Any Shorties Out There?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning! The sun is shining! Yay!
    Still cold as heck out there....16F. But so pretty. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2016
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hubs is out there with the snow blower. We're probably about halfway through the storm, but it's already about 20", and he thought it would be better to do it a bit at a time.
    This is the panda at the Nat'l zoo, enjoying the day:

    Hi Vix
    I have seen some of that clip on the news this morning, It sure did look like it was enjoying the snow, Thanks for the entire thing

    We did our shoveling in stages too.

    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Sorry you two are getting so much snow. Stay warm.

    Roger, OEM? What' that?

    Stayed home and rested again. I think I have a bladder infection.

    We're getting our coldest weather of the season tonight. 30's. Just to tell you how weird this weather is my dog's breed usually blows coat once a year when it goes from warm to cool. So far he is on his fourth blow. Back up to 80 later this week so ...who knows.

    Stay well. Take care.

    Hi Lynmar
    OEM used to mean Original Equipment Manufacturer :) In this context it means: from Google
    In the United States, an Office of Emergency Management (OEM), alternatively called an Emergency Management Office (EMO) in some areas, is an agency at the local, state or national level that holds responsibility of comprehensively planning for and responding to all manner of disasters, whether man-made or natural.

    Get Well Quickly

    Reposting this from another message :)
    I survived the Blizzard :) No walking of course, We shoveled snow three times yesterday and so far today once, at least one or two more times needed to clear my car. Currently my car looks like a glacier. Very tiring throwing the snow up and over the banks of snow too. 27+ inches of global warming in the next town to the north, that is around 1+ miles. No walking today of course maybe tomorrow. NYC .1 inches less than the record snowfall. In NJ the deepest snow was 33 inches in Morris Plains. A town to the west of me a 10 to 15 minute drive was over 29 inches. Somerville was at 27.4 inches :(

    The Toffee Crunch cookies were great *****
    The Smokey BBQ Snack-A-Rounds I am rating at ***. They would have rated higher except for the way the left my tongue burning. I do not eat hot and spicy foods. The Good for them was a nice quantity of them in the package.

    Can You spot my car in this picture? Also notice the Yardstick at the back of it.


    Have a Safe Sunday
    eku0 wrote: »
    We've got about 3 feet (some 5-6 foot drifts)....looks like it may have stopped....finally...Yay!
    I made some veggie soup.
    Hope you're feeling better, Lynmar.
    Hope you're doing ok, Roger.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    So far so good :)

    Too much snow in one big event :(

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Roger,
    great pic!
    We left some of the snow....I started shoveling out in front of my porch, but there's a drift that's up to my shoulders! I did a couple of feet then decided we will come in through the garage. I'm glad we fit both our cars in the garage. It's tight, but at least we don't have to dig them out.
    The sun was out, so the snow was heavier as the day wore on. I know all the schools and offices around here are closed tomorrow, so no need to rush with clean up. It's still very pretty. They've only plowed one lane in the looks peaceful and quiet. :)
    Lynmar, I guess you're happy about your warmer climate about now. :) As long as we don't lose power, I'm fine with the snow.
    Hope you're feeling better. Those infections can be annoying to say the least.
    Kel, hope you didn't get hit too hard by all this.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    E, enjoyed the cute video.

    Roger, I knew the other meaning of OEM but that didn't fit the context. Thanks for the explanation. Guess we only see those guys for hurricane so didn't think about that.
    I thought you did like spicy food?

    Wow! What a snow storm! I did my own little freezing thing this morning maybe thanks in part to my infection. House was down to 64 and didn't get above that until around noon. I was even thinking about getting my father's bomber jacket to wear I was so cold. I think I need a bigger heater but hate to spend much money for something used once or twice a year. It makes a big difference just sitting as opposed to when I could be active. Maybe I agree with you, Roger, just a nice constant 70 year round. :)

    Had an interesting but great soup today - pizza with sausage and pepperoni. Yum!

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    OK....where do we find this place that's 70 degrees all year long. :smiley:
    Lynmar, that soup does sound yummy.
    I made a veggie soup on Saturday...spinach, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, kidney beans, onions, garlic, oregano, in a beef stock. I put different veggies and spices in almost every time, so it's always a surprise. This one was pretty good. I liked the spinach in it. :)
    Took 2 Alleve this morning....sometimes things don't hurt while I'm doing them...but kind of sore this a.m., even from the little bit that I did. Will just stick with the PT exercises for the next couple of days.
    We have such pretty skies around and pink and blue this morning...looks great reflecting off the snow. :)
    Enjoy your day, stay safe and warm. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Roger,
    great pic!
    We left some of the snow....I started shoveling out in front of my porch, but there's a drift that's up to my shoulders! I did a couple of feet then decided we will come in through the garage. I'm glad we fit both our cars in the garage. It's tight, but at least we don't have to dig them out.
    The sun was out, so the snow was heavier as the day wore on. I know all the schools and offices around here are closed tomorrow, so no need to rush with clean up. It's still very pretty. They've only plowed one lane in the looks peaceful and quiet. :)
    Lynmar, I guess you're happy about your warmer climate about now. :) As long as we don't lose power, I'm fine with the snow.
    Hope you're feeling better. Those infections can be annoying to say the least.
    Kel, hope you didn't get hit too hard by all this.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Municipal offices are closed today, Tomorrow maybe. It is easier to be relaxed when You do not have to go to work isn't it :0

    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    E, enjoyed the cute video.

