100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And yet more humor is now posted

    I'm back from shoveling instead of walking Thus no cents. The temperature this morning was 34 degrees and no breeze. The snow started sticking to the road and sidewalk around 4PM. What saved us around here was the warm streets melted the snow until the cold snow landing on them cooled them enough to stick. The Forecast storm never really got as bad as was expected so the winds never really happened.

    The scale was nicely lower than yesterday morning, again, It seems that the "Time-restricted eating" combined with a 100% NS plan is working really well so far.

    Stray pit bull gets inside Charlotte elementary school, bites 7 children as they run

    New Stem Cell Treatment Gives Blind Patients Ability To Read

    Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

    San Francisco expected to ban fur sales, stirring backlash: 'What’s next? They’re going to say that you can’t have beef?'

    There are still more than 100,000 pay phones operating in the US

    Shoplifters are stealing 200 times AN HOUR and police are turning a blind eye to it
    SHOPLIFTING from corner shops has soared to more than 200 thefts an hour.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Day!

    I am glad the pain is decreasing! i have fallen many times in my 40's and even in my 50's. Usually outside, and I have a terrible time getting off the ground if there is not something to pull up on. In fact, I did it so much I have a wave of pain that runs thru me when someone mentions it, or I see someone fall. Weird reaction! I am so sorry for both of you! Not a fun thing at all! Hope everyone heals quickly! :)

    I am assuming the cone was from Sammy being fixed, Roger. Other than that, you did not not miss, lol... :#

    Coffee, the elixir of life... I should not have caffeinated, but with so many B/P pills I admit I cheat a little, or would be non moving! :D

    Sounds like you are going to get a blizzard, Roger! Our winds seem worst today, and I must recover my plants for 1 nite in case of frost. Only to be 34 degrees, but you never know. I am not sure the last cold did not take out my blueberries. Oh well...I will check when covering. I should have covered that, but no tarp or blanket large enough...

    News is filled with so many mistakes and confused writing nowadays. It is rather disheartening....Odd about the google having useful data...Strange to me too! Strange article day, as a matter of fact, lol!!

    Take care all. I hope you do not have to walk like me, carefully and looking like I am 90 yrs. old ...Jan

    Hi Jan
    I had that problem getting up in the past, with loss of weight it is easier now thankfully. On the other hand having something handy to help pull myself up is a help.

    I come alive after having my coffee so I can understand that.

    We lucked out, the Nor'Easter never came together so no real winds and minimal power outages. The weather was nowhere near as bad as forecast the day before and it would seem that people overreacted based on the forecasts. The NJ idiot AKA Governor declared a state of emergency and commercial traffic was banned on several interstates. The Roads looked OK until after sunset too.

    I find it depressing the state of what passes for education in schools these days. They seem to be more interested in social things than teaching the basics and common sense.

    Oh well, Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi! Yes—Jan was right...Sammy got neutered. Poor boy wants to itch there but can’t with the cone. He’s completely integrated with my pack. Last night didn’t sleep because Sammy wouldn’t settle down. As a former street dog, if anyone even moved, he bolted awake snarling. He’d immediately calm down when id yell No! But then i was awake. Another reason I didn’t sleep was that I accidentally misplaced $100M on a report and was trying to figure out how to tell my boss before he went into a meeting with corporate. He thanked me for the heads up! During the meeting corprate didnt notice. We just said we’d provide sn update and nobody was the wiser. My state of fat-ness is uncomfortable. Its a huge effort to get off the floor or tie my shoes. I don’t want to be unable...so im back on the wagon and feeling good about it. Focusing on taking care of me. I remember how free i felt when i lost weight before...and now I feel trapped by my padding. I had a delicious salad today...balsamic vinegar for the dressing. I had firm tofu throughout and just a little avocado...a tiny bit of avocado with a bite of tofu really does make my think I’m eating only avocado (whicj I completely love). This is cheaper, more protein, and lower calories.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I am glad the storm was not as bad as expected, Roger. I am sure some people are getting tired of winter. I would not expect you to find much change in the snow!! Appreciate the humor!

