Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,126 Member
    good morning,well I am happy to say the air was on at work. Today doesn't feel as hot I got my walk in so I am good.We still water our grass everyday or almost every day we are on a timer so if it is going to rain we just shut it off but we do have a small yard well need to go to work take care
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning.
    We might get rain in the p.m. and tomorrow. Glad you got your walk in while it was not too hot, Irene.
    I'm off to clay class in a little while.
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all
    Walked today despite the Higher temperatures and Humidity, 2.8 miles approx, & 1Cent. I was out the door at 5:1, The rain had stopped,it was fairly cool and everything was wet with puddles here and there, By the time I got home the streets were drying and the humidity was at a uncomfortable level.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    The 3m hooks said they don't stick well to vinyl, so I'll figure out something else.
    The Mediterranean diet includes nightshades, more conflicting advice. I don't eat many potatoes or eggplants, but I love my ketchup and salsa and peppers. I can try cutting them down/out for a few weeks and see how it goes. There's always mustard, herbs, spices, and other veggies. :)
    Right now, I'm just feeling achy and exhausted most of the time. blah.

    Hi Vix
    I do not blame You for feeling blah. I am guessing You do not want to drill into the vinyl? They make hooks that have a large curved part that goes into the wall through the sheet rock with a small hole. I was thinking something like that might work with a small on the underside of the vinyl siding that can be easily patched and not really show.

    Good Luck
    good morning,well I am happy to say the air was on at work. Today doesn't feel as hot I got my walk in so I am good.We still water our grass everyday or almost every day we are on a timer so if it is going to rain we just shut it off but we do have a small yard well need to go to work take care

    Hi Irene
    What a difference a few miles makes :) I went out after the rain and IMO Yesterday was the better day. Yea for Air Conditioning :)

    By the Way, The Local News channel, News 12 and the NYC stations are beating poor Amazon over the head as a terrible place to work. I am guessing if it was as bad as they are making it out to be we would have heard about it from You? It almost as if they are being punished for being successful.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    We might get rain in the p.m. and tomorrow. Glad you got your walk in while it was not too hot, Irene.
    I'm off to clay class in a little while.
    Have a good day, everyone.

    Hi Again
    We got rain overnight, I did not have to water the potted plants when I returned home from the walk. Possibility of rain for later again, As well as two more days this week, Oh well.

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good Evening;
    We had a little thunder today and a sprinkling of rain. It is very humid, even the cats are staying in the air conditioned house. They usually spend most of there time in the breezeway with no ac.
    Hubby's foot has been bothering him for about a week now. He went to the ER this morning. He has an inflammed bursa. Dr. told him to take Motrin, ice his foot and stay off it for a few days. He also told him to buy heel lifts to put in his shoes. I hope it heals quickly, as we will be doing a lot of walking on vacation.
    Vix-I really thought the 3M product would do the trick. There must be something that will work. I am sure you are not the first person to have this problem.
    Irene-I wish I could water my lawn. We have a water ban. :(
    Roger-Is it dark out when you start your walk? It is dark when I leave for work now. I miss seeing the sunrise on my way to work.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Like Roger said, we could drill a hole and put a hook up, but I don't want to do that. I'm sure I'll think of something eventually. :wink:
    Those bursas are tricky little things...I have one in my lower back that gets inflamed from time to time. Sounds like good advice from the doc. Hope your hubby feels better soon. Are you going right after labor day? Getting close now, how exciting. :smiley:
    It rained really hard here for about 3-5 minutes, then stopped. Better than no rain. :)
    Have a good night, everyone.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,126 Member
    good morning ,I heard there was something on the news about amazon didn't see the whole thing. I think what happened was some people got fired. It is a place you work hardbut I feel they treat you fine if you get something wrong they will let you know I just try and do my best and they know that. WE leave for vacation 1 month tomorrow so looking forward to just relaxing well I already got 7,557 steps in yea well gotta go stay cool today I have a meeting today to go over our stock opitions at workwell talk to you all later oh Roger we found 5 cents today so I am up 8 cents this week lol
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning....
    Yay for walks and finding change. :smiley: I know you are looking forward to your vacay, Irene. It sounds great. :)
    I glazed my little bird house yesterday and put it in the kiln, so I should have it back next week. Also worked on a bowl and started a pumpkin. picture was in one of the local papers...the photographer had been wandering around and came into my clay class.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Wow was it warm and humid today when I walked, 2.75 miles despite that. Then some down time and a run to Home Depot & Costco and a sporting goods store on the way home, then on to McDOnalds for Decaf Coffee for Myself & regular for my brother. Home Depot stop not successful. Costco I got two 5 pound bags of frozen vegetables, Some Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, a Bath Towel and replacement slippers. Then So I can stop at a local supermarket on my walks I picked up a inexpensive Backpack $10. The Frozen & Yogurt was sitting on the bath towel in a large box in the trunk & covered with a Knit Blanket and stayed frozen nicely.

