Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Another day, another walk, this one was 2.85 miles :) I walked a slightly different path through one of our parks, Saw two fawns running around playing, and the entrance to a Nature Walk I did not realize we had. Another Beautiful Morning outside, Dew Point in the 50s and cool. When I came home I opened up a window in the back bedroom, front bedroom and Living room to air out the house.

    Have a Great Sunday
    hi all , just enjoying the cooler weather we went for a ride up to browns mills it was nice annie went in to the water for a swim she saw a horse on the other side and tried to swim to it needless to say my husband was not happy when he had to go in the water and get her she was not paying any attention to him calling her now we know when it comes to horses she can't be trusted to listen so that was my morning so take care jo i hope everything turns out good for you and not too much money

    Hi Irene
    I do not remember ever being down to Browns Mills. I was curious and looked it up on Google maps and now I know where it is, By Fort Dix :)

    Today is another great day for weather & humidity. Monday Night into Tuesday is not looking so good sadly :(

    It sounds as if You are enjoying having weekends off.
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    It was a beautiful day. I sat out on the deck and ate my lunch. When I was grocery shopping today, a lady went to customer service because she couldn't find her shopping cart, which had her pocketbook in it. Why do women put their pocketbooks in the cart and then walk away from it? Luckily someone found it and returned it to her.
    Roger-you should put all the change you find on your walks in a jar to keep track of how much you find in a given time.
    We are going with a dark gray. I am still deciding on what color shutters I want. I am leaning toward white or black.
    Irene-I wonder what Annie would do if she actually got to the other side? Do you think she was just curious?
    The siding will be expensive, but I think a good resale feature if we decide to sell the house in the future.
    Have a relaxing evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I always wondered that too, If it has Your Money and ID in it I would think You would be careful with it. OTOH it isn't just women, When I was working retail I was amazed how many men had to go back out to the car for their Wallet (Billfold) to pay for the purchase.

    What I have been doing is logging it in a little notebook, then throwing it into a donation jar when I am by one.

    Just slightly curious, if I am not being nosy. Are You thinking of selling the house? Is the old siding in bad shape or needing a expensive scrape and paint? The Only reason this house has Vinyl siding is it was a self install by family.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    hi all , having a great sunday I took Annie for a walk and just kinda taking it easy we never just hang out at the house any more and I think my husband just needed some time off (computer time) I really am enjoying the time off on the weekends we actually can do things again the siding on your house sounds good , Roger in time we plan on moving back to Browns mills we really like it there we already own a home there and we are renting it out probably 2 -3 years and we will move back well I am going to go finish enjoying my sunday hope you all have a nice afternoon
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Evening;
    Roger-No we are not thinking of selling right now. The outside of the house is pretty run down, paint peeling, shingles falling off and facial boards rotting. I think we have one of the worse looking houses on the street. It is time for a facelift. :)
    Irene-I would love to have weekends to myself. I have been thinking of not working on Sundays after my vacation.
    As Monday is my usual day off I will get 2 days off in a row.
    I shut of the AC today and opened all the windows. There is a nice breeze.
    I think Vinny is in remission from his diabetes. His BG levels have been pretty normal. The vet told me to hold off giving him insulin unless his levels go up again. Normal for cats is 80-120. The vet said this is probably only temporary and in all likelihood I will have to give him shots again.
    Have a good night. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good monday morning,well yesterday my husband ordered me a fit bit from amazon it is the surge I should get it on wednesday it will be fun to actually see how much I really exercise . I had an awesome weekend didn't do much yesterday except take Annie for her walk it was a lazy day in our house I can't remember the last time we just did nothing I think my husband needed a day off well take care all
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I did it again, I walked a slightly different route @ 2.77 miles long, It seems that someone has added a Rooster since I was on the one street :)

    Rain tomorrow and most likely no walk as a result of the weather.

    Have a Great Monday
    hi all , having a great sunday I took Annie for a walk and just kinda taking it easy we never just hang out at the house any more and I think my husband just needed some time off (computer time) I really am enjoying the time off on the weekends we actually can do things again the siding on your house sounds good , Roger in time we plan on moving back to Browns mills we really like it there we already own a home there and we are renting it out probably 2 -3 years and we will move back well I am going to go finish enjoying my sunday hope you all have a nice afternoon

    Hi Irene
    Sunday was a Nice peaceful, restful day :)

    I can not believe Amazon is opening another Location in NJ. Business must be booming for them.