    Val, great you caught the problem and no one noticed yet. Hope it is resolved quickly and quietly!! Great on the pups so far! Hope you get some sleep! Nice recovery on remembering what it feels like to be healthy!!

    I finally lost the creeping pounds I regained weirdly. Of course, my daughter and I went Mexican, so I expect I may not be a happy camper in the am! I was over my limit by about 300 calories. It could have been worse!! I do need to buckle down!! :)

    Hope everyone continues to do well!! Have a great day all! :# ..Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor is once again posted :)

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 34 degrees and no breeze. The leftover snow has nearly melted away from Thursdays sun and the overnight temperature. The walking was good with no icy spots.

    My Brother says Grocery Store Run today and I will likely go to the produce store for Eggs and the Dollar Store for a quart of milk. At the Grocery store a pint of milk is 99 cents on sale higher than the Dollar Store's $1 for a quart.

    Yesterday I baked a Hillshire Farm Kielbasa when my brother was baking his Meatloaf and Meatballs. I figure I will use some today and tomorrow and Vacuum Seal the rest for the freezer.

    Cat Lost During Hurricane Reunited With Owner 14 Years Later

    In Tennessee, music is being made deep below Earth's surface

    U.S. Starter Homes Are Scarcer, Pricier, Smaller and More Run-Down

    Burgers outselling classic baguette sandwiches in France

    Seven Fields Business Evacuated Due To Suspicious Package

    University of Wisconsin campus proposes elimination of majors such as English, history

    Radio Hacker Who Interrupted Police Chase Gets 21 Months in Prison

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi! Yes—Jan was right...Sammy got neutered. Poor boy wants to itch there but can’t with the cone. He’s completely integrated with my pack. Last night didn’t sleep because Sammy wouldn’t settle down. As a former street dog, if anyone even moved, he bolted awake snarling. He’d immediately calm down when id yell No! But then i was awake. Another reason I didn’t sleep was that I accidentally misplaced $100M on a report and was trying to figure out how to tell my boss before he went into a meeting with corporate. He thanked me for the heads up! During the meeting corprate didnt notice. We just said we’d provide sn update and nobody was the wiser. My state of fat-ness is uncomfortable. Its a huge effort to get off the floor or tie my shoes. I don’t want to be unable...so im back on the wagon and feeling good about it. Focusing on taking care of me. I remember how free i felt when i lost weight before...and now I feel trapped by my padding. I had a delicious salad today...balsamic vinegar for the dressing. I had firm tofu throughout and just a little avocado...a tiny bit of avocado with a bite of tofu really does make my think I’m eating only avocado (whicj I completely love). This is cheaper, more protein, and lower calories.

    Hi Val
    Poor Sammy, Itching and can't scratch :(

    What the heck it's only a $100 million :wink:

    Just keep that feeling in mind anytime You feel like overeating. My biggest problem is I stopped logging and sometimes overeat by mistake.

    Congratulations on what I just saw
    hope4change_val yesterday
    lost 2.4 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 5.6 lbs so far.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I am glad the storm was not as bad as expected, Roger. I am sure some people are getting tired of winter. I would not expect you to find much change in the snow!! Appreciate the humor!

    Val, great you caught the problem and no one noticed yet. Hope it is resolved quickly and quietly!! Great on the pups so far! Hope you get some sleep! Nice recovery on remembering what it feels like to be healthy!!

    I finally lost the creeping pounds I regained weirdly. Of course, my daughter and I went Mexican, so I expect I may not be a happy camper in the am! I was over my limit by about 300 calories. It could have been worse!! I do need to buckle down!! :)

    Hope everyone continues to do well!! Have a great day all! :# ..Jan

    Hi Jan
    From what I can see Mexican can not be called diet food by any stretch of the imagination.

    I had hoped when I went out today and saw that the sidewalks and roads were clear, alas no money was spotted.

