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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2018
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I am okay with the slower weight loss, and was rewarded by losing 3 lbs this morning! I was blown away and happy. I guess hungry day equals a weight loss in a few days!! And I was not hungry for long as I had deviled eggs as my snack..It does kind of regulate itself, as I eat when I am hungry and eat till full. That is a huge change from constantly waiting for my next meal craving to just being satisfied..I love it!!

    Your weather sounds really nice Roger! Now is when I miss the north, during fall! We are going to get to the mid 40's in a few days. Summer then cold, lol!! :D

    Val, hope you are feeling better in a few days. I have had a sore throat, I am not sure if it is the weather changing. I did not see the flooding reports, but know you are on high ground!! :) Hopefully good!! :)

    I rarely know the day and look it up all the time. Thank goodness it shows on my computer!!

    I actually got a lot done the last two days but am rather behind today..stayed up a little late and forgot to set my alarm. I have not slept that long since I was a teenager on a good Sat.!! Even May was tuckered and slept. I feel so human!! :#

    Crazy articles..and interesting!! Everyone have a good Friday!! ...Jan B)
    Hi Jan
    In general Deviled Eggs should be a low calorie high protein food depending on how they are made. We make them this way, Slice the eggs in half lengthwise, removing yolks to a medium bowl, and placing the whites on a serving platter. Mash the yolks into a fine crumble using a fork. We do not Add mayonnaise or vinegar as shown in many recipes, Instead we use Sweet Relish or Sweet Gherkins juice as the binder mustard, salt, and pepper, and mix well. Evenly disperse heaping teaspoons of the yolk mixture into the egg whites after which they get a dusting of Paprika. BTW I now use the No sugar added Gherkin or Sweet Relish liquid which adds taste without adding calories.

    Keto is still working for You I see :wink:

    If I said it has gone from warm to cold in what seems like overnight ?
    I expect that the leaves will finally start to turn, We have not needed to rake yet, Hopefully the lawn mowing season is over now.
    is the sore throat now completely gone, I hope so. What I do is I have the clock radio in my bedroom set to go off if I do go for a nap and just leave it set to go off, since it is set to use the radio and that shuts off after 2 hours I leave it with the alarm set to on, I'm to lazy and forgetful to try and remember to turn it on. If I need it I can activate the other alarm setting since it has to alarm settings.

    The News links Yous see are the leftovers after not using the tons of Political ones keeping with forum policy.
    The one today from the World Bank was a bit weird.

    Buttons61 yesterday
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 10/18/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
    Buttons61 17 hours ago
    lost 3 lbs since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 9 lbs so far.


    Hi Joanne
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I saw the “work less, live longer” headline and thought “I’m going to die.” Worked till 11pm last night. Congrats Jan on the 3 pounds! Roger, I’m about a 40 minute drive from the current Texas floods.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I figured this was going to be a weird fall, or should I say weird transition from summer to winter, lol!! :D

    Wonderful morning!! I saw a mama deer and her two babies who wisely and for me happily turned around when they saw my car and 2 others coming! Yay! for the wildlife this am! And got to hear one of my favorite songs on the radio while driving.. always a plus and fun in the 65 mph zone!! :)

    Kind of made up for the mid afternoon, when I stood in line at Publix's for 1/2 hour, seriously..I was 2nd in line... I failed to see the cart ahead of me had groceries for 2 plus because it was one of those child car carts, which from the back does not show you have 500 items in your cart. (lol) The lady and cashier kept apologizing and I felt bad for the lady as she was on food stamps and seemed embarrassed. That was not the problem...I did not go to the 10 items or less line right next to me since I had like 14 items. What really made me mad was the express cashier was playing on her phone and could have taken me. She looked at me and just ignored me. I should have just went in it or asked to be taken so bad on me too. She did finally look up and take someone with like 25 items, then got busy with a bunch of people who came in the darn store I am guessing well after me....Still trying to let go of the stupidity... :s ...including mine!

    I got my friend to the airport, and she bought me brunch! I was set looking at breakfast and had it figured, lol and we got there around 10:32 and got the lunch menu instead..luckily it took 2 seconds to find something keto friendly!

    Your deviled eggs sound good, Roger! Luckily I can have the mayo due to needing the fat and the low carbs I eat! My taste buds are changing a little and I can forgo the carbs of sweet relish now for dill with no carbs! I can try yours on a day I make keto bread where my carbs run a little higher due to the almond flour I use.

