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100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The beach chair and Bible joke wasn't what I was expecting...but it was cute. The house seems empty with only 4 dogs! Granted, they are old and unassuming. I love fosters, but I really enjoy the down time to just enjoy my babies. I need to start planning for our road trip...like finding the ice scraper, etc. here’s Em’s homecoming dress
    Hi Val
    The best jokes IMO are the ones where You do not see the punch line coming.

    It is my feeling that a quiet house is a good thing.

    That dress has the look of something simple and expensive.

    Good Luck with the Vacation Prep.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Val, the dress is just perfect!! It has the look of classic elegance! Nice to rest with your own pups and cherish a little quiet!! :)

    Brrr...That is cold nites, Roger, and quite the swing in temperatures. We will be warm here for Halloween!! Rain comes in Thursday!! Good timing!!

    Time change coming up this Sat. nite!! :|

    No worries at Panera...I never made it. From all the yard work yesterday I fell asleep around 9:30 for about 20 minutes. Hurried and was in bed at 10 pm. I was physically exhausted but never slept. Finally got up at 4 am and texted I would not make it. Getting up at 10:30 am or 10 :45 made for a day that I am trying to catch up, lol.
    I am just doing a few outdoor things.

    Glad you got one shipment and at a good time!!

    No too hungry today, must be I watched better!! Some artificial carbs are better than others. Still working that out. Monkfruit sweetener is the best so far.

    Hope the Halloween is good for everyone this year. We have no trick or treaters anymore. I am good with that!

    Jan Take care!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I shall be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 53. The Halloween Weather was nice, sunny and fairly warm. As a result the trick or treaters were able to show off their costumes. We had 108 Trick or Treaters, That cost us 54 dollars as we handed out 1/2 Dollars as usual.

    Two blocks from the house on the outbound leg three Deer ran across the street ahead of me.
    Sunday was the second most violent day of the year in Chicago: At least 26 people shot

    Pilot crashes ultralight plane into lake, leaves wreckage, hitches home

    More robots to hit the aisles at Schnucks grocery stores in St. Louis area

    Mystery footsteps heard around century old coffin

    Egypt’s police step in to combat potato shortage

    Effort underway to seal old mines, but some want them open

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, the dress is just perfect!! It has the look of classic elegance! Nice to rest with your own pups and cherish a little quiet!! :)

    Brrr...That is cold nites, Roger, and quite the swing in temperatures. We will be warm here for Halloween!! Rain comes in Thursday!! Good timing!!

    Time change coming up this Sat. nite!! :|
    Hi Jan
    The news broadcasts have been trumpeting that already. I Knew it before seeing it as the Schedule that the DVR displays was off an hour on Sunday which happens twice a year. At least Halloween had nice weather.

    Our rain comes in Friday at some point.
    No worries at Panera...I never made it. From all the yard work yesterday I fell asleep around 9:30 for about 20 minutes. Hurried and was in bed at 10 pm. I was physically exhausted but never slept. Finally got up at 4 am and texted I would not make it. Getting up at 10:30 am or 10 :45 made for a day that I am trying to catch up, lol.
    I am just doing a few outdoor things.

    Glad you got one shipment and at a good time!!

    No too hungry today, must be I watched better!! Some artificial carbs are better than others. Still working that out. Monkfruit sweetener is the best so far.

    Hope the Halloween is good for everyone this year. We have no trick or treaters anymore. I am good with that!

    Jan Take care!!
    OTOH by not making it to Panera You avoided Temptation.

    The Non frozen is scheduled to arrive today according to the tracking information.

