100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Well, ####!

    I just lost my post by trying to look up spelling on a word.. :/

    let me try this again...
    Hi Jan
    If I need to look something up I open a new tab in the browser. Plus I use Firefox which has built in spell checking that put a red underline for misspelled words, I then right click on that word and usually the correct spelling is there to select.
    Good morning!

    We are having nice weather now. It is supposed to storm the weekend. That is when we are going to the beach, lol... :D

    Leptins ring a bell, (sterols collect them?), but I think I am confusing it with ghrelin which can affect appetite. That was the word I was looking up and lost the post. I get suspicious when you wade thru 25 minutes of testimony and they never tell you anything...then It is a sell only they have. Was that the case Val? I will have to look up leptins again!

    It is really funny how regions and cities change over the decades. Things are just so different than when I was young. Of course maybe I am just getting old, lol... :#

    Too many carbs today. I did not plan well at all. I am going to pull a Scarlet O'Hare....and think about it tomorrow.

    Sprayed some poison ivy today that is still coming up from when it was removed. Going to take several tries and maybe seasons at eradicating it. Bummer!

    Hope you both get some rest!! And hear some results soon!! Take care!!!! Jan
    Today Stormy weather later into the overnight hours and then a forecast of 0% chance of rain for Wednesday and Thursday :smile:

    Agreed things are changing to quickly for me in the world. At least I am not in New York City with the way the mayor and governor are working to destroy it. No new Gas Pipelines are approved or are likley to be approved. Already in some areas there is a moratorium on new connections to the gas supply. The Mayor wants to close a power generating station and says we can just buy power from elsewhere. What a idiot.

    Too many carbs, as long as they do not trigger days of eating to many. FWIW My weight has been dropping from what I put on with the Two Thai Entrees eaten over two days and is now back where it was, Not where I really want it of course :(

    Poison Ivy is tough to eradicate an the one plant killer that really works is banned in most states.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. I chose to not do my 2-mile walk because I didn’t feel right and my heart was racing. Took electrolytes and am much better now. I was drinking so much water, but need to add electrolytes...quick depletion.
    Low 70s and pleasant right now. Thunderstorms daily for the next week.
    Roger - Good luck with your call to the doctor! Yes i agree...i hate long videos that end with buy this pill.
    Jan - good luck with the poison ivy. Years ago i got it on my foot while wearing sandels looking at a house for sale. I was living in Las Vegas and looking in Indiana. Realtor didn’t say a thing. Very grateful that my 3-year old (Em) didn’t wander into it. No fun.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    good morning,

    I did better today. I was a little over my calories but not by much. Better than I have been doing. I really did little today. Caught up on some business and some wash. I was just too wiped out to do what I wanted. If i get too tired, I will not be able to get ready for the weekend, so I did not want to push it. I hate leaving May, so I get somewhat depressed as the day comes near. She will get good care, but I still hate to board her.

    I think my washing machine may be leaking. I am not seeing any water on the hoses, so not sure what is going on. I am sure it will cost money.... :D

    Mynursing friend had her car hit by an uninsured driver. She actually was in a gas station paying and some idiot pulled his car out too sharply from the place next to hers and dented 2 panels. She is not a happy camper. Luckily some customers saw it from the window in time for her to catch the guy before leaving. Always something...

    I had baked a chicken breast in some green salsa for dinner. It was really good. Tomatillo sauce though canned. (it was Paces). Much easier than making from scratch. It was a lazy day!

    Hope your Weds. is a good one! :) ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More is posted, enjoy

    It is 51 degrees outside. It looks like I may finally get results this afternoon, Hopefully.

    The Pollen Count is high here, Today's forecast high is around 70 degrees. There are still a few small puddles from last nights Thunderstorm that rolled through around 9PM.

    Universal basic income doesn’t work. Let’s boost the public realm instead
    A study of UBI trials concludes that making cash payments to all is no solution to poverty and inequality

    Who didn;t know this ?
    Alexa has been eavesdropping on you this whole time

    Heart failure deaths on the rise in younger US adults, researchers say

    Man, the humans in this AI-created video look jaw-droppingly real

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning. I chose to not do my 2-mile walk because I didn’t feel right and my heart was racing. Took electrolytes and am much better now. I was drinking so much water, but need to add electrolytes...quick depletion.
    Low 70s and pleasant right now. Thunderstorms daily for the next week.
    Roger - Good luck with your call to the doctor! Yes i agree...i hate long videos that end with buy this pill.
    Jan - good luck with the poison ivy. Years ago i got it on my foot while wearing sandels looking at a house for sale. I was living in Las Vegas and looking in Indiana. Realtor didn’t say a thing. Very grateful that my 3-year old (Em) didn’t wander into it. No fun.
    Hello Val
    That sounds like the right choice not to walk under those conditions. I am curious what Yoy take for electrolytes, Something like Gatorade or a powdered source You add to water ?