    Have Nice Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    We had a little thunder today and a sprinkling of rain. It is very humid, even the cats are staying in the air conditioned house. They usually spend most of there time in the breezeway with no ac.
    Hubby's foot has been bothering him for about a week now. He went to the ER this morning. He has an inflammed bursa. Dr. told him to take Motrin, ice his foot and stay off it for a few days. He also told him to buy heel lifts to put in his shoes. I hope it heals quickly, as we will be doing a lot of walking on vacation.
    Vix-I really thought the 3M product would do the trick. There must be something that will work. I am sure you are not the first person to have this problem.
    Irene-I wish I could water my lawn. We have a water ban. :(
    Roger-Is it dark out when you start your walk? It is dark when I leave for work now. I miss seeing the sunrise on my way to work.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I have been getting out the door at 5:15, Sunrise is somewhere around 6AM so Yes it is dark. I am doing that to try and beat the heat, No luck with that today however. OTOH it lets me get a lot of the walking done before the sun starts hitting me. When I was going out the door later I could feel the heat from the sun so I have drifted to going earlier. It does Mean I am going off to bed earlier however :) It also means I can get more walking into where the Sun would have been in my eyes before.

    Last week I walked a different route and I said, what the heck, we do not have two suns here!
    It turns out that the Rising Sun was creating a perfect mirror of itself on a shiny store front :)

    eku0 wrote: »
    Like Roger said, we could drill a hole and put a hook up, but I don't want to do that. I'm sure I'll think of something eventually. :wink:
    Those bursas are tricky little things...I have one in my lower back that gets inflamed from time to time. Sounds like good advice from the doc. Hope your hubby feels better soon. Are you going right after labor day? Getting close now, how exciting. :smiley:
    It rained really hard here for about 3-5 minutes, then stopped. Better than no rain. :)
    Have a good night, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    I must have led a sheltered (Lucky?) life. What is a Bursa?
    Speaking of getting close I need to finish my NS order before Sunday Evening.

    good morning ,I heard there was something on the news about amazon didn't see the whole thing. I think what happened was some people got fired. It is a place you work hardbut I feel they treat you fine if you get something wrong they will let you know I just try and do my best and they know that. WE leave for vacation 1 month tomorrow so looking forward to just relaxing well I already got 7,557 steps in yea well gotta go stay cool today I have a meeting today to go over our stock opitions at workwell talk to you all later oh Roger we found 5 cents today so I am up 8 cents this week lol

    Hi Irene
    I had a suspicion that they found some disgruntled ex employees to talk too. Nobody can make everybody happy.

    I see I am not the only one getting rich during the walks :)

    As we approach 6PM I am at 11,463 steps for the day between the mornings walk, Home Depot, COstco and the Sporting Goods Store. I was dreading the expense of a backpack but $10 I can afford!

    I hope You had a Good Day at Work
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning....
    Yay for walks and finding change. :smiley: I know you are looking forward to your vacay, Irene. It sounds great. :)
    I glazed my little bird house yesterday and put it in the kiln, so I should have it back next week. Also worked on a bowl and started a pumpkin. picture was in one of the local papers...the photographer had been wandering around and came into my clay class.

    Hi Again
    Can we look forward to seeing some pictures when the firing is done?

    I see You are starting to get ready for Halloween, Making Your Own Pumpkin. My Brother & I have been using one Mom made one year and fired in my brothers Kiln. His wife was into making Pottery and had to have a Kiln :)

    Have a Good Evening
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,126 Member
    good morning, it was really hot today on our walkbut I finished it.How about using crafters tac that might work and it won't hurt your siding ! well today I am at amazon a year it sure went fast.well gotta go to work take care all
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning.
    Thanks Irene, I'll have to check out crafters tac. Congrats on the year at Amazon. :)
    Roger, I copied out a definition for you: (I didn't know we had that many!)
    A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions an area of friction between tissues, such as tendon and bone. Bursae reduce friction between moving parts of the body, such as around the joints of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and adjacent to the Achilles tendon in the heel.

