100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Keto Lemon Chicken With Asparagus - Easy 6 Ingredient Low Carb Recipe

    The Best Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe | Easy Keto Ice Cream

    Starbucks Sous Vide Egg Bites Made Keto Friendly
    Now those look really tasty and I suspect that they could be made ahead for the week and stored in the refrigerator. That is mentioned towards the end of the video too.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor is going to be posted shortly

    Some chances of rain throughout the weekend with the heavier rain Tomorrow. It is 52degrees outside and I turned the heat on to take the chill off of the rooms. I still do not have the results. Is that good or bad, I do not know. I called the doctors office again, Thursday, I was told I should get a phone call Tuesday and that the results have not been read. :(:(

    I could hear some big raindrops hitting the window AC overnight as I was trying to sleep.

    For its health and yours, keep the cat indoors

    What Amazon knows about you

    When you die ‘you know you’re dead because your brain keeps working’, scientist claims

    Diet Rich in Red Meat Linked to Earlier Death

    Diabetic Amputations A ‘Shameful Metric’ Of Inadequate Care

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2019
    My 30-pound bear is out of storage! Monday was Em dentist; Tuesday was ENT to cauterize sinus; Friday (today) is GI specialist.
    Work is going to be bad for a few more weeks. ☹️
    Treadmill time feels so good. I can physically go much farther but time is the constraint.

    Roger- Hoping you get good doctor results.
    Jan - congratulations on meeting your intake goals.
    Hello Val
    You have had a busy enough week without the work hours too. I hope work eases up soon, You deserve a break.

    I'm impressed that limitation on Your tread-milling is time and not energy.

    No results until at least Tuesday, which means even if I get them Tuesday You won' hear about them before Wednesday.

    Wow did I feel stupid when I realized what You meant by the 30 pound bear :(

    Have a Good Day

    hope4change_val 21 hours ago
    lost 2.2 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 31.8 lbs so far.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    So awesome about the bear Val!! I love you love your treadmill!! Hope all your results are good news or at least helpful!! keep going!!! <3

    Roger, that was some surgery! It will take a little bit to bounce back. The more care and time you take to heal, the better things will be in the long run!! Just rest, and eat healthy to promote healing!! :)

    Did a lot of work again outside, and am sore to prove it! And dummy me cut some poison sumac without gloves. Dumb me. Just a small but itchy rash at the moment...could be worse!!

    Shopping to cook for church Sunday, and my A?C guy comes Monday just for a check-up. So I guess I am at a slight standstill for my yard chores...Bummer. I did get some of the house cleaned. Lots of expended energy..Hope I lose something, lol...

    Glad someone else is not paying those cable prices. Don't miss it!! :#

    Have a good week end. ...Jan Both of you try and get some rest!!
    Hello Jan
    I will admit that it must have been some hernia since I have a healed/healing incision 4+ inches long. I admit that I wish I knew what Tueday's test showed, a week to get results seems very long. It makes me wonder if a prelim look showed no problem and hence no rush ?

    Eat Healthy, Got it, That Would Be BK, Wendy's, McD's and Italian and Chinese takeout ? :wink:
    Actually I just had my Wheaties with 2% Milk and Truvia Sweetener and earlier a really tasty NS Cinnamon Roll. Later a BBQ Chicken Melt for lunch along with the usual Vegetables and a Protein and for Dinner either the NS Creamy Chicken Broccoli Pasta, Chicken Marsala, Homestyle Beef and Vegetables or maybe one of the NS Pizzas, Decisions, Decisions :smiley:
    I hope the Poison Sumac doesn't get worse, I would not even know what is was by looking at it.

    I'm guessing that the Checkup is just precautionary and that You have used the AC and it worked ?

    I keep forgetting to call the cable company and push for a lower price :(

    I want to keep them since they are my email provider but the prices keep rising.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi all.
    Roger your #1 priority is healing. Do whatever the doctor said and be gentle with yourself. That is a long time for results but it is more likely that it’s just an administrative thing where people wee busy. Assuming the best will make the waiting easier.
    Jan hope that poison sumac heals quickly. My friend has poison ivy in her yard..doesn’t effect the dogs, but they rub on it and then she pets them.
    Work is nuts. But I bet that doesn’t surprise you. 🤣
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Good to hear from everyone!! Good advice for Roger. I second that Val!! You should get some extra credit in the universe for that job Val!!

    Lots of poison ivy in the yard. Weird because I have been here like 20 years and it is the first it seems growing in perfusion....

    Those keto recipes look good Roger!! I am cooking for church for guest lunch, just not small group. Sunday is always such a long day.

    The bottom dropped a couple of times with rain today. But we needed it. Texas has really been stormy the last week!