    I am so over winter storms with the Nor'Easters

    Have a Good Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, Spring has sprung! My yard guys are here, lol! I cleaned a little but I guess they will have a bit of a mess to clean up for branches. I guess that winter time extra money is gone! I hate to say bye to my wild flowers and weeds flowering but it was getting long and scraggly. It was time! Definitely warmer thank goodness! More in the low 70's. Still a little cool in the shade!

    Glad your snow is disappearing! I am a little surprised, even at 34 degrees. I guess it is warmer during the day. Sparse change there! Must be hard times and people are more careful!! :D Glad you are doing so well! Yep, Mexican is in no way a diet food. Jenny did pretty well though as she had 10 chips, salsa, pablano peppers filled with shrimp, little cheese, salad and measurable rice. Much better than me! I had enchiladas, a tamale, the rest of the chips, cheese, rice and black beans, and a strawberry margarita; the last I could have used a much much smaller drink....worth the 1.5 lb. I gained, I think. :# Jenny is on spring break this week, so we may eat a few times! Not too bad, Jenny's pepper with shrimp. it did save her calories, lol...

    Good articles from the last few days! I knew about Calif. and the migration. One can hardly blame them. Even here in the south the house prices are unreasonable. There may be more starter homes and obviously lower home prices all around. But nowhere do they match the increases that wages would bring to buy homes, Starter or not . It is ridiculous. Interesting on the concerts in the caverns. That is doable!! Really amazing cat story. Bless their hearts... I sent my daughter the article on the french baguettes. I would have them over a burger in France though, lol! Kind of miffed on these colleges thinking of dropping English, History and Philosophy. Like our kids are not dumb enough compared to other countries....I favor what they add, but not in place of what they want to drop. Geez.... Rant over!!

    Val, Not everyone finds 10 M even if they can not keep it, lol. Spot on as I think on it, lol! ...Take care, Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And even more humor is now posted, Much of it the Ducks AKA Swamp cartoons

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 34 degrees and no breeze. The leftover snow has melted away from Thursday and Fridays sun and the overnight temperatures. As I was on the return leg of my walk I was surprised by a unusual sound of something scraping behind me before a Deer ran into my line of sight and away from where I was.

    Teen Crashes Into License Center Building During Driving Test

    It's official: NYC hasn't seen snow like this in 130 years

    Maine police on lookout for turkey after home invasion

    Species battle pits protected sea lions against fragile fish

    World's largest collection of ocean garbage is now twice the size of Texas

    Rabbi says meat from genetically cloned pig could be eaten by Jews – including with milk

    Your Facebook data is only worth $5.20 on the dark web

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    Well, Spring has sprung! My yard guys are here, lol! I cleaned a little but I guess they will have a bit of a mess to clean up for branches. I guess that winter time extra money is gone! I hate to say bye to my wild flowers and weeds flowering but it was getting long and scraggly. It was time! Definitely warmer thank goodness! More in the low 70's. Still a little cool in the shade!

    Glad your snow is disappearing! I am a little surprised, even at 34 degrees. I guess it is warmer during the day. Sparse change there! Must be hard times and people are more careful!! :D Glad you are doing so well! Yep, Mexican is in no way a diet food. Jenny did pretty well though as she had 10 chips, salsa, pablano peppers filled with shrimp, little cheese, salad and measurable rice. Much better than me! I had enchiladas, a tamale, the rest of the chips, cheese, rice and black beans, and a strawberry margarita; the last I could have used a much much smaller drink....worth the 1.5 lb. I gained, I think. :# Jenny is on spring break this week, so we may eat a few times! Not too bad, Jenny's pepper with shrimp. it did save her calories, lol...
    Hi Jan
    Spring is sprung ? Only for You and not for me :( Here I have not even seen the Daffodils in bloom yet.