    I use Truvia from CostCo when I use a sweetener in my cereal or Oatmeal.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I learned that someone I care about has bone cancer. I cried. She has a husband and 2 kids...and she is feeling overwhelmed with the diagnosis. Another friend’s dad just died...a month after learning he had pancreatic cancer. Work announced another huge change ...and they didn’t think it through. I found my ice scraper...put it in the car. I wonder where my snow shovel is. Most years we’re very lucky and get little snow during our Thanksgiving pilgrimage north. Always better to have the shovel with and not need it than the reverse. Tonight is Em’s dance.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I will be posting more humor in a couple of minutes

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 67. It was dry outside when I headed out for a walk, It started raining before I arrived where I was going to pick up my coffee :( It was Nice outside until I had to put on the rain gear that blocked the nice breeze.

    Brain implants used to treat Parkinson's can be hacked and used to control people, scientists warn

    Swiss science: targeted electrical stimulation helps paralysed men walk again

    APA Stress in America™ Survey: Generation Z Stressed About Issues in the News but Least Likely to Vote

    Dayton, other Ohio cities rank in ‘Top 50 Bed Bugs’ list

    Shortage of more than 400 key medications in Switzerland increases calls for more domestic stockpiles
    Six percent of patients contract an infection in a Swiss hospital

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hi. I learned that someone I care about has bone cancer. I cried. She has a husband and 2 kids...and she is feeling overwhelmed with the diagnosis. Another friend’s dad just died...a month after learning he had pancreatic cancer. Work announced another huge change ...and they didn’t think it through. I found my ice scraper...put it in the car. I wonder where my snow shovel is. Most years we’re very lucky and get little snow during our Thanksgiving pilgrimage north. Always better to have the shovel with and not need it than the reverse. Tonight is Em’s dance.
    Hi Val
    I am so sorry to hear that, Both of those are nasty cancers. When I was working as a driver we lost two drivers, one to each of those. Not good news I can understand why You cried.

    I have kept a short handled shovel in the trunk at least since the 70s and sure enough it came in handy more than once over the years.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Jan
    Buttons61 11 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 11/01/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
    and I missed this earlier
    Buttons61 2 days ago
    lost 5 lbs since last weighing in! Buttons61's lost 12 lbs so far.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Val, I am so sorry about your friend. That is incredibly tough as is your friend's Dad. No rhyme or reason other than this imperfect world.

    Hope Em had a great time at homecoming! I can not believe the holidays are coming up so fast. Where does the time go.

    I am not a snow driver. We were spoiled in Germany and used their transit system going places. I just planned groceries for a non snowing day. I must say I do not miss it!

    I made a peanut butter cookie from peanut butter, coconut flour and a sticky sweetener with no carbs. I was not bad as the texture and look were just right. Tasted the coconut a bit more than peanut butter, but it did the trick. I was full for several hours after having it and ate little for dinner..still full.

    The weight loss was nice, though on keto it seems to fluctuate around 3-4 lbs. all the time,but still at my lowest for awhile. Next drop hopefully will be new territory.

    Interesting stories above. It is scary how people are skipping vaccines. Even polio was making a comeback.

    Take care all!! Thankful for the week-end! have a good one!! :) ...Jan

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 58. I could hear heavy rain hitting the AC during the night. When I headed out the door the rain was light and on and off mostly on. the weather forecast was accurate.

    Yesterday we had another day of higher than normal temperatures, I saw 72 degrees at 4:45 PM at a nearby location, actually much of NJ was at or near that temperature.

    Finnish soldiers find 'secret Russian military bases' after raiding mysterious island

    Vegan must pay €400 fine after threatening to stab her mother over ragu sauce

    THE TOOTH IS OUT THERE Mystery as 1,000 human teeth are found hidden inside a WALL during renovation of former dentist’s building

    The construction workers were left baffled by the find after they smashed into the wall in the building in Valdosta, Georgia

    A San Andreas fault mystery: The 'slow-moving disaster' in an area where the Big One is feared
    In its path are Union Pacific freight railroad tracks that connect the Inland Empire to Yuma, Ariz.; a petroleum pipeline owned by Kinder Morgan, one of North America’s largest energy companies; a stretch of fiber optic telecommunications lines owned by Verizon; and a portion of Highway 111, a major roadway connecting Interstate 10 in the Coachella Valley to the California-Mexico border.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Val, I am so sorry about your friend. That is incredibly tough as is your friend's Dad. No rhyme or reason other than this imperfect world.