    Texas flooding pictures were terrible, Val. Glad you did not have a problem. The earth seems like disaster central lately, I must admit. Hope the vet visit went well, and hope you are feeling better!! <3

    Hang in there all!! Have a great week end! Hope you rest some, Val!! ....Jan (cloudy day!!)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I kept getting sicker today so wentvto doctor...URI and sinus infection. Git a steroid shot and antibiotics. Breathing is greatly improved. Feeling completely wiped out.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 54 degrees and more or less comfortable. There was a light rain falling that continued until I was nearly home.

    Stoned Driver Crash Risk Grows As Legal Pot Spreads In The U.S.
    After retail sales of recreational cannabis began, the frequency of collision insurance claims in Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington State rose about 6 percent higher than in nearby states where marijuana is still illegal, the IIHS said in the study

    You could get $6,000 a year under this California senator’s new plan

    'Simply not flushable': Thousands of pounds of wipes clog sewer system

    Colorado Facebook groups organize play dates to intentionally share chickenpox
    Before the chickenpox vaccine was introduced more than 20 years ago, parents regularly exposed their kids to the virus to build an immunity. Today, some parents refuse to vaccinate their children fearing very rare side effects.
    As NASA's prized telescopes falter, astronomers fear losing their eyes in space

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I saw the “work less, live longer” headline and thought “I’m going to die.” Worked till 11pm last night. Congrats Jan on the 3 pounds! Roger, I’m about a 40 minute drive from the current Texas floods.
    Hi Val
    I can understand that headline, Working to much can create wear in the body.

    I am guessing that means You are getting a lot of rain in Your area.
    I kept getting sicker today so went to doctor...URI and sinus infection. Git a steroid shot and antibiotics. Breathing is greatly improved. Feeling completely wiped out.
    That sounds as if it was well worth the doctor visit.

    I am glad that the treatment helped. Having an infection will wipe You out, even a simple cold wipes me out.

    Good Luck feeling 100% quickly
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I figured this was going to be a weird fall, or should I say weird transition from summer to winter, lol!! :D

    Wonderful morning!! I saw a mama deer and her two babies who wisely and for me happily turned around when they saw my car and 2 others coming! Yay! for the wildlife this am! And got to hear one of my favorite songs on the radio while driving.. always a plus and fun in the 65 mph zone!! :)

    Kind of made up for the mid afternoon, when I stood in line at Publix's for 1/2 hour, seriously..I was 2nd in line... I failed to see the cart ahead of me had groceries for 2 plus because it was one of those child car carts, which from the back does not show you have 500 items in your cart. (lol) The lady and cashier kept apologizing and I felt bad for the lady as she was on food stamps and seemed embarrassed. That was not the problem...I did not go to the 10 items or less line right next to me since I had like 14 items. What really made me mad was the express cashier was playing on her phone and could have taken me. She looked at me and just ignored me. I should have just went in it or asked to be taken so bad on me too. She did finally look up and take someone with like 25 items, then got busy with a bunch of people who came in the darn store I am guessing well after me....Still trying to let go of the stupidity... :s ...including mine!
    Hello Jan
    My worry when seeing deer if I am driving is that they can ruin a car if they dart out in front of it.

    If the Express lane was empty I would have jumped over that way. Standing in line for half an hour would leave me with pain in the legs. They are OK if I am walking, stand for to long and not OK.

    The Lazy cashier should have motioned You over, I might have complained to the courtesy desk.
    Not stupidity since You were obeying the signs, laziness by the cashier.
    I got my friend to the airport, and she bought me brunch! I was set looking at breakfast and had it figured, lol and we got there around 10:32 and got the lunch menu instead..luckily it took 2 seconds to find something keto friendly!

    Your deviled eggs sound good, Roger! Luckily I can have the mayo due to needing the fat and the low carbs I eat! My taste buds are changing a little and I can forgo the carbs of sweet relish now for dill with no carbs! I can try yours on a day I make keto bread where my carbs run a little higher due to the almond flour I use.

    Texas flooding pictures were terrible, Val. Glad you did not have a problem. The earth seems like disaster central lately, I must admit. Hope the vet visit went well, and hope you are feeling better!! <3

    Hang in there all!! Have a great week end! Hope you rest some, Val!! ....Jan (cloudy day!!)
    Airport Food, Yummy, True Gourmet food :wink:

    The No Sugar added Sweet relish, Gherkins and the Vlassic Bread and butter Spears are no carb items.
    From MFP
    Total Carbs 1 g
    Sugars -- g

    This is for the the Vlasic version, 0 Carbs BTW.

