Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, congrats on the pound lost! Yay!
    Jo, apple muffins sound delicious. :) Lucky husband (and Vinny)!
    Looks like another beautiful sunny day today.
    Off to painting class in a little while.
    Enjoy your day. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good evening;
    Irene-congrats on losing a lb. :)
    The weather has been perfect the past 2 days.
    Vix-What are you painting? I just sent away for 2 adult coloring books. I guess they are the newest craze. It is supposed to be relaxing. :)
    Roger-Did you get your walk in today?
    Have a great evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all
    Jo, a coloring book does sound relaxing. I'm doing another autumn painting, but I have a pretty big canvas. I've been working smaller, so all that space is a little overwhelming. I think it's 16"X20". It's a stream in a park not too far from where we live. My husband took the photo and it's really pretty. Of course, my painting won't be exactly like the photo! It's an experiment and a challenge, but I do enjoy it. It'll be more fun, once the spaces start filling in. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi All
    I got out walking this morning around 6:30, Nice and cool, 67 degrees, Low Humidity too.
    I walked 2.79+ miles, I'm not sure how much more as I walked the route in reverse and did not notice I was heading down a dead end and had to backtrack. OK, I just checked in MapMyRun and it looks like I added 0.14 miles so that makes the walk so I guess I walked 2.93 miles :)

    They seem to have killed off the forums all the way :(, Sadly the Main website is organized worse IMO and still slow, slightly better but still somewhat slow.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger, funny how retirement has improved my driving, realizing the importance of safety first. No reason to speed, nowhere to rush to, no desire whatsoever to have any interaction with local law enforcement! :blush: was different, there were a lot of people lacking the work ethic.
    It's a beautiful sunny day today.
    Have a good one, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    I have slowed down since I retired too. Back in the 70s through the 90s when I drove for a living I was always in a hurry.

    You have to be careful in my area some of the roads the speeds drop from 40 to 25 once You cross a city boundary. And those towns set up radar regularly too, I guess they need the money :)

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Work this morning and then came home and baked some muffins for hubby. Last week when I made his muffins, I left them on the counter to cool. My husband came into the kitchen, looked at the muffins and said what happened.
    One of them had a bite taken out of it. I looked at Vinny and he was licking his chops. I guess he likes apple muffins too. :)
    Vix-I think the gym is just covering themselves from people who will take advantage.
    Roger-I have been stopped twice in my life for speeding, so now I always follow the speed limit signs. The first time I got a ticket for $100.00 and the second time just a warning. I have noticed a lot of people run red lights, turn right on red without even stopping and coast through stop signs. They seem to think it is only a suggestion and not something that has to be followed. :(

    Hi Joanne
    We get that too, Sometimes they do not slow down for the stop sign, why they do not get wrecked I do not know.

    It just isn't worth it to be speeding. I Just set the Cruise Control for any speed from 25MPH up and relax. I have learned by observation not to go when the light turns green without looking both ways first.

    Do I understand it correctly, You baked Dog Food? :)
    good morning, well I lost a pound yea jo thats funny have to go take care all

    Hi Irene

    How is the knee now?

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    One thing I have noticed is that when I go to new messages, If they are one two pages I need to answer the first page as the forum loses the quotes when I go to the second page.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger, there are noted speed traps here too, and various surprise ones. Some of them drop to 25 or 30 mph, some of them warn you that there are photo traps. Everyone drives really slowly through can see the cameras!
    Irene...guess you got the final gel shot...hope you're feeling great. :smile:
    Jo, that is kind of unusual for a cat...more likely for pups to take a bite of non-protein people food. :wink:
    Looks like another beautiful day here. Yay!
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Tickets is just another hidden tax on the motorist.

    You may have noticed I am running late today too, and running out of time too.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Evening;
    I almost forgot to log in. :'(
    Roger- It was cat food that I baked! :p
    I just had the ginger cashew chicken for dinner. I see what you mean by it being spicy. I don't think I will be ordering it again.
    Vix-Since Vinny has been on his diabetic diet of no dry food, he will eat anything. :) I think he misses the crunch of the dry food.
    Irene-How is your knee feeling?
    I got an email about the new nutrisystem site, but just glanced at it. I will check it out later when I have more time.
    Have a great night. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Jo, now I cat also started eating some people food when we took her off the dry food. I guess they do miss it. (She was on a special low protein diet for her kidneys).
    Hi Roger....guess you're having a busy day...hope you got all your stuff done. :)
    Hi Irene.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Happy beautiful Saturday morning everyone. I'm hoping to get out for a short walk this morning before it gets hot. I think I'm ready for that.
    Enjoy the day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, Again :)
    I ended up walking 3.05 miles Plus a run to Costco where I blitzed through buying the three items I had on my list, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt 18 pack on sale until 8-2 for $9.99, 2 ten packs of the Kleenex Family size on sale for $14.19 and two 5 pond bags of Frozen Normandy Mix vegetables @ $6.49. Each bag is 40 servings so cheaper than the 4 serving size when on sale at the Grocery store @ 99cents.