    Hope Em had a great time at homecoming! I can not believe the holidays are coming up so fast. Where does the time go.

    I am not a snow driver. We were spoiled in Germany and used their transit system going places. I just planned groceries for a non snowing day. I must say I do not miss it!

    I made a peanut butter cookie from peanut butter, coconut flour and a sticky sweetener with no carbs. I was not bad as the texture and look were just right. Tasted the coconut a bit more than peanut butter, but it did the trick. I was full for several hours after having it and ate little for dinner..still full.

    The weight loss was nice, though on keto it seems to fluctuate around 3-4 lbs. all the time,but still at my lowest for awhile. Next drop hopefully will be new territory.

    Interesting stories above. It is scary how people are skipping vaccines. Even polio was making a comeback.

    Take care all!! Thankful for the week-end! have a good one!! :) ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    I am hoping to miss much of this years snow fall. Mass Transit in this area means getting to a train station or bus stop, neither of which do much for me as the trains are not that near and the few buses do not go anywhere I would be interested to go to.

    Did You also do what we used to do and use a fork to put a pattern on the top of the Peanut Butter Cookie, They do not look right without it IMO.

    It seems that Keto is working for You, Congratulations.

    I just do not understand the Anti Vaccine types. Polio is a serious disease that the vaccine can prevent. I suspect that many of the once gone illnesses are coming in from overseas.

    BTW, Hopefully not to political a question ? On the New York City Stations as well as the local Cable news channel most of the political advertisements are as much or more about running against trump, is that happening in Your area also.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Keto Fathead Pizza Pockets


    looks Interesting to me, I like Low carb
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I have been having trouble all day putting my food in. It keeps saying down for maintenance and other times it lets me in...weird!!

    My daughter has had the fathead pizza and loves it. The above looks like a great recipe!

    I don't have cable and so escape the politics...and I do not miss it in the least!! The whole country seems a little crazy!! :#

    I did make the criss crosses on my cookie! Would not be the same without it!! :)

    Messed up on my carbs today with a few new ingredients. read it wrong and messed up my carbs, though it was very low still, just over my 20...oops!

    Everyone and their uncle called me today..so got nothing done. I did deliver my daughters card, present and some flowers for my daughter's B-day. We are saving going out so she can just rest this weekend. Still having pinched nerve problems (daughter..), though it is better...

    Interesting and strange stories!! Jenny and I are on the same diet...so I should be safe, lol...

    have a good rest of week end!! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Em had fun at Homecoming. Staying up until midnight really did a number on me so I slept through most of Saturday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and once again with No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 36 degrees. OTOH it was not too bad walking, Tomorrow where I walk depends on the weather, Rain is in the forecast for Monday and Tuesday.

    Private messages from 81,000 hacked Facebook accounts for sale

    New York City Joins The "Imminent Bankruptcy" Club

    One of our islands is missing: Japan 'loses' a bit of land

    One-quarter of renters couldn't cover a $400 emergency, survey finds

    NC man touched raw shrimp after Hurricane Florence. It left him fighting for his life

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2018
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I have been having trouble all day putting my food in. It keeps saying down for maintenance and other times it lets me in...weird!!

    My daughter has had the fathead pizza and loves it. The above looks like a great recipe!

    I don't have cable and so escape the politics...and I do not miss it in the least!! The whole country seems a little crazy!! :#

    I did make the criss crosses on my cookie! Would not be the same without it!! :)

    Messed up on my carbs today with a few new ingredients. read it wrong and messed up my carbs, though it was very low still, just over my 20...oops!