    The label also shows zero calories however that only means that the calories per serving are less than 5.
    I like the No sugar added Spears and Gherkins as a crunchy snack.

    Have a Good Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Feeling much better today than yesterday. I was too sick to work in the afternoon...and luckily the Internet was out all afternoon and evening so even when i got the Friday evening requests for me to do other’s work, I trult couldn’t!!! YES! When I lived in Indiana 2006-2010, I came very close to hitting a deer but we both got away unscathed. One if my bosses hit 11 deer (destroying multiple cars and damaging others). I grew up in Los Angeles...no big-city deer except at the zoo. I remember the first time i heard someone say he hit a deer (up in the mountains) with his dad’s BMW, I asked if the deer was okay...and he blew up at me.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Feeling much worse this afternoon than the morning. Made Greek chicken soup (avgo lemeno...egg and lemon). My illness comfort food.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2018
    More humor has been posted, The way a look at it a laugh is good medicine

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 48 degrees and comfortable.

    Poor Dog
    Loggers Can’t Believe What They Find In Middle Of A Tree.
    The question remained, how did the dog wind up inside the trunk of this tree?

    Ford boosts production of its $400,000 GT supercar as demand outpaces supply six-to-one

    Insects invading Virginia and Pennsylvania could be 'most destructive species in 150 years'

    Want to know when you’re going to die?
    Your life span is written in your DNA, and we’re learning to read the code.

    Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Feeling much better today than yesterday. I was too sick to work in the afternoon...and luckily the Internet was out all afternoon and evening so even when i got the Friday evening requests for me to do other’s work, I trult couldn’t!!! YES! When I lived in Indiana 2006-2010, I came very close to hitting a deer but we both got away unscathed. One if my bosses hit 11 deer (destroying multiple cars and damaging others). I grew up in Los Angeles...no big-city deer except at the zoo. I remember the first time i heard someone say he hit a deer (up in the mountains) with his dad’s BMW, I asked if the deer was okay...and he blew up at me.
    Hi Val
    Up and down with how You feel, A darn shame. Lucky You in one way that Internet was out, I wonder why. Nothing like a truthful excuse.
    They had some sort of Marathon / Half marathon in Brooklyn Saturday and the morning news said that one of their production staff was stuck in traffic and could not get to work. I gather that the Marathon really messed up traffic, You would think traffic would be light on a Saturday, Not in the 5 Boros of NYC.

    I knew people that ruined their cars and Pickup Trucks hitting deer too. Hitting 11 deer is bad luck and likley not learning when and where to drive cautiously?

    I'm guessing that the BMW driver was not used to that happening. Deer wander around on and across the roads here in NJ quite a lot.
    Feeling much worse this afternoon than the morning. Made Greek chicken soup (avgo lemeno...egg and lemon). My illness comfort food.

    I'm sorry to hear that the day went downhill like that.

    Get well Quickly

    Hi Jan

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    The first part of the day, i felt good. Took care of dogs, groceries, laundry, floor cleaning...and then was completely wiped out so i had tea and a nap. I have so much to do...starting my second wind...need to do yard work because we’re expecting another week of rain.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Chilly here in the 60's because the wind was blowing. It is nice in the sun though feeling a little bit of both. Lower 40's tonite with high humidity. I guess I got so much done before Sat. that by Sat. I did very little. I slept a lot. And it was nice!

    No small group tonite. It is pretty nice to have a break. A bunch of the people are out of town, so with three of us left, we decided to take a sabbatical. I stopped at Lowe's for some things then had to shop. I am kind of too pooped to do much now, but having an extra nite off from group gives me tomorrow to do some things I would normally feel like not tackling. That is the plan anyway!!

    Val, sorry you are still feeling below par. it is hard to get well with your work schedule I know. Your soup sounds good too. I love comforting food!! Hope the rain is not bad, especially for the areas that flooded.

    Roger, picking are slim in the find change department!! :)

    Poor pup in the tree....interesting on the new bug invading..do not need that! I am behind on the humor! Not sure where my time goes, but go it does! Too many naps? I feel like one now, lol! :#

    Take care all!! ...Jan ( Brrr! lol!)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited October 2018
    I just posted more humor, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees and comfortable since I used the heated mittens for the first time this year.
    I find it is easier to go a distance now that it is cool outside. I turned the heat on when I got up as the Living room as 58 degrees and 56 degrees in the bedroom.

    San Diego is No. 1 on list of booziest cities in U.S.

