Any Shorties Out There?



  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, enjoy your birdhouse

    Nice this morning but stormy this afternoon. Waiting to see what new storm decides to do.

    Next week I get the nerve block.

    Have a good day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Hey Roger...hope you're feeling better.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hey Roger...hope you're feeling better.

    Hi Vix
    Thanks for the kind words. Me too, really soon I hope.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    How are you doing, Roger? Hope you're feeling better today.
    Lynmar....I see there are storms nearing FL.....good luck weathering those. What is the nerve block for? How are you doing, are you starting to walk around some?
    I'm ok. haha, usual complaints. I'm happy as long as I can still get around. :)
    Going to do my PT exercises and color my hair this morning. Going out with a couple of girl friends tonight. Life is good. :)
    Enjoy your day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    I am feeling somewhat better, I hope the short walk to the Produce store does not set me back :)

    Enjoy Your Outing
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Glad you're feeling a little better, Roger. I'm going to call the rheumatologist tomorrow. I'm really pretty achy, don't know if that's normal or not. Plus I got an EOB for an enormous amount of money that the insurance co is reviewing. Don't know what that's about. Yikes.
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, the nerve block is for my knees giving way. I've gone completely down on one knee several times. My spine is pretty messed up.
    I've been "walking around" ok for a while just can't walk except in stores because of the 100 degree weather. 110 yesterday.

    Roger, get well soon.

    Have a good day.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Lynmar, glad you're walking around. :) Good luck with the nerve block next week.
    Roger, hope you're doing better.
    Kel, hope you're ok too. Hope all your itchy spots are gone and that you can have a nice relaxing weekend.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Don't forget, Only two more days to buy the $59.99 NS Gift Cards Via Costco

    Have a Good Friday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Glad you're feeling a little better, Roger. I'm going to call the rheumatologist tomorrow. I'm really pretty achy, don't know if that's normal or not. Plus I got an EOB for an enormous amount of money that the insurance co is reviewing. Don't know what that's about. Yikes.

    Hi Vix
    If it is legitimate and not a scam email than I would be on the phone to find out what is up.
    Good Luck
    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Hi all

    E, the nerve block is for my knees giving way. I've gone completely down on one knee several times. My spine is pretty messed up.
    I've been "walking around" ok for a while just can't walk except in stores because of the 100 degree weather. 110 yesterday.

    Roger, get well soon.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I just must be stupid or something, I can not grasp how a nerve block can help :)

    I do not blame You for not wanting to walk in that kind of temperatures. I am so happy that our weather only hits 90+ now and then during the summer. I can not even think of how the electric bill be would run with those kinds of temperature. Around here the Malls let people in to walk before they open. If You search Google You can find a explanation and images. I do not know if that is a East Coast Thing or?

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Lynmar, glad you're walking around. :) Good luck with the nerve block next week.
    Roger, hope you're doing better.
    Kel, hope you're ok too. Hope all your itchy spots are gone and that you can have a nice relaxing weekend.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Somewhat better today, And on the good side I have found that as long as I avoid the back Yard in shorts, Long pants only, then no itchy legs :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Roger, I'm going to call the insurance co on Monday and find out what's up with that crazy bill. I had to go see the doc today because I was feeling pretty lousy, and wasn't sure what was up with that. He squeezed me in and I got a blood test and a new prescription that should help. I had to go to the office that's almost an hour away, so it took up the whole afternoon. But he was really nice, and I hope this helps.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, I'm going to call the insurance co on Monday and find out what's up with that crazy bill. I had to go see the doc today because I was feeling pretty lousy, and wasn't sure what was up with that. He squeezed me in and I got a blood test and a new prescription that should help. I had to go to the office that's almost an hour away, so it took up the whole afternoon. But he was really nice, and I hope this helps.

    HI Vix
    Good Luck with the Insurance company.

    I hope You feel better with the new Medicine!

