Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-I hope you start to feel less tired soon. Is the infusion for your arthritis?
    Roger-The phone cost $110.00 to repair. If I had apple care it would have cost me $79.00. I bought a sturdier case to hopefully avoid this in the future.
    We are using the same contractor that we have used in the past. He has done excellent work in the past, so I expect no less this time. For all the work I am having done, I thought the price was reasonable.
    I forgot to put my fitbit on yesterday, so my steps were only around 3,000. :'(
    Irene-My work is really cutting back on OT. They have posted signs by the time clocks and in each department, stating NO OT. I had a lot of work to do today and would have been happy to stay and finish.
    Have a good evening. :)

    I guess the question is are You ahead paying the $110 versus what the $79 plus the cost of the Applecare? <y guess is that You are still ahead.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Jo...yes, the infusions are for the arthritis. Just got back from one of the local county fairs....I wanted to see the artwork...some of my friends had put some of their drawings and paintings in. We were both pretty tired so that was about all we looked at. Pete bought some farm fresh corn for dinner. :)
    It sort of looks like the economy may be slowing down a little. Lots of for sale signs around.

    Hi Vix
    Is the Infusion helping? There is nothing Like fresh picked corn cooked and eaten the same day.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    edited August 2015
    I don't think it works right away. I'm actually feeling tired and achy today.
    The corn was good. :)
    I'm experimenting with natural deterrents again....this time trying to keep the birds off the ledge over my front door. I think my husband thinks I'm a little nutty. Oh, well. It'll be worth it if it works. :wink:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi all , well my weigh in didn't show any loss this week you would think with all the walking I am doing I would loose oh well hopefully I do better next week I have been using my fit bit really like it well need to go talk to every one soon Vix hope you start to get some relieve soon
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I think I am a little ahead. :)
    Vix-what are you using to keep the birds away? I have noticed a lot of for sale sign in our area also.
    Irene-even though I walk a lot during the day, I have to do some sort of cardio to lose. I have been maintaining the same weight for a while now, due to not exercising. :( I need some motivation.
    Anyone have any exciting weekend plans? I am working. :(

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Hi all.
    Irene, I hope to feel better soon.
    Jo, I strung some 1-2" squares and rectangles of prism paper off some fishing line, so they move and reflect light. does look a bit odd, but I'll see if it works. :smiley:
    They are starting work on our basement tomorrow....that's our excitement for the weekend. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning! Happy weekend. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi all have a great weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, 2.75 miles. So far the days weather is OK, Humidity is starting to rise and temperatures are going up. It was comfortable however as I was out before the sun came up and home before it had much heat to it.

    Then I Loaded the car and We made the recycle run with Shredded Paper, Shredded DVDs etc. More stuff to shred now that I have a new shredder replacing the Dead one. Why Shred DVDs? They have old data backups on them or Software that was bought over the internet and saved with the Product Key Email.

    Have a great Weekend
    eku0 wrote: »
    I don't think it works right away. I'm actually feeling tired and achy today.
    The corn was good. :)
    I'm experimenting with natural deterrents again....this time trying to keep the birds off the ledge over my front door. I think my husband thinks I'm a little nutty. Oh, well. It'll be worth it if it works. :wink:

    Hi Vix
    My Brother thinks we have a Groundhog hitting the One Tomato patch. As soon as they start to look ripe they get eaten or nibbled on. :(

    I hope Your bird deterrent works. They can make a mess :)

    hi all , well my weigh in didn't show any loss this week you would think with all the walking I am doing I would loose oh well hopefully I do better next week I have been using my fit bit really like it well need to go talk to every one soon Vix hope you start to get some relieve soon

    Hi Irene
    I think that the walking is helping me continue to lose despite not lowering my caloric intake. So far today Mr. FitBit Zip thinks (shows) I have walked 9457 steps, mostly during my walk and recycle run. I should break 10k steps by tonight. I carry it in my pocket everywhere. That way when I change to the walking shorts it gets transferred with the Phone and house keys.

    Good Luck
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I think I am a little ahead. :)
    Vix-what are you using to keep the birds away? I have noticed a lot of for sale sign in our area also.
    Irene-even though I walk a lot during the day, I have to do some sort of cardio to lose. I have been maintaining the same weight for a while now, due to not exercising. :( I need some motivation.
    Anyone have any exciting weekend plans? I am working. :(

    Hi Joanne
    Despite seeing for sale signs and what appear to be foreclosed properties I also see homes being expanded and what looks like a 2 family monstrosity from the basement design replacing a single family home. That despite that a couple of doors up the street is a empty 2 family home.