    I called and was told maybe this afternoon for the results :(

    Sellers Realator ? Or was it one that only points out positives ? It was my impression that disclosure is required by the seller of known defects ?

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    good morning,

    I did better today. I was a little over my calories but not by much. Better than I have been doing. I really did little today. Caught up on some business and some wash. I was just too wiped out to do what I wanted. If i get too tired, I will not be able to get ready for the weekend, so I did not want to push it. I hate leaving May, so I get somewhat depressed as the day comes near. She will get good care, but I still hate to board her.

    I think my washing machine may be leaking. I am not seeing any water on the hoses, so not sure what is going on. I am sure it will cost money.... :D

    My nursing friend had her car hit by an uninsured driver. She actually was in a gas station paying and some idiot pulled his car out too sharply from the place next to hers and dented 2 panels. She is not a happy camper. Luckily some customers saw it from the window in time for her to catch the guy before leaving. Always something...

    I had baked a chicken breast in some green salsa for dinner. It was really good. Tomatillo sauce though canned. (it was Paces). Much easier than making from scratch. It was a lazy day!

    Hope your Weds. is a good one! :) ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    I was way over on my calories Yesterday. Usually once a month my brother brings home food from the meeting he goes to. Yesterday Food from there was not expected. I ended up with two Grilled Chicken Sandwiches from Wendy's with the buns discarded and one of their small Chili cups. Then to make matters worse I had two slices of Pizza. Then a Coup De Grace my brother brought home Lemon Chicken and a big container of Ziti and two Spare Ribs and Buns. Tasty but way over. I suspect that with any luck when I scale myself tomorrow I'll be back where I was before all that food Tuesday.

    I know that You hate boarding May, However at least You have a good place to do it.

    Is the water only when it is running or all the time around the washing Machine ? Look for a free estimate and then decide repair or replace. FWIW You can buy new one at a scratch and Dent store here with warranty at a decent savings.

    Uninsured drivers :( In NJ part of the insurance package is uninsured motorist coverage. They exist and that is despite a state requirement that You need insurance before You can even register the car. Some low lifes Get insurance, register the car then drop the insurance.

    Baked Chicken Breast Yes, Green Salsa Pass as that is not to my taste.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Nice day again. It was like pulling teeth but I did get out into the yard. It is looking better but a slow go, and I have a big yard, lol.. I am enjoying being more on the mark than I usually am. Just need to get out there a little every day. Rain for the forecast will be good for the weekend as I can not water. Hate to lose what I have done. The beach is not supposed to rain as much, but you need a vacation when you do not care. If I can watch storms from the balcony and eat seafood, I am good. Walking just to the beach is hard, and I am packing about 10 extra lbs since messing up the keto. Church eating is my worst offense, lol...

    My washer is leaking when running. I need to do a small load today so intend to see when exactly the leak occurs. I can then put some cardboard under and see where it is leaking from the water deposit wetting it. I am a little suspicious it is the spindle or rust or both. Worst washer I ever had...a whirlpool..they used to be good. Will not buy another..and no more Sears. My last kenmore lasted over 30 years and almost worked better than that whirlpool which replaced it. The whirlpool tears up clothes and roughs them up something terrible! What do you all have? Happy?

    Every now and then you surprise me not liking something, Roger!! :#

    No surprise that just giving people money does not work, like in Finland.... :D

    Do people not realize automation replaces people who need money?? Not to mention it gives them plenty of time for mischief. If we had to grow our own food, bet crime might be down as people were tired...easier to sort the bad apples then...

    Lemon chicken sounds really good! So do ribs...waiting to buy the ribs till I go to the Food Outlet. Cheaper!!