    Roger, I knew the other meaning of OEM but that didn't fit the context. Thanks for the explanation. Guess we only see those guys for hurricane so didn't think about that.
    I thought you did like spicy food?

    Wow! What a snow storm! I did my own little freezing thing this morning maybe thanks in part to my infection. House was down to 64 and didn't get above that until around noon. I was even thinking about getting my father's bomber jacket to wear I was so cold. I think I need a bigger heater but hate to spend much money for something used once or twice a year. It makes a big difference just sitting as opposed to when I could be active. Maybe I agree with you, Roger, just a nice constant 70 year round. :)

    Had an interesting but great soup today - pizza with sausage and pepperoni. Yum!

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    Nope You must have me confused with someone else. I like my food mild, not spicy, my brother OTOH Chilli Sauce on Chinese food, Hot sauce in stock in the kitchen.

    I have been known to put gloves on inside the house if my hand feel cold, It does happen too.

    Do you have no furnace?

    That actually sounds good, unusual flavor for a soup however.

    Stay Warm
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    OK....where do we find this place that's 70 degrees all year long. :smiley:
    Lynmar, that soup does sound yummy.
    I made a veggie soup on Saturday...spinach, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, kidney beans, onions, garlic, oregano, in a beef stock. I put different veggies and spices in almost every time, so it's always a surprise. This one was pretty good. I liked the spinach in it. :)
    Took 2 Alleve this morning....sometimes things don't hurt while I'm doing them...but kind of sore this a.m., even from the little bit that I did. Will just stick with the PT exercises for the next couple of days.
    We have such pretty skies around and pink and blue this morning...looks great reflecting off the snow. :)
    Enjoy your day, stay safe and warm. :)

    Hi Again
    No problem just go way north for the summer and south for the winter and inbetween for Spring and fall :)

    I hope the pain clears up for You.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Hi Roger, there's only one lane plowed through my development and some of that is pretty icy/snowy. No way school buses can get through that, so looks to me they'll be closed tomorrow too. The main road to Rt. 70 is cleared, but the side roads are only partially cleared, less than 2 full lanes...very close if there are cars going both directions! Pete had cabin fever, so we drove out (my Jeep can shift into 4 wheel drive when I need it, wouldn't go out today without that). The grocery store was open, but not well stocked....picked up some lettuce, some of the produce wasn't good (mushy avocados, no carrots, etc). It is much easier when we're retired and don't really have to worry about getting anywhere.
    Hope you enjoy today, and don't have to do much. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning....
    Another gray day, but it's supposed to rain later, not snow. Maybe that'll clear a little of the snow. It melted a little bit yesterday, but not enough to make a difference. Haven't been any plows around since the weekend.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Roger, there's only one lane plowed through my development and some of that is pretty icy/snowy. No way school buses can get through that, so looks to me they'll be closed tomorrow too. The main road to Rt. 70 is cleared, but the side roads are only partially cleared, less than 2 full lanes...very close if there are cars going both directions! Pete had cabin fever, so we drove out (my Jeep can shift into 4 wheel drive when I need it, wouldn't go out today without that). The grocery store was open, but not well stocked....picked up some lettuce, some of the produce wasn't good (mushy avocados, no carrots, etc). It is much easier when we're retired and don't really have to worry about getting anywhere.
    Hope you enjoy today, and don't have to do much. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning....
    Another gray day, but it's supposed to rain later, not snow. Maybe that'll clear a little of the snow. It melted a little bit yesterday, but not enough to make a difference. Haven't been any plows around since the weekend.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    That sounds like pretty much all of the side roads in this state.

    I am not surprised that the produce was poor quality, it has probably been there since the snow fell and is what is left after being picked over by shoppers. Lots of places will be having problems getting deliveries IMO. When I walked to the Dunkin Donuts yesterday for coffee, where I see the delivery truck parked is a high snow bank and no opening to the back of the stores in that strip mall for their deliveries.

    Watch out for flooded streets
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    Just a short note again today. My neighbor gave me two tables and a leather sofa that we arranged today. Then went to Dr. He gave me antibiotic for bladder infection. Every top of everything is piled high with stuff I have to sort thru for garbage or rearrange in new desk and tables.

    I'm exhausted usually need to rest half day and wasn't able to.

