Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning. Another rainy day. t-showers and a high of 76.
    Stained glass and clay today. I think I may try cutting a bottle today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, well it is raining again today took Annie for a short walk both of us had our rain jackets on. Roger I knew what you are talking about we actually have 2 covers we use one is for collecting leaves and the other is a lot heavier we aren't putting any thing else in the pool.I have an hair appt today looking for to it take care all. my ns order should be here today
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor is now posted

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 69 degrees and uncomfortable. The humidity is high enough to make walking somewhat of a chore. There is a mist or haze in the air and the cars had cones of light in front of them as a result. There was a light drizzle for a few minutes, not enough to put on the rain gear as I was on the homeward leg, I did put the iPod inside of a small plastic bag just in case it became heavier. This one is my spare as the One I usually use while walking is ready to be sent back to Apple for repair, That is $99 + S&H as it is out of warranty. The port where the cable used to charge and Sync died after being finicky for a while :( I have a spare since they announced that the iPod Nano was being discontinued and the only one they have left to sell is the iPod Touch. No Thanks, Touch Screen controls only, Not helpful as I use the Volume up and down as well as the pause button constantly while walking.

    Yesterday was a dreary looking day with off an on, more on than off and flooding in many parts of NJ. Today is looking dreary, Humid and a possibility of Thunderstorms in the afternoon, Not to mention warmer into the 80s before dropping back down Thursday :(
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    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning. Another rainy day. t-showers and a high of 76.
    Stained glass and clay today. I think I may try cutting a bottle today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
    Hello Vix
    Yesterday was more rain than not :( At least the temperature was OK. I have been avoiding running the AC as a result of lower temps. That will be good for my brother as it is his turn to pay the PSE&G bill that comes in October.

    Today with the forecast highs I shall likely be running the Living Room wall unit and likely the bedroom for a while before I retire to cool it down, Oh well.

    Can I ask, Why would You cut a bottle ?
    I remember from when I was back in school an aunt taking wine bottles and chips of tile and cementing them to the bottle than grouting between them as a decorative thing. There may or may not be a name for that, if so it is unknown to me.

    Have a Good Day Today
    good morning, well it is raining again today took Annie for a short walk both of us had our rain jackets on. Roger I knew what you are talking about we actually have 2 covers we use one is for collecting leaves and the other is a lot heavier we aren't putting any thing else in the pool.I have an hair appt today looking for to it take care all. my ns order should be here today
    Hi Irene
    I have to much NS in the freezer so I delayed my upcoming order closing date to October 25. Thanks for the gift card heads up, I have enough of them to pay for my upcoming order and part of the next one :wink:

    Too much rain this year it did a number on gardens in this area, People we talk to all say the same think, a slow start producing and disappointing results.

    I had forgotten about leaves, You sure do not want them in the pool over the winter.

    Frozen NS order or mixed ?

    BTW did You order the new items ? Those would be these three breakfasts, The numbers next to them are how many I ordered being hopeful they are a tasty as they look.
    3 Cherry Cheese Roll
    2 Five Seed Roll
    3 Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
    Limited tine Dinner items that are back
    4 Chicken Provencal
    0 Shrimp & Chicken Stir-Fry

    I used to order only a few of the Canadian Style Turkey Bacon, Egg and Cheese Muffin until I figured out the secret. The Canadian Bacon was always dry and tough following the heating directions. What did I do to correct that ? I now take the sandwich apart and remove the Canadian Bacon, Put it on the side, then heat as directed and only put the meat back in for 6 to 10 seconds at the end. Much better that way :smiley:

    Good Luck, I hope the NS order arrives early for You, Enjoy
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Gray this a.m., but not raining yet. High of 82 and p.m. T-storms expected today.
    Roger, your aunt was doing mosaics. I have a big blue bottle I was thinking of making into a vase, and there is another smaller blue bottle that I may make into a small windchime. I love blue glass! We needed more info on how to operate the bottle saw, so I will try it next week. It's mostly about creative recycling for me. :wink:
    Irene, hope your hair appt was good. And that you get a chance to close up the pool when it stops raining!
    Hi Jo.
    I have a hair appt today for coloring. I have been making it lighter and lighter (now very blond), but I think I may go half a shade darker.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, we had a great walk this morning, there was no rain. we did get a warning on our phone about flooding but on our walk it was all fine. Roger I did have the 5 seeded roll was not for me ,I also ordered the cheery cheese roll I have had the chicken provencal I did like that one. Jo the bottle sounds cool you will have to let us know what you think. Well we finally got a mortgage commitment from the buyer so hopefully we close next week but with these people you never know. Vix I went a little darker with my hair yesterday I love my new cut well take care everyone I go to the hospital today to see the sick people so you all have a great day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne

    I just posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 63 degrees and comfortable.
    When I left the house on my block I saw a Deer at the end of the street and on the second block of my walk I saw what looked like a Ground Hog crossing the road.