    It was 68 degrees and 37% humidity when I went out this morning at 6:20AM.

    Have a Good Weekend

    P.S. I added a
    NS Equivalent Entrees From Feb 10 2015 by Michelle (m2marsh) here

    I am posting the 24 images (pages) of Entrees.

    This set of 24 images is the complete NS Equivalent Entrees by Michelle from the Old NutriSystem Forums. These can be used if You run short of NS food before a delivery or to aid when You Flex.
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    I almost forgot to log in. :'(
    Roger- It was cat food that I baked! :p
    I just had the ginger cashew chicken for dinner. I see what you mean by it being spicy. I don't think I will be ordering it again.
    Vix-Since Vinny has been on his diabetic diet of no dry food, he will eat anything. :) I think he misses the crunch of the dry food.
    Irene-How is your knee feeling?
    I got an email about the new nutrisystem site, but just glanced at it. I will check it out later when I have more time.
    Have a great night. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I gave that one to my brother who looked at me and said it isn't spicy :)

    My Brother had a cat in his house that loved to eat Cantaloupe. Weird to me, You?

    I went to the Leaf and so far they now have three different sites, Yuck

    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, now I cat also started eating some people food when we took her off the dry food. I guess they do miss it. (She was on a special low protein diet for her kidneys).
    Hi Roger....guess you're having a busy day...hope you got all your stuff done. :)
    Hi Irene.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Semi easy day today, Walk, Costco, ran a new 50 foot soaker hose, still need to water the potted flowers.

    OTOH, My Brother is out in Pennsylvania at some show and that frees up some time :)

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Evening;
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
    I am going to my niece's house for a cookout tomorrow. I am making a double layer chocolate cake to take.
    It was a cake my mother use to make and all the grandkids loved it. I didn't have enough eggs, so instead of jumping in the car and going to the supermarket, I walked to the little store up the street from me.
    Have a good evening. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning,
    Enjoy the cookout today, Jo. :smile: Chocolate cake sounds yummy, good for you for walking to the store. :)
    Roger...what is the Leaf? I finally went for a walk in the park yesterday. We took our time, probably walked about a mile, slowly. Ankle was a little swollen after (I put it up with some ice when we got home) , but it was nice to get out and about. :) I've been buying the Light & Fit Greek yogurt and freezing each container into 5 muffin cups. Great for snacks/dessert. :)
    May be going for another walk in the park today...trying to get back into it before we go on vacation.
    Looks like another beautiful but hot day.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    It is raining here today. I think we will be eating inside at the cookout.
    Vix-Where are you going on vacation? I tried freezing the yogurt, but wasn't fond of the texture.
    Take it slow and easy when walking. Does your ankle hurt after walking?
    Have a good day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked 2.79 miles = 7700 steps according to the FB Zip. Yesterdays Dew Point was in the 50s and this mornings is in the 60s and going up to the 70s later today. No Breeze except from passing cars, Warm & Moderately Humid and I did work up a sweat.

    Have a Great Sunday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
    I am going to my niece's house for a cookout tomorrow. I am making a double layer chocolate cake to take.
    It was a cake my mother use to make and all the grandkids loved it. I didn't have enough eggs, so instead of jumping in the car and going to the supermarket, I walked to the little store up the street from me.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Good for You walking to the store. The prices on Eggs have been going, going, going up lately. My Brother has them at breakfast each day and is complaining about the price.

    I wonder if the egg prices will have an effect on some of the NS Breakfast Entrees that have Egg in them? Maybe that is what happened to the Canadian Bacon - Egg White Biscuit?

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning,
    Enjoy the cookout today, Jo. :smile: Chocolate cake sounds yummy, good for you for walking to the store. :)
    Roger...what is the Leaf? I finally went for a walk in the park yesterday. We took our time, probably walked about a mile, slowly. Ankle was a little swollen after (I put it up with some ice when we got home) , but it was nice to get out and about. :) I've been buying the Light & Fit Greek yogurt and freezing each container into 5 muffin cups. Great for snacks/dessert. :)
    May be going for another walk in the park today...trying to get back into it before we go on vacation.
    Looks like another beautiful but hot day.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Good Luck with the Ankle.