    Yikes You are correct, The Wraps, Chips, Rice & Beans are not diet oriented.
    Be careful eating out, much of the food You get that way seems to trigger overeating.
    Good articles from the last few days! I knew about Calif. and the migration. One can hardly blame them. Even here in the south the house prices are unreasonable. There may be more starter homes and obviously lower home prices all around. But nowhere do they match the increases that wages would bring to buy homes, Starter or not . It is ridiculous. Interesting on the concerts in the caverns. That is doable!! Really amazing cat story. Bless their hearts... I sent my daughter the article on the french baguettes. I would have them over a burger in France though, lol! Kind of miffed on these colleges thinking of dropping English, History and Philosophy. Like our kids are not dumb enough compared to other countries....I favor what they add, but not in place of what they want to drop. Geez.... Rant over!!

    Val, Not everyone finds 10 M even if they can not keep it, lol. Spot on as I think on it, lol! ...Take care, Jan B)
    Agreed, If I lived in California I would be looking to escape their craziness.
    Your having the Baguettes when there is likely because of the taste and low likelihood of having those sandwiches here. Part of it could also be cost, From links I have seen in the past France seems to be having a Butter Shortage.

    The Problem with the starter home inventory is simple, a Builder for a little increase in building cost can get a lot more if they build a McMansion.

    College are going wacky :( They now have courses on things such as Toxic Masculinity and White Privilege.

    Oh well, I can not change things.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Val
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Oh my word! A butter shortage in France??? Say it isn't so!!!!!! :s
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hope you are having a great day! I am sorry about the spring, I did not want to dig you on your continued worries on winter! Sometimes my Yard Guys turn up like bad pennies in my Spring! I am thankful for them. but they push my envelope. They moved some larger branches this time for me, which is good, but still did only parts of my yard. I feel evenI Guess as the branches were heavy ones. But since it was a verbal type of conversation contract, they need to do my entire yard most of the time. If they said too little, that is on them. But one week they leave something, or stop blowing off the porch, or decide to not do the back. ( They seem to have it in their mind my back consists the fenced area , not the entire back.) It is confusing as areas of the back back, lol, have areas I do need to maybe do because of how things are planted. But they should still do swipes. At some point I must have " the talk," but I was grateful for moving those large tree like limbs. I will wait for another week. Just hassle!!! It is a pain as they are pleasant... :|

    Yep, I gained from last night! But I had done good till I bought these weird chips and snacked on them. Koreans have a tasty corn chip that is sweet and tastes like roasted corn on the cob. I have been craving them for months. The Chinese place has a slightly different brand, but large bag. I took a chance on 2 small bags of slightly different ones thinking the small bags would be good. I bought 2, one garlic and 1 butter. I had the garlic first. The first bite is pure garlic, like eating real garlic buds! After that though they are garlicky kind of like roasted chick peas. Salt so bad, I could not eat the bottom crumbs....Remember these are SMALL bags like chips having around 250 calories a bag. I had the bag, then like a total dummy all the way around, looked at the bag carefully. 3 servings at almost 300 cal a serving! Totally dumb on me! I KNOW better!! Needless to say, between the soy, chips and salt, I gained!! :D
    To make matters worse, the butter ones got tasted and they were AWFUL! I threw those out! I need to wait for the real thing and divide them judiciously, lol! o:)

    However, I had the (thai) Basil Spare Ribs, just a little rice, and homemade Won Ton Soup. That was awesome! A new favorite, though the sweet soy sauce carmelization cost me some points!