    The WWII ghost bomber that mysteriously landed itself

    The City That Had Too Much Money

    Invasive ‘Spotted Lanternfly’ Threatening This Year’s Christmas Tree Crop
    MENDHAM, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — It’s almost time to pick up the perfect Christmas tree for you and your family, but there’s concern about a new threat to this year’s crop.

    Oldest ‘Working Man’ In Texas Turns 101, Still Drinks 2 Dr. Peppers A Day

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The first part of the day, i felt good. Took care of dogs, groceries, laundry, floor cleaning...and then was completely wiped out so i had tea and a nap. I have so much to do...starting my second wind...need to do yard work because we’re expecting another week of rain.
    Hello Val
    It sounds as if You might be overdoing it. We did pull most of the garden last week as most of it was well past it's prime. I still have carrots in the ground and they will be OK even through a frost IMO.

    Good Luck getting the yard work, Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Chilly here in the 60's because the wind was blowing. It is nice in the sun though feeling a little bit of both. Lower 40's tonite with high humidity. I guess I got so much done before Sat. that by Sat. I did very little. I slept a lot. And it was nice!

    No small group tonite. It is pretty nice to have a break. A bunch of the people are out of town, so with three of us left, we decided to take a sabbatical. I stopped at Lowe's for some things then had to shop. I am kind of too pooped to do much now, but having an extra nite off from group gives me tomorrow to do some things I would normally feel like not tackling. That is the plan anyway!!

    Val, sorry you are still feeling below par. it is hard to get well with your work schedule I know. Your soup sounds good too. I love comforting food!! Hope the rain is not bad, especially for the areas that flooded.

    Roger, picking are slim in the find change department!! :)

    Poor pup in the tree....interesting on the new bug invading..do not need that! I am behind on the humor! Not sure where my time goes, but go it does! Too many naps? I feel like one now, lol! :#

    Take care all!! ...Jan ( Brrr! lol!)
    Hi Jan
    Sometimes a break like that is as good as a vacation.
    Than had to shop, Shop is always optional except for possibly food and clothes.

    Slim is a understatement :(

    I often look at the clock and wonder where the day went, it is not just You.

    Stay Warm, The Blanket I pulled out of storage Saturday night is coming in nice at night now that the overnights are going lower.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Bought a new workbook: the Beck Diet Solution weight loss workbook...cognitive therapy. Exercise is not optional. Must schedule it into life plus look for spontaneous opportunities too. Need accountability coach. Need an eating plan. Understand triggers and have preplanned response. (I know we know that...just sharing as i go.)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Yep, Roger, had to shop, lol!! I was out of food, especially protein! Can not be out of food on the keto diet!! Most places offering food on the go make carbs too tempting for me..I would not throw them out..I would eat them!!

    I guess I should realize you had a frost..just didn't for some reason!!

    Val, we know all that about dieting, but it is so hard to organize all that into losing!! Never a waste trying methods to lose!! <3

    Assembling a fire pit today..harder to unwrap from box than assemble I think!! It was hard getting the sand home from Lowes too, lol!! :# Ran out of light for set up outside as I watered and also had to catch up on FarmTown, too! Also e-mails!! It almost seemed easier when I worked, lol...Only had time to work and sleep...not anything else!! But I enjoy not going I must say!! Wish there was a happy medium when working! I am sure you find that especially , Val!

    Interesting articles, especially on the ghost flight! Guessing I would not want to live in Vancouver, lol!!!

    Be safe! Be warm!! Be diet like, lol...! :D ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    This book provides no info about what to eat or how much...you have to select a diet approach and back-up approach on your own. Mine are MFP, backup NS, secondary backup intermittent fasting. There are 24 cards to help redirect my thoughts. Here’s #1. Last night i did 1/2 of a walking video. Seriously out of shape...but that’s so much more than I have been doing. 👏
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 43 degrees and comfortable since I used the heated mittens for the second time this year. I also saw one lone deer trotting down a side street.

    Man who foiled Nazi nuclear plan dies aged 99

    Ships wrecked on Dog Island in 1899 unearthed by Hurricane Michael

    Weirdo Twitter messages were a glitch, not a hack

    Florida and Texas Post Record Sept.-to-Sept. Job Gains; Ohio Has Largest Gain in 21 Years

    The truth about robot cats and dogs: can they replace real pets?
    New realistic-looking AI devices ‘learn’ and grow smarter over time, act as therapeutic companions – and recharge their batteries themselves

    Have a Great Tuesday