    The number varies, but most people have about 160 bursae throughout the body. Bursae are lined with special cells, called synovial cells, which secrete a fluid rich in collagen and proteins. This synovial fluid acts as a lubricant when parts of the body move. Inflammation of a bursa is referred to as bursitis.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking and it was warm and humid today when I walked, 2.75 miles despite that. Picked one whole Cent while walking, Whee :)

    I saw a Wild Turkey yesterday, 3 Deer today and one dead skunk in the road, Fortunately the wind was blowing away from me. Skunks are fearless due to their defense IMO and that gets them killed on the road. We have had them in the front yard in the past and I have smelled them wandering down the driveway now and then too.

    Nearby towns got pummeled with rain yesterday. Major Flooding, Streets and a major highway closed and damaged. Despite being close all we heard was some thunder and no rain. :)

    Not to much planned to happen today.
    Have a Great Thursday
    good morning, it was really hot today on our walkbut I finished it.How about using crafters tac that might work and it won't hurt your siding ! well today I am at amazon a year it sure went fast.well gotta go to work take care all

    Hi Irene
    I walked too, it was not pleasant during the walk either. From what my Brother said it was 77 degrees and 77% humidity when I left, based on News12 weather reports.

    Congratulations on hitting one year, it should get easier as time goes on.

    Have a Good Day at Work
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Thanks Irene, I'll have to check out crafters tac. Congrats on the year at Amazon. :)
    Roger, I copied out a definition for you: (I didn't know we had that many!)
    A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions an area of friction between tissues, such as tendon and bone. Bursae reduce friction between moving parts of the body, such as around the joints of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and adjacent to the Achilles tendon in the heel.

    The number varies, but most people have about 160 bursae throughout the body. Bursae are lined with special cells, called synovial cells, which secrete a fluid rich in collagen and proteins. This synovial fluid acts as a lubricant when parts of the body move. Inflammation of a bursa is referred to as bursitis.

    Hi Vix
    I think if I were looking for Crafters Tac I would hit the Michaels across the mall from where I go for CostCo.

    Ha, Do I feel stupid now, I have had Bursitis in the past :)

    Thank You for the explanation
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Hi Roger, I always learn something new when I look things up....I really didn't know we had that many bursae. The one that usually bothers me gives me a PITA! I need a trip to a craft store soon. Just bought some Eurosham pillows (like big square bed pillows) to use on one of my couches, and need to make covers for them. I'll check for the Crafters Tac when I go. That project is on hold for now. :|
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Wow Irene, it just seems like you started at Amazon a few months ago. Congratulations!
    Vix-I hope you got a copy of the photo. Hubby went back to work today. He said his foot was feeling a little better and if it hurt to much , he would sit down and rest it. He is standing for the 8 hours that he is at work.
    Roger-I don't think there is anything worse than smelling a skunk(imo).
    Have a good evening.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning. :)
    Jo, a couple of the ladies in my class brought the page of the paper in (I don't get the local paper), so I do have a copy. Hope your hubby was ok at work. It's hard to stand all day, especially with a pain in the foot.
    Time is just flying by.
    Looks like a beautiful day today....I need to do a little maintenance cleaning, and some grocery shopping....we go through a lot of lettuce!
    Enjoy the day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hello All
    We had rain overnight, it was finished when I got up and looked out the Living Room window and the street was starting to dry. 77 degrees and high humidity however. Spread out over 6 different locations I picked up $4.15 today, Best Day for money since I started walking :) 2.8 miles done today. $4 of that was two $1 bills in two locations, They were wet and thus stayed where they must have fallen despite the Cars, Buses & Trucks driving by where they were and causing a cooling breeze.

    A nice cooling breeze came up during the walk, Sadly not until 4 blocks from the house :(

    Have a Great Friday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Roger, I always learn something new when I look things up....I really didn't know we had that many bursae. The one that usually bothers me gives me a PITA! I need a trip to a craft store soon. Just bought some Eurosham pillows (like big square bed pillows) to use on one of my couches, and need to make covers for them. I'll check for the Crafters Tac when I go. That project is on hold for now. :|

    Hi Vix
    I learn a lot too when I look online, sometimes it just does not occur to me for some reason :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Wow Irene, it just seems like you started at Amazon a few months ago. Congratulations!
    Vix-I hope you got a copy of the photo. Hubby went back to work today. He said his foot was feeling a little better and if it hurt to much , he would sit down and rest it. He is standing for the 8 hours that he is at work.
    Roger-I don't think there is anything worse than smelling a skunk(imo).
    Have a good evening.