    I will have a good day today though! The articles were interesting. The dark web I find really scary... Eating cloned pig for Jews does not seem right to me. I get the slight distinction it is lab meat, but still does not seem right. It seems worse to me in fact...I am turned off by the lab meat thing, though if we did not kill animals for food, I guess I would try. But I am thinking the foodie girl is gone and the vegan girl might appear. I just want my stuff raised humanely and killed humanely if I am eating it, and I know that is not always the case. As a side, our corned beef is not the taste or texture I remember from my youth. I often wonder if we are being sold and fed things not on the up and up, between the chemicals and additives or what. We both (daughter) have noticed it in the last corned beefs we have cooked. They do not cut, taste or look quite like (texture) regular brisket, unless it is a weird brine they have just started using. Plus we do not have it often. It runs $25-35 dollars for average size brisket I used to buy for less all the time for the family. We buy on sale, but honestly, the canned corn beef tastes far better , I am sad to say! Prepped right it is better simmered with butter, cabbage and potatoes than freshly bought , at least down here! Since we are on the subject, we have also noticed the pork loins sold have the fell fat left on, so we trim that. The fat is not the same as it used to be and we notice it in the taste. They are doing something weird with feed or chemicals that seems to be showing up in the fat part of meat. The meat is fine, and often presented leaner, but I like a little fat on things and it is not tasting the same. We have long noticed the chicken skin is now thick and rubbery, not like the old days!! Are we going crazy??? Rant over. lol!!!!

    The turkeys were a little funny! I would die confronting one! Better them than a human, especially robber or such!!
    Thanks for the platform. I am glad you are doing so well, and I am sure your winter will not be an endless one!!
    May May is very restless for some reason. I even took her to play early, but she is still acting odd. The first time I went out, I seem to have a lot of wasps (or mud dabblers?) hanging out. I ran out of spray so need to get some more. Not sure if that was it or what. Something weird...... ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I’m still doing well eating healthy...i know, not even a week yet, but it feels good. Sammy is doing well. Very awesome dog. Smart.6ymtkkerx4s3.png
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor, Naturally :smile:

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 35 degrees and a moderate breeze was blowing.

    Fiery Crash At Travis Air Force Base Being Investigated As Terrorist Act

    Humans are sleepwalking into a mass extinction of species not seen since the dinosaurs


    Musk Takes Down the Tesla and SpaceX Facebook Pages

    Out-of-control Chinese space station 'will crash into Earth over weekend'

    Indictment: Waterslide in fatal accident was 'deadly weapon'

    South Korea to start turning computers off in the evening to force people to stop working late

    LA Considers Ambitious Proposal To Provide Housing For Every Homeless Person

    Have a Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Oh my word! A butter shortage in France??? Say it isn't so!!!!!! :s

    Hi Jan
    These go back to October & November of 2017 so it may have changed ?

    Sacré Beurre: France Faces A Butter Shortage
    France, Land of Croissants, Finds Butter Vanishing From Shelves
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hope you are having a great day! I am sorry about the spring, I did not want to dig you on your continued worries on winter! Sometimes my Yard Guys turn up like bad pennies in my Spring! I am thankful for them. but they push my envelope. They moved some larger branches this time for me, which is good, but still did only parts of my yard. I feel evenI Guess as the branches were heavy ones. But since it was a verbal type of conversation contract, they need to do my entire yard most of the time. If they said too little, that is on them. But one week they leave something, or stop blowing off the porch, or decide to not do the back. ( They seem to have it in their mind my back consists the fenced area , not the entire back.) It is confusing as areas of the back back, lol, have areas I do need to maybe do because of how things are planted. But they should still do swipes. At some point I must have " the talk," but I was grateful for moving those large tree like limbs. I will wait for another week. Just hassle!!! It is a pain as they are pleasant... :|
    Hi Again
    I am not worried about winter, I'm sorry if I gave that impression.
    If I were them I might believe that the fenced in area was the entire back yard. It is now time for the talk before the rest of the yard goes to far.
    Yep, I gained from last night! But I had done good till I bought these weird chips and snacked on them. Koreans have a tasty corn chip that is sweet and tastes like roasted corn on the cob. I have been craving them for months. The Chinese place has a slightly different brand, but large bag. I took a chance on 2 small bags of slightly different ones thinking the small bags would be good. I bought 2, one garlic and 1 butter. I had the garlic first. The first bite is pure garlic, like eating real garlic buds! After that though they are garlicky kind of like roasted chick peas. Salt so bad, I could not eat the bottom crumbs....Remember these are SMALL bags like chips having around 250 calories a bag. I had the bag, then like a total dummy all the way around, looked at the bag carefully. 3 servings at almost 300 cal a serving! Totally dumb on me! I KNOW better!! Needless to say, between the soy, chips and salt, I gained!! :D
    To make matters worse, the butter ones got tasted and they were AWFUL! I threw those out! I need to wait for the real thing and divide them judiciously, lol! o:)
    I have been caught that way to by not reading the package carefully. I know buy things like potato chips only if I can find the small one serving bags that run around 150 to 180 calories for the entire bag.