    My exciting weekend plans so far was the run to the recycle yard and maybe tomorrow a run to Costco or the Grocery store, either one for Yogurt and frozen vegetables. Or maybe Tomorrow I will go by the Pathmark on my walk and buy ten of the ten for $10 Light & Fit Greek Yogurt on sale for a few more days. I was way past unimpressed by their frozen vegetable prices when I bought some bananas there Yesterday. I'll have my cloth carry bag and a Hand towel to wrap the Yogurts for the trip back home. Probably 40 minutes the way I walk.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Irene, I hope to feel better soon.
    Jo, I strung some 1-2" squares and rectangles of prism paper off some fishing line, so they move and reflect light. does look a bit odd, but I'll see if it works. :smiley:
    They are starting work on our basement tomorrow....that's our excitement for the weekend. :)

    Hi Again
    You found someone to do work on the weekend at a reasonable price? Wow!

    Good Luck
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Yes, we were lucky. These guys will work mostly weekends. It'll take a couple of months to finish.
    My bird-repellant-line tape didn't hold, so I'll have to put it back up with some stronger tape or something. I have to wait til I can get the ladder from the basement. I figure I'll need to leave it up at least a week to see if it's working. I'll be able to tell by the bird droppings or lack thereof.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Evening;
    First chance today to sit down and get on the computer. I worked this morning and then went out to lunch with hubby, came home and did a few things around the house. By this time I was tired and decided to have a little nap, 2 hours later I woke up. I must have needed the sleep. :)
    Vix-Interesting idea about the paper to scare off the birds. What about trying the 3M products instead of tape. The ones that say they won't damage your walls. It might work on siding if you are sticking it to the house.
    Roger-I have an insulated freezer bag that I use to put my cold items in when I am not going home right after shopping. I think I only paid 1-2 dollars for it.
    Vix-What are you doing to the basement?
    Hi Irene-You have a good weekend also.
    We had a tree taken down in the side yard that was too close to the house. While our landscaper was here he asked if he could also trim some branches off of another tree that hung pretty low. He has to duck when he mows the lawn. He also took away a bunch of old brush and branches that we had behind the shed. My yard looks a lot neater. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    Jo, I was thinking about those 3m hangers....I'll also need something for the windchime on the porch. :) In the meanwhile, I tucked the tape behind some trim, but it doesn't hold well.
    We decided to finish our basement. Right now it's kind of wasted space except for the utilities. It will be a nice extra entertainment area.
    Nice to get your yard trimmed up and looking good. :) It's been dry here for about a week, so everyone's grass is turning strange after all that rain we had!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Walked again today, The Temperatures are climbing as is the humidity, I survived it. 2.75 miles and 11 cents, at this rate I'll be rich in 100+ years :)

    Have a Really Good Sunday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Yes, we were lucky. These guys will work mostly weekends. It'll take a couple of months to finish.
    My bird-repellant-line tape didn't hold, so I'll have to put it back up with some stronger tape or something. I have to wait til I can get the ladder from the basement. I figure I'll need to leave it up at least a week to see if it's working. I'll be able to tell by the bird droppings or lack thereof.

    Hi Vix
    Good Luck finding a decent tape for that. One thought, was the surface clean? I use Isopropyl Alcohol first before sticking anything to get the surface really clean.

    FWIW that will remove fresh Magic Marker and most fresh Ball Point Ink too.

