I am cooking for small group too. not a healthy week-end! Loved your 3 jokes Roger, and I identified! :#

    Rain all tomorrow. We need it... Nobody work too hard! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    On the good side a protective dog is better than one that would let you be harmed.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can compensate for the Breakfast I ate while walking.
    I had Two Eggs Scrambled well with Whole Wheat toast, a slice of Pork Roll, Slice of Ham, 2 pieces of Bacon, Sausage and Home Fries. I brought the Sausage home for my brother to use in his breakfast as I prefer the small breakfast links and not the Fat Sausage link they use with that breakfast.

    The Jokes are not new jokes but still funny so I used them. I'm glad You enjoyed.

    Wish me luck for the rest of the day.
    All Diet and no Treats gets very hard in the long run.

    I did see that You are being consistent with Your Logging
    Buttons61 7 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 3/10/2018

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Political Stuff etc.
    Don't read if it will bother You

    Mike Pence urged ABC News star Joy Behar to apologize to Christians she offended – she didn’t listen
    Democrats Release Tax Hike Plan

    Increase the top marginal income tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent

    Increase the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 25 percent.

    Bring back the alternative minimum tax (AMT) for 4 million families.

    Cut the "death tax" standard deduction in half.

    And on the weird news front
    Argentina’s farm of horrors: Latest shocking animal mutation discovered
    A PIGLET born with a human-like face is the latest shocking mutation to be discovered in Argentina where such deformities are believed to be caused by pesticides and GM crops.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Cold there. I did terrible again today, but back on the ball again in the morning. Too much of a good thing! Or many good things. Rain Rain here. I haven't checked the gauge but probably at least 5 inches. It is wet! I was not offended by Joy B.'s remark because I stopped watching The View a long time ago. They are payed to spout their opinions, which are no more important than mine, and often less informed. It was good in the beginning, but I think it was ruined a long while ago. When Barbara Walters left it was doomed. They are not real people and I got tired of them badmouthing and bickering. It did not bother me, because I never knew it, watched it or cared. They can all smoke that, lol! The pictures on the Argentina farm are pretty awful. Now there is something to be upset about! I hope they are not genetic's gone wrong as Argentina harbored some of WW2 nazis "genius" after the war. Pesticides are bad enough. Scary!
    So sorry you had such destruction too. Some of the pictures have been pretty bad and unbelievable coming out of the area. So sorry! :/
    Careful walking the area! ...Jan P.S. Yummy breakfast! ;)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And more humor, No real links from tomorrow

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 29 on the porch.
    So far they are still forecasting snow tonight into tomorrow :(

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    500-Year-Old Pistol Part Could Shed Light on Colorado’s Spanish Colonial Past
    The pistol part was found during an excavation several years ago by the Museums of Western Colorado’s Western Investigations Team

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Cold there. I did terrible again today, but back on the ball again in the morning. Too much of a good thing! Or many good things. Rain Rain here. I haven't checked the gauge but probably at least 5 inches. It is wet! I was not offended by Joy B.'s remark because I stopped watching The View a long time ago. They are payed to spout their opinions, which are no more important than mine, and often less informed. It was good in the beginning, but I think it was ruined a long while ago. When Barbara Walters left it was doomed. They are not real people and I got tired of them badmouthing and bickering. It did not bother me, because I never knew it, watched it or cared. They can all smoke that, lol! The pictures on the Argentina farm are pretty awful. Now there is something to be upset about! I hope they are not genetic's gone wrong as Argentina harbored some of WW2 nazis "genius" after the war. Pesticides are bad enough. Scary!
    So sorry you had such destruction too. Some of the pictures have been pretty bad and unbelievable coming out of the area. So sorry! :/
    Careful walking the area! ...Jan P.S. Yummy breakfast! ;)

    Hi Jan
    If You fall off the diet horse, climb back into the diet saddle is the thing to do and I am sure You will do better.

    5 inches, Yuck.

    I was offended by the remark since that comes from the supposedly tolerant ones. It seems they only tolerate their own viewpoint :(

    Argentina had lots of High level Nazis after the war, I watched one called finding Hitler and they did trace Mengele to that area .