    We hit in the 80s Wednesday with rain and a Thunderstorm in the Evening. The rain did not last for a long time, It became heavy for a few minutes before tapering off. It was still 78 degrees when I retired for the evening, The Cold Front that was forecast as the reason for the T-Storms must have come in with a vengeance given the overnight drop in temperatures of 15 degrees.
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    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Gray this a.m., but not raining yet. High of 82 and p.m. T-storms expected today.
    Roger, your aunt was doing mosaics. I have a big blue bottle I was thinking of making into a vase, and there is another smaller blue bottle that I may make into a small wind chime. I love blue glass! We needed more info on how to operate the bottle saw, so I will try it next week. It's mostly about creative recycling for me. :wink:
    Irene, hope your hair appt was good. And that you get a chance to close up the pool when it stops raining!
    Hi Jo.
    I have a hair appt today for coloring. I have been making it lighter and lighter (now very blond), but I think I may go half a shade darker.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Thanks for that answer Re: My aunt.

    I would have though a Bottle saw would be fairly easy, I think I would wear strong gloves to hold the bottle just in case. Maybe the Metal ones I have seen used by some in cooking shows when Shucking Oysters.

    Creative Recycling :smiley:
    We are lucky, the recycle is handled by the county and every thing recyclable can go in one mixed container these days.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we had a great walk this morning, there was no rain. we did get a warning on our phone about flooding but on our walk it was all fine. Roger I did have the 5 seeded roll was not for me , I also ordered the cheery cheese roll I have had the chicken provencal I did like that one. Jo the bottle sounds cool you will have to let us know what you think. Well we finally got a mortgage commitment from the buyer so hopefully we close next week but with these people you never know. Vix I went a little darker with my hair yesterday I love my new cut well take care everyone I go to the hospital today to see the sick people so you all have a great day
    Hi Irene
    Yesterday was a little warm and somewhat humid, however It was OK to walk in.

    Good news that the flooding missed You. From looking at the News 12 cable news channel last night it looked like the T-Storms went mostly North and South of us, How did You make out with them ?

    Could I ask what the problem was with the5 seeded roll, I have plenty of time to adjust my order. I have high hopes for the other two, that was the one I was dubious about...

    Great a Mortgage Commitment, I hope You are right and You close quickly. I would have thought that they would want to close by the end of the month, This upcoming Sunday.

    Good Luck
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Congrats Irene! Hope you like your new hair color. I'm not so sure about mine. Will give myself a few days to get used to it. :wink:
    Roger, we just weren't sure how much water to put in for the bottle saw. It looks fairly easy to use. The biggest issue is probably trying to cut straight across without going on an angle.
    Hi Jo.
    We had a big t-storm last night...more rain expected this p.m. Gray out now.
    Off to painting class today. I'll probably just be hanging paintings today. We are setting up a new show.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, Roger I was expecting the 5 seed roll to be sweet and it wasn't that's about all I remember about it, I just wasn't crazy about it my problem is I have a sweet tooth . We went for a short walk this morning I guess Annie didn't feel like walking but it is cool enough that I can take her out again later. Vix I hope your new hair color grows on you sometimes we just have to give it some time. I plan on calling our lawyer later to see if he has an idea when we will be closing don't want to mess anything up by making a payment on our mortgage. well take care everyone hey Jo
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    And Yet more humor is posted, Four of them Bob the Crayfish since the share a theme

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 62 degrees and at the time I left for my walk the rain was coming down hard enough to make a Hissing sound. Three Blocks from home I saw something crossing and then walking up the road, upon getting closer I saw the Black Fur with the White Stripe down the back so I stayed clear. The Rain slowed down as I was walking and despite the Rain Gear It was not uncomfortable walking and since I wore the oldest set of walking gear that I keep for days like today.