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    Roger-No we are not thinking of selling right now. The outside of the house is pretty run down, paint peeling, shingles falling off and facial boards rotting. I think we have one of the worse looking houses on the street. It is time for a facelift. :)
    Irene-I would love to have weekends to myself. I have been thinking of not working on Sundays after my vacation.
    As Monday is my usual day off I will get 2 days off in a row.
    I shut of the AC today and opened all the windows. There is a nice breeze.
    I think Vinny is in remission from his diabetes. His BG levels have been pretty normal. The vet told me to hold off giving him insulin unless his levels go up again. Normal for cats is 80-120. The vet said this is probably only temporary and in all likelihood I will have to give him shots again.
    Have a good night. :)

    Hi Joanne
    That sounds like a good reason to do the house. Just curious have You decided on Aluminum or Vinyl siding? They both have pluses and minuses as I see it. I had the windows open Yesterday too until it warmed up.

    Good Luck with Vinnies Diabetes.
    good monday morning,well yesterday my husband ordered me a fit bit from amazon it is the surge I should get it on wednesday it will be fun to actually see how much I really exercise . I had an awesome weekend didn't do much yesterday except take Annie for her walk it was a lazy day in our house I can't remember the last time we just did nothing I think my husband needed a day off well take care all

    Hi Again
    Everybody needs a day off now and them doing nothing. I think mine will be Tuesday from the weather. Today I am doing some shredding that has built up to be done.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-we decided to go with vinyl siding.
    I had to buy new test strips, boy are they expensive. I tried to get them at the pharmacy yesterday, but they only have ones for the human meters. My mission now is to go on line and see if I can find them cheaper. $86.00 plus tax seems a little excessive for 50 test strips. I use 2 per day unless I have to do a blood glucose curve and then I use 8 per day.
    Irene-I love do nothing days.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Hi all, we're back. I need to go to sleep, but still on West coast time, and wanted to ice my ankle a little bit before bed.
    Irene, congrats on the 2 pounds lost.
    Jo, we have gray siding, white trim, black shutters and door....I like it. :)
    Roger good for you for keeping up all the walking.
    We walked a lot on vacation. We saw a lot of stuff! Mt Ranier is gorgeous, and there are lots of trails. Also went to Snoqualmie Falls and walked to the bottom, Discovery Park and did the South Beach Trail, wandered around downtown Seattle, went to Bainbridge Island and walked through the Bloedel Reserve.One of my favorite things was the Chihuyle Glass Gardens (not sure if I spelled that right), but it was lots of glass sculptures and gardens with the glass sculptures in them.
    Anyhow, guess I should hit the sack. See y'all tomorrow. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, well we beat the rain on our walk vix welcome back glad you had a good time.Jo try amazon we sale everything it might be cheaper . Yes Roger we are opening another warehouse they were looking for people to go and help start up but that is too far for me well gotta go to work stay dry my friends
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    No Walk this morning, Rainy Morning. So I did banking, Recycling and replaced a failed Shredder.

    Have a Great Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-we decided to go with vinyl siding.
    I had to buy new test strips, boy are they expensive. I tried to get them at the pharmacy yesterday, but they only have ones for the human meters. My mission now is to go on line and see if I can find them cheaper. $86.00 plus tax seems a little excessive for 50 test strips. I use 2 per day unless I have to do a blood glucose curve and then I use 8 per day.
    Irene-I love do nothing days.

    Hi Joanne
    That sounds bleeping expensive to me. I wonder if part of it is the particular meter?
    I would search on Amazon and eBay and via Google, being very careful on Google with the results.