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    First chance today to sit down and get on the computer. I worked this morning and then went out to lunch with hubby, came home and did a few things around the house. By this time I was tired and decided to have a little nap, 2 hours later I woke up. I must have needed the sleep. :)
    Vix-Interesting idea about the paper to scare off the birds. What about trying the 3M products instead of tape. The ones that say they won't damage your walls. It might work on siding if you are sticking it to the house.
    Roger-I have an insulated freezer bag that I use to put my cold items in when I am not going home right after shopping. I think I only paid 1-2 dollars for it.
    Vix-What are you doing to the basement?
    Hi Irene-You have a good weekend also.
    We had a tree taken down in the side yard that was too close to the house. While our landscaper was here he asked if he could also trim some branches off of another tree that hung pretty low. He has to duck when he mows the lawn. He also took away a bunch of old brush and branches that we had behind the shed. My yard looks a lot neater. :)

    Hi Joanne
    The Pathmark had a Insulated Shoulder bag I looked at but at a on sale price of $14 I was not that interested. The Hand towel kept the frozen food frozen for the slow trek home, The Pathmark is not that close to the house :)

    Getting rid of the Ivy has made the back yard look much neater here.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi wow sounds like everyone is having a good weekend. Me I really am enjoying having them off I get to do things with my husband it is so nice . Today we went up to browns mills had to drop off the signed rental agreement papers to our renters so then we went to the bog Annie loves swimming there I actually went in with her it was nice.Next month I go on vacation up to sabel NY at Indian lake it is such a beautiful place lots of hiking and we rent a boat and go out in it it is like an old fashion vacation I will have my tablet so I can tell you all about it. Well I have a few things I kneed to do around the house take care.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all, went for a walk in the park this morning....too hot for me!
    Roger, I just tried using packing tape today. I'll see. Hung the wind chime with a hook that you can stick on with air pressure. Next time I go to Walmart, I think I'll pick up some of the 3m hangers for the line, instead of the tape. The air pressure hook wouldn't stick to the siding, but did stick to wood.
    Irene, glad you're enjoying your weekends off, sounds like you and your husband are making the most of it. A lake vacation sounds nice and resting. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    hi wow sounds like everyone is having a good weekend. Me I really am enjoying having them off I get to do things with my husband it is so nice . Today we went up to browns mills had to drop off the signed rental agreement papers to our renters so then we went to the bog Annie loves swimming there I actually went in with her it was nice.Next month I go on vacation up to sabel NY at Indian lake it is such a beautiful place lots of hiking and we rent a boat and go out in it it is like an old fashion vacation I will have my tablet so I can tell you all about it. Well I have a few things I kneed to do around the house take care.

    Hi Irene
    it is nice to be able to go and do things :)
    I did have a Good Week for weight loss, Surprised me when I worked out the loss too. I was up on Last Sunday and Monday from that Saturday and then it trended down for the rest of the week when I looked at my weight log book. Yipee!

    Have a Good Evening and try to avoid the heat and Humidity that are in the forecast.

    Enjoy the Lake Visit next month
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all, went for a walk in the park this morning....too hot for me!
    Roger, I just tried using packing tape today. I'll see. Hung the wind chime with a hook that you can stick on with air pressure. Next time I go to Walmart, I think I'll pick up some of the 3m hangers for the line, instead of the tape. The air pressure hook wouldn't stick to the siding, but did stick to wood.
    Irene, glad you're enjoying your weekends off, sounds like you and your husband are making the most of it. A lake vacation sounds nice and resting. :)

    Hi Vix
    I used the 3M hangers in the windows to hold the Christmas lights last year, Being lazy and Frugal I left them in place for this year too.

    The Forecast is showing an overnight low of 77 degrees later in the week, Yuck! I may go out the door, get to the Quick Chek or McDonalds for Coffee and turn around that morning :)

    Have a Good Evening

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, went for our walk this morning it is so hot out there it is 80 and it is only 6:15 boy we are going to get hot today.hope it isn't too hot at work so far for today I got 7,297 steps in and3.15 miles in so I am off to a good start but haven't found any pennies lately on our walk .well time to go to work have a good monday
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-your vacation sounds nice and relaxing. I will be on the go most of my vacation, seeing the sites of England. :)
    Good job on the steps and it is only 6;30 am. By this evening you will probably walk have walked close to 10 miles.
    Very humid here. I was going to clean out my shed,but am having second thoughts. I have enough stuff do to in the house to keep me busy and I do have to run a few errands.
    Roger-congrats on the weight loss. You are going so great. :)
    Vix-my grass is getting brown also. When my neighbor across the street mowed his lawn yesterday, he kicked up a lot of dust.
    Stay cool!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    Well, both my methods for hanging things over my front door have failed. hmmm. Will stop at Walmart today and pick up some 3m hangers, see if that works. Roger, good to know they worked well for you. I think it's hard to stick anything to vinyl siding.
    Good for everyone getting their walks in!
    I've been reading up about my takes a while before they kick in. One article said 4-6 weeks, another said up to 3 months. So it's ok that I'm not feeling all better yet. :blush: I also saw a recommendation for the Mediterranean diet, and it's important to try to avoid infections, get plenty of exercise/rest, and sleep. I already try to do that, so, it's all good.
    Irene and Jo....both your vacations sound wonderful. You'll have to tell us all about them, so we can enjoy it too. :) I'm going to stay home for a while. That last vacation was exhausting!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking today another 2.85 Miles and 19 cents :) Humidity and Temperatures are up today and going higher as the week progresses, If You want to consider getting more humid and warmer progress :)
    I have finished Breakfast and am working on my water.