    Hi Joanne
    You know they are odoriferous creatures when You can smell them walking down the driveway and that side of the house only has one small window in the basement, one in the attic, a side door with a storm door and a Wall mount AC unit.

    My Brother had a friend whose dog had one small fault, it could not learn to leave a Skunk alone, I wonder how hard is it to get that smell off of the dog and how long it lingers :)

    I hope Your Hubby makes it through the day with no problem. FWIW I would hate a job where I had to stand all day.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning. :)
    Jo, a couple of the ladies in my class brought the page of the paper in (I don't get the local paper), so I do have a copy. Hope your hubby was OK at work. It's hard to stand all day, especially with a pain in the foot.
    Time is just flying by.
    Looks like a beautiful day today....I need to do a little maintenance cleaning, and some grocery shopping....we go through a lot of lettuce!
    Enjoy the day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I use a fair amount of lettuce as does my brother. I know I use a 1/2 head a day and I suspect he might use more. I have been eating the cherry tomatoes as a snack, 12 = 30 calories. I have a couple at a time throughout the day.

    Have a Good Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,126 Member
    hi all weigh went done another pound, glad it is coming off. well I am going to go have lunch take care
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good Evening;
    Irene-congrats on another lb. gone. :)
    Roger-If you keep finding money at that rate, you will be rich in no time. :p
    Vix-Hubby made it through work fine. He was a little sore at the end of the day.
    As I was driving to work this morning it was pouring, just as I pulled into the parking lot it stopped. The gods were smiling on me today.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning, looks like another beautiful day here.
    Never did get to my walk yesterday, got sidetracked running errands. Hopefully will get out to the park this a.m.
    Congrats on the pound gone, Irene....Yay! :)
    Roger, haha...I think my husband and I each go through at least one romaine heart a day, plus other veggies we put in the salads. I like carrots, celery, and fruit for snacks. :) (Also like the bad stuff, but not going there!)
    Jo, glad your husband made it through work ok. I brought one of those hot/cold packs with me on vacation, so I could leave it in the freezer and ice my foot when we got back in the evening...I think that helped.
    Happy Saturday, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I do need to go double check my upcoming order today, tomorrow is the last day to do that unless I make a last minute decision to delay it again. With the Holiday in 2 weeks I am ambivalent regarding doing that. OTOH doing that would let me use up more of the on hand food.

    I was walking and what a beautiful day, cool and low humidity and a mild breeze. I walked past 7 deer in three locations, one in a front yard near the brook, and two clusters of three along that brooks parkland. I keep looking for the Owls I hear every day during the walks and have yet to spot one.

    Have A Great Weekend
    hi all weigh went done another pound, glad it is coming off. well I am going to go have lunch take care

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on the Pound loss!

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    Irene-congrats on another lb. gone. :)
    Roger-If you keep finding money at that rate, you will be rich in no time. :p
    Vix-Hubby made it through work fine. He was a little sore at the end of the day.
    As I was driving to work this morning it was pouring, just as I pulled into the parking lot it stopped. The gods were smiling on me today.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Sometimes we even Have Good Luck
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning, looks like another beautiful day here.
    Never did get to my walk yesterday, got sidetracked running errands. Hopefully will get out to the park this a.m.
    Congrats on the pound gone, Irene....Yay! :)
    Roger, haha...I think my husband and I each go through at least one romaine heart a day, plus other veggies we put in the salads. I like carrots, celery, and fruit for snacks. :) (Also like the bad stuff, but not going there!)
    Jo, glad your husband made it through work ok. I brought one of those hot/cold packs with me on vacation, so I could leave it in the freezer and ice my foot when we got back in the evening...I think that helped.
    Happy Saturday, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    I sidetracked Myself out of having my Midmorning PF +SC snack working away getting rid of some clutter in the basement, It seems like a never ending chore too.

    FWIW I freeze a .5 liter water bottle and wrap it in a hand towel to insulate it somewhat. That way I get to keep something cold and have Ice Water as the ice melts too.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Beautiful out today. :) Went for my walk in the park and got the grocery shopping done...haha, lots of lettuce, veggies and fruits, almond milk, dannon greek 80 cal, got cherry this time, the 4 packs are less expensive.
    Have a great weekend, everyone. :)