Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi all having a great weekend I walked both days so I am good in the exercise department. For some reason I can't order food to ns on my computer has any one else have that problem?
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Roger, aw, too bad the critters are getting your garden. I know how much work went into it.
    Glad you're enjoying the weekend, Irene.
    Hi Jo and Linda.
    Have a great week everyone....I'll be out of touch.
    Good night.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    morning all, walking this morning was nice wasn't too hot yet.I could not sleep last night so today is going to be a long day I have been trying not to take alieve pm so last night I didn't get much sleep but I didn't take any thing either when I was on over night I took it so I could sleep sounds like I am not the only one not able to sleep oh well need to go to work have a great monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out and walked a 2.75 mile loop, I reversed the direction of the loop so I could avoid walking into the rising sun for 95% of the walk.

    I picked up a Extra Large QC Coffee on the outbound and went back into the QC for a DeCaf on the way back home. I reused the old Coffee cup as I had just emptied it and got charged the refill rate saving 50 cents + Tax, Thank You to the Young Lady at the register.

    Have a Great Monday and the Start of the New Challenge
    hi all having a great weekend I walked both days so I am good in the exercise department. For some reason I can't order food to ns on my computer has any one else have that problem?

    Hi Irene
    I do not know if I could keep Your schedule of work and walks too :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, aw, too bad the critters are getting your garden. I know how much work went into it.
    Glad you're enjoying the weekend, Irene.
    Hi Jo and Linda.
    Have a great week everyone....I'll be out of touch.
    Good night.

    Hi Vix
    See You when You get back.

    Enjoy the trip
    morning all, walking this morning was nice wasn't too hot yet.I could not sleep last night so today is going to be a long day I have been trying not to take alieve pm so last night I didn't get much sleep but I didn't take any thing either when I was on over night I took it so I could sleep sounds like I am not the only one not able to sleep oh well need to go to work have a great monday

    Hi Again
    Not to humid this morning, I expect that tomorrow will be worse :(

    I did not sleep well last night until after Midnight, then I got out late today for my walk as a consequence.

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Vix-Have a great time on your trip.
    I hope you all get a good nights sleep tonight.
    Irene-Did you try going to NS new site call Leaf? You may be able to place your order there.
    Roger-good bonus on the coffee. I have a reusable cup for starbucks. You get $1.00 off if you use it. Most of the time I forget.
    Have a great afternoon. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Irene-I just went to the NS site and was able to delay my order.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    I don't know anything about the leaf I will need some info I was able to get on using my husbands computer so I was able to delay my order for another week I find I have been eating all my ns on this schedule my husband already has dinner by the time I get home I fix his dinner before I go to work so I just put in a ns dinner and I am done well need to go to work Roger enjoy your walk vix and jo have a great day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi All
    I got out early today walking, It looked like the rain was done, wrong :) 20 minutes into the walk it started a to rain. I was glad I had the Umbrella in my pocket too. I shortened the walk somewhat, 2.5 miles :)

    It was nice out during the walk before the rain came back and for a little while after, Then the Humidity kicked in and it is currently hot & humid and Miserable outside. I know that from a run to the bank and the recycle center with paper.

    I posted Four new recipes to day in the recipes group here:
    I posted Carrot Cake Muffins & Cream Cheese Frosting by Peter W,
    Angel Lush Cake by Dlekapj (Linda) from the old NS Forums,
    Chocolate Cupcakes by Christina Gray from the Old NS forums
    and Chocolate Frosting by Christina Gray from the old NS Forums

    Have a Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon,
    Vix-Have a great time on your trip.
    I hope you all get a good nights sleep tonight.
    Irene-Did you try going to NS new site call Leaf? You may be able to place your order there.
    Roger-good bonus on the coffee. I have a reusable cup for starbucks. You get $1.00 off if you use it. Most of the time I forget.
    Have a great afternoon. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Every little bit helps, I wish I had saved $1 but 50Cents is still handy.

    I sometimes wonder if I am the only one that picks up stray change when walking? I figure even a penny is worth the effort ;)

    I am still managing my Order at the site FWIW.

    I don't know anything about the leaf I will need some info I was able to get on using my husbands computer so I was able to delay my order for another week I find I have been eating all my ns on this schedule my husband already has dinner by the time I get home I fix his dinner before I go to work so I just put in a ns dinner and I am done well need to go to work Roger enjoy your walk vix and jo have a great day

    Hi Irene
    The Leaf is here:
    Or log into and You can link to it where the arrow is pointing in this image.

    BTW You can also find a link to NuMi next to the one for the Leaf.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    According to DaisyLee's post here

    It Appears that the $20 sale is back on from 8-6-2015 to 8-30-2015. Not confirmed until I see it happen FWIW of course. But worth checking on that date.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    thanks for the info I will look in to it. Roger this morning on our walk I found 26 cents yea but yes we find money a lot one time George found a hundred dollar bill took it to the bank to make sure it was real it was so that was nice.It started to rain yesterday on my way to work but when it is hot out it feels good to get rained on well need to go to work take care all
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-have a good day at work.
    Roger-I find coins all the time in the parking lot at work. I tease my husband about it because he goes metal detecting and finds coins. I always tell him I don't need a metal detector to find coins. :p
    Vix-I hope you are having good weather.
    I am off from work today. other than housework, nothing on the agenda for today.
    We had heavy rains yesterday morning and late last night. Now the sun is shining and it looks to be a beautiful day.
    Have a good day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all
    I got out for a walk today 2.8 miles and 60 Cents.
    That means that I paid $1.07 for my Large Black Coffee minus $0.60 for a net cost of $0.47 :)
    The weather was beautiful too, Not Humid and in the 60s, Whee!

    So far no need to turn on the AC either.