    The Leaf is a third NutriSystem Website joining the main website, NuMi and now the Leaf :)
    Click here to see the leaf
    The Leaf will inform, support and motivate to help you take control of your weight loss with:
    The New Daily Dose informative articles, quick and helpful, tips, and useful infographics Get Advice >
    Mouth-Watering Recipes Browse delicious recipes to keep your weight loss on track Find a Recipe >

    Not all that impressive looking to me.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,123 Member
    good morning, thanks everyone for the support means a lot to me. Love having the whole weekends off went for a ride both days it was just beautiful well need to get ready for work oh did get a little walk in take care all knee is doing ok thanks
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, sounds like a nice weekend :smile:
    Roger, thanks for the link to the leaf, may be good for some recipes. :)
    Jo, we're going to Seattle. Should be fun. We've never been there before. I think my ankle will be ok. We went for another walk yesterday. Walked slowly along a trail for about an hour. I wanted to make sure I'm going to be able to do that because we are planning to take a side trip to Mount Ranier and at least want to be able to go to a lookout point. :) haha, not climbing the mountain! I also bought a new pair of sneakers that are lower on the sides so they don't rub against the ankle. That'll be better than my slip ons.
    My son will be by in a while to get some of his things, he's moving to a new apt today. He and his gf stopped by last night for a few minutes. Always good to see them.
    And I have a massage this afternoon. :)
    Enjoy your day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked 2.8 miles this morning, I got out the door around Sunrise and it must have finished raining shortly before that, 88% Humidity. What helped was that the Sun stayed behind the clouds until after I got home. The town does a good job on our parks, After I got my Coffee at McDs I walked a new route and admired the basketball courts, Tennis, Horseshoe pitches, Etc. and the Children's playground. Lots of nicely maintained Grassy area too. Plus when I decide to extend my walks in the future I can walk around part of the park on the Roadway.

    Have a Nice Day

    Eye halve a spelling chequer
    It came with my pea sea
    It plainly marques four my revue
    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
    Eye strike a key and type a word
    And weight four it two say
    Weather eye am wrong oar write
    It shows me strait a weigh.
    As soon as a mist ache is maid
    It nose bee fore two long
    And eye can put the error rite
    Its rare lea ever wrong.
    Eye have run this poem threw it
    I am shore your pleased two no
    Its letter perfect awl the weigh
    My chequer tolled me sew.

    Not my Creation BTW.
    good morning, thanks everyone for the support means a lot to me. Love having the whole weekends off went for a ride both days it was just beautiful well need to get ready for work oh did get a little walk in take care all knee is doing ok thanks

    Hi Irene
    I am glad to hear things are going good. I may be strange as I never minded working the weekend when I wa driving for a living. Working them meant a lower seniority driver with kids could get them off. Same with Taking my vacations in January, Plus that was off season in Florida and best prices and lowest crowds.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, sounds like a nice weekend :smile:
    Roger, thanks for the link to the leaf, may be good for some recipes. :)
    Jo, we're going to Seattle. Should be fun. We've never been there before. I think my ankle will be ok. We went for another walk yesterday. Walked slowly along a trail for about an hour. I wanted to make sure I'm going to be able to do that because we are planning to take a side trip to Mount Ranier and at least want to be able to go to a lookout point. :) haha, not climbing the mountain! I also bought a new pair of sneakers that are lower on the sides so they don't rub against the ankle. That'll be better than my slip ons.
    My son will be by in a while to get some of his things, he's moving to a new apt today. He and his gf stopped by last night for a few minutes. Always good to see them.
    And I have a massage this afternoon. :)
    Enjoy your day. :)

    Hi Vix
    I know You are happy to be walking again. It sounds as if You will be Busy too.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Evening;
    Irene-sounds like you had a good weekend. I am glad the knee is feeling better.
    Vix-I have always wanted to go to Seattle. It sounds like a wonderful trip.
    Roger-I paid 1.99 for a dozen eggs at a little convenience store. I didn't think that was a bad price.
    Our cookout didn't get rained out yesterday. :)
    Have a good evening. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning.
    Funny spell checker poem, Roger. Really foggy here this morning. There's a nice county park about 20 minutes from our house. There's a lake, nature center, and some good walking trails.
    Jo, I'm looking forward to our trip to Seattle, just hoping I don't tire out too quickly/easily.There seems to be a ton of things to see/do there. :)
    Has anyone tried Click....I've been seeing online ads for espresso flavored protein drink.
    Clay class for me today.
    Enjoy your day. :)