    Val, hope you are getting a little rest. Afraid you are having marathon days!! <3

    Take care all!!! ...Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Just a quick hello. Wirking 4am to 10pm, except to take em to/from school. Diet and fasting going well. Felt great and took time for my 2 miles today.
    I didn’t buy that poison ivy house nor did i use that realtor again.
    Electrolytes used to be gatorade zero but I cut down on sweeteners. Now use Nuun. During fasting I’m going to add salt, potassium, and magnesium to plain water and use nuum during feeding period.
    Kid and dogs are well.
    My wonderful renter neighbors are moving (Army transfer). Ill miss them. Best rental neighbors ever.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor will be posted shortly

    It is 55 degrees outside. The Promised results for Wednesday afternoon never materialized so back on the phone later this morning.

    Family Dog Credited For Thwarting Baby Abduction

    Norwegian Health Minister: Let People Smoke, Drink, and Eat Red Meat

    Detroit’s LED streetlights going dark after a few years

    Warwick schools to serve cold sandwiches to students whose families owe lunch money

    New Jersey Politician Wants To Ban All Bags—Paper or Plastic
    The Garden State's plan to ban all grocery store bags could have negative consequences for consumer convenience and the environment.

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    Nice day again. It was like pulling teeth but I did get out into the yard. It is looking better but a slow go, and I have a big yard, lol.. I am enjoying being more on the mark than I usually am. Just need to get out there a little every day. Rain for the forecast will be good for the weekend as I can not water. Hate to lose what I have done. The beach is not supposed to rain as much, but you need a vacation when you do not care. If I can watch storms from the balcony and eat seafood, I am good. Walking just to the beach is hard, and I am packing about 10 extra lbs since messing up the keto. Church eating is my worst offense, lol...
    Hello Jan
    Church Eating, Is it possible to just leave when the food comes out ? Or do they continue the services after ? I know You do not want to skip church so what to do ?
    My washer is leaking when running. I need to do a small load today so intend to see when exactly the leak occurs. I can then put some cardboard under and see where it is leaking from the water deposit wetting it. I am a little suspicious it is the spindle or rust or both. Worst washer I ever had...a whirlpool..they used to be good. Will not buy another..and no more Sears. My last kenmore lasted over 30 years and almost worked better than that whirlpool which replaced it. The whirlpool tears up clothes and roughs them up something terrible! What do you all have? Happy?
    That should work to ID where the leak is. The Kenmore Washer and Dryer we had lasted what seemed like forever :smiley:

    We have a Large Capacity and cheap GE washer. So far so good, Knock Wood :wink: I hope it lasts the GE dryer did not last like We hoped it would so who knows. I think the best method these days is research to see who likes what. Sadly I doubt that anything lasts like they used to these days since most of the stuff comes from China or other foreign countries.
    Every now and then you surprise me not liking something, Roger!! :#

    No surprise that just giving people money does not work, like in Finland.... :D

    Do people not realize automation replaces people who need money?? Not to mention it gives them plenty of time for mischief. If we had to grow our own food, bet crime might be down as people were tired...easier to sort the bad apples then...

    Lemon chicken sounds really good! So do ribs...waiting to buy the ribs till I go to the Food Outlet. Cheaper!!

    Val, hope you are getting a little rest. Afraid you are having marathon days!! <3

    Take care all!!! ...Jan B)
    Most of the foods I do not like are hot and spicy :smiley: The scale was OK this morning, up a half pound which considering is not too bad.

    People with to much time on their hands from not working have to much time to get into mischief :(

    The Lemon Chicken was good as were the Ribs. Those were the first time I had Ziti in a tomato sauce that tasted sweet, A little weird.

    Nothing wrong with buying where things are lower in cost, that sounds like a smart shopper to me.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Just a quick hello. Working 4am to 10pm, except to take em to/from school. Diet and fasting going well. Felt great and took time for my 2 miles today.
    I didn’t buy that poison ivy house nor did i use that realtor again.
    Electrolytes used to be gatorade zero but I cut down on sweeteners. Now use Nuun. During fasting I’m going to add salt, potassium, and magnesium to plain water and use nuum during feeding period.
    Kid and dogs are well.
    My wonderful renter neighbors are moving (Army transfer). Ill miss them. Best rental neighbors ever.
    Hello Val
    When do You get to sleep, That sort of schedule would leave me run down. Losing weight does feel good and I will admit that earning the bears was a help sticking to it too.