    Foods need to be really bad for me to throw them away, I hate the waste.
    However, I had the (Thai) Basil Spare Ribs, just a little rice, and homemade Won Ton Soup. That was awesome! A new favorite, though the sweet soy sauce carmelization cost me some points!
    Yesterday my brother and I were out and while out w went to a Thai Food place, Arriving around 4PM, unluckily they close between 3 and 5PM for a rest break. I say unluckily as we ended up at the local Chinese Take out and I overate.

    Example I ordered Chicken Wings which I was curious now that I mentioned them. I went back and counted the bones and there were 7 of the Drumstick part that is the part that attaches to the Body and three of the center section which is more than I had realized when I ordered them. Then to compound the problem I had Won Ton Soup and Beef with String Beans. Now I need to get back to work on losing, I was afraid to climb on the scale this morning. That Thai Basil Spare Ribs sound delicious and if I am understanding the Homemade Won Ton Soup that the Won Tons were fried before being added to the soup ?
    I will have a good day today though! The articles were interesting. The dark web I find really scary... Eating cloned pig for Jews does not seem right to me. I get the slight distinction it is lab meat, but still does not seem right. It seems worse to me in fact...I am turned off by the lab meat thing, though if we did not kill animals for food, I guess I would try. But I am thinking the foodie girl is gone and the vegan girl might appear. I just want my stuff raised humanely and killed humanely if I am eating it, and I know that is not always the case. As a side, our corned beef is not the taste or texture I remember from my youth. I often wonder if we are being sold and fed things not on the up and up, between the chemicals and additives or what. We both (daughter) have noticed it in the last corned beefs we have cooked. They do not cut, taste or look quite like (texture) regular brisket, unless it is a weird brine they have just started using. Plus we do not have it often. It runs $25-35 dollars for average size brisket I used to buy for less all the time for the family. We buy on sale, but honestly, the canned corn beef tastes far better , I am sad to say! Prepped right it is better simmered with butter, cabbage and potatoes than freshly bought , at least down here! Since we are on the subject, we have also noticed the pork loins sold have the fell fat left on, so we trim that. The fat is not the same as it used to be and we notice it in the taste. They are doing something weird with feed or chemicals that seems to be showing up in the fat part of meat. The meat is fine, and often presented leaner, but I like a little fat on things and it is not tasting the same. We have long noticed the chicken skin is now thick and rubbery, not like the old days!! Are we going crazy??? Rant over. lol!!!!
    I am not interested in Factory grown meat either. The Corned Beef we bought approaching the St. Patricks day holiday were on sale with the coupon for $1.88 a pound or $2.88 sale price with no coupon. We managed to get four of them. One needs to be Vacuum sealed today as it has been treated to become a Pastrami and two are in the basement Freezer for later use and one was eaten for the Holiday.

    If You were to find a Beef Brisket on sale You could create Your own Corned Beef.
    Corned Beef
    Recipe courtesy of Alton Brown
    Show: Good Eats
    Episode: Corn the Beef
    Total: 243 hr 20 min
    Prep: 20 min
    Inactive: 240 hr
    Cook: 3 hr
    Yield: 6 to 8 servings
    Level: Easy

    I wonder if other cuts of beef would work ?
    I have noticed that the canned corned beef I see comes from South America.

    The Fat on Pork seems OK to me, OTOH I do not have a Gourmet Palate. I wonder if it related to being Vacuum Sealed AKA Cryovac Pack ?