    Everyone and their uncle called me today..so got nothing done. I did deliver my daughters card, present and some flowers for my daughter's B-day. We are saving going out so she can just rest this weekend. Still having pinched nerve problems (daughter..), though it is better...

    Interesting and strange stories!! Jenny and I are on the same diet...so I should be safe, lol...

    have a good rest of week end!! ...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Funny You should say that, I just had the same thing happen when I went to put in my time walking, a couple of minutes later no problem.

    I wondered if You would find that recipe interesting, Thank You for the feedback.

    Lucky You missing all the Political finger pointing, Not to mention all the mailings cluttering my Mailbox :(

    Things happen, just over would not make me worry TBH.

    Pinched nerve, Ouch :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Em had fun at Homecoming. Staying up until midnight really did a number on me so I slept through most of Saturday.
    Hi Val
    One night staying up late for Em's Homecoming worth it I suspect.

    Sorry to hear You lost a day OTOH
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    I feel I should run up to Jersey and lose some change on the street for you, lol...Dry spell!!

    Val, you are a good mama staying up! You must have needed your sleep, so maybe it was a good thing getting some!! :)

    We had light rain this evening and are supposed to get strong storms Monday nite to Tuesday morning.A little warmer today and near 80, but the nites are cool. nice weather though.

    Long day for church, and I am so ready for bed. My whole week seems a little aggravating..schedule wise! And last week was so nice!Not sure what happened!!

    Take care all!!...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I shall be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 48. The rain in the forecast for today has not yet arrived, It is due sometime this morning.

    Here are the cities where the most people live alone

    What is happening to Maryland ?
    10-Year-Old, 14-Year-Olds Charged In Armed Robbery At Columbia Park


    U.S. top court rejects Trump administration bid to halt climate trial
    Francisco noted that the plaintiffs are seeking to hold the U.S. government liable for the cumulative effects of carbon dioxide emissions "from every source in the world over decades."

    Rise in melatonin use to help children sleep leads to safety warning

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    I feel I should run up to Jersey and lose some change on the street for you, lol...Dry spell!!

    Val, you are a good mama staying up! You must have needed your sleep, so maybe it was a good thing getting some!! :)

    We had light rain this evening and are supposed to get strong storms Monday nite to Tuesday morning. A little warmer today and near 80, but the nites are cool. nice weather though.

    Long day for church, and I am so ready for bed. My whole week seems a little aggravating..schedule wise! And last week was so nice!Not sure what happened!!

    Take care all!!...Jan
    Hi Jan
    Thanks for the offer, I suggest flying up and not running that far :wink:

    Strong storms does not sound good, I hope election day has better weather in Your area. The forecast for this area is rain moving in sometime this morning. Then More rain during the day Tuesday.

    I know what happened, Murphy's Law at work.

    Good Luck with this weeks doings.
    Buttons61 5 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 11/04/2018 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

    Hi Val
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Today I went to lunch with a friend for her investment dinner. It turned out to be a good thing as legally there are still some things I need to do I may not have thought about. So at least it was not a waste of time, especially as I could not eat the mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, fried chicken apple pie, ice cream and pecan pie. Dodged a bullet there. (unhappily!). I did have salad, pork roast and turnips. (nice buffet!) o:)

    We are expecting some storms during the nite. Hopefully not as bad as La., Miss., and Tenn are being hit. They look kind of wicked anyway on our new limited radar.

    I am supposed to meet a friend for lunch Tuesday if the weather has passed. That is about 20 miles away, so do not want to be driving in bad weather. Hopefully it will just be wet by then..

    I got phone calls from everyone I knew, so accomplished absolutely nothing at the house. It is kind of piling up a little. Just can not win. I am sure I would be missing these people and their various stories, but also love some peace and quiet! :#

    Interesting articles once again. You sure do find them!!

    Still trying to catch up on the humor!! Some real gems in there and got some good chuckles!!

    Have a great day!! ...Jan