    I think what I have in the Refrigerator is either Gatorade Zero or a different brand of zero calories.

    I'm glad to hear that Your Daughter and dogs are well, that must be a relief.

    People move in and out, especially renters, Nothing You can control, all You can do is hope that the next renters are good too.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Roger-sorry for the delay in the results. Hoping for the best.
    Jan- I know you know that the best socializing time at church is when you’re sharing food. That would be hard to do. Keep on doing your best.

    Well, yesterday was one of my worst days at work! I’m hoping it is just that others are stressed snd overworked. The other explanation is people are stupid, lazy, jerks!
    Four people had promised me stuff yesterday...none came through. One even skyped me saying she was working on it, and just waiting on a return call for a few questions. That same person at 8:40 pm emails me 40MB of documents and says “I can’t...you find the information.” I went off! I should go see what I wrote for damage control but youve hot to be kidding. The other three never said s thing...and never responded to my 11am...how are things going? Reminder. They just ditched me.
    Then at midnight one guy was online so i asked and he again promised everything by morning.

    I worked until 1am and started again at 4 am today. I met my requirement to provide 2 of 5 complete documents. I’m so tired. I am calling it a day, going to eat and go to bed.

    I chewed out every one that didn’t meet their commitment.

    The emotional pain from last night was awful. I was crying angry. Today I received a couple apologies. And i was gracious. Ugh.

    And in my spare time, met with the principal and dean about that incident last year where the teacher mocked em for not being able to hear in retaliation for other students teasing the teacher about her finger amputation. Meeting went well.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Val, sorry to hear of your work troubles. That is terrible for you. Sadly, that is today's work effort by many. Wish you were having more positive experiences!! At least( Em's) meeting you had went well!! <3

    Thanks for the input on the washer,Roger. It did not leak this time... :D Sure it will again.

    Not at all ready for Friday. Have not packed...and a few 100 other things! :# good grief!!

    Hope everyone gets a break and some rest! Hang in there!! :) Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I’m up 4 pounds and honestly clueless why...except if body is scared that intermittent fasting means I’m in distress with no access to food. Ugh.
    Woke to a miserable bloody nose. Not bad like before my cauterization series began but much more than last time. I see the ENT Tuesday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor was posted early today

    It is 57 degrees outside. There appears to be a light drizzle outside and the day is gloomy looking. However the forecast is for the highs to be around 79 degrees.

    I had a call from the nice Young lady at the doctors office I spoke to the other day and she said that the hospital had not yet released the results to them and that she would keep an eye out for the results and let me know. She sounds young anyway :smiley:

    Pennsylvania school drops 'God Bless America' after complaint, district says

    No Fun: Americans Mired In Boredom 131 Days A Year, Survey Finds

    How genetically engineered viruses — and a rotten eggplant — prolonged a teenager’s life

    Nearly One in Two Americans Takes Prescription Drugs: Survey

    Florida Man’s Throat Sliced By Fishing Line Tied Across Bike Path; “He Literally Could Have Been Decapitated”

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Roger-sorry for the delay in the results. Hoping for the best.
    Jan- I know you know that the best socializing time at church is when you’re sharing food. That would be hard to do. Keep on doing your best.
    Hello Val
    I can only hope it is good news, I am getting conflicting reports when I call the doctors office, To the effect that they have not yet received the test results or that they have them and the doctor has not looked at them yet, What the heck :(
    Well, yesterday was one of my worst days at work! I’m hoping it is just that others are stressed snd overworked. The other explanation is people are stupid, lazy, jerks!
    Four people had promised me stuff yesterday...none came through. One even skyped me saying she was working on it, and just waiting on a return call for a few questions. That same person at 8:40 pm emails me 40MB of documents and says “I can’t...you find the information.” I went off! I should go see what I wrote for damage control but you've hot to be kidding. The other three never said s thing...and never responded to my 11am...how are things going? Reminder. They just ditched me.
    Then at midnight one guy was online so i asked and he again promised everything by morning.

    I worked until 1am and started again at 4 am today. I met my requirement to provide 2 of 5 complete documents. I’m so tired. I am calling it a day, going to eat and go to bed.

    I chewed out every one that didn’t meet their commitment.
    It sounds as if You are getting less than zero support from co workers.