    I have not noticed the Chicken Skin being rubbery, However I generally have it on Deep Fried Chicken parts :wink:
    The turkeys were a little funny! I would die confronting one! Better them than a human, especially robber or such!!
    Thanks for the platform. I am glad you are doing so well, and I am sure your winter will not be an endless one!!
    May May is very restless for some reason. I even took her to play early, but she is still acting odd. The first time I went out, I seem to have a lot of wasps (or mud dabblers?) hanging out. I ran out of spray so need to get some more. Not sure if that was it or what. Something weird...... ...Jan

    There have been Turkey Attacks in North NJ and Staten Island NY.
    My Brother like a Raid Earth Options House and Garden Green Bug Spray that is much safer around people and animals.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 15 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 3/24/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor is posted, Hopefully You like the Swamp cartoons humor

    I'm back from walking and no cents. The temperature this morning was 29 degrees and no breeze.

    Maryland Woman Suing Facebook Over Personal Information Being Released
    By Pat Warren
    March 22, 2018 at 9:51 pm

    Fiery Crash At Travis Air Force Base Being Investigated As Terrorist Act

    Freak weather: Orange snowstorm submerges tourist resorts with eerie 'apocalyptic' scenes

    Alabama rot: Pet owners warned to keep dogs away from mud over fears of deadly disease

    Rural hospital shutdowns force communities to take care of their own

    Elephant caught 'smoking' on camera leaves scientists baffled

    PLANE AWFUL Qantas flights direct from London to Perth – we reveal the hell of flying non-stop for 17 hours from Australia in economy on the UK’s longest route

    Have a Good Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I was missing yesterday! I read thru things logging my food, but with church I waited to evening to get back to MFP. It was a busy day and I have had trouble with my B/P the last week or so. The night before last I had a headache, and it was 198/98. Luckily I had some leftover pills they usually give at the Dr. office and ER for that. They honestly do not help much, but that with several brews of strong Camomille tea bring it down though temporarily. I have been having a 1/3 cup of caffeine coffee before my reg. decaf. so I figured that was it. It could be one of my meds is not working anymore, as that happens. Anyway, I just went to bed abruptly last nite and never got back to MFP, as intended.

    It was colder here today, damp and in the 50's with a fair breeze blowing. So much for a sunny warm spring break, lol! We are to warm up a little, though it remains cloudy with chance of rain till the week-end, when the sun returns. Oh well, my daughter and I were planning a few outdoor things, but are missing the perfect weather of last week! Still, not bad weather though!

    Boy, I understand about the unexpected in the food day! It is amazing how you can be thrown off quickly! Your meal sounded awfully good though!! I was a little thrown off by small group last nite. We had fixings to make salad or sandwiches of tuna, pimento cheese, and potato salad, with chips . I did well, and had small amounts of each, and had the calories for it. I skipped the cookies for dessert. But on getting home, I wanted more cheese and crackers and was hungry. I settled for some red grapefruit sections, and lots of water! I was proud I persevered, but it was a hard night, lol!

    I think we must just get poorer quality meats than you all! You would have noticed the meat seeming different. Maybe that is why Southerners fry the chicken so much, lol! :D

    The elephant smoking was strange, though the reason made some sense! :# The snow would make me very worried about pollutants! I had not heard about the space craft falling yet! I may be like Chicken Little!! Remember him?

    Hope you are still doing well, Val. I was surprised you have Sammy. I though it was another rescue! I guess he was not so settled in after all?

    Take care all! Get back on it, Roger! :) Hope you find change!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. You’re right Jan—the reason Sammy is staying with me is because I work from home...and with his cone on, he can’t get in/out the doggie door, so I’m here to provide that service. He’ll be here until the weekend but I’m seriously fond of him. He’s so easy going. Work is the same. I’m still doing well with my healthy eating. Mowed the grass today before storms tomorrow and Wednesday.