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Lynmar, I hope you start feeling better. I would recommend getting rid of as much clutter as you can...I've done that, and it really lifts the spirit. Every so often now, I just sort through papers and toss whatever I don't actually need. Put it in manageable piles and just go through a little bit at a time so it doesn't get overwhelming.
    Schools are still closed, but everything else seems to be getting back to normal this morning. They still haven't come back to our development with the plows, but maybe today. The gym has their regular schedule back, so we'll be heading up there in a little while.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    Just a short note again today. My neighbor gave me two tables and a leather sofa that we arranged today. Then went to Dr. He gave me antibiotic for bladder infection. Every top of everything is piled high with stuff I have to sort thru for garbage or rearrange in new desk and tables.

    I'm exhausted usually need to rest half day and wasn't able to.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    Sorry to hear about the bladder infection, they can be miserable, I never did figure out where I caught mine last year.

    Good Luck rearranging everything
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Lynmar, I hope you start feeling better. I would recommend getting rid of as much clutter as you can...I've done that, and it really lifts the spirit. Every so often now, I just sort through papers and toss whatever I don't actually need. Put it in manageable piles and just go through a little bit at a time so it doesn't get overwhelming.
    Schools are still closed, but everything else seems to be getting back to normal this morning. They still haven't come back to our development with the plows, but maybe today. The gym has their regular schedule back, so we'll be heading up there in a little while.
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I do that decluttering too, I need to get some get up and go and get things ready to go and then either drag them to the recycle center to the bulk waste dumpster for the non recycle items as the recycle stuff goes to the curb or get it all ready to go and call 1-800-junk and let them do the bring it out of the basement.

    Have fun at the Gym :)

    Good Luck getting plowed today, it seems like ti is past time for that.
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Thank you.

    Taking a down day today. Got really nauseated last night after the antibiotic. Today I'm nibbling all day not minding if I gain a little weight because that way my stomach feels better. I can always catch up later.

    We were under tornado watch or warning all morning and flood watch so far all day. Torrential rain every time I look outside. Good day to take it easy.

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Lynmar, awww....sure hope you start feeling better. It is good to take a down day every so often. Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves just a little.
    Stay dry!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Hi Thank you.

    Taking a down day today. Got really nauseated last night after the antibiotic. Today I'm nibbling all day not minding if I gain a little weight because that way my stomach feels better. I can always catch up later.

    We were under tornado watch or warning all morning and flood watch so far all day. Torrential rain every time I look outside. Good day to take it easy.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I am sorry to hear that the Antibiotic is doing that to You. Did You talk to the doctor about that?

    Good Luck with the weather
    eku0 wrote: »
    Lynmar, awww....sure hope you start feeling better. It is good to take a down day every so often. Sometimes we need to pamper ourselves just a little.
    Stay dry!

    Hi Vix
    I took two down days last week and I am approaching recovering back to my lowest weight.
    I suspect a lot of it was water weight from the Chinese Take Out :)

    I am trying to work a little flexing into things.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning. Schools are still closed here, but I called and the Sr. Center is open so I'll be off to paint in a few minutes.
    It's harder to stay on plan when it's cold and we're pretty much stuck at home!
    I'm within 1 pound of my it's ok. Need to watch the calories a little bit better. :)
    Have a great day.
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi. Thanks. :)

    Today's to be another day full of severe storms/flooding with lightning/tornadoes added to the mix. Almost 11 am and need a light for reading.

    Take care. Stay warm.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Stay safe, Lynmar!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Happy Friday!
    Hope you made it through the storm ok, Lynmar.
    Roger, I really can't eat Chinese food anymore....if I do, I ask for it steamed with the sauce on the side, no MSG, no rice. Most of the sauces are premade and loaded with MSG! Kind of takes the fun out of it!
    Had some grilled salmon last night...that was good. :)
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning. Schools are still closed here, but I called and the Sr. Center is open so I'll be off to paint in a few minutes.
    It's harder to stay on plan when it's cold and we're pretty much stuck at home!
    I'm within 1 pound of my it's ok. Need to watch the calories a little bit better. :)
    Have a great day.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Happy Friday!
    Hope you made it through the storm ok, Lynmar.
    Roger, I really can't eat Chinese food anymore....if I do, I ask for it steamed with the sauce on the side, no MSG, no rice. Most of the sauces are premade and loaded with MSG! Kind of takes the fun out of it!
    Had some grilled salmon last night...that was good. :)
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I finally broke through my lowest weight this morning, a lost week between the Chinese and the Chicken Parm with Ziti dinner last week.

    Congratulations on staying within a pound when confined.

    Around here the Chinese Take out places have usually have kitchens where You can see them cooking. They seem to make the sauces as they cook. So easy enough to ask for no MSG. When I ordered Lunch specials I always asked for white rice instead of the fried rice. They seem to use coloring on the fried rice.

    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Hi. Thanks. :)

    Today's to be another day full of severe storms/flooding with lightning/tornadoes added to the mix. Almost 11 am and need a light for reading.

    Take care. Stay warm.

    Hi Lynmar
    It sounds as if You are stuck in a bad weather cycle. 11Am and need a light does not sound good, Hopefully Your power will stay on, Knock Wood :)

    Good Luck with the storm