    40 Mb of documents sounds as if they have no clue what they are doing and just grabbed anything that might be relevant and shipped it off to You to go through.
    The emotional pain from last night was awful. I was crying angry. Today I received a couple apologies. And i was gracious. Ugh.

    And in my spare time, met with the principal and dean about that incident last year where the teacher mocked em for not being able to hear in retaliation for other students teasing the teacher about her finger amputation. Meeting went well.
    I bet it was hard being gracious too. I wish You could get away from that job, it has to be taking a toll on Your health :(

    I do not recall a finger amputation teacher thing. Those do not sound like smart students to be teasing a teacher that controls their grades. I remember the teacher that was hard to understand.

    At least the meeting went well.
    I’m up 4 pounds and honestly clueless why...except if body is scared that intermittent fasting means I’m in distress with no access to food. Ugh.
    Woke to a miserable bloody nose. Not bad like before my cauterization series began but much more than last time. I see the ENT Tuesday.
    Sometimes there is no discernible reason for what happens with weight. You can try changing Your eating habits. It is possible that Your body has decided there is a famine and is holding onto what it can until the famine ends.
    I was up 1/4 pound today, I suspect that if I had not eaten the large Grocery Store Chef's Salad in addition to everything else that my weight might have been unchanged or down. Oh well.

    Good Luck with the ENT, This is a issue that they should be able to fix IMO.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Val, sorry to hear of your work troubles. That is terrible for you. Sadly, that is today's work effort by many. Wish you were having more positive experiences!! At least( Em's) meeting you had went well!! <3

    Thanks for the input on the washer,Roger. It did not leak this time... :D Sure it will again.

    Not at all ready for Friday. Have not packed...and a few 100 other things! :# good grief!!

    Hope everyone gets a break and some rest! Hang in there!! :) Jan
    One of the things we did a while back was buy hoses to go from the wall to the washer. They are supposed to shut down the flow of water if they burst to prevent flood damage. How they work I do not know, I saw them on the "This Old House" TV show. I got ours at Home Depot.

    Do not forget to shut off the valves for the hoses that run to the washer just in case one does burst. If that happened here The water would likely flood the basement ruining the Water heater and furnace if not worse.

    Good Luck getting everything ready to go.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    At the beach! We are really tired just getting here! We checked in and sat on the balcony and talked. We went for supper and got into our pj's and just stretched on the bed and talked more and read minion jokes and read our books. We were tuckered out. We are beach side so we can see the gulf and waves from our room. Tomorrow the beach! We are not at our usual place but everything was booked very early. We made plans in Jan. and our favorite place was already gone. Hurricane damage made rooms more scarce and at a premium.We are in an older place. Not bad, but the pools and all are spread out. Unfortunately the bar is in front of us and between our balcony and the beach. Usually the things like that are on the side of the building. Pretty with tiki torches, (and music, so not my thing... at a beach.) there is a place for families to play horseshoes and a few putting greens. everyone is quiet and well behaved...but I am a purist, lol...just want my beach. I am thankful we found somethin beach side and we are only down 2 properties from where we usually stay. Closer to the boardwalk which has great restaurants.

    I am tired of people challenging stuff like God Bless America. The Foundling Fathers would be rolling in their graves...You can bet I would encourage my children to be adding it as "so desired!" themselves on principle alone. Al. might be backward, but I am glad they are still proud to pray and be banning abortion with exceptions of rape and incest, unless we go the votes do not count because we have like offended the one liberal in Al. (sorry about the rant!)

    Hope your nosebleed stops, Val. That is getting old for you and I am sure you are tired of the pain. A real bummer. You have worse hours than most interns...It should be illegal. :s

    Roger by now I would settle to just have your tests read correctly some time in May!! What a backlog!! They are really behind. I don't think the results have anything to do with the timing... :o

    Take care!! ...Jan :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted more humor a short while ago

    It is 59 degrees outside. There appears to have been a light drizzle overnight based on the street being wet except under trees where is dry and the day is gloomy looking. However the forecast is for today to be dry.

    Update: I had a call Yesterday afternoon from the Patient records section at the hospital and if I go in person with photo ID I can get a copy of the test results. The call came to late to go Friday and the next day they are open is Monday. Progress of a sort.

    Mystery of the Spanish coins that predate Christopher Columbus by 200 years and have been found deep in the Utah desert

    Couple must pay nearly $600G for removing oak tree from their property, judge rules

    Have a Good Weekend