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    Now that's Funny
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    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Congrats Irene! Hope you like your new hair color. I'm not so sure about mine. Will give myself a few days to get used to it. :wink:
    Roger, we just weren't sure how much water to put in for the bottle saw. It looks fairly easy to use. The biggest issue is probably trying to cut straight across without going on an angle.
    Hi Jo.
    We had a big t-storm last night...more rain expected this p.m. Gray out now.
    Off to painting class today. I'll probably just be hanging paintings today. We are setting up a new show.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Ah ha, I would have though that it had a reservoir with marking ? To me likely cutting straight should be easy as long as the bottle sides are straight to the base. I suspect that there is a fence that the bottle can be placed against to get a straight cut ?

    This mornings rain was not large drops, just a whole lot of it. I knew it would be a heavy rain when I went in the kitchen to get a protein shake and I could hear the Hiss from the rain through the Dining Room window, I am not worried about rain getting into the dining room due to the size of the overhang of the roof.

    Good Luck at the Show

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, Roger I was expecting the 5 seed roll to be sweet and it wasn't that's about all I remember about it, I just wasn't crazy about it my problem is I have a sweet tooth . We went for a short walk this morning I guess Annie didn't feel like walking but it is cool enough that I can take her out again later. Vix I hope your new hair color grows on you sometimes we just have to give it some time. I plan on calling our lawyer later to see if he has an idea when we will be closing don't want to mess anything up by making a payment on our mortgage. well take care everyone hey Jo
    Hello Irene
    That would explain it, FWIW I have a huge sweet tooth too, OTOH I also do not mind savory. I think today's Dinner will be the NS Turkey with Mashed Potatoes Entree which I do Like. I cut the Turkey into smaller bites then I take a small spoon and scoop up a piece of Turkey and Gravy then get some of the mashed potatoes in the spoon and enjoy it.

    Lunch NS Entree will likely be the Southwest Fiesta Melt or the Spinach and Cheese Pretzel Melt both of which are tasty.
    I had tried this NS entree Black Bean Polenta Enchilada with White Meat Chicken and it was to hot for me, Probably the Chile verde sauce and cheddar cheese, with a kick from Anaheim peppers, jalapenos.

    Interesting, I would have suspected that Annie was always ready for a good walk, hmm...

    Probably making a payment would not mess up the sale, OTOH if it was not needed getting it back could be a pain in the neck.

    Good Luck
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, well we were already at 3am walked out the door but it was raining so hard we went back to bed so after George left for work Annie and I went for a walk. I don't think Annie was feeling very good with her ear infection. I think she is doing better now. take care everyone well
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Aw, hope Annie feels better, Irene.
    Roger, the bottle cutter didn't seem to have a fence to put the bottle against...I may be able to improvise something. Funny, our gas fireplace has a metal roof, so when it rains, the fireplace has a background ding sound from the drops on metal.
    It's still gray out but isn't raining. Supposed to be a high of 73 today.
    Hi Jo.
    Happy Friday, everyone! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor, FWIW I look a lot like the one picture heading out to get my daily coffee

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 65 degrees at the time I left for my walk. I did see 2 Deer eating the playing field at a nearby school.
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    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well we were already at 3am walked out the door but it was raining so hard we went back to bed so after George left for work Annie and I went for a walk. I don't think Annie was feeling very good with her ear infection. I think she is doing better now. take care everyone well
    Hello Irene
    It was raining however since I like to get out ahead of the traffic noise I put on full rain gear and the oldest walking shoes that keep for rainy days and to mow with and it was tolerable enough.

    Hmm... I do not recollect You mentioning that Annie had a ear infection ? The rain was gone before 9AM so I'm guessing sometime after that you did walk some. Once I am up and about I can not manage to get back to sleep, Good for You that You can.

    Good Luck With the Ear infection

    Hello Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Aw, hope Annie feels better, Irene.
    Roger, the bottle cutter didn't seem to have a fence to put the bottle against...I may be able to improvise something. Funny, our gas fireplace has a metal roof, so when it rains, the fireplace has a background ding sound from the drops on metal.
    It's still gray out but isn't raining. Supposed to be a high of 73 today.
    Hi Jo.
    Happy Friday, everyone! :)
    Hi Vix
    Not having a fence would make it nearly impossible for me to cut a straight line. One thought that came to me would be to mark the bottle where You wanted to cut ?

    I hear the rain noise as it hits the wall AC unit in the living Room. Quick question, Can You use the gas fireplace if the power goes out to get some heat ?

    I suspect that today will warm up fairly quickly since there are no clouds in the sky.

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, Roger yesterday the rain stopped about 6am so I did get out early. I think Annie is feeling better she isn"t shaking her ears as much . Our weather today is great it was in 40s today great fall day take care everyone