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    You are in the throes of winter, looks and sounds like! The wind this morning is terrible. I should have looked at the weather this morning before typing here. I swear it is like 25 miles an hour and with the dampness it is cold!! I did not want to get out of bed this morning and ran to heat the house 1 degree before I did anything else, lol. I keep it at 72 degrees during the day and turn it to 71 at nite. At least now in the weird spring we are having. My house stays cool. Great in the summer, rough in the winter, for me at least. The hot house human! :#

    I caught up on all the humor! I had really gotten behind. It made for a great morning, by the way! Thank you! :)

    I feel shell shocked by the week and the week end. Too much running around and things to do. I think that might account for the poor job on the eating front. This week is much kinder, so I love it. Especially today. Little to do, and I am loving it. I am just sitting with my coffee and the puppy and enjoying it! Funny how Mondays is now my favorite day, when it is traditionally the worst day for most working people. As the rains came in late last nite in waves, I was so thankful I was not dressing for work, and worrying about driving. So, so thankful.! :)

    I guess I was so offended by the view, I never watched it again...understand your feelings!

    Terrible article about the slug paralyzing that youth. While I am not in the habit of eating slugs, it seems a terrible thing to happen and I was not aware of the pesticide danger from it. Glad it was not on any weird food thing I might have...I think I am safe on the score. I would find it very offensive to eat something that was living. I am also a little more squeamish the older I get. I used to eat cornish hens all the time stuffed, and they are so tiny now, they are like eating small birds, and I just cannot do it. I know, that is what they are...but it never bothered me before. I know...strange and ironic. I can still eat around whole crawfish and shrimp, but it tales a lot more concentration than when i was younger and we lived in La. Ha ha! My meanderings should keep me on my diet today! :D

    Val, hope all is going well with Sammy! Bless you for being such a blessing to animals! <3 ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor once again, Enjoy

    I'm back from walking again and no cents. The temperature this morning was 35 on the porch.
    The forecast for snow today has come true, It was a light snow falling when I left and by the time I returned to the house the snowflakes were much larger.

    Yesterday was a slow day for me, Sunday we roasted and sliced 1/2 of a whole pork loin, the other half was roasted Monday later. 1/2 unseasoned for me and 1/2 with Montreal Seasoning. Monday the second 1/2 of the pork loin was vacuum sealed and is now residing in the freezer. It is so handy having a slicer even if the cleanup is a nuisance.

    I shall be having a Ore-Ida "Just Crack a Egg" for breakfast. I decided to try something new and it caught my eye when it was being advertised which is rare for me.

    Today we get lucky here in NJ, According to the Weather report I saw before heading out most of the Snow will miss NJ with only 1 or 2 inches falling here.

    The scale was lower, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Elon Musk, speaking at SXSW, projects Mars spaceship will be ready for short trips by first half of 2019

    Will the free-falling 8.5 ton Chinese space station crash into lower Michigan? Experts say that the state falls among 'the highest probability'

    AAA: Spring gas prices could approach a 'tipping point' for drivers

    Heart attack sufferers more likely to survive if doctor is away, study says

    The Sunken Treasures Of A Paris Canal.
    In 2016, Paris authorities decided to empty the Canal Saint-Martin, which is 5 km long.

    How Vladimir Putin 'gave order to shoot down passenger plane' at Sochi Winter Olympics
    BTW, It didn't happen

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    You are in the throes of winter, looks and sounds like! The wind this morning is terrible. I should have looked at the weather this morning before typing here. I swear it is like 25 miles an hour and with the dampness it is cold!! I did not want to get out of bed this morning and ran to heat the house 1 degree before I did anything else, lol. I keep it at 72 degrees during the day and turn it to 71 at nite. At least now in the weird spring we are having. My house stays cool. Great in the summer, rough in the winter, for me at least. The hot house human! :#

    I caught up on all the humor! I had really gotten behind. It made for a great morning, by the way! Thank you! :)
    Hi Jan
    So far the wind has stayed away except for a light breeze, later on it should become breezier.
    You keep the house lower than I do. I have not changed the Thermostat setting a a couple of years and the house runs at 74 degrees day or night. I feel Like Chilly Willy as seen here.