    Hope your bear is smiling Val!! Rest Roger.. Sounds more like everyone is backed up. My last thing I had read took longer than they said too!! :) ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    With intermittent fasting, I went from Sat breakfast to Sunday breakfast. I was concerned that hunger would keep me up at night, but i had the deepest sleep I’ve had in a long time. I feel great!
    Did my treadmill, had a light breakfast, and going to work.
    Happy Sunday to you! 💜💜💜
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    KETO Pizza in 10 MINUTES | The BEST KETO Pizza Recipe | BETTER Than Fat Head Pizza Crust!
    According to the Video This is honestly the BEST keto pizza recipe. It's better than fat head pizza, and quicker too. The crust is a combination of almond flour & coconut flour, and it's so easy to make too!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor has been posted

    It is 58 degrees outside and raining. We had rain showers until Saturday afternoon followed by overnight rain which is still falling. I did not bother looking out during the overnight hours as I could hear the rain hitting the window AC unit. Once again I turned the heat on to take the chill off of the rooms. I was told I should get a phone call Tuesday and that the results have not been read. :(:(

    I filled the car this month, between the Lawn mower gas can and the tank I spent $30, The last fuel I logged was in December 2018. What a wastrel I am and a huge contributor to Global Climate Change :)

    Black Death pandemic fears after ‘disease found on PLANE’ – two dead
    FEARS of a Black Death pandemic are spreading after two people died from eating contaminated meat, potentially transmitting the disease onto a plane.

    Lowest unemployment in 19 years for workers without bachelor's degrees in April
    Unemployment Rate for Women Falls to Lowest Since 1953
    Hispanic Unemployment Rate Sets New Record Low in April

    Pig ‘Ebola’ Virus Sends Shock Waves Through Global Food Chain

    America's Worst States for Your Retirement
    Hmm... Texas, Georgia, Alalnama and at Number 2 NJ where I live :(

    Followed by the 29 Best states to retire in here
    Mass. #17

    Unloading / Loading is hot miserable work IME.
    Robots Edge Closer to Unloading Trucks in Amazon-Era Milestone
    New Siemens, Honeywell devices work at least as fast as people. ‘The job is miserable inside that trailer.’

    Diet sodas wrecking the diet? Study finds low-calorie drinks don’t translate to low-calorie lifestyle in kids

    Families defrauded by unregulated service dog trainers

    Christian persecution 'at near genocide levels'

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all.
    Roger your #1 priority is healing. Do whatever the doctor said and be gentle with yourself. That is a long time for results but it is more likely that it’s just an administrative thing where people wee busy. Assuming the best will make the waiting easier.
    Jan hope that poison sumac heals quickly. My friend has poison ivy in her yard..doesn’t effect the dogs, but they rub on it and then she pets them.
    Work is nuts. But I bet that doesn’t surprise you. 🤣
    Hello Val
    I think You were slightly wrong when You said Your # 1 priority, IMO that is Our #1 priority :wink:

    I was talking to a family friend and what he said is that the results have been read at the hospital, and he thought that was a long time for the GI doctor to look at them and get back to me too.

    My brother plans to go to the Grocery Store later today. So far there is one item for him and two for me on the list. I expect that after he finishes wandering all over the store he'll have more than three items in the grocery bags.

    I will admit that work being nuts is no surprise. A interesting read in one of the links as to why Texas and Alabama are in the top 25 worst places to retire. Lucky me to be in Number 2 :(

    With intermittent fasting, I went from Sat breakfast to Sunday breakfast. I was concerned that hunger would keep me up at night, but i had the deepest sleep I’ve had in a long time. I feel great!
    Did my treadmill, had a light breakfast, and going to work.
    Happy Sunday to you! 💜💜💜
    I found that fasting did make me hungry for a short time and then that passed.

    Keep Up the Good Work

    The 115 days logging in has to help and then this
    hope4change_val 2 hours ago
    lost 1.8 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 33.6 lbs so far.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2019
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Good to hear from everyone!! Good advice for Roger. I second that Val!! You should get some extra credit in the universe for that job Val!!

    Lots of poison ivy in the yard. Weird because I have been here like 20 years and it is the first it seems growing in perfusion....

    Those keto recipes look good Roger!! I am cooking for church for guest lunch, just not small group. Sunday is always such a long day.

    The bottom dropped a couple of times with rain today. But we needed it. Texas has really been stormy the last week!

    Hope your bear is smiling Val!! Rest Roger.. Sounds more like everyone is backed up. My last thing I had read took longer than they said too!! :) ...Jan
    Hello Jan
    As I impatiently await the results so I can make plans / decisions etc.

    You must have either not noticed the Poison Ivy before or it had great growing conditions recently.

    One new Pizza Keto recipe, I have a suspicion You might have some of the ingredients too.

    As long as You needed the rain, with the every 1.5 day or so rain fall the grass is getting out of hand quickly. We try and avoid mowing wet grass, it clumps underneath the mower and I believe that the mowing can cause some root damage too.

    As I remember the weather forecasts a lot of the south has been stormy.

    I wonder if the ACA is affecting the health care system with so many more having coverage ?