    I lucked out getting my McDs coffee. They locked up after me due to computer problems. I suspect I got mine as I keep exact change on hand for the coffee. $1.07

    Walking back home I saw a Blue Egret fishing in the brook, I do not know if it is the same one I have seen in a different brook or the same one moved to a different location.

    Have a Great Monday
    good morning, went for our walk this morning it is so hot out there it is 80 and it is only 6:15 boy we are going to get hot today.hope it isn't too hot at work so far for today I got 7,297 steps in and3.15 miles in so I am off to a good start but haven't found any pennies lately on our walk .well time to go to work have a good monday

    Hi Irene
    It was not the most comfortable morning for walking, OTOH I did get out the door at 5:15 and the Sun was not up far enough that I cast a shadow until I was almost home, Around 6:45 which did help with temperature and heat from the Sun.

    Mr. FitBit says 9,241steps so far for the day. use a FitBit Zip and have been having trouble syncing it lately. Then Yesterday I had a email from them telling me the battery was low and needed changing. :)

    Have a Good Day at work
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-your vacation sounds nice and relaxing. I will be on the go most of my vacation, seeing the sites of England. :)
    Good job on the steps and it is only 6;30 am. By this evening you will probably walk have walked close to 10 miles.
    Very humid here. I was going to clean out my shed,but am having second thoughts. I have enough stuff do to in the house to keep me busy and I do have to run a few errands.
    Roger-congrats on the weight loss. You are going so great. :)
    Vix-my grass is getting brown also. When my neighbor across the street mowed his lawn yesterday, he kicked up a lot of dust.
    Stay cool!

    Hi Joanne
    Your vacation may keep You busy but it sounds like really smashing fun :)

    Having walked outside I plan to go into the cool of the basement and do some more delayed spring cleaning.
    The Neighbor across the street was watering everyday until recently, Then he got the one month water bill, over $90 and that was the end of the watering. Now his lawn is browning too. The only thing I am watering is the potted flowers.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Well, both my methods for hanging things over my front door have failed. hmmm. Will stop at Walmart today and pick up some 3m hangers, see if that works. Roger, good to know they worked well for you. I think it's hard to stick anything to vinyl siding.
    Good for everyone getting their walks in!
    I've been reading up about my takes a while before they kick in. One article said 4-6 weeks, another said up to 3 months. So it's ok that I'm not feeling all better yet. :blush: I also saw a recommendation for the Mediterranean diet, and it's important to try to avoid infections, get plenty of exercise/rest, and sleep. I already try to do that, so, it's all good.
    Irene and Jo....both your vacations sound wonderful. You'll have to tell us all about them, so we can enjoy it too. :) I'm going to stay home for a while. That last vacation was exhausting!

    Hi Vix
    Do not forget to be sure the surface is clean and dry before attaching.

    Carlton Fredericks, His WOR-AM nutrition advice call-in program, Design for Living, was broadcast six days a week by the station and was also syndicated. Fredericks also wrote several books on nutrition as well as writing a column for Prevention magazine. He was a heavy smoker and died of a heart attack in 1987, Used to talk about Nightshades and their effect on the body.
    From AARP The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight By Jack Challem

    Good Luck
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    The 3m hooks said they don't stick well to vinyl, so I'll figure out something else.
    The Mediterranean diet includes nightshades, more conflicting advice. I don't eat many potatoes or eggplants, but I love my ketchup and salsa and peppers. I can try cutting them down/out for a few weeks and see how it goes. There's always mustard, herbs, spices, and other veggies. :)
    Right now, I'm just feeling achy and exhausted most of the time. blah.