    I hate a windy day, Unlucky You and dampness too :(
    I feel shell shocked by the week and the week end. Too much running around and things to do. I think that might account for the poor job on the eating front. This week is much kinder, so I love it. Especially today. Little to do, and I am loving it. I am just sitting with my coffee and the puppy and enjoying it! Funny how Mondays is now my favorite day, when it is traditionally the worst day for most working people. As the rains came in late last nite in waves, I was so thankful I was not dressing for work, and worrying about driving. So, so thankful.! :)

    I guess I was so offended by the view, I never watched it again...understand your feelings!

    Terrible article about the slug paralyzing that youth. While I am not in the habit of eating slugs, it seems a terrible thing to happen and I was not aware of the pesticide danger from it. Glad it was not on any weird food thing I might have...I think I am safe on the score. I would find it very offensive to eat something that was living. I am also a little more squeamish the older I get. I used to eat cornish hens all the time stuffed, and they are so tiny now, they are like eating small birds, and I just cannot do it. I know, that is what they are...but it never bothered me before. I know...strange and ironic. I can still eat around whole crawfish and shrimp, but it tales a lot more concentration than when i was younger and we lived in La. Ha ha! My meanderings should keep me on my diet today! :D

    Val, hope all is going well with Sammy! Bless you for being such a blessing to animals! <3 ...Jan

    I can understand Your feeling that being overloaded leads to overeating.

    FWIW as I see it all the days are the same now that I am retired :smiley:
    It is so nice to be able to look out at bad weather and know I do not have to go out into it.

    The slug one was just so weird and the reason for that happening to him is just so sad. OTOH the kids eating Tide Pods for a challenge ???

    Have a Good Day and Stay Warm and Dry

    Hi Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Time gets away from me. I went to pick up Sammy, but he was do settled in there that i let them continue fostering. He’s gorgeous and trained...must have belonged to someone. He looks sad like he’s waiting for them. She lives in the country where cattle dogs are much more popular than jn the city. Thanks for the compliment Jan. I’m not like the Dog Whisperer where he can walk a new dog into his pack. I first keep the new dog separated from mine, then introduce one on one, often with a walk to meet out front. Work is taking all my energy. Im not feeling bad but not good either. I feel so far behind in life...haven’t even gathered my stuff to do taxes. Take care.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, I have gathered the income tax, Val, but not worked on it. I have less going on, so you are not so bad! Of course, Roger has his back already, lol! That overachiever! :) Keep eating well, and get some rest every day, in spite of that schedule!! I hate when dogs seem sad and waiting for their previous owners. He looks happy in his picture though. I hope he finds just the right home!

    Roger, caught up on the articles, too. Very interesting on the remains of the warrior found in Greece. Imagine finding a treasure like that intact. How amazing. Okay, Now I have a tentative date for that satellite falling. I feel so much better...lol! What a thing to happen!

    I hope the damage at your town is getting fixed. Sounds like you are getting out in spite of that and the weather! I had not heard of the Ore-ida crack an egg. Sounds interesting. Did you like it? We do the macaroni salad down south too. With the same dressings. you see more potato salad, but mac salad is good too. I love it! I cannot believe I put back so much weight in like 3 days. :'( Hopefully it will come off quickly too, though not as quickly as putting it on, I am sure! Bummer... >:) Temptation...and leftovers...

    Love Chilly Willie! Keep warm up there! Happy you are losing! :) ...Jan Freezes at nite here... :|
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor has now been posted

    I'm back from walking again and 1 cent. The temperature this morning was 32 on the porch with a brisk breeze. Yesterdays snow ended nice and early and there was no accumulation. For today's walking the sidewalks and streets were much better than they have been the last few days.

    I enjoyed the Crack a Egg meal FWIW.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Whole Foods calls meeting with key vendors as tensions flare

    Austin Police: Second Explosion Today Similar To Others That Killed 2

    Schwarzenegger used private jet for daily commutes to California’s governor’s mansion
    But the actor now wants to take oil companies to court “for knowingly killing people all over the world."

    Expert warns of "terrifying" potential of digitally-altered video

    Bra bandits stole $11,000 worth of Victoria's Secret lingerie, Folsom police say

    Judge rules NH Powerball winner can keep name private

    Have a Great Wednesday