    Have a Nice Day

    I was a bad boy yesterday, I had my brother stop at the This food place and picked up two meals plus a Large Thai Salad. One meal for yesterday and one for today :(

    So tasty OTOH
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    That keto pizza looks fabulous! Some of the other news stories are scary! Pandemics and food-borne illnesses are distressing. I know texas isn’t ideal for retirement...property taxes are higher than i prefer!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Long Sunday. Took the afternoon and evening to just chill. That was nice. It is cool and in the 60, and so pleasant after the heat and humidity. Guess it may not last too long.Still reading some of the articles. Funny how we all are on the states of bad lists!! Hope everyone had a good week!! ...Jan :#
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted more humor, I'm running late today too

    It is 53 degrees outside and the rain has ended. The Lawn is looking very ragged, My brother plans to mow even though it is still wet from the rain.

    I believe the Sunday rain was over a inch, not heavy just steady.

    7 money mistakes millionaires like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates never, ever make—that average people do all the time

    5G signal could jam satellites that help with weather forecasting
    New mobile system to be launched this year ‘will put lives at risk’

    Have a Good Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    That keto pizza looks fabulous! Some of the other news stories are scary! Pandemics and food-borne illnesses are distressing. I know Texas isn’t ideal for retirement...property taxes are higher than i prefer!
    Hello Val
    As I see the world is in bad shape. Violence and diseases :(

    I thought it looked pretty good so I shared it here.

    Texas may not be the best but it still beats the heck out of NJ sadly.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Long Sunday. Took the afternoon and evening to just chill. That was nice. It is cool and in the 60, and so pleasant after the heat and humidity. Guess it may not last too long.Still reading some of the articles. Funny how we all are on the states of bad lists!! Hope everyone had a good week!! ...Jan :#
    Hello Jan
    I would have said so sad that we made the list of worst states to retire in.

    Enjoy the nice weather while You can, You know it will change. As we say in NJ, If You don't like the weather, hold on it'll change shortly.

    I always thought I would have more free time when I retired, Oh well. I seem to be busier than when I was working.

    Have a Nice Day
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. Raining here (intermittently) and 72/humid. I got a blister doing my treadmill this morning. Need to get vetter socks (these are at least a decade old🤣).
    Have you heard about leptins? There’s a Facebook doctor (Cardiologist) that says avoiding them is the the key to health. Then he tries to sell you pills that block them. Essentially no grains, sugars, beans, soy, dairy, eggplant, onion, tomato, peppers, and the list went on.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Well, ####!

    I just lost my post by trying to look up spelling on a word.. :/

    let me try this again...

    Good morning!

    We are having nice weather now. It is supposed to storm the weekend. That is when we are going to the beach, lol... :D

    Leptins ring a bell, (sterols collect them?), but I think I am confusing it with ghrelin which can affect appetite. That was the word I was looking up and lost the post. I get suspicious when you wade thru 25 minutes of testimony and they never tell you anything...then It is a sell only they have. Was that the case Val? I will have to look up leptins again!

    It is really funny how regions and cities change over the decades. Things are just so different than when I was young. Of course maybe I am just getting old, lol... :#

    Too many carbs today. I did not plan well at all. I am going to pull a Scarlet O'Hare....and think about it tomorrow.

    Sprayed some poison ivy today that is still coming up from when it was removed. Going to take several tries and maybe seasons at eradicating it. Bummer!

    Hope you both get some rest!! And hear some results soon!! Take care!!!! Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Humor was recently posted

    It is 58 degrees outside and 68 degrees in the living room, I blame that on the heat being off since Monday Morning.

    Thunderstorms or maybe just storms this later today into the overnight hours and this mornings forecast showed 0% chance of rain for Wednesday and Thursday. That is if the Local Cable News channel News12 is right. If anyone is interested here is a link to their site.

    Wish me Luck, I'll be calling to see if the test results are available today.

    CBS46 photog assaulted by three employees at a Lithonia Denny’s that had a failing restaurant score
    Reporter Adam Murphy said this was the most violent anyone has ever gotten

    The Hezbollah Sleeper Agent Busted for Black Ops in America
    Ali Kourani allegedly helped a global terrorist network plot revenge against the U.S. from a home in the Bronx. He was undone after running a stop sign with 190 pairs of Uggs.

    Nurse marathon runner denied world record for wearing scrubs

    The ridiculous reason New York faces a gas shortage

    Have a Good Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning. Raining here (intermittently) and 72/humid. I got a blister doing my treadmill this morning. Need to get vetter socks (these are at least a decade old🤣).
    Have you heard about leptins? There’s a Facebook doctor (Cardiologist) that says avoiding them is the the key to health. Then he tries to sell you pills that block them. Essentially no grains, sugars, beans, soy, dairy, eggplant, onion, tomato, peppers, and the list went on.
    Hi Val
    10 year old socks ? I am lucky to get 6 months before the heels wear through. I do buy cushion type socks. Maybe they are not as tough as other types ?

    I had not heard about Leptins so I Binged it, bing.com which is the Microsoft Search Engine.
    What I read on Wikipedia seemed to indicate that blocking them could be bad given their function in the body.

    I tend to apply a ton of scepticism to anything from someone that is selling things and that list would pretty much rule out most foods :(

    Have a Good Day