    Good Luck

  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    TA DA!!!! i'm still alive LOL. geeze talk about getting out of routine.

    still alive, still working, neck is still having moments which is causing me not to really be at the pc very much currently. after 8 hours at work i'm done lol.

    ah well, orthopedic on tues to get a shot for my knee (normal once a yr "maintenance" lol) and i'll see if she has any thoughts for the pain i've been in since it has me trying to climb walls.

    on the plus side, traveling again next weekend but flying this time. mom's doing my step dad's memorial this weekend and isn't expecting me so i'm going to surprise her :)

    ummm weight's up and down. this week though i've pretty much been on plan all week so taking it one day at a time. pondering the frozen option as i'm getting bored trying to doctor the shelf stable least for dinner. i love the bars so lunch isn't a huge deal for me and the snacks are good :) just really bored with dinner lol. we'll see. just picked up a few more costco cards in case i decide to make the change since it will add about 50 bucks a month.

    other than that... crazy time of year and lots of mia kelly i think. i really really will try to do better. i need to set a reminder :smiley:

    hope everyone has an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend :) will try and check in Tuesday for sure :) (haircut/color Monday which will take three hours and be painful so probly crashing once i get home) lol

    lots of hugs for everyone :)

  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    oh... still spot free :smiley: guess i should say that quietly since i'm going back to "ground-zero" aka poison ivy farm that mom lives on next week ;)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    edited August 2015
    Kel.....stay out of the yard!!!!! Glad you're doing better. My weight is bouncing up and down too. Have been having a lot of cravings lately, not good. Ah well, just a little bump in the road.
    Roger, I'm going to try out the new medicine hour before bed. He said I should start sleeping better and feeling better in a few days. :) Nice. :smile:
    Have a god night everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Good morning.
    Well, that new med just knocked me out last night. Really slept well, but a little fuzzy this morning! It's ok, feeling a bit better.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    TA DA!!!! i'm still alive LOL. geeze talk about getting out of routine.

    still alive, still working, neck is still having moments which is causing me not to really be at the pc very much currently. after 8 hours at work i'm done lol.

    ah well, orthopedic on tues to get a shot for my knee (normal once a yr "maintenance" lol) and i'll see if she has any thoughts for the pain i've been in since it has me trying to climb walls.

    on the plus side, traveling again next weekend but flying this time. mom's doing my step dad's memorial this weekend and isn't expecting me so i'm going to surprise her :)

    ummm weight's up and down. this week though i've pretty much been on plan all week so taking it one day at a time. pondering the frozen option as i'm getting bored trying to doctor the shelf stable least for dinner. i love the bars so lunch isn't a huge deal for me and the snacks are good :) just really bored with dinner lol. we'll see. just picked up a few more costco cards in case i decide to make the change since it will add about 50 bucks a month.

    other than that... crazy time of year and lots of mia kelly i think. i really really will try to do better. i need to set a reminder :smiley:

    hope everyone has an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend :) will try and check in Tuesday for sure :) (haircut/color Monday which will take three hours and be painful so probly crashing once i get home) lol

    lots of hugs for everyone :)


    Hi Kel
    My Weight Fluctuates from day to day, Up or Down, as long as it trends downwards for the week I'm happy :)

    Talk to a Doctor or Maybe a Pharmacist and see if there is anything You can do to ward of evil (Poisson Ivy) before going there.

    Good Luck with the Pain
    oh... still spot free :smiley: guess i should say that quietly since i'm going back to "ground-zero" aka poison ivy farm that mom lives on next week ;)

    Be Careful
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Well, that new med just knocked me out last night. Really slept well, but a little fuzzy this morning! It's ok, feeling a bit better.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I get that way most mornings and that is with no medications :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    haha. I'm usually a morning person, but my balance/equilibrium was a bit off. Felt better after breakfast. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    E, take care with that medicine. Balance problems can be dangerous - as I well know.

    Roger, that link I sent explains it the best I've found.
    I hope you're feeling better.

    Kel, take care. Get well.

    Stormy afternoons. Looks like bigger storms coming. Upper right quadrant is the worst. Think we're getting it. :(

    Have a good day.
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all

    Hope everyone feels better!

    We're under flood warnings for the next few day. Gusts up to 50mph expected. Doing pretty good here. Just wish my one dog that won't step on wet ground would go outside. Thankfully she's one of the 60 pounders. :o

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,167 Member
    Hi all.
    Lynmar, hope you're ok through the storms. Hope you've got all the supplies you need for the next several days.
    Have a good night everyone. :)