    Good Luck
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all, we're back. I need to go to sleep, but still on West coast time, and wanted to ice my ankle a little bit before bed.
    Irene, congrats on the 2 pounds lost.
    Jo, we have gray siding, white trim, black shutters and door....I like it. :)
    Roger good for you for keeping up all the walking.
    We walked a lot on vacation. We saw a lot of stuff! Mt Ranier is gorgeous, and there are lots of trails. Also went to Snoqualmie Falls and walked to the bottom, Discovery Park and did the South Beach Trail, wandered around downtown Seattle, went to Bainbridge Island and walked through the Bloedel Reserve.One of my favorite things was the Chihuyle Glass Gardens (not sure if I spelled that right), but it was lots of glass sculptures and gardens with the glass sculptures in them.
    Anyhow, guess I should hit the sack. See y'all tomorrow. :)

    Hi Vix
    Welcome back
    It sounds as if You had a great vacation, Running late myself today.
    Tired already too :)

    Have a Good Evening
    good morning, well we beat the rain on our walk vix welcome back glad you had a good time.Jo try amazon we sale everything it might be cheaper . Yes Roger we are opening another warehouse they were looking for people to go and help start up but that is too far for me well gotta go to work stay dry my friends

    Hi Irene
    It was already raining at 5AM here, what a difference a few miles makes :)

    I have been dealing with Amazon Customer service and they do go the extra mile. No complaints from me.

    Have a good day

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Evening;
    Vix-Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great time.
    Roger-thanks for the suggestions. I hope I do not need to buy any more. Vinny is in remission and I don't have to give him any more shots. The vet said that the diet change is probably why.
    Irene-glad you got your walk in before the rain.
    I dropped my cell phone on the floor at work and shattered the screen. I went to the apple store and had to wait 2 hours because I didn't have an appointment. It was then another 2 hours for them to fix it. So I walked around the mall and ended up doing 19,666 steps today,6.31 miles. My phone is now fixed and looks good as new. :)
    Have a good evening.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, wow jo you sure did get your steps in. I just got my fit bit last night used it this morning on our walk I did 7,647 steps so far and I did 3.30 miles yeah for me its going to be interesting to see how many steps I do at work. I got feed back from my manager yesterday we told me night shift manager said I was an assect to amazon, that sure made my day sometimes you just need to hear something good well take care all and talk to you tomarow. oh roger congrats on your weight loss another pound gone yea you are doing such an awesome job!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-I love keeping track of how many miles I walk in a day. I usually do 10,000+and that is only at work.
    If I also walk I can go from 15-20 thousand steps.
    Vix-I hope you got a good nights sleep and are recovering from your trip. It always takes me a few day to get back in the swing of things.
    Roger-How was your walk today?
    Hi Linda-How have you been doing?
    Almost finished my house work for today. Then I have to run a few errands. The contractor is coming at 5pm with his quotes. I hope it doesn't break the bank. :#
    Have a great day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    Sounds like everyone is doing great....lots of walking....yay us! :)
    I went and got my first infusion this morning. I was really nervous, but the nurses were very nice, and it was only half an hour.
    The weather is beautiful here. Enjoy the day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The weather was beautiful this morning, I got out for a 2 3/4 mile walk.

    Tomorrow or Friday I think I may walk a little different route so I can go to the Supermarket as I will be using the last Banana Thursday Morning.

    Have a Great Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    Vix-Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great time.
    Roger-thanks for the suggestions. I hope I do not need to buy any more. Vinny is in remission and I don't have to give him any more shots. The vet said that the diet change is probably why.
    Irene-glad you got your walk in before the rain.
    I dropped my cell phone on the floor at work and shattered the screen. I went to the apple store and had to wait 2 hours because I didn't have an appointment. It was then another 2 hours for them to fix it. So I walked around the mall and ended up doing 19,666 steps today,6.31 miles. My phone is now fixed and looks good as new. :)
    Have a good evening.

    Hi Joanne
    Did it cost much for the repair? They did take good care of You by getting it done as a same day service too.

    Hopefully the remission will continue.

    Good Luck
    good morning, wow jo you sure did get your steps in. I just got my fit bit last night used it this morning on our walk I did 7,647 steps so far and I did 3.30 miles yeah for me its going to be interesting to see how many steps I do at work. I got feed back from my manager yesterday we told me night shift manager said I was an assect to amazon, that sure made my day sometimes you just need to hear something good well take care all and talk to you tomorrow. oh roger congrats on your weight loss another pound gone yea you are doing such an awesome job!

    Hi Irene
    I do not believe the FitBit Zips distance as it always shows higher than what I am sure it really is. I suspect My steps may be shorter than it expects :)

    I have been doing good to break 10k steps with the walks. Currently it is showing 9,944 steps. It has been slow syncing ever since it was replaced under warranty too. I have to manually select sync and retry until it works.