    Have a Nice Day
    thanks for the info I will look in to it. Roger this morning on our walk I found 26 cents yea but yes we find money a lot one time George found a hundred dollar bill took it to the bank to make sure it was real it was so that was nice.It started to rain yesterday on my way to work but when it is hot out it feels good to get rained on well need to go to work take care all

    Hi Irene
    I do not even remember finding anything as small as $1 bill :(

    It was nice out this morning, I just turned on the AC units since the rooms were so comfortble

    Have a Good day at work
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-have a good day at work.
    Roger-I find coins all the time in the parking lot at work. I tease my husband about it because he goes metal detecting and finds coins. I always tell him I don't need a metal detector to find coins. :p
    Vix-I hope you are having good weather.
    I am off from work today. other than housework, nothing on the agenda for today.
    We had heavy rains yesterday morning and late last night. Now the sun is shining and it looks to be a beautiful day.
    Have a good day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I find the majority of what I find in parking lots too.

    Have a Good Day

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi all lost 2 more pounds yea gotta go have a great day roger it was great walking this morning nice and cool
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I did my walk this morning, 2.8 Miles. Humidity is low, and the temperature was in the 50s, I felt a little chilly until I warmed up from the walking or maybe it was the 1/2 banana I ate on the way out of the house.

    Walking past the stream below our one parks dam I saw the Blue Heron in the stream. I have noticed it now for each of the three days I walked that way recently. Then we seem to be getting deer into the area too. I saw Four next to that brook one evening walk, Three grazing in a different park and four along another brook the other day. They sure are destructive to plantings and gardens too. Oh well.............

    Have a Good Day
    hi all lost 2 more pounds yea gotta go have a great day roger it was great walking this morning nice and cool

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on the loss.
    Cool? It was almost cold for the first few minutes :)

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good evening;
    Irene-congratulations on 2 lbs. gone.
    Hi Roger-I wonder if they are the same deer, just in different locations?
    Another bird got caught on the shephards hook. I found it dead yesterday when I went out to fill the feeders. :)
    My husband fixed it so no more birds will get their legs trapped.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Went for a walk and hit 2.79 miles and 2 cents. The weather was beautiful with humidity in the 30s% and Temperatures in the high 60s. The rain originally forecast for today earlier this week has gone south of us :)

    Have a Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Irene-congratulations on 2 lbs. gone.
    Hi Roger-I wonder if they are the same deer, just in different locations?
    Another bird got caught on the shephards hook. I found it dead yesterday when I went out to fill the feeders. :)
    My husband fixed it so no more birds will get their legs trapped.

    Hi Joanne
    I am pretty sure that they are different Deer. The Ones by the brook below the park were two fawns and two Does. The Four by the different Brook were Three Fawns and One Doe. And the The Other park at least one was starting to get Antlers.

    We pulled the feeders for the Summer. They were not eating from them and the BirdSeed was clumping together. Birdseed? You can not plant them and grow birds :)

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-That is a lot of deer. I guess you could say you got your 2 cents worth out of that walk. :p
    The contractor came by today to measure the house and he will be back next Wednesday with an estimate for the siding and other work that I need done. I have decided to go with gray siding with white trim.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It is another beautiful day here in NJ Low Humidity, and when I walked it was in the 60s. 2.75 miles and 11cents.

    I just got back form the Acme, They had cases of Bottled water for $1.99 if You buy 6 so I saved $3 on the 6 cases. It was a Mix and Match thing with any six items counting towards the six, However I had no use for the others :)

    Dannon Light & Fit was 10 for $10. They also had the Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt for the same price and the Oikos came with a free dozen Large Acme brand eggs and a free Essentials Cream Cheese 8oz included. I looked at it but the calorie count was higher on the Oikos and I was not sure how it tasted :)

    Have a Great Weekend

    Have You checked out the Humor posts here ?
    Humorous Pictures

    Here is a sample not posted there yet. It will be in a few minutes however :)

    Have a nice day

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-That is a lot of deer. I guess you could say you got your 2 cents worth out of that walk. :p
    The contractor came by today to measure the house and he will be back next Wednesday with an estimate for the siding and other work that I need done. I have decided to go with gray siding with white trim.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I walked past the one grassy park area from a different direction and the 3 Deer were there in the Mowed area eating it up. They seem to only like Desirable plants not weeds and useless bushes. :)

    We have light Gray Vinyl with white trim too. We also have some spare siding in the shed in case any siding gets damaged and needs replacement. Same Thing with a partial bundle of roofing shingles from the roof was done a few years ago. On the Previous roof the spare shingles came in handy to replace a couple of storm damaged shingles so we had a perfect match and it was a undetectable repair for that reason.

    Good Luck
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi all , just enjoying the cooler weather we went for a ride up to browns mills it was nice annie went in to the water for a swim she saw a horse on the other side and tryed to swim to it needless to say my husband was not happy when he had to go in the water and get her she was not paying any attention to him calling her now we know when it comes to horses she can't be trusted to listen so that was my morning so take care jo i hope everything turns out good for you and not too much money
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good evening;
    It was a beautiful day. I sat out on the deck and ate my lunch. When I was grocery shopping today, a lady went to customer service because she couldn't find her shopping cart, which had her pocketbook in it. Why do women put their pocketbooks in the cart and then walk away from it? Luckily someone found it and returned it to her.
    Roger-you should put all the change you find on your walks in a jar to keep track of how much you find in a given time.
    We are going with a dark gray. I am still deciding on what color shutters I want. I am leaning toward white or black.
    Irene-I wonder what Annie would do if she actually got to the other side? Do you think she was just curious?
    The siding will be expensive, but I think a good resale feature if we decide to sell the house in the future.
    Have a relaxing evening. :)