    Congratulations on doing a good job and getting recognized for it.
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-I love keeping track of how many miles I walk in a day. I usually do 10,000+and that is only at work.
    If I also walk I can go from 15-20 thousand steps.
    Vix-I hope you got a good nights sleep and are recovering from your trip. It always takes me a few day to get back in the swing of things.
    Roger-How was your walk today?
    Hi Linda-How have you been doing?
    Almost finished my house work for today. Then I have to run a few errands. The contractor is coming at 5pm with his quotes. I hope it doesn't break the bank. :#
    Have a great day. :)

    HI Joanne
    Good Luck with the quotes. Make sure they cover everything. There can occasionally be surprises when You pull the old siding.

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Sounds like everyone is doing great....lots of walking....yay us! :)
    I went and got my first infusion this morning. I was really nervous, but the nurses were very nice, and it was only half an hour.
    The weather is beautiful here. Enjoy the day. :)

    Hi Vix
    Is it to early to know if the infusion is helping?

    It sure is a nice day and the next two look pretty nice too.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    I'm sure it's too early to tell. They said I may be tired tomorrow (ha...I'm already tired!) I have to go back in a month for another infusion, then every two months after that. I don't see the doc again til next month, so I'm expecting I may start feeling somewhat better over the month. That would be nice. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,124 Member
    good morning, well today is my friday and so far we don't have ot I am keeping my fingers crossed that no ot. I have nothing planned so far for the weekend . I love my fit bit it is fun to actually see the miles so far i have done3.20 miles well gotta go have a great day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    What a Great Morning outside, Overnight temperature was 3 degrees lower than Yesterday. Humidity was still good too. I got out at 5:15 and walked 2.75 miles..........
    Between the McDonalds where I got my coffee and the greens along the brook I saw 4 deer that had to come through that neighborhood to get to where they were munching, Then a little further on 2 more in the greens and then a little further on two more. That area seems to be teeming with those walking appetites :)

    I need to go outside and work on the lawn mower a second time this year, The First part from Amazon which supplies the spark for it had a loose connection that meant that depending on where the wire was if there was spark or not. Amazon has stepped up to the plate and replaced it so Now to install it.

    Have a Great Thursday
    eku0 wrote: »
    I'm sure it's too early to tell. They said I may be tired tomorrow (ha...I'm already tired!) I have to go back in a month for another infusion, then every two months after that. I don't see the doc again til next month, so I'm expecting I may start feeling somewhat better over the month. That would be nice. :)

    Hi Vix
    Hopefully You are not tired today. You are a better person than I, I try and avoid the doctors unless absolutely necessary, or IOWs I feel like death is knocking at my door :)

    I hope Your weather is as nice as ours is today
    good morning, well today is my Friday and so far we don't have ot I am keeping my fingers crossed that no ot. I have nothing planned so far for the weekend . I love my fit bit it is fun to actually see the miles so far i have done3.20 miles well gotta go have a great day

    Hi Irene
    What a Gorgeous day outside. If Today is Your Friday does that mean You work Sunday or that You work a 4 day week? I loved it when they experimented with a four day week back in the 90s, sadly it did not last. I saved a days worth of Fuel and Wear and tear on the car and had a 3rd day to relax.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    Good walking, Irene! :)
    Looks like another beautiful day here. Going to head to painting class in a little while. I am really tired today, head's a little foggy. Glad it's not far.
    Enjoy the day, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-I hope you start to feel less tired soon. Is the infusion for your arthritis?
    Roger-The phone cost $110.00 to repair. If I had apple care it would have cost me $79.00. I bought a sturdier case to hopefully avoid this in the future.
    We are using the same contractor that we have used in the past. He has done excellent work in the past, so I expect no less this time. For all the work I am having done, I thought the price was reasonable.
    I forgot to put my fitbit on yesterday, so my steps were only around 3,000. :'(
    Irene-My work is really cutting back on OT. They have posted signs by the time clocks and in each department, stating NO OT. I had a lot of work to do today and would have been happy to stay and finish.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Hi Jo...yes, the infusions are for the arthritis. Just got back from one of the local county fairs....I wanted to see the artwork...some of my friends had put some of their drawings and paintings in. We were both pretty tired so that was about all we looked at. Pete bought some farm fresh corn for dinner. :)
    It sort of looks like the economy may be slowing down a little